Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jan 1899, p. 7

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realize his ansolute freedom, he stop~ pad to enjoy the tender grass at his leisure, oblivious of the commotion caused by his extraordinary escape. On board the steamer the captain and his ofticers were cummunlng together, to decide what should be done to reâ€" capture the horse. There was no time to be lost, for night Was fast comlng on, and indications Were already Visible of the rise of a glorious tropical moon. As the great white disc rose over the jungle a terrific and unmistakable roar seemed to shake the very heavens. Everyone, startled by the sound, turn- ed towards the spot, and there, in the brilliant moonlight, Was seen an enorâ€" mous lion, with his head thrown back and his fore-paws stretched resolutely out. buy was been swimming vigorously to- wards the river bank. How he had unfaskensd his bait-u and made a dash for the side, will)qu Dying heard, [101 a man on board was able to answer. There was Lhe area and shupciy head giiding swiley Lhrough Lhe sinuOLh water towards the rich and picturesque shore. The captain at once ordered his engineer L0 slacken speed, in oruer that he mighL watch what the animal wqud (10. AL this. Lime the ship was gliuing past the beautiiul grassy plain, with dense jungle iiumeuiaLeiy at Lhe buck of it. Presently the Arab struggled up the bank, and it was then noticed that his nosebug was still attached to his head. Suddenly he stood still and commenced to shake his head violentâ€" ly, evidemiy in the hope of getting rid of his disagree-amt: incubus. Of course, he could not. get rid of it altogether, but at length his series of wild Losses succeeded in so ioosemng Lhe bag, that it slid off his head and hung about his graceful neck. 'l'hus released he gave a loud neigh, and than after a prelimâ€" lnury gamer, suinuent to make him realize his ansomte freedom, he stop. pad L0 enjoy ghe tender grass at his ing an extraordinary Using happened. Twilight was coming down upon the famous river, and ewx‘yonc on uourd the steamer was quite unsuspicious of anthlng, when without a moment’s warning a tremendous. splash burst up- on Lhe soft: ewning air. Everyone rushed to Lhe side of the Assyxia, and you can judge for yourself of we. gem era} amazemknu LhuL possessed may one when Lord lieu s mulchlcss Arab buy was been swimming vigorously to- This seemed to me to be a very inâ€" teresting and curious story, and 1 made it my business to look up the de- tails, partly from other papers and partly from the narrative of an eye~ witness. it seems that the valuable horse referred to in the latter part of my father's note was a thoroughbred Arab, much prized by his noble owner, 0n the above date. the horse was being sent up the River Tigris from Mohum- run to Baghdad, under the charge of two grooms. Of course. he was taken on board with Very great care, am every precaution was taken for his safety. The grooms almost lived at the side of the beautiful creature, be~ cause they Wore by no means sure how he would take his confinement. At first, however, the horse was perfectâ€" ly quiet, and as the hours wore on the grooms naturally begun to find thinga‘ very dull, and in due time. they consid~ Bred th.y were justified in leaving the horse uitigethor and buguile the time in their own way. ’i'hul. very even~ i115,r an extraordinary thing happened. Twilight was coming down upon the famous river, and evu‘yonc on uourd the steamer was quite unsuspicious of May ZOLh, 1857.~'1'00k on board Lord Kerr’s two horses. "May 28lh.â€"-Lost Lord Kerr’s bay horse; picked up on river bank some time afterwards, after a lion-had chas~ ed him; very exciting.” At the termination of the Persian W'ar in 1857, my father, the late. Cap- tain T. S. H. ‘I‘wynum, being then a lieutenant in lhd Indian Navy, was em~ played in transport duty on the River Tigris, and he commanded the river steamer Assyl‘ia. One; day in looking over some of my fathst'a old journals I came across the following ani‘yzâ€" man. So Istc-nishing is the incident that we hasten to give the name and addiess of the narrator, Miss Catharine. M. E. Twynam, of Rose Bank, Paign- ton. Here is Lha story in Miss Twy- nam‘s