(‘l'S ll] ute gut-mm Thllrsd they ga and éhtist the Firenf Night. a newsi deï¬nin in Atki th can-im- ’1 Monday will be p patrons we trust the trim pur tak were plea: Mr. J. BI“ for Christ tion for p lee has he lec 18 ct Tl all‘S. b’u treat but Bul-nf VChL Atkinson t') a. swim and Mr; \V his seat as dish-ii NILPI‘t Note Switzv uI-day. Atkins The mittee dist S the P 'md u (‘zmad It THE I 01mm pring 1‘ val} pa] ongl llyCl msu Hill 101111 IV 01 Li [‘ sinc Ire 0: Jis iss Ltl Fire Bx-igzu 1] Monday Some of number ma Stan} MENDELSSOHN ( The above musical ( lll Th Th )1] ill M r'. XV icle to “iill Three 11 at ()ll ( l‘uz tesic hi asday‘ ‘d wn '01‘1‘ r00 py n m k 1t 10‘ dV Sc} \V SIT] 1']; iuf( with )Il dat 011T )(liE‘S Sat um In US IIW OI-tisemen ought to ‘L‘mationv 85 Swzibzer mus: mun the York 1h itt l-trl 111) .AL 91‘â€) Hill itz tt 1m lilienc l. Th mcel‘tr UH mth that goe t to contain usicians 3th Ht It'ion th }I 1-11 'l n I)! hi Inf is not fl‘l :Pab will Mzu'khzuï¬ bli m quotubions ï¬e adv. in 3' 2% m-t .ph mt wbi “PU 1d ï¬t in 111 the m ftel tux lult tt 11d 'ï¬n the Scht k Childre 1 amount U 1t II Hut nd M iv de t1 11) th up D} )‘VII will hly ï¬ll . Atk'm 9 {Hugh 1 in aid ill "Ill VX 111.1 11 pp )1'tf hi m 1d 'd' ( Ivy hyu'll. Th n, Rev. G 1d Harrisoz that 3. mob in deprivin their lands. ldl nl ‘01) mmc if th‘ t11( 1'11} nvifl a fun p111 can the The and m t Ml Ipp M i011 otl )m \Vost dist ( H nn At the con- :L collcction endowment, Got in the The collec- Add w-ill 1H] f0 (:hnil Capital The judges recitation h by Roy Johnston ; and a de- AT}! 1nd 2nd 1H fur Switz nmeut, lthoms, art ad- CbllM‘h Besides 1tu1 ml I'PH’H ill nt '1) E urch (1 u 'SSI and Ssrs. 11$ th( u n- on , the .Vlc .vill he (delighwd the uudi revitatious and diah (if the progrmmue rendered; indwd it has the (Ippm'umii such an inLei-es‘uing tel-Laimuenn. \Ve purriculzu-iz9; every 1191- part well, bub w fan'ng to the “(2‘ performed by eight a way which greui audit-nee, At Lhe (:i part of the entertuii made- his appearan‘ pleasing manner wa: of the scholars in school. He thunka Lhe kind reception, to distribute the m something f0 for the git-13:1 boys, and lust under the In that had been parsun. Mr. dent, made '4 Thus. Newtw and flowing: b Claus: Crew: who were in such an entel in §, I, own \‘e honey brood 11me A very enjoyable til Friday evening at t! Sabbath School euto lecture room was we}! scholars, their patron some of whum came u enjoy the treat, that h Pd. \Villing and dili Gold. ‘ Chorus, Address Chm-us. ANTEDâ€"~81 persons in ill: 11] ofï¬ce-52 months M {mm he kind reception, and I) distribute the press.