Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Dec 1898, p. 7

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stove BVDI The success of one too often means the failure of many. It’s often unwise foraman to be as funny as he can. . Most men’s idea otagood resolution is one that will stretch. The closer you get to some people the more distant they are. It is easier for aphiioxopher to stand tribulations than \‘elxuiions. About the eariest thing; in the world is not tobecome a millionaire. Usully the older aman grows the poorer theopinion he has of himself. The best some people can do is to ex- press somebody else’s opinion. A woman seldom knows just what she: wants, but she usually gets it. Most every man is personally acâ€" quainted with the speaker of the house. Courtship may he love in the abs- tract, but marriage is a different thing. Any girl can hit the side of abarn -â€"by standing inside of it when she throws. with thy truth. * “'omen ought to succeed as harbors; they possess all the conversational re- quirements. It isn't always what a man knows. but what he doesn't tell, that makes others believe he is wise. 7 You can almost see the cracks inthe voices of some people when they at- tempt to sing. Tram up your child in the way he should go and keep in the middle of the same road yourself. A phrenologist says the bumps on a man’s head sometimes indicate that his Wife has a. well-developed muscle. flow Dodd's Klany Pills (‘urod film of Rheumatism and Gout. After the Best Doctors and Many Medicines Had Fall- ed. Dresden, Dec. 12.â€"fIhls tuwn boasts a. peculiarity of which its people may well be proud, aSl it proves beyond dis- pute, that they possess that desirable attribute, commnn sense. in no small degree. That peculiarity is the reâ€" markable decrease in the number of cases of Rheumatism during the last few yers. Eight years ago, Dresden was afflict- ed by that curse of modern civilization. Rheumatism, to as great an extent,as any other place; of its size in the Dom- inion. To-day such a Complaint is practically unknown here. ‘ l A clue to ths means by which this de- sirable condizinn his be=n {brought about may be found in the following statement, given for publication by \V. G. Crag-g, Esq., ex-reeve of the town, and one of our most prominent mir- EX - BEEVE UHAGG A Prominent Dresden Citizen Tells an Interesting Story. and one of our most prominent mir- chants. , ' "For eight years I was a martyr to Rheumatism, of the Inflammatory type, and during that period, my suffer- ing beggared description. To add to my misery I was atiacked by Gout. The. best doctors failed to benefit me, and no good was done by the many patent medicines I used. "At times I could not get about at all. and at the best. it was a severe task for me to make my way about my store. : « "Hearing that Dodd’s Kidney Pills had cured a Dresden lady of Rheuma- tism, I decided to try the medicine. Imagine my delighted surprise when I found myself growing better after having taken halfâ€"a-dozen doses. I used six boxes of the pills and am now as sound and well as ever I was. Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured me. This I am ready and willing to swear to.” Dodd’s Kidney Pills are the surest, quickest and best cure for Rheuma- tism ever known. They never fail. And they cost only fifty cents a box, at all drug stores. . i - LAPLAND‘S FIRST NE\VSPAPER A decided novelty in the way of news- paper enterprise is announced from Lapland. The first paper in that counâ€" try has appeared. It is written upon a single sheet of paper, and is publish- ed every Sunday at a town with an unpronounceable name. Up to the pre- sent the journal has only half adozon subscribers, and every issue is welâ€" comed with loud applause. Land which the Duke of Bedford pronounced as impossible to convert into really satisfactory pastures, ex- cept, perhips, at prohibitive cost, was partly treated with Alberts’ Thomas- iPhosphale Powder, and Dr. Fream reâ€" porting (:n it last year concludes as followszâ€"“The portion of the field bor- dering on the road was occupied with exceedingly poor herbage, moss was plentiful, and there was an abundance of hawkweed, both of which are in- dioalive of poverty of the soil. The inner part of the field, where Thomasâ€" Phosphate Powder had been applied, had obviously benefited from th; dress- Phosphate P< had obviously ing, the he fresher and grazed. In marked devel fresher and had been more grazed. In addition there marked developmem of clever :1 er leguminous pl:nls. Hencc result of the dressing, it may cluded that the cnndilim of was undergoing improvement, a the gradual accumulallon of n by the leguminjus species will zimntely to the, woduction of J‘HE DUKE OF BEDFORDS LAND. in: re is mo written. