h‘ght 951:. : ht hmvy 1 Switzer Mr. T. J. \W was on TI-osd (‘vmlnty of years; The annual my moud Hill Emu-d held next \‘Cedne rum'y, in accorda Unrn 730. ; lulnemuws. Imaf Salmon, 2 for 25¢. Salmon 2 for 250. ; a gm. lUc. Atkinson & Switze The \V. ( hume 0f MI evening. 1 prepared, : quested to 1 M Eggs, U11: {01' good 5. At the Epwm‘nh [A Friday evening :1“ in my pmgI-aunne will hoped the mombm-s w attvndancu their i suhject. ' Fruit Extracts. fl Mince Meat. .92.; pints, all flzlvm's, 9 extra. Prunes, 5v. ; Atkinson & Switz< A meeting of the Buard of \Vost York License Commissioners will he held at, their room in Toronto Junctinn on Monday evening, 30th inst, to con- sider the transfer of the hotel license at Thistleton in Etohicoke from George Swift, to James Rnwnti'oe. For $1.60 you can buy a pail (20 lbs. net) of Pure Rendered Lard; Head :Uheesi’, Sc. p(=1‘lb.: Pure Pork Saus- age, qur own make, 3 lbs. for25c. Ginés & Co. A notice has been issued by the Post Ofï¬ce Department, under the signature of Dr. Coulter. Deputy Post; Muster General, which authorizes Pnstumstvrs to exchange Throu Cent. Stamps for those of other denomina- tmns. Miss Agnes Marshal], daughter of Mr. James Marshall uf Pine Grove. and Mr. John Trainer of King, were an Tuesday morning united in marriage in St. Luke’s church, Thorn- hill. Themal-riage was solvmnized by Rev. Father McMahon. assisted by Rev. Father Menelmn of St. Peter’s, Toronto. ANOTHER REMINDER. “'9. wish to thank all those who so cheerfully paid their subscriptions to THE LIBERAL at the lwginnlng uf the year, but regret that we have to, again send out accounts to a. number who have neg-cred to settle. We trust that the- “.nunts enclosed in THE LIBERAL l week will he a rvminder to call and "‘le, 01' remit the amount of account. Three Ihs. nest Pure Lard for 23c., or ‘in 25 lb. lots; 7220. per 1h.; Best, Corn Starch, 6 cts.: Good figs, 513.; Golden Dates, 7g: ; the bust selectr-d raisins. 7§c.; Cleaned Currants, 7c.; Brown \Vindsm'Soup, 6 for Se. At- kinson & Switzer. 1h Dim‘ xrniv CARNIVAL TO-N IGHT. Everybody should try and attend the Masquerade Carnival to be given in the rink this (Thursday) evening in aid of the Fire Brigade. Good music will he provided and liberle prizes will he given for the following :â€"Open race 10 laps; Boys‘ race. under 15 yrs., 6 laps; Best, representative costume, Gent’s; Best representative costume, Lady’s; Best representative costume, boy’s, under 15; Best re resentative costumn, girl's under 15. 001's open at 7.30, ice reserved for mnsqnoruders till 8.30. Admission, 15 cents; Child- ren 10 cts. ; nmsqncraders free. Highs“? I at- 150†The ï¬rst Gospel Temperance meet- ing of the season will he held in the Temperance Hall, Sunday afternoon, Jan. 29, commencing at four o’clock. The chair will be taken by Mrs. Swit- zer, Pres. of the W. C. T. U. Mr. A. E. Onombs will address the meeting and Miss Ethel Switzer will sing. The gublic are cordially invited to attend. irst ten minutes of the meeting will :b“ devotedto singing. Collection will ,1) ' tnkcu. ‘ is will ienf I] In XV heav best nice allowed for Buttm: Dl-ie Apples,&(‘., in exchange (Ids. Atkinson & Switzer. 01 GOSPEL TEMPERANC-E. Black 3. T. U. will meet at thp rs. G. \Viley next Tuesday A good programme is being and all interested are re- be present. J()( ()rl Tomatbc 2 for Z5( meeting ‘31) League Meeting on an interesting Mission- will be given. It is hers will show by their cir interest in this Lnnmud day, the ace with ock of Nowm v‘cted \Vurdon ( for the next a gout! re 90., that were 100. ; Pure Gold Jellies, c. - Macumm, 100. ; q splendid Cuifeo, 180. if? all f the Rich- eltion will be Horse Shirts, 47¢ Atkinson sta tute n of t‘r; Maple 9 Shoe salmon W ed Lw I‘C'l vi]! deceit tm and 'I puster RICHMOND HILL V. THORNHILL. Two rinks wont to Thornhill Saturâ€" day afternoon tn play a friendly match with the curlers of that, placg. - After ’l'hm-nl’li Rink up served 1 Admissi Vint- with the. curlers of that, place. AILt‘l‘ a sharp ('(mtost the game ended in a, Lie. The I'onvan me the pluyvrs and scores made in the umttch : Richmond Hill; Thm‘ubifl. A. E. 000th J. Drury P. G. Savage H. \an'tl W. H. Pugsley H. Clark H.A.Niu1mlls,sk.18 F.J.Gu]iannug}_1, ‘ Heavy Lon-11 Lnnmnd dark checks. 