- uspeuded from the he I] hmu‘ he was kept bu: ifts, “hich would have ized defnu'tmenml stm omething‘ for old and rngx-amme iaus who 19 hundred vening was I have a, Qual ranches. Chorus, Hum Song, Mr. F mss the Crow During the f 0 Chief Bang 7 the membel Id "pl-0n for Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules: at. drug ‘Ripans Tabules cure tor lllllllé Kory able and apprupx-i; -y sermons were pwac “Nudist chm-ch last 5an :tion with the Sabbath * morning by Rev. J. \V ple and in the evening Keam of Thnrnhill. 01 {evening :1 choice pI-ng on at the Christmas T11 nt, in the school 1-00 urchA After sillsrimr M, th :hmm “hing. (1001' 11in 1d Lb nisun PRI and pm Mowing Lees n ch I‘} ombs )y L11 311 was ovcupwd by The sum of 18.66 w E‘or Sale th for valuuh]: court (luxjn ). Sims hm into the con 3 presentatim' the court b' N l Ml )ch and It 8 l)( \vhn II’L W 'a I) D FOR ONE YEAR THODI.‘ {33H [AGES ghin 1'6 ESE/“lg and pie \Ve have no every one dié bub we cannot e “Good-Nigl eight pretty n greatly delig Sims A. “'1 L1 jmnping'ju Jf all he pulh nehes a. big: :ulzu- meeting 0 O. F. held on following were for the 0x151 Hill h Away \Vm. lieu-1 m I‘] ext 1d din-in (Z 'mmu M0an tin Drs til hef God-Night Drill†)ré‘bt‘y maidens in 1y delighth the )se of the literary meub Santa Claus :e, and in a very ; welcomed by one the muue of the the children for 1nd at once began 1386:an that were :LOI‘E‘. 5a: 1nd ynun Irlit H ll] ~1-tainment. Th 1 fliled with th its and friends L long distance L lad been pl'epau‘ ,igent hands hm shefore, and th tin 1'" 3‘ wi as admirably eldum that one of listening to L1 pleasing on- e no need to hl Br th‘rt‘ \VilS S him 'gists. 'pld liver Ill lu re f0? Lh‘ uperinten ‘n. and Mr mum l ontc e anniver- ed in the ny in con- ichool; in Stewart of kg for Um I out from fat gno'se 10nd H sbyt ntn had a; dolls L' nearly Hing the m 111 present 11 new ‘ing the make in Hop Ill SOI] ut on :erian The :1 the Sims zen tea Palm Lmas Lilnr 2mm hose This It to 1nd ()‘V the 1m {Dd II'C 1d Ill C. MASON, - RIOHMQN EQLEDAEE HARD“ V’Vibh a ï¬ne assortment of STAPLE £3 FAEEGY GEQGERIES As cheap as the cheapest. ]'Returning to Good. Times. Making New Year’s Happy. Eape i of y. 'ure Lard, 7§c.; Dates, “3| lemnn, llc. ; Canned Corn omfm-t Soap, 50c. ; 13 bars nrs Happy Home Soap, 50( :. ; Cleaned Gut-rants, 6c. : Cm-d 200 yd. spools, 2 ' 1.15 ; the remainder of our nd Ladies’ Jackets, Gents’ ) per cent. off; Gents’ Rem ) per cent. off. RDWAR s on hand'with the 1:: “ï¬lm will sell durin business SAAC CROSBY. Atkinson & Switzer There is every reason to believe we are mg}; mm [3 prepared for the; Holiday 6 Let us all try th( Rap ' aiming- chmmond I‘lill Friday and [Ms of this Shines brightly in the kvusiness ï¬rmament ATKINSON & SWITZER. 1d e 11 ith Also other Stove Pipes Ml kinds of i - STOE ‘eriment of ï¬E’gASGE hear. aturday, the last two 11‘, net cash: and best make atb W ml rialsins, itch Sprin ina. and C Collars m vercoats a {UH lI erythin md hea Soa ott season ng Unrsets, Glassware, 1nd Braces, 9, 50C. ; Snap, 6 for ;, 6:20. ; best and Suits; 1898' Lynx 13 bars