Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Dec 1898, p. 8

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The Board of Education met in the High School on Monday 12H] instfifl x embers present. Messrs. Naughton Switzer, McNaix; Sanderson, Lynett, Storgy, McDonald, McConaghy, Harusnn. . 1 J Néw‘market ....... Aurora“. King... .. Rwandan» HILL ‘l‘hnrnhill TORONTO Union , , . ‘ . . . . 116:]. 1 nauu. Minutes of last meeting read and M ted‘ yuehtxâ€"McConaghyflthut Manage- ment Committee ascertain what is re- quired in desks for the senior depart- ment of the Public School, and pro- vide the sumaâ€"Can-ied. v nun uu\r u“. /. Sander-son â€"- McDonald â€"â€" that the Board grant permission to use the large class-room of the High SCthll during intermission fur a. Reading Room. and that, the Management Committee be instructed to provide tables and chairs to the amount, of about $15.00. The Board adjourned. TORONTO Union I‘hnrnhill.“ «ICHMOND HI King Aurora. Newmarket‘ LL connects with all trains. leaving House Richmond Hill. as follnws Mai! (Q Express,1\orth & South. Express North am! mm South. WEDNI-rsnAY.Dec.21â€"Crer1it su implements av Thompson’s AM at 1 o'clock 51mm. , ckurdt (S: Prentice, auction TUESDAY. Dec. 20â€"Oredit 50.19 implements an Int 7., can. 5 property of Wm. Smith. Su 10 months credit; Eckar. uuctwuems. FRIDAY. Dec. 23â€"Credit sale of timber, mostly beech and N 8011. 1 Scm‘buru, the propelâ€"i1 Sale at. 1 o'clock. Terms 1 season? tn reumve mob: Prentice, auctioneers. EParties gettmg their bills Oflice will receive a. notice simiz rum-z or CHARGE . Between Toronto and Richmond Hill. Cars leave 0. RR. Crussme M720 and 9.40 33:11.; 2.40, 5.40 and 7.45 p. In. Cars leave Brcl-mond Hi-l at. 7.8.30 and 11 a. 12.; 4, 7 nnd 10 p.111. Wijnnstlny mri Saturday Family Fxcnrfiione lenvp C. .l’. R. (‘rnssing for Richmond 11mm 1' 3“, 2.40. 3.30, 5.40 and 7.45 p. 111.; return- ing lfiwe Rii'lmlond Hill at 2.2!“, 4. __ 4.30. 7mm :0 p. “L Return [are 7 _ 25 cents ; children 15 cents. Specml Excursion everv evening from C. P. R. ‘ Crossing to Rimmnnd Hill and return at, 7.45. Return tare ‘25 c: nus; children 15c. Excumian from Richmond Hill every Wednes- day at 230 p. m,, returning lenve Toronto at. 7:45 p. 11). Return fare 25c.; children 150. PRUCTORKETAGE LINE. _U;Itil further native Hails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post. 3 06 as follows:â€" Monxma :-â€"Goiug Nort11.souih East and West, includinu ThomhillI " Maple, Tm‘nntu Mnrkham,&c. 8.13 EVENING zâ€"Go'mg south East and West (as above) 5‘15 §.B.-â€"Registered Letters must he handed in It least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above Ine‘hbioped hours for clnsingl ‘1 mYnYFDV Blush-nocnt- METROPOLITAN-Hm TABLE VV. Mager Wishes to inform his patrons that, from the DTPSl‘nt date to thelst of May, 1899, he will be prepar- edt'o ‘ ANTED4-SEVEBAL TRUSTWORTHY persons in this scam to manage our bus:- ness in then-own and nearby counties. It is mainlg oflicu work conducted at. home; Salary ItrliE a $900 a. year and expensesâ€"definite, h u .fids. no murs. 1::- lens salary. Monthly $75. Raf-snares. Ennlme selfnddressad stamped envelope. Harlan-1'. 127. La». Prest. Depth 1!. Chicago. ‘1-"6 chle’s - mm “‘XT._ 4‘ Cents per Baa. Iliehmond H ill. The 1mm of the late John Kelly, near Head- !ord. is to rent for a term of veers. Possession given Agvrfl. 1899. Andy to - M. COSGBOVE. } Executors.‘ 22-1 E. J. FAHEY, Richmond Hill P 0 Ohe Cutter. Trench, nearly new. Apply tn 24-2 MISS E. N. BRO\VI§I.’ POST OFFICE NOTICE CHOP GRAIN Board of Education Rvpniringdone on short, notice. w. MAGER, Repair Shop. FQR SALE Any day of the week at T0 RENT Sale Register. p;9.s(: N a ughiafi :Nair, Sanderson, Lynett, McDonald, McConaghy, GOING NORTH Mail 1 8.40 ....... 9.40 “1055 ..... 10.05 GOING SOUTH Ex. ....... 3‘15 . TIME TABLE. JIâ€"Cl'edit sale of stock and Thompson’s hotel. Lansiqg, 10.30 *‘Oâ€"fl MT'FEEFY. Postmasten :‘il' bills print-ed at this ca similar to the above Hammond Hill. ‘5 acres standing Maple. on lot 29. ;y of \V. A. Young. 