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. singed cat dreads an open-faced is something radically wrong character that is impaired by vulu; ‘Lory made than was year concludes as tion of the field box-- 1 was occupied with herbage, moss was *e was an abundance 11 of which are in« y of the soil. The field, where Thomas- had been applied, fited from th; dress- was greener and nd oth- and losely vel‘L ex- wu s nas- reâ€" as bar- You May Be Relieved of the Pains and Ashes of This Disease. The way is plain; it is no experiment; thousands have been cured and say they now have no symptoms of this disease. Hood’s Sursaparilla is the medicine they look and it is the medicine you should take if you wish to be cured. Hood‘s Sarsaparilla cures rheumatism when other medicines fail because it neutralâ€" izes the acid' in the blood and thus re- moves the cause of the disease. Give it :1 fair and faithful trial and you‘may depend upon a complete and perman- ent nnmr Remember The way thousand; now have Hood's qu Is Cnnsrlu’s Greatest Medicine. Sold by all dealers in medicine. Price 8L other medicines fail be‘ izes the acid' in the b1( moves the cause of the :1 fair and faithful tri depend upon a comple ent cure. Hood’s Pills ‘Xfi Prince Chilkow. the Russian Minis- ter for Railways, commenced his career by making a tour of the world in order to take note of all the latest in- ventions and to study the working of railways abroad in a practical manner. He first of all worked as an ordinary mechanic in the locomotive works at Liverpool, after which he became a railway guard, and afterwards station- ma-ster at an English town. Returnâ€" ing to Russia, he again worked as a mechanic, andafterwards asa station- master. After passing" several years on the Transcapian railway he was made director of the Varsorie railway, then Inspector-General of Railways, and. finally Minister. .A man may forget home, kindred, friends and almost everything else, but he never forgets the: first time he went into a barber shop to get a shave. Rheumatism We don’t advertise for mere effect, but for business. \Ve know tlnt, if you are subject to cramps, that you should have a prompt, efficient remedy on hand. Nervilineâ€"nerve pain cureâ€"has a. wonderful and immediate curative power. It relieves in one minute; it cures in five. Pleasant to the taste and the best known remedy for pain. In order to capture a fish a South American tribe whips the water with the wood of a tree which contains a. substance having a narcotic influence on the fish, which are then readin caught. The width of the leaves is 20 inches. A Bible, the leaves of which are consider- ably longer {than the largest news- paper at present isuued, would be a big thing to handle, and, when to this is added the fact that the covers are solid planks four inches thick, it will be unâ€" derstood that this costly Stockholm treasure is not exactly a pocket Bible. TITLED THIEVES. A Princess, a Countess, aDuchess and ihe daughter Ufa reigning Prince were among the 4,000 thieves, profes- sional and unprofessional, who were arrested in Paris during the year end- ed October 31. T0 CURE A CULD IN ONE DAY. Tull! Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Drug guts nlund tha money i! 11. um to Cure. 25¢. Bonkblndlng, Prlntlug, Aoot. Books. Mxlfigflflggs ruled. Cm IL Lagigauflflxlgg-ec. Sendiour mnguzinee, have them gm;er boun Bill Bends, Summon“. Lemar Headr- CurdsJuabuck and Lu unlng Baud. 200 and recaive post-pd counter on) book “35952:: SAUSAGE OAsINGSâ€"New Emponationn finest English Sheep and Americ fight who; PARK. aâ€"reliable good: u n Hog Colin t. 00.. Toronto. LAOKWE We ofl'er One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cave o-l Cuban-h that cannot be cured by Hall's Catan‘g (Eula; “‘VWC' g. nn N‘n1n41n n L‘nu. VA “my- vv V- Wethe uniernigutd, have kniwn F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years and belleve him peflectly bonomble in all bmlness u‘ansacflfins and financially able tocarry out any obliga- tion made by melt firm. WEST 8L TRUAX. Wholesale Drugglsts. Toledo. 