Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Nov 1898, p. 4

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Elton. 1:93 The Leader and Recorder of To- i'onto Junction, last week contained the following editorial note :â€"~° “If the power to grant and con- trol liquor licenses were vested in local municipalities, the better class of hotel-keepers Would soon come to to the front. Under the present system it is “ the man with the polit- ical pull' whose word is law and whose little ‘failings' are quietly winked at." It is surprising to see a newspaper ’of such pretentious as The Leader ‘and Recorder advocating such a ret- rograde movement. Few temper~ ance men or newspaper men would risk their reputation by mak- ing such statements. It was a lucky day for the cause of temperance when the granting of hotel licenses "was removed from municipal bodies. “When the granting of licenses was "in the hands of local municipalities "over 6000 licenses were issued, now 'there are only half the number. It "cannot be denied there are men in the hotel business who are far from what they ought to be, but they cer- ‘tainly compare favorably with those Pwho kept public houses under the former system. If The Leader and Recorder would like to go back to a System which practically allowed “free whisky," that paper should endeavor to get its party to put such a plank in its platform. M wast YORK TRIAL. The West York election trial rc- maius unfinished. Evidence of al- VIJged corrupt acts was heard before Judges Falconbridge and Street for eleven days, when it was found- necessarytoadjourn court until the 19th of December. Of the forty -q charges taken up their lordships held .7 that one charge had been provenâ€" that in which Mr. Pearen was accusâ€" cd of endeavoring to procure elni ploymcnt of Mr. Rennie for one Den- ison. The final result of the trial is a matter of uncertainty. but any per~ son who has sat in the court room, or followed the evidence from day to day, must come to the conclusion that many of the charges are of a very - trivial nature. . #â€" A» local in The Globe states that a “deputation representing the National Council of Women in Ontario waited upon the Ontario Government and asked that “the age limit for the sale of tobacco and cigarettes in cigar stores and bars be raised from 18 to 21 years." Are we to understand by this that grocers may sell tobacco to boys between 18 and 21 years, but that keepers of tobacco stores would be punished .for doing the same thing? Would this not 'be class legislation ? f Wanted . Intelligent men with good education who ’wautr to better their positions .And would be content for a your with “$600 and expenses ; write with descrip- tion and occupation. and I will make a proposition. Write to-day as I am in a hurry. THE MANAGER. Cor. Bay and Richmond Sts.. Toronto. 0 Vaugha 11 Council The. municipal councll of the town- shi ‘of' Vaughan met at the town hall on ‘uesday. Nov. 8th. The. reeve in the chair. Members present: Messis. Watson, Boyle and Devins. Minuteswifllast meeting Were read and adopted. _ Moved by Mr. Devins, seconded by Mr. \Vutsou, that the treasurer be. and is hereh authorized to pay the follow- ing roa- accounts : H. High, for brush . . . , . . . . . . _ . . . $ 2 50 (.l.Shaw,--for nails & road scraper 7 62 I). Seed. for 75 loads of gravel . . 7 50 D. Seed, hr 26 sewer pipes . . . . . . 13.22 A. Coolnhs, teaming . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 M. Hum )hrey. for cedar planlel 60 R. Ridde l, work with team . . . . (it) '75 \Vallace Bros... for gravel . . . . . , 3 90 J. Johnston. for gravel 1 90 J. Huson. work and material. 30 (K) J. Bennett. work and material“ .lno. Blougll, work and material 5 75 \‘v'. Perkins. drawing grach . . . . 36 91 Jas. Kaiser, drawing gravel .. . >19 52 l l 400! lchkS Bros., for gravel . . . . . . . an 20 “’m. Perkins. work . . _ . . . . . . , 2 00 Alex. Blin-k. \vork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ()9 J. Lon), digging ditch. . .. . . . , . 24 00 J. L. L‘uI-d. work and mate-rial . .235 00 Yonge Street Accountâ€"â€" R. B. McClary. breaking stonc.. 5 04) M. Horn. " “ 5 0-‘) J. Hinlpkins, “ “ 5 00 M. Conley, “ °- " ll!) ‘ . . J \V. (‘lnltlcrley, 18.1! days' work. 18 5‘) v \V. Ulntttcrley. work with horse 13 (Ill M. Conley, (3 days" work . . . . . . . . 6 (ll) ~â€"Ca.I-ricd. Moved by Mr. ‘Kaloon, sci-ondcd by I Mr. Boyle. that the trcasuI-cr be and ‘ is hereby authorich to pay toThoma‘s , Sullivan the sum of for use of ball for court of revision. «Carried. Tbe council lhcn udjourncd until Monday, the 12th day of Dcccinbcr ‘ next. to meet at 10 a. m. â€"â€"-â€"â€"o¢> Agents. VVc pay straight weekly salaries of from $10 to $21), according to ability. for canvasscrs on “ Lil’c and “'ork of Mr. Gladstone." The (lcllland for this wonderful book is kcc )iug all hands working early and lalc. The only Canadian and British work publisher]. Endorsed by the Royal Family and leading public men. A big, ebcap book. BRADLEY-GARRE’I- SON COMPANY. LIMITED, ToRoNTo. Willow VET; Mr. ll. \Viles and Master Ernest Wiles attended the annual match of King Tp. Plowman‘s Association ne‘al' TempeI-anecville. Mr. Henry \Vright is in very poor health and his condition causes some apprehension among his friends. A brood of half grown chicks had a thrilling experience in the recent snow storm ; they had retired as usual to their coop, the storm blocking the entrance and they Wel‘P kept prisoners, until the storm had abated when they were discovered and given the greatâ€" est care and are up mrcnlly little the. worse for their con inemont. Skating was indulged in on Saturâ€" day afternoon, the ice. being quite firm on a small pond. The Loyal Crusaders of Kcttlcby have been for some time preparing an entertainment which will be given on Thanksgiving night. Their formcr efforts guarantee a treat. This prom- ises to be the greatest event of the year. Those of our farmers who succeeded in getting their root crop safely housed are. congratulating themselves on their good fortune. ‘ ANTEDâ€"SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY ' persons in this state to manage our busi- nesa in their own and nearby counties. It Is mainly ofllce work conducted nt home. Sal'n‘v straight Sim) a year and expensesâ€"definite, (unmade. no more. no less salary. Monthly $71. y l Relereucea. Enclose self-uddras-‘e'l stamped envelope. Herbert E. Hers. Pleat, Dept. M. Cnicugn. 11-2; N ews Notes. Mr. Ma aret Davis died at Jordon Station in er 111th year. Very fine cleaned currents 70. per lb. ; extra. selected Valencia laisins 7:150. 