'85:: 533.3 \Ve have received a copy nf The Q’Appelle Progress, which has recentâ€" {ly changed hands. 'This weekly is Ig-mwpublished by Mr. Roscoe E. Law, formerly of this village. \Ve Wish Mr. Law every success in his new venture. There was: rink Mum'in. weather “‘1 stop to skut A Pair of Gloves \ illnge lust Thursd; Hockey uï¬d other skutvs c I‘hl'sun’s. ‘ Mixed (‘und Mid B(_m Buns s01} & Switze-I- Large stock of cutlery at. reasonable prices at Mason’s. , 'Mr. Hurry Sanderson while playing hockey in the rink Friday evening :il- 'lmverl his oyu to 0me in contact with anotht-r play91‘"s elbow, resulting in a. closed optic for the former. 'Filiie'rts, Almonds, Walnuts, Brazil nuts, swevt chPst-nufs at 15 cts. per lb. Atkinson & Switzer. apiï¬â€˜oval of Lhe Stvat‘ioningVCommiLime. 'Three Ranges. slighfly over cost for pmvfng pé’HSE‘S. 'Three Ranges. sl cash at. C. Mason’s. Rev. Geo. McUuUnc‘u, who has, been a faithful pastor in. the Methodist rhurch here for the past two and a 'half years, has Ieceived :1 call from the Newnnu‘kot congregation. Mr. McCulloch will uccht subject; to the Canadian Almanacs 1 at THE LIBERAL ofï¬ce. Ea‘hbath school Anniversary Ser- "mons willbe preached in the Metho- (list. church next Sunday. Rev. J. \V. Stewart of Maple, will preach in. the morning, and Rev. F. F. Khan! in the evening. A collection will be taken at each service in aid of the S. S. Fund. Be on time and secure the choicest of the many holiday gifts which are pre- sented for your consideration at At- kinson & Switzer’s Solomon in all *huis glory was not "arrayed with any such Christmas de- lights as is the Santa Claus at Atkin- son & Switzer’s Mrs. Smiles, mother of the late George SULHPS of this village, died at the home of hex- son-iu-luw. Mr. B. \Villiams, 2nd con. King, on Tuesday morning. Deceased was interred in the Richmond Hill cemetery yester- day afternoon. AChristmas tree and children’s en- tertaiï¬ment will he held in Jefferson schoal house at 7 p. m. shzn'p on Sat,- Iu-duy evening of this week in connec- tion with the Sunday School of St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges. Ad- mission, adults, 10 cents; all children free. Hang up the baby‘s stockins and ï¬ll it with Atkinson 5: bwitzers presents designed especially for the wee ones. Rev. J. H. McCallum, M. A., rector of St. Thmnas church, Torontq, will The “owner m take the services at Richmond Hill and Oak Ridges on Christmst Day, assisted by Rev. R. H. Steacy. Ser- vices at Richmond Hill at 9 a. m.â€" celobratiou of the Holy Eucharist, and at 3. p. m. evensong and sermon. Serâ€" vices at Oak Ridges. 11 a. m.â€"1nn.tins, sermon and holy Euehzu‘ist, and at- 7 The Richmond Hill Hockey Club has begun practice with increased membership and great hopes of suc- cess for this season. Matches have been arranged with Harbord Col- legiate, The Meteors and the Athletics of Toronto. Tickets of membership can be pi‘ocux-edzfrom the committee. .playei‘S' ticket, 40 cts. nan-players 250. ,the same admitting to all matches. “The Club begs to thank the Reeve for his kind donation and wishes him a. merry Christmas and a Happy New Your. . m. evensong and sermon. Miss Frances Crosby W111 sing sulos at Oak Ridges at each service. Go to THE LIBERAL store for Christ mas cards, books, pocket diaries,fancy paper and envelopes. &c., &c. Pure Lard 8 cts. ; Cloanefl curranbs. 