last week. There was a good attend- ance of delegates from all parts of the riding. Dr. Godfrey. president. occuâ€" pied the chair. and Mr. R 0. Harvey acted as secretary. Tnc following ofï¬- cers were elected for the ensuing year: Dr. Godfrey. president: Andrew Mc- Clure, vice-president; Joseph Bax-kn, secretary; A. J. Griï¬ibhs. treasurer; Municipal vice- presidentsâ€"R. O. Har- vey. North Vnu ban; Ric‘th VVillis. East Vaughan; nines M eNeil “rest Vaughan; D. McKenzie. \Voudbridge; Richard Kellaui and Jn‘lm Peeler. Eto- bicoke North: J. 3» M'ceullum. EtnbL coke South: Dr. A. H. Pei-foot, Torâ€" onto Junction, with Peter Laughton. Robert; Lemma. Wm. Johnston. \‘l'. .J. Irwin, and W. J. Wadsworth. as deputies for W'artis ‘1, 2. 3. 4 and 5 re- spectively; John ï¬sher, North Toron- to: John Bailey, South York: R. 5. Bull. North York; J. T. Franks. “'93- ton: P. G. Saw-age, Richmond Hill: Capt Sinclair South Patrkdale; 'Wm. Badgerow. North Parkdale: thn Lax- .‘tou.Centre Pmikdale. After the 6106.» tion of oflicors, speeches were deliver- ed by Dr. Pyne. M. P. P. for Emit, To~ Tonto: Mr. J. J. Fay. M. P. P. for South Toronto: Mr. Thomas Craw- ford. M. P. P. for West Toronto; Mr. J. \V. St. John; 001. Gray. ex-M. P. P. for \"est York: and Squire Tyrrell of Weston. In the evening a Gucci-ssful banquet was held at The Eagle House. defeneec‘: the cool bravery of the heroes 'who are called to face an overwhelm- iug enemy? These are historic mo- ments cfowued heads Would travel continents for a glimpse. The artists bf the world would sacriï¬ce years of experience for just; oae look. There is hot a British subject but; would feel that the event of his life had been re- alized if he could but see for (men the British red coats in action. The FAM- ILY HERALD and WEEKLY STAR this jubilee year as good as gives every auhscx-ibex- a reserved seat to see the ‘JBI-itish defeat the Russians in the most memorable of all our [mt- ble scenes. EveI-v ï¬gure. is a. study. Every face is a history. Every posi- tion is a challengg. The pick,qu is; en- titled “THIN RED LINE" and is hav- ing the greatest run of any premium picture in the world's history. It is given to all who subsm-ibe to that, S‘eat family paperâ€"the greatest in merica. One dollar pays the year‘s subscription to the paper and picture. The annual meeting of the “'est York Liberal Conservative Association was held at Weston m1 W'edpesday (3f The editor of The Leader and Recorder last week paid the Post- a graceful compli- ment in the folloWiiig words :â€"â€"“ The ‘i‘eimposi'tion of newspaper postage 'wilanor affect; any saving to the people, but it Will Wipe out fake heWSpapers, and for this the Hon. Mr. Mulock is deserving of the sin- ‘eer’est thanks of every newspaper piï¬prietor. We believe the Post- masterâ€"General is not only honest but capable in the administration of his department." Should the above paragraph, containing words of Praise for Mr. Mulock, come under Hie notice of The Mail and Empire yhat last named journal will be great- inshoclgcd. VV persons in this state to manage our busi- ness in their mm mm nearby counties. It 1< mainly mlice wutkcoaducced at home. Salan straight $310 a your and expensesâ€"deï¬nite, bounï¬de. no more, no less salary. Momth 575. Baierences. Enclose self-addressed “amped envelope, Herbert E. Hess. Prest.. Dept. M. Chicago. 