Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Nov 1898, p. 7

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the sunlight On washday, cut up aquarter of a. cake of soap into the wash boiler, and allow it to dissolve; which it will do by the time the water comes to a boil. Then stir in a teecupful of kerosene and put in the sheets, towels, pillow- cases, etc.â€"that is, the clothes which are not badly soiled. Boil for fifteen or twenty minutes, stirring frequent- ly. Then rinse, rubbing them out in the rinsing water to wash out the soap. This is all the washing they need, and you will find them all clean and ready for the blueing. The kero- sene dissolves the dirt and whitens the clothes without injury to the fabric. Kerosene oil is also an effective re- medy for burnsâ€"fully equal to linseed oil. It contains the remedial qualities of vaseline, but is a much less sooth- ing application and the odor is, of course, objectionable. properly preserve must be used. It Orange Water Ice. - One quart water, one pound sugar, the outer rind of one and the juice of three pr four oranges. Strain into can and pack ice and salt around it,a,nd freeze and scrape it down until it is suffi- ciently frozen. with snow cream, made Beat the whites of five e froth, add two large Sp0( white sugar, a large spec water, peach of pineapple the whole together, add. a cream. Put several sp‘ each dish of cocoanut Orange Souffle.â€"Pee1 oranges; put in a glass the orange, then one 01 two or three layers 01 over this a. cold custar pint of milk, yolks of: one-half cup sugar. Be to a stiff froth, stir i1 tablespoons of sugar at the custard. cream into a vessel; pound 2 ounces of sweet almonds and a‘ few bitter ones with 12 ounces of sugar; sift through a sieve .and put it into the cream, adding 2 gills of muraschina and 4 ounces of candied fruits. cut in quarter-inch squares. Tint it to a soft pink, then freeze. ‘With this frozen cream fill some large lemons that have been emptied. ’l‘ie with delicately colored ribbon, lay on fern leaves and serve. Cream and Orange Pudding. â€"â€" Stir one pint of thick sweet cream with three yolks of eggs and three table- spoonfuls of sugar. Put a. layer of bread crumbs in the bottom of a. pud- ding dish, £111 with the cream, then cover with more bread crumbs. lBake half an hour; when done, spread the top with thinly sliced oranges, and over these a meringue made from the whites of eggs. brown lightly. Surprise Lemonsâ€"Surprise Lemons are an attractive novelty for dessert Or a luncheon. Pour a» quart _of fresh Tea. cream.â€"Put one ounce of the best tea. in s. pitcher, pour on it u tablespoonful of water and let it stand an hour to soften the leaves; then {put to it a quart of boiling creammover it closely, and in half an hour strain it; add four teaspoonfuls of strong infus- ion of rennet in water, stir it, and set it over some hot ashes and cover. When you find by cooking a little of it, that it jellies, then pour it into glasses, and garnish with trhin bits of preserved fruit. 500~4nooooooooouoou8¢ob in cleaning shellacked floors. Use a cupful to a pailful of lukexfiirm water â€"â€"hot water spoils the varnish â€" and wipe with afloor mop or asoft cloth. After scrubbing oilcloth, if a little kerosene is rubbed on it and rubbed dry, the colors of the oilcloth will be wonderfully freshened and improved by the process. For removing rust nothing is equal to kerosene. If the article is badly rusted pour the oil into a pan and lay with the rusted surface in the oil so as to cover it. Leave _ [or as long as may be necessary for the oil to penetrate the rust; then wipe off, and polish with sand