Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jan 1899, p. 2

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New CA N A DA. A district military school is to be es- tablished at lit-llevillt‘. Diphtheria is ravaginpr the camps near Sudbury. Anrither CaSo of suspected smallpox has bern found at Montreal. The city of \\'iniiip~;.r his sold $05,000 worth of bonds in Montreal. The T()\\n\hlp of Iiinbl‘ot)k has car- ried prohibition under the local option law by 98. Three steamers have been and many lives lost in ice, jams onl the Yukon. Eight thousand claims have made to the Government for Raid medals. At, the Montreal depot on \Vcdnesfi day, 400 Chinese, en route for ,iVlt'xll'ti.‘ were given their supper. The Archbishop of Quebec was _inâ€" vested with the palliutii with luljiUSH-fl ceremonies at the Basilica. r The Canada Atlantic and Parry Sound Railway last year carried nearâ€" ly 11,000,000 bushels of grain. The Ontario Tack Company, of Ham- ilton has shipped 20 tons of nails and tacks direct to the Yukon. , The Kingston Elevator and Transit Co., has asked for a bonus from IIamtl-, ton, to build an elevator there. The Pontiac and Pacific Junction Railway Company will extcnd thcir line from Aylmer to Ottawa. Work will shortly be commenced on a $40,000 steel bridge, over the Rideau Canal at Maria street, Ottawa. J. H. Metcalfe, warden of the Kingâ€" ton penitentiary, on leave of absence, is reported as gradually improvmg in health, The Attorneyâ€"General of Quebec an- nounces that marriages performed by Hornerites in the Province is il- legal. The Great Northwestern Transit Co. will replace the burned Pacific by _a new steamer on the Sault Ste. Marie route. Several cannon balls have, been found by workmen excavating between the Quebec Post Office and the Chateau Frontenac. The Hamilton Board of \Vorks will let a quantity of stone to be cut by hand, in order that the unemployed may have work. Judge Ardagh has declined to give any decision in- the Simcoe County Council re-count on account of the con- fused state of ballots. Prof. Goldwin Smith is writing a pop- ular history of the linited Kingdom down to the Reform act of 1833, to be published in the autumn. Senator MacInncs has decided techsu Dundurn Park at Hamilton to the pubâ€" lic this year. He will not lease either the park or baseball grounds. lumber wrecked ’ been Fenian The dead body of an infant was found in a room at London fust vacated by a woman who gave her namez as Mrs. MacDaniels. An inquest will be held. The Govern’rrâ€"General has asked the people of British Columbia to subscribe to the Gordon Memorial College, thrt ugh Lieutenant-Governor McIn- nis. Last year the Government received $109,750 from the poll tax on Chinese immigration, of which $27,050 was paid over to the Province of British Colâ€" umbia. Prof. Henry Alleyne Nicholson. re- giu:; professor of natural history at the University of Aberdeen, is dead. He. at one tim» occupied a chair at Toronto University. The linited States Government's claim against John and James Living- stone of Baden for $18,000 due as customs duties has been settled for $1,000. Hon. James D. Lewin, Senator, who has betn on the directorate of the Bank of New Brunswick for 48 years, has just been re-elected president for the 42nd term. The Allan and