YoL. XXI. T. . MCBI 34’ D LANGSTAF RICHMZOND HILL. OPE-WC}: HOURS 8:910:13“: GIoSpm Best ï¬tting teeth, alsn lowest prices. Go undue.“ of the Ontario Veterinary College. with diploma. from the (manic Veterinary Danni School, will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week‘ and Concord on Friday mm 1 to 3 p, in. Calls pmmpczy attended to Disease: of horses. cattle and other domesticat 0d animals treated by the latest and most ap- proved. methods. DR. w. CECIL TRGTTER, Dentist, Until April. 1939, will be in the following East \VerluA Och. ‘llith. Novflmp. ‘ VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL, Ont. GFFICE “GIVES SiolOannunul 6 to S p m ‘45: per annum, in advaxvca.] EURSDA‘. E LIBERALPRI‘NTING 3’s PUBUS RICHMOND HILL, 0: Remodelled. and newly furnished throughout. One of me most, convenient and comfortable hotels on Yunge Street. Every modern con- venience. Sample rooms for commerch cuvellers. Anideal stopping place for riding or driving pmiea,bicyclista, or farmers going too: returning from market. Bus meets all trains. Electric cars passthe door. PALMER HOUSE, RICHMO N D HILL, TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. WALTER IIULSE, Proprietor. 6‘ Room 12. 124 Victoria St", (Yndorlakers & Embmmors, Funeral Furnishings Alwayson Hand MISS c, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, very Accommodation :0 gueaza. Bond, 51 vex-day RICHMOND HILL. A CALL - SOLICITED. Oï¬ceâ€"Nsst dun: smith 0F 21 HLOOR STREET W.. TORONTO, Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia, fl. Lflflafl'g ï¬ï¬ai’ï¬g Eï¬â€˜mï¬ï¬a, VETERINARY DENTIST. RICHMOND HILL, (SEGGel‘M to Dr 158 1mm smmc'r mar. Tonouro WRIGHT BROS, W\\\. Rogm‘s BQMXK $\ , 5" Whammy . Fï¬c‘ï¬lroy, aï¬ztslirnl. ?\T â€"-ANDâ€"â€" aid, May 29m MO ï¬ng “’. J. Wilson D EVERY Emmi,sz in Richmond Hill on Inexsduw omy. VIZ; 25th, Jun'y 25th, Feb’y ,Isn replating. at Good work. of Public Schools ONT HINGHOUSE Toronto MACDOUGALL ALFRED MACDOU‘ HIGH COURT OF JUSTXCE, &c. Issuer of Marriage License . RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. WWW, GM?†«‘2; SKELIHS East Toronto Ofï¬ce. My. Grant‘s residence, Woodhndge. evprv ave-nirc. Thombill. each Wednesday from 10 (012. COOK & MACDONALD Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 1, Adelaide St, East. Mr. Cook wiil be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. Notary Public, Conveyancer, Valu- ator, Commissioner m B. R., &c. ROBINSON, LENNOXé’z MACLEOD Money to Luau Jone Innea Building. 75 Yonge St. (cor. King), Toronto Llew. F. Stephens, L.L B. Theo. A. Hunt, ILA Licensed Auctioneers 102' the Counzy o! York_re- specflully solicit your patronage and friendly i nflnence. sales attended on the sLortest nozlco sud a reasonube rates. Ramayana King Canada Lila Bldg BALE): Ecxmm‘. 63 Winchester St. Turonto‘ Licensee Auctioneers (or the County of York. Goods sold on consignment. General salon or stock,etc., promptly attended to at reason: ule rues. 6.R.Gun1u'mg, Newton Brook‘ agent for the show. 25 KING STRE ‘T WEST. TORONTO J. T. Raigeou. Maple. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. 