Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Nov 1898, p. 8

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TORONTO Union rn'ornhin Newmarket Newmarket... Auvora. King. .. ” K103340511» HILL ‘hornhinu &6RONTO Union . Connects with all trait House Richmond Hill. 21 Mai' & Express,1\orth 35 Express North and Mail PRUCTORK’ STAGE Between Tor Cars leave 0. RR 240. f METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Wednesday and Saturday Fa have C. P. R. Crnssinu for B L30. 2.40, 3.30, 5.40 and 7.15 1 ing leave Richmond Ilil 4.30. 7 and M: p. m. IR 25 cents ; children 1 Special Excursion everv emu! Crossing to Richmond Hill 7.45. Return (are 25 cents : Excursion from Richmond Hi day at 230 p. 111., returning 11 7.15 p, in. Return fare 250‘ N. B.â€"-Registered L: at least Fxfteeu Minut mentioned hours for c EVENING zâ€"Going 5 above Cars lemie Ricln‘n Sunday. Presbyterian Churchâ€" 7 p. 111. Sunday School ( Wednesday evening. Roman Catholic Chm- nate Sundays at 9 n. m. Methodist Churchâ€"Se 7 p. m. Sunday School meeting Thursday. even Richmond Lodge, A.F day on or before full m< Cum-t Richmond,A‘ 0. fourth Friday. Ivy Lodge. A. 0. U. W of each mouth. Camp 313m, S. 0. S.â€"' Wédxns-srlaj ' R. T. of Temperance~Meets first of moutn. Fn‘e Brigadeâ€"Meets secmnd Mend: monoh. Public bergry and Remliug I Tuesday. Thursday and Snturflxw ev Enworth Leagueâ€"Meets every Fri W . Mugv patrons that Will be open every evening during the busy season until 9.30 p. m. At greatly reduced prices. medium $1265 at 15 cents each and large ones at 18 E'pjscopfll Chm-ch POST UFFTEE NOTICE DIonday. w gavettmmeuta. I ;‘ FiftyAtwo R. R. TIME At reasonable rates chle’s - mm Freight and Parcels 6 collected Re airinnr done a MAGER, Plovv l’oiniss Village DirectorY- Sole LEV? GABY. Subscribe for TORONTO epair Sh op. W efinesday rem Gaby’s Express runs to Y. WERUEFE, fllnlond 11111- 301m} NORTH M111) 1 r wishes to inform his /his shop at 'abronage Solicited. He is selling :1 Letters 10.55 10.05 cents each. Man sbum and P‘i‘i(l& .etters must be handed in tes earlier than the above closing. "â€"" " r‘â€"A‘ ~51“- 11 kinds of Services at 7 p. m. every Hails will be closed at the ca as followsâ€"â€" .111. south East 3151‘? "â€" towc EV ERYâ€"â€"â€" ,ns. leavi 1â€"Services at 11 a. um, and 1 at 2.30. Prayer meeting ‘â€"â€"Mee is first Wedne s‘ 3331's“:sz :u-ug. F. and A. M.â€"Meets Mon Meets second am uy Yi‘n ily Excursions for Richmond Hill at 745 1).m.: return- FIE :1 Richmon m; at 7.20 on hâ€"Services an alter- 6 10.30 a. m. vices at 1.0.30 11. m., and $2.30. Genera! prayer m. F.â€"â€"Meots second and Remng Roomj-OI‘G“ on short notice. Meets fourth Tuesday Return fare n 15 cents. nnmg from C. P. R l and return at .5; children 150. Hill every Wednes- g leave Toronto at a th "Z2731? A T ,91211399 ‘euts each on shortest notice At Monday of every .éfiiidren 1 delivered and mm 9.40 am F rid ay and 11 a. u the v LINE. ,sbm aster Hill d fourth almer EHWith God,” day All The International Sunday Schssl Lessons for 1899. No Christian, especia Clergyman or Teacher, should be without it. Beautifully bound in clot two colors, with stiff boards. Price Strongly recommend On sale by all book sent postpaid on of the price The Braéley-Gaxâ€" retson Co. , Limited‘ 'E‘emiers The undersigned will receive tenders for upplies up to noon on MONDAY, DEC. 5, 1598, 0': the suprly of butchers' mom, butter. dairv and Prcumery,giviug mum: of each, flour, oat- meal. potatoes, cordwond, etc. for the following inscimtlous during phe year V1899. viz At the Asylum for the Insane in Toronto. London. Kingston, Hamilton, MlmlN‘I Brock- ville and Drillia; the Central Prison and Mercer Reformatory. Toronto; the Refurmetory for Boya.1’enetantzuishenc; the Institutions for the Deaf and Dumb, Believille; and the Blind at Bruntford. 