Dominion line steam- ers. which leave Halifax on Mondays, will n'iw “nit once a month for a few hours, until the arrival of the Chinese mails from the Pacific coast. The Customs Department has nearly completed arrangcments for placingits officers under guarantee bonds. The total amount of insurance is between $900,000 and $1,000,000. The Hamilton School Board has a heavy deficit, owing to the Normal School and other new buildings costing more than was realized for the debenâ€" tures issued to build them. ‘ ‘he \Voodstock Town Council is nonâ€" plussed ovor the fact that the roof on the new Central Methodist parsonage has not been constructed according to the provisions of the fire try-law. r The Gatin-rau Valli-y Railway will be exttnded this year from (lracefield, the presvnt terminus, to Maniwaki, which will be the terminus for some titne to coum‘ The distance is 28 miles. A met-ling of the lixccultve Coin- mittet‘ of the Trent Valley Canal AsSici-ition. was held at l’ctcrboro’, and a decision arrivtd at to bcgin oppressive nI‘tiou to further the work. GREAT BRITAIN. A (it”llt‘l‘ ill", liocn sisnt-d appointing Gen. Lord Kilt bent-r tiot'et'iior‘» of the Stvlitldn. ‘ A combination of cicr pliillt'l“ in England and Scotland is t rlkwi of. will a proposed c,- pital of. Sirâ€"rittltltltttttl, A tcl-itivc of tit-ticral Gordon has rec- ent y prid SIM.» tot :. liVlllli book which the Soudtiti lit-to used in his youth. 'l'h“ .‘QOI‘Ih-l‘iaslcrti R ‘ilway Company of England has jus‘ distributed 31,000 in )rlixr‘H to the kvcps of si\‘ty .sniill Flvlllt’llis .rs awards for neatness and good taste. SWIM/my. 3;? Ram! [Inf/u‘m'ngs Brief/y Tn/a’. lvt-isiry in p.'1‘li.‘tmcttl has been elected specially commissioned. were. sent papers was specially rcpresentcd at tho I tioii It is rt-portcd that the British (lovâ€" ernmcnt is about to impose counterâ€" vzii.iiig dutios upon hit-urn bulllilyvl‘t‘tl for e. l-‘raiicc into lllt' moveâ€" mt‘lll to abolish thesr boririti 'r 11' lot ll .lmlrlllll (if money |'()lIlt‘ll b)“ all lllrt thiccn’s prtdcr-essors on ther throne was 13:03(l0tl,ti00 During tlir- pre- scnt reign the .\liiit has tririiv-d out £150.0001ltl0 including: .ClSl‘J'O‘lJltlll in Indiaâ€"a record for all time. Prof. liit‘hrt‘d t‘lit'cthouse Jobb, of Canibtidue. who reprcsciits the uniâ€" as Mr. (ilrdstotie's successor to lilt' honourary piol‘cssiirslrip of ancient his- tory intlic Royal Academy. Wilson Ilatrr-tr. the, actor, has en- tered suit at London against HtllCainc and Chrtlcs Frohman to enforce his I'lllm to thr- r-tclrtsive acting rights of. "The (‘htis'irti" throughout thcwotltl, with th.n exception of the United States. The. floor of the rotunda. at the Ironâ€" doti Coal Exchange. where the mer‘ chants gather, is unique. It is comâ€" ptist-d of llll‘llil woods arranged in the form of a tniritier's compass. with a bordcr of (ircek fret. Upwards of 4,- 100 pieces of wood are. employed. \\'ar correspondents were at it asfar back asrhe trmo of Edward II. Scribes tip withthe English army which invaded Scotland at the timc. Incredible as it may seem, not one of the London newsâ€" battlc of \Vtrtei‘loo. , Sir David Barbour. formerly Finance Minister of India. is going to Jamaica for the British Government. to see that the financial affairs of the island :trc striiglitened