10 months. Two xel‘. Eckm‘dt & Pac Ex 1.20 km Ex Man, 3.13 or}? runs :1 mouclla f farm stock. Markham. the at; 1 o'clock. 6: Prentice 2.37 4.20 the Palmer 6(3) 615 515 555 716 724 755 707 The iimlersigiwd will receive tenders from persons who are prepared to per form the duties of caretaker of the Village Rink at. Richmond Hill during the winter season, stating charge per night. Duties explained on u plicaâ€" tinn tn the undersigned. Ten 1's m be in by Saturday, Dec. 17th at 5 p. m. M. TEEFY, Village Clerk. Zuw gantrtistmeuta. TENDERS WANTED; I have :1. Quantity of very fin? ham-y in a}. 1, 2, 25. and 51h. tins 01- in yum- own Vessels at 8 cts. per lh. not. This honey was not extracted from (5M brood combs and was thoroughly ripened by the bees before extracting. 24-4 H. MILLER. Richmond Hill. The ahuve Rin will be 0an for skat- ers during the season on Richmond Hill, Dec. 14, 1898. Hockey Matches on Thursday own. ings. and practice from 7 to 7.30 on Monday and Wednesday Evenings. SKATING: RINK Evening of each Rink open to Curlers every day, and on Tuesday and Friday Evenings. FINE HONEY Admission for skaters, 10 cents; Child ren, 5 cents. Portland cutter with pole and shafts nearly as gmyd as new, at a halgnin, on lot 54, lsticnn Markham. Notice to Creditors N OTICF. is hereby glveu pursuant. to R S 0 1897.0hup 129. mm. all ya sons having claims against. the estate (If John Kelly late of the Township of Markham in the (‘nuxxsy of York. mason, ueceased, are required to send by pm“ preuuid or deliver to the undersigned su- liclLors for the expcutors of the estate or to the min. executors on or before the Late of the Township nf Markham in mac of )mk, mnsun, deceased. Their names deressés sud desoriptiuns with full particulars of Iheir chums duly verified and the nature of the securities if any held by Ihem. Audiurbher take notice that, after the sum 131: day annnumy. 1599, the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said due eased among the parties entitled tbereno having rev gurd only m the cxsims which the said executoxs shall have received notin e and that the said executors “ ill not be liable {or the said assets or any pan thereof so distributed to any person or palsuns 0f whow claim notice has not. been received bv them at the timeni said nlistrihumou. Dated the 213th day of November A I) 1898 A G F LAWRENCE._ WM Cossnow: } EDWARD J PAHEY L. Innes 8c Sons. Flour ill Flour, Cracked Wheat, Wheat Grits, Whole Neal And other mill products at our mill, where you will get a good article at a reasonable price. Patronize your own mill by buying your MONDAY, \VEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Season Tickets at reasonable rate Existing and Chopping Promptly attended to 15% day of Ian’y, £899, Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. Ripans Tabules: at druggists. JOHN KELLY, RICHMOND HILL Inlnlediately FOR SALE In the matter of the estate of Freehold Luau building Tor-onto Suliailor for the Executors GROVE 1 Executurs: RICHMOND HILL 1*‘0 1' £53 a] < a \V. E. \V RIGHT. o'clock. P. G. SAVAGE, Reeve Richmond Hill, P. from 7.30 to 10 Rxch-mond Hill MN Meet in the Temperance Ha." on the first Wed~ uesrlny of each month. Assessment nybtem. Payable monthly. Ludy or gentleman. Class 3 Age J H. SANDY PRICES AT FARMERS‘ WAGGON Wheat. white, per hush. Wheat, l'ell, per bush .. wheat, goose, per bus 0 6 Oats, per bush 0 3 Peas, per bush 0 5 Harlev, Der bush 0 4 1‘11er 5. per lb ..... u (l DIeSsed Hogs. pal-cw}. 5 4 Geese, per 10"....” u u ‘ hickeus. pea pan- . 0 a Dncks.perpmr .. 0 4 Butter. in pound 1'0 0 I Eggs. fresh ........... n l Potatms, per bush I) F Apples, per bbl 0 (1 Huy, clover G l‘ Hni‘,’ timothy Straw $139an “ Fifty-tiara Weeks With God,” The International Sunday Schsol Lessons for 1899. N0 Christian, especially Clergyman or Teacher, should be without it. Beautifully bound in cloth of two colors, with stiff boards. Price only Strongly recom mended by The Bradley-Gar- retson 00., Limited‘ Publishers, Toronto, Can. The Royal Tempxars of Temperance n sale by all book-Sellers, or sent postpaid on recelpt of the price by Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabuies: gentle cathartic. SANDERBON, SeKOCt Councnllor‘ A fascinating study of 16 to 30 L0 39 to 42 to 45 to 48 tc 35 CENTS. Enruutu aflnz'lzrzs. leading cl‘ergymen. 30 Now ready. ‘500 ‘81.0’;0I&1,€c0‘ 3s Uc 0 3L 0 ()0 (i H) (l7 3') 1‘) The secret of‘ feminine beauty is not in complexion powders, creams, em. Beauty is helplvsfly dependant upon the working order of stonmch, liver and bowels. Use The Secret Beauty. Morning ahd evening :11 soon clear your compk‘xim heads, blotchcs and pimplt Prepared by The properly undemigm-d (m Hill. There- is new of land gum] resident The properly nnrl lmsnwss or I, undemigm-d on Yong» St. Hiclmm Hill. There- is t{woe-quarters of new of land. on which is situated good residence with brick shop nttm ml. Also another dwelling at, the re with good stables and outbuildings good repair. An extensive rot butcher business is now carried on this plate. If not suld l) 1899, illis plat-4 suitable tenant first, (if the He“ 9724f Anyone snndlng a. much and descfl firm mny quickly ascertain om (minim: free w other an invention is prohnhly ntentable. Com - tlons strictly confident :1]. Handbook on Patents sent. free. Oldest agency for semi-in]: patents. 0-0;".0: Miran through Munn & Co. receive nun» IIUC. “rum. .. Patents taken thFSQEHVMunn k3 medal notice, without. chnrrze. in the Eilhtlop \ruIC-Iyuy year: f;n\i}~x§idfiths.r$l. Sdld by all newsdenlerfi. MUHN 61.00:?!Eva‘izétflfi‘fllwk THE LIBERAL and Toronto Evening Star, (Daily), one yea}, $2 25 me }erman Herb “,2; THE LIBERAL and \Veekly Globe to jan’y Ist, 1900, $1.50. 7 u '1an LIBERAL and Weekly Mail tojan’y Ist, IQOgSfiLSO. A large amount of private funds to loan on impruved farm property. Five per cent. in- terest. Easy terms for repavment. No com- mission charged on loans. Apgy to ' ~ A. G. 2‘. LAWRENC , Freehold Mun Building, Toronto 0: at Richmond Hill on Saturda . s. THE LIBERAL and Morn- ing Globe, one year, $4.50. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Sun tojan’y I, 1900, $1.50. Cumfm‘t‘ahle brick cottage with a good stable on the Cur. of Ynnge and Centre $L., \Vost, Ifichmrnd Hill. ' Apply tn THE LIEERAL and Toronto World, one year, $2.75. 7 MONEY I MONEY! A good pair 0f Curling Stones. the I‘OpPl‘ty of J. M. Lawrence. Price $6. A ay be seen at THE LIBERAL office. THE-ILIB‘ERAL {and \IVeé‘nly Witness of Montreal, $1.75. RICHMOND HELL. §§é§itifié *fimeficma, Good House to rent FOR SALE OR 21% RENT UIII‘ \A vvl . . . . . , Branch 011164» 625 1" St“ Washmgton. D. C. Clubbing Rates 22â€"tf IS-tf T9 RENT FOR SALE t nnyiriep‘ufl; WAN TED TO RENT DRUGGEST .:i r._‘ _ “a )ld by the 15b plat-0 “in he w year. H. A. NICHOLLS. the lst~0f January m1 he to rent to : Pnssessmn given th U. MASON. weekly. Largest dr- jnurnnl. Terms. $3 11 dd by all_ pewsdfinlerg. H. F. HOPPER. Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. and it will on of blatk Appjy tn lay in nil 1n 'l n THE the pu bli M - Emu. fiéfifi??%%€% ante, Nov. 8th 1898 J. T. SAEGEON, Manchester, of LondonEng. , BRITISH AMERICA, Of Turmnh‘, Canadaâ€"the coming emu- pany fur the farmers of York Co. Business Suliciu-d. GORE, ()F GALT. Gfifi‘f’s EXFRESS. The LIBERAL. fiionday. At reamnmhle rates on shortest notice Putt 1% ivhnnoud fl‘lill. Freight and Parcels delivered and collected. Aant for the following stock Fire lusmance Companies, viz.: Henry Marsh. LEV! GABY. YORK (36%| Defiivered ubscribe tor OF TORONTO, CAN ADA. â€"â€"-ALSOâ€" A First class Cash Mutual. TORONTO "misappq DRESSED LUMBER. of an 14., PL mNG AM) mucmxu of £1.90 o'er Year. VVedu osday 1L Guby’s Express runs to ‘cx iber wonhl respectfully intimate to that having rebuilt the chopping will ERA P14 E53 FIAPLE. IN THE VILLAGI' F} LIB Patronage Sulicited. uwest pri soliuued 1 tea â€"EVERYâ€" 21] pl .1) RS‘ [l rt and B‘riday. keepir and in ng and Store with Law!) easy for purchaser, 1111-! it. The dwelling and land MUTUAL, FAY satisfaction guarantee-1 x: will chop ERAL ALL KINDS 0 few duvs Willi L $9 33313 RIDGE Tdrunto

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