There is an unfortunate disposition in man to attend much more to the faults of his companions that offend him. than to their perfectious which please him.â€"Greville. 'A man's ledger‘ does not tell what he is, or what he is worth. Count what is in man, {not what is on him. if you would know what he is worth â€" whether rich or poor.â€"H. \V. Beecher. T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxazive Brown Quinine Tablets. All Drug 31m: relund the money it It (nil: toOure. 35¢ This place they have held since, and hold to-dzly. No other cure for these diseases has ever been discovered, al- though many worthless imitations of Dodd’s Kidney Pills have been placed on the market. If the famous French physician. unâ€" der whose care the Chinese Emperor is, would use Dodd's Kidney Pills in the case of his imperial patient, his recov- ery would be rapid and certain. [he astonishment or the medical men, Dodd's Kidney Pills worked a com- plete cure in each and every case. Thenceforfh they were recognized as the only known cure for diseases of the Kidneys, including Bright’s Disâ€" ease and Diabetes. This place they have held since, and hold to-dzly. No other cure for these diseases has ever been discovered, al- though many worthless imitations of Dodd's Kidney Pills have been placed on the market. When Dodd’s Kidney Pills were first introduced, medical men were scep- tical regarding their power to cure Bright's Disease. Experiments were made, in cases that had defied the skill of the most eminent medical men on the American continent, cases that had been given up as hopeless-fatal. To the astonishment of the medical men, Dodd’s Kidney Pills worked a com- plete cure in each and every case. Thenceforfh they were recognized as the only known cure for diseases of the Kidneys, including Bright’s Disâ€" ease and Diabetes. one remedy that will cure any case of Kidney disease, no matter how severe, no matter how Iong it has ,run. This remedy is known throughout the Englishâ€"speaking world, to phy- sicians and laymen alike, by the name of Dodd’s Kidney Pills. ney disease.†That is where the famous French physician is mistaken. There is no incurable Kidney disease. Every disease of the Kidneys is cur- able. Whey, like all other diseases, yield readily to the proper medicines. The experience of the past eighf years has shown conclusively, beyund the shadow of a doubt. that there is Toronto, Oct., 31.-â€"-vasmper des- putchas from Pekin, China, bring in- iornmtion to the effect that the Em- peror is dying of BrighL's Disease. He is under the care of a famous French physician. who asserts that the Em- peror’s complaint is "an incurable Kid- Bright‘s Disease 15 Not Int-urnth rm Dmhl'a‘ Kidney I‘llk flu Tl! ()uretl I! Thousands of’l‘lmeï¬. and “1" Curr, II Thousands of’rlmcs Again. EMPEROR MAY LIVE, THOUGH HIS PHYSKCIAII PRO NOUNCES HIS DISEASE INCURABLE. vant in all things. Thq green ants pay the spiders for their labors in a coin that they enjoy. It is by giving them to eat a portion of the innumerable little eggs that they, the ants, lay. g‘his is a most agnwable arrangement “v .u Anueï¬wuu‘ for all, man, inclï¬Ã©Ã©djas otherwise the green ants would rival the rabbits in overrunning Australia. AN'IS PAY SPIDERS. We all know that certain species of ants employ as slaves smaller insects of their own kind; Others keep in- sects to milk as we do cows. But per- haps the most astonishing discovery of all is the latest one, that there is in Australia a green ant which, though very clever in the building of its nest, appears tto consider it an irksome duty, and so employs another insect to do this work for it. A small spider is, therefore, truian to act as aser- r " \Vell, do you know, it didn‘t work with me at all? Not a bit, I could taste