Travellers alu11g~€he line (if the Met ‘ropnlit‘un Railway are anxiously wait,- iing for the new stoves which the cum- ;apany has promised to place in their CHIPS at ma early date. it is tn be hoped there, will b9 nn disappointment as a. ride from Richmond Hill to To- runto'in 11 cold car is not particularly dosh-able. RogularBUo. tea. nmv 27c.: 25c. tea now ; 15c‘ Malwa. cts.: 200. Malwa. now 18c. ; & Switzel'. Boys’ Rubbers and Sock: a completo range of boys 1- sncks. You will ï¬nd the ‘ Naughtnn Bros., Elgin Mi] Fruit extracts, 100.: Figs, : Raisins, 40.; rants, 6.3a; Mince Me.- .son & Switzer. (liming 'u just now THE LIBERAL and \Vvekly Mail & Empire tn new subscriber (mo yvarfnl $1.40, or Lhreo months fur 35 cents. The term examilmtinns are now Im- ihg held at the High bchhnl. ’mmlts may expect xvpnrts of the standing of their children in about two weeks. About $40w01'th nf books have lwen bought for the High Schnul library, and about half of them have alreaoy been placed on the shelves. It, ks‘ops Atkinson 8: Switzor busy waitng on (-nstmnm-s but that‘s what they keep store for. For Christmas numbers of The Mail- Empire and The Gldhs‘. leave your 01'- dors at THE LIBERAL ofï¬ce. Mr. Is , (‘mduy has from, 20 acres of tl estate; This was a cas price paid was $1,600. simble pI-nprrty 95pm (‘roshy as it lies alnngs the south sidv. The) farm, about 71 acres. 1) by Mr. 0. J. BruWn fox and $1.41 father‘ . \Vm. (‘ Hhollt 'i lwneï¬ci Blanketsâ€"“'0 ; wonderful bargain in white and Colt (rash. -N;1ughf0n T The East York Reform Association will hnkl their annual meeting in Victoria Hall. Unionvillv, (m Munday, the 5th of December, at 2 p. m. The nomination for the. Provincial hyeâ€"electinn in East Northumhex-laud takes place December 7th, the elec- tion a week later. The pnsvs Leave ynur orders at THE LIBERAL ‘ufï¬ce for a copy of the Christmas Numbor of Saturday Night. Christmas Globe ur Christnms Mail and Empire. Sugarâ€"230 lhs. brown sugar, 3 cans Good Salmon, 25 cts. : Raisins, 3 cts. per 1h. ; Corn st for 25. _N;lug11t(m Bros., Elgin {3' w i t zer. ‘mas can paper m THE LIBERAL a gGlnhe will he given til-um the px-vsont (l: £1899 for $1.50. As ; these papers will be .({f the present yezu' AN EXPRESSION OF THANKS. The \V. (7. T.U. At Home “Commit- too are much pleased with the success of their entertainment given in the Temperance Hull on Tuesday evening, and wish through THE LIBERAL tn exâ€" press their sincere thanks to all those 'who by their musical and literary se- lectinns added much to an interesting progranmu‘. Ladios’ heavy wool hose that were 23c. now $0.; Heavy Hygeizm vests that \Vt‘l‘t‘25c. unw 24c. Atkinson & Swibzetf. Pure Lard in 251b. lots, 7:20. a, ll»; Best imported Lemon and Orange peel 17m. ; Macaroni, 100. Atkinson in *7“w flier cts‘ CH3 Sil cotton, 6 ctjs. ; Crochet ( best 200 yd. 6 coral spools, ‘s. Atkinson {'6 Switzer. in Below "L11 IJ(>(? to THE ‘Lz 0! ill of fjhf‘vlzltt‘ 3th Kelly? diw‘ his (Astute as follmvs :â€"He left f which $2,800 is in real estate l300_ in life insurance. His htflck Kelly; his Sister. Mrs. nsg‘va; and his two lmys, and 9 years of age, are Che vn \ ( acts, 10c. ; Dates, 8.’_.