soap, or rub with bath brick, ac- cording to the article to be cleaned. \Vhen your lamp chimneys are smok- ed newspaper, wet with kerosene, is much better than water for cleaning them, and after they are washed the same medium polishes them beautiful- ly. Only be very careful to rub all the 011 off before using the lamp or it will have a bad odor. The objecâ€" tionable odor so often noticed with lamps and oil stoves comes from oil, which is spilled in filling and left to dry, instead of being wiped off. Q”... oooouoooovooooo‘ooo: A Dish of Snow. â€" Hes bocoauut up in the center some dish and ornament Kerosene oil is good for many things besides fuel and lamp oil. It should always be substituted for soap 1'88“ uen mus About the House. USES FOR KEROSENE OIL T0 CARE FOR LINEN It mus DI zlass dish a l IDS ‘ of sugar, having ‘ of each. Pour tard made of none of two eggs and Beat three whites * into them three and pour it over then cold tlxe ironed it mu spoénfuls ; as follows: eggs [0.3 stiff ‘onfuls of fine onful of rosa- e flavor. Beat 2; pint-of. thick and slic itt rinss slice six layer of ably d fre are to soap OVel‘ ate {About Catarrhim the lady of the coming India, Mrs. George Nzllh In its details it differs from the fashions of the the‘spring. According rule the hair must be \w on the neck. It must n piled high atop of the keen the mode during 111‘ of the aigrelte. The men altogether far away frc idea.” that occasioned so ter and joking several y the top of the head that curls or frizzes, and the IThe hair is parted pre( lmiddle. and thence it is lcoil down on thu neck. ’ ’severe, but the new mo ‘on a pretty woman, esp Ital] one. There are im mwy cure chest or dump. ' enemies The E one tut lens of necessa Why It Is Cured by Hood’s Sarsapariila A Constitutional Disease Requires a Constitutional Remedy. Oh, oi supposo it is all might for thim dudes. an‘ it gives the Caddieâ€"boys a chance to earn a livin’, but whin it comes to the shport 21v it, it‘s too loike handlin‘ a pick for me. Prepared by C‘ Placed No Great Value, on the Vicâ€" tims.â€"Philanthropist-D0 you believe in capital punishment, may I ask? Cy- .nicâ€"I certainly don't. Why, how’s that? Because Inever yet met a man that I thought it worth while hanging an- other for. Moike, phot d( am of gawrf the Oh, oi supposo it dudes. an‘ it gi , Catarrh in 'the hezndV is a cold or succession of really a. dangerous ailme lead direCLly to ('onsumr Hood’s Pills ; The readers of this paper wlll be pleased m learn that there in M. least one dreaded dineuee that, urienn-e hm: been Able to cure in all its stages and that. 5' Camrrh. Hall'a Catnrrh lure is Lhe only positive cure now known to the median? fraternity. Cabal-rt: being a con- nl'urlonnl dilatmse~ requires a ennnlftntionnl treatment. Hall's Camrrh Cure is taken in- ternally, netimz dlrertly upon the blood and mucow surfaces of the uy-Vom, thereby dus- lroying the foundation 0! the diam-e, and Liv- lnv the path-n! uranth by buildln': 1m :he constitution and assiallng nature ln doing im work. The proprieton lmve so mIr-h tnlth in In: curhtlve powens, that. Llae ofi’er One Hun- and Dollnro {or any cum th n it falls Lo cure. ‘end for list of Testimonials. Addreu. F.1CHEXEY & 00.. Toledo. 0. Sold by Druguiam, 75c. Hull's Fumil) Pllls me the best. Ia Canada's Greatest Medicine. 