1()c.: the heaviest Canadian Hen-inn Bone Ticking, 180. ; The host table nï¬ cloth, 54 ‘18c. ; see the flannelvtt we are selling now Mr 5c, the factory cotton at 5 cLs., and the White cotton at 5c. Atkinson & Switzox'. SHERRVBOD. J.H.Szmdvrson A. Mnodio \V. T, Storey M. Boyle, skip ' A most interesting and succvssful meeting of the Vaughan Sabbath School Institute was held in the Luth- emu (Shuuzh of this plate" 011 Thursday and Friday of last week. The prw mmme as advertised was carried out almost to the letter. Before adjourn- ing it, was decided to have next; yea) I cemvention at; Pine Grove. The f0 - lowing are the ofï¬cers elected for the current year: President, Mrs. \Vm. Cnnk, (Jan-ville; 13‘s Viceâ€"Presidput, MLJ. W'illinms. I‘klgrly: 2nd Vice- Presidvnt, Mr. Thus. Hutchinsuu, Pine Grm‘o; Cor. Sec’y, Mr. Isaac Devins, Klvinhm-g; Minum Spay, Mr. J. H. Koï¬or, Sherwood Frank Keï¬â€˜er, She On the cash basis We are selling the Seli‘sia. Lining for 80. that was 10c., the 40 inch selisia for 10¢. that was 12, the heavy Sumh Twill waist lining for 13c. that was 150., Oxford Shirtings for 120. that were 15c., 36 inch Box-(lewd apron checks for Sc. that were 10. At- kinson & Switzer. A very fast and exciting game of hockey was played on Thursday even- ing lust, between the Masseyâ€"Harris team and Richmond Hill in which the visitors were succesï¬ul in defeating the home imam by 10 goals to 5. The teams wm-e: . IvIassoy-qu-ris. Richmond Hill. Trowbridge . . . . . Goal . . l . . . . Savage Glasson . . . . . . . . Point . . . . . Douthwuite McBride . . . . . Cover Point . .SandH-son Liftnn . . . . . . { . . . . Hunpm‘ Grant . . . . . . _ , l . . . . Clifford Lamhn . . . . . If F01 wards '] . . . . . Trench Harmer . . .. J t . . . . . Ellsmn ill A game has been arranged with the Crawford Hockey Club of Toronto for Thursday, Foh’y 2nd. This game promises to he very fast as part, of this team play with the the Massey Harris Club and our boys wish to have theirrovcuge. General admission 10 cents. The umrtgage indebtedness on the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, entails an interest expense of $2,250 each year. a heavy drain on the re- sources of this great charity. It will be remembered that in a recent issue of this paper the wonderful work of the hospital was described. together with an appeal from the trustees, ask- ing the. people of Ontario to pay off $25,000 of the mortgage this year. They had agreed to retire that portion of the mortgage. A genemus response has been made, but there is still $3,000 needed to complete the fund asked for. Over $22,000 has been paid in, some of it came from the readers of this paper. The charity is provincial and not local. Sick children from every nook and corner of the province me cared for. The chairman of the limpitagl Trust, J. Ross Robertsoh, M. 15., Torunw, writeszâ€"â€"â€"â€Is there another num in your town who will help the helpless children with a dollar? " Mr, Robert- son says that, every gift to a. worthy charity'bearrs interest fol" the donor. Three thousand- single dollars will do the work~will you give one ? HELP WITH A DOLLAR. Réféi‘ceâ€"J. Pl'itchzu-d. HOCKEY MimiLa rwood President, 3133. Wm. , 13‘s Vice-Presidput, ‘. I‘klgrly: 2nd Vice- hus. Hutchinsuu, Pine ‘y, Mr. Isaac Devins, nLe Svc‘y, Mr. J. H. 0d; Treasurer, Mr. H. Harper T. Hughes Dr. Nelles 8 J. Morgan: ‘(l 1} rs he rwood. I‘mv Jhi“ M ATOH. m ,noven mile ir ‘ns f()llu\\’s:7 Kitty R. nnW pinnship on the made in Belle. Vaind Richmond Richmond Hill of rink. See in a-LtL 1i ). 15. {\tkinsm LN Brass ha n \tring Rink ziv ECORI under miil 8‘ ; Spa Masque will 19: vorld's . . . Savage Douthwuite . .Szmdm-son . . .. Hamper . . .. Clifford . . . . . T x'cnch . . . . . Ellswn Dough, skip.