«'54 ’r .A .‘ A"; 2 A17 .-__- vr‘w' li'x “1 i. l " .‘xï¬' 7')."‘.-‘\'r J. .1 L, l; .5 . 13. "‘.‘.,“"r£“ l‘: 5-/>~ l’: I.:-.:.ll,-\Ll‘:..‘:ii“.~ l1! '1 > y l".'.\\. .1." [Sn 'ccs ii... RIGHDIEOED :jiLL, awrsru ExSi‘Eï¬n R31 to {(‘2 a m: and 5 I0 ii p m Y) c \\K-\ ‘:~.\ , Room 12. 1224 Viv‘toi'iu T"... 11â€. Torr l‘i Bust liming twill. also iwpluiing. :ll lowest pi ic‘. s. Good \V'Lil'lx. BR. W. Chill. 'liiC'l'ii'ER. lï¬iintiss't. OF '31 iiLOUl‘» Sl‘liilijl. \'\‘.. 'l‘lll‘l'ix'l‘o, \Ylll be ill .llii'liiiloiiil Hill cx'i'l'y \‘\"¢Liiiv.~'(li:V. OmCBANext du~r so: 'u ol i'ublic Krimuls. arttzrinary yr a?) «(a J. T. ï¬lcglmy, VETERlNARY SURGEON â€"â€"â€":‘.){Dâ€"â€"â€" VETERINARY DENTlST, RICHMOND HILL, umduutn of the Ontario Velerixmi'y Collezo, with diploma from the “maria Deutml Sch-ml, will Vlsll Maple on Momng and Friallu'ol e:i.ch week, and (,‘wicoi‘d on l‘l‘lillly tom 1 to 3 p. 1.1. (323.1‘5];1‘«':m|~t‘.'.' nil-ended to Diseases of hr: 81 animals "mated pmved methods. 1565,L'ilftlc and otliul‘ dummith by the lï¬t¢oL and 111051. a)»- PALMER. MOUSE; , SAM ‘J l‘Li'VAiu'n'. RICHLIIO N D ETLL, Heniodelled, und newly fumislmnl thm ! :liont. One of the umst couvunicnt 9.111 r iiuioi‘tuhle hotels on Yunue Street. llvcsy nimleun win rooms for 01111111 HLi veuieuce. Sample V V ‘S-1)’l'lllg[|.u(‘e for win...- travellers. Anidmi‘. m‘ driving partins, lilt')i,llw{<‘ 1001‘ returning; from market. lins‘ twins. Eluctiic curs pusstiic door. meets all TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. WYAL'I‘EE: “ELSE, Proprimo '. ï¬e ï¬k‘ï¬s’glï¬ 153 KXNQ STREET EAQT. TORONTO vaiy decommodntion to ï¬nes“. Board, $1 no) day takers (t Embuhlu-rs, Funeral furnishings Alwayson “and Ripans Tabules; for sour stomach. Ripans Tul’snles (‘lll'i‘ nausea. Ripans Tl‘.l)lll€‘5 ruin) liilionsnoss. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia- “’MBSC.HARRBON’ l)R â€â€˜- lLlKlQL . lnSb R CHMOND HLLL. A CALL - SOLECITED. Veterinary or farmers 1min; ‘ ‘ liil‘mim'd “\ut' i l.‘ i . ,.. .. ._ v, -Vv .. . .fl«,. .“F ‘ \ V-‘ . » ~ . p . “- \ - \ A ’ a v r. y \ :«d‘ '- ii: .m A“ '_ ililll/Nl‘li, it v'il'i' riiiyliiï¬", :‘H‘lil Mr“... z,. . :4... s, “q _ \I~" \l'lfi‘ilA. -i"‘v1;i'l‘l,iii.-.l:z) 1‘" “k. 'll l.’l‘.\' .\ 'l‘ 3‘ TH. 13:1: FLIE‘ 1‘7111 'ttiir, i u m.†tint-61. Noz'n'y I in 3'" lillik‘; Jim (in. _. 3 limo“ 5:, WW. limp. 'l'Ul‘v‘uLO. l;..-lmwn»l loll ii. \\ ulnamluya, th,\'€.l.F‘t-‘y"l|vxv.1:.lill. '1‘! :-o. .1. Hunt. ll..l’l WW 3: STEPH ENS, lull? >.