Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Dec 1898, p. 8

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Newmnrket ........ Aurora. King.. RICHMOM) ‘L‘hm-nhill .. HILL TORONTO Union . Connects with an trains. lean/in House Richmond Hill. as follows Mail & Expressfixorth 61 South. Express North and Mail South. TORONTO Union .. I‘hornhill... King ..... Aurora. ...... Newmarkec . magnum) HILL Between Toronto and Richmond Hill. Gus leave 0. PR. Crossing M 720 and 0.40 tun 2.40, 5.40 and 7.45 p. m. Curt: leave Richmond Hi 1 at 7.8.30 and 1‘ u. m. PRUCTORK‘STAGE LINE. Cars leave Ricliixinnd Hi 1 ac 7.3.30 and 1111. m; 4, 7 and 10 p. m. . Wednesday and Saturday Family Excursmns leave C. P. R. Crossing Im- llichmnnd Hillmt 1.30, 2.40. 3 30. 5.40 and 7.45 p. m.; return- ing leave Richmond Hill at 230,4, 4.30, 'Taud 1c p. m. Belmm [are 25 cents ; children 15 cents. Special Excursion evei-v emumg from C. P. B. Crossng to Richmond Hill uml return at 7.45. Return {are Qchnts; children 15c. Excursion from Richmond Hill every Wednesâ€" day at 2.30 p. m., returning leave Tornnm m. 7.45 p, in. Return fare 2.50.; children 15c. METROPOLEATQT‘IME TABLE \I ~ifiéfix‘fiond Lodée. A.F. and A. M.â€"Meets mon- dav on or before full moon. ConnRichmond.A.O. F.â€"â€"Meets second and fourth Friday. Ivy Lodge. A. 0. U. W.-â€"~Meets fnurth Tuesday of each month. Camp Elam, SA 0. S.â€"â€"Meets second and fourth Wednesday R.T.of Temperanceâ€"Meets first Wednesday of each mourn. Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets secan Monday of every mnnuh. Public Library and Reading Room-Open Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evenings. Enworth Leagueâ€" Meets every Friday. “C Mager Wishes to inform his patrons that his shop at; Will be open every evenng during the busy season until 9.30 p. m. At greatly reduced prices. medium sizes at 15 cents each, and large ones at 18 Iliclnnond Ilill. BABY’S EXPRESS. Monday. Wedn esday At reasonable rates on shortest notice The LIBERAL. POST OFFâ€"{CE NOTICE Boyle’s - mm Freight and Parcels delivered and collected. Repairing done on short notice. W. MAGER, Plovv ljoints Repair Shop. LEVi GABY. S010 1’latos Subscribe for Baal Befivared Village Directory. From 25 to 35 cents each. TORONTO Guby’s Express runs to Patronage Solicited. GOING NORTH Mail I ........ 10.51 ........ 101M 60mg â€"â€"EVERYâ€"â€"â€" He is selling All kinds of cents each. and E‘riday. 10.30 9.48 3.15 SOUTH leaving the Palmer Bumin Excursions Richmond mum, 5 p.m.; return- Hill at 230,4, 1511c Ex 1.30 m E: 1mm» 2.37 3.13 6(‘3 615 m 645 Ex 515 All m The property and business of the undersigned on Yonge St. Richmond Hill. There is thrreéquarters of an lacre of land, on which is sitfiated a ' good residence with brick shop attach- ed. Also another dwelling at the rear with good stables and outbuildings in good repair. An extensive retail butcher business is now carried on m . this place. I If not sold by the .151: of January, 1899, this place will be to rent to a; suitable tenant. Possesswn given the l 22 if H. F. flopPER. “ ()TICE is hereby ngan pursuant 1897,0hap 1‘30. that all poise claims againat the estate of John Kel the Township of Markham in the York, mason, usceased, are required 1: post pramrid or deliver to the under“ licilors for the eXPcutor-s of the estate said executors on or be‘ure the Notice to Creditors Late of the Township of Markham in the County of } mk, mason, deceased. Their names addresses and descriptions with full particulars 01 their chums duly verified and the nature of the securities if any held by them. Andfin-Lher take notice that after the Sdid 18% day of Junuaiy. 1699, the executors will pmcoed to distribute Mm assets of the said due mseu among the parties titled thereon having ra- gga-4’91.” w the c. )3 which the said executors . ,, _,,, _...1 on“. tho caid u vuu u, u... -._...... 