Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Nov 1898, p. 1

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{Emmi ., 5m" "‘4 "DC. ’2 7M. . ._ arm-mm “my” , -.r.~râ€". I per 30011‘111,l21 VoL. XXI. WE LlBERALl‘ilitlliEn. i.- i... mm 11:11.. (1 r 1 w - ‘z ’ t \ ‘u’ l . F. Alt: .1l...»‘ml(.= 5.. Emma 1% 'r'EU 2".“'.’I‘W.‘.. 1 Bilâ€"5351135313 F‘. CXXBDS. RIC 1% to E9 :3 m: :16 W5 Ru Best, fitting tenth, also 11‘pl'lilllg. : lowest pilots. OF NHL-@011 S '1 lib} l(util April. 3%). will lm the foibming 111.:l W.- lrl PFC»? lwlt‘. Th(‘1‘r\ A ‘7 ULvu .. ‘11. AT w. . 1.10791 53:) 5011 a I}. a (Surcek‘wrt H l1 :3 0:77:16? . 4 u 1. Hi 0 1 Dr. \V. I .5 \~ no. E m: it $ * v 1 (.11: to} 1;) m ETitfiifi Wéi' 1'49 J W JEEP/ND HILL. Ont. 'OFi‘E‘UE Efifi‘liliifi e: to S p m mattial m 1" ran 1’ £19493 1 l. “Xxx. Singers; 1 1‘) c Nit 2's". , 1.11 nm 12. 1:1 Oct. 2.111;, Nov. .1111 2211-1, M if; 211.11. unthith of tho Outs, with diploma. from For Dantml fi"ho‘~|, Will \‘iiir F1118.»v of 61‘ mm 1 to 3 11.1.11. D1388. 91 nlll‘llflli trmtufi is} the Victor: lh. ‘. ‘71. Gonl Wot k. at {21:11 rg key, . VETERlNARY SURGEON --‘l‘..\‘Dâ€"â€" VETERINARY DEN lST. RICHMOND HILL, n. a (If LOW/’3. proved methods. Remodelled,u.1rl n 0.16 of the mat. convenient hotels on Kongo Screen. vcmcnce. travellers. 111111.111“; p‘u‘Lii.~,l)|.c), to 01' returmn, trains. “’AL'E‘i-la’t i2 EILEE, Proprielor. vorv ucuutnui).l..ti-1u 5o mum). nu 1hr; RIG-ET BROS, [llHIi‘i'ISICPI'F- a Esaamilmrrs. Funeral Furnishings Alwayson Sample .3111 l~ L‘t' TE....1 iv?) 1 :44, 136 Hist: VV w .541 DTPJ'ZICT ." Map h work, and C‘ l‘fmm“ ..' .. “15.1, 1mm unrrKeL. 151831111:cvtl'spuusthcdcul‘. r 1", Hand Ripans Tnbnles: for sourgtomach. Ripars 'l‘ztbules cure nausea. ‘1 Ripans‘ ’l‘nbulos cure hiliousness. Run-.11.; T.1btil..s care :1)’- ‘ Veterinary (tum rio w.- 1.3 PALMER'HQUU RIC HMO N D ETLL, owlv furnishnrl throuvhont. fill‘ Ex‘ci‘y for [ml .s'wmnn-z plm'o tor 111' 3 91.00 YEP. DAY. 3.130% goo b TURUNTO T .e .11" lNSS!L HARE ) "‘t’fl Dl lg. .. - Ill ‘ILJHMOND ’ ‘ \T'T , Q4 .r‘: A Huh; INN-{ZUTC oncnr‘l on Friday (Jails prmnpt‘.“ attended to :111 *tle mnl other oomexticat 11.1mm {.111 lint, at :- m'7ysn .\' twat :r'wmgzsvt: 173‘er 7 TF‘ ELZQGAE 115011 . l l , Toronto. » 1. t I 1 College. 'Jeteriuur) Mondav 11.311 “105$ {11‘- QE, 1 (:«-'.11i0r‘111blu modem (-wzv 001111111“ 114 flunwrs go 11” much} W «:gd’w 1 Board, 3 l 'R‘fl. ’ «wypvn VLAHAJ. Eatâ€"t '111r -nt\ (Winn, ‘ l N . V. ._ V. 1» \w THROT‘. i (l U 1‘ l‘ H 1;: all l,‘ 3 M “a A 2) .2 l 1191} Viv .1; 111:'l§‘.113?:1\(177.1.11‘3'41‘ Opi'l’ ll. .. n... 1.. . '» . P35? (sir i':':.".â€" :31} 'e r=. 3.1-, ‘11111‘2N10 ‘ . .â€" ‘f < rn~1dm (w. lll E. ‘2‘\ ill 14‘ 11‘. \T-lelul-lr'o‘ pt Thurnhih. e- H-h \Tt-ulm t. 1,. 