own words.:â€"-â€" At the termination of the Persian This the story ‘ xstonishin u‘d until within 2 prey. Every detail r spectacle that e y visible to all on The, Tigris here and the mounlight u its intensi realized his (1: stiffen hzs liu (1 like an the Jinn, wriny at solutely a horseâ€"not a is the incident ‘ the name and n a Iew ail of the Lt ensued on board re is not ght was intensiLy, his dun-â€" Next morning at daybreak r was seen rather nearer to the the river and quietly grazing. the grooms leant over the Sid sleamer and callcd his name a the sound of the familiar V( horse walked quickly in (he 1 at the steamer. The captain n the order that the steamer We brought still closer to the ban river. A few moments after horse trotted down to the edge. The ship was stoppI-ld, Was let down. and the Arab steadin up it on to the (lack horse trotted down to the Water's edge. The ship was stopped, a plank Was let down, and the Arab walked steadin up it on to the deck of the Assyrin, to the great relief of the cup- tain, and the joy and surprise ofevery- one on board, l to watch the race, which recommynced lwiih astounding vigor, in the brilliant moonlight. By this time the excite- ment of those un board had fairly reached fever heat, as it seemed abso- lutely impossible that the Arab could escape the third time. As everyone watched the horse and lion, not a sound was heard save the ring of the horse’s hoofs and the thud of the steamer’s paddles. Which will Win? The Arab is by this time Show- ing signs of undoubted fatigue, whilst the lion seems none the worse for the Chase, The end must come soon. for the poor horse'reels slightly in his gait. The lion seems to know that the moF ment of his triumph is at hand, and he commences to growl and rumble in a very curious manner. Suddenly a second. shot startles the night air, and almost simultaneously with it comes a mighty roar as the lion leaps inzo the air, then falls to the ground dead. But now, what is to the horse on board? 01 to steam slowly close it keep the animal in via muinder of the short 11 accordin-g1y dime. stretched out in his lung strida, when he suddenly pulled up like lightning and kicked beh.nd him with tremend- ous force. He caught the lion fairly under the jaw and rolled him back- wards. No sooner had the slender and shapely lt‘gs flushed out than the horse flew on again, with his mane stream- ing in the air. For the second time UK] jungle a commence both hers plain, am gain at e that the . method 03 the rough and pursued raced along the plain by the side of the river, and just as the surprising chase commenced the steamy er, too, surged forward, to keep up mm the race on shore. The captain now resolved DOL to lose a moment in shooting the lion. He would, of course, have allowed this before, but events oc- curred with such surprising rapidin that all ordinary action was out of the question. Every moment. the lion seemed to gain on the horse, and al- though at first he seemed to fly like the wind, he was obviously hampered by the irregularities of the ground. fly this time the steamer, too, was plunging through the Water at raomg speed. Nearer and nearer came the lion, and just when he was about to drag down his prey a shot rang out from the steamer, and the lion fell back badly wounded. The brute at once retreated into the long grass be- hind, leaving the horse in possession once retreated into hind, leaving the J of the field. Not 1 It soon appeared th been so badly hit .1 posed. at any rate, Is; Canada's Greatest Modiriné. dealer]. in medicine. Price $1. Hood’s Pins 3;: my take Hood’s Sarsaparma with perfect confidence that it Will do you good. Remember Hood’s Sarsaparififia ful creatures in creatk and pursued raced along the side of the river, an suxprising chase commenc er, tog, surged forward, process. Its ingrediean are selected with the very greaiest care and the medicine is prepared under the per- sonal supzrvisim oi slimmith phax” mncists who originated it. You pr} WU To Get the Best Medicine That Money Can Buy. and proved eases cause blood. Its hrs rou ide] mi ' rva W gm ith med In about sev amerg‘ed (mm [out saying ircumsmnc K, the horse used his V Ding at daybreak ihe Arab Lher nearer to the bank of serve the th 1d