11). ; good figs 5c. lb. Atkinson & Switzer. The banquet given on Tuesday night to Hon. A. S. Hardy, Ontario's Premier, was one of the most successâ€" ful political reunions. ever held in the province. Royal Safety Canadian oil 155a al.; SaI-nia VVater White 18c. gal. Atkinson & Switzcr. An appalling collision occurred at Murray Hill. two miles from Trenton, on. \Veduesday morning. Twelve people were killed and more than that. number badly injured. Heavy Loch Lomond Shirting that; was 12%. per yard now 9%.; the, heaviest Canadian herring bone tick- In that was 20c. per 'yardvnow 1815c. At inson& Swilzer. ' Dawson City has’becn swept‘by fire which caused damage estimated at. halfa million dollars. A woman in a saloon fight started the blaze by at another per per hurling a lighted lamp woman. Good Flannelette 3c. per yard; heavy36inch Factory Cotton 50. per yard. Atkinson & Switzcr. The _November Session of York l'County Council opened on Monday. This will be the last session of the two years‘ term of the present county councillors. Condensed mince meat 90. ; thebest extracts llc. ; full cream cheese 10350.; .pnre lard 8c. 1 Atkinson & Switzer. The percentages computed from the complete returns of the plebiscite Show thatZ‘Zvlg per cent of the entire electoratea'oted for prohibition, and “.le per cent against. making a total of 44 per cent. 0f the entire elector- ate 56 per cent did notgdtwthe polls. The best B rice 4.120.: Japan rice 3550: pearl tapioca 40.; green Rio coffee 9c. Atkinsou‘& Switzcr. The \Vinnipeg Liberal Association has passed a resolution afl‘irming‘its confidence in the government of the Right Hon. Sir “Wilfrid Laurier. and also its approval of the able and ener- l a rt - (7n . gctic administration of tho,Dc ‘lnPllt of the Interior by the Clill‘ord Sifton. l l I Wifanteti. Honest, energetic young ~men; farmers‘ sons. teachers, students. clerks and others.~who are admirers of Mr. Gladstone-and would like to spend the next three months’in‘ telling the ' nlatchleSS story of his life. “7% teach I you how to do the Work and guarantee . success. From $2 to $5 a day, abso- lutely sure. There is no fear of failure l and it will be cnioyable work. Par- ; ticulaI-s furnished free. BRADLEYâ€" ; GARRETSON COMPANY, LIMITED, Tonovro. . all very much Olljuyml. TENNIS PARTY. The lady mcmbcl-s of the (‘rosby llilll Tennis Club I'lIl-vt'luinml Illv‘ gentlcmcn ol' the same club 9‘} :l vcly neat and unique wav at the bozo» o; Mr. and Mrs. Sw'l or last «‘Vv‘ll They announced it. s :l cobâ€"wl-b , and it developed tans. 'l'llc ' numb-er on the pix-gramme was low unravelling of demuy. hi this numb- cr the gcntlcmcn disooch-mr lllr'ir‘ partners for :mppcr by windnrur up ht. scv‘cral hundred )‘ll‘llS of ill.l=:l“:, I\\'bcn the end 01 the thread \x..-. I'cnchcd :1 small bow mrlunllcll \Vilv) Hit A ll. -l were to go to supper lugclin‘l‘. Miss lillhyl liwltzor sang a solo. \l bl: i: j A (pm-l " by four built-*5 tollowl-il. This out to bc a quart-cat, for the c:: a quart of popco: n was thi- only mu» in It. This number was l'll(ll'l_\' illicr- ruptcd by lhc gentlcmcn, but who-n it was over it was: loudly cnr‘ovml. V. lll‘li f (hosuppcI-cume. everybody bud ovi- (lcutly In;ch up his mind to coply himself to the Iull. The menu \‘-';l‘i most exquisite. All the delicacies ol the soason were most temptineg sci-v- ed. Before. the guests left the lablo the following toasts were drunk. Mrs. Mclllilloch in the chair: ” ()ur limb, ordiy 1*‘rcsidcnts. Mr. null. It'l rs. [. Crosby. This was proposed by Miss Editll'b'witzcr. and in the :lllsl'llt'f‘ of Mr. Crosby. Mr. (loombs rcspoinlml. “Our Host and Hostess “ was propos- ed by