1 ll . . -‘1.l‘-‘i‘111‘.~. (‘l ('. No. l. .‘ulviohlr' 5‘... Fast. Mr. ('11: it v. ill br- :11 Maple on Thur-(er 'll'twrnoon oi' Illt'll “'l't’lL M: 1.\' EV T0 A 1.11AN Te'toyhone >17 JONES, Au". Your-y to Inn 11 U {ACCOUGALL u Banish-1F, Solirilms‘. ._ 1;.me 1.1\'o. lh'l'1v1unt118t”Tul'wnifi. AIJ‘RFY‘ TC.\(‘DOVG.\I.I., l'lli‘l :IK‘K l‘. JONES Huliv-itni to thc 'l'ifns'xny ( f Ou‘aiin. SGilUltl).:~ (or the 1:1 w 1.11.111 and Savings (‘1111.punj.'. FEE). Noun-y l’n‘iliv. (‘1~11\':-y:11n-:-1-. Vuln- :11111, (‘t‘121111i:~>i1111t'1 in B. 1%.. {\‘c. Bficm1€37LC>133aIL 'E‘EECB EC 1 eFJ’LT’i E. E3 Q 5.; Ta Es ll 31.. ROBINSON,LENNGX‘1MKEEE5D Enrrislm's. sic-2591mm, &('. 'Tv V.» .1 TOIiGTu'i‘O AND M 0 M0?EY!_;M0NEYI A lama umnunt of i-rix'ntr 51111115 to impm 2121‘ 1'111'111 wot-«my Five per Lerv :Y.. l‘i:‘.'~\'t1'1'111~ for rurm int-tit. misrnn 1 lnu‘uetl 1.11 l11l111>. Apr-‘1) to A. (‘1. F. Ir‘.\'\'l.l-I1\‘L‘l". Frvvholtl 1:1:111 1111il1iing,']‘1)rnnto (Jr 1’1511"‘111111ljllli1lltru Eitlturl WU“. Wraxmmrwmmm loan (11‘. cent. in- N0 Cuul- J. H. PIKENTICE Cunville 1}: (-56:11 rd: at [‘1 entice SALPM lit/'1 nor. 1}!» ‘.‘:'111¢l'«:~1ur .‘2.Tor1nto. Licenewu Auctioneer“ for the CtniLty of York. (‘mo-ln will on cominnmvnt. 61.1101'01 Rules If aim-k, 1413., promptly. uttelnlu' to 111 reusounhle ratm'. '1. it, 6111111111114. lNMVLon Brook. agent. for the lllr1)\(‘,. D ULOL‘GH (f S'I“.1K1‘:: Sllfirka‘fi é); Hologll. : the Count.) of Yorkxe» [“rllllllltq’v and li‘icntll) tlwl on ti 1' al.011th notict rcumnul-c 1113 g. l‘. (1. 11111111111, king J. '2. Huiucon, Maple. A. K. Alt-Ewen, \Vustun. fizzégmsn 6'5; 851‘ 3’. won. Licenuwl Austionm- >411» mum-11ml 1.11 11:1 1 1-1 the County of ler. 11mm noth-t-ano at. run. wat‘i‘tnwrtew l’.t.1o'1r a:-11'1li1‘i7.etl. .5. E5. fiduaeiinan, l,1'r'r“:'='31l-\.unti111.m-:' ‘.i“‘11‘ltl"~lllt‘» 111' lll‘ymmtn 'llLllrul‘,{ ('mmtv (11 York. In i.1l"1lilllPl’Z\1)1“>lUV 111l“U'lC1le1 11:1 rhol‘bt'st notiu and : ‘. rmis'wp. llf‘ 111(1‘. Patronagesolicitcd. 1’.H.u1lrlresfi Mtple. N. E). Sinaiélh. Linmzsml Am-tmnr-ar 11 1- Ho» (‘ni‘miiFS of York :L'Illl Omar-1o. All Hrlw of {uni stock. kc. nt- tvn-led to on tl11'~‘1:1n"1~t notice and reasonable mum. Mortqngui 111111 lmih‘ sales attended to. l: anlcnvo, Stnnfi'x i110. 0:11. S . ’l‘ . iiroakcs. of York age solicited. Adi ii" maxed Auct" thn Conntv ('lmmex mot: R1111... 11 a, wrnn 1111301311, .13. H. Era-silica [Oitlm t‘mn 1;.‘1ii‘k111'9t S; l‘i'cntif‘nl, "ant for the Masslwllurris Labor-Suvth llm-hinvrt'. \\'11c1»11.~;,1’11111 ~.H"l|’:‘."1'x,1\‘(‘. Residence. Union- Villc. Ripans 'l‘n‘nulns »inzlig°stion. Ripzins ’l‘nbnla >1: :11 druggists. llip‘nrs 'l‘Mmlorr curn hnmlachp. Rmzms Iaoules. ACESNALD' (.111) Ottawa in. 1.1m: li‘x" 1! in llws!