the corned beef just the same, and it made my neck ache, and I came pooty near choking myself, too, look- mg‘ up; and so I gave it up finally and‘ stuck to the corned benf. "I imngine I‘m as impressionable as most folks, but it seems that I am not easy to impress in this particular way, and it was all the greater disappointâ€" ment to me because I had thought if the chicken worked all right I might enlarge my bill of fare in that way in various directions. I had hoped that some day I might be able to subâ€" stitute pictures for food altogether." a certain way may affect somebody clse very differently, “After a protracted succession of corned beef and corresponding dinâ€" ners I came to the conclusion that I would like a chicken, but there were reasonsâ€"umâ€"mâ€". Well. I finally comâ€" promised on a picture of a chicken, and I hung that up over the table, and when I struck into the corned beef I 'OQkEiPP- ed this story, though I could not reâ€" peat the experience in my own case. But I suppose that only goes to show that a thing that will affect one man eat corned beef when 11 prefenred chicken, who I hung up in front of him of a chicken, upon whicl eyes and his mind as he result that when he had Failure of a man THE MAN 0F MODERATE MEANS ally read f moderate me reef he imag ten chicken ‘mpelled by c 1 beef when Scheme Ihut seemc Great Posslbllllles. mewhe r pm which he ï¬xed his ind as. he ate, with the n he hadx eaten his fill imagined that he had ) 110W ircuu nce, a story d lo I" uld have and then said the 1n0€ doubt- i: The Medicine abc it thn n tunes I]; across avessel at sea, tor the purpose of establishing communication by means of a life-saving hawser. The tug 'gets to windward of the vessel stranded on a lee shore; and, by anchoring a short distance from it, is enabled to take off the crew. On alevel and sanâ€" dy shore astranded vessel may be hun- dreds of yards away, and in the teeth 01 a gale the rocket may not reach the wreck. The mode adopted by the Boulogue Humane Society has some manifest advantages; for instance, it obviates having to pull a man 200 01' 303 yards through the surf, with the prospect of rescuing him more dead than alive. Another point in favor of the method is that in a given time one can rescue more persons by this manure as having withstood the drought and yielding splendidly. He concludes that genuine Thomas-Phos- phate Powder comes as a decided boon, especially as its effects seem very lasting. In the same issue of this puâ€" per, Mr. Wooley, of Salop, attested to its wonderful value in bringing up an old, wornâ€"out farm, which he had tak- en and which is now in capital condiâ€" tion. This is the farm which is being noticed in the English press as produc- ing 77 bushels of (SOâ€"pound wheat per acre from the free use of Thomasâ€"Phos- phate Powder. Still another letter apâ€" pears in this paper from Robert Eardâ€" ley, of Newark, who says it seems to carry the roots through the frost hetâ€" ter, and he noticed the good effects on the following crops, the third year beâ€" ing the most surprising the wheat crops being greener and stronger all through the season where it was used The Boulogne tugs have recently been fitted with guns for firing aline across avessel at sea, for the purpose and wild velch, and similar fodder plants. One field, especially. of some thirty acres, apparenin poverty strick- en to a last degree, had been dressed as to five acrw with' a tom of Alberta†Thomasâ€"Phosphate Powder, which was one sheet of beautiful white clover 1n flower, fit to mow, while the remainâ€" der of the field afforded scarcely a bite of ’wiry, coarse grass.