88.188 attended to on shortest notice and at m- aonsble rates Patronage solicited. Licensed Auctioneer {or the County of York. General sales of implements. turuimreJmnding himhar. ate. ,nctended an the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Maple. Linensed Auctions)! for the Counties of York and Ontano. All sales of farm stock, &c.. atâ€" tended to on the shortest notice and renmnnbie rateq. Hartman and bailifl sales attended to. Residence, Scoufl'ville, Ont. Licensed Auctioneerinr the County at York. Chm-gen mpdgnte._ Entronage solxclftd. Ad- éFe'éif‘Wbite Rose P. 0 (0f the ï¬rm ofEckm-dt & Prentice), agent. for the Mammy-Harris Labnr-Saving Machinery, Skim“, Flows, Scumers. «1c. Residence, Union- a. ri‘icitor-to the T citors for the 0 STOKES Barrister. Solimtnr, Convevuncer, Notary . Public, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN Barristq-rs. Solicitors, 611'. TORONTO AND aURonA. Barrister HUNT & STEPHENS, 5:114:75," to 1.50811. ’E‘HORNIIELL. 9?!le I). .TAREE SSS. Bnrtisfers, Solicitors, 610.. Richmond Hill on Wednesdays‘ Eckal'dl dc Plentice SPENCER LOVE, HUGH Btu-ï¬gure, Solicitors, Nannies. Sulgcnn a: McEwa-n. Stokes a: Blough. niaters J. D. Rendman, MMIBSIONEE IN THE S. T. Brookos, J. ll. Prentice N. la. Smith. LAWRENCE. “1M I'(‘( MOND HILL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1898. hold Loan Bui‘u {e and Victoria Toronto. Pi Essen mu rotary, J. H. Pnnxncn Cunning AT 5%. Telephone 2661 J. K. McEwen. Wanton. T0 “ONTO 1) 31.0063 Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty Leicester Breeders’ Association hav- ing headquarters at Cameron. [1]., also paid 115 the honor of holding their annual ineetin during our Show. The Dominion . Wino Breeders’ Asso- ciation also met on Friday night and held an enthusiastic public meeting after the routine Work of electing oï¬icei‘s, etc. Messrs. Fem-mun, llam- illon, and Leach. Toronto, (of the Win. Davies Puckin Co.) delivvred (and illustrated by si( es of pork) ud- dresses containing the most practical information, and valuable because practical, that have ever been deliver- ed to such a gathering at the Fat Stock Show. Space will not permit here to more than mention this meet- ing. butafull account will be found in~the published report. Fat Stock and Dairy Show Vithout dispute the late Show sur- passed anything of the. kind hereto- fore attempted. No such a show was ever before nearly approached, and the steers and wethers were also par- ticularly good. Other years outstand- ing winners were to he found in many of the classes, this year nothing had a mortgage upon the prize money, and never Wexe the premimns so closely fought for. The attendance was greatly increased and the receipts must he gratifying to the executive as Well as to the citizens of Brantford, who may be said to have pledged themselves that the show should be a $l'lfCPSS. During the week several Live Stock organizations held their annual meet- ings. elected ofï¬cers, etc. Among the number may be mentioned the Amer- iCan Oxford-Down Record Association this I believe, being the ï¬rst time that the annual meeting has been held out of the state of Ohio. The American Leicester Breeder-3’ Association hav- i ing headquarters at Cameron. 111., I also naid us the honor of holding: their Lust yoarwe had to chrnnirle the advent of an American aspirant tn sweppstnke honors; this year no such brave antagonist faced the judges, but if tlw stuck remained within their stalls never have our shores been in- vaded by such a representative body of American stockmen as upon this occasion. Only the Atlantic and Paciï¬c oceans seem to limit the sphere of influence of this Association. The Hon. Sydney Fisher, Ottawa, and the Hon John Dryden, Tux-onto, were in attendance. Pruf. Curtis, Ames, iuwa, gave an admirable address, thoroughly practical and a. model of incisive bpeaking. Geo. McKerrow, E, ., of \IVisconsin, also favored us win one of his admirably conceived and characteristic speeches. There were others and many of them, but I must, not forget, the Hon. A. S. Hardy, who proved the