‘ ll(“ll""‘1 lil' .1l1n (11‘1:1!“1\ mud utln-r \'.:lll1i1'~ 111' ~1:..1 1"111'ti1111< :1pp1-r11‘ to in» 1.1:. 1111- 1: 111,11 1-.::‘.'I\'in. i1131'1‘11ntimml lmvtn... ll 1-1:1i1111\111111-ti1~1' ti.“ i111§11111;1.11'1‘ tllwl 1r.,1 l;:'\ l‘t’ll‘" 141 lu- 2111.11'i111i ‘1') Rina“ <w~:1~i'v‘11\ through tin- tzt'lt'iiv'r‘ 111' rululiv 1111-11 4-1" uniting tin-111 ‘211- (1' ‘>71111 for 111111111-llltll‘x lli't'lutulr. .I‘l11211i.\l;1'\11r [liltln'l' ins lwlo<1i.1-<l11p-11. not unly in l‘:'11"l.ll‘li :1inl in tin- l‘.lIL}>llr‘. 1111i lhirvnghou‘ llll‘\\"1!'ltl.{1.~1li11'111‘1‘:1\i111111111111 which lgl” :‘1‘1' 141 lu-ru‘r .lt-iiuinl I111p~-1i;:l 1.1.111 ~ 11:1- l'11i1'11'Il:tln-1:rv.1t l.i|11r1:1lp;111;‘1vl' :i 'llllt'l‘ pl'l»\'311«'1~ 11% Ill“ lhmrii 1-..11111 1:1 l't'll‘lS 1.1' \' .ltHl. .i‘u';iou~'iogi\v iintuly 1-\‘,;1-- t . iibl- high t‘\i(‘t'1‘.l l'it t1\\\:11vl‘ 1911-:1' lmulr'" (-nltilinn-ll tho '-.:.111to‘}' lit-11'-1':Il:1l:tlminpn't \‘.:1l"l1i~llt'\l'iil|- rd by frimnl null fw- :1.:i\1- '1\ :.l1.1o\f without pnrnllvl 1'11 tunguil :1'11-1 ‘tlnl historic importoum : :1111 11.1“ 111mm» ‘l11111-I\I‘l'il1"vll\i11iiligll intl l|1:'1:4‘117 :Il ('nlniniwulll 1111\‘.' 11-;1\~v*1o'o1~<l ill \‘s'nshingzton prt-pnro 1211- ‘1‘111- 14 «11:1,». lionof1hrirnr<lnmr~ ‘lt'lilvl‘liti imp. l-\' pnrtiripntitigin:1lulnpu-t. .\ l‘NlYEltth. i‘.\ VIM-Tl l l". ‘(hilv no spww-ln-x- of i1;;p1vtt:-nv1- wvrv 111:.(‘11‘ :11 ll|i\ 1::‘114-1‘ lunn'tion. otln-r public g:'ll11-ll11f_{~ :111» :111‘:1ng.-'wl. :1pp:11-1~11t‘1_\‘ lor lln- runwâ€"o I1i' allowing ihc ."1n-rir'nt1 11.4.31- to lmconn- lll‘li“l' itttwl 11111' (':'.11:=.1li:111 rvprt-xt-tnzllh1N. Mini :15 111113 1'111'1'1'\11'>11(lrnt irr- 1"‘11‘11‘lt'I-1l. “ i1 ‘1‘1'11U'llh‘llllll'll lHllL »r in \‘.':1xhi1:g1m1. Hir \Vill'ritl In'ill1‘lt’l' will grout :11‘:1\'oritv:1~~ h>-\\:1< in lrt W111: .11- l 1 11" ltl‘l"‘lllt' «luring: tho .lnbilt-o. \‘Cln-rm'l-r in) go“ ho is1'1iz-1-iw-1l\x‘ilhtlnrgiwuim: 1-11tl111\i:1.~11n." l“\'t'l'.\'l)111ll\' #111,“ 1b» li11'*t114l-1yifi:v 111111‘~‘ tinnoughâ€"golng Britishcr than ('anmhuns tl1:-111~«-l\‘1v~ wow :1. low your“. :1;»;11. lzn-rwlibh- tho! 3.:h it 111:1ynpp-w1r tho pt'th-itish fooling husdo-x't-lopctl town-l1 :1 dx'gn-z- that :1t om- iinportnnt 11:11111111-1 1:1 Boston :1 ft'W days ago illt‘ l1":1lth of llll‘ (111(‘l‘ll \\':1< 1-ulhosi:1<timin drunk lwforctlmt. of thv l’.'“.<nl1*11t (1f llw l‘nitt-(l Stats \\':1\ honorml. \‘Cith (lis- ii- is tho opportunity of pt-rmnnmnly posing of many scrious :md ('oinplic: 1=di11tcrnationzil dil‘iicultic». which olfvrcdbythv1111-1-tingofthem-11m .3- sion. and Willi lln‘ splt‘lnlhl pHN‘IH‘l'l“ which at this 111111111111‘1; cxist, through the mutually conciliatory policy of thvliritidininl .'