Mrs. Illilcllison, and rchoIIlll-(l to by Mr. Swims-r. “ (lur (lllt‘xLS “ was proposed by Miss “iiioy, and re» spomlcd to by Dr. Hutchison and Mr. Nicholls. " The Ladies " was proposed by Rcv. Mr. McUlllloch. and respondâ€" on to by Mrs. Conflth and Miss llogcrs. The spcccllcs on both sides were witty and clover and everybody found which pleasure during this part of the proâ€" gramme. The ladies then prcsculcd prizes to the fastcst and to the slowest in unravelling the web in the first number of the programme. Mr. F. J. Johnston got. the first, pri" s which was a spider in which be. can now “'71Plllllll his potatoes for tea. The other prize was a broom and full to Rev. Mr. All) Culloeh. He will henceforth swccp his cobwchs as it takes to long too unravz-l them thread by thread. The daucc of the brownies and a chorus wore both Well performed but were not exactly what their name would at first iurli- eatc. They, however, were each what their name said they were. Miss VVilcy sang a. solo entitled “ Four Beets." She sang it in one flat with characteristic swretncss. The grand finale was pumpkin pic but. was not in- tended to be eaten. This closcd an excellent evening‘s social programqu Everybody went home about midnight lad that the tennis club had closcd its n-st season in a. manner so remarkably pleasant. Agents. Canadian “Life of Glad- stone" is y Custcll Hopkins. Hon. G. \V. Ross, and Sir Wilfrid Lnuricr. A lasting monument to the great man and to Canadian literature. Beware of Amelican catchpenny books band- led by Canadian Houses. Our book has been in preparation for years. Handsonwly bound; profuse'y illus tratcd. big commission. Prospectus free to canvassed-s. Freight paid: books on time. “'itvh this book vou can down them all. BRADLEY- GARRE’I‘SON, COMPANY, LIMITED. ’l‘ononru. The col Bl R'I‘ HS. Berr~In Richmond hill on setnrday the 12th or No'yembel',lhe wife or '1‘. d. Riley 0! a son. Normanâ€"At King, on the 13th of November. the wife of Dr. T. .1 Norman of a son. D‘EA'I‘IIfi Kmmnnâ€"AtMaple.nn Wednmldrty. November 16th,0has. H.Kefisr,.nged 51 years. Funeral from his late residence on Friday. 18th inst.,:at 2.80 p. m. Sale Register Tuuhenn. Nov. l7th~Auctim sole of stock, im-i laments, ice, at thoo‘Golden Lion Hotel, arising, Terms 10 months. Sale at 1 o'clock. l-lckurdt dz Prentice, auctioneers. mex. .Nov. lSâ€"Anctiou sale of 8 acres of; Standing Timber. on lot 18th. so: con. Vaughan. the property of Jacob Snider. Sale at 1 o'clock. 'l‘enusA months. Eckardt & Prentice. auctioneers. MONDAY. Nov. let~Auction sale of 7 acre standing timber, mosth hardwood, on lots 3! and :91. rear of 4th con. Vaughan. the prorertv o! Alex Cameron). Sale at one o’clock, ’Termssmouthfl. J..D. Reudmnn. auctioneer. Wannnsnav. Nov. ‘23â€"Crsdit sale of {arm stock. implements. &c.. on lot. 17, Qn-lcon. of Vaughan, the property of Gen. 'Deadmim. Sale a.“ o'clock sharp. Terms 12 months. , Eckanlt 6c Prantinas. BPartias getting their bills: printed at this Oflice will receive a. notice similar to the above nuns or CHARGE _._â€".‘..._â€"â€"â€"â€" ANTEDâ€"SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY e persons in this state to manage our busi- Dean in their own and nearby counties. It is mainly office work conducted all home. Salary straightttlloo a year and expensesâ€"definite. bonu- flde. no mere. no less salary. Monthly 875. K!» (stances. Enclose Belfâ€"mldressed stamped envelope. Harbelt E. Hess. Prest” Dept. M. Chicano. 