out. It isclainicd that bad financing is rcspotisiblc for t he lack of prosperity. and llt‘itoin proposes to kecp her “est Indian colonies on an equal footing: with the islands now miltlrgt'd by lhc' lltiilvtl Flatt-3s. A I‘alh-r novel fotni of combined amusement and inst I llt'litlll has becn arringcd for the benefit of certain pti out-rs at \\‘orni\\o idectubs lion- doti. who may be :tii\iousto “ttitn owr a new lcrf‘ on tli‘ll lilt‘TlllHI] 'llie, Nation-r1 llralth Socir-ty has obtaincrl' permission from litt' l'rison ('oiriiriis;_ .siotiers to ho'd :i wcvkly '"ll'tlll‘iV Talk" on he ilrh and nursitiir with the worm-ti who art- undergoing short 5"”â€" lcricc in the pti-on mentioned, 'l’h 'se.“ lectures will rcli -vc the tedium of iriâ€" carct-rttion. and pcrli'ips fit tbt- hearâ€" ers to bt’Ctiln“ hotter members of soc- iety than they have l]llll"liO l)t'(‘11. Mr. Justice Hrwki’os will now be. known as Raroti Hawkins of IIitcliin. Lord Aberdeen will bcthc new presi» dent 0fthc Iltitish llmpire. League. Charles Morris 30 inches high. and Miss Goddard. B‘i 1â€"2 inches high. were: mtrricd iii l.oiirlon. (1;. his own Statement. thc 1it'ofes-, .sio.ral fits of the late Sir \\'illiam. J Inner amounted to £13000 .1 ycar. iii.) Empress liugctiit- will start at th- end ofthc month foL a trip inlhe Miditerrrtncrtn on; the steam Vacht Thistle. - 't' h- Lowdoa Sl.tntln1d prote-ssag-einst thi abrog.ti0n of the ('laytonâ€"I-lulwwr 'l'rvaly. unless with cornpv-nsrtion and the neutralization of the Nicaraguanr canal. l‘lf'ot‘ts art- being: vainly in'ttlc to stip- press tiprw’c scandal conn:cted witlil thi retir-‘m -nt and disappeatance from London, England, of tho Rev. Robert lay on, rector of St. Margaret’s church, find a canon residentiary of West- mtnster. UNITED STATES. Chicago physicians hive made a now out of chickcn‘s flosh for Herman \‘tudt‘l. Miss Lindboom is an applicant for mcmbcrship in the Chicago Board of Trade. It is exp-acted that the Unit (1 States Government will advance $10,000,000 to Ii‘ly the Cuban army. George, Gould it is start-d will return to New York as a resident? and pay taxes but on a reduced valuation. It is reported thtt the American Bell Telephone Co. is to b- mcrged inâ€" to the American Telegraph and Tole;â€" phone Co. ‘ Miss Alice Hamilton of New York has been declared itis'll)“ by a sheriff’s jury. She has pcrsonrtl belongings amounting to $300,000. The Fifteenth United States Infan- try of Ohio, and the Fourth Regiment, of Infantry of Illinois have started on their long journey to the Philip- pines. Three commissioners of the Glasgow exhibition of 1001 have arrived at New York and will pt‘tii'i-ed to \\':tsh« ington to invite the l titted Status to participate in the big;r show", The llnitcd States t'ch-iiue cutters to be bulll on the lakes will be small -r than those recently constructed. not greater than :30.) tons burden, and \-.ill cost about $100,000 each. 'i he Nicaragua Canal bill passed the‘ United States Senate. Under its pro- visions the Governtncnt willownmostr oi‘thc'stock and llJt‘ 1’tesident will ap- point five out oftho scven directors. The boys of New \‘ork who hate g0- ing, to school are iii luck. Tho situa- thcre for school accommodation is such that the boys who play “hockey” are not punished becaus- the room is necdcd. The Hawaiian Tclepioph Bill for a service for :10 years from S'tti Fran- to Honolulu, at ($100,000 rt. year, is lu‘lLl't‘ the house at \\'-l4‘lllll,‘_’rrnll,l litiiitn; the war 532,000 a day was paidl in L‘ «llll' tolls. 