quietly grazing. One of leant over the side of the lcallud his name softly. At )f the familiar voice the id quickly in the direction zer. mat the steamer was to he I closer to the bank of Hm The captain now gaver Mum“- - “"4 VA ux-luLle injury to the grain (mks of Old North Church, intu decay, and U)? an appeal to the pa! presv‘rvmion Mun [mint Lhe building 01d steeple, frer “'1' \y moments afi‘er this. the iighf which_stzirted 15 again ‘icine is Hood‘s Sarsapa L1 the test of time and its power to cure a) :d or promoth by u superior merit is due mlirinaticn, proportion 5 ingredients are se the minu a pu mmen rest f‘ 'ed full Speed ahead which recommenced igor, in the brilliant his time the excite- bourd had fairly :, as it seemed abso- that the Arab could Th flame are promp", efficient and easy in effect. 25 cems. 1t th engeful almost ‘ctly a I be done to get )l'ders are given in shore,,and to 'iew for the, re- night. This is e horse, and al- armed to fly like iously hampered of the ground. d grazing, as if inury circum- n minutes' time more from the y and resolutely th a toss of his the Arab again The captain of 111 Speed ahead :21 recommenced in the brilliant ime the excite- rd had fairly lated it. loll usapa rifla _ with crep 11 into uri s Sarsaparilla. time and trial ib m seem E possession first supâ€" )ut of the and re- nee more over the So (1 by all at racing ame the about to 5ny have pursuer. upon his Loni:hing as fairly (19, when ‘ursuer am by mpur r or- an have Still junâ€" not ) its and his famous ride. The chum in 1723, and is, therefore, than the Old South Church singer and toe, and should never go law the turnip field ; consequently tur- nips being a principal farm crop, Thum- asâ€"Phosphate is the mur-h superior farm manure, and, where judiciously-used, decidedly the most: economical and pro- fitable of all munures at present in the market. As a pasture improving manure it has nu equal. On some soil potash may be required. If Dr. \V. Sumerville eradiunles charlan without injury to the grain crop, he will deâ€" SomervilIe'eradicaleé chal‘lnck injury to the grain crop, he wi serve the thanks of the country David I’opplewell in “ The Chamber of Agriculture," sayszâ€"I rezld your pa- per this week with much pleasure. " Re- sidual Value of Phosphates" is must interesting In my opinion both sup- erphosphale and 'J'humusâ€"Phosphate are Valuable munuresâ€"~ il'homasâ€"Phosphnte much the wure valuable as producing [00d of a much superior quality, and being a firstâ€"rate turnip manure. when properly used, producing :1 sound, heal- ny mrnip. On the contrary, super- phusphme is the great encourager of suit m 8 801136 On I‘HINKS ver (Iu tram fails belie Have you catarrh? Have you offon- sive broaLh? Haw: you bronrhilis ?‘ Have you slight symptoms of consump- tion? Then send for a free Sample of Calarrhozone. \tht is caxarrhnzone? stupid ting IL is very evident to any one that these guarantee companies are merely agents for the brignnds, and as long as this system is permitted to flourish so long will Northern China he a rob- .‘bem' den. I The truth of the matter is that the brigunds in Manchuria are nothing more than soldiers who were disband- ed after the late Japanese war an’l who carried their rifles and ammunition with them. 1 They are, however. a cowardly lot. only making attacks between sunset and sunrise. Some of them are decid- edly rebJ-ls. and notwithstanding the heavy Sacrifice of human lives their numbers increase. to the fear of both government and people. ments are made with 0113 of these con~ cerns, and they send an escort of one or two soâ€"called riflemen. Each comi puny has a distinguishing flag, which is put in some conspicuous place, eith- er on the cart or boat, as 11111 case may: be. Now in meeting a Band. of brigands the convoy goes on ahead and holds a. parley, informing (hem that he repre- sean such and such an insurance com- pany, and if they recognize him as a friend all well and good, if not, the matter has to be fought out, which usually results in the riflempn run- ning away. » IL is verv evident to nnv (mp. fhaf Quite :1 Business i»; IH'IgmuY. I! uarruozone. What is caxax‘rhnzone? at a snuff, wash, nor ointment. but an orous gas, which is carried by air dir- lly