blightest and most satisfaxrtm-y chairnmn for a gathering such as the one on Wednesday even- ing. The ofï¬cers were on lumd early and late ; the energetic secretary was ubiquitous and nothing escaped his notice or attention. A In the Shorthorn class for steers two years old, Matt. Wilson, Fergus, won ï¬rst with a capital White by Sittyton Chief. He was entirely worthy of his lace. “’hut a magniï¬cent bulk he ooked when he came out for champion- ship honors. No lady in the. land could have her toilet more carefully attended to than had " Lord Minto." His competitors. though good, were fairly beaten. They were indeed bred in the purple as their sire Guards- man was. also the sire of St. Valen- tine. the gallery at at some of the state fairs in the Tnited States last yen r. The next class produced another white for ï¬rst. Harry Smith’s winner of last year as a calf. Quality was pronounced. and as both abutcher’s zindsfeeder’s steer there was not a. better. perhaps excepting the yearling .Angus. His competitors were very much larger and out of class as year- lings and require no comment. Steer calves were a poor class. and now that prices have improved for bulls we need i not expect to see so many thorough- steers on exhibition. Ainon st the. females but little can be saig except that it is a matter of congratulation ‘ that the ' are not at a fat stock show, and to chronicle those that are is per- ‘haps doing the owner littl‘e good. I must not, however. pass Fried‘s two year old. She was think fleshed, and is!) outstanding winner. with. how- ever, a. coarse shoulder. lierefords were re resented by one solitary in- di\ ldllflFlllld the. tale is soon told. He should have, “gone to Texas †when ‘oung. Amongst Angus. Walter Hall had an excellent yearling. Galloways imtde a better show than uslml; not that they Were in fat stock show con- ditionâ€"they were not. Their curly. lustrous coats, however. captured all hearts, and they really were one of the attractions of the. cattle clas'Ses. I could not secure it list of awards. but u fjrticularly noticed a heifer of Thos. odeones. a calf of Roht. Shmv's and of D. McUx-ue’s. In Devons. Mr. Rudd was again to the fore, and in competition with the Galloway‘s won in most of the older classes. King Council met at Watson's Hotel, Loch Em, on Dec. 15th. King Township Council sur- reto- was a nd Members all present, more Cherry in the chair. The following bills were passed :~â€" J. Sim son, gravel . . . ‘ . . . . ‘ . , . . . $ 3 00 Alsey orton, tile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Neil Campbell. culvert 10th con. 2 00 .las. Wilson, plank . . . . . . . . i . . . . . 5 44 Briton Hart. repair 12th con. . . . 1 50 Wm. McCal-rol, repair 12th con. 1 50 W. H. Proctor, cedar . . . . . . . . . . 58 94 Jas. \Volvan, repair 2nd con . . . . » 1 50 T. J. Nor-mun. service, M. H. 0. 18 00 R. Lodge. repair road machine. 2 50 K. Lodge, repair road machm: J. M. Walton, postage, etc . . . . . A. Kenefleck, repairs, 12th con Joel Edwards, sanitary Ins. .. T. H. Lloyd, tp. solicitor . . . . . . J. Billings, service, Yonge St J. McDonald, blacksmith hill \Vm. Hilbm‘n. repair 3rd con R. Kirton, plank and gravel .. Wm. Burton. ditch llt-h con.. M. Proctor, repair . . . . . . . . . . . \V. Dove “ . . . . . , . . . . . . W. J. Brereton, attendance ( W. J. Brereton, attendance on Chappelle . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. McMnrchy, gravel . . . . . . . . . . H. Marsh, grant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frank Pr-m-tor, plank ‘ . . . . . . . . John Hughey. gravel . . . . . . . . . Jas. Chen-y. service as reeve. . . . R. McCutcheon, service as 19$ deputy . . . . . ‘ . . . . . ‘ . . . . . ‘ . S. W. kr'ï¬xitage, ser 'ice. ‘ . , T. H. Legge r ‘ John Han)ny “ K . W. Andrews, dug~t,aX refmr Ben Smith, “ “ R. VVallace, “ “ Silas Davis, “ “ Robert. Robb, “ “ D. B. Kennedy, sheep claim P. W. Pearson, Jas. Duggam, N. C. Bogart, Arthur Ha-mbly, W. Dove, Moved by Mr. Armitnge seconded by Mr, Logng that the assessors be each granted a. bonus of $10.00 for extra. sm~vice.â€"~Carried. Moved by Mr. Hamny seconded by Mr. Armituge that the ï¬rst meeting of King 70ucnil for the ear 1898 he held at Hogan’s Hotel, king City, on Jan. 9 nextâ€"Carried. die. CHA$ ANTEDâ€" SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY persons In this state to manage our busx- nem in their own and nearby counties. In 15 mainly ofï¬ce work conducted at home. Salary straight $900 a. year an] expensesâ€"deï¬nite, bonuï¬dc, no more, unless snlm')’. Monthly References. Enclose pelt-addressed stumped euyelupe. Herbert. E. Hess. Prest.. Drpz. u. Umcago. 11-26 The semi-monthly shunt, of the Victoria Square off-hand Rifle club took place over their range on the afternoon of Friday, Dec 16. The match for the oyster supper resulted in a. draw. After the shoot the mem- bers retired to Mr. Meek's for the oysters which were served in excellent. style. The following are afew of the afternoon‘s scores :â€" R. Agar . . . . . \V. Scott ‘ . . . \V. Mustard lV._Capell. . . . \V. Mustard . . . . 47 29 76 \V. Capell . . . . . . . . 40 86 76 T. Reid . . . . . 4U 37 77 The Methodist. church people are getting ready to wish their friends a Happy New Your at their church an- niversary on the lst and 2nd of Jan- nary. On Sunday, January 1, ser- ui ms will be prvnched a: 2.15 and 7 p. m. by Rev. J. Vickery. a former pastor. 0n the day following a sump- tuous dinner will be served consist- ing of roast fowl and nil the season- ahle delicacies. After dinner :1 lecture will be given by Rev. C. O. Johnston. Guitar solosaiud duets will be given by Miss ELhelMHilbot-n and Mr. Aust‘jn P. Hnruer of Toronto. There will also be music by the Victoia Square choir. Tea served from 4 to 7 p. m. Lecture at 8 o’clock. The supper given by the Foresters in the Masonic Hall on VVodmaday evening of last week was a very [lms- amt affair. Mr. Amus Shunk was caterer, and with his Stuffin assistants attended to the wants of the lam-re number of members and their |m y friends who surrounde the tables. and did justice m the oysters and turkey and other delicacies. The chair was ably ï¬lled by Bro. J. '1‘. Snigeon, who proposed a nuinhernf toasts, among which were “The Sn- cieties.†responded to by Bms. Dr. Sisley and E. A. Coomhs and J. R. Campbell: “ The Learned Professions," by Bro. Rev. J. W. Stewart. and Mr. E. H. Elliott; “Tlge_Ladi3s.†by My. R. S. Thomson, and Bms. F. McDonald and G. Nowhery ; " The Visitors." by Messrs. J. Byam and '1‘. Mch-mack. Miss Emma Byam recited “Strikin it Rich " in a pleasing numner, ang Mr. J. H. Elliott, Rev. J. W. Stewart, and T, McCormagk sung several glegs. The Council then adjourned sine "K Son‘g gel-vice lel be held in the vestx-y on Friday evening, when a number of Christmas selections all things, Charity.†Victoria. Square ERSON, J. CHERRY. Clerk. Re Maple 100 yds. 200de '1“) 48 89 37 82 lded Reeve 13$) 80 00 666 mmmmwwmmm .. 