.111<'1'ic;111{‘(1111111i: .ion- crs Milk“. this i1111 1151* :11111 shoddy i11- crl-using full“): of 1'(‘cipl‘(1r:ll (-1.11511111- MLiUn is 1111:5t opportune, satisfactory and gratifying. ALL DEPENDS UN Tilli POINT (1F VIE‘V. Strange how dil‘ft-rcntly 1111* 5211119 thing strike-s difi'orcnt. obzwrvors. Home little tinw :Igo tho London thng.) Daily t‘hrmm-lo, 1.11:1 of 111.0 foremost of the big journals of tho Empirc, writing Hlitorinlly of tho Quclwc (‘11nf1-r1-11cv ronnirkt'tl. "Mt-11 llk!‘ lml'tl l’lt'lxt'llt‘ll and Sir \Vili‘titl Lnurh-r rcpresvni :1 singularly pmvcr- ful equipmvnt ot' ntn‘u-mnzmsliip." Speaking in Toronto :1 few days ago 3.11119. l5. 0.5l1-r. the Forlorn] mvmhvr fur ‘Vcsi Toronto rcmurkcd, “Sir \Vilfrid l::1lll‘l(‘l‘ was not :1 lcmlcr. lt was notoriom that, inxtvnd of bving tlw heutl, ho was tin- tail of tho (.‘11bi1n-L. Ft-w will dcn)’ that tho London Daily (‘rhroniclv is fully qualiA tied to foim :111 ostinnitt- :is to what. constitutes :1 slntmmnn. and :15 tin- l’rvmicr. “21 singularly powmt'nl statesman,"is“t,hvt:1il of tho cabin» Le," we huvt- thv voluntary lt‘ntlllloll)’ of at leading Fulva ('onserntirv nx’ to lllt‘ grin-ml standard of tin- pruscni’ Government. No \\'1111tl1-1' that tln- Govet'niiwnt's own supportch hurl- grown into th way of thinking tllnL (lanolin to-d:1_v has tho Sllllllgt‘fib Adâ€" 111i11isl1'nli011Sln't-le'llml. .‘vlr. Uslt-r also (1i!’~‘t'1‘\‘('tl that, “ 'I'ln’ (lover-111110111 11ml l1ull':L (hr/.011 lvudcrs .-1ll striving for tln- ~'11pr1-111:1ry." llow forcibly thnt. 1'1'111411'k rccnlls “ tlw host. of traitors" iln'idvnt of thy >pling 111' 11416 when sow-n Ministvrs of tin- Urown,:1nd 1111*111l11-rsul'il11‘ll.1-!1(1111- sr-r\':1.ti\'('(lnhinot,rel-cilcd against Hir Mackenzie BOWL-ll. lllt‘ll‘ l:'.nl1-r, curl) one :ippzu'vnlly l't-vlinp; tint: lm nus: pvrsonully lwttor (illulillml l'or tin- position. THE NEW Y‘UHI‘AI. Ntl'l‘l‘kl. Few i111lu\£.llitlll_s l1;1\’l‘. 111-1111 moi-v quickly tukHi lull of by illt‘ gunvml pnhlicthnn lllt‘]11'\\'|)tlt~iill non-.3 that wvrc plucctl l111‘i1‘1‘11l11ii1111 5111111“ tbrm' mont 15 ago. It always illkt‘S :1 hith- tinn‘foruny111|W>ysl11111 or moth- 111' [11'0t't‘d‘1U‘t‘ to lw untit‘l‘sioutl and up pi'vciut1-1l, and in proportion to tho lll‘t‘tl that exists dot-s tln- :lpprt-riution dew-lop. Auguu \\'.'\.\ [ln' lirst month in which thv 11111115 \\'1-r1- isstml: in that 1111111t112.773’1\\111~ l‘ll1";ll.‘1\1‘(l; in St'ptmulwr lin- 1wt:1l row to HAM), :1111l .‘ iulnl l11|l1111ul11g 1o tln- houn- h.1(l bot-11 in ()cluln‘r luv- timn fruit} “1-11- issuvd. in illx‘ vi. > :1111i olht'rccutrvs of popiil;.tion :11.1l l 11»'l.1‘>.\' tho ll‘ullh‘ in lllt‘111111-> in tlil'l‘illl‘t' ::~.-.1nniv~;g 01.”