8] Prepared by C. I. H 0d 85 00.. Lo From London comes the newest idea. in hair dressing. Very eagerly is it being seized upon here by the youngâ€" er element of society, for the fashion A' correspondent BriliFh Agriculturis to the fact that on Experimental Farm berland County Cn' land stovked wiah eaCh having 3-1 pom land slovkea w each having 3-} cake per day, E increase. of 52' whilst anolher Alberts‘ Thumz on a pretty woman, especially on a tall one. There are indications thi: hair dressing will he the fad of the winter. Hood’s 53%.; lady of the co in, Mrs. George its details it di[ 11 the fashions 01 A FEEDING EXPERIMENT ble _sloset perfectly protect Dampness and soil are HAIR A LA CURZON :ctly to cons! inflammation 19 in [he $100 Reward, $100. lish make asouking w: poonful of soda to £01 Iter and put the linen quantity over night. . upon he of society ~ozujl by n The new style aw.1y from the asioned so much arm of I Council pounds of cotton seed ave in two mnnlhs‘nn pounds of mutton, plot. dressed with duides d cure Liver ills take.enay 100pl thére an the front the Ktractor. Thou- .s certain, pain- not be imposed [feted for the xtractor. Sure, ink the Northumâ€" 11, one plot of y-faoed she~p, of cotton seed hani the " No calls at tent front is plain :isely in the drawn in a [he fashion is the result colds and It, as it 11‘. tion. It c< .owe‘ nix to‘r $5 thi .ed from its only ; easy to rate. 250. 5.11 UI‘Z laugh 0. 0n aft no is not "bun r gal- in the North ab as“ The teacher was 1 m ‘ "\Vhat do you yean as I "\Vell ' she replie so; never St a, \VldOW a. widow, and l’ve only i can’t live on that. I fond of music; Inever been told it’s 3. Inc: and so Iwant to become singer. How long will City is never behil in any enterprise, wise, and recently made fair progre ping her neighbm the number of cur effected here by I Spgeqh Impe§£i_mentsffl The Spramotor. : containing; the lateyt infornmtioh oilithre dis- eases afiectmgflhjult amps. vggptablestslock poultry‘ et all who xx 1899. Our waxhing. spraying and disinfecting any agents in every town and village in the gold medals and highest awards have 11 nppatatua, which is used by six America Gong:qu 1:1" 35v 710in $5 to lirlghl‘x DIM-n50 llvld lllm In a Dcndly Grip “ llll‘ll \‘olhlng ('unld Loosen Tlll Ill! Used Dmlll’fi Kidney l’lllsâ€"ley ('nred lllm. one will love you if you are so naughly. Tommyâ€"Satan will. He loves naughty boys best. veiled. Consult niumified Jammitmuer, who wan to}‘ Ham a painful stummerer, an has cured many who {uili rdelaewhere. Writ. L0 W. J. Amen. M D.. Berlin. Out. One 3-Penr utamp will 20!; ynu n free sump]? of (‘nmpann’n Italian Balm, the bust pmpnrutlon for all roughneas of skin, chapped hands lor face. The Hmohlugs Medicine 00.. Toronto. HOW MR. JOSEPH RVCKARDS WON HIS FREEDOM. ing And ,ndu: that hope, and freedom from disease, of health and happiness, to every sufferer in Canada. Dodd’s Kidney Pills should be in every home in the land. Kidney Disease cannot exist where Dodd's Kidney Pills are used. A lee Laxative Bromu Quinine Tablets. All Drug. gm: ralund the money i! it fail: to Cure. L machine and notn met-n to}. Prvré riéhvercg “.25. Akr'nhl wanted. The HOWELL R00) (“O‘TT‘AN\’. 2628 Adelaide St. \V , anontn BFRALIOTOR 00‘. 357 Richn} the MI IYTLI DIANT TVPEWRITERâ€"-A r‘ nHy practif‘ni Hamilt Mammaâ€"\Vell, Tommy, you know no Int w - . An undo-dateindexofnames, addl'ehes. accounts, etc. No dead mutter. fifl'Send for camloguefm SPECIALTY MFG. co., leltod, EWMARKE’ , 0m THE OFF! TORUN TO AND lls ight A HAMILTON BASE. 1n )uld rdly a cure by means wonderful medicin INERALS TESTED {3352;233; Mlmow HER-EY, B. A. $0.. 16 St. Sucramlmt SL. Montreal, Que. T0 CURE A CULD IN ONE DAY 's VDiseas‘ a man of itement l mg the ibed b3 11y rrible HundI t the. 1 acure, _, and their remedies. will be mui :ntiou this Duper. and apply before )bject is to place a copy in the hands .1 Fruit Grower before the regular manufact re SPRAM non painting flying and djs' fleeting apparatus. a, know that Mr )1‘ more than rible complain! Mi (1 like any mechanical art. in three or four months an 15 pupil would be able to earn : thereby. One music master .d by a lady who said she wish- ome aproiessional singer. he try her voice? he try her voic was the answer 31‘ contralto ?” 