GOING M’RTHI; 0F); 1.x ' number of sheep. The owner may Toifllï¬o' Milli)†“ii-:5 air. hile the same by proving properly rum-miniâ€: ’ ii in 555 and paying:r expenses. 7 strontium; ‘3‘13 \VM. COSURO} E. 335.; """""" 3. {tail 26-3 Richmond Hill r. o. ‘ Newmtirlret .I: in, 5 645 +-â€"-â€"v-~â€"(7I GOING SOUTH. a! . .m 11x rum; e ‘ Newmurket ............ a. hi.) Aurora... . !l 22 3.20 V Ema}; w, ï¬'I'L‘I'J' " $1.; (‘oinforiablc rooms for High school 'riigrniiiii .............. L 52:; 'e‘li I studI-nts. A ‘ TORONTO 7 MISS HRH“ N. ‘ ‘ Union .............. 10.30 43.0 79.; 264.3 Richnmnd “Iâ€. ‘_ . | .. . i . r‘ 7 »~ â€" PROCTORD STAGIL I.Il\l:. ~ . Connects with alltmins. leaving the I’nlxnor e House Richmond Hill. as follows: gm u m Mail & Expressharth d‘ Smith. Express North and Wm] South ..... a..- p. in. METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Between Toronto and Ilir-limonil Hill. Cars lenvo C.P.1<. (‘rossniu M720 and 0.40 u.ni.; 2.1U. 5.40 iiinl 7.45 p Cars leave Richmond Hi 1 in. 7, 4, 7 and lil p ll}. \Vcdnesdny nnd Sntuiuluy leave C. I’. t. ('rlvssiiiu for lv 1.30, 2.410. 1mm. 5.10 fllnl 7.»i:'i _p. in. : rhiurii- inc lonvc lil-‘lllllUlHl liill iii. ‘_’."I', 4». 4.110. 7 rind lC p. in. lil‘iln‘ll hire 2.": cents; children 15 ct nrs. Special Excursion evcrv G'J‘Illlli.‘ iron) (‘. Crossing to Iiit'i-Iilulill Hill and _r-.turn_ 7.45. Return llll'l‘ 1’5 hours: ('liililroii Int", Excursion from Richmond iiill (wary \\ Hines- dnfl at 2.210 p. III.,1'Olillll)llJ;.' le.i\o‘:l‘ornnt_«.v iii. 1.4517, in. Return litre 2:50.; children lac. aniid li a. n:.: 'liiiiond liill Lit P. It. at POST OFFICE NOTICE Until further notice lluils will be closed at the Biol‘imond Hill Post ) ca as follows:â€" MORNING 'â€"(;}oina North. soulli East and \Vest, illi’lullln. ’l'hornbill, Maple,Toronio Marklfxmd'c. 8.1. EVENING:â€"Goinu south Exist rind \\ est (HE P almye‘ ’ 51.; N.B.-7Rugistered Letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes mirlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. M. 'I‘EEFY. Postmaster. Village Directory. EpiscOpal Churcthei-vicos nt 7 p. to. every Sunday. > Presbyterian Church-Smyst :it 1'. a. 10., and 7p. in. . Sunday S"ll()tll tit 2,1“). Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Roman Catholic t‘liuroh nate Sunilms ate! H.111 ' Methodist Church 7149) 71). in. Sunday School at 2.50. meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge, A.F. and A. M.â€"Meets Mon- dav on or lvei’wre full moon, 7 Court Richmond, A. O. I<‘.A Meets secoii : fourth Friday. 7 _ Ivy Lodge, A. O. U. W: Meets fourth [LP'Srlfly of each month. Camp I“. an, S. O. Ssibdcets second and ninth ’Wedncs lay _ R. T. of 'l‘cmpcmncevklcels first \\ edncsdny of each month. Fire Brigadeï¬Meets scvcnd Monday of every month. Public Library and Reading: Ronni» Open Tuesday. ‘l‘liursduy and Saturday evenings. Epworth Leagueâ€"Meets cror) Friday. Repair Shop.“ Services on ulter- lI‘ JSU in. .r‘l“ {li' _.-. l IL. n)., and General pm} («r and W. Mager wislit‘s to inform his patrons that from the prosent date to the lst of May; 899, he will be prepar- ed to CHOP GRAIN Any day of the Week at Boyle’s - mm _AT_ 4 tails iitr at. Repairing done on short notice. W. MAGER, Ilichniond llili. dirt EXFEESS. TORONTO â€"EVERY~â€" Monday. Wednesday and E‘riday. Freight and Parcels delivered and ‘ Collected. ï¬lial dEElitied i At reasonable rates on shortest notice Patronage SoliL-ited. _LEVIGABY. tor The LIBERAL. Subs-scribe I‘V-lllilv lixmirsions , 312w gavtttimmmts. STRATIED Gilli]? to the premises of the under- signed, lot30,2nd COIL, Markham,» on or about the lst of Novoiiibor. 