Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Dec 1898, p. 7

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FUTURE OF THE SDUDAN. LORD KITCHENER TELLS WHAT MUST BE DONE. l‘he Inhabitants Must be (‘Ivlnzcd and Educatedâ€"The sn-dnr Says They Are an lntelllgeut Race. The freedom of thc city of Edinburgh was conferred on Lord Kitchener on November 29, followed by a banquet in the evening. In the course of a speech in reply to the toast to his health, the Birdar said: Not long ago in the Man- sion house, I alluded to one of the re~ sults of the recent campaign as being that the British and Egyptian flags now fly in Khartoum. I hope never to be hauled down again, cheers. and I think it would interest you if I take you a. step further on what remains in consequence of that event, for us to do in the Soudan. I think all agree that our first task will be to civilize the inhabitants of those vast districts in the Valley of the Nile, which it has fallen to our lot to be responsible for administering. \Ve have done a great deal already and we are still working hard to open up those countries to easy access. Cheers. By this means we hope to introduce and facilitate what in some of its aspects is a very large civilizing element. Hear, hear. At the same time, we wish to prevent, as far as we can, the introduction with trade of those pernicious adjucts. the liquor traffic and dishonest dealing with natives, which too frequently in new countries accompany it. Cheers. vWe shall have to introduce or establish . Government administration in those districts. We shall have to give jus- tice to the people. We shall have to Organize a. police force. There is great clvilizing power in the police- man. Cheers and laughter. Public security on our frontier and intern- ally will have to be safeguarded. and we shall have to teach the inhabitants that they must develop their indusâ€" trial habits in order to help to pay for the administration. They will also have to attend to sanitary regulations. hear, hear. and they will be also taught that they are not allowed to rob or do acts of violence amongst each other, hear, hear. and if they allow our guidance in this matter they may rest assured that the Government Will leave them alone in undisturbed pos- session of their properties and their ancient right-s. GORDON EOLLEGE AT KHARTOUM It. is here that I should wish to see the English race step in and give what the Government cannot afford to provideâ€"namely, education to the children of these poor people who hava suffered during 13 years an almost in- describable oppression. They are an intelligent race. entirely uneducated. The Mahdi, like every Oriental despot, .put his face firmly against any form 'of instruction that would enlighten his peoplo ‘and I Cain assure you they -a LL. .._-.‘.‘.. tv-r_- would take advantage if the means were placed at their disposal, and highly appreciate education if it were given to their children. I do not mean to be understood to adâ€" vocate that education should always be free in the Soudan. I think that as the country prospers, as I feel sure it will prosper. the people will be able to pay for the education of their children, and I merely propose that by the forâ€" mation of a Gordon Memorial College at Khartoum, cheers,_ conducted on English lines. by English masters. we should give to these people the nucleus of education, round which future de- velopments will grow. By this gift we should in some way pay a debt that we'owe. Much might be said of how Gordon would have rejoiced had he known that by his dleath the blessing of education would be given to the peolpe that he loved and among whom he died. Cheers. Much might be said of what this gift will do to abolish fanaticism and slavery but here, speakâ€" ing to a hard-headed Scotch audience, I can only say that I would like to re- mark that if you had left you a fertile property that had been for 13 years unâ€" cultivated, you would have to spend something on tilling the ground beâ€" fore you could reap the harvest, hear, ‘hear, and to all those who spend large sums in advertising their goods surely it must occur that it would be a beneâ€" fit to them if they spent money in teaching the inhabitants of this new market which has been opened to read