SOMETHING ABOUI‘ ANTICOSTI. It May Becomes none of (‘onlentlon Ber tween I-‘rnnve and England. A correspondent of the Times, Lon- don, England, contributes the follow- ing letter about Anticosti. As this island may rise to the dignity of a bone of contention between France and England, th: letter is especially in- teresting at this time. It says:â€" Anticosti is an island about liOmilcs long with a maximum width of 30 miles, slanting across the mouth of the River St. Lawrence. Many ships have been wrecked on its shotes, which have a most unenviable reputation among mariners. The land is generâ€" ally swampy or rocky, with numerous small lakes; andthe most notable hills are about 600 feet high. The value of the island itself, except for a strip of spruce forest along the. north shore, is small. v That of its surrounding wa- ters is by no means contemptible, and little groups of fishermen have taken up their residence on its shores. It is the treatment of these people by the new owner of the island that has given rise to the present discus- sion. Antioosti, like other territories in Quebec, was granted by the King of France to an assigneur. The French- Canadlan seigneurs, it may be remark- ed, were not in the position of English freehold landlords. Their tenants, who paid nominal rentl, were not liable to be evicted at will, and could sell their farms if they paid 8 per cent. of the price to the seignour. This semi-feudin , system was abolished in 1854, the Cana- dian Parliament voting £500,000 as compensation to the signeurs. Long before thatâ€"about the end of the last century, in factâ€"the seigneurie of An- tioosti passed from its French grantees to a Scottish family, the Forsyths, who held it till 1884. THE ISLAND IS SOLD. In that year the island was put up for sale under an order of the Quebec courts, and was bought for £20,000 by Mr. F. \V. Stockwell, who was jOined. by his brother in an attempt to develop its resources. In 1888 the island was taken over by a London company, “the ‘ Governor and Company of the Island of Anticosti." This enterprise having failed, in the end of 1895 the island? was again sold by order of the court. This time the buyer was a rich French- manâ€"not a Frenchâ€"Canadian. This gentleman, M. Menier, not only forbade fur-hunting on the island, but attempted to stop the lobster-fishing, in which the inhabitants had been en- gaged under Government licenses. Many of these inhabitants are English Newfoundlanders â€"â€" Protestant and Catholicâ€"who came to Anticosti in 1873 on the invitation of Mr. Forsyth,l the then proprietor, and have since been engaged not only in the lobster but in the cod and herring fishery, and in hauling iron from submerged wrecks. TO CONTEST HIS RIGHT. Two representatives of th‘ fi<hermen mide their way last October with great difficulty to Quebec, having tia- velled 95 miles in an open boat from Fox Bay to Esquimaux Point. Public subscriptions were raised in Qu-bec and Montreal to enable them to con- test at. law the right of M. Menier to expel them from their homes. This right is claimed by him in a suit in- stituted by him on September 14 in the Saguenay district, his demand be- ing for the expulsion of the "tree- passers" and the demolition of their houses and other buildings. Fortunate- ly, the Provincial Government has now by order-in-Council, resolved to pay the costs of a test case in the Superior Court. But whatever the law may say and the Government may generously do, human nature revolts at the idea of these poor fishing folk being driven In so masterful a fashion from their bleak island home. V ~. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Comparisons are odious when they shadow us. _ Poets are born, but the waiter girl is made to order. I A reliiEV‘r is I: most fet hing tl;l g in the world. A bare cupboard always furnishes food. for thought. Borrowed money causes a great deal of near-sightedness. The telephone girl has an extensive calling acquaintance. The medicine bottle usually has a bad taste in its mouth. The path of ambition leads to a great many political graves. A good many heroes are wood pulp and printer's ink. When a. man has nothing to do he always attends to it personally. It is impossible to convince a spider that there is honey in a rose. Men need higher moral Courage than they do higher foreheads. The lazier a man‘ is the more he is gcing to accomplish to-morrow. "The voice of a man popping the ques-' tion has the true engagement ring. Lots of men who make witty remarks are too dense to realize the fact. It is pretty hard for keep their wants down comes. . Some Women are jealous of an echo oecause it always gets the, last word. The ambitious m'n doesn't worry very nuch about his gt"}' brain matter. Indolence often assutii ',\‘ ill-3 m'isk of patience and gathers in her rewards, This world is a dangerous place to live in. reople seld rm get. out of it a’ive. made of slime mento to their in- Dyspepsia Is Soon flared By the "magic tdtitth†of Hood‘s Sar- sapiriila. This medicine gently tone! the stomach. purifies the blood and puts the whole digestiv“ apparatus in lhealthy condition. Why should you or your friends suffer the pangs and . miseries of dyspepsia wh-n a. cure may be rifectod so easily and So promptly :by taking this medicine. No matter what other remedies you have tried. ‘Romember Hand's Sarsnparilla cures, absolutely and permanently, when all other preparations fail to do any good. COULDN‘T SCRATCH. Little Ruth was looking out of the window at the baker‘s horse. Momma, she srid, doesn‘t a horse use two of his legs for hands? \Vhy, no, momma an- swered, a horse doesn‘t need hands as we do. But, mamnia, the little girl persisted, I don‘t see what he does when his nose itches. How did young Ilarduppe ever sucâ€" cecd in winning old Rockingham's conâ€" sent to marry his daughter? The crusty old kcrmutlgoon has driven away a dozen better fellows. I hear that IIardnppe took the old man‘s wheel apart, cleaned it and stored it away for the winter. E Sarsa- parilla ‘ ls Canada's Grosbelt Medicine. Sold by all doalersin medicine. Price SI. Hood's Pills trainings†It is the little that a man wants here below that‘s always the hardest to get. The grandchild's voice will always be I raised in defence of the motherâ€"in-law. It looks queer, but the best man at a wedding isn’t the one who gets marâ€" ried. 5 Horse racing is a peculiar thing1the majority of the horses in a race are not in. it. As a child the race-goons horse was .a. hobby, and as a man his hobby is a horse. The revolts of intelligence are. more dangerous than the insurrections of ignorance. The man never lived who didn't ex- pect to invent something that would make him rich. When she says they are engaged and ‘he says they are not it often takes; a l lury to decide. A writer says there is a great deal of character in politicsâ€"but he doesn‘t tspecify the kind. Solomon was the wisest man in his day, but then, of course, lh‘tt was long lbefore your time. ’ No man is born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but lots of men die with gold in their teeth. Two fools and two handkerchiefs are the only ingredients necessary to com- pound a silly flirtation. It is said the whisper of a beautiful twoman can be heard farther than the loudest yell of duty. It doesn’t cause a man's heart to overflow with joy as he meanders home at 2 a.m. to discover that both him- self and the moon are down totheir last quarter. l l !THE REMEDY AND THE DISEASE. Mr. Chinnâ€"Have you heard of the gnew rest cure for nervous prostration‘? ‘Patient isn't allowted to talk for weeks. I Mrs. Chinnâ€"Huh! I'd just as soon die tfrom prostration as exasperation. ITO CONSUMPTIVES AND SUFFER- ' ERS FROM CATARRH. If you are troubled with catarrh bronchitis or irritable throat. etc., send 'for sample bottle of our famous pre- paration and inhaler post paid. It is neither a snuff nor a wash, nor an ,ointment, but a pleasant remedy which is carried by atmospheric air to every ‘lpart of the throat, lungs and nasal .passages and guaranteed to be an abâ€" lsolute cure. Address, N. C. Poison 8: Co., Kingston, Ont. NO NEED FOR ONE. Mrs. Clancyâ€"Do yez kape a book. Mrs. Casey"? Mrs. Caseyâ€"Indade, no! Shure an' th‘ small ructions Oi've bod ain't worth kapin record avl .