. sillt‘l'ltlllt‘ proporl ioiz~ nntl : x: tln- warm» munitygem-roll): ‘ bettor :11» ll” .u~1'1111‘1(‘!~‘ (pinintvdwith it> :xllvnurngtw it will prove juxl ax popuinr llt'l't‘ ;:<311 tin- old country. The (it'llullllllillltllls >11 l-'.11‘_i:111.l' .11-11g_-'1i1y 7.1fié'mmmmnmflt‘ .â€" . ,it‘llll\' in York, Scarboro, Non-53551131313, Lil/t‘ri‘r ; in all things, Charity.” er’r" M'x'“ :m'rw‘m‘aflmmwjm'am "r " 'M L'smgle copies, 3 cts. : mmxwm ‘ld"’l l8)8 l ‘ , 11 r _. , S , .lo -1 r mxwmr.wwwjm‘m-flwmw r . . .. i . . 1.12' t<>uod :11‘1- «onw. ll' 1'1'111~'. .11) lotion ‘1» \x'ottltl 111111;» ‘1 tint 1.111111“; 111 1' TS mints. :3 $1511.. .7!) 1111<l1 \\‘i‘1l"l;‘lt‘l'llln'illllll11-r-111'1E1111llii1-tl to .:1111l~1-\1>11otin-rtlwinun. 1.111115: 1 ‘ ln-nr 1l11- («pins of trial when :1 :11‘1.1»:;1l<l:-1'1tothuw. \‘I/,..‘..%l «Hum ‘ clr'ugw mi \’<-11u1-l1:11l lr-1'111‘1l'l11lllt‘tl. A’llll\.l;ilt'1‘lll\.‘ll 1'Wl‘.i\ 5?“ twin“. #:43-1 'l‘iu'“11"1'l11l1'11111111i5irn‘011‘llt‘ P-in k 1.l11i 'i'in-rt- :111115'31'“ Hill to ‘1-1- 1-1111â€" hum bi 1d t1\‘(‘1' lht- Mh Cont-I; .;:;1 >i134-rubl1- igl‘nunnwo ot' tho ("o-t that “tho :grw'crtu1tvn‘. will in: ion“ ‘1' l't‘llt't‘lll pox-H :1‘111l ill‘lll“ -_r(. \lillh} ~;. \\'lu~<o . 1:1 -111111l\o|' l1u<i11t|~x '11‘1\1- lul In 2h." :...-1:1.1ul:11ionof ct:1111p\i11lnzgv-qu-znt- itiux null thvrwl'orv \\:~l.-omv I‘m- new 11:14:111111111‘ :1~~' :1 girl-:11 1‘1111\’I-uir'l:1(‘. 'l‘owmn- tht-rI-l'orm moy tn-t «M111 :1 nun-1t 111:1it1-r.‘u:1titi\:11111?!11-1‘iti‘trum-‘ 11' t pin-n". i1-:1l intcliigcur-u- with whiwh ll11”.£ll;lll'\ 11'1' llll' 1"111111ll’y :ll'l‘ 11(1\\' lir- i11f.:‘:‘(l111i11l.\l1lt‘tl. .\ (:11‘!‘1,‘1CI11‘11111111s'rmntrg, 7d upprozn'h of ('lui~tt11¢1\. 1'11" urn-mu of tho .l-p ‘ ‘."';ll‘. “lil'l‘ of p::1r7iâ€" (Kilt-alitnl nil \\i::1i in lin- \1,;;1~ii1>11~ prw'wnt tl11-111~1-i\'w~‘. m ~111111ln-r-t Wu} 1111*. of U11- i~ t1: w-lt‘r't wimv 1'111"1?:1i11- "lil'li1»li.li1'1111_:l1lil'rt‘uguill tin-choir m 'x':r~‘. and tin‘ t:1<l( of viim; \ 'Hly. 111:!1- ’V. 'l'wool'tho 111' 11‘1'1'11! non-bu lnmw-rrr. “'i'rl<l:1."tl1v l-Iiml roinnnw- 1‘111111 tln- .. lip .H‘. .iliziunl i111r \\11l'l'\f’ \,.|. Pn'xi 3 :1 111' 1 _('.111:.1li:111 :1'1tlt1.1'_l:11l,111’1 :1!\1| "'l'in- [Tin-oihnl" liy tin- 1-1l:1u?hur. l’nul l1.‘1l\'1t‘ll"(' lhtn- i. 11‘. who l1-1< <11 row-nily 111-11!“ 7111 :tl- 111o~t S"'1|_\'lli111111l :11-p'uvrnnr'1- in lila-1-::1jc \\’1»1‘l‘l. iinl l1 of tin-w \olunws 1.» ol' 1 lr- l1lLIll~‘\i 1'i:1~< of tiction and \‘.11:1i'l1-\';.t111i~yl1ilh‘l‘wlnttuiiull of .1113“ \Vlli-‘l'. Hl'll NIC‘V (HIYERNUR. 'i‘ln- now (‘11»\':-rn(u>(imil'rzll l1:1< Sui"â€" lj.