'l‘wu sufficient entities will be required for the due iulfilment of each contract. Specifications and forms (if tenvler can only be hm; by making application to we Burgers ot the resvective institutions. Nthâ€"Tenders are not required for the supplv of meal; to the Asylum in Toronto, London. Kingsmn Hamilton and Minimum nor to the genital Prison and Mercer Reformatoi'y, Toron- o. ' The llwest or any tender not necessarily Mcepted. NEWLPHPQI‘S inserting: this advertisement with- out nutnority from the aegurtmenh will not: be paid for it. (Slgued) R. Christle. 'I‘.F. Chamberlin, James Nuxuu. Inspectors of Prisons and Public ()harlties,ParliamentBuUdmgs, Turouho. Nov. EAST YORK Mama Assmiaiien. Publishers, Toronto, Can. Mondav, Dec. 5th, 1898, for the election of c John Richardmn. M. land. and other ptomm ent and address the me A 1011 attendance is < R. J'. GIBSON ANTEDâ€"SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY persons in this stat-e to manage our b1131â€" uemain their own and nearby counties. In is mainly ofiice work conducted at home. Salary straight $900 a. year and expensesâ€"defiunc. bonaflde, no more, unless salary. Monthly 575, References. Enclose self-addressad stamped envelope. Herbert E. Hess. Fresh, Dept. 1L Chicago. 11-26 A fascinating stud The annual meeting: York Reform A55‘ in Viet JO. 35 GEE? An English Double-harrdlod Breach wading shot, gun. Apply to XV. BRADLEY. Ripans Tahui leading clergyme UNIONVILLE ~â€"0Nâ€"â€"- ‘ 21-2 FOR SSA LE Now ready. Préaident 1899. an only 1'01“ >fiioers and other important business. P; P., Ald. H em. Liberals will be re dizziness 1t. J. CORSON Richmond Hill reccspi cloth Sec. Treas Meet in the Temperance Hall on the first We nesduy of each month. Assessment system. Payable monthly. Lzu or goutlamun. The leadmg features J H. SAND}: 0M8 Whe Whe Burlev. Der hush ..... Turkeys, er lb ......... Dres‘scd ogs,per cwo Geese, per 10.. The Royal Tempms of Temper rut, whize, per bush. at, red, par bush at, gouse, per bush . pet bush . , per bum] 5V. Der hush , anmu anathema uucmc ‘uml rolls gems have 30- Fur AT FARMEMB' wnem s'r’izirh'fijufi Eigm INCH VJHEEL‘S E Everywhere. iunncial Sec’v 0000 orance 32 may o'co Secret Beauty. 40 50 The secret of feminine beauty is not in complexion powders, creams, etc. Beauty is helplessly dependant upon the working order of stomach, liver and bowels. Use @535 W bicycle built on pop Cleveland Model Morning and evening and soon clear your complexion 1 heads, blocches and pimples. Prepared by German Herb Tea RICHMOND HILL. quickly ascertain our 01 invention is probably pa Hons strictly confl dentin] sent free. Oldest a ency Patentsumkergnt routs ‘ “mum u...“ special notice, without charge. in e Scienfifiic ng‘figggfez éixiailon of uhy sch your: fqgr magmas. A handsorr) ely illu§§§§§g MWN M303“. Anyone sen flip} 5.4m Ldeo‘ DRUGGIST, 1“ 8L. \v’nuhlmW-l. TRADE MARKs DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. a sketch and deem tion may our opinion fiee w nether nu ibly patentuble. Cnmmunicn- :lentyialtflam ts 36 1 Broadway ,rated weekly- ynmflc ournal. $1. So (1 by 3111 Vrite P can NTAT E‘Eééfiring patents, Munn 5: Co. xeoewc 3T1 TREWM Lanzest. cit. Terms. $3 3 lewsdgplerg. will black x31 ‘ Wm »';~§i‘_'ri€ACTi§*fi $100 UGJiL- \g n v I! uni-5V fin 1311 THE VILLAGE OF 1101i {a fig Ram fizdfifiu ad Iiill. mm

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