'lhc llutlson l:-r_v lmvos lidmotiton for li'iti-r country rail} in l‘V-btuary, illltlr rho t'titllpllly has made arrangcmcnts to c rl ty fro-'- oi' ch true, letters to mine, cis and prospectors thwre. ‘ Aloud Sclit rd}: \‘lst‘ti Company's packet the Marin-uric, I’lr-icticc d.r,iulr' or of Jacob Sr'hrady, a wealthy New York lawyer. and a relative of the Goulds, l.\' said to have elopod with a penni- less student. She Sll(l to have married Jr liti ll. llyrne in secret. S ‘Iltllttl ll:l\ls‘, in t'hzlrgc of the peace lt‘cnly in the American Senate, told a tlr-lv-prrion from the oppo-ition thtt he would not at pi'csttnl consent to a vote 15' 1R trritifltntti. Prices of Grain. Cattle. Cheese. are. in the Leadlng Marts. Toronto, Jan. 23.~Tliere were 10 up .n rho tt‘t-rtly nor tiiitil h-- was satisâ€" ,loads of cattle at the western cattle ti tl that tho treaty could be ratiâ€" l fir-(l. A San Francisco piper publishes the tl»'l:ill‘% of an :tllcgcd anarchist pic. to blow up :i IlllllHrt‘r ol~ big hotr-ls it) that city. A letter giving: the plans his ltv't'll found in Alameda. Thr- arc invostigdlitig” t‘hiri rtiirrn ftom New policol mltkt'l 10-day. including 150 sheep and l(‘1|l\‘(‘.\' and 23,000 hogs. The, market was fair for a rlhutsday. and: there porno trading in cattle of all kinds. .711» hot: market was weak, with a fairâ€" ly l'trge run. livport cattle were in pretty fair W 8.5 Vlmr- Chung :t _ V I ,dcmand, choice running as high as \ork. calb-d :it tho \\hi:c ilotise. and r . . , . , $4.00. 1|]\'1,\ ed on seeing; l tosrtl 'til Ellâ€"r _ Kinloy, 11c said he waiiti-(l to enlist lhl‘rf’ WM :1 small run of butchers' ill the liiiitcd States army, and wanted the l‘resirlcnt to trim) him soni - soldiers .er Ihat he could go over rind t'. hip Chin t. Marlht Bailey, colourr-tl. 33 years old. , is llll'kl‘t'l up at Baltimore, chars:th with the niurrlrir by poison, of ticorgu W. |{i:ih. also ('tiluut‘t'tl. at (‘aitiluridgm and of his mother, Mary Jaiio Kiah. Arse‘tiit: was put into flour used for making oyster frittrrs. Robert JHIIIlt‘SOll, mining engineer, of Vancouver, committed suicide in Seattle, on firturday. because 11- {Mind to face business difficulties and possi- ble poverty. Mr. Janiicson followed his profession iti 'l‘urkr-y. Asia Minor and England. He, leaves a wifc in Vancouver. A surgical operation was performed on the (ircat 100 of .\li\'illt’)lth Higher, of Rodtl township. .\lich., a fow days Ugo. The stirgcoti e\tr:rctcd from the opening a diamond 11115.2. .\lt. Diglioc his been told lll‘ll be swallowed this rim: in his infancy. He is now sixty- fivr- years of age. The ferry Niagara was criiiizht in an iccpflocbetw-o-o-n lui'filoand lr‘ort l'lrie. She was Swi'pl down under the Inter- n'ttional irttlL't' with iiinr-tccn pasâ€" scngors on liti‘ll'tl was in danger of point; ovr'r the l‘. in get into t'lcar \\'.’|lv"I‘ lit-low the lrtidrro. All hnt‘ upper works w~re torn off by contact with 111" bridge timâ€". burs. ti 1?}: ICR .