‘ :irrivml :Ind has lH't'll i11<t:1ll*-1l:1l (tllvl‘l'll‘lll‘lll llousc, Ho far in- ln-( :1 tin-1' il'uily ps-rmitte-rl to ntlcnd 1o hi< pm‘ 1:11 zill'.1i1>;. but nirwndy :1 li>i ofpublic l'iun-tio11<:11'- ‘ow in; £|l1':ll '11 for him, int-gzmiing .th 1'111-otlh-1.1l 4'i\i1‘ 1‘1‘('('11iitlll. Tho [Curl and (hunts-q; of Minto start tin-irgu‘nâ€" crimtori-tl tvrm with tln- <li<tinut ml. vantagv of having roun- zuuongst u. pvoplv to whom thr-y urn \\1-ll 21ml tarot-ably known. and ths- outlook for lin‘il' twin of ol'licv ix' ext-optionally 111' hi. THE .\l.llf.\' LAB-(FR LA“: Thu old cry 12::. ln-1-n 1':1i.~1~(l tltizs ‘~\"'i’l{. that thr- gorornmvnl i~t not 1-11t'orwi11glhl- .\|i1-n 1.:1bur Low. inn i< :zllowing‘1h:-i111port:;tionsoi'.\111"1i(-:m :11'ti<.11;> lllllltH' contract to \\'(‘1l\' in ('numlinn <h<1ps and fut-turns. 1:11-1 in that thuw was :111 oxplicit un« dcratnndihg botwt-e-n tho two gov-r11- 1111-11ls :It Utmu'n 211111 \V:1.\hi11‘r'ton ihnt "("lll‘. tln- LAW in both countrivs >ll.1uldlrt-. ln-itl in :Llu-ynnce until lln- \Vllllls' 'llll‘\li(lll hm: ln-cn «innit with by tin- .loint iiigh ('onnniwion. :11ultln-(':111- udinn (.i()\'l'1‘lllllf‘lll has faithfully honored this undertaking. ll' tho 1‘on1plnintsarv wr-ll foundml tit-1t tln' i’nitctl Statw officials illt‘ l1r1~:n.'.\i1g bitcirsidt-ol' tlw cniiipoct rnprcscut‘t- lions to th-it (“rim-t will lw 1.1:11l1-zzt out-1- 111111 in regular form to “7nd; ion. '2 11¢. .l.o .â€" ‘1-.- \‘V/TAN'l‘ljp t:l-‘.\'):lt:\1. 'll:L'§'l‘\\"1-'<'l‘l.Y pci- 11> 1111his>tntu roumnnue our l1llsl< 11931111 tlnu. ’H\':1 11nJ nearby countler‘. It, is 111:11111y oilw-v wmkm iia‘ucted at. h 1111-. SH :11'}’ aunipht Jun :1 )cm‘ unrl (‘ka‘ll-‘CD r1let1v1ite, 1111114111 11onnr1u1101m. nlzsr'v. Monthl} ‘7'». lit-1'1- .1‘1 llh'lwsu >~>li~.11l111r>»:tl >=, muolopo, .11'1'bc1't l‘l. “UNA, l’l‘t‘.‘>[.. Hunt. M. t‘hi ‘ug't, ll~_‘u r~â€"â€"‘â€"¢o¢> â€"â€"â€"» York County Council. The by-lziw appointing,-~ noniiimting oilicors for the nint‘ clcc: oral divisions of tho county 1‘1‘1‘t'i\'é‘tl its lllil‘(l l't‘iui- lug, tho Noni-{s ln‘itu'; tilled l11 with tho following 117111105: V0 1. Hturlmro. 'lfhomnst'rnwi'nrtl: No. 23 York, \V. A. ('lurlw: N1). :5 litobicokc. .l. K. .Kuvtlcr: No. -l Hivlnnontl (luntrp, .I. Md'iurv: No. :3 Markhtun. ll. ll. Crosby; No. 0 King. Charla l”:1tt1~r-~ son; No. 1 lIurtnnrn, S. No. H Sharon, it‘. .I. Kilt-hi1 ll. 11‘- 13. Lund) NL. U i .Simcon, llonnld Ego. . 'l‘ht- spncinl connniih-c r0 Scurboro railway roportwl that tin-3' 11ml lot-:11â€" ml 1.1111 trm-k for :111 oxtensinn ol' the linc aloof; tho l‘:illtz.\'l.1ll lit-ad. The special connnitt’uv in rugurd to thc )lI*t1'1111111i1;111 iinilwny 1-1-port‘1l thc ll'ilt'lx ltN'Hlt‘ll us l':1r :is Nl'\\111:11’l\'t'l'r. ’l‘hct‘ountyHolit-itommvv it us his opinion that, with the cxcl-ption of l‘illlblt‘tikt‘. \\'1-sto11:1111l l‘lrlst Toronto. the lands 1111\\':11l\<-rti.