57 don’t know," ht They advise HER AMBITION Valerie White, t all“, says. 3 of a music who believe a. note 1 of me," nt like this ( drov ha .15, th 1‘86 Nov. 21.â€" behind her L now IS (:8 Joseph Ric at. Hundr but CARD INDEX SYSTEM DI )or m ‘ ures of that It S nO\V only from any Know," was the ans any voice yet.” 5 naturally puzzled 1n 2” asked he. plaint. know medic: fe , and hi Dodd‘s j 1n]: uld be abl< One musi mmercl vould 36 but T Kidney i s Kidney : without 3 of this ical assit thout rl \V I' (J 947 ful nly Copyrighted trea- tisg of 74__pag§s, to $50. Address. Dd St... London. Ont The annot be lightâ€" 3 a message of ntf 'ihle. odd’s Ki‘ that I r four b: vestig( 7 system ulvertis ve husmess, professxonal lake ainglng c anical a months and he deliver idney ] Ambitious 11, Toronto, 11 or other- em to have s outstripâ€" 3spect, viz.; ey Diseases I u c cesatully ‘, who wan to! he ansâ€" any unturc 1n( Kidney 118E arty ance 'xlls u a The Dawson Gomm‘ssion 00., Limited, Toronto. can- suf- and 3.1] . U BARRY and Co. (Limited), 77 Regent.- ntreet. London, W.. also In Paris. 14 Rue do Casmgliono. and at. all Grocers. Chemists, nd Stores everywhere. in bin; 29., 3a.. 6d.. 6n ' lb. 143. Sent. carriuge tree Also hf] BARRY'S REVALENTA BISCUITS. in mus, Ba. 6d. and 69. YEARS’ INVARIABLE SUCCESS, 50 100.000 ANNUAL CURES of Conaup. anion. Flatuienc , Dynpevaia. Indigestion, Can. kumption. Dian eras, Bronchitis, Influenza, Coughs. Asthma, Camrrh. Phlegm, Diarrhma' {Nervous Debllily. sleeplessnesm Desmondemcy~ NO SUBSTITUTE c EALTH RESTORED WITHOUT MEDI- ‘ CINE (Ht EXPENSE to Hm MO {'1‘ DIS- URUEKEI) SI‘OMACH, LUNGS. NERVES, LIVER. BLOOD, BLADDER. KIDNEYS. BRAIN and HRE ATH by U BARRY'S REVALENTA ARABIOA F001) which SAVErs INVALIDS and CHILDREN, and also Roars mcco atully In- fant.) whose Ailments and Debilicy have re- sisted all other txezuments. It diner-ti when lull other Food in rejected.-navea 50 times its cost in medicine. ‘1 Sheep and American Ho Ouin aâ€"raliable good: [I'M prion. PARK. BLAO WE t 00.. Toronto. Ben comma-oh; 551-014 in thiggince ' enter a catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal‘ % Manure-l and Quoboo to Liver ool in summer. 16!? and (an twin screw “slush pa ' Labrador ' ‘ . couver.’ ‘Dominion." ‘Sootnman.’ ‘ Yor ahlro.‘ Su erior aoco modauon :or Fir-m Cabin, Soc- on Ctsbin and Lean-ago nassangcrl. Rate of asmgeâ€"Flrst Cabin.360.00; Second Ca in. £35: Steers 9822.50 and u wards according to steamer an berth. For 1: “Information np I); to Locnl Axon". or DAVID TORRANCE 5L . Gen‘l Agents. 17 Sh. Sacrament. Sn. Montreal. IF’ Dominion Line Steamships. L. coma & 00., The Bold Bros. Mfg- 00-, Wii‘l‘i‘ff‘i'fi'fi iiima and BOWLING “have. mad"; i3?>§."éuui momma. 251 Km. u wan. TORONTO. mom lull. LAW 5« THE GEM FIN 00.. Freehold Building. Toronto. WWWNW'WWWWWWMWW AUSAGE OASINOSâ€"New Importation: fluent English 15h"? “was! Mammy.- ljable «ood- n Cenng Insist on getting i(â€"once tried always use Lead packagesâ€"25, 4o, 50 and 60 cents renorts. (‘nn lw pun-ml In sum? or any plat-c w ore Illere In a flut- or In roach ofnll. A not! enrul wlll loo-l 400-12 loud 01 Trad. lulldln', TORONTO. ONT. GRAIN AND COMMISSION MERGHANTS, WQWWWW THE TRIUMPHQv Eu pm. up and taken down. Onn be e oanod, nested. and put away In a small a ace. Auk your dealers (or ihem. anuluctured by G. B. BARCLAY, I68 Adelaide 5!. W.. Toronto. Send smniE)VrBI-‘erculal: u-ud sample of cloth before buying elsewhere. Superior 52,33; Four Dollars Com iete. To be had oniy from M. 5mm T3, 3} Qupen St. E Toronio ADJUSTABLE STOVE nuts. APPLES, 9!".