(:. ; Lisins, 4a.: Cleaned Cur- Minco Meat, 96. Atkinâ€" SEAL and The; \V'eekly a given to new subscribers ‘sont (late to the .cnd of I). As :1 trial trip 'botl) of ‘ will be given tn the 0nd 1t year for 35 £145. Bran for $3.000 iv “SUD )Tl and Socksu‘Ve have of buys rubbers and ï¬nd the value right. Elgiu Mills. Vill I nua Ire showing sumo s in hlnlxkéfS both Wed. “’9 sell for 3ros., Elgin Mills. AL store as purchased the the Richaxdsnn ash sale, and the 3.4 This is a. de- uecially for Mr. gside his farm on » balance of tho. has been bought ‘00“ I" is the Switzer': 1 L110 hold WM. kK' C tkinsou for Christ regula r now 135 Atkinson 1U otton 'Gond arch. .6 Mills. $1.00 : 1m sak ncy :08 thin helmï¬b (If 3 cash prices. anuther pug clinod tn pa Plum mil-cloth 20c. sq. yd. ; Curtain pulvs. with Wood or brass trimmings cnlnplpte, 250. ; VanI paper, 3211: a roll.. Atkinson & Switzor. giving Day. The marksmen were supposvd to he shouting for various kinds of poultry. but it, was found next day that dozens of the bullets missvd the target and went through the boards of thvdriviugshed. riddling Mr. Hulsv‘s favnri‘w top buggy. It, is said that, Mr. Hulsv even tonk a few shots himself, but whether .he put a hole or twn in his own buggy depends on his skill as a sportsman. hotlk than Sivel S H ()OTI N G MATCH. Chm-lie Jnlmstnn’s shooting match dww quitoa‘mlmlwl- of 10m] cracks- men to the Palmer Hnuse on Thanks- giving Day. The marksmen were supposvd to be shouting for various kinds of poultry. but it, was found next day that dozens of the bullets missvd the target and went through the boards of thedriviugshed. ï¬ddling Gent‘s Fancy Braces that wvre special at, 55c. now 500.; Gents 50c. Fancy Puff Ties for 45c.; Mnlvskin punts. $1.00; gnud tweed pants $1.00. Atkinsnn (K’ Switzl‘r. ~ People in this section of cunntry will be pleased to see in print the rm-md iiimlv this fall by Mr. S ncer Umloy of Sti-oud. formerly of dither- sun. The p-izes gained by liimthis fall m P as f0 lmvs :â€"Innisfil. lst prize; Hamilton, 15b, and special for six crown fin-rows and finish; Saltfleet, lst, and special furï¬nish: Unistor, lst. and spew-in] for start, ï¬nish and best land in ï¬eld: Thistlotown, 2nd, and special for six m-nwns; Miltnn. lst, (1122 Isl, and special furï¬nish: Uniswr, lst. and spet-ial fur start, ï¬nish and best land in ï¬eld: Thistlotown, 2nd, and spvcinl fnl' six crowns; Miltnu. lst, :mxl spmjaifur stun-L and ï¬nish; Tn- mntn Gure, lstv, and special for start; Toronto township, lst, and special for start and ï¬nish. Patron, J. \\'. Muyes. Esq. ; President. \V. T. SLm-vy: lst View-Proa, 1’. G. Savage; 2nd Vi('&‘-]’l‘rs.. '1‘. Newton ; Treasurer, H. A. Nicholls; Secretary. T. F. McMahon ; (Summith of Malmgement, \V. H. Pngsley. F. McCunnghy, J. Palmer, J. H. Sanderson ; Audiun-s, J. H. Bx-ydnn and Geo. McDonald. \Vatchspï¬ng Cursets, $1.15; 0111' regular $1.1M)cm~set 95v. ; our regular 750. cox-va 700.; our regular 500. one 470. Atkinson & Switzer. SUDDEN DEATH. The rrluLivos and=friends of Milton “’ells :if Eversley. King, were startled nn Munday to learn of his sudden dmbh. Deceased had hum} ailing for sex-oral months with symptoms of Bright’s Disease, hubnn the morning that he died .he drun- out to King (lily to spend the day with his mother, and his sight-r, Mrs. John A. McDonald, at, the~pustoflica After he had been in the house a short, time he walked out into the store. but was taken sud- dpnly ill with dizzim-ss and vomiting. One of his relatives asked him if he felthetbvr, but he'rvplied that he did not, and this was the last time .he spoke. lIv died in loss thmrtwnehours after his arrival at the pnstoflice. He was about, 42 years of age, and leaves a wife and family. ‘ “y -’esent ntun Mr. R. I wrnhill. g the pu The Richmde Hill (‘urllng Clul) x-o-l 'ganized nu \Vedlu-sduy evening of l 5‘» week with the following nfflcvrs: Pam-0n, J. XV. Mnyes. Esq. ; President. \V. T. SLm-vy: l \Vm'k hm 1H pub it mmlvsLly, there isn‘t any z-l'uutwvar sold in this cmmtl-y pussr-s over the mnmtm-s of x. the hunt and shoe man. 101- can tho snnw class of goods he :hoaperiu any ntlwr place. He 1V01‘stn nmke :1, px‘uï¬t on every- ; ho solls. Of course the rnflt is l, but, many years in )usiness tnnghtliim when and where to :u that his customers