“ ill xrl n. '1'] ndam (-ld th having Ice skipJZ good only Rich xsh‘rp Thi the 1nd 1n 1U mate, as they “'1†he arm: to gel, un- entim set. In a few weeks the entire edition of “Thin Red Line†will be dispose-(1 of and no more can be had at any ï¬gure. This is a hint for those who have not yet secured it. It. is giveu'free with a. year’s subscriptim) (one dollar) tn that great, paper. the Family Hemkl and \Veekly Star, Montreal. A leasant time was spent: by the men: )ers ()f Ivy Lodge, No. 114. A. O. U. VV., in their lodge room last. Friday evening. Bro. F. \V. Unitt. Grand Organizer, was present by request, and this gentleman, with Bro. VVintvon, ‘ a. prominent, \Vnrkman in Toronto, installed the ofï¬cers elect for the current year. Later in the evening the Grand Organizer gave an interest,â€" ing address, showing that. the A. 0. . U. ‘V. is the. safest and best fraternal. beneï¬cial society on this continent. Ilsassessinents are graded, and suc- cessful applicants may now take out, beneï¬ciary certiï¬cates for $500. $1,000 or $2.000. The number ()fapplications during the past, year was large, and the nrder has now an enrolled mem- bership of 375,000 on this continent. Bro. \Vinmn also gave an interesting address. During the, evening the Grand Organizer presented Bro. W. T. Storey with a. souvenir pin for members brought into the arder the past; year. The visiting brethren were tendered a. vote (if thanks by the ' lodge. for their kindness in installing the ofï¬cers, and for their encouraging 'relnarks. At Lhe close of the lodge ‘ refreshments were served. L3, know popul have Thin lied Lin scrim-1's durin can depend (1: newle subset newzu publis Line †to he the fl] famous pictures, : secure a copy this mate, as they will entire set. In a f‘ “leek eveninï¬r. 151 Organizer, v and this gent] a prominent, installed the current your In Mr. Geo. 00011th of Bradford. spent Saturday in the village. Miss Ida Glass went. tn the» city on Friday m spond a week with relatives and friends. Mr. Ruiph Twwh of \th‘ipvg, i~ spvndingufuw days with his muck}, Mr. R. Lewis. Mr. K. Lewis. Mrs. and Miss Medley of Toronto, :11-0 \‘isitm with Mr. undJos. Mortsun at, “ Lake iew.†Bond’s Lake. Miss Daisy Kennersley *nf Tux-(mm), is spending a couple 0f wngs with her grandfather, Mr. J 01m Kommrsloy. Mr. G. R. Storey, of Lowvll, Mass†arrival here Monday afternoon and Mr. G. R. Storvy, of Lowell, M:Lss., arrivml here Monday afternoon and will spend a couple of weeks with re- latives and friends. Mr. and Mrs.'Jas. Ness of King spanu few days with relatives here. The former returned home Saturday evening and the latter remained over Sunday. Mrs. J. Gonde .‘LCI‘OII’lpilnif‘d by her son and daughter, has returned home after attending the fum-ral of her ann- inâ€"law, M11 \V. J. McDonough in Clevelgmd, Ohio. McDoNOUGnâ€"At his lute residence, 2585 Euclid ave», Clcve‘aud. on Monday,Junuary 16, Wm. J. Mth-nough. Funeral from St. Anges' church, Wednesday. 18th inst. LOVEâ€"Ab Temperanceville, on Friday morning, Jun. 20th, 01 Hp": Failuretstter La. Grippa, thabeth Low. Chicug'n \Vholosale and Retail Butchers, 119th 81-3 in B EST M EATS \V e To the Public. famous ] Red Line. -1-s during FRESH & SALT MEATS Vegetables in Season. MASS & W3, A. O. I make a. specialty in Home Render ed Lard, and our uwn make of Sausage. ' PERSONALS. GLASS & 00., Richmond Hill “'hon yuu want the ed for a further supply of 15; premium picture, “The ma." All who become suh- ing January and February rm getting a copy, also re- cI-ibrers. ‘We believeythe f the Family Herald and LI‘ intond the “Thin Red the ï¬rst. of :Lseries of these ares, and Canadians who y this Hu' will be fortu- y will )e able to get the In a few weeks the entire Thin Red Line†will be md no more can he had at This is a hint for those not yet secured it. It. is zith a. yoaiâ€s subscriptim) A1 ways go to DEATHS W. MEETING Of all kinds \NNOI Thus. Newton int-e 51191- the umhlc ‘l'GSLPd in of that 2 Family Montreal, Supplz. of ton ME 11-26 . w E E i VF: w? V +3 ‘agyfliï¬wwwwawwwww 1899 Reduction of 20 to 80 per cent. on all lines of Wool Hosiery, Under Shirts and Drawers, and Blankets. Winter -- Footm ,‘ar. Men’s Felt Buckle Boots, Men’s Long Boots, Men Manitoba rubbers and socks, men’s and boys’ ove and rubbers, ladies’. misses’ and children’s ( shoes and rubbers, lvadies’ storm rubbers, lad; {me iootwear, ladies’ and misses’ skating bals, ladies’ felt boots, a full stock ofleather goods.’ We guarantee the workmanship andiquality of the: Give us a call, you will ï¬nd 'priccs right. Repairing Neatly and. Prqmptly ne. BOBTQ SIVER ISAAC CROSBY. January Sale NEW STOCK Of Men’s and Women’s 1899 heavy oods.