Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Dec 1898, p. 8

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A lungs amount improved farm 13 teresb. Easy tam mission charged_c The farm of the late Jul ford. is to rent for a, term given April, 1890‘ Anply1 WM. COSGROVE. 22-1 E.J. FAHEY, I have a. Quantit‘} in a}, 1, 2, 2â€".‘2, and 5] own vessels at 8 cts honey was not ex brood combs and ripened hy the bees 24-4 8.56115 thigh-om the present, (late to the lst of May, 1899, he will be prepar- ed to Cémfortable brick cottage with a good stable on the Cor. of Yonge and Centre st” \Vest, Richmc nd Hill. MONEY I A good pair of pg-opgrty of J. 4 Gems neg BEE. Iiichnlond Hill. M FINE Flour ill Patronize your own mill by buying your Flour, Cracked Wheat, ‘Wheat Grits, Whole Meal L. Innes 6’0 Sons. .__........ The Ladies’ Journal is one of film oldest and best established of the great Canadian journals. in _beautifu11y illustrated. and contains some- thmg #0 interest every member of the family. ‘1' at And other mill products at our mill, where you will get a good article at a reasonable price. By special arrangement with the publishers we accept subscriptions for TEE LIBERAL and Tux-onto Lndies’JournalJor one year for $1.50. When you consider that the reguEar price of The Luclles’ Journal Mono is 3111‘; a. year. you can rudin nae what a. splendid offer we are lugging. : BLUBBINE flFFER! Good House to W. Mager wishes to inform his Boyie’s - mm CHO? GRAIN (Mating and Shopping Promptly attended to Repairing done on short notice. W. MAGER, 22-trf RICHMOND HILL V Freehold Richmond Hill on Repair Shop. be 'seen 18-tf FGR SALE No Family should be Without. it TCVRENT Any day of the Week at TO RENT T0 RENT Apply/£0 To Our Subscribers. A Remarkable 4, “my n‘flm rudyon will receive u y. .V~‘ v *. Ireu.1‘\1"t,’¥"l 01' LIBERAL office. HI A. NICHOLLS. Richmond Hill. rivate fum arty. Five Curling St-oggs, 133:3 xtf‘acte d was rs befor nt HQNEY 0. MASON. Richmond Hill 1b. tins repavm: APE H. MILLER. Richmond Hill nKeuy. mar Headâ€" of veurs. Possession ,turdavs I'PIICE Executors.’ Richmond Bill 1’ O MONEY! Apply to ry finehoney ; or in your b. net. This d from old thoroughly 9 extracting. Ji: Price $6. loan on co [)1- up magmfice ways keepim This luuisl Price $1.00 by mail posl pan]. 115-117 King St. West. Toronto, Ont ‘ All parties indebted to tho under- signed m‘e rcquested to call and settle by the lst of January, 1899, as the pro- prietor is anxious to close his books by the end of the year. 'E‘he Envea‘siian The undersigned will receive tenders from persons who are prepared to per- form the duties of caretaker of the Village Rink at Richmond Hill during the winter season, stating charge per night]. Duties explained on applica- tion to the undersigned. Tenders to be in by Saturday, Dec. 21th, at 5 pan. M. TEEFY, Village Clerk. TEEHRS WNTED Thn undersigned has opened up :1 Grocery in the brick store rucently nocuyied by Mrs. Smiles, and next dam to the Metropolitan Waiting- Room. Our stock of GROCEREES Dec. 21, 1898‘ Is clean and fresh, and W}; have a large display N ID VV’ Candies, Granges, Figs, For thn Christmas Trade, and will not be underâ€" sold. Our moptn is 'Small Pranks and chk deturns." H. F. HOPPER. He is also still keeping ALL KINDS OF LUMBER nu hand and in a. {aw days will be preparel to supply DRESSED LUMBER of all kinds and do PLANXVG AND MATCHING 0! all kinds at lowest prices. Patronage soliolt-ed ; satisfaction guaranteed A quantity of valuable Building Timber, wood and logs on lots 34 and 35, 3rd con. of Vaughan. Terms reasqpahle. The subscriber would respectmlly intimate to the public that having rebuilt. cho choppmg mill “ IVIAI’LE And doubled its capacity. he will chop daily until lurtbnr notice. Maple, Nov. nth 1898 A commodious Dwelling and Store with Lawn and Garden. Terms easy for purchaser. and rent low to good tenant. The dwelling tnd land can be rented apart n-om the store. For terms, &c., Rplyf‘o - Apply to J”. E. CLUCINE. Eglinmu, or to JAS. STEWART, Oak Ridges. For Sale or to Rent BHUPPiNG - MILL The r THE 1"? D.A.Bl IN TEF- VILLAGI“. OF Richnlond Hill, How to tea-ch yourself to play To be had {rum Henry Marsh. 