65 cts ; ith‘e bflst select Raisins, '7 cts. ; Kiinée mam'Aths. Atkinson & Swit-r or. I x - The members of True Love Division No. 54; S. OVT" purpose holding a" grand .stter supper and entertain- ment, in the Tem rance Hall, Purple- xville,.qn \Vedne' ay evening, Dec. 21. The entertainment will consist, of Ventxriwquism, Speeches, Readings. Recitatiqns, Songs. Solos, Music, etc. Admission. adults, 30 cLs_. L‘hildren mnder thxteen, 20 cts. sum-L out on The day 1-day W: Suy )1 lengt} 'I-nro’h' propel-t {Phi xdnj tin OYSTER SUPPER Hl i, OX et’oing ‘hoc x 1111 was found in y by Mr. Brown have same m; 1K tLondance at ‘ 3'. but the. ix we'd will put few days at lea for 1899 for sale stmas‘ mt at“ reasonalile ayinp; heap at; ( i011 l'PflvlnS Atkin- will the lee. by ment. Kinder thy 'burd Mvthodisi 5 011 Monday 9w )rngramme‘ will ï¬inloguos, Musi CE‘IIES SKATING. The Tbm‘nhill Rink is open for skating, Monday, Wednesday and {Saturday evenings of each week. Christmas night (Monday) the Thom- hill Band wili be in attendance; also every Saturday evening during the season. New Year’s afternoon (Mon- day) skating Mm 2.30 to 5 o’clock. (Clbsed at night.) Admissiun, 10 cts. Children 5 cents. Season Tickets at reasonable rates. Try Happy Home Snap, 8 for 25 cts. it’s asgood as comfm't. Atkinson & Switzer. R‘obbie, the '15Yt'a1'old son of Adnor Reid, diod near-Newumrket on the 10th inst under such suspicious circum- stances that an inquest was held. The jury brought in the following vex-dict: “That the deceased Rebel-t Reid came to his death bv tuberculusis acceler- “That the deceased Rebel-C Reid came to his death by tubex-culusis acceler- ated by exposure and neglect, and that evidence points'to the'ï¬whor. Ad- ner Reid, as having ill-t1 Gated the, de- ceased.†The father has been com- mitted for tx-iaL Best Com Starch 8c.; tracts 9c.; Green Coffee son & Switzer. The anniversary sermons in cunnec- tion with the Methodis‘v sabbath school will be delivered on Sunday, December 25, in the morning by Rena]. \V. SLewzu't of Ma le, and in the evening by Reta F. 5 Keani 0f Thornhill. On Monday evening, Dec. 20th, a. Christ-mas tree and entertain- ment will be given. A choice pro- gramme of vocal and instrumental music will be rendered, and no pains will be spared to make this am enjoy- able evening. Admission. Adults, 15 abs. ‘Uhildren, 10 cts. Doors open at, Entertainment to commence at The following curlers were on Sat- urday evening s<dected¢taplay in the President v Vice-President match :â€" Presidentâ€"\V. '1‘. Storey, W'. H. Pugsley. J. Palmer. F. McCunughy, W. A. Sanderson, C. McCunaghy, A. E. Coombs, A. Moodie, J. Casely, T. Newton. J. \V. Forban, \V. Hulse. Vice-Presidentâ€"P. G. vaugf, M. Boyle, J. H. Sanderson, . A. Nicholls, T. F. McMahonL G. McDon- add, A. j. Hume. W. R. Proctor, W. Munslmw, H. F. Hopper, D. Boyle, F. J. Johusbun. The'Cbristmas goods at Askinson & Switzer’s are sold at prices which will prevent, them from being stored until Christmas 1899. The cmnmittee of ludies‘ in connec- tion with the \V. M. S. received the pound offering yesterday witernoon, and while a goodly number responded to the call, we are sure more would have done so if they realized how much it is needed. There were several other families to whom baskets would have been sent had the contributions held out. As it was 17 families receiv- ed baskets. Many of these went into homes where there were large families of small children, and the bread-win- ner earning small pay. The contribu- tions consisted of groceries of all kinds, apples, oranges, nuts, candies, flour, fowl and various kinds of baking and canned fruit. The thanks of the com- mittee are extended to all who con- tributed to the offering with all the compliments of the sea-son. VVi-itten examination papers on the present quarter’s International Sab- bath School Lessons! have been pre- pared by MinHarrisnn, Superinten- dent, and Will be uSed in the Mathe- dist Sunday school here next Sunday. The method adopted in these written examinationsis as jolluwsrâ€"Scholars are requested to provide 'Vpencils After the Qpening ()f the school the papers urepiaced before all who desire to White. Oï¬iCerssieacher-s and scholo‘ ars engage in testing their {knowledge of the quarter's lessous. 