â€"._â€"â€" T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Toke Laxntlvc Bromo Quinino Tablets. All Dru chh refund the money i! it falls to Cure. ISA. ARRANGED FOR. I'd: like to know when you are go- ing to pay this bill. I can't call here every day." "Hâ€"ml What day best to call, than?" "Saturday." "Very well; call every Saturday.†scrap would suit you HOW'S THIS ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any (we of Cntarrb that cannot be cured by Hall's Cebu-r; Cure. . J. CHENEY 8!. 00.. Toledo. 0, Wethoundernifned, have known. F. (‘henoy for the last. 8 teen years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and flnlnoially able to carry out. any obliga- tions made by their ï¬rm. WIS? a: TRUAX. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. 0.: WALDING. KINNAN 8c MARVIN, Wholesale Drug lat .Tolodo. 0. Hall's Eaten-h Cure is taken internally, act.- Ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur- faces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall‘s Famin Pills are the bsst. M.arried life is th» thing. Why, for instance? \Vell, you can have the comforts of home then. Are you keepâ€" ing house? \No, but; we've got a. peach of a boarding house. flue My My husband, said Mrs. Jimson, is alâ€" ways complaining that Ican’t cook as well as his mother did. Does your husabnd annoy you in that way! Not at all, replied Mrs. Spiifins. My hus- band is able to hire. a woman to (lo the cooking at our house. PAISLEY Aldrin - By the Extraordinary Statement of a. Resident. llc Proves the Truth of [III (‘lnlmâ€"llays Dodd’s Kldney Pllls Absolutely Cure Dlnbetcsâ€"lees Facts to Prove Ills (‘onr tentlon. Paisley, Jan. 2.â€"This most extraor- dinary- and startling statement was made in public by one of our mest widely known and prosperous men of business toâ€"day: "I walk about protected from the at- tacks of Dialwtes just as securely as a suit of steel would protect me from the stings of a mosquito." "What do you mean i" asked one of his friends. “I mean that I am as safe from the agonics of Diabetes, so long as I use Dodd's Kidney Pills, asl would be from the. sting of a mosquito, if I wore garments made of steel.†"That is quite true," put in another' gentleman who was standing close by. "Let me prove it to you by telling you of ti case that occurred a few doors from my own house, in this town. "Mr. James Thompson, who is well known to most of us, suffered from an extreme casn. of Diabetes for several years. He was so ill he could scarcely move, He tried nearly every remedy in the market, without effect. Notic- ing an advertisement claiming lh‘lt Dodd's Kian yPiIls will cure Diabetes, he began using them. Two boxes made a marked improvement in his condition and, continuing the use of the medicine he was fully restored to health, "Now, when Dodd's Kidney Pills cur- ed this case, they will cure any other case of Diabetes. 1 say this in all sin- cerity. . “If every person who is afflicted with Kidney Disease would use Dodd's Kidney fr’iils,. thwy would recover health and strength so quickly and completely thit they would hardly know themselves." Dodd's Kidney Pills cost only fifty cents a box, at. all drug stores. SURE TO TURN UP. Slmpurse â€"â€" \Vhatare you going to do in this outlandish neighborhood? Shortpurse â€" Waiting for something to turn up. Huh! There won't anything turn up here. Yes, there will. My landlord threa- tens to put me out toâ€"morrow, so I’ve been hunting for another place. I've just got the refusal of this miserable