11-26 cabling; sates ‘ THE, LIBERAL and Weekly Globe to jan’y Ist, lingo. ' THE LIBERAL and Weekly ,lMail to'Jan’y Ist, 1900 $1.50. 2 THE LIBERAL and Toronto Evening News, (Daily), One year, $2 00 1900, World, one year, $2.75. THE LIBERAL and Mom- ing Globe, one year. $4.50. l l I THE LIBERAL and Toronto RENNYRQyKL WAFERS. I THE LIBERAL and \Veekly, :Sun lojan’y I, 1900, $1.50. l H , ,_, _ _ L, assailants titan latte Polity ISSUED BY THE treatments LIFE JKS§§§(3 Cllzh'i‘id EN «as :.Cf..ou:lcrl lusuIam-o or :t Paidâ€"up i,’o7'-l-\' -l"-"rlw-.>'_vc11r9. ora('ash (in. Also agent. for f? il‘lllll INF. 90.. YORK lli"l‘l'.‘ii. li'llllfl {NE}. 00.. LONDON l."l'.‘..l:.\t\i’l‘i*‘.l€ AND .-l(‘(lll)l‘?7\1'l‘ (70.. ANI) APPRAISER FOR (‘;‘lf\'.‘.I)A I’ldltizlANiiN’l‘ lOAN 6.: SA VINIH (’l’lfsll’ANY.‘ ____,_. + _ ___.._.. m. m mm. .V... Wt 1i N9 155 a“. 'IIDR.) ‘.Inoq JIL’q pue .moq nuler elm nuns ‘snoolo A‘up 8 inplnnog '(lll ~l".l saould QSOlll In [new snoop OSGILL "1.) .(luo '09:» Aiuo ' acne OQ'BS Horse Blankets 40, 50 and $ WILKINS & 00.. 166 and 168 King Street East, 3 doors west of George St. GO TO THE RICHMOND HELL HARNESS SHOP FOR FIRST-CLASS HAND MADE HARNESS OF ALL KINDS. Fine Harness A Specialty. Now in Stock-North VVexst and Saskatchewan Bulialo Robes, Horse Blankets Knee Rugs, Gloves and Mitts of all kinds, Leather Braces, Trunks and Valises. ’1 also "BIake 1*“111- t2} aiantlets lb(‘S to order (lining and trimming in stock)l Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. DICDONALD (Any size). and make and trim“ all at right prices. JfT. S-AlG EON, RIAPLE. Agent fol-ville following stock Fire Insurance Companies, vim: Flour Mill Manchester. of London.Eng. BRITISH AMERICA, OF TORONTO, CAN ADA. â€"â€"ALSO-â€" GORE, ()F GALT. A Firstclass Cash Mutual. YORK MUTUAL, 0f Toronto, Canada~lhe coming com. pany for the farmers of York Co. Business~Solicited. “THE SUN Life Assurance Co. OF CANADA Assnres on all the madam plans. and is one of the most prosperous and progressive companies in existence. ....310,‘290,204.1 Palronize your own mill by buying your Flour, , Cracked Wheat, ) Wheat Grits, Whole Meal And other mill products at our mill, where you will get a good article at a reasonable price. dilating and fihopplag Promptlyattended to New lilo applications in 1894..... Assets,3lst1)eo.. will... .. 4,616,419.63 Life.a.ssuruncr' in Iorco. lst Jun. .55.. 31.625.569.11 Premiumsllow, policies unconditional and A nonforfeituble. Take a policyavitbathe district agent, T. F. MeMAHON. RICH MOND II] 11]" L. lanes 85 Sons. LIBERAL OFFICE. ' may sacrifices. *’ site It stores. iFarm for salt“ East halves of lots 34 and 35, 3rd ’ concession of Vaughan, containing 200 i acres more or less. This is one of the } best farms in this section of country. Terms easy. For particulars apply to J. E. CLI'B- INE. Eglinton P. 0.. \V. F. A. CLUB: { INE, L‘. P. It. Crossing, Yonge street, A npeclflc monthly medicine for ladies to reser and Ngulllte the mansion.- ‘ producing tree, healthy anJ painless dlschn . Nu aches or szns on up prollct va mind Diover 30,0001udlos Uin used \I'Illuson'gain. lavigo'lutra Buy of your drugkifl ' ninth Dunn‘s Itcs. Sealed these organs only thou with on fact-ol'I-lwl . l €ff;“°h‘__:"’.ro;_,>’ Wu, A Igznsxiggcif; :Toronto, MKS. JAS. STE\VAR’I‘, Oak "Clumsy. .Junorr.l\1lcn. 1 Ridges. 64f l

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