5-. V. .V, , shall have received notice and that the sum executors \\ ill not be liable for the will ass-u us or any part theleof so (list-nbuted to any person or pinâ€"sous of whose claim notice has nub been received bv them at the timer»! said distribunou, Dated ma- 26th day of November A I) 1596 A G F LAWRENCE, Freehold Luau builtlmg 'I‘uroubo 2'24 Sullcitor for the Execute” WM COSGROVE } Execnturs: 2‘2â€"4 S") WM COSGROVE EDVVAHD J FAHEY } The farm of the hue John Kelly. n'mr Head; ford. is to rent tor a. term of Venus. Posmsdun given April. 1609. Apply to WM. CWGILOVEJ Executnrs. 22-! E. J. FAHEY, I Enchmond Hill 1’ 0 An agent for a fast, selling book, "Cuba’s Fight for Freednm. and the War with Spain." Liberal terms. Enquire at this office. “ Fifty-two Weeks With God,” The International Sunday School Lessons for No Christian, especially Clcxgyman or Teacher, should be without it. Beautifully bound in cloth of two colors, with stiff boards. Price Strongly recommended by leading clergymen. On sale by all book-sellers, or sent postpaid on recelpt of the price by The Bradley-Gar- retson 00., Limited. Servant wanted for general house- work. Apply to 22â€"tf MRS. W. R. PROCTOR. Richmond Hill. FOR SALE OR TO RENT lat day of Jan’y, 1899, Publishers, Toronto, Can. In the matter 0! the estate 01 JOHN KELLY, 312w gdvmistmcuts. A fascinating study of 35 CENTS. WANTED T0 RENT WANTED Now ready. 1899. only re required to send by ) the undersigmd 50- o! the estate or to the re the H . F. HOPPER. Richmond Hill. desnriptiqns ‘witlg Blcfim0nd Hill toR S 0 us having ly late of County >0! Meet in the Temperance Hall on the first Wed- nesduy of each mun ch. Assessment system. Payable uxoutHy. Lolly or gentleman. J H. SANDERSON Wheab‘ Whch W hen: Hats. 1 muons AT YAan-nm‘ Whent,white,per1uushu Wheat, red. per bush ‘ when, goose. per bus Outs. per bush Peas, per bush Barlav, net bus Turke} 5, per 11) .. Dressed Hogs, per cwt. Geese, per lb ........ ('hiukens. per pmr . Dncks.per pant . Butter, in pound roll Eggs, trash .......... Potatoes,pvr bush Applea, per bbl Hny,clovor Hay, timothy Straw shun!“ J. T. SAIGEON, Manchester, of Londonfing. , BRITISH AME}: ICA, 0f 'l‘umnm, Canadaâ€"the coming cum pauy fur the. fnrnwra of Yurk Cu. BUsiuess Sulicited. 0F '1‘()11()N'l'0,C.â€"\NADA. â€"â€" ALSO-â€" GORE, ()F }ALT. EA ST YORK Refurm Association. Mondav, Dec. 5th, 1898, for the election of ofih-gra and other important. bwsmess. John Richardson. M. P.P., Ald. H. R. Frank- lund, and other prominent Liberals will be pies- ent and address the meeting. A lull attendance is desired R. J. GIBSON Comfortable brick cottage with a good stable. on the Cur. of Ynnge and Centre 5b.. VVvstv, Richmumd Hill. Applyfo A An English Douhh--barrelled Breach Loading shot gun. App] to \V. BRA LEY. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. The annual meeting of the East Riding of York Reform [\ssnciution will be held in Victoria. Hall. The Royal Tempxars of Temperance Agran fur the following stuck Fire Insurance Companies, viz; Select Ccuncfllor. YORK MUTUAL, UNIONVILLE, 22-“ A First clams Cash Mutual. 21â€"2 FOR SA LE Enrnntu allnrhcis. 1‘! AL 1314}? . T0 RENT Président. Alpeclflc monthly mediclna for ladies to restore and regulate the menses; producan tree, healthy tun! pajnlou discbugu No aches or pains on up proach Now used by over 30,00015dle: once used wulusoagu'n. invigorate mow organs. Buy of your drugglsl only those with our 31 mum-e urea. taco oflubel. Avoid subs fluteairsgnlcd .mchiais'inauou 2c sump; s]. 