may get the. ï¬bnf stock purchawed at, lowest prices. Read his new adv. nn Jul-page and you will feel in- ;l to pay a. visit to his store. A PLO‘W M AN‘S R ECURD. BUSINESS PROPOSALS. OFFICER S ELECTED. light} lnm that his 01 nf stock ices. Ben 1‘ page an .0 pay a. \‘1 BOOTS A ND SHOES :mnnf ns ( nlA iil'l)‘ pun it] l'l‘d by \\'m. Gray Thnthnm. Ontario. ï¬x-at-(‘luss‘ and Mr. zm inspection of using elsvwhm‘P. ht "The t 11 ladies, l] (‘1 ,he “'98 n esda y p11 11ft W ION Mm Pet ksmith. inform- :uwd tn ‘6 and 0f I The Toronto Amateur Minstwls l have come and gone, and the impress- .ion loft behind them is that a mnre i gentle-manly lot of young follows lemud not, be found in any company. { Their propriety uf heliaviur whilehero prmwl that a man may wear a black fact and still he a gent‘lmnan, and too much praise cannot, be rivon our former townsman. Mr. A Savage, for bringing the Minstrels up Ln give a perfnrmance under the patronage of the Public Library. The silk hats on Thanksgiving Day gave a tune to the village, and made the citizens uneasy for the perfurnmnce in the evening. The Masnnic Hall was crowded to the doors. and when the curtain rolled up on the 25 “ niggers," a warm reception Mr. H. F. Hoppvr has hrir‘k store and (lwvlling n M( tI-nmlitnn “Exiting R‘ chasc Mrs. Snnlos‘ stock 0 and confectionery, and tnk inn tu-day. Mr. Happen keeping an Ilp-m-datc stool at this soasnn of MN year a “Ki-5 .given thvvvm. Their get-up’ was excellent. and the picture presented was worth half the price of admission before a da‘rkey opened his mouth. The opening chorus, Brooklyn Handi- cap, was well rendered. and put the audience in good shape for the, show that followed. The end men were goo’eL-und while :some .of their jokes were necesmrily chestnuts. they were. given in such good style that. they were thoroughly enjoyed. Muster Sydney Randall, the celebrated boy singer, was :1. favorite with all. Mr. Frank Kidner was in good voice-1215 were Mr. Savage and Mr. \Venhox'ne. John Kidnor and ‘ seemed to be oldâ€"timers and caught on from the first. Frank Lancaster and Frank Taylor gave a number of good songs, and Were about as funny as theynnrke them. “De \Vnternielon Spoiling on de Vine," by Mr. Lam- i caster, was sung and acted in a inan- ner which reflected much rredit on the performer. 0. \Vhito and G. Young were also well received. The Darktown Quartette and the, Pic-rm- inny Band were exceptionally good. The aft-um yspeeclum \Vopmn’s Rights by Prof. 'ntkins was well delivered and provempneof the hitsot' the even- ing. After paying for the perform- ance and all expenses the Board have n. balance of over $17 to place in the funds of the. Lihrary. John Robinson v “’9 wish 'tlu- 11v“ his new venture. Sunday, DMZ. 4, will 1 Young l'vnplvs’ Sunday with the- “ Forward Mn Richmond Hill (‘vhupti wm-th Leaguv. The up the day will he a, Snnris ing at 7.30 a. m. A1 morning sol-vie» :1 sp( young )woplé‘ will lu- Rev. \V. G. Smith of V Toruntn. At, a mass Tornntn. At, a mass mleng coin- mencingut 2.301). m. interesting ad- dresses will be given, interspersed with bright music. In the ovr-ning a. Platform Meeting will be hold ud- di-essed by Revs. Gen. McCulloch and W. G. Smith. follnwvd by :m Altar Servicv. During thv ensuing week meetings nf em evangelistic character will he held each evening at 7.30 until Friday. A special choir will assist t-huvughout in the service of Sung. While the meetings are held under the auspices of the Epwurth League, in is earnestly desired that all who mm will avail llimnst-lves of their helpful- ness. Come to bless and be blessed. Selisia Lining that was good value at, 10c. nnw 9('.; at 120. now 100.