\(-1l cannot bt- lo}.r lily Milli. ()n 'lhnrstlziy tho (‘ouncil heard :1 dvpntzltion l'rom tln- (lily llnll re the disputo orvr tln- pzu'mncnt in front of tln- ;\(l(‘l.‘ll’l(‘ St. (‘ourt llousv. Tho county's >hnr1- tin-y said Would be $206.77 for tvn yours. ’l‘hv I‘t'lml‘l of the litillllnlsxlnnvl‘s ol' lllf‘NL‘\\'lll:1]'l{Pl inelnml-inl H1-11w won Pl‘t'Sl ntvtl. 'lln' Honn- was shown to hc in good ordcr. 'i‘ho crops in tho 1 quitrmltixfnctot A llt‘lllllllllOII ’11‘11111 North ’l‘orontw wnitml on tl11*(‘nlllnril 10:1 grant for :1 bridgv. (in motion tho 1111111151, \\':!:~ g1‘1'llllt‘ll. tho 11-p:1ir of tho bridge :11 .\n1lcr.\'on‘s llollow amounting to $110.”. it \\‘."< tlI-L'itlml to Y‘l"!1"11‘i:1ll7.t‘lllt‘ Ontario Legislaturt- to pass .such lwgi.»~ ---:'.llililhilllllrllnl4111I‘il'l1111l-l :Il'1-1 tho. has : Tho 1 l: .11"}\‘.'1".<"‘11i1‘tl tlnir 1'1 illll't. 'l'ln- (‘omn-ii ll‘lll i?~':\1111‘.“ll hunqua; :11 tli1>(.'l;.'1i1*ll(1t<'lon'l'hurrtdny oven- intr. (‘onnty i'ou’nCllor li‘.‘:1us oft-u- piml li1.- cl1.1ir. :11.1'1 “Jordon High. tl‘m glow of liv- «11112117.- wit on l.i~ right. .‘1‘11 lll‘llry‘LlIl!‘ tinn- \'.::~: Spe-nt. tix‘ lHlIrt-Wl hing (1111‘ 111' the hut. The- uxuwl 111:1.»t li-‘t foliowml. Th:- Qu‘wu lwinu tir- ilL‘wl 1111111l11-1'. \V. l“. M.» [.1v:1:1. :‘l. l’..:1‘.1'l\.\'..l. Ilill. ‘Il. P. '1‘.. 1 ‘twulwnplml 1111 lu»l1;:ll‘(1i' Elli‘ ll l‘.-11'i.111il-11t :1inl l.m"1l l‘ 1'l‘hv gu' ~t of tin (winning “ iv1.'»t1.l.:111ri tln- rhuiimvn in P. :‘onu pi'nivutnzr :pwth i‘]'(|'<1‘]]i(:l the ‘ \\"‘1'.lon\1itl1 :1 quill-inwlliml Inn» \ll lu-izult'uf 4‘11“ ('o'un-il. \‘(nin 11 High 111.1th :111 .tppic:ptԤ 31111:. and .l. ‘»'\'. .‘.i-|y1-~..‘-lrtn 1-1- 111' 1111' \ivtiopolitnn lT.-1le.‘:|j.‘. l» g: malhd upon. 111:1(l1- .1 is. 2!;1}'<1n’w (lfhvr tourls wot-1' :13 ‘ l'olio\\\ :7 .f‘ountj lilit'liil‘4 and l.‘-:.. ~ :11] l"1of., ~i=rn~. iy ('. ( liohit‘n‘ 1 ll). “Writ-IV lliltl ll. H. 1‘ ia‘rcr; T 1‘~'\';::‘lvn<ol' l‘ril. t'muu-iilm": \‘.'1\(1".~ 111 k, i-‘"“"{l'l'.(i1!‘>ll'l';'.lldl!l.l'. l 5311 l" . }‘ tln- w~111111i~-<ioni-rs 11' H'wnu‘r 111.111 rty prtwvntozl thoir iv- ‘po: t. l1l‘_‘.'il‘llulilllll‘l'tlilll‘ilrlilpll‘tlkll 1 111' tin-T1111; .‘-lt.l~' i11‘i'l‘Jc :1‘. :1 tot 1-l' ‘1”.ili3.5l.'1.111' “1.;1‘11 lllt‘ county's . raw ‘ \Vix' .‘tllliffil. lit-“ruin inul been illililk‘ on tho Home llrizlgv :1t \Vé'HiOll 1:051- hmr S'l‘fiiTH. on tho 531.11 lot bridge- cos:- i:1;;.‘a'"-i;1nrl :1‘1-"1 quail rcpuirs on the l" ‘. .a'orth bridgt- and the {onntre‘e- lit'irl}{.-. (in thH Lutiipton Mills bridge 1-pni151'tw‘1i11g “242 l hurl hem: iiiattlv. l‘ln- n1 w :~t1-11l <up<-:\t:'ur'tnro zit Sum- 111111 "ll-11v“?in-inzhuilt:11:1110xportSP 11f $1.1 .:1n«l:1-. 