0. ; WALDING. KINNAN Sc MARVIN, Wholesale Drung'sm. Toledo. 0. Hall’s Catnrrh Cure is laken internally, act- ing dlréctly upon the blood and mucous sur- facas of the system. Testimonials sent free. Prim 750. not bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall’s Catnrrh Cure int: dlréctly upon the faces of the system. Prijerr750_.per_pol‘t._1§. TOEONTO CUTTING SCHOOL oflen would inducement: to ount men desirous o! tnkin u Catlin ; ull pntioulan on; 11 «no: p n; Y NOB 8T.. TORONTO. pp is u. lu\vl 11’s F5!“ VVVVVVV A RAILWAY GUARD QUEER FISHING Ԥ.‘5.“Ef_fiENEY & co..'_'r_olle‘gc3j HOW'S THIS ? Remember sure. mild, effective dealers. 25c. ‘, ‘ P0950 The advent of bicycles into China has aroused a great deal of supexstition among the lower classes, and there is a legion of communities in the Celes- tial Empire where a cycler cannot at- tempt to ride his wheel except at the risk of his life, for the Chinamen re- gard the machine as an evil spirit Among the numerous names the Chin. ese have given to the noiseless steei are gc abroad ;‘ chine,” "autom ous are title of Shows a small hard kernel, covered by layers of hard skin. Thist tiny corn causes keen pain, The only sure means of extracting it, without pain, in a day, is Putnam‘s Painless Corn Extractor. Sure. Yes? Painlgss? Yes. Cheap, Yes indeed! Try it. vrvvvll IrvullIIVll tilluoeeumny Nested. Consul nqunlmed notitéuuer, who van (on; years n pnlnful It ant. In his cured many who hi“ ed oluwhun W: n a. W. J. Amen. M.D.. Berlin. Ont. nna a-cen: “amp will can you a free sample of Campana's Italian Balm, the bPlt preparation for all rnughnees of skin, chapped hands pr face. The Hutuhinga Medicine 00., Toronto. Spqeqh Impediments‘fi «Ewi- £399, 31.25. Agumn wanted. The HOWELI; noox‘ COMPANY. 26-28 Adelaide St. W“ Toronto. R u a F I N g and Sheet Metal Works. ROOFING flLA’l‘E 1n Bhok. Red or Green. SLATE BLACKBOARDS ( o mpply ubVlc and High Schonl~.Torouw). Roofing Felt. P111013. on! Tar, do. ROOFING TILE See New 0in Bulld- 1E1", Toronioh dope b_y puffing); 701:1 091115119, Cor- complafi'or {or n H, LhAuna I“ signed M: ESQ-v3.71; é!- iilebb’tfiaiiy. Phonirlm E. D THIIA SONS, Ado aldo thwmmor 8:9..Toranto. Mantreal and Quebec to Liverpool m summer‘ mug-1 Ind {Mt twin screw staumshlps ‘Labrudor,’ Van~ couver.‘ ‘Dominion,’ ‘Scotaman,’ ‘ Yorkshire! Superior accommodation 101' First Cabin, Sec. ond Cnbln and swerage passengers. Rates 0! pusmge--F1rst Cabin. $60.00; Second Cabin, $35; Sxecr e522‘50 and upwards according to steamer an berth. For all information apply to Luca.) Agents. or DAVID ‘TORHANCE 8c 00.. (36111 Agents. 17 St). Sacrament St“ Montreal. Eominlon Line Steamships. The Bold Bros. Mfg. 00.1 gagfffig'ag L. com: a no" ecu-mun GRAIN AND commssmu MERGHANTS, Bruins at the season. of MINEND, Klngaton, 0111., Jun. 10th. 1899, Iuatruction in Chemissry, Min- bralum’, Geology, Blowpipe Testing. and mher field tests. Pruapecting, Milling, and Develop- ment. For furtherinfur anionzfi 1y to HE DI <‘CTUB. iiius ma BOWLING ALLEYB. Phone 13¢ a» (human 251 King a. Won. maonro‘ LAW l‘uom FL "I. Pragpeciifig Bop 009mm!“ my in the Provinco‘i {mtg pow: QUEER NAMES FOR BICYCLES "TL! MINT TVPIVIIITEnâ€"A really practlt‘a'. I machine and nota mow toy. Prim delivered THE 0mm: apEoIAL 'rv Midfco.’ Limited, TORONTO AND NEWMARKE . om. A Corn Photographed by X Rays Ceqtral‘ 1Z2 'mm fideicLItI ébék“éb"rfif>1"fi?“ 26'254delaido St. w.. Toronto. INERALS TESTED loo-u 409-12 am of man lulldm', TORONTO. ONT. TAMMERERS. onifiz’dir'é'l‘ifié-vbi‘z ‘lNSTJTUTE, 0 Pombrnho at. Toronto. cannu- MILTON HEB'SEY, B. A. $0.. 