†Mr. Godwin further at considerable length describ- ed root and wheat fields dressed with this manure as having withsLood the drought and yielding splendidly. He accepted theory that plants can only abâ€" sorb soluble substances by their roots, 1 bud some hesitation in accepting it as a reliable manure, and I spent a day last autumn among a number of farms in North Staï¬ordshire, and an- other in South Shropshire. I am bound and indeed pleasecL to confess that l was never mom astonished in my life than when noting its effect upon pas- tures, clover roots and corn fields, esâ€" pecially upon the harsh, cold and al- most intractable clay lands. The effect in numerous oases was simply marvel- lous; poor pastures, after being dressâ€" ed with it, were redolent in clovers quote: "As the phosphoric a Phosphate is, presumal mixture with free lim ble condition, and as it W. Godwin, wriLes to the cle, April 2nd REMARKABLE The 600~Lon steamers whieh sail on Lake Titieaca were built in Scotland, carried over the passes in sections, and put together (in the spot. The fuel in Australian coal, brought tram '7."0 miles away. In the lake are many beautiful islands, and the cliï¬fs which line the shows are magnificently rug- ged. In no place can a ship anchor. The water even 60 feet from shore is hundreds of feel deep. The native boats on Lake Titicaca have straw sails. Airships have not yet been invented yet it is possible toi sail for a day and a night; in afairly comfortable steam- boat at a height of over two miles above the sea. The water on which you accom- plish this remarkable feat is Lake Titâ€" icaca, which lies between Peru and Bo]- ivia. It is a huge lake 120 miles long and nearly 60 wide, and is over 1,000 feet deep. It is away (up in the moun- tains, above the clouds. Nine rivers flow into it, besides a vast amount of snow- .mâ€"_--..,.._......q_-â€"-Am water, yet it druggiscs. 8 Above the (‘lomls Hood’s Pills [Is Hood’s Sarsapnrilla. It is prepare "by educated and experienced pharms cists and every ingredient enteringint its composition is selected with speciz reference to its being the best of it kind. These ingredients. consisting r {Nature‘s best known remedies, hnv never been used to so great an in ;tent, in any other preparation. In 1h enormous sales of Hood‘s Sarsapnrill Ithe people have written in iudelibl illnes their appreciation of this medi cine, and its wonderful cures, record ed in thousands of voluntary testimon rials, prove the great power of Hood‘ Sarsaparilla over all diseases caused o promoted by impure blood Huadis 323m Money Can Lay TWO MILES 1WSBI'. LIFEâ€"SAVIN G lEE'l‘HOD by the use LBLE RESULTS OF THOM‘ .AS-PHOSPHATE. III Sun“: A lnl'rlfll. mutant. Medicim ‘ix (01'85. Beï¬nn has horic acid in Thomas- resumably from its ad- ree lime, in an insoluâ€" [(1 as it was agenerally that plants can only ab- )stanoes by their roots, :itation in accepting 1t anure, and I spent a 11 among a number of Staï¬ordshire, and an- of Marke ABOVE THE SEA. Slomn lmals‘ are the on' with Ho Jd dnshire Chroniâ€" Lu'om which we visible similar Eodder :ially. of some poverty strick- 1 been dressed tom of Alberls’ Drayton ! Free gamenewekoaoeooeweeeaauoeeomusoomoooee 680%“999$W§€§3899é0099300999¢0669.9.02 AUSAOE OASINOSrâ€"va impnrutinns than English Sheep and Amrrican ng Cxwiflfâ€"reliahle goodl M ï¬ght prion. PARK. BLAU WE & 00.. Toronto. In Spain the railroads are run so ir- regularly that the moment of depar- ture is otten fifteen or twenty min- utes after the time advertised. can absorb 1 tlmes as muc. human belug huh Kin M eaeeaooooooooooooooooa0000oeooooooeeaoaoeoooeeo$309990.a W 0n 1 And W h‘ WTLE GIANT TVPEWRITEBWA rrnv ' machine and not»! met-w Mr. Pr‘ A2 -m.« wnmed. The HOW absorb in Tbr'unto, l U: Cure rum: (3‘ UHURCH‘S AU 0 VUC'E “ssd‘xTï¬N: TWIMERERS. when th ental 1ty’s Duly \muhuï¬ Ont One 3-nenh stamp will set, y« u a free sample of Camxmnaâ€™ï¬ Italian Bx-lm. the bust, prrnnmlion {or al. roughness of skin, chapped Imndq Hutchings Medicine Cn..'l‘01‘m‘.L'. the fr 9 Pembroke St., Toronto, Gadada mnwd. 