7 One hour is allowed for writin . There m'ekover sixty questions to e answered, some very easy; others more diï¬ienlt. .A ï¬ctitious~ name i5 signed by each writeix Ehï¬ï¬‚supflmwnéent rupueyts Lhe.papqg.vs and Lakesâ€"thgm Amine fur examiputhm, and ugh-L5. the-f {011m <- ‘ing Sabbath: Six of the best. papers answered are gelepted, the ï¬ctitious names mined, and urerespnnded to by A the writers rising ï¬-om their 30an and iacknowl‘odgiug thesigmitiire: All the LPRPCI‘S m-e Iimurucdtu the writers; ' ' CHRISTMAS POUND OFFERING‘ hm \Inko the Christmas of e by presenting yum“ mtiful lamp. Let Atk : sell it tn you. FOR THE OYSTERS OR â€" METHODIST CHI m RESBYTI lmil h the 2: Youth evening". Doc. will consist of Re Insic and singin 1: aï¬xd c‘ity talm A SAD END‘ REV IE \V. HM L11 Storey, W'. H. F. McCunghy, Mcporyaghy, I)? rf ’QSha oboorfu L' \“V'iie with : kinson & Swit Admiss RCH Fruit Ex 90. Atkin Ll) it m: and ï¬lth-en cents. on 1‘1 1n The fI'ik Thomhill tex-taimm On Sund preach at, Monday 2 ed from 5 Thornhill, will hold their annual en- tertainment) on January 151/ and 2nd. On Sunday Rev. Peter Addison will prvnch at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. in. On Monday an oyster Supper will he serv- ed from 5 to 8 p. m., after which an excellent programme will be rendered by the following popular talent:â€" Prof. J. H. Shepherd, elocutionist, Toronto: Miss Alice Fieldhouse. soloist, Toronto; Miss Je-ssis King, elocubionisb, Toronto; Miss Frances Crosby, soloist, Unionville; Mrs. G. Lyons and a Quartette from Weston ; Rev. 8. L. \V. Barton and others, from Victoria. University. Admission. adults, 25 cents ; children, 15 cents. 0n the occasion of the 50th anniver- sm-y of the Buttonville Sabbath School, a. tea-meeting and musical and literary entertainment will be held in the Methodist, Church, Buttonville, on the evening of M01]- day, December 26. A First-class pl'O‘ gramme will be rendered by the fol- lowing noted talent: Miss Eva. M-. You-h, Aurora, silver medalist. and Mr. L. Ecknrdt, Unionville, both well- known eloCutionists; Misx Teasdale, Toronto, contrallo; and Mr. J. H. Sanderson, Richmond Hill soloist. A string band composed of violin, auto harp and organ has also been secured. Tho Aurora. Quartette will be in at- tendance, and are sure to please all who hear them. Ten. served from 5 to 8. Admission to tea and entertain- ment, 25 cents; Children, under 12 years, 15 cents. The remains of Otto Hans, former partner in the ï¬rm of Todd & Haas, tan-new, Meu‘ford, were brought to King City on Monday morning and were interred in the village cemetery. The sudden death of deceased was the result of an accident, in his own tan- nery. He was a member of the Ancient Order of Foresters, in Court Victoria. Meaford, and had formerly been initiated in Court, Laurel, King City. Chief Ranger Burns ac- companied the remains from Meaford, and on the arrival of the morning train a. service was ht'ld iu the! station l‘ooui, conducted by Rev. Jas. Car- michael. Court Laurel turned out in a, body and took charge of the funeral. The A. O. F. ceremony at the grave was conducted by Bro. Gw. Stone, who read the beautiful lines in an im- pressive manner. The annual meeting of the Vaughan Reform Association was held in the Town Hall, Vellore on Thursday last. The President, Mr. D. BIL-Donald, was in the chair, and the different parts of the township were well represented. The election of ofï¬cers resulted as follows :â€"president. Roger Harvey; 15h vice-president, 1!. M. Hndwin ; 2nd vice-president, Hrnry Creighton; Mensa. John McKinnon ; secretary, Frzmk Smith. Ull‘nirnmn for the several nlliug subdivisions :â€"No. 1, \V. H.