\ 1.. Storms are catisinr.r utcit havoc in, Switzerland. the I‘Ilbc has riscn and llttiihtittz is partly flooded. l-‘ive ft‘t'l is 111" minimum bright of the Russian and l‘rent'h consctipt. ’l'he 1|I‘t":~t‘lll flow 1f lava from Mt. Vesuvius is said to be tiprecctlcnlo-tl, l’l bruit subs-ct the for naâ€" l“I‘t'I]""llni‘n :itc asked for a ; H.000 stibniarint- liontil tit-fence. Ahmed l’etlil's force, the last l)t'l‘Virlh army. has surrendered, Ahmed l“t‘Llll himself escaping. it is reported that the Sultan ‘rf 'I‘ur- key has ordered a lot of Krupp field irons and shrapnel. It is said [but the ('11in amusement of the Chinese lliiipcror is training goats and donkeys. 'l‘he tictnian estiuiites, just brought down. show a surplus of iii-irks, or about. $18,500,000. Carl Jacobson. the Danish brewer, has given the rin of Cipt-nhagen art treasutcs valued at $1,400,000. 'lhe Hottenrots. now ont- of the lowâ€" ‘cst species of [Utllllxlll’l were ages ago on” of the most highly civilized. Hcrious fighting between rival chief- tziins, whit-h ui‘ry lead to international complications is reported trom Samoa. in Iicrliu. the paw nshop is a royal ititstitutioii. and it is not allowed to. make a profit. Its surplus goes to, charitable purposes. One of the latest achievements in‘ t'lictult‘ul science is a pcll it Containing the concentrated elements of coffee, sugar and milk. Count 'lolstoi declares that he has to thank his bicycle and his vegetar- ian dict for the, robust health which he enjoys at the age of seventy. A bronze column, inscribed with a treaty between two cities, made in tho third century bet'oie Christ, has bccn found in a Doric temple. in Urecce, ‘l‘hc otficial inauguration of thencw telephone line between Moscow and St. l't-‘lel‘filllll‘g took place last weck. The line alone cost 00,0th roubles, 20,100. A Norwegian sailor on July, 180?", be- tween lcelaud and Greenland, sighted a heap of ropes and rubbish, probably the wreck ot Andrec's balloon on an iceâ€"flow. A detspatch from Cologne, Germany, says a number of children have bccn mysteriously stabbed on the sli‘ci'ls. Unt- has died. The crimes resemble those of “Jack the Ripper." b‘tudcnt riots ha\c occurred at I‘tilâ€" ,ermo and Naples. to John Ericsson, the in- be ercctetl at Stockholm. A statue ventor. will ltro litissian (it'llt‘l'ul of the Trans- stt.~pi:rii district has been ordered to taki- .l Brussels is named as the place of: . . . r ‘Ull‘t‘lllll; oi the disaimrrnicnt t'Unll'l't'llt'b ul lllt' powers. ltr. tiut-scppc Basso, of the Turin l'niversity, became liii‘etztcd \vhilc cul- ti\atinr,; bacilllt and died. )ermuda is overrun by cats and spar-r rows. The plague has been discussed in the Colonial Legislature. During,r the transportation of 1,170 Spanish soldiers from the l’hilippines, Lo barre-hint, 300 took sick and 11 (lied. At the opening oi? the l’arbamciit of Sweden \Vt'tliicstltty thc >III‘L‘L'11 from the Throne advocated the building of deâ€" fences. lrtnr‘e l‘ietlciick, Crown l‘iincc of Denmark. and Prince.» Louise, his wile, hate :irtitcd at Stockholm, whctt the) are gut-tits of Uncle Uscar, thr- liitig. had a thill on 'l‘ucsday, illlrl lllt‘lt' wcrc g‘lt‘rll fears for his lrtc. llt't His Holiness quickly rallied. llis lilt}>lt'ltlu,\‘ atl\i>etl him, however. ..i hold as tcw' receptions as possible. |lll‘ l‘ope 'ls, but managed. 