'The‘l'xowmu. BOOK 28 Adelaide Sn. WA. Toronto. nutihuï¬nu In Ounulr. for she sure 0' )hME o! spoach duh-cl. Enbablizhed hout to (,1 PI‘eD 1 snuff but a nic rom Wm.MiFar& Co. am Manufacturer; of Show (mes, Ofllce. Store. Bun nd ancl Fixtures. Jew- .om’, Drnpgisu’. and all nds of Interior Ettinga KINGS in thr tam c but ( l' C 944 Eb . Toronto nkl r sixte. uld kill }ouraud’s.! W I‘ON and -ura.ud lty lix) m IMabere-I, Bronchitis. Influenza“ oughs. Aammu, Cnmrrh, Phlegm. Diarrhoea, ervous Deblliiy. Bloeplessness, Despondeucy, I U BARRY and 00. (Limited). 77 Regent- ntrect. London, VV.. «lac In Paris. 14 Rue de Castiglione. and at all mean, Chemists, and Stores everywhere. in Mus 25., 3a., 6r!u 64: 51b. 14w. sum carriage free A150 M’J BARRY'S REVALENTA BISCUITS, in tin, 38. (id. and (is. m (Tn, FlaiuIency. Dyapepda. Indigestion. O )h. Ezmption. BRA 1N DE SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PR!CE LIST. HEW: w WILKINS & C0,, :66 and 568 King St. East, Toronto. TonoN'ro ammo SCHOOL ofl'an special W’" lndnoements to 011113 men desirous of Agents ‘1“? taking up Cutting. ull particulars on .ppu ‘a'er. \V. H. Ar cation. II; YONOE ST.. TORONTO. ‘ A SURE To WIN. PEEBH IMPEDIMENTS ‘ fully chmed. (Jon EPPS’S GRATLFUL~COMFORTING. FOO] THE MOST NUTRITIOUS‘ YEARS’ INVARI 100,000 ANNUAL ( BREAK FASTâ€"5U PPER of 010 WHLKENS & CO. Supe rior $2.324 Four Dollars Complete. To ‘0 yosgrzxrs, 3} mm l) H RES BEST and Mac Rx‘srs mom I Ailnwnts and Debiliw ‘er mearmems. It diam 1 h! rejected, Haves 60 me. J. A'HNUTT.M.D ESTORHJD W EXPENSE t UMACH. LT )D. BLADD LE ATE by INVARIABLE Sl ckages m1) for'cirmzlar and mu ‘el’ore buymg elsewhere Life )‘UALITY‘ to We mmd Violins 5"“ ::;15;§.$u3(;5c:ch. Lance-Tooth Saws. THE “ "EAGLE-HT,†One 01th: intent and most vcrfect saws made, every per saw guaranteed only . V foot Mak- Girls’ AXES, Solid Steel, 50 Cents Each. Hammers 223:: 25¢ each Mouth Organs :Lé°’;25“cé5. each. Our 25c and 506 Mouth Organs are post-paid at the price. DUKES of Conan sis, Indigestion. O nchiuis. Influan Phlegm. Dianna snot-w, Despondeuc JENTA WITHOI any nature success- f. a. qualiï¬ed practi- painml scammerer, had Mills & Hales [‘0 all others. “gm-Ammo! cloth 33 KICDMOM SIN“ west, (WONG, ’1“. MO KIDNEY AIZABICA ALIDPJ and o atnlly In- Berlin, Onh. ms when ‘mea its from M CCESS‘ LUDELLA OEYLON TEA Lee The Reid Bros. Mfg. 00.", iAEaâ€"m Ana nowmo “Tums. Miï¬ï¬fiï¬ Ym- Gunman. 257 Km 5%. Want. mm. l‘zgmripigy ‘Li-ng Stgamships, couver.’ ‘Dominion. booming». Yorkshirg.‘ Superim- accommodation Nor First Cabin, Sec- ond Cabin and Strange mm-engcn. Rates f‘ pawns. oâ€"F’xrst Cabin. $60.00: Second Gabi 335: l teenage 022.50 nd 11 “‘IJ‘dl according 05 steamer and berth. or a I Summation apply to Local Agents or DAVID Toum 0|: kg?" Gen‘l Agents. 17 1-38. Sacmment BL. on? ,' . Montreal and Quebec to Itivarpool In mu. W hat vwin ncrey ngh‘hipa ‘ bybygéo Beat Commerciai Sch Galoxue free. ‘ 08%6800006‘089603063 U19 T‘ D éZï¬zW t wantlnz to make 8150 in next n 8 days. this ‘c your chanceâ€"Pad \V. H. Angeli}?!R!FhY§QEQ-st..Totontd. E. “MUN, 106 Yong. u. A" orlglnul denim-m Write for prion. Tmd a sum} them. :68 Adelaide St. W.. '1 drama c. 3. “139151, gtu‘rronn, our. H, up and taken d( med. nested. and p1 space. Ask yunr u Manufactured by BEST PRICES. 25, 4o, 50 and 60c The ofï¬ce Speolalty Mfg. co, LIMITED. Torontoand Nuvmrketom Rapid Boiler SAVES TIME AND MONE Letter Copier. ‘9 Elie Freda“; mar J. ELLibï¬f‘ï¬ï¬ This tramun one of my orlglnnl deï¬ant. All dueri “on. of Wood «muss, run ml. lice and econ Wood Work. mm (In E at “In: In makers for i gipnll ftrï¬nh €96.) now 3