their advertisemnets. Laughter. THE MONEY REQUIRED. And you must remember that if you do not educate those people somebody else will, hear, hear, and will implant upon "their minds influences which may lead to the greatest difficulties that we may have to overcome in the country. To form a college such as :I propose, I consider that £100,000 would be necessary. I do not think it could be well done for less, and if it ‘were not well done I should not care to have a hand in its formation. Hear, hear. Out of that sum I would pro- pose that £90,000 should be invested in order to permanently provide for the salaries of the-English masters that it would be necessary to maintain. If the college were not started on some such permanent foundation as that, I feel sure that it would not successfully do the work that is before it. and, at- so, I do not think that the college should come year by year to ask for aid at your hands. Of course, at the beginning the college would have to Uu'n v uu .4» 1898, we note particularly the remark;l " Thomas-Phosphate Powder, that lat- 'ter day introduction, dovetails con- veniently with the nitrogenous collect- ing principle, and for topâ€"dressing ro- tation, clovers and grass lands com- mands the situation." ln 9. later edi- tion of the same paper, “ A \Vandering Commissioner," in ihe course of an arâ€" ticle descriptive of his wanderings, says: " We were greatly interested in this field, at Newbold, on account of the experiment- Mr. Potter had been trying with Alberts’ Thomasâ€"Phosphate Powder. The land is a poorish gravel soil of scanty herbage. Farmâ€"yard manure has failed to give saiisfaction on it. Last summer he applied Thomasâ€" Phosphate Powder, and the result is a mass of clover, described by him as thick and soft as a feather bed. In this particular instance, it was the yel- Aunk, --____, ‘low variety of color, trefoil, and not = the desired white, which the. phosphate has become famous for getting. This is interesting and we expect the exâ€" planation is that such poor land favors a lower order of clover, because it has not a sufficiency of the plant, food ne- cessary to produce the higher order of vegetation to which the white belongs. But it is also interesting to note that white clover always gains the ascend- ancy if sufficient: of the phosphate is available with the potash in the soil. In looking over the field in question we can readily see ample evidence of the better clover already making head- way. \Ve speak with agood deal of confidence on this point, having no- ticed so many developments on simi- lar lines." 7 Wm l ZZZ be a. school for almost elementary edu- cation, bu tas the country progressed the college would develop into a. higher form of instruction and would anable the pupils to take positions as clerks in the Government, and posi- tions in the telegraphs as land sur- veyors, as tax collectors, and many other positions of Government, and I hope they muld develop into technical city of Edinburgh )rd Kitchener on ad. by a banquet in course of a. speech to his health, the g ago in the Man~ ruction ) take I. rnment, Sharp Shooting Pains In the joints, elbows, kneas, wrists; swellings, redness. tenderness to the touchâ€"a torment to existence is rheu- matism. But it is cured promptly and pgtjmanently, by Hood's Sarsaparillag. Mrs. Blllsonâ€"So you met Mrs. De Fashion on the street? I’m so glad. They say she is wearing a new bonnet ‘just imported. Did you see it! Mr. B.â€"â€"Yâ€"eâ€"s, I noticed it. Mrs. B.â€"That’s splendid. How was it trimmed? Mr. B.â€"\Vell, it had :1 cowcatcher in front, a tailboard behind, a flower garden on top. and a jobâ€"lot of assort- ed ribbons all round. You can easily make one like it. the acid in the blood. Often with the first few closes the suffering becomes less severe and it gradually disappears until it la entirely gone. This has been the experisnce of thousands and it may be yours by giving Hnod's a faith- ful trial. Remember =I‘his modicffie }emoves the cause of those aches and pains by_neutr;a.lizing schools of agricuilture and irrigation and engineering, and perhaps, last of all, of medicine, and thus form a wor- thy memorial of Gordon and a centre of English education 11 the heart of Afirica. Cheers. Ia Canada’s Greatest