71,370,000 , icottle, but enouin to supply the. de- mand. and there was not much change, from last market, ‘llllllg being a little, easier. Slackers were. active and in good de- ‘nlillitl, at $3 to $3.50, and for choice ‘lots. $3.00. ‘ l-lxport bulls were in fair demand at 3 to 31-20, with an‘ extra :10 cents per 100 lbs, for choice lots. Among the transactions made were the following sales:â€" One load of inferior stock. averaging 1,100 pounds, at 27-8 cents. Ollt‘lOIId, including good quality of stccrs. heifcrs, anti cows. averaging l.- 030 pounds, at $3.70 per 100. . Twentyâ€"four mixed butchers' and ex- port. ave-raging 1.1.30 pounds, at SHAH). ()nc load of cows, :tvetaging 1,070 Ipounds. at 3cents a pound. b'hr-ep were alight run, and trading "iiln only medium. Prices ruled about ‘tht- same as last market. ('alrr-s sold at from $3 for inferior, to 23'} pct' choice. The bug ,tradr- cl nditions in the old Country. 1111- run was a good one for a Thursâ€" (lay market. Choice hogs brought as high as 4.}80, light, 41-L.., and thick l:ll. any w--ight, £53.73; sows were 211â€"2 ltI 3t". and stags :c. , Cattle. flopping, por cwt .3 4.25 $ 1 5t) ‘ ilurt-li r, choir-c, do 400 4121-3 l . urch.r, med. to good . 300 350 :llurch r, infttl'l tr 2.75 300 l ‘ Shep and Lambs. litwss, pr-r civt 300 335 Elmo-ts, pnr (‘wt 230 275 Lambs. pgr cwt 4 255 410 Calves. . . . . ll bU r Milkt-t's and ; Cows, each 2:3 50 ('tilvcs, each . . 200 000 V _ H< gs. ,( ho (to hogs, pct cwt 4 135 4 021:}. ll tulit hr go,11t‘l' (wt 4 :15 000 :IlJHy, (to, per cwt . . 000 375 , PRODUCE. tingsâ€"Firm and unchangwtl. (,‘h' ice boitiag Sitit’ks sell at to 13H llf‘lrl it :sli oi cold stored, at 10 to tor; and lrLIl ii at 1.3 to 100. ,l’otzitogsslloie coming in, and mar- lict Car lots, on track, are ‘qu' t.-d at 5.") to fine, per bag. Dealers ls'll out of store :it ti"; to 70c; farmct's' tin:th lel at around 00 to 7er. ‘ Poultryâ€"Quiet. Not many cumin: in. ant values only steady. armâ€"Chickens, per pair, 2.} to 10c; ducks. 10 to 00c; geese, per lb. 51â€"2 to tic; turkeys, per lb. 0 to ltlc. limos-«Steady marker. Choir-e handâ€" ‘ptt‘ketl beans sell at $1.10 to $1.25; and common at 00 to 70c. per bush. 5).) dried stock, delivered here; and small lots resell at :3 to 5 l-Zc; evaporated 8 to 10c. for small lots. Honeyâ€"Unchanged. Round lots of lchotce, delivered here, will brinpr about 5 1-2 to tic; dealers quote from 0 to comb at around $1,233 to $1.30 per doz- en et’t'litinb’. 7‘ Rated hayâ€"The movement is light, Lblllt‘lly choice, car lots, is quoted at $0.30 to $7.50 per ton; and No. 2 at l '0. l Strawâ€"Unchanged. Car lots are quot- led at St to $4.230, on track. [impatiOllllUUk little better. Ilealcrs here Sl‘ll at 16 to '..’0c.. and are paying holders, outside, about 14 to 18c. DAlRY PRODUCE. l Butterâ€"Prices keep steady for choice ‘tlatry :ititl croamery, and demand is ‘good. Receipts of all lines only ftill‘. ‘Quottttions are, as followszâ€"Uairv. ttib, ‘poor to medium, 11 to lie; choice, 13 to_1-tc; large rolls, ll to 15c; small ,dtttt'y. lb prints, about 1:3 to 10¢; creatiioty, tubs and boxes, I!) to 20c; lbs ‘_’tl to 231C. , t‘hvcse~tiood steady demand at un- changed prices. Choice stocks sell at from 10 to 10 l-flc. DRICSN‘HD HUGS AND PROYlHlON. Plenty of dressed hogs coming in, ucs have gone off msrtkct is caster. a little, and the 011 the st rcet toâ€"day fattners' lo-i.. sold at $5.20 to $5.30, as to quality, \l'estctn hogs were, quoted, on track. in car lots, at around .5110 mixed w'r-tghts: and Northern at about 85.15 for selcct lots. Market for {lltll'i‘ltins unaltered. Quotationi are as follows:a1)ry salted shoulders, 7 I ': Ion~: clear bacon, car lots, '7 1â€"- ton lots and case lots, 7 3-10; or backs, d 1-”.3 to 8 3â€"lt:. Slil‘lkt‘tl ni ‘lt‘lSâ€"Hlillis, hwivy, 0 lâ€"L.