16 St. Sacrament L. Montreal. Que. anc atic THE TRIUMPH‘ Eu put up and “Mn down. Can be c enncd. nested, and pm “my In I Imall “an. Auk your dealers for ihem. anumotured by 00m lete. To be had only tom ll. ROBE T8, 81 Queen St. 11].. crown Send stamn {or circular and sample of cloth before buying elsewhere. the I68 Aer-lawn 5t.w.. To'ronto. mm - To all others. S” De rl o r Gernrm-oot cloth Four Dallas's Onhlnnltmlou In Onundn for the cure 0! every phue puoh defect. Estnhlllhod in TorontoL Cure [1513 .3393] ADJUSTABLE s'royE Plpgs. m 19 most orlgln: flying dragon School of Minâ€"mg. K133756011, 0hr feit mA'rronn, 03w. c. a. BAEQLA], SHORT COURSE IN chai,” ‘umsun gen.” ’1‘ 00L of MINBNQl Klngston, 9311., |U|U lu we I xuuuuu ' Uni" ll w. J. nmom‘. lsflncufi ho Weqlreyv Bld‘ga..7Rith mond tit. W.. Toronto. Mme. Mlll. a. Halo. Barristerl.em.. removed WVHOLESALE PRICES E‘AfQLoaténac‘iél m The more tim zinal, with th FiLE. 01‘ commerolal Reporl For Banks 3nd Mercantile Buslnm. Joan L. Conn ix) summer: Ears path from flying maâ€" hich means AND Pl:th iii Quid for gain, em. Wgtc for Wicca cyan-nod my a! In, nun” MINING steed from A Clear, Concise Statement about There is no other like it. In the truest sense it is unmatchable‘ Lead packagesâ€"25, 4o, 50 and 60 cents. YEARS INVARIABLE SUCCESS. 100.000 ANNUAL CURES of Constip- ‘nrrion. Flatulenc , Dyspeviia. Indigestion. Don. Fumptinn. Din ates, Bronchitis. Influenza, Coughs. Asthma. Cuban-h, Phlegm. Diarrhma‘ Nervous Debinly. Sleeplessness. Deapondency, U BARRY and Co. (Limited . 17 Regent,- street. London. W.. also in aria, 14 Rue de Castigllone. and at all Grocers. Chemists, nd Stores everywhere. in Line 25., 39., 6d._ 6n lb. 145. Sent carriage free Also DO pAkRY'g BEVALENTA 1313001 TS. in um, 307M End 69. The HEALTH RESTORICD WITHOUT MEUL CINE 0H EXPENSE to me MO *T DIS- URDERED Sl'OMACH, LUNGS. NERVES, LIVER, BLOOD. BLADDER. KIDNEYS. BRAIN and BRE ATH by U BARRY’S REVALENTA ARABIOA FOOD, which SAVES INVALIDS and CHILDREN, and also lie-are mcco sfully In- ,fanta whose Ailments and Debiliuy have re- stated all other treatments. It. di 0529 when ‘allother Food la rejected, saves 6 tune- it: cost in medicine. try. I have spam 40 Come And satisfy y_ British Plate Min-on, Every Hta‘ Stammere rs-mm they will no] MOUTH ORGAN -$§~it| Lance-tooth savah Semi for lEustrated Price List. you have at}; AP_P‘ 166468 King St. East, to ship. ship them to .WMAWMNWMWWWWWWWWW EPPS’S Dawson Commissiog 00.,Limited. GRATEFULâ€"COM FORTING. THE MOST NU TRITIOUS. BREAKFASTâ€"8U PPER. 'i‘oronto. ‘LES, BUTTER, EGGS 0x PDULTR‘ Earn this valuable Watch. Chain Ind Chem by selling twenty Toptl Scarf Pins, It 15 cents each. Send our address and we forwardthn Pins and our Premium List, postpaid. 0 money required. These Pins will almost sell themselven. for the Topaz has III the brilliance of the best diamonds, and has never before been offered at anything like this price. The Watch is neat in appearance. thoroughly well made, and fully guaranteed. Unwld Pins may be returned. Mention this paper when writing. THE GEM PIN (70.. Freehold Bulldlng. Toronto, LUDELLA Ine‘mugum vumr's’mn 00., 5 Grand Opera Plaoo.'l’oronto Pamphlets and Samples of Material of our Steel Frame sent to any address on receipt of stamp. Thermometer afinohment and Vaporizer complete. Agents Wanted for Best. Benin. Beth in America. FREE BOOKLET. GUIDE TO HEALTH. Nlagara Vapor Bath ad): WINTER rams, Linedn Best 25‘ WILKINS & (30., Wm. Millar& 00. ele y on this (iistreasiux ha] No risk. W. K. BATE 192 College St, Toronto Mannf dH Lln' Edison’s Head Ligh We are going to give away 500 of these Edison (iraphophones to pay for introdu- ‘ cing in this country, the greatest of all known medicines, Dr. Hammond ~Hall’s Bl00d~Red Pills. We sell a beautify Cellqloid Mouth Organ for 500. poshpaid. r y scammerer linad’ a. spiendid, serviceable pair. only 500. post-paid; gm Anuly 50c. per 100:. EVERY SA“’ GUARAXTEED. STEEL AXES 50¢. EM)“. Store1 é, Jew- nnd all ininu. is. firaphagéwm .blt The Odorlou Crematory Closet Co.. Hamilwn. Gennemeu : l have used your Odorleis Closet in my bath-room for some time, and have much vlw pure in recommegding ii t9 the public. Neithgr be {51:9, Surfing 0:5?tér Surnin oui, you cannos detect the slightest odor, and won (1 not be without it for double the cost Yours truly. W. R. Honns‘ mm: 11 re while in use and with a family of t m to memb to on eeka IHE UDORLESS CREMR DRY flflfl GENERHL HEHTING 60., Odorless Closet. Hamilton, Ont. Lug, Ont. Feb. 2131. 1898. TORONTO. DEV”)?! TEA. he medicine fr'ce Toronto, C

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