11-25 The thrilling scenes of England’s campai ns can be read about and heard: out. but who can see them? Who can stand as a. spectator and look at tlhexmnrsballing of the men. the igseï¬bing of the fog. the mrslfu‘lgh‘t. the VVANT‘EDâ€"m wax-5533's it Nomination of candidates for the 'oflices of rceve, councillors and Pub lie School trustees will take place in the CouncilChamber nextMonday, De- cember 26, at 12 o’clock, noon. Our eitizens should show their interest in public matters, by not only attending the meeting and seeing that suitable nominations are made for the various oflices, but they should be anxious to hear discussed any question relating to the welfare of our people. Wheth- er the ofï¬ces are ï¬lled by accla- mation or not every person accept- ing a. position should be prepared to express himself on past events and fu ure prospects. And as has been pointed out on former occasions ev- ery municipal ofï¬cer should attend the nomination. Then, if any com- plaints are to be made the ofï¬cers can receive them in person. Those rate-payers who do not attend the‘ nominations at all, or who run away as seen as the condidates are pro- posed, are generally those who do the most grumbling. \VEST YORK CONSERVATIVES. ï¬ICHMOND HILL, Oh:- ‘Syiw if’iiam‘éi. THE BRITISH IN BATTLE. VILLAGE NOMINATIONS Decemt 1898 Moved by Mn: Dev‘ma, seconded by. Mr, Watson, That the treasurer be and is hembyf authorized to remand; the {v1- lwiug amounts to the unflermentionedboueetormvâ€" Account of gravel haulcd from Harry Rumble’s gravel pit to Patten sou sideline. Fred Rumble. 7% davs at $1.50 per day . . . . . . . . ll 25 Moved by Mr. L That the Lreasu ing road accounts: To R. \Vutsu Moved by M r. Davins, sec That the treasurer he and inf: accounts : The Municipal <_ Town Hall on Moml‘ The reevc in tin son, Boyle and DcVH Minutes of lash l Moved by Mr. [I That the tl‘easur ing sheep claims hon Fred Runhle. 7i, days at $1.50 pen Henry Rumble. 6% “ “ ‘ Thomas Rumble, 7g “ “ “7111. Graham, 55 "4 “ A. Bassiugthwaite, 3 ‘ “ “ James Hatfey. 4; " “ \Vm. Rumble, 4;, “ “ Frank Oster. 2:1: “‘ “ Henry \‘Vilsou. 2 “ “ Her}; Gordon. 2 “ “ Thomas Glass, 2 “ “ Shavellers in gray a! it}â€" “'illiam Dance. aw 4 days at756 . . . . . . Robert \Vilson. 7 “ “ . . . r . . John Reid. 57!; “ “ . ‘ . . ‘ Geo. Deutlxnan 6 “ “ .. . . .' .‘ “'alter Bishop. 4 “ “ V . . . . . Arthur Wilson. 2 “ “ . . 4 . . . r “'m. Blake, 8 days managing pit at $1 Harry Rumble. 40010ads grave) at 100 To George Leggeâ€" . , Andrew. Russel). 1 dugik‘d-‘led .3. Murphy, 1 ' “ “J. McLean. l “A 6.. Kirkland, only i ding -. . . . P. Prentice. “ “ “v. D; Reaman. no dog . . . . . 3. Combs. -“ -m .1. gibgmdogkmtgd .. “ H. Rumhlv, 96 “ “ “ “ “ Leeds Richardson, for spikes, picks and nails. . . . “ Thomas Unusms, for sharpening picks, wedges and spikvs. . . . . . . . .-.' . V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ J. J. Calm-you, fur repairing road machine . . . . . . "‘ R. Rumble. for 9 loads (If gravel at 10¢. per load. " T. Rumble, for 21; yards gravel at 25c. per yard. . “ Valentine Ash. {1 “ "‘ “ “ .. “ John Omnpbell. 2; “ “ '“ -. -. “ G. J. Lawriv, fof’ 10 cedar p‘ost-s at 13c. each . . . . . . “ L. \Vhitmm-o, for 20 lbs. of spikes at 30. per 11).. “ John Thompson, for opening gravel pit on side- road between lots 15 and 16. con. 7 l . . . . . . . l . . Yonge Street account~ To Robert. Carson, for ll, toise of stone at $5 a toise 71 Fxï¬eï¬er. onlyldo .‘ 15. Smith dog kill . . . . ‘2‘. Sta 165. left township F. K er, ldog . . J. Quanta. “ _L.x,...‘ =8. “’alker, “ . . I . . A. men . “ drawing posts and putting up guarding “ sixty loads of gravel at 10 cts. a' load . . . . . “ drawing 60 loads of gravel at 173 a. load .. 41 a 5 6 0 To N. W “ J. J. G “ R. Ru] " T. Run “ Valvut “ John C “ G. J. L " L. \Vh “ [A‘Ih ’I To Thos. Cousins, use of ball for court; of revision . . “ J. Atkinson. for attending judges court at, Rich- mond liill re G. T. R. appeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ J. J. Cunmron, for care of hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ Andrew McNeil, for 1,900 lbs. of hay . . . . . i . . , . . “ Henry Creiglnon, for attending judges court of revision :11. M aple and Pine Grove, 2 days and mileage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . " Robert, Harrington, making 5 days’ valuation and attending court re appeal of G. T. R. agains assesslnvnt; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ J. Kaiser for making valuation and attending court re G. T. R. appeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ N. Shuuk, for ntztking valuation and attending com-L re appval‘of G. T. R. against, assessment “ Robt. McNiLir, in full of all claims for damages to wagon, lizLiness and trespass road . . . . . . . . . . . . “' Jas. M. Lawrence, for services as clerk for court of revision... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . if'oerrOV ids graxï¬zl at i0 ots per load . . John Ringlan drawipg material and putting in 4 m'ex) for 5 days, '30 00.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . grading road, 2 days work. 1 team and 2 stone culvert, lot 1, con. 6 . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elliott for sharpening picks and Wedges and new spring for road grader and spikes . , . , . . i . . . J.\V. Franks, for coal wire nails, posts, pick and handle, lumber, etc ...' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. \V. Franks and Geo. Top er for material and repairing bridge on Town iue, con. 6, being é V aughan‘s Share . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael Raymond for 3 day's running grader at 351.23} 1391‘ day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . i . . ..i . . ...‘ . u I. culvart, lot 17, con. ‘7 . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. James Neil for repairing culvert on con. 7 J. Kaiser. building culvert and nails, con. 6 G. Cooper for 2 teams for 5 days cutting down hills and drawing brush, $2.00 per James Joncs. for 45» days‘ work . . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . Ontario Limo Association, for 1 barrel of Port- land cement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ontario Lime Association.for 5 barrels of Ontario cement , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . V . . . N aughton Bros, per Thos. Sheppard. for 126 plank at 351?. per M.. $1.76, and cedar. 400 . .. . 600 feet of plank for sidewalks at $13 . . . . . . . . . . . . J. N. Boyle, for freight on cement . . . . . , . . . . . . . . gravel road . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . building breakwater. hauling brush and gravel, Lot '5 (m gravel road . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 00 ï¬lling old culvm-b on siderozui. between lots 5 and 6, con. 6 . . . . , . . . . . . . A . . , . . . . . i . . . . 5 00 repairing race bridge and hauling cedar lot 5, l-avel road . . . . . . . .L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Alex. lack. and .103. Rowntree for building lot 1, con. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Samuel Hardy, 3 loads of brush at, 50 cts. a. load John Snider, l “ “ “ “ Alex. Black: for building culvert on Lot 2, Robt. Topper, for 47 loads W allacv hires†Zï¬ â€œ “7m: Uastaï¬or, repairing washout and culveI gravel at 10c. a load. 6; George Glnv Ed. Glover. Naughton B '2.- ‘W. M and 1 Kirby, seconded by Mr. Watson, my be and is hereby authorized to pay the follo W Bros. , Tor 96 u ’ u I» u-dson, fo'r spikes, picks and nails. usms, for sharpening plcks, Wedges on, for rppairing rpad machine . . . . . for 9 loads (if gravel at 10¢. per load for 2:; yards gravel at 25c. per yard. 88]“ u 'u u u I, 10,11, for 1; toise of stone at $5 a toise “ 3 loads of sand at $1 a. load. . “ 5.1; days’ work at $1 a day.. “ 2 trips for cement . . . . . . . . . . “ hauling plank , . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . or, 5.5 days’ work building culvert†5;" U u n for ,‘ting read and on motion ap ins, seconded by Mr. Boyle, be and is hereby mstructed two-thirds their value: ncil of the Township of Vaughan met at t!‘ the 12m day of December, 1898, at 10 a. m. xair. Members present: Messrs. Kirby, Wa Vaughan Council 75 days at $1.50 per day H IL 0‘ for and Loads 8f grave‘i at 100. per load.