1898, a ill lira igt How to teach yourself to play THE PIANQQR ORGAN Tlll‘. best method ever invented to teach you how to chord an instrument is without doubt. the “BENTON METHOD. In iin t it is m ‘ simple it touches you in. Slflllb. I‘lie wonderlul result was obtiiiiiwl bv the in- minor after years of hard study. It is u vm \- ensy mutter tu-dm witl‘ this method to pluv the iiccompmiiincnts of the ni‘rst iiillicnlt son», ulso dnncemusic,mun-hos, etc. > ’l‘ho remark isofteii made by people snynu: “It 1 would only pliiy the chords, I would be lumpy." In this new method you got il all in a nutshell. N0 knowledge of music is nvccsmiiy iii. rill to undeistnud this guidu. It is also n. time and iiiiniit-v savor. 'l'lie Choidei‘ is ii neat little lleli‘f‘, consisting: of 5‘.) chords on ll; cards in difieront lim'. put ni, iimnniï¬'cent-ly with a n nibvr of ribbons. tri- WM .4 keeping it in a neat rind tidy UlillilJP". This indispensable in iungeiiicnt is called The D. Brenton Choral; Method. Price $1.00 by mail posl pziisi. To belied from all music stores, or D. A. BRENTON. Care of lieintznmn (5* Co., 115â€"117 King St. \Vcst. Toronto. Ont. â€" I All parties indebted to the under-I signed are requested to call and setilo by the let of January. 1899. as the proâ€" . pi-ietor is anxious to close his books b the end of the your. 252 y . II. F. HOPPER 3 NE W dRQBERY Slildt I; The undersigned has opened up n Grove-1y in the brick store recently occupied by Mrs. Smilns. and next door to the Metropolitan “lining . Room. Our stock of l GROCERiES- Is clean and fresh. and we have a large display of Candies, Oranges, \k wt, rod, pcr hush U on (I b‘w d. 'ill. mum-121%â€: hu:.h.. 1:64; 0 I1? Uni per lllh-I] U :u) (l J! Pi 1..»1» l)u~h ll 50 1| in burl V. our lumh U is I. in 'l'ni'lx'iis per ll) . . 0 (IT ‘ "J lm «ml Hogs, per Lwt 5 15 :7 4‘ .0†>2. per lo .. .. U (.5 o H? 4 lll<'k(‘ll§. per piiir . 0 il. l‘ ‘2‘! 1m -|..~. per jvalr .. .. I; do U hi I 1.1m, in pound roll 0 IS I' 11} l \. il'enli .. {l 1'.) (1 ill 1 mm», y u: . 0 6:3 (1 '7" App. .\ per libl (l (:0 ii in» 1+1y,r:l0\‘ai' ti 00 '7 “U '{:.\'. tiim II ' 9 {I0 1‘) “U mom :i. 7 50 o ‘20 Figs, Etc, Etc, For thn Christmas Trade. and will not be under~ sold. Our motto is ‘ Small Profits and Quick deturnn.†OYSTERS In bulk or by tbedirh. Come and see us F. HOPPER. FOR SALE A quantity of valuable - Building ’l‘iniber, wood and logs on lots 34 and 35, 3rd con. of Vaughan. Terms reasonable. Apply to J. E. CLUCINE, Eglinton, or to JAS. STEWART, Oak Ridges. Walt or it hit IN THE VILLAGE OF R iolnnond 11in. A coniniodious Dwelling and Store with Lawn End Garden. Terms easy for purchasi-r, and rent low to good tenant. ’l‘lio dwelling and lund can be rented upiirt irqu the store. For terms, &c., n.) plv to MRS. FALCHNBRIDGJG, 35-tf 725 Ontario St, Toronto THE SUN Life Assurance Co. OF CANADA. Assures on {Lil the modern plans, and is one of the must prosperous and prom'essive companies in existence. New life applications in 10114 .. ........Slfl,290,204.l Assets. 31st Dec, NM, .. 4,616,419.63 Life itssurunc‘v in force. lst Jan, ‘95. 31,:3285I39J4 Premiums 10W, policies unconditional and nonforfeitable. Take a. policy with the district agent, i T. F. M~WAHON, Ll ‘. ' LIBERAL OFFICE. usuriowa m: i. i 7.. AL '1' Min-i iii the 'fr‘niprmnco Hall on the ï¬rst Viinl’ ll< sdiiy of each month. Asmwsnient rystein. l’iiyablc iiiontHy. or gentleman. a $07.11 Tempiam of Temperance Lady ('lnss‘ Age .QJOJ lf‘d,IJUOLSI,IICiri$LI.OUh1<il,"'t0 l I ‘ . __-,___ - . .. i A l 1179.113 . l 75a 1 l. l 2:3 to :m . -’ me I u ‘ :w m 35 : inc l I) ‘ ..,. t... :l'J : . , 1 (ll, i6. 