‘ to lllt‘; rbrcwkfast ‘ 7 litrrltis. 10 1-2 8c. bacon, 3-1 to to 1b“: All nic'its llll'IliU out of picklc to loss than prices quoted for smoked meats. luridâ€"’l'ierccs, 7c; tubs, 7 1-2 to 7 3-lc: [)‘tllS, 7 3-4 to tic; compound, ti to 0 1â€"20. “IDES, SKINS, AND \‘.'()Ui.. l.o:-al market quiet in all lines. lJcaL ct‘s lit-re qutrlc as follows:â€" llitlcsâ€"( hoir'o slot-rs, Sic: N0. 1 cows, Riâ€"flt". NH. .1, 71-110; NH 3. lilitt; ('urr'rl sell at Sl-lt'. tltl\'?lll|"‘ oti thr- tort “Hill; ,l.:rrnl.t«kins ind sheep pcltsâ€"Ifi', and for choice, Filo. the. prices, if any-7 market was weak owing to‘ Calfskinsâ€"Choice. No. 1, 110; and N0. 2, 90. . \l'oolâ€"I'nwashcd, 100; fleece, 150, for small lots. delivered; pulled, 18 1-.‘0 for supet‘s; and :10 to Lilo for extras. 'I‘all<iwâ€"l.oc-rl dealers buy barrel tal- low at, 31â€": to to for rendered. and re- sell at 4 to 41-10. Buffalo, Jan. iiiâ€"Spring wheatâ€" Dull. steady; No. 1 hard, 2500; No. 1 Northern. 701-»tc. Winter wheat â€" Easy and firm; No. 2 red, 7414c; No. 3 extra red, 731â€"20: No. 1 white, 711-30. Cornâ€"Steady: N0 3 yellow, 30 to 39 l-‘lc; No. 4 yellow. 381-" to 38 3â€"40; No. 3 corn, 381-: to 38 340; No. 4 corn, 38 lâ€"tc. Oatsâ€"Dull, easier; No. 2 white, .‘l31â€"‘3c; No. 3 white, 321-2c; No. ~1white, 31 lâ€"‘lc; No. 2 mixed, 3230.: N0. 3 mixed, 31c. Barleyâ€"Strong; sales of West- 'ern at :70 to 501â€"110. Ryeâ€"Nominal; to: to 030, in store for No. :1 Flourâ€" Sletitly. , Detroit, Jan. 23.â€"\\'heatâ€"Closed: -â€" No. 1 white, cash, 711â€"2c; No. 2 red, cash rind January. 710; May. 730. Minneapolis. Jan. 23. â€". \Vheat â€" January. tilc; May, 08 1-4 to til2 3â€"90; July. 08 7-8c. on track: No. 1 hard. 69 1â€"8c; No. 1 Northern, 08 1-80; No. 2 Northern, 00 1â€"2o. Duluth. Jan. :23. â€" “'hcat â€"â€" No. 1 hard, cash, 70 1â€"40; January, 09c, bid; July. 7;! 3â€"40: No. 1 Northern. cash,ti7c, hid: January. 670, bid; May, 00 3â€"40; July. 70 3â€"1c. Milwaukee, Jan. 23. â€"â€"« “'heat â€"â€" No. 1 Northern, 09 1-2o; No. 2 Northern. 67 to 07 1â€"20. Ryeâ€"No. 1 56 1â€"2c. Barleyâ€"No. 2, 51 1-4 to 51 l-zlc; sample, 42 to 506. Toledo, Jan. 23.â€"â€"\Vheat â€" N0. 2. cash, '71 1â€"10; May, 73 1-2c. bid. Rye- ‘No ‘3, cash, 50 1-40. Clover seed â€" Prime cash, old $4.45; new, $t.50. Oil -â€"Unchnnged. Montreal, Jan, ‘23.â€"'I‘he lov-al grain market continues dull, and prices are unchanged. I-‘lour is dull and steady. \Vinler wheat patents $3.75 to $4; t‘StI‘lligllt rollers, $3.55 to $3.70; in 13111.13, i$l.70 to $1.80; Manitoba patents, $4.10 to 4.130; Strong,r bakers‘, $3.75 to $4. rMeal is quiet, and for fair sized lots pro-es are beng shaded. but in ajob- btnt.r way rolled O‘ltS are selling at $300 per barrel and at $1.75 per bag. Qtimarioris‘ Dried apple-smljealers pay 1 erc forl 7c per lb for 10 to 00-lb tins; and in; ,anl packets are handling freely. \':ilâ€"‘ medium, 10 to 101â€"2; light. llt-zr Feed is fairly active and firm. Ontario r winter wheat bran in bulk. $15 to $102.3: shorts, $15.50 to $16 per ton: :Mrinttoba bran, $15; shorts, $17 and lmouillie $10 per ton. including bags. ,H'iy continues quiet and prices show no .ch'rnge. No. l,$:“i to $6.30: No.2,extra. 