to the deceased parts. It pene- ates whereVer air can go, and never ils m cure. \Ve do not ask you to lieve this until you have tested it 1‘ yuurself. S'nd for a trial bottle "His to N. C. Polsou & Co., ngston, Yes, he respn lhfiut thinkil And up to th I: replied, I ( t saying so. ubhed h bak "y qui‘ a. vex THE ROSES WERE DRUGGED. _ tough sleak mny be made tender uhbed over night or for a few hours h baking soda. (bicarbonate). ,Wash y quick‘y and my well before put- a very hot frying pan. This is leiimes more convient than broil- , and if the )nn izi‘ properly but turning duly :utvndad Lo, (hi re- will be very simiiar. I053 Farms [or sale. 52 cr acrc c-thhafi‘fi, crogfintll paid. ,1. Mn hall. sunny”, [5. North Church, Boston decay, and the vestry meal to the public to a rvmimm Mommy is Lhe building and to teeple, from which wus how I an remarked the other Imvwhat im nu really me man in am ely indorsed Some Plain Questions. RUBBER INSURANCE. THOBIAS~PHOSPHATE BEST COINCIDENCE flourishing businesses of 1:1 is that of brigand in- pJnies. These organiza- H III'I‘I’If“ 1m awfully a time you s nly thought 2d your r lsSOI‘t 1h young Borum. [an evening. remned Miss Cut [pulsively 3am that I asked (hi Paul chum but jau rney imue In re (‘munn from n 0113 of these con- an escort of mm men. Each comi lSSiSt in its needed 10 repair the s hung the Revere on h was built even older emark. Di only stupid to :orum, lan- n (‘hln mules. asked (he iertake to bhers; Be- 3‘ 011 arranger- {lling made nf it, with- by ‘ SAUIAGE OASKNOSGNaw lmporhtionl finest Enlllah Sheep had Ann-15cm an: 0min sâ€"nlln‘nle good- M ugh! trims. PARK. BLACKWE t 00.. Toronto. Ecmmc SGHGBL-flifi‘éifi we. HARRiSJoronto 1.. some a 00., mom FLWI. “II:A¢1 WIXW I Dr Amen, Bulin, who will convince you he can curey “â€" 7 7, , 'Prmung'f' SSEiu'iwiiifi' V €561" $255155: {43:23: Acct. Books rdmn atockamltoudar. Send 3cm" pout.- counter daybonk gravy. . Lap figs-22.2 Kink-st, flanghon Especially H105? Siammera rs mm: a here. write to n. A _, A“ n Bbgfibiqdlngq send yonlgnggnflneg. hn‘e thimghell Tim Dawaol Gommissipn 00., Limited. Oarbolic Dislnfectarus. Soaps. Oint- ment, Tooth Powders, etc.. have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior en'eNenoe. ‘J‘hvir reguhr use prerem inraobi- nus diseases. Awk your deaxer to obtain a supply. Lists mailnd free on appnnation. Principalâ€"That's the one. Call on him again. Principalâ€"\Vell, did you get that money owing by Lewis? Collectorâ€"I am sorry to say I did not. There are a number of Lewises at that address, all of whom denied by mg your creditor. One of them even threw me out. The “ BaEmoral," Free Bus :15} try; I hnve spent, {Dyears‘ stud Coma 3nd ntisfy {ounelvu‘ We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of De fitness (canned by catarrh) that can- no" be cured by Hall's Camrrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. J. org:me a: 00.. Toledo. 0. by ion) applications as Ihey cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deatnaas. and that is by constitu- tional remvdics. Deafness is caused by an In, flamed cnndition of thn mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear- ing. and when it; in entirely closed. Deafness is me resuii, and nnleas me inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destrniyed forever; nine cases out of ten are cause by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of Lh‘e_mquus surfaces. BUSY YOUNG MAN. Claudia, is the young man maust- rioua to whom you are angaged? Industriouse Why, papa, he said he intended to propose to me a month ago, but was too busy. Lfiw STANDARD OF PURITY an YI-ON has So‘d by Druég’ihfii'fic} " h w w Hall‘s Famin Pills are the best. SCRAP, EPPSé’S 7°“ hm an: APPLES. BUTTER. sans m Pounm to ahlp. ship Lin-m to GRAThFULâ€"COMFORTING. looms 400-12 loan! at Trad. lulflllng. TORONTO. ONT. THE MOST NUTR ITIOUS. F. G. CALVERT & 00., MANOHBSTER, - - ENGLAND. GRAIN AND COMMESSION MERCHANTS. Only Innnuuon In Onutdn hr the euro 01 every phue a! space); debut. Establishd in Taranto‘ 189a Our. Arc-{Nam} CHURCH?l AUTOVQCE_NSTITUTE. TAMMERERS. BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. CALV E RT’S Deafness Cannot be Cured Pays file THE RIGHT LEWIS c. E: o. scuum. Co Metallic Telephone A] R d. “J Iqblet m “5:! puss? 31.50. The OFFlCE SPECIALTY I‘M-“6.80. LIMITED, Toronto and Newmnrket. Ont. Ton-onto. D "murals. 