montal Union which the Agricultural Colli The “ Union " will ct public meeting in the tion Hall on the colle theeveuing of Decem will be six sessions i meeting will close noon, the 9th of Dc The shmrnary re experiments condun over three thousa Rica We also notice that Prof. C. F. Curtiss, Director of the Agricultural Experiment 'Station‘ of Iowa, and Mrs. S. 'I‘. Rorer, Principal of the Philadelphia Cooking School, and an associate editor of the Ladies‘ Home Journalr have been engaged to speak at the meeting. The Guelph Fat Stock and Poultry Show, and the annual meeting of the Ontario Bee Keepers‘ Association, are both to be held iu Guelph on the Gth, 7th and 8th of December, and the annual meeting of the Guelph EIk’ohltry Association on Thursday of ‘the same week. cooperative wo dairying, bee-k6 and the weeds make the meet proï¬table to all. Ont presente‘ ing. T1 Arrangements haw: been made with the railway companies for re- duced rates to Guelph to attend the l-preriincntai Union Meeting, and other interesting events which take {wee during that week. All enquiries regarding railway rat-cs. etc., should be made to C. A. Zavitz, Sec’y, Agricultural College, Guelph, Ont. 'The following paragraph appear: ed in the Ricemond Hill correspon- dence of Tuesday's World :â€" “ As soon as the gauge of the Met- roplitan Railway is changed and the Company are in a position to cater for freight trafï¬c the Village Council will open up negotiations with the object; of establishing a grain market here.†@112 (iii We have no reason to think that the Council or any member of it in- spired the above article, but if it is our intention to wait for business t come to our doors, then we have no hesitation in saying we are not working for the best interests of the village. If our citizens are content to wait and wait and wait they may ï¬nd themselves side track- ed when they begin to “ open up negotations." It is no secret that many of our citizens are anxious to reach out for new business, but they feel that the Council should take the initiative. It is understood - the council purpose calling a meeting at an early date. In all parts of our fair Dominion to-day prayers of thankfulness wiil ascend from the hearts of a grateful pimple for blessings vouchsafed £0 them during the past year. So far as better times are concerned there appears to be much cause for thank- fulness in many parts of the world, but: of all countries Canada has been particularly favored. There have in the whole been good crop3, and prices have been satisfactory. And while loving hearts have been torn asunder in other-lands, by the ruthless hand 1:111 good for the blessings rshowercd upon us during the of war, the ‘pcople of this country have been enjoying peace and pros- perity. Le: us sympathize with those who are less favored than our selves, and let us as a true and loyal [people return thanks to the Giver of We 1 the next at 11‘10 EXPI the 9th of December. :shmmary results of the ï¬eld ments conducted this year on three thousand farms will be ited and discussed at this meet- This along with the reports on i‘ative work in horticulture, ï¬g, bee-keeping, soil physics, he weeds of Ontario should the meetng interesting and “arm 2 gm; ultur mal AI ber )1' 1211‘ ’1‘iday he has vea 1' There 1f An in tln heavy 18 i Oilcloth 18( lat Judgment has hévn g R050 in the shit, Must/2.; township. Mustnrdrec costs for injuries I‘m-viva brid My ma 10‘ “'01-sz of; the round Corbett Fr Ont-Imus and ank Tuesday 900!) peqphj. one nf his seconds of t-he' ring. Magistrate Ellis was to h‘nv thl-en more cases of liquor- so]! tel-day afternoon, but (vniy one was ready. A. \V. Stuart guilty of selling Reg-41 Boer Veston Fair and Was ï¬mvd costs. Twu other man named and McLean have yet to uppr in cummctiun with the sale of “(mar at the “'oode-idge Fair. Look at the snap list : Happy Home soap 8 for 25c.; Star Laundry Gfm- 21c. ; Trilhy '7 for 250. ; Richard's Pure 6 for 25¢. ; Comfort ï¬â€™fm- 250. : Jubilve bar, 5 lbs., 220. ; 3 bars weight 8 lbs. 240.; Sunlight, 5c. bzu': Lifebuuy 50. bur; Old Brown \Viudsnr in. : Baby‘s Own 99., net cash. Aikixmm and Switzer. 20‘ w Farmors' Institute meet held in York County as f‘ \Voodbridge . . . . . . . . . . . . “79st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agincourt .‘. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Markham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Islington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schumberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newmm-ket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aurora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘. . . .. The funeral of the late Chas. Hem-y Koifel' tnnk place from his late resi- dence on Friday afternoon, when u Iargu number of relatives and friends fullnwod his remains to the cemetery a. s‘nm-t distnncv Past 0f the village‘. Deceased was \vidvly kntm'n and high- ly I'vspectod us (-videncml hy the lnng concnurse of people at the funex-al.m)d [)vaused was \vidvly known and high- ly respected as vvidencml hy the long concnm‘se of people at the funex-al.nud the many (’XDR'CSSiUDS nf estvem which fell from the lips of those whn lunkml upon his countonuncojm- thelast time (In this side (if the grave. The funeral upon his cmxntonumxzfm- thumst time (/11 this side (if the grave. The funiq-al was conducted under Masonic hnnurs. the brethren walking by the side of the hearse from the residence to the placenf interment. A short service was held in St. S§e[)hen‘s Church, lurly to his ï¬delity to the Church. \‘Vhile in health, and after when scawelyahle to leave his home, Mr. Keï¬'er was never absent from church services and from the communion table. After the church service at the wh’ew a. touching and effective sermon was preached by the rectur, Rev. EC}. Dymmxd. The rev. gentleman spoke in the must feeling terms of the de- ceased brother. and referred particu- Keï¬'er was never absent from church services and from the communion table. After the church service at the grave, the Masonic ceremony was read by Rev. Chas. Cooking. a member of Robertson Lodge, assisted hy W. Bro. Leeds Richardson, The secretary, W. 131-0. Dr. Sisloy. when ds‘pnsit-ing the scroll in the grave, stated that deceas- ed had been a member of Vaughan Lodge Sim-e December 27th, 1870. The pull-hearers were Bros. P. G. Savage, F. McCunnghy. T. F. No- Mahnn, H. A. Nicholls, T. Keys and The pull-110511 Savage, F. I Mahnn, H. A. Simon Skunk Honest, energetic young men ; fen-mem’ sons, teachers, students, clerks and ushers. who are admire-rs of Mr. Gladstone and would like to spend the next three months ‘iu telling the matchless slimy of his life, WVe teach you how tn do the wnf‘k and guarantee success. From $2 to $5 a day. absu- lutely sure. There is no fear of failure and it will be enjoyahle wm‘k. Pur- ticulzn-s furnished free. BRADLEY“ GARRETD‘ON COMRANY, 11:41:31) 3&0. ; ext ‘2). s 111501) & Swh Tonuxcro Halton Cr entiuu at h 'as the choi ludidate fn‘ Our 1 Heav c. ; .VStuH c. : Shellt Switzen Halton C Forty Inch Splisia Li: zulur lUc. Sulisia Imw 'Hcf l1 1] illicit “ still “ * neighbor-hm The guilty p. D( Il( .N 8W8 .N 013 int ive in r1] 12mm will WI' tzcx ut 0t VJanted. trlu Atkinson {p l 0 C FL Slim- nigh Th9 on. of tl' Maple inch g Reg-41 Boer at the )(1 Was ï¬ns'd $50 and er man named Lemon ave yet to :lppwu' in Linn )Hl ‘im UH 1B, \in H T1 1d m l‘( owing 1N Mkin th 110 ing yes- ? of them ploadpd 650 1d 11‘S( will be ment Feb. 15 11 Y on hen rd tin-L 111 he m ()lll' EWEEI C-lmo to the premium-s of the under signed, lot i3, roar of 2nd con. 0 Vaughan, on or about the 20th of Oct “her, a rod :mdwhitc Heifer. The owner may have same by pmv ing property and paying expenses. m. .rnn $2,500 to {mm on ï¬rst-class farm px‘nps‘l‘ty. Sâ€"tf Apply at this Ofï¬ce. M; in GEEHWS new 2 am :2 w Pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897, Cbnnter. 129, Section $4.118 Statute in that behalf. notice is hereby Liven that all persons hunug claims against the Estate of the said John l-relnud. deceased, who emu on or about the 2nd day of October, 1898. are rrqur-sted tn send b\ past prepaid to 135m Wright Ireland, Laekay 1}. Q., cusp: the Execu- v- - -oâ€" - â€"- 7w . . tors. on or before the 5m duv of Duo, 1698. a. statement of their claims and address, showing the nature of sot‘urity (if any) 1 ald. And Notice ix, furthergiven that after the lass mentioned «lube tho executors will distribute the assets of mo sufd deceased havmq regard only to the cluimsot which the Executors bhml than have nutine, and the Echutors will not be liable lor the assets or any part thereof to uny person or perwna of whose cluim notice shall not than have been received. VV persons in this state to manage our busi- ness in thsir own and nearby counties, It is nminly office work conducted at heme. Salary straight. $960 a. year and expensesâ€"deg mte, bona- ï¬de, no more. no less salary. Mommy 575. Re- ferauces. Endose self-addressed stamped envuhme. Herbert E. Hess. Pres-tn. Dept. M. Chicago. 11-26 A good pair of Curling Stones. the mperty of J. M. Lawrence. Price $6. .Iay be seen at THE LIBERAL ()flice. 19â€"; ' ' WILLIAM cnox No. I Adelaide St.,EMb, Toronto, Solicunr for Echutors. ixkaI'I‘EB-SEVERAL TiémeicTHY persons in this sthm munagq ourpusï¬- The suhscriber would respectfully intimate to the yublic that having rebuilt the choppmg mill And doubled its capacity. he will chop daily until further notice. H0 is also still keeping ALL KINDS OF LUMhER nu hand and iu a. few :luvs “ill be “regal-91 to supply DRESSED LUMBER. of all kim s and do PLAIHVG AND MATCHING 0! all kinds at. lowest prices. Patronage solicited ; satisfaction guaranteed. N E? VV Qï¬ï¬mï¬g - Maple, Nov. nth 1898 Tl In the estace oi John Iremad, late of the Township 0! Vaughan in the County of York-Farmer. deceased. Gund House to rent. Apply to U. MASON. 18-tf Richmond Hill GGAL STOVE- 'Dated’i'éérémbbz 7th, 1898‘ Money to Lean. 3T1 10th day of Dec., Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. Rinans Tabules cure liver troubles LRlpans Tabules: pleasant laxative. No Family should be Witt Henry IiiaISh. 1) FOR SALE $1.50 to this (,fï¬ era for one vear T9 REN‘E‘ ) \V STBAYED nuh MN 1i ium RIIKE)LE For §ale s' Journal is hml of the g 3 illustrate Our Suhs< A Remarkable LN] heater. Ap \V. BRAOKIN 'M.â€BA}< me, d, and cnumin ember of the f: e and ynu v or to De‘ ribvl 'ithou Ll'n'illé P. O. Elgin mm: under- on. of of Oct- my I .- (Any size), am}. my G ORE, ()F GALT. Of Toronto, Cmmdnâ€"er cuming puny for 1h: fan-mum uf York C Business Suliciud. Now in Stockâ€"Nor Knee THE SUN Life Assurance Co. Assurcs on all the modernpluns the must nrosperops sud comptnius m existe New life applications in 1894 ...... Assoks.3lstDcc.. 1894 . Life assurance in fore . st Jam, Premiums low, policies unco nonfur’leihmln. Take a. policy-win: the dis LIBERAL OFFI ‘ ’. his†gmgï¬m, 9 $1.00 IN AWFANSEE. The east half of Lot No. 28, 2nd 0011., Markham. Apply to .VIanchester, of London.Eng., 166 and 168 Kingr Street E Agent fur the billowing stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: YORK MUT U A L 1549f BRITISH AMERICA, T. SABGEGN, Farm to Rent 0F TORONTO, CANADA â€"â€"ALSOâ€"â€" A First class Cash Mutual. REAPLE . F. MUMA HON, +7 7" cents each. . 4 A swlenrï¬d. style of Dark Lanterns for dashboards 013.137 50 cents each. OF CANADA. nd make and trim tubes to 0de all at 1'1ght places. Repairing ‘ICE . Wrenches, 10 in WELKENS & G Rialge EFF-AI- Gauntlets arness Tw- .Li VD. BOYLE, G 10\' €~ Tr xistenw )I SHOE Ricluuoild Hill RICHMOND H1 uI burn and is one 11r()§ll'«858i\'8 int ugen 6‘ 910‘ nd‘ Sask and Mit mks and TNT] 31,6? mal ‘T-C-LASS HAND MADE A,_ V4 '3 CU!“- :‘r E (). BICD'ON_ALD 419 RICHMOND HILL ast, 3 doorswest OI beorge DE. ltc m a xlises. Flour, Cracked Wheat, Wheat Grits, Whale Heal Ram Eï¬ifl And other mill products at our mil}, where you Will' get a good article at a reasonable price. East halves uf lots 34 and 35, 3rd concession of Vaughan, containing 200 acres more or 103s. This is one of the heâ€"‘St farms in this section of country. I‘m-ms easy. I For particulars apply to J. E. CLVB- INE. Iglin’wn P. 0., “I. F. A. CLUBâ€" I CECE snlen 0:11). R. Crossihg, Ynnge street, Toronto, MRS. JAS. STEXV‘ART, Oak Ridges. ï¬-lf wan Buff all kinds, atronize your own mill by buying your Lerflining and trimming in stock), promptly attended to. Gig .4 Jï¬ I .1 aa RICH ALL KENDS. k Specialty. , eotve Prom ptly attended to did mlt Loat MONT.) HII h; be »te_rs~ 500, _75c.,_ 65 >ur $1 haltersj are quality of ‘handa ‘5 with shaqk‘s ; ; best leather. . 3i Chcppmg ‘95:, Horse Blankets E0313. 1' Sale eorge