shtinty. and have sent for my wife to come and look at it . The something I expect to turn up is her nose when she sees it. AN EXHIBIT 0F GRASSES. At the. Ballsbridge Horse Show sam- ples were. shown of grass lands dressâ€" ed with Alberts’ Thomas-Phosphate Pon‘x and that undressed taken from the same ficld in every case, from the farms of Mr. Flood, of the "Fox & iGcese," and Mr. Fergus O‘Neill, of Merâ€" lton, Baldoyle. These samples set forth very strongly the value of the phosphate as a fall topâ€"dress for men- dows and pastures. The strong clovâ€" er growth on the dressed portions was very convincing. It was lengthin re- ported in “The Farmers’ Gazette,†of Dublin. NOTHING IN IT. Her rosy lips were near to me; ' " To kiss her were the best of jokes, And yet, 1 did not try, for she. Was just a dummy made for cloaks. WPC 952 TORONTO Eitrrmc sca’ooc \\ rite for special tnrmg during January and February. S. COR RIGAN, 113 Yonge St. wanted to canvns for our popular Sub. acription BNIIIB, just. being ii-troduocil nto Canada. Write quick. Empire Pub 00., Toronto. ZdeMn/Récr ‘ . céuvq‘m.dw MM]! ' gWVW neg diode/WA Gem. mgr ONE Wo'Ri): THE QUALITY OF LUDELLACTJZ“ is unmatchable and always the same. ‘Lead packages,â€"â€"25, 4o, 50 8: 600. Wilk Sn for Illustrated Price List. Lance-tooth saw-The Held Ligmeoniy 50... per foot. EVERY SAW GUARANTIID. arm lots. 50.. unit. WILKIN 166-168 King St. East, 8: 00. l‘lS We ncl‘n beautiful Celluloid Mouth Organ for 500. pout-pom. TTS’ llned' o splendid, serviceable pail, only 500. Don-’31.. S 6: (30., TO RON TO. A8030! 0;:INOiIâ€"Nov Isponntlonn ï¬nest. Hull-I p n lfll' e â€"roll|ble d- ...» m 1mm a 00.. com..." AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Sand for o r spacial list. THE 0 .LL BOOK OMPANY. 26-28 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. “iiiâ€"ants 13W Write for prion MILTON HER‘EY. B. A. Sc. 16 St. Snornmonh 8L. Montreal. Que. Bookblndlng, Send our ml nzlnoa, have them nicely Prlntlng, ï¬nish. only leads, Sttéemonza. Me; on nr 5. nstock an toor er. en ‘oot‘ B°°k°‘ 20o Ana receive poat~ .1 counter doybaok “119.130â€on ruled. .EL- Ian 9 Kigut Hamilton "TL! GIANT TVPIVIIITll-â€"A really practlca machine and not... morn tor. Prlre delivorc “.25. A I-nts wanted. The HOWELL BOO COMP/i Y. 26-28 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. Mlllo. Minn & Halos B:rrlsboru,ecc.,removori to Wesley Bldgm, Rich mond tit. W.. Toronto. E v e r y Itcmmsrer Stammerers-c-n u 11m villain-m;A in: t . Ibaves until) our study on th s itress n a i. [y p y K. BATE. Conic Ind ntiify yourulvel. No rink. Spool-Hat, 392 College SI: , Toronto. {Speech .Impediments :21“.'.:':,‘,‘::: Mound. Consult a qualiï¬ed notitiouu. who 'u lot Iv a? n painful "slums , on has cured many who hil- e 0 “when Writ.“ . J. Arnott, M.D.. Berlin. Ont. IF You nu my APPLII, IU‘I’I’ER. sum or Penn“ to ship. ship them to The Dawson Commission 00., Limited, SHlNNIlN are. HIES Prices Complete 31 00. TH! OFFIOE SPEOIALTY MFG. 00., LImIth Toronto and New market. On. STAMMERERS. LETTER Olly inst-Italian In annde furéhc cure o 01 vy pl: u of spun]: afoot. stnblllb ' n‘ . 01 03311311? “disagvgfl Wéiri'dbrs. I Pembroke It., Toronto. alnndn. s u p e rl o r Egrgi-pghggrglobh Four Dollars 00m lobe. To be had only from M. T3, at Queen at. 31.. Send sum for circular and sample of cloth be or. buying elsewhere. SHORT BOUHSE IN Prospootlng‘“.....m. “l h ' SCHOOL of MINING Klngaton Ont.†gig. M iii d , l . 10 . éanlony. Blowpipo Testing, and other old gals. Prospecting, Milling, and Develop- . . 1 [ Font. For further inlor'ilnat‘izoglalpgérrgï¬â€˜ School of Mining. Kingston, Ont. Central Instruction in hemistry, Min~ ITRATFORD. ONT. But Oomnorolsl School in the Province ' enter now. uio um. w. J. ELLIOTT. renown. Sheet Metal Works. IR 0 0 Fl N c .l't‘gOFING aura In mm M . L “BLACKBOARDS ( c In pl) bl [ï¬rï¬lxbasg ï¬TOIODIOl Kaolin. Felt, 1’ tab Cool on, «o. R ODE Cl TILE at New City Build in“. orenlo done by ourflrg). at»! Oollin 3. ON 1 rnlnho for work con: la 0 or fov WE nah-“u “ nrt of the oountry.