$ 8 80 it IS ‘5 I! 9 50 cedar sticks at nails and coal oil onded bv 31168 and 2 1 lam )5 injured l by Mr. Kirby, ‘ reby authorized to pay the folk sticks at 20c. 1,th n approved killed 1000 to pay the fol] $100. 4000 1100 15 63 ~â€"C;u‘ricd: 66 1000 150 397 210 230 75 g: ,. ()0 - Tarried larrii Solid Steei Axes, 500 each. Horse Blankets, 40, 50 and $1 each. Mouth Organs 5, .10, 15 and 250. each. 16.6 and 168 King Street East, 3 doors west of Gsorge ' MOVed by Isaac Devins, seconded by John Boyle, Whereas. James Marsh Lawrence, the Clerk of the Municipai Council of the Township of Vaughan, is incapable through illness of performing the duties of Clerk and has tendered his resignation of such ofï¬ce and, whereas, it is expedient to appoint some other person to act in his stead until such time as the said resignation shall be accepted and a successor to the said Clerk be appointed ; that A. G. F. Lawrence of the City of Toronto be and is hereby appointed to act as the clerk of the said Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan in the place and stead- of the said James Marsh Lawrence from and after the 15th day of December, 1898, until the successor in ofï¬ce to the said James Mmsh Lawrence as such clerk has been duly appointed to ï¬ll said ofï¬ce and the said resignation is acceptedâ€"Carried. The Council then adjourned sine dz‘c. The recve in the‘ son, Boyle and Devins The minqu of la The Councii exan No. 14. Moved by Mr. Watso That the treasurer bc ing road accounts: at 1 p. m transactk Hill. on E Yonge WILKE S & GO. Th( Dec The Council met at t1 9. 111., all the membel action of anv husin’es 'epu ‘SIEE \Vm. Knight, (loubletvrees fur rand machine . . . . J. Wetlmï¬ti, for 6 days’ work managing ngel pit at $1 per day . . .7 . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . Harry Cross, for 6 days’ work at 750. per day. . . ‘ 6‘ T. Storey, 3 “ ' Street Account,â€" Michael Conley, breaking 2 toise 9f stone . . . . . . Michael Home, “ 1 "' . . . . . . John Sim V kins, “ 1 “ . . . . . . R. B. Mc Jlezu‘y, “ 1 “ . . . . . . \Vallnce Michael, 1 day’s work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. B. McCleai-y, 1 “ . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . David Gooderlmm, 2 toise of stone . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . \Villiam Chatterley, 11 (lays‘ Wm'k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael Conley, 6 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \Valter Chatterley, 9 days with hot and cart. ‘ H. A. Nicholls, 2 foise of stone l . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . Township of Markham (being é amount). for plank and scantling for sidewalk at Thornhifl and Elgin Mills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . Arthur W n m d be George Urnss, hauling Rubprt Livingston, “ 31 Lloyd Dickens, “ Z W. Boddy, ‘f 31 “'m. Perkins, for haufmg culvert on gravel road, \Vm. Knight, doublet-tees Ill lll in. W OI-t} {11K [111C 1k Eh WILKINS & 00.. Iolnlsto Mal-Lin, siderozu 111nm ny husin’ess, to meet; at; w, Dec. 17th,:1t10 a. m 11111 I] I'll I‘ 118 1-Di met at the Clerk’s Ofï¬ce on Saturday, December 17th then 1 hetwl‘on eutheml. f tween lots p. m \V 18 then passed appo )‘r‘ï¬cel‘s for the l'espcl in the schedule writ 11 N0. 1â€"Wm. Bow< 1 ir. Members presc the hauli 120 loads of gravel I, seconded by Mr. Kirby. and is hereby authorized to pay the follow ‘urne kiil s and nmtel'i lots 30 and 3 u? hauling 1 5 and 6, con Roger H21 rvcy. -Wm. McGilIivray: George Arnold. to meet; at the Town Hall on Thursa Edw Ground Oyster Shell makes hens lay. 201bs.for 25o. Winter Mitts, lined,25 cents a pan. 30 3;; yds. at Bchper yd 9 s" u I ‘ material and buiéding 101314, con. 7 ‘orge Reddit ank Smith. m kaiser 1rd J am we] at rial at 31, C( {fa VG intlng the following pq :tive Polling Sub-Divis'w mm below: )1] 100.;1. lnad.$ 12 00 culvert on . t‘G sideâ€" yards at: Messrs. Kirby, \Va’t‘ www I3 65 ~â€"Carried. 1000 1100 888 on 09 00