Medicine. Sold by dollars in medicine. Price $1. WHEN EARLY PLANTING IS DESIR- ABLE. “I tell a, wellâ€"meaning but perhaps not yet perfectly persistent young friend, who asks me about it," said Mzr. Staybolt, "that there is no such thing as an incubator that will hatch out eagles from dollars while you wait; that the only way, indeed, in which a money crop can be raised is by the most careful and constant cultivation. And I venture to remind him, he beâ€" ing young and. with the world yet be- fore hlm, that this is a crop in which it is desirable .to be in planting early, in omde to produce tghe best results." T2 CURB A C0 9 IN ONE DAY. Tlio unhlvg Bromo Mama Talon. All Dru. (his "(Ind ch. money it {I fail: to Gun. 1%; Hood’s Pills Every one is surprised at the rapidity and efficacy with which Nerviline - nerve-pain cure â€" relieves neuralgia and rheumatism. Nerviline isaspeci- tic for all nerve pains and should be kept on hand by every family. Ho ’ oé s 323?: as McBride. said Twynn. Well? asked Triplett. He actually thinks that his wife has better taste in neckties for him than he has himself. The man whose only thought is to contribute to the happiness of others is as near sanctifioation as it is pos- sible to get. - In the publication of agricultural ex- periments discussed by the "Stratford- on-Avon Herald,” Friday, June 24th, 1898, we note particularly the remark; I never saw such an infatuated man CLOVER AND PHOSPHATE SAW’ THE NEW BONNET Topics of the Day. INFATUATED are gentle, mild. nfl’eo the. All dealers. 25o. all price. Chea] always ore: the two 301 of more pli: so that th« Three Little “'ooden Pegs “'lll Aha". the Nuisanceâ€"Cost, 10 Cents. "Cheap shoes are not necessarin of poor mater‘ml," said. a shoe-store clerk. "Creaking often accounts for the low price. Cheap double soled shoes nearty always oreak, and the reason is that : Scores of people in this district testi- fy gratefully to the wonderful power. and virtue of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Ev- ery phase of Kidney Disease, including I Bright‘s Disease, Diabetes, Rheuma- .nn u.-b_- V _...._V tism, Gout, Impure Blood, Heart Fail- ure. Paralysis, Dropsy, Sciatica, Lum- bago, Gravel, Stone in the Bladder and Women's Troubles, yield. positively and speedily, to the power of this great Life Saver. . Among the remedies usu soaking the shoe in water is effeclive for a time, i is only temporary. The ( ably returns in a flow day 1here Is one certain and siJ It is to drive three little into the SO]8.' T’h'e pegs friction of the soles. Any do) it for you for 10 cent only restore your own p1 but also that of your fri tor many so-called "remedies" had proved utterly useless. The story has been the subject of a. great deal of interested discussion here, and, it has been ascertained and here, and it has been ascertained that Dodd’s Kidney Pills are an article in universal use in this district. “MT. Cragg cannot tell me anything about Dodd's Kidney Pills that I don’t know already,” said a wellâ€"known law- yer, who was discussing the matter with a. group of friends yesterday. "I have ’known them to cure cases of Rheumatism which six doctors had pronounced incurable." . . . n,J.n_ Tllanlu to Dodtl'a Kidney Pllln Whch- (‘nred film Speedlly and Thoroughlyâ€" Mr. Babcock's Story In Ills Own Em- nlmtlc \Vords. Sharbot Lake, Dec. 26.â€"A Dresden despatch, to the Canadian press, last week, described how exâ€"reeve W. G. Gragg, of that town, was cured of se- vere Inflammatory Rheumatism by Dodd's Kidney Pills, aVIt/erthe best doc,- tors had failed to benefit him, and af- 0f Suffering From Gravel, Mr. J. N‘ Babcock Beoovers. AFTER MANY YEARS "I have experienced what Dodd's Kidney Pills will do," said Mr. John Nicholas Baboock, another well-known resident. “I suffered the most acute tortures from Gravel and other Kid- ney Diseases, for twenty long years. I spent hundreds of dollars in doctors’ bills. and for various so-called cures, but with no lasting benefit: “I didn't believe Dodd's Kidney Pills would cure me, but expected to get a little temporary relief from their use. I was completely and. thoroughly curâ€" ed. by them though. There is no Kid- ney medicine on earth to compare with! Dodd’s Kidney Pills." Anxious questioners ask, "Is there no sure cure