(‘l .‘o xv;:t.-i-,.“5oturies. Cannr‘u- Lil'v ill TORONTO Maul-v to hum Telephone 47 O u JONES llz'i'i'istei's Sillll‘itl‘l'}, A‘c. nq’ /' {‘Y‘ L .7 i.’ lOUGhLL gig Im. in 1. 1w. 1.» i‘m'wn'nb‘tâ€Toronto. .\1.IFR1,I‘ M ir'n ‘L‘HALL, Htvil'di’iil in tho Transit Sull::t-.;.s i\ : the Ti! Elliillll'ï¬ C. JOKE!“ 1 ml Ontario. 7" Pullman-y, Mom-y to 1mm M 3 per uni. Telerln he :98; A G F. LAWRENCE, 2a; rister, Solicitcr. rotary, 560. Hnitu 77 and TH Five-hold Loan Build- ings. ('UI’. Adoluidr and Victoria. 51111-15, 'lui‘unlu. Richmond llill on Saturdays. 5 . Tiaâ€; 3411037 . N O i‘A RY CUMMISBIUNRE IN THE HIGH COURT 01“]USTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND lllLli POST OFFICE. In? MELW 1;; ‘»‘.'::iv:i_vc:vtur Lit, Toronto, IILiunvnle Richard! a PI (-ulico Liimnsuii Auctmnwm for the County of Ymk. (wumul sale: of Low , inviznptl} wttou. 1‘ to at renuonuhlc Ncwluu Brook, agent. l‘lH sold on i'-;-.i"i-;i.n.rut. llu. rates. ll. ll loi' Llii- wily-u. (:unhlmia, C b l‘onHs §loߣl~s A' “laugh. I) BLUL LEE IIlCnll.‘ 0. i’ .\lictiu1i;~t:l'h to; the County of York .mâ€" t. your patronage mid friendly nbh‘llllul on the slortest notice spa-:tfuily Sillli‘l nflnume. salt- uu‘. a 1- nul mud. 1’.0.uduress King J, 'l'. Saigon, Lupin. \"etlon. Swauigmm A; it! (' iiu‘vn. Licensed .\iiwtion(-ors for the County of York. was LLii’l‘ le 1 to UI‘ ~iu.i its! unilve aim at 108.- S‘llillilit‘ lattes l‘itti‘o.iili.‘qa si-licited. J . l). “madman, "l(‘lll‘r£llCllllll;‘1‘.(‘f". in i'ousouuhh- i'iiti-s. l’ul ronau: Slillullt‘d. P.().1.i.dilress Msple. Fl. 2-). Smith. Lit-Pu ‘ed Allt'tl'lnt‘ «r for the Counties of York and Un‘ni‘io. .v\i1~.tlc~4of furin btovk, d‘n.. ti-I'dod tu no llm shunt-kt n( m Mintqu iiiml sulua attended to, ll r'l'l‘JUl'U St .iii'lili» .3. fl. rcnih-e loftln, irnim‘i~' Limit. & Pi‘rntim-l (went for tho I\l u-vllmi : Labor-Saving Murhnwn \\ itl'lhlr ville. _l'lmvb,ScliLlluis,&c. llasu’leucel‘uionn Rinans Tuliulos cure constipation. Ripans Tubulos cure flatulence. Itipans ’l‘alinlus cure headache. 11.19:an Tubul: pleasant laxative. r:'-â€"- (1’. ‘_ . 2 ‘1'.†vxxm‘“; Louu and Savings PUBLIC, J. H. l’lms'rn'i-L J. Mi-lnncu. i‘ihl‘l‘l‘fnl‘ the (‘mintv of York, l‘rlllllii]it‘IJO"16,ll]l'lll‘llre.klfludlug ulti'lulul tn the bhui'testuuticc and ul- ii:(‘ and raasonnhle y .{7».. ...i.,»ll I. Lll. ram graftâ€? 1.9 :1“ v‘ " fr: ti: 1me :ï¬xktï¬mmm:nï¬wm ‘._... .i‘ _ â€"‘1_;//',7'Mvc Cl] )1 H H :l‘.’ ,1 V ' } ... i... .,z. .xv, n. z). Lamgie Copies, 3 cts. ‘7‘??? i u “1.1 . -. \ lh‘l .\ «WWW ill-*vw .\. Nii'liolls. sniim i \\«>...Il ‘_liH\i'_ " 1hr l'i'llllllllll't‘ m: s..l:ii\' :is 1:1:1 V.- . _. n M. r i. MSUH l.‘ :. «Lat no lit .1! .lv' lli'l- ll} Lil ~l'ill“‘wl lo liiw IHl' :inil l’minil Kw] t l ',{ I.;.,,..;.,‘ ;‘ “5,, ‘ -“ .. fl}, Wail iwivinsrl‘il'wiwlilv‘lhdniu i4"):l'â€"llll‘il‘\lll'â€â€˜ s'mu- ~2il‘iiV :is l.i\l \'< L. 5,, m, , l l i w.‘ . .iTullyi1‘lll!..lil"l’llii'll‘ul. :iiij; lllt"ll5‘llilvvl'l‘l‘ll‘il'l‘lill. .\. HS“ i ii-i “ ‘m . .Ji. 1 l -- ] iv“:.l limii “hi. 'I 2, w} l:.- .iv.:‘;hi 1.. R ;.l..,_ . .: -,, l ‘ I , H .1. .. . min-1 :l:.~' i-mmly h} «‘m <\’]ulli'*{ illlillt' l,llll:ll'_\" ll \. Niwhills. \,.,\- . , . v M A}. l iir.llll‘lr‘ll:ili.lil “.yltmn llrvllillfl'l li‘ lltli’l limiirh itl. .‘\iv':\'.iii. ‘11,â€; Toni \ i... . . m. i I: gulmlnhun ol’ \'\-Illnl Alum; i’wmw--\'iw\\w-i-« rï¬l. Mi'Ndii'. .l. \V. “Jud, H ,M , H \ milil‘i’lf i, l-ill.ot1_.l:li|1:-s‘ l’l'vwla. “p . y. \' H. m, l; _ «I: }. \‘ll‘ltlJlY :.‘.'lwi‘no<.n \\;: -‘, Standing (‘Hliiniiilwwaln‘ustoilwn's: ll‘..l‘.(' ll.’ t‘l! in i. ll“ u. .lllsl‘ll 11" Ill lilw ’iliiwi..ilizlu‘ii ill i\\vvl \\ I‘i' :‘lzll liltxlllsiil'I‘HHUJ'. ll-r (law ;~ ' 3 _i.‘. i; ii. '3’ | .‘liwi‘ Ii‘llrll.‘lr".‘:lll"‘ N. i. l i‘uliiiri‘ :2! [it ll"ll. A . 1.!“ ,3â€. ‘ l ‘ l Iii '-Lm‘l ‘il-‘|l" :ilh'l .1. in. ‘. ill-11114 llll |i\.l.:-'\~.'< limrs. Nungl‘. 'l‘i't-nr'h. ;:‘...-r. 31...“, i. 1. :m l, -;. ; 'I‘HVHIIHI. ‘ l).‘.ll\ rand lluiliiings- l’nhni-i'. llill lulu,†(hp I'I. m1... i .1 In "Minn in: moth l::l'l| \\ill ('i>!|- i :lliil 'l‘lvi n.1,. lf‘dini- i-.“ AM" - i"i"“l“““"“â€""â€i""‘"'2 lll"""â€'3 ‘ Till-W†H‘Hr’l'â€.Pilllllt‘l'nllll lnnw. 71.â€... “Iâ€; (5,. 11...,...H(..1 l “ain‘t. .\.l“‘~“~l‘>. his’n‘i, ll..ll|i|.|l'..i Sunni“ :in-l %{;i!..\~,~;\1L-_.;..Tl“. “0mm. “aâ€; Yawnmi “WIN ;' -‘(‘i.:‘ll'l‘. l‘soimuinunil i.lllll). it'olinril i 1 1.:iniplw. lli-n. . iliz: \ l’.«i. li«|\ ln ~i. ‘l"lili \' l‘;o;» it}, ..in~ssi s. i:'lâ€":|'l‘. ('uiiin-il uiljiilll'llwl. llullfm: lo I'M loin" is oi ‘.\r «A 1:. i I l. ‘I'w-ig :Ilnl Lunrljn i M. Trim?“ (dt‘lh. ‘(hlldl‘lli upon, I' ' ii ‘ i‘.‘ r.' " .\l"*~l>. {W'snlz .luiiiim -.. aâ€-.- _n..i 1.2.. i. i. m. w. »: ‘L ‘ Hm will“ I‘ï¬llwuw- Vicious. Square l;.;.',ih,fl[[;‘,‘l 1 “Emuâ€. ‘ \\s .‘Ellll l"‘ I mil \liwsls. A 7- ~ ‘ l l l ' i ‘ii. this In l‘l"‘,4 l' :i.~l «in. .,. .