31'! » r) : r : ‘ i lill F i: to iii ' i'lr Him ‘ 1 am 1:» , 45 to 4» rm: 31 H0 1:70 ll 4n n 50 (Llc l 2.5 1 8‘9‘ . S\\'TT'/ll'.l‘i. Financial Sci-'r J ll. 5 \Nl‘l'lll. ' Suim't ('- iiiivillor. Eui‘unto' alumni-5. I-niii's AT FARMEIKB' “momma, WI" ‘li,“‘lilii-, pui‘ bush .5 (l 69 Rf‘l'd “ Fifty-two W’ith dad,†A fascinating study of ' E"?! the International Sunday School; Lessons for 1899. Now ready. N0 Christian, cspcciallyl (Llergyman or Teacher, should be without it. Beautifully bound in cloth of 5. two colors, with stiff boards. Price only 35- CENTS. Strongly recommended by leading clergymcn. On sale by all book~scllers,.0r sent postpaid on receipt of the price by lElie Bradley~Gar-. retson 60., Limited, Publishers, Toronto, C RiTJaiIsr'llabules curerirzizinessf Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. i an. *9 :11 m 1‘, JR? -t.'<4..u< P meme» » ,0? un- ¢ sl mm". mm mm»w :“a..«r-,.r runâ€"w v n n .-- v.“ ~‘--\utww' r V . - . "Y0 ll') tilt i MARK. l l cation, l-lorrl iy, wan; AM) {NEEUE A up: lilirll'lCi"i‘Fl'l. ...'vi C .’.Y1~lwi.it'n‘icn l-"bR. I‘. ~--# Jutiu-zr .‘f U U II, V l'i'ii‘ Aim Eligsi’izu'riri'i T J. 5'. fl - I; A. “ ‘8 W’QUEEQLA FUR MAE Election, blonday, 43m" ET . L. E :34 a A 3 Council AND INFLUEI‘I .77“... I)? .m' .Ԥ<)I.l('l’l‘l£l) FUR :3 aw w a we†ta :- adgï¬ a; If . _ Eli ‘5‘» .3 1‘ it"? IW’ wanna ’ January 2nd, 1899. \KE I:l-ZSPIE(."l‘l“ITLLY SULICI'FBU I-‘Olt E *3. 3L ior for 1899 FOR VALUG HAN TO “'58 Iill’. Election, Nionday, riié if Secret of Beauty. The secret of feminine beauty is not; in complexion powders, creams, etc. Beauty is helplessly dependant upon the working order of stomach, liver and bowels. Use German Herb Tea. Morning and evening- aiid it will soon clear your complexion of black Ii rads, blotclies and pimples. Prepared by _._.“__._ W E. gdli‘ DRUGGâ€"IST, RICHMOND HILL; its asith or. re RENT The propt‘l‘t)‘ and business of tho undursig‘in-d on Yongu St. Richmond Hill. Ther is thrw-lpiurivrx of an acre of land. on \\'lll('lll>l situated a. good i-vsidviiz'v with brick shop attach- ed. Also £lll(lllli‘1‘(l\\'(‘lllllgill tho rear with good stables and outbuildii’igs in got-d rupuir. An (‘klt‘llSle‘ retail butcher busiiii-Hs is now (‘Ell'l‘lt'tl on 111 this place. lfnot sold by the let. of January, 1899, this plum- \\'ill l)(' to rent tolzi suitablv tenant. l’osm-ssmn given the ï¬rst, of the now your. ' ZZ-tf H. I“. llorPEn. th'llliiolld Iiill. N'r‘nâ€"srzynnu. 'rihiéirlydiiriâ€"ï¬ , 7A “ ~ persi’ns lll llllb‘htute to nixiniigu our buuiâ€" ness in their own and nearby counties. It is mainly olhce work conducted at home. Salary straight $900 a. year and cxpenscs~ileï¬nirm bnniiflde, no 11iore.u0 less szrlm'y. Monthly 575. References. Enclose selfâ€"addressed stamped eiiyelope, Herbert E. Here, Fresh. Dept. M. Chicago. 11â€"26 K January 2nd, 1899. I u gun†on: mo suiluq 31 ‘ “am 03 .1110}; {coiniouooa qsoui eiiq Spam 5; at nine}; JolJOJlll 110mm 30 coin am no pun "[qq .iad pumq JO 3111101110 03.191 0m ï¬uilopisuoo pin: “JEDIJ’L’LII Oll‘l ONISI] All .LSEIHELLNI NMO HHOL di’lfllSNO.) ‘Salqlflmb .IOIJOthS Sill JO no.4 oouiAuoo Xiisno “in {um V Girl l 38 VHOHH V $0.13 uoqqï¬uuN .10 emoom 'V ‘iieH 'sol' moi; pouiuiqo eq .(irui '11 Eli? mid Willi ‘lilld E no .1110}; Kim 30 13qu DOJOAUU isoq put; qsaiiii‘s‘nq ‘38:) l n g Clubbing Rates THE LIBERAL and Weekly Olobe to Jan’y Ist, 1900, $1.50. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Mail to 'Jan’y Ist, 190.) $1.50. THE LIBERAL and Toronto Evening Star, (Duily), one year, $2.25 Tin: LIBERAL and Toronto world, one year, $2.75. fHE LIBERAL and Mom- ing Globe, one year, 34.50. 3 THE LIBERAL and \Veekly ‘Su’n tojan’y I, 1900, $l.5(). 1HE LIBERAL and \Veekly Witness of Montreal, ‘51 ‘ ,1’3.