for corns?" \Ve are glad to be able to tell these sufferers that Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor will relieve them in a day, and extract (orns without pain. It never fails. \Vhat is the only safe rule of action when you want a thing well done? in- quired 1he head of the firm of the young man who wanted a position. Order it rare. promptly responded the youth, who has been compelled to board at a restaurant for years. Even in geography the beneflcent plans oi n'xture appear, remarked Mr. Poindexter. Do they? asked BIr. Perkasxe. \Vell, consider for yourself the re- sult if the Can-tries were near Cat Isâ€" land. You can always tell false teeth from the real thing, because they are near- er perfection than natural ones. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any came of Catnrrh aha! cannot be cured by Hall's CALM-1}} Cure. . J. CHENEY & 00.. Toledo, 0. Webheunflorll ned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last. fl men your: and believe him perfectly honomble in all business transactions and finanolllly able moan-y out any obliga- tions made by thelr firm. VVIs'r & Tmux Wholesale Druggists Toledo. 0. ; WALDING. KINNAN a: MARVIN, W'holesalo Drugglsls. Toledo. 0. u.. .- (nun-m). n"... in mum internally, aot‘ Urulflffllt . Llllwuv. u. HI] '3 Bantam-h Cure is taken internally, aot‘ inn directly upon the blood and mucous sur- faces of the system. Testimonials sent tree. Prlce 75¢. per bottle. Sold by all Draggists. Hall's Famlly Pills are the lust- T0 CURE CREAKY BOOTS. )Jiable m.lte they rub a the remedie the shoe in GOOD THING, INDE ED HIS EXPERIENCE. A Query Answered. HOW‘S THIS ? The pegs prevent the soles. Any cobbler will for 10 cents and so not our own peace of mind of your friends. in and simple remedy ree little wooden peg‘ quit L1 111 inst or oil ut the fit or on‘ In the otl each otk 1‘ one is )VVEV'BI Invari- This A Clear, Concise Statement about There is no other like it. In the truest sense it is unmatchable‘ Lead packagesâ€"25, 4o, 50 and 60 cents. ‘v P C 951 tITTLl GIANT TYPIWRITEI-~A really DNOSIZ‘ m m‘omne and 30‘5"", “to PH” d°uverc -- A â€" “.26. A am: wanted. E‘hefiOW LL 900E TOR-beO curfiuc sonooL. COM“. “ “"“£21““°‘1‘£-T°““‘J3-â€" Send for Illustrated Price List. MOUTH ORGANâ€"a lance-tooth Sawâ€"v V\ rite for s eclnl terms during January and February. . CORRIGAN, 113 Yonge St. fififififlaflsk‘eéam:wzhaggj A ants wanted to canvu {or our popular Sub. wription Books. just being introduced nto Otnada. Write quick. Empire Pub. 00‘. Toronto. "mung," baud Acct. looks. {5:13 “doggy ruled. Dogkpllgdlngq §en¢ yoglpuuznshbgn thcm’nofl’ WNW” -n... Speeqh .lmpegflme‘nts :UPVUUII 'Ilupwulluvu L: N. “am”, “round. Consult I qualified (ruminant, who was for be". a pllnlul "marinara. fin has ounrfgnnny wha nil- Ud aluwhua. Wll to W. J. Amen. . ., Berlin. at. Every Immmerer am rs-pan .114 will can: u t I 1; HO 1 m3“ wm can; ry. "aspen enra' am! a i fir ll nu t . Come and mm: y unolvea. $10411“. EATE. Specialist. 3 I He‘s t, Toronto. W.G. HARBIS,Toronto The Dawson 00mmiaal_on 00.,Lin1lted, Munulnomrers ef Show One Ofllce. Store, Bunk lfd are) Fixtures. Jew- e en'. Drugglns' and all . kinda of Interior ‘Fitzinil. Bnflah Pm. erron. lo. 19 £023 Alloo St . Toronto. Menu") sud Quebec to Liverpool in summu. 13mg and fast twin screw otnmship- ' Labrador ‘ sn- couver.’ ‘Dominion ' ‘Scobam n.’ ‘ Yorkshire! Superior accommodation for rat Cabin, Sec- ond Cabin and Swerage passengers. Rates of manageâ€"First Cabin. 60.00: Souond Cabin. 35: Steers/go 822;.50 an nowards according to I lâ€"l:xrvnn§:nn nnnlw [Dominion Llne Steamshi s. Mnnnrul nud Quebec to L'n erpool in sunnpor. Agrge $35: Steer e rzz‘au anu u Wuruu wuurunug w steamer an berth. For a 1 information apply to Laoal Agents. or DAVID TORBANCE 8c 00.. (9021‘! Agencs. 1'] Sb. Sacrnmenb St" Montreal. 166-168 King St. East. ,AUIIBI OAOINBIâ€"Ngw iqunaelon{flgglt English I.. COFFEE & 00., Eli will; 'S'h'c' Errfiargfie tree, ' Also 'DU REY R VAL NTA BISCUITS. m an ' EALTH RESTORED WITHOUT MEDI- CIN ()R EXPENSE to lhe MO 31' D13 URUERE BTUMACH, LUNGS. NERVES. LIVER. BLOOD. BLADDER. KIDNEYS. BRAlN and BRE AT}! by U BARRY‘B REVA ENTA ABABIOA FOOL). which SAV S INVALIDS and CHILDREN, and also Ream, :ucnmefully In- fants whose Allmenu and DeblliLy have re- sluted all other monumental It. dlaests when all other Food ls rejected. saves 50 times it: cost in medicine. YEARS‘ INVARIABLE SUCCESS, 100.000 ANNUAL OURES or Cousclp. mjon, Flatulenc . Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Oon. sumption, Die 0 a, Bronchitis. Influenza, Coughs. Asthma. aterrh, Phlagm. Diarthme_ Nervoun Deblllly. Sloepleeaness. Despondenoy. U BARRY and Co. (Limited), 77 Regent- abreet. London. W.. also ln Paris 14 Rue do Castigllone, and an all Grocers, Chemlets, 539d Styli-es egerywhere, in tin! $3.. 381.. “Om hunt. Ikms & Ga. you nun, APPLIB, IIITTII, Inc. or nil:an to ship. chip mom to SCRAP, iii/sins TESTED loom. 409-12 Board at “I!!! lulldln'. TORONTO. ONT. ML'J’ON mans“. n. A. 80. M St. Sacrament BL, Moan-0d. Que. GRAIN AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Pays th_e I gt; mahil. "6" ends Gamma uon wish) on! n L and can celupov «unto whack rnlnd. :aEDJngggb-Ifinhnmmon M1$Ҥ65k"ab3iÂ¥>"w:" 26-28 Adelnldoflu. W.. oronto. Biron-onto. Best AT WHOLBIALE PRICES Send (9!:_ogr_s_gg‘cga‘uglt. lent to any address on receipt of stamp. Thermometer Attachment and Vaporlzur complete. Pamphlet:- and Samples of Material of our Steel Frame The Hlflflflffl NEW Bill“ (36.. I Drum Opera PlaoeJoronto FREEWBOOKLET. GUIDE TO HEALTH. Niagara Vapor Bath A‘euta Wanted for Best. Sellim Both in Amerlna. 3:31.350. We gag LtLegltilgLCelhgold Month Organ for 50¢. pout-pan Wivlfi‘iif fii’r‘f’s;"’[lned, ar WILKINS 6: CO., The Hand Light~onlyVBOo Price for Wm.Mlllar& Go. Jou L 00"- 101' 3010. om. eru (or prices Eamon-had lug. ghzr-0L19'wc7iaer’wo'c. EVERY SAW GUARANTEED. sun. Axu 500. now. LEAD. o! my natur- "’IATFOII CPU": 00 Ill ,fitpfi'fi" “‘33? 3'. {neshu at c vacuum. of mama Kin «on em.‘ flan. mu Instruction 05mm fltl'y.’MiI| '1‘. y, beology, Blowpipe cum , and other" he! ate. Pro peotlna. M inq', nd Devolofii pa t. For tut: orinfonfi on School otMininz. ingston.0nz. _ Fluid-up Gannal. . . . . . . 32,600.00. louorve Fund............ I, Head Office‘Toronto at" Tatar-to. Bnnoh omens Wlnnlpog, Mam, Vancouver. 8.0. “POSITi are received an inherent. paid or com- pou dad ha)! yearly. DWI I‘I'RIES hauedln Currency or Sterling Mtg Ignace» coupons hunched. K5 nble in (faundn or to nglind. Executor: an rushes are author- Lzed by law to inns“ in the Debenmrrs or (his 09m my. NONI} ADVANCED on Real Estate seem current rites and on luonblc conditions as ' payment. marten“ and MuPicm’l'Pghenturel purchased: run? I: A :nu CANADA PERMANENT THE oma: SPIOIA 1v mo. ch,"i.IFni{u. TORONTO AND nwnmxm. on. Features Connected With This Closet Which Flake it Super- ior to ANYTHING IN THE MARKET. ADAPTABILII‘Yyâ€"It is adapted to rivnbe residenc a. public buildings. ole‘s, school houses and summer Loan and Savings Company. resorLs. PORTABILITYâ€"It can be placed in awe or cellar. bath-room or outside kitchen. orin any place where there I: a fine}?! 991w?!- -. , ,:_AA _. :14- a uuv v. v.4- EOONOMCXL'Jt requires no diam tectant. The strong current [f air pass ing through it, during accumulation “pricier: all pdors. , ,,# A-.. :- an--. un . v m. ......... {Milkâ€"Is only necelsnry once in fifteon or twenty days, when used by a family of trongjqqrjp membershto ygrn itouo. A" - H __.‘__n,. APPLICATIO -â€"Forvillngesortowns, where there is no sewerage. it: ends we oureor of the Law. unhealthy. uncom- fortable. out-door affair, which more than an other single out, has been responai 10 for disease an death. The Odorlessfi Cljemafor'y and EPPS’S GRATEFULâ€"COMFORTING. splendid, service-b1. pair. only 50m pen-paid. roapecting ""1 TAMMEHERSQ THE MOST NUTRITXOUS. â€" Onlyinflflnbl a In CI to. lot "n u r 9!: u poo intent Bungl‘gga 0.13%; téi'é‘vzia mer 0 Punbrsllo I!" Toronto. ladldl. BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. 00m 1059. To be bid only from ll. 30m; 1's. 1 Queen Sb. BL. TOWN: Bend 31%|!) 0 atoms! wd sgmpl‘ of cloth a rd; nth; oluwhote. Superlor 32:3,; Four Dollars Géneral Heating Cm; Hamilton. Ont Cengral Odorless Isoonrmuran 1865 SHORT WUROI IN nici 51 hentures purcha ,l. fiegéam MA$ON Closet. TORONTO. commuolal Report FlLE.... OEYLGN TEA. Managing Director. ’or Bsnh yd [oreanmg qglngu. omen. proof cloth MININq 9mg: yaw I ‘ity M1

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