“ Waist Liningthat was vxtm at 130. now 12c. ; net cash ; kindly examine Atkinson & Switz' 1-. A particularly intorvstlng pro- gramme was given at tlw At Home in the Tt'lllpt'l'ilnk't‘ Hall on Tuesday evening. given by the \V. U. T. U. of this village. After the opening hymn was sung. Miss Rogers. viceâ€"president, gave H. scripture reading. The Crusade, Psalm. after which Rev. G. McGulloch offered prayer. Miss \Viloy, corres- ponding secretary gave a report of the year’s work of the Local Union, and later in the evening Miss Trench re- ported the recent Provincial Conven- tion at Ottawa. Both reports Were exhnuative, replete with information and wit, and were most interesting features of the evening’s progrnunne. Mrs. \Viley, Provincial Secretary. also gavv an interesting tnlk hl-aring on temperance work throughout Ontario. The musical and literary selections were well received, and consisted of the following :â€" Instrumental Solo, Mr. A. J. Hume. Recitation, The Drinking House over the way. Mrs. McCulloch. Quartette, †All among the Barley,†by Mrs. Switzer and Miss \Viley and Mesa-s. Storey and John SOIL Solo. The Last llynm, Mr. J. H. Sanderson. Reading, st‘lm‘tion by Kipling, Mr. E. C-uumhs. “net, “1 know a Bank whm-mm the \Vild Thyme Flows,†Miss Trench" zlml Mr. Hume. (‘lmiu- refreshments were svrvvd at, the cluse of the *‘lltrk‘l‘billnllfl‘lIt. and a pleasant half hour \ 'as spent, in social intei-unln'se. The rhaix' during thv s-veniug vas ï¬lled by the President, Mrs. Switzer, with her usual gnutv, and 511's. Hume and Miss \Viley ably assisted in the progI-zumue us organ zlcuoulpauists. Mr. Sim-Icy will In Missionary enile at 7 i YOUNG 1’1 Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripan‘s Tubules cure torpid liver. Bipqns Tabulgs: gentle cathartic. THE VICTORIA MINSTRELS. \V. *will be preached by mith of Victoria Cullegc, a mass meeting com- 30 p. m. interesting ad- he given, interxpm'sod msic. In the evoning a. Ming will be hold ud- -vs‘ Gen. McCulloch and Vill he avcmnpnnipd deputatiun un Sum} '13. Mary’s Church. 4, will he observed as Sunday in mmnentinn and Movement" of the "humor of the Ep- The ()pvn'ing sk-t‘vicv of 1 Sunrise Prayer Mvet- m. At. the regular )PLI . linppm‘ purposes date stock. Oysters ln- year a specialty. proprietor succesg in AT I‘IOMI At the pedal 3 has rented the ng next to the g- Roum. pur- »(:k of groceries 1 take-s possessa‘ SUND regular x-mnn to hvd by ’EHE FIRE PROOF Choice New wits and Candied Peels at lowest pmeg MASON, - ' RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE - STORE W E $§flflï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ï¬j§§i tiï¬wwwwmmmwwé“ COAL BAEQEES, Pure Lard. 8c. ; Mince Meat, 90. ; Cheese, 11c. ; ( ed Currants, Bic. ; Seeded Raisins, 10c. ; Pure F Extracts, 9c. ; Our Own Bakin Powder, 15c Green Coffee, QC. ; Happy ome Soap is special‘ 8 for 2:19. ; best Peels, 150. ; Is 0:1 hand with the Latest- amb best makes of ISAAC CROSBY. 5-4 Table Oilclnth, best quality. 18c. Heavy Flannelette VVI-a 01's, $1.10. Heavy 60 inch Damask Ta 0 Linen, 25c See our 95c. Flanneletto. See our $1.25 Blankets. See our Men’s Wool Sox, 2 pair for 250. See our 40 inch Selisia, 100. Rielunond Ilill ; Mince Meat, 90. ; Cheese, 11c. ; Clean- Bic. ; Seeded Raisins, 10c. ; Pure Fruit can lead a horse to water, but ahundred cannot make him drink. That’s the way it is with ad- vertising. It’s a very simple matter to bring people to the counters, but the buying part rests with them. That’s why we advertise what we can do, no more, conï¬dent that the values we offer will do the rest. Figs, 5c. ATKINSOE & SWITZER. Also other makes of ranges. And everything in the-“stove and heatingiine. All kinds of Tin at bottom Stove Pigaes, pairing Promptly & Hardware prices. Elbows, Done