‘-.i:‘â€" } “A‘i†“’1‘1’1‘3 'l'rl“ “’A‘"l“"" It‘ll“ 'i‘in- sI-inl-iiionllilv ‘ wot of tln- Viv- tillil it. .iili“ ll.‘l|| ll|il|"1i"i.|li~lll im- \ (ill \' " Will ‘i' "\"ll toi‘m Sillinin- lliilv' illlllll \V.‘_\' h. M (m i'l'll‘llll‘llH‘lil -- 1 l ill l-lill‘ ii iii ‘ll’.‘ l. { in 'l"| l.‘l i \i)t ill 1,. f In ll» itilll iii" \‘-. ‘t'lurw filllll;1.ll'lllwllxl'ls .‘. '. ‘1wii l “'i'lii'ii iiilrli.‘li'v‘ll lrlliii‘l‘.1li’.l; <'I:l.‘i|l ;.'-‘. h“ 'i i-siiiimiI-Il. \\‘:l-1 ‘l-\it"“.\4‘“¢l lig’ ll; 13H! llwl Ii‘VL‘ill;f ill"‘ ‘11..-i I\é‘.'!l' :slTJ'n'viIiIoo riu' 'il.‘.lln"'ll‘ -H\."~il\« 'lhw imsv-nl ‘ | ~l2 ’. l..'\l i‘iildillv. Al Eln \\' lill «i l'lll‘. i.lii l.‘. liniv l'nr‘ lln' «.ii'. \lli‘ l' .\. :1 i'l‘i‘it‘.il liii- iinlnsiii'. illHl \'.iiii:- lll ("wintry Lisé }-':!i lll' was sulilluil :.'. l lsi-ini- th :s' lu- lu"ll’«i. ('4lllillll‘ill ll-ln-vsi' was “0111;: iiiiiri/J'il. .in ('(Illllil‘) (‘lll‘| > r \ /i\“ili|lll|-".Il-lll i-i'pi'iw-s: :IllVl l\l\:'l was no. (-ii‘iivisni \\:is in. l'lli'il. loi' ll|l‘ quality (ll lllt‘ ( :liizwii lll Plum 4* \‘.’:0w (11.! up in thi- sluinlniil. 'l‘lu (“:nmlinn i‘hw-w l ‘ - i l I l allpi'ul'i'il In 2‘ \\|‘ li‘wll l1!" (‘ .. .[lltl ll‘iHll l‘2\.lllllllllli.til it \x'usm iilv-nll}' not (lono in ll-IH ll hut in tht- ('Hlllig‘ i1'(|i>lii\'1‘f lhr- immiy.†t'ontinuing. Ill“ )lllilsli‘i'iiilsi I‘lliHl lllt‘ sivps that had lH't‘ll lulu-n In Ili‘lfl'1'l ('nhl strung“ on lhw mils and \‘wssvls. (-onviuding with illl‘ l‘t‘llliiiii llmt he. hopul lhvy wmihl sol.“ ou-H'onw this >Elll' on flu- (l:lii:ttli;iii L'lfl‘Pst. :.iii (il‘r'lipy ‘tln- iii-mill pontinn lll('_\' . iould haw, in thv inni'lgl-ts' of llzw World. {t‘frl'l‘lllg lo 11w hintvr Mid inn-on ti'mlv. .‘li'. l'is‘.:'i's}i1ik1- in \w'i'y optim- istic ls-i'ins. (ll-(luring that. thew was u. Silli‘lltllbl inni'kwi for hot h those smplvs in lllt' Bi il‘sh imn-kvt, and that both had already bl'VLil'l'tl 11 high 1". [illiuliull Llit'lO. (Him 5‘. GRIHQULXS HAY CANAL. it is inï¬ll-[sting to nolv tl tlll‘ (:luoi'giun Buy (‘zinzil scheme is [wing industiiously tulkml up llt'l'l‘ just now. The good pvopiv of lllt‘ Ottawa Valley uro tremendously in uninest in their support, and it half that is c-lainn-d for it. is ti'uv. thv hurrying; out of the pro- jm-t would ho an iinnn-nw boon for [hp wholv Dominion, and would go far toward solVing the pi-ohh-ni of pm- x'iding nn udwquuli- Ulllh‘l for the pro- Ilm'ts of tlw ‘t't'ist to tho llléll‘lii‘tb‘ of tlJP \\'H1‘l(l. THE EASTERN FAGIC‘S If tllt' published opinions of ('t'l'tzilll journals in Qnohw: ill'(‘ to lw :tCL'i-plr‘ll at lllt’ll' fum- \;il1n- thoy are not Hun» plinn-ntui-y lolln- llltt‘lllgfl'lit't‘ of tlw (‘lt'CLUl'llte of Ontario. The Gazette (l‘lt‘S :in illilt'lllll of unni-u-ssury won-y- ing about lln- affairs of tho sistoi pioVim-v, and is always ot’fvring gi'zit- uitous illl\'l("‘ whivh is prohuhly takl-n for what it is \loilh. ’l‘hn lutrst (-oin- pinint is that “ Ontario is [lu‘ ‘h’ll'fltt‘k‘l ...', .(uL. OPINION. plin'c for lllllllllllg laws on lllt' North Animiczin t‘onlinrnt." That's all right. If ()ntniio likvs it, (\‘liehm- nw-dn’t kirk: :iml .ippni-vntly thl-y do lilw it. \x'ln-n [ho-y hun- kt-pt the suinv (,i(l\'t‘l‘llllli‘ill in lll)\‘.'(‘l' Io “hmnhng†lllt'lil l'oi‘ (l'\('l‘ :i qlliil'll'l‘ of u i'i-ntury. But thvn us thv lzltv lillllt’lltt‘ll Ml'.i lunnnn (iliH' philosophically ivnniik-y t‘ll, " l’t'l'lllt' lily to ho humhuggn-d." ’I‘llA'l‘ ’l'JZN l'h‘l: L‘ICVT koYAL'i‘Y. Oil» of tho lzilrst .Iii'ivals from him son riiy. Tili'. \V. (X Cotes, is authority for tlw Stillt‘lllt‘llt [lint (‘oni- missionm' ()gilvii- has n-voinnn-iult-d :1i'mlut'tii'nofth gold royalty to 3.1. oi'b‘ pi wilt on llll.‘ nvt output. :uld- int: th; .. “lln- [it-oph‘ ol' lllt' Illsll‘ll‘t had slll'h [‘illllitlt‘lli‘k' in 511'. Ugil\'ii-, that lillli'll i‘Xll‘il Work will lw donv‘ this Wino-r and swing and many vlniins. that hnh- not ho-n-zi (‘Ullslllt‘l't‘tl' \thl'lll\'-li!.\ill;1'\‘illllPllN‘ lil‘k loyalty! was in ion-v. \\ lil now he (‘lll'llt‘il uh." All that 1hr (_in,l\vi-i'iiiii-iit has llk't‘li waiting fin is il-liuhlo data from an llnpi'oiudin-«i soliii‘i', and if tln' ('oii.-' Inissionvi'don-inns for tln- l‘t'(lll('ll(7ll. action will Lillil‘kl)’ ln- lllkt'll. _-#..-,.»__ Y01 k County Council. 'l‘hv Yolk (‘onntv (‘ounL-il coin- mvmwd liie'li' .lilllllil v in the old t‘on.l llllllN‘. 'i'oioi.to, Tin-sdziy ilflt‘ilnlltill. l“i\‘t- 1.. mus mo pill in nomination for lhw ngi‘ion ol' \Viudi-n. which finally l'vli ‘o My. '1'. J. \Voodt'ock of N(‘\\'lll'al‘l.i‘i. svssioli John»1 4.. 'l‘hc- l-~‘l\~\‘. inc \'.'('l'l'.\k‘ll t'lt d ltlbll‘lkt‘ tln- >~liilvlllllg (‘trlllllllllt‘t‘ï¬i Me‘ss‘is. High. l’ll;\lt'_‘.'. (l:l::.on. l:t‘>t\"l‘, Hull, EYilllr, l'i:hw. Printing; :Lnd ( 'unl ingvnr-iz-s .‘lt ssz's. i"l(il\|'.'~. .‘xniiimii. ll.