3L?) toSS; No2clover mixture.$l to $150. (‘ltiv'61‘83.3ll to 84 I’rovisionsquiet and steady: Canadian pork, in bllrfr’ls. '815 to 813.30: pure Con. lard, iii pails, 7 1â€"t to 7 l-ic pr-r lb: and compound refined at 5 to 5 l-L‘c per lb: hams; 10 to 1'1"; and bacon, 10 1â€"2 to Ho per lb. Cheese is quiet with prices nominal at 10 to 10 3â€"Pc. lluttcr is also trutet at 19 l-‘Zc. Eggs are active and firm; rVri_ 1. candlwl stock. 17c: No. ’2, do.. l 15c; llontri-al liuir-d, 16c; \Vestern lim- cd 11 to 15c; \Vr-stern cold Storage, 13 lto He: and culls, 10 to llc per doz. rTh' tlrmtnd for beansischiefly for lstnall lots, to fill actual wants: we *qii Ilt' t'll' it‘t- h 1111 picked SEC to $1 per bushel: primes. *5 to 90c. The tone of th- mat ket for porat o s was firmer and choice lots are, quoted at 55 to 750 per bag. WlDOW GETS $13,988 DAMAGES, l r ‘Dci-ls‘lon 1n llic l‘orlstliic Will (‘usc at i “onlrcai. r A tlesp'itch from Montreal, says Judge (iill his It‘ntlrt'l‘t’tl judgment in I the c:rs«~ of Dam» E. R. Ii’l\VES, the wid- ‘ ow of the late Mr. Thomas J. (‘0ristine, against her late husband‘s brother and former p'll‘ln‘l‘, Mr. James Coristine, ‘lhc welbkniwn merchant and manu- lfacturer. The widow claimed some $68,000 due to her as her hus- band’s share of the profits of the late frm of J.mes Corirtin: and Co., of 5 which he was a m-mbcr :it the time of his death. She was the legatee of her late husbttn l, who had been in partner- ship wirh his brother from 1877 to March 10th, 1807, or twenty years “11"11 he died. The court, after calculatit n. (letun-tl the defendant to pay rplaintiff the sum of $13,988. 115 con- the â€"__.â€"â€"â€"â€" CHINA IS WAKING UP. (‘omlnerclall )llsslon lo lic Sent to En- rolu- :iiiil Amcrlca. A despatch from Shanghai, says:â€" .It is stated that China will send a corn- Lth'l‘t'l‘ll mission to Europe and America March. If the reports favourably when it returns in Novemâ€" ber. commercial tablished in the 1000. Two directors of the Imperial bank of China will accompany the mission to sclct‘t location for branches of the batik abroad. in commission agencies \\'ill b: cs- furetgn Cities in ._____.â€"4a THE END OF FEDIL. ‘l'w'o ’l'lmiisam! “:Ii-rloi-st lay “on n 'I‘lit-Ir Arms. A despatrh frotri Cairo, says;~The whole l'k‘lli lining:r force of Ahmed 1011”, the only [JerVish chief- tilll] titttribirint,r about 2?.003 men. have ,‘rlll'li'lltlt‘l‘t‘tl to 111- British gunboat .\,‘.ctcniirii-h, on the [fin Nile. l‘cdil es- caped in a southerly direction. lllll'U‘ltl‘dt‘l‘t‘d 6. HOLD RANK ROBBERY. .\ dvsprttch fl'ili lr'ort Worth. Tex, s'iys:â€"â€".\ bold brnl. to ll‘l‘y (ontt‘cd at 1‘ Win. l'itl\\'}ll'tl Lewis, thr- boot;â€" hhppmv of the L‘try Xzititnrl Hank, took from its \ llllls S;,:=;;.r. ,1, n t... the t IIiIâ€"l ck fortyeoight h in: s lllt‘d' , in old» t‘ H) ,ulvc llllLl lllllt’ tll i-srn-pc. ‘ .hr pt’cs‘tbur if the bank lit-liv-vr-s it will tlr-velr L) that the bank is cut over 53,000.

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