5.311.111.1645 33 will be sung. and suitable readings and recitations Will be given by members of the Epworth League. XVe lire pleased to state that. Mm. Herb. Jackson, who has been so ill, is at resent a little better. ur merchants are duing a. gool business, and the cash system seems to be working Well. An entertainment consisting of Spanish-American War pictures 1'9- roduced by the war-graph, will be eld in the Masonic Hall on Monday evening, Dec. 28th, under the auspict‘s of Court Maple City; I. O. F. Nominntinn of candidates for the' nine divisions of York County was; made on Monday as follows :- Scai'horoâ€"Jas Ley, Jas. Chester, A. Baird. _ Yorkâ€"John Fisher, R. J. Gibsonâ€"- (amiamation). Etobicokeâ€"J. D. Evans, J. W. Smithson, J. D. Gardhouse. Richmond Centreâ€"G. \V. High, W. H. Pugsleyâ€"(ncclamation). Markhamâ€"“7. H. Hall, K. Reesm-, Miller, Playter, James. Kingâ€"J. l). Stokes, R. Norman, A. McCallum, R. McCutcheon. Hartmanâ€"L. L. Hartman, S. Baker, W. McCormzwk. Sharonâ€"T. J. VVoodcock, J. Hol- born, W. \V. Pegg, J. Hopkins. Simoneâ€"Boag, Davidson, Scott. Johnson, McDonald. Mr. John McClure, Clerk of Wood- bridge, was at the Town Hall, Vellore, on Monday from 1 to 2 p. m. to take nominations for County Councillors fur Richmond Centre, composed of Vaughan, Richmond Hill and V‘Vood- bridge. The following nominations Were made :â€" A. Brysonâ€"L. Richardsonâ€"that G. W. vah be :1 councillor for 1899 and 19120. ’ T. F. \Valluceâ€"A. E. Kefferâ€"thah W. H. Pugsley be a. councillor for 1899 and 1900. There being no other nominations made. Messxs. High and Pugsley were declared elected by acclamation. Mr. Alex. Cameron was then elected chairman of the. afLeI-Lmeeting when the mvmbersâ€"elect and their movers and seconders addressed: the electors present. The above Rink will be open for skat- ers during the season on SKATENG RINK Evening 0f each week, from 7.30 to 10 o‘clock. Hockey Matches on Thursday even- ings, and practice from 7 to 7.30 on Monday and \Vednesday Evonings. Rink Open to Curlers every day, and on Tuesday zuld Friday Evenings. Admission for skaters, 10 cents; Chi1d~ run, 5 cents. Notice to Creditors Late 0! the Townahip nt Markham in the County“ U! V urk. mason, deceased. :â€"+â€"â€" OTHER is hereby mwu pursuant to R B 0 1397.011“) 1:9, that all pm‘ï¬ons leng claims egmuet the estate of John Ken late of the Tuwnship of Mnrhhnm in the ounty of York, umsnu, usooasefl, are required to send by pun: prmmid ur deliver to (the \Indervigned no- licitors for the executors of the estate or to we said executors on or before the Their names addresses and descriptions with {on particulars oi their claims duly veriï¬ed and the n ituro of the securities it any held by them. And lurlher lake untive that otter the (mid let day a .Tenumy. i599, the executorswili proceed to die ribuw the assets at the said dec aimed among the parties entitled thereto having re~ yard only to the omime which the mid executOIl shall have renewed notice and that the said executors] “in not be liable for the said assets or any pint theieoi on distributed to on y person or pamune n! whme claim notice has not been received bv them at the time or said distribution. Dated tun 26th day 01 November A D 1898 A G F LAWRENCE. Freehold Loan Bending Toronto 224 Solicitor for the Executor: WM COSGROVF. 1 Executore 22-! 1 WM COSGROVE EDWARD J FABEY MONDAY, “'EDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Season Tickets at reasonable rates. P. G. SAVAGE. R90 ve County Nominanions. Ripans Tabules cure torpld liver. Ripans Tabule cure headache. Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules: at drugglsta. 152 day of Jan’y, 1899, JOHN KELLY, Richmond Centre [Single copies, 3 cts. In the matter or the est-me of RICHMOND HILL 91-, James. . Stokes, R. Norman, A. . McCutcheon. L. L. Hartman, S. Baker, Richmond Hill