- ‘lubine; No. 2, J. S. McNaiw N0. 3, Xan. Dunn; No. 4. \Vm. Thomas ; N0. 5, James A. Stevenson ; No. 6, James McLean; No. 7, VVillimn \Vood, jr. : No. 8'; “’illium Thomas. Shuz't, speeches were made by the ofï¬cersand Messrs. G. \V. High, A. Bryson, N. J. Stung, M. Naughton, T. Porter, John R. Campbell, J. H. Kirby, J. Boyle. XV. Vultsmx and I. Davina. ', ' Mr. \Valtm- Eyor‘pux-poses‘ spending the Christmas holidays with ,, relatives in Clarence centl-v. New York‘.‘ Rev. and Mrs. A. 'J, .Paul, of “hu- minstor are spendin ' the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. C. A asun- Miss Julia. Lyuett of' Chicago, came home on Saturday, and will spend a month with hex» part-Hts, Mr. imd Mrs. D. Lynett. Rev. J. A. Grant preached an :mni: versary 80111101} in the Methodist church, Willmvdule, (m Sunday even- in . and Ruv,‘ G. Hewitt of \Villow- da 0 took Mr.'G1-:mt’s place here. v ANTEDâ€"SEVERAL TRUSTWOR'I‘HY ' persona in this state to manage our busi- ness in their owl} and nearby counties, 1!. is mainly ofï¬ce work <~ouducted at. home. Salary atraigthflUO a. year qnd nxpeqseaâ€"daflmto,bonu- tide, no more. no less sniary. Monthly 37:). Re- ferences. Enclose , sull~addreaued stamped envelopa. Her‘uert E. Hess. Treat... Dept. M‘ Chicago. ' 11:26 FRIDAY. Dec. Qsâ€"Cmalitsmle 0115 n.ch pummng timber, mostly beech xunl Maple; on lot ’19. can. 1 Scan-bummemmpmm! W1 321mm; - Sula at 1 o'clock. Terms 10 won ‘3. Iwo; seasons to remove timber. dEokaxdt‘ )9. lProntlce, uunï¬ionoers. TUssDAY.~Dl.-c. 27â€"Auctiun sale of 5 acres of ‘ standing lmrdwuu-l timber. on lot 1, rear 0! 5th con. Vaughan. t-ho pro any of Wm. Daniel. Sale Mil o'clock. ' arms 9 months. Sangeon &Mclflw,eu. aucbioneers. WPurtiea gem their bills pxinted at this Oï¬lce will recaimnnutica similar to the above 3mm: Q9 canny One Cuttpf; -'I‘i‘cnch, nearly niwv. A, ly to 24.2 ' s N: BRO\V1§’L FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY "AUG H AN REFORME‘RS. nme. U01 ll be take can, assel fâ€"huur of flpwm'th League meeting on evening of this week will he in ()f the Mercy Help Depart: An address (111 “The Quality :y†and essays interspersed :i'ed music will constituw the nine. 1mllection in aid of the ll be taken at the close. Let Ill CPW‘ORTH LEAGUE F03 SALE Miss ‘Alice Toronto; Miss PERSONALS. II] nds of the Methodist Church, Sale . F. FUNERAL seluhlo in the vt-sbI-y for of prayer commencing Next; Sunday nmrning arming at Sunrise Prayer r the auspices of the held in the school-room Everybody invited. NIVERSARY Register. Richmond Hill. 50th anniver- ille Sabbath and musical :nteI-tainment ’0. MASON; l RICHMQNL TEE-ILL You naturally turn to Atkinson 8a Swit ‘E'E'ae Sham quiving Es flheerfu! ï¬iving EM @flflmmflfl .J“ 1. _ ‘ , _ ., h , _ 2.... u, is??? ., . TEE WEE PROOF GLIDAY S ASON HARDWARE â€" STD ..v STAPLE 5’5. FANGY GROCERIES 189-8 Fancy Lamps, Fancy China, Fancy Handka Albums, Gloves, Here may be found the very best and most appropriate articles for Holiday Remembrances. ‘E'E'sa Shams a? Living Es 3533mm! giving IS on hand with the latest and best‘mdk Bric-a-Brac. With a ï¬rm assortment of As cheap as theoheapestn ISAAC CROSBY. Atkinson & Switzer. les, Is prepared for the You naturally turn to Rielnnond Iflivil ATKINSON 8c SWITZER. iflï¬xï¬ï¬‚flQrfl SANTA GLAUS OUR. CHOICE A1930" 25tï¬Ã©r‘i'm a1 Al}? Eggs-miniiï¬ ' fii‘fl‘rE/E'fP'Qï¬PA-JMWT StovePipes ad Hetrverytbih 121'! ,' ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 l'AE " ir'aimdfhe‘émg. ï¬aiflxi 1.898 Res, 'er rang s‘. Re '7’ $3 ’W S my e stove rdwane w