111'11‘Hl1l1211l4‘11b on the 1-11»:t "111i(lillll4l31i'lft‘l1iltl been con» plwtml :1 :1 out. oi >14 ii. A new <ton~ abutment :11 tho .ngton bridge- ll'itlluv-(~11('1111.{‘ltit*1l:lt£11‘tnt0f$1.25“. 'l‘lw bri _..-1.11 Yurlujt' Street :11. Hol- l-11nl l.z1nrli1;: :ui l):*f‘l1Il‘11’)I'011ghly re~ pair-"l. .‘t um: stool supmstructute \\':1\ :1l1ot:t l'l’lllilll‘it'tl :1t Sutton. Tina brldqt- on tin) town-line between Blurkhoyn :rnwl .“vnrburo had been re~ M ll‘.1{“‘l at $ll't15i of 557.3. The bridge iwt'r ‘1‘1'ilt‘11‘11 (‘HWR i1rl\\'t-E‘'kl. t . I l v :111letrriil1'xto hml z!l..':1 llt’L‘ll roplnc (l ‘52’ 7‘. #an 1'1” 2:1 '31.”. .'\ 11101:. in the ‘1 (Mint l1t111~vluul bccn l ‘itSE‘tl to Peter 1 Jillian .l. l’. oi $1 :1 month. 'l'hv liaiuc'u . (‘ommittéw's report <'Hlli:lillt-ti ‘111' {oilowing recolnuiendn- tium: :tnt to North York Teachers' ‘1 Aw..." '1'. South YorkTeuchen . $3.3: . 1.1-1llnidgo Lontinuntion (-les Flt)”, A spwiul vo~11111ittco was appointvtl (llll 1-mpow1 ml to dorm-mine the amount ntzuurtilj: p: '11l1lt‘l1}'lll.t’l0“'ll irrl‘Xurtli Toronto to the County l'tr ‘ 1xpt n~~~= ol' tl211i11lsll‘11lltzll 11f jit~".i<e-. vrection :unl rt-‘pziirs of lt-gistl'y nth-e. ? 1V. B'ltfl't‘ concluding its bn‘iness on Saturday tho t‘oiun-il made :1 grant of $.35 to (ho Poultry .\54(1('lllti011EXhil‘i- tion. to b:- 11 -'1\l in January. le port Hfill"<{1>*l'l‘lll'nlllllllttee re King- ston lion-.1 in Pickering township. “us prcct-ntod and :ulopttsd. It stated that although the dopntution from l".('l1 Silll‘l . pl't‘se‘llti‘d thcir case to thc Gn\'1il‘lll!1"lli. no (incision hud jv»: bvwn givon by 1111- lnttor. A. deputn» tion from illa‘ Prisoners Aid Associn» lion wutvnl upon the L‘ount‘il. The t'ouncil adjourned sine die. â€"-vâ€"‘IC(§* Agents “3- haw tho lit ‘11. Loni; ln‘li- l vrhhwp 1'l11-1'1i~‘st xvi vi holidziy howls t-vrr '11'1l1li~l1"1l. " 3 fort. Emily]? “9 girt- ~2ho‘. >l11ur diti't‘runt hooks. zinl ‘our "iii; Four" l8 :1 mighty sells}. ll:111:llos.>ur<. :unl hun- fonr ClltlllCFS to ydur coinprtlim's 1111". A post Clll‘ll 1 brings. ‘11:l‘1 information. “'0 pay 1 i'r1-iq‘ht. girt- prvinituns; you pzry its Mail Unit third towinv l‘ll’ tilt-'1' 1h lix'l'l' .:1>: iv-I'l'lltvly in going. ..-.l)l.l£\- (Hill TSUN (15.. 1.11.11'1‘150, 'l'UlIUN- '1‘U. «mega-mummy blaing #5016 a}. r. T112 l in ,ItAL and 0113 to jan’y ISE, \chitly 1900, H3 LIBERAL and \Veekly to‘lan'y Ist, 1900 $1.50. In: LIBERAL and Toronto 7 (Daily), one 1 vcmnt {‘17 News, ~â€" \‘1Vr\llti,('l'lC)'C€lT, 5:": ,3. THE l-ll‘-ER.\L and Mom- ing ("1! be, one year. 91.50. T111: 1-1111211“- and \‘x’ecklv Sun tojan'y 1, 1900, .211 5 THE LIBERAL and \\-'t't‘i«ly Witnass of Mont 1. 1; wfi Aka»: 1, L7" 1.7:).

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