-l\-"l' :iliil l.i“. l,I!ll |il/ 'lHIl Nirl'lHJH. (ht-sl‘i. llJllllllHll. (innlliullsi'. l llHIl‘L’. .unslx’ i In; l '4 lfl'|'\irl’. :iiul hislwi. â€"â€">#â€"IQO-7Â¥ if \1'1.‘~.lill~.lili.. lili' 1 ' l-o‘r's z.-ir ill.‘ «er'iiu It ~.-. in... m-z. .Inl nmz‘ix In ‘9‘ H v. U, H» \'y"]rlilill"'ll'li‘4. 1.: h .i ‘-‘vl! null o\i~n.~- .Ii‘l'v‘ ll'll“" ~.il:ii\' ’ l ‘l -. r-v ull‘ vii w -.'wiL 1-4. llu~ l'lx‘fl 'l‘in‘ i'iinr-inl of ill“ lnln- .‘dis. .lohn lx'inn-w ['11le WNW» lll'li' on .‘vioiiiinv :iiimnoonzintl \\'.is lJIl-Jv'll' ultm-ndwi. .‘\ill'l' lln- intvi'im-nt :i hi'l\l1'¢‘ wzis- hvhl ill llw lllllli‘ll rundown-ll by Rev. .1. \\ . Htvï¬nll. llv'V. A. J. Toy/u u i‘oi-nu-i' [msioi- took [mil in thv syr- Vices. On Monday night it li'i‘llll‘t- on l’i'MH-h Missions. illusli'uie-d hf; llllli“ light \ i1‘\\s. \\'2|\ given in tho l’i'vsliy- l4'l'lilll L‘lllllvll ivy l<»~\'. Mr. Rt)lltll'illl. A Lil-go nuiulii-i' from her attended t w 5. f1. (‘onw-nlion lit-1d in the Luth- t‘l'ill] churn-h :it Sherwood lust ’l‘hins- day and Fl‘lilil)‘. l’i-of. iivnt gnvv his wivntific mums tilllllllt'lil in the Mus-mic Hull luct Entw lll'tldy (-H-ning. Tho lmys and girls {il't‘ht‘lll enjoy-d his songs and t‘xpvl‘l- ‘ mpnts immensely. (in Monday cw-ning Mr. Einwst (Lonilis giul- :ili llll(ll‘t*$.\‘ to the lip worth Luigue on “llow to iâ€"niploy h-isnretinw." 'l'hi-I-o was :1 good nt- LL‘llt’lELlllft‘ and all enjoyed [lu‘ address. Mi: T. B. Spoight. l’. L. S†stalth on Tuesday morning on :i trip to ling- lillltl. llt' will llk' gone two 01‘ tin-m- months. Mrs. ll. Kit-hf; of 'l‘hossndon is \isi.- ing iulativi-s around lli'lt’. Air. Malcolm McMillan and son John ol‘b'hozil Ink“. Minn, :u‘v spt-nding a few \Vx‘t‘lih’ with l'i-ii-nds in this vicini- ty. Mr. lli.hu1‘t Barr‘s limsus run away on'l‘uvsiluy, throwing him out. and llllllt‘lillg a sm'm'r Wound on the lie-ad. Village CounCil. .)n 4...), 'l‘hvt‘oum-il llll't on Jun. pursuant 1o udjoni'nmunl. 'l‘iic l{t‘\‘\'l‘ in lllt‘ l‘lluil‘. :ilt‘llillt'ls‘ pl‘t‘>t‘lll, Bit-ssi's. ilill. l’nllin-r and 'l‘i'i-ncii. Minuws ol’bili insi. lf':‘.ll :zmi minim-d. A k'lifllllllll‘ll'lltitIll was Hui-.l (lzilml Jan. fiom llll' Hamilton lli-idgv \\'orl;s ('oinpzuiy. making vinliili y H‘- lntiw- to lilt’ Building of zt Maillot housv zit ilii-lnnuml Hill. :4. Mr. .lzinn's \‘.".'i:;'h'. iltlLlX't‘Siï¬â€˜tl tlw (‘ouncil on lwhull' of the Luciusva t'hih. whiny; llt'l‘lillsslnll Lo usi- (lu- skutingi‘inl. for om- night to hold .1 carnival [or llm bemiit. of tho scid k‘llill. l\ll‘. llau'id )lt-liunzii- um): .dn-d to th - council for :1 ivl‘inid of his dog-tux p..id by him for the _\'l‘Zli‘ lsos for which he! has i-i‘i-oin-ously .