'ei :01; Address, EUILLKA CHEHICPAL UOMPAN 1. Damon. men at 2 o’clock p. m H. A. NICHOLLS. )0 lsxmo’s 1,5cnls2,ooo1sa,ooo R. J. COHS()N Rivhmond Hill. Richmond Hill Financial Sec'v ll 005 r mwwww 00)88 32 Sec. V’l‘reas. 01K .UJ U homo 00000 (9 €38 The Secret Beauty. The secret of fel not in complexion etc. Beauty is 11le upon the working ( liver and bowels. Marning and evenir soon clear your cman heads, blotches and 1» Prepared by German Herb i?ea DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending n. akth and description may qulckly nscertuin our opinion free w mther an invention is probably atentnhle. Communim. tions strictly confident a]. Handbook on Patents sent, free. Oldest agency for Hl'mn'ma patents. Patents taken through Mining. Co. receive “figééfitjé hikéh thr mogul (tattoo, wiahou The undersigned will npplies up to noon on M 0': the suprly of butche and oreumen’, ngiuu pm meal. potatoes, curdwun institutm' ' dnfim; the y Two sumcéeat arm-i5: due fulfilment. of curb Specifications and it had by makiuguuulicz respecnive institutions Afiandsomely mustth cuhtlon of any scieunfic year: four mopths. $1. 84 .â€"’1'enders are not required for the suppr hf meat. to the Asylum in Toronto. Lundnn. Killgsmm Hamilton and Mirmco nor tu me sentral Prison and Mercer Befoxmuwuy, Toron- o. "The lowest or anv tender not necessarily argepted. tut Boys 1’ezuâ€"L:u.ul the Deaf and Dumb Brantfm'vl. â€" fie papers insnrting this advertisement with- out, nutuonty from the uegnrtmeut, will not. be wt! for '19.. Qanggs'jsroadw; râ€"(Siéflédi'R. ()hristle. ’1‘.F. Cbamberlim James Noson, Inspectma uf Prisons and Pubiic Shin-Mes,l’arliumentBuildzugs, Turunto. Nov. 1, 1898. The cast half of Lot No. 28, 2nd con Markham. Applyfitu THE SUN Life Assurance Co. Assnres on an the modern plans, and is 9136 or the 1;;usb Drnsl emns qud p ‘nsvresswe companies in exxsbence. New life nDNicatinns m “594.. Assets.3lst1)ec..1894 L mnw st Jam, ’93.. 31.628.569JM Premiums low, 7101 as unconditional and Donnu’l’eimble. Take a. policy win: the wstrict agent. LIBERAL OFFICE THE LIBERAL Globe to jan’y $130. bvemng Mar, (Duly), year, $32 25 THE LIBERAL and Tom WnIld, one year, $22.75. THE LIBERAL and M ing Globe, one year. 9:54 THE LIBERAL and We Sun tojan’y 1,1900, $1. THE LIBERAL and \Ve Witness of Montreal, $1. THE LIBERAL and Wcékly Mail to jan’y, ISt, 1900 $i50. THE LIBERAL and Toronto Evening Star, (Daily), on: RICHMOND HiLL, §iéfiitifi€ Emerican, handsomely lllmtmfnrl weekly. latinn 0! any sciemmo jnurnnl. at; four months. 81. Sold by all n & cu'3slsroadway,N Branch Omoe. 62') F BL. V‘fushlng T. F. McMAf-{ON. Clubbing Rates 15-tf Farm to Rent DRUGGZ ST, OF CANADA. is for §fi§flii§3$ QM; 9543i? 12-593} fem ‘vien will be required for the 2) contract. us of tender can onh he on to the Bursars 01 the 'D. BOYLE, Richmond Hill wders and Weekly Ist, 1900, and Toronto] RICHMOND HILJ die m Rfififi. Largest Mn Terms. $3 E Iewsdenlers. C l‘é ndmx mach 41w; tor - 1 £10111”, Hnr um. 1)! 3m- .50. akly 7'. €33! 3:“ 33 Rant I Liffiriié {2313811311 {Ed m”; Ta}? (139;; ~{in 'b‘a m'eparel to supply DRESSED LUMBER uf ml kll‘dfl and do PL HNI‘IG AND MATCHING U! 343131912? ill Patronize your own mm by buying your And other mill products at our mill, where you will get a good article at a reasonable price. L. Innes & Sons. The subscriber would i'espectfully intimate to the public that. having rebuilnhe chopping mill at cHaPPiNfi3 MILL And doubledits capacity. he will chop dain uuti‘. further uorire. He is also still keeping ALL KINDS Ql“ LIN kxuds at lowest prices. Patronage solicxted ; satistaction guaranteed Maple. Nov. 8th 1898 T”: 5:“. ’ qucsr TM 5 IN THE WORLD FROM THE TEA PIANT TO THE TEA CUP sold TfiE FINEâ€")T TEA I“ 'r -r manna Te Ifiit‘lnnoud i’iill. Mating and Shopping RICHIVEOND rent. Henry Marsh. Promptly attended to £1.UU 1361‘ Year THE PERFECT TEA rack-ed Wheat, Wheat Grits, Whole Neal IN THE VILLAG RIAPIJE farms 9;: 1 tenant; Lynn-t rro niés.‘ FA LC! TTVE PURITV keeping ALL KINDS 0F and in 1!. Raw davsr willr be TRF‘; mtl and Store with Lawn y for purchaser. and The dweliing and land. ‘FFTT m’nRKDGH. mriu Sm, I‘m-unto RA 7411).. x "a. and c.. 50c. and 6°C. tell him to writs ,ckagcs. qupcrrisjon Aid hythcm .and Ceylon one but the Tea. can be ‘rout 5!.

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