35-“ I 111n1(?diflvt(;‘ly OYSTERS FOR SALE NOTICE PIANO OR ORGAN n m a near a usable armu In bulk or by the dish. Qavmimmzuts. Come and see us NEVV mk‘s.’ FALCUNBRIDGN. 77.5 Ontario St... Toronto th this .1' the m shes. eh all m Eta, Eta, £1qu H. F. HOPPER Meet in the Temp uesd‘ Assessment Vsyste Clnsa Wheat, white, per bus] Wheat, red, per bush . Whom, goose, per bus 03,153. per bush Pens, per bush . Burlev, Der bush Turkeys, par lb ........ Dressed Hoqs‘ per cwt Geese, per 10.. , “hickans. per pm Ducks. per pal: ‘ . . . . ‘ Bummer, in pound rolls Eggs. trash ............ Potatoes, per bush‘ App2es, per bbl . Hay,clover Hay, timothy . Stmw sheaf. J H. SANDERSON‘ Select Counmllor‘ “ Fifty-two Weeks With Goé,” The International Sunday School Lessons for 1899. Strongly recommended by leading clergymen. On sale by all book-sellers, or sent pustpaid on recezpt of the price by No Christian, especially Clergyman or Teacher, should be without it. Beautifully bound in cloth of two co1urs, with stiff boards. Price only The Bradley-Gar- retson 00., Limited. Publishers, Toronto, Can. The Royal Temp‘ars of Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabuhls cure constipation. Ripans Taburw 4 1m. " H'g‘l: {g R]an fibula: - arm“ I.‘ N: f‘!’ A fascinating study of PRICES A'l‘ nnumua' onm white, per bush“. . “.5 red, per bush . .. goqse,_per bush. 0 U D ‘5 39L 48k 35 CENTS. Euroutn martinis. Now ready. ‘emnce Hall 0 my of each mr m. Payahie u‘ gentleman $500 {51.09031 67c 500 Temperance n bh SWITZ ER. Financial Sec'v wwmmw 00697 first Wed 03‘ 6 w! Repairing eat-1y am PM Furniture of all kinds Centre Tables and Everything that is 13(â€" mees made to 0rd: to flame the Globe pi See sample and price Large stbck of P‘aints. Mixed Oils, Varn Brushes and an painters’ materlals at stock of “la” Papers cheap. Groceries Now in Stockâ€"North West and Saskatchewan Bufi‘ Knee Rugs, Gloves and Mitts of all kinds, Trunks and Valises. I als a] ] 0 HARNESS-#3 OF ALL. KENDS. Anyone nenéing a sketchâ€"ind deacflgtinn may quick] ascertain our opinion free w ether an invent on is probably Pangtabio. Communica- tions strictly confident nL andbook on Patents pent. free. Oldest agency for securingcpatents. Patents taken 0 rou h Munn a . receive mint notice. without. c rue. in the - â€" . A {mdsomnly mumatevl woekly. euhmnm of any scientric aunval. ya I, ' :‘r n‘uu‘ hut]. 60 d byn‘l term a an aster-mlou n's "re Janito and I SEéfifi'fié ‘H'mericang size), and make and trim mhes to 0rd all at. right prices. Repairing Fine Harness U2” 10 HARNESS SHOP me Im JIVC US N EVV STOC Blake 11‘1". (3r aunt] ets the FOR FIRSTâ€"CLASS HAND MADE TO THE RICHMOND HILL Z'Iiéiv mu Ian-west Mr- Terma. $3 a “km-denier}. K [I] koile any size and pdttt’ ures or any of the C ’led in the 33.15111}? «DH ({Ukl you will find prl '2? E (). 1‘10 DONALD is to order (lining and trimming in stock). pairing promptly attended to. EWsfia M $395; The Secret Beauty. The secret of feminine beauty is not in complexion powders, creams, etc. Beauty is helplessly dependant upon the working order of stomach, liver and bowels. Use Morning and evening and it will soon clear your complexion of black heads, blotches and pimples. Prepared by ' German Herb Tea W. A. SANDERSON. DRUGGIST. RICHMOND HILL. The property and business of the undersi ned on Yonge St. Richmond Hill. T ere is three-quarters of an acre of land. on which is situated a gond residence with brick shop attach- ed. Also another dwelling at the rear with good stables and outbuildings in 0wood repair. An extensive retail gutcher business is now carried on in this place. .-. ..<l;-1- If Bot sold by the lst of January, 1899, this place win he to rent. to a suitable tenant. Possesswn gin-n the first of the new year. 2m H. F. HOPPER. HTS FOR SALE OR TO RENT , Varnishes, Turpentines, ‘s at low prxces. Large aceries at bottom prices a-n Bufi‘aln Robes. Horse Blankets kinds, Leather Braces, )T Specialty. 9mm}? done. Hit» hildren and adults, ,uites, Sideboards, ure line, Picture em. Special now ~hristmas numbers. iuht. H. F. HOPPER. Richmond Hill. heavv oods.

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