8:}; f6r3is§5iclahandn Best sent to any addrhsa on rm-eipt of sump. Thermometer Attachment and Vaporizer complete. Agents Wnniud for Ben Selkinl 13th in Amen-kn. Uh} NIGWU VUUUI HUM . 31 Yang: an. Toronto. Niagara Vapor Bath Pamphlets and Snmplea of Material of our Rceai Frame FREE BOOKLET. GUIDE TO HEALTH. MONTREAL Price for BarrhwrsfiLcuramovo to Wesley Edna, Ric! mend St. W.. Toronm. Ming. Mm. a ialéo no 5‘ equalâ€" Heaichtui. Economicniâ€"Lead packagesâ€"25. 80, (O. 503ml 60¢. Jon L. Conn nakors, _se \V P C 956 Eatamwhed 1846. LEAD. Ménlfiul and Drug Am. Plan. SL503 up: Price. 35 cunts. 5 Hugh: darningt. afid’iil’glfii The 8w.‘ss Burner 60., 73 Adalatde St. w., Toronto. Swiss Uarner. . . DARN A HOLE In pounded 113.1! ynrly panelifllzfiaimedin Currency or Stu-ling wit. Lumen coupons Mtachvd. pa able in Csnudn o In Eutiand. Executor. and steel no “then fixed by km to invest in the Debenturns of thiq Company. MONEY AuVASC‘Ei) on Real Estate security an ‘ current rates and on thvonhle conditions in (.0 to; payment. “WWW “4 MUPEEEERQCBLMSS thmi Paid-up capital _ . . . . . . 02, Reserve Fund... .. I.I50,ooo Hand omenâ€"Toronto at“ Toronto. Brunch omen: Wlnnfpag, Mam, Vancouver, 3.0. 91:390.ny air! rocgivod ID Interest. plid or oom- {TANASM PICRHANEN'H‘ Londun, W . Ill 22., 3: . 6“ . (is . 5th., 145. Sent cvérrrinkbflf'ffiré: Al Bany : Revalema Biscuits, in fins. 33. 6:1. And 55- moqu mumntel (u flushed My work uom lam or to material: ship 90 to may ran a! U): country hoot) . nuflnls 0N8. Ada aldo Mud-nu Imu‘l’oronto ma garry & (20., n V V r ' " “' Roovgid 391‘]; 551;?” 0:15" Grce£_ hSé.AT)i‘. 3 A0 1:0 IRS g. [e u cum .1 c on: 00m. 0 n at. Goa! Tu. no. aognfiq {1mg 3.. 343: cm Bund- iuga, Toronto. doneb ourflrm). an] Oalllnpx Car- Mount». Estimate. uruiuhud (or work «omnlau or for (Icahn n. Forrify rm. all? SY ST: M. Thr- Hon. J01. Chamberlain's re ent sppon! to the British public c0 investigate the increas- ed davulopm no of infection-x disease in the ("oloniel. hu 1: d (m the marketing o! 3010'! OELEERATED PRESCRIPTION. [he now only rvcog- nlzed germ do<lr0yer and preventative against! Fever» nnd Ague. Pamphlet- and medicine m-niled from Hm Canadian Agency. St John. N.B., nnd Maillot. to Liverpnnl, aallln I. Londondurry. Larw and me (win (crew [teamsfii “ Lmuuoa," " VANCOUVER." “ Scorswm. Superior scoommodnlion Yor First. Cabin, Sec. and Cabin and Stearafle pausn en. fines of aaxugoâ€" First Cabin, $55.00; \ aoond Cabin. 35; ream 6.22 60 and u wards according to use mar um‘l‘bnrm. For a. 1 |nrormntfion ADCPU to can! Agent». or DAVID Tomuflonk 0., 9821'} Agents.“ Eh. Snornment 5%.. Montreal. ROOFING TQRQNTO CUTTING SCHOOL. Wriw for s ecia] terms durin January and February. . CORRIGAN. 113 01:59 86. Dominion Line Partiesudug them would no the with- out them for twice their cost. They can be placed in ConanAtLic ox- B nth Room. or in any place where there is a fine or emmney. I Fire requlred only once 11: LW 0 wveka. For circular and price write of these closets are in use. gl Vin: entire satisfaction. IHE DDDRIESS BREMIORY (HUSH 00., and "IA yflFBVlYER 'F‘e‘fmancqny‘ qued by GATARRH ad is Loan {and Savings Company. ALTH BESTQBi The BOLD PHARMAGAL 00., Toronto. {N A HOLE In Three Min IT CAN EASH Y ME DONE WITH ’l' . liability, sue” ‘s’ears’ Ear: Hamilton, Out. Ub‘ Hundreds I wichout medicino or expense to the {Sm-mmm Lung), Nerves. Lher. Blood. 1., Brain and Brew!) Pry treatment Ixaaxronn‘zn 1855 J. HEKEBE'FHXEJN '- Mlnaglag Director. 1” Vs BUILDERS. . & 0 (Limited), 77 Regent y 0" street, Paris. 14 Rm.- do Cupziglione. ud ta. 3m! scares evrrywheIE. in tin! _Hs,_ Sent carrixme lrae, Also Du and sheet Metal Works euuesa. (hen. nnd 15:90 Rear: m0. . nu and Danny have re- It din-nt- w):eu 5:] othel mes it. aunt In medicine. luv-fining sauce", 100.0“ Annmsl {Tuna of Couszlpg. lino. FluLulaucy. nyupep‘h, Diabetea Branching. Inau- zm'rh. Phh'im. Dinnhwa. mesa, Despondency, Revalenta Arabloa Food. Anor a little pmo- :v we pay ladies 8X0 wrok ‘ .salgry w_ho ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS Price

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