‘issw ml. )lllVK‘Ll by Mr. llill. smuiiitle-il ll}: Mi: l’ulniL-i‘ that lln- 'i‘i-uusnisi' lm isisli urtâ€" oil to i't'l’iind ono oollnr iiogdzix Lo .‘Ell‘. lit-Kirii'zzic.~ ('uri'ird. 'l‘ln- lit-turning (lllim-i's .‘1("Ulllll oi vxpi-nsos illil‘lltllllg thi- l‘lt‘i‘LliIll of MunicipalCouncillors l'oi- lilt‘ \illngv amounting to svvi‘ii dollars \‘.':..\‘ rind. Mow-d h)‘ )11'. 'l‘i'vni‘li si-imi.llml hy Mr. Hill that tho li'i-usni'vr he instruct- c'Ll to [my tlw :u-vonn‘. for t'lL'L‘lli‘ll m.- [N‘HSk 5 just l‘l‘zhl. #t‘ul‘l‘li‘tl. 'l‘hedliinilml stzitvinunl ol' the Villugu Tu-usurvr‘s Acronnls :ilid Amliloi-s' l'(‘ptll‘l l‘oi‘ llll‘ past your was sulnnittL-(l to the council. Mow-(l by Mr. l’uliiin-i' («-i'oiidod by Mr. Hill [hut tln- l't'lnlll of lllt‘ \Villug'v Auditors lN.‘ adoptle and that the Villa-go 'lll‘l'llillll'l"S ;\'<L‘Ulllll‘i lw zipâ€" pl'UVt‘tl and now 1 insvd us iinully until.- ed. #0111 ried. .‘li'.'l‘i't-ni'l1iiiti'odni'wl llylnw No. Hill to appoint u-i-luin lllllt‘t'l‘S for lin- Villngo bf llll‘lllillvllll Hill l'ui‘ tlw yi‘ni' 18M). which was l‘t‘altl a lll'Sl, si-Lond and third time and pi'h‘ibt‘d. The l‘olloi'.’ing 311' the alppointinvnts nude :â€" .lilll. L‘l llw nl'ivi m on of st with .- Hs lull“ : CUl’l‘X 1M! yds. 200 yrls. "fl il.. Htuiilwnhiiij. 17 41 18 1 .‘wott _ . . . . ii :41. M I‘ltll't‘ï¬ll‘l‘ . . . . . . if) 3:; 7X I‘Vl'hds. livinl 5ill I“ H ‘ \‘f. .‘vlll‘lill'tl 238 37 7") #7.... 69> r»â€"â€" n. r . sale tiegister. in l: hm, hm .‘2 1‘. ht sale of farm stock, i ianmim-i s ‘lll to z vlll by pub.1c (UlJClOD on li-r .1l w!) .4, $vui>lmr<n the properm of -l4r~. lli‘lh ii. Suï¬ at. 1.1 o'i-lork. 'lernis. 9 ll-' nti. ill-l: r. it nndl‘renticiz,:un'tioueern. Tim; z: - in ~l.'i‘i:‘l:$ : ;\e of farm stuck ll’ Il« the property oi James him at 1.2mm 7, lork ’11). Terms 9 neon. V .4 of farm .- . 2nd ci-ii -}.i~ .r; ‘ hashing: \n. :.i.tl o'cloi'k sharp. 'l‘ci‘ms. U i :mvn - mu 6.- lelwmjdi'; ’ in mm: .iin. 2s -\ l!nim::r.ttors sale of ivi'r-iwzt; l‘.l tuv \‘illiwe of Wonton. the eetuto of t‘uu hit»,- lir'..l8.llllll [rankhu l’mumau. .‘du‘HLlY. .l U}. i t'i’mlit who of homes and V‘ lvl 'lk.». tin: ivyni‘eitv of tlcorgo Swift, Hotel lump-r, llnsilotnn Fu reserve- as proprietor lll'4 .141 mi: '1. - liminms. ’l‘cnus ‘i nmnths. y SA in S: .‘d; l‘.