“TF‘FRD- m , The Odorless 3,. \ Grematory Gloset. THE obomss onmnom GlOSET and GENERAL HEATING 00., Limited, Hamilton, Ont. Earn this valuable Watch, Chnln nnd Churn by Iellin. twenty Top... Scarf Pins, n! 15 cents each. Send our Iddrcss and we {orwudthc Pins and our Premium List, postpnid. 0 money required. These Pins will almost sell themSelves. for the Topaz has nll the brilliance of the best diamonds, and has never before been dined at anything like this price. The Watch is neat in appearance, thoroughly well made. and fully guaranteed. Unsaid Pin: may he returned. Mention thin paper when writing. EARN A WMBH BUTTER, £003 or POULTRY mwmmww Mlllo. MI". I Hall. Barrister-5.03m,removed to Wesley 1411133., Rich mond at. W.. Toronto. Jon I. Dorm To all others. Germ-proof cloth inabilth 1m ls Already IKFVOIIIUOIII In: the Smnnnry Condition unlit-Country. l< adnplecl In DI-lvnle l‘rslclellcen, pubHc hul‘nllngs. holeln. uhonl lmu‘en and summer "Mr or n-llnr. bath room. or oulaldo kitchen. or all fine or c-Inlnnwy. The anN helm: low places It with- ':l wlll m-cure Illnelruted pamphlet. Address 0L0 so. Send your address on a push card ntatin that you wish to Neil Goods for us, and we W.ll son the two dozen Butto m to you by mai1.pnx«p--id. When sold send us Lha money. 82.40, and we will send you cho WA i‘CH, CHAIN and i HARM, with $11 charge- paid. Remember this is Stem Wind and Stem Set and ’m‘ su erior Do the watches that wind and set in the BAC iikenCINCK that, are being otfered by other: (or seilin tha same number of Buctona. Blue PLAIS Y Post 08106 address. ADDRESS GEM NOVELTV 00., “33?.” N0 HONEY REQUIRED. We give this STEM WINDING, STEM SET- TING, NICKEL PLATED WATCH. AME~ RICAN MOVEMENT, A GUARANTEED TIME-KEEPER, for selling two dozen Lever Collar Buttons for us at 10 cents each. FREE pow; Awardod nlplumas at Toronto lonclon null olIIr-r l-lx- hlhlllous. 1898. R n o F | N c and Sheet Metal Works. ROOFING SLATE in Black. Rad or Green. SLATE BLACKBOARDS ( e surpl) Public and High SchoolmToronlo)’ Roofing F016. 1’ lab, Uonl Tar, em. ROOFING TILE (Sea New on, BuuaJ Lngl. Toronto, done by ourflnn]. Natal Ceilings. Oth gloomgtp. figtimqtas {urnlnhad to; work complgto or 705 Noumea. Estimates furnished for work complete or in Eucerlala shipped to am an. of the country‘ Phenol . mm“: A SONS, Ade aldo lwmmar It:..Torn-to. PRONTO CUTTING SCHOOL ofl’en special lndnoementa wfiuns men dosh-ou- of taking up Cunln . ll putioulan on App]! onuon. II: V NOB 8T.. TORONTO. OWWMO :1. u. Alounou. n.o.. lo. I oollego-u. TORONTO. 0|!!- vunn a? 3m. VEAR; “935 8‘ ‘ n I a. an“, ---- . JPBCIALIST AN TAKE THE PLACE OF CQCQ EPPS’S GRATIiFULâ€"COMFORTING. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS TAMMERERS. 01:11 III-citation in Cumin lor the sumo! every phuu o! Ipoeah dofectl Eatnhlhhod in Toronto, 1390 Onn Manteedv CHUBCH'S AUTOVOCE 'STITUTH. BREAK} Watch, Chain 9 Pomhrnko 51., Toronto, Gad Pamphlets and Material 0! our sent to any address on receipt. of 555 mp, Thermometer Attachment and Vaporizer Complete. Agents “Hunted fur Best Sellinn Ina aiaaara Vaaar Ram 00., 6 Grand Opera Place.Tora nto Niagara Vapor Bath FREE BOOKLET. GUIDE TO HEALTH. and Charm. â€"SUPPE Wm.Mlliar& Go. Mnnufnctururn of Show Cases Omen. Store. Ban) and flute] Fixtures. Jaw Clers'. Druggists' and I! kinds of Interigr lFitting. Wanted for B Bath in Ameri GEVLflN TEA. THROAT Sumnleu of Steel Frame

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