$bonc “3% . I ibdp‘ï¬lho. Againâ€. .Iwmmcr .10.,Toronto ’_____________ Dominion Line Steamshi a Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool'in summer; arg end fest. twin screw steamshipa lualri'titilork Van couvcr.‘ ‘Dominien’ ‘Sootslimn, Yor shire Superior nocomnio ution tor First Cabin, Sec ond Cabin and Stoorago passengers. Rates _o assa 0~First Cabin. 60.00; Second Labln 35; more 6822.50 on u wards according tr steamer an berth. For a ltnformntion appl; to Local Agentl. or DAVID TOR‘RANCE on Co., Gen’l Agents. 17 SD. Sacrament Sm. Montreal. FREE BOGKLET. sent» to any address on receipt of stamp. Vaporlzer complete. Bath in America. 37 Yonge St., Toronto. [down a co, GRAIN AND GGMMSSSION MERCHANTS, loom. too-12 Board of Trade Bulldlng, TORONTO? ONT. Tannin! FLYII. Toronto 1 GUIDE TO HEALTH. i amplilotn and Sample» of ‘ oterlal of our Steel Fl‘lilll" ‘ Nlagara Vapor Bath Thermometer Attachment and Agents Wanted for Best Selling ‘ ‘- Illelllllfllllll lllllJOI Still to- Etuuunhfld mg l Wm. Mlllnrt 0:. ' I l. f I 022‘“'at'.:. Lu and otzl 'Ixtu s. cm olen', Drum-n a. nil kin I o Intarl Fit Brltllb Pinto MIrrorI, lo. 1. to? AI co 3t . r0 THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS’S GRATEFULâ€"COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savings Company. luconromircn 1055. Puld-up Otpltal , . . . . . . . 02,600.01» Reserve Fund . . . . . . . ..... “30.090 Hand ofï¬ceâ€"Toronto It. Toronto. q lunch omen r WInnlpsï¬, Mam, ‘anOWII‘. I.I. DEPOSITS no method at Interest, paid or eat yoga-ean yearly, DEB . 1' IF. Issued In Currency or Btovllnl wit Interact coup I attached, a obi: In Condo 0 In Inflnnd. xeouton rig not": no anthem Izod by Ian to invent In a Dubanturu of til Com my. MONK AIDVANPED on 1!. nl Eucto security a current mo: and on (nonb e condmonl u to r payment. Marta-[OI Incl Munlcï¬g Debentures purclmud. J. RBIRT MASON Managing Director. EALTH ESTO IID WITHO T MIDI- CIN 0 EXPE. 8360 lge Oi DI RDERE STOMACH. 141) N 3. NS V LIVER. 814003,A BLAD ER. KI . E 5. BRAiN and BR TH by U ARRY'B R VALEN'I‘ AEï¬BIOt 00D which AVES IN A 3 nï¬ C ILDREN, and also Rents Inocostully - tutu whose Ailments and Deblliny have n- ilsted all other tr-ostme m. It dingests who: all other Food in rejeote , uvoa times in. cost In medicine. Ll YEARS’ INVABIA 100,000 ANNUAL 0U ES 0 Con tip- ntion, Flatulenc , Dyspepsia. ndiflontion. on. stimption, Din ates, Bronchitis. Influenza; Coughs. Qatari-h. Phlegm. Dion-hm. Nervoun ability, Slocplossnese. Despondonoy, p0 BARRY and C . (Limited). 17 Hogan.- 0 UCCEBB, street. London. ., also In Pin- a 14 RI. Castigllone, end at all Grocers. hzmhtl, Ind Stores everywhere, in tin! 15.. 30.. d., 60: b. 14-. Sent carriage tree Allo DU Y's REVALENTA Bisotn'i's. In an ' h H. and 6c. BARN A HOLE In Three Mlnutcc. IT CAN EASILY BE DONI WITH THE Swiss Darner. . . FEES? . _A!ter I little prep. ties we pay India 810 a week aslnry who have learned to be come sufï¬ciently ro- loient with ‘1 wass Duullli to u ' as our agents and t Instruct other-in their, locality. We I'Oqllll" thousand: of umplg darnings for our bull null. and woman who “on Bwus DARHEB on gully earn from 83 ‘0 weekly in dermis irl: an nipples for us. TI wxsl Dan 3 v u. n fresh boo or t. a nockln In tvv minutes. I mend. table cloths, curtain underwear nnd nl fabrics with equnl nicely and speed, an nobild can openn- i ll callly as n STOV- erlon. Tn: lwrn Muesli, ncetl bon‘ Id, com lat. w b full 3- r lutmctionntutimou p. . £513, on. unt to an, - ‘ nddren on receipt oq print. 31! cents Sam lo dcrnlnu. ï¬ve contï¬; dillonnl‘ To. §nugo_ Ir 0.. n Adel-.111; 9;, Jan“, 'lSISO’ID AHQLVWEIHO of these closets are now in use. They are Absolutely Odorless. Fire only required once in two weeks. For circular write to llll Ulllllll lillllllllllll Gll‘lll ill. HAI’IILTON, ONT. Jon I. Conn