\'.'o'i iL'll‘tloneer. l-‘Mi-x .l‘cl, Lu} J vt'm‘lit sale of farm stock, .wlmzui .on lat .‘7.con. 7 of Vaughan \‘uil black. Sale nt 1 u’ci :cli. Ala-Ewen & Suzgeou, nuc- .r .n. l'ub. i-(‘rovhtsale or cattlo, horses, my. l'll,‘lr‘lnClllS. \‘=?lll21€'s.&0..;lt Itiobmuud i ll ll. clue pm rty of H F Hopper. Smlu in 1 t~'-.Iu:.k, V". ms 7 months. Suzgeun 5: Me- 11 mm. whining-0w. .E»,-‘.~. H~Credib rule of him stock, l inin'envl-nts. .Qrm on lot 17. can. Fast. Y; rla the proiveity 1.1 Wm. Mason. Terms 9 momhs. Lum‘li 1:: 11 u. m, Eckmdt & 'Llill’lt‘i‘l‘s. . 15~ Credit sale at lnrm stock. Sun. '(it 7. mm- 15nd :Lm. IlL’l‘J‘DOllfll", P. 0., the prop- Cl Ii 9.2V wt 11 lw-uzl lisn'tler. Stile at 12 o‘clocx, imon Liin .i M. ll. Terms 9 montnu. Ev innit 3; Pi value, uuétiuuecrs. El'mnc.,g me: (liE'EY bills [muted at this ! Oiï¬oe rill mum‘s u unit-a similar to the above . d Tl) BENTJ A \‘i'l'_\' comfortable 5 i-oomc‘d house. i g md ('(-ll:‘.l‘. haul and soft water, and it. san stable. Rent moderate. 11. F. HOPPER, Richmond Hill. ‘ 2J3 Any hotly wanting :1 good ful‘lll l hand. lilill'l‘li‘tl, In :nuuugo léli'lll, pl: use apply to u ‘H 1v. SMITH. FARE toWRENT 1mm). ï¬nd (‘on. Vaughan. contain- ing: in†Miss. 1-1.") élt'l't‘S under cultiva- tion: 45 ilCit'S- full plonghud. 10 news Bil-'3. “limit and :20 mils :‘(‘t'(l(‘(l down. For [it‘l'lllï¬ apply on pi‘t'lnises. Posssses- sion at any lllllt‘. Zï¬-tl FARM TOEENT Lot 45. lst (-on. Markham, adjoining Rii-hniond Hill Villdgv, C(Hllllillll)†ZUU ILCI‘Q‘S is to i'ont. omission lst of April. Apply in 'i'llOS. PALMER. ‘23 ll Rli'llllltllltl llill. Remarkable Billllllllil ï¬ll-EB! Tn Ulll‘ Elihu-i ihi-is. By bye-ml ili'i'iingeizienn “ith the publishers we accept subsm min-mi tor 'l‘m-z liiiuimi. nnd Toronto 1 attic-9‘ Ji uriml. for Uln.‘ yv-u for fl .30. \\’hen you tfklllPl'ltr Unit the l‘tgll‘nl' in ca of The liiulies' Jozii'intl lll“1]L’ FLU; u, yuii'. 3\ u cuii‘euddyseu “hut u. 9; enin Ulli)’ we are LIJILlilllL’. The Liltllt'w' JULLI “ i1.- Ullt' oi 1.1m oldest and best estubhslu-d M (“J I‘..:nmmi. iournalk. is beautifully illi; intui, 12ml w :ili.ii.s someâ€" thiagto iutciek". e\t'|_\ memlci .l (he famii}. No Remit :150 Lo Ii is l flica- mm Von both pain-r: loi one \i M, Li to "it-v2 ‘Fiithcut it H . I ...y shculd be "1 I. ill l’f‘Pl'AO .l.-£'9. r iRipansiTubules: one gives i'nliot. Ripans Tabules cure liver troll nits. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness.