vamwxmirnflâ€"WFï¬rigf/Hi‘ r 7_ r “ï¬rm @dvmiswimts. . F m ‘1 3.103 .1. - 1 1 llvlivccu tlir- P1 ist 011100 111111 llulsv‘s lloti-l, on F1 iilziy mwning. January 20th, :1 Five Uiillzil‘ Bill. The) tinder will be suitably rkurrlml GOING Noni“ H. ‘ ’ 1’ 1‘ Iâ€: . Tortlfliipl H . 113' lozivnig tin: szirnv :11: ‘ j r r _ w V x Ehornhill.... .. £1.15 ‘ THE lilBl‘il A1. “I i‘ .1 l1 310111110111) Him... ‘7“? LL... .L...,.-._ WW W. King . Aurora. ..11‘..'i"i F t I, 1' Newmarliot . . .1011?- 0 alien J GUIKG SOUTH. 1 r Ex. Al. -.x â€"-~- . Newman-lies... .815 “.119 . lmt 21. 3111 ('(m. .Dllll'klllllll. con-\wl- gllroru'†“U: U _, â€" l 111;: Hi “I†:U'I’OH, living tlll‘ farm Ill liH‘ 111,}... . . Bionimxn HILL. 711'; 1310 Adam Henricks,’ IIK'IUITUI‘LL i\' to 'I‘Iiornhill ........... 7’ :11 I'ciit. Apply on the prciiiisvs. 2,.» 1011011110 ‘ I .L . . . Union......... .....11 "1) 4.20 , ‘ â€"' 1 . .3 PRUCTOR’b STAGE 1-1111,. â€" v: w Conneptql‘lm}""tgim'1‘)&Vi"£ “‘6 P‘flmhr J‘ll)'l)()l1$" “1111?ng ?L good farm Home Riohnionvlllili. 1151111111113: M111 & Expreeshin'tli 1‘1? 81111101 Express North 111111 9.1.1113..u:1. . ...... llillld, married. (Ailhvr to work “II or iiiiiiingc :1 form. [ilcusr- apply to Bil-I .l. 141. Illi’I'TY. llir-liiiiniirl Hill. l in 111. p.111. METROPOLITAN Between Toronlo 111111 Bl"lllT\flll-l “.11. Cars leave 0. PJL ('rosning :11 7 2111111111111 (1.111.: 2.111.:‘1.I(1r1171l 7.45 11.1.1. V ‘ ‘ Cars leave Ric-11111111111 Ill 1 11115.1.1‘111111 11 11. 11:. , 4, 7111111111 11. . _ ' Wothiesrlnv null Saturday Family )‘ASCll-l'i‘ionï¬ leave 0.1111. Crossing 1111' Ifl-‘ilul'lllli 111.“! 11: 1111111 1 8111111113 Iiithecstute of ('Yli'irlc; Ilcnry liuu‘rl', (lei-easerlJubc of the ’I‘uwinhip n1 L301 230' 333‘“ 5"â€â€˜m‘i 7"15.“'l‘)‘; ‘ftum‘ Viiurhun in the Countv of \oil; ing leiive Ricliiiioml Ilill iit ‘.’ 1‘. >1. ‘ geu'flcmnn‘ do,“ mp1. 4.30. 71111111131». in. 1112111111 11'0 115 mints ; children 13111-1115. “ ‘ > Special Exuursion evcrv awning In in 1 . 1. Ti. , swim Pursuant to R. 0. 11107. (lhfllitd‘l’ 1' ll« liiu‘iiiu 21H, notice is her-ally chic-ii that 1111 111 " ~‘ . ,'- ‘ . 11.1 l‘l-'l‘."' {1" ‘ A I .. . " “Log?an w 1â€â€œ,h“.“’.'3..".lgï¬mwj, , ‘ ClRll‘.lS:l_‘;llust the mimic o. Ll‘i’ any. I rank» "4"" Return me "’ L ' ' ‘ \\ Mn“. llciii'y Keller, who the l on or ul- rut 1110 111111 Excursion from Richmond Hill 0" any at 2.250 1». 111.,111t1111111'ig leave“ iii-11111;) :it 7.5 11,111. Return (are 1:? .; cllllill'L‘ii 10c. llaVOfNIH/Glllbci‘. ‘11»!N.:1 oil-11111451011 11115111111 111: post ]l|‘(‘]'n.lll ui‘ lcuvu \\ il'n .“l'h', Hurlim 11 luilhn Krï¬cr, Maple 1‘, O , Oiiturm, .-\-ii:1;i-i<11nrrzr, 11†or before 111121011. 1111)‘ of Fl'l)"llltl'\'..lliuil, 11 «run moim of their oliiiin 111111 mull-m: bl...~.1'111:: 1111- iiiit-iiie oftlie security llflll.}'lll£l.l. x’llil nun/~21 is further given 11 1 t llflt‘l' the lust 1110:1lumi‘l date the. urliuiiii ‘1 trix will iii-trihiitn 111:: inset-2 ol the Sill'l IlECi‘llFl‘ll 1111111111: ilic . uiil inn film enâ€" titled (herein linviiwrcuiiril mil\ to the Clr|i|11~ ')f\\'l..llC1lh1lU Hllllll then have 111111 imliwu. 51:11] the mlministrutrix “Ill not 110 liable 1' mm estate or uiiv purt 1.111 1~r-.:1’ Io iiiiv 111130115 ('1 ' 5.15 Whhse cluiin notice elzuli not than have licoii recoiveil. Dated the 11111 (lay a! ~llllillzll'V, 11401.1. \Vll.lilr\i\l (1,)1111'~ 1 Adelaide 51. 11.1%, ’l‘nrrnim, Solicitor {01 A lllliuixilllil'lx POST OFFICE NOTICE Until (urther notice Mulls will he closed at the Richmond Hill Post ) or: 11510110111:â€" MORNING :â€"Going North. soulh Rant and \Vest, including 'l‘lioi'nliill, Muple.Toronto llla1~kl.:."1,&'c. EVENING zâ€"Going south East and \‘. £560.15 above) ‘ _ N. B.-â€"Registere«l Letters must ‘oe liundcu in at least Fifteen Minutes cnrlicr than the above 5' db urs Icrclosing. men lone O M. TEEFY,Postmaster. 8.13 9.84 Vinage irectory. '1‘111‘5‘1‘ WU li'l‘ll V .11111‘ l:ll‘.â€" It i~ ___ ANTEIL-SICVER '11. ' , - L- -~= as at 7 w. 3;. over" ' ‘ persons in this Mum to 111mm: S Epllscopm Chum}: selhc 1 3 Dem 111 their own 111111 in-mhv 111111111 ‘I’xi‘ebgvt-eriun Churchâ€"Services sit ll 11. 111.,11114‘1 llmiiily ofï¬ce work Ck‘ilhilh‘ll'h 111 home. '11,) m SllllllaVSClIOOl 1112.33. l‘rnver mr‘etin; $1111.91} WOO IL 3-0111] “nil lf'SlrLLjrt's r ‘ ' ’ ‘ . ’ (inn 11.1), no more. no (‘58 ea 111'1- weanemuy eveumg' telcrences. Enclose :elf-aiildiiv »mm.wx~.~w Eu‘amw l . l l '3 Ch rcliâ€"Scrvices on altcr- ‘ I . nï¬gï¬iiirg’itshgixg n.1ii.umi 10.510 :1. in. PliYeltiiie, Herbert L. 11.», Proï¬t.y Methodist Cliiii‘cli-â€"Sci'viccs at 10.30 11. 111.. and Chicago. ’1 p. In. SLIDI‘XLV School 111 21.31). General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge, A.F. and A. ISLâ€"Meets Mon» dav on or below full moon. Court Richmond, A. 0.. 1“.â€"â€"Meats second mid . P U M PE). iourth Friday. â€"â€â€" Ivy Lodge.A.O.C.W.â€"â€"»Meetsfnurth Tuesday The 11ndpl-Sig110(1 hug... h, thunk hi; 0‘ 93c}: mouth Cllï¬lunlel's‘ for not 1‘11'1ii'ï¬ -1nrl '11 1 ‘1 .0. ‘,â€"‘II ct‘secomland fourth K - [<: i r . ' . .Camp P It! 11,5 5 1 c a say that he “.1†he flmnd I“ Woduus-lay . RT. of Temperanceâ€"Meals ï¬rst Wezinesday 1115 31101,, of each month. nikgili-Sllzrigadeâ€"Meetsseccnd Monday of every Public Library and Reeling Roomâ€"Open - And will he zihlo to put in T“?:$.“.I~.;f‘ir;:;n_ii:§:‘15- flair Shep. Wooden Fumes “‘ and Winclmills VV. Merger wvislics to inform his atroiis tliiit from the present (late to iii via . - 11111 6111111111 On short notice. Sam's - mm 111111111111: 11113 Satisfaction Guaranteed. E. J. CABLE, Bichnlond Iiill Clubbing Rates THE LIBERAL and \Veekly Globe to jan’y Ist, Igoo, EXPEE$S.$‘15§1.L.BW and weekly , Mail to 'jan’y Ist, 1900 $1.50. THE LIBERAL and Toronto Evening Star, (Daily), one vear, $2.25 THE LIBERAL and Toronto World, one year, $32.75. THE LIBERAL and Morn- ing Globe, one year, $54.50. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Sun tojan’y I, 1900, $1.50. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Witness of Montreal, $1.75. T0 RENT Good House to rcnt. Apply to C. MASON. Richmond Hill. 4 311113 llï¬l Bag. Repairing done on short notice. 'W. MAGER, Ilichnlond 111111. Gaby’s Express runs to T O B O N T O â€"â€"~â€"EVERYâ€"â€"- Blonday . VVe (111 e sday and k‘l'iday. Freight. and Parcels delivered and collected. 6111 1111111111 At reasonable rates on shortest notice f a 9 Patronage Solicited. $1.09 Ill Aéll'lllilflii. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Aspeclflc monthly medicine for ladies to restore and rcgulnn: 1.116 11mm»; roduclm; free, healthy aim pujnlon lechargu. N0 Aches or pain! on n.» preach Now used by over 31',U(’)lud!cs , 7r Unccused wiuuseuguin. 11.111301311- / these orgaiia.’ Buy or your druggia only thuea with our signature acrea- tiweorruiwi. Avoldlubatltulea. Sealed :‘.n:u1_ I'I'rilci: 2c sump. 1.00 _ +55, EUREKA onion .11: . prison. M015 LEVIGABY. Subscribe for The TQERALJ x . C’).ll’.‘. -l The Brainyâ€"Gar- l TA I LO Richmond 13111. VIN" 'l‘liv iil/lll" ('11.: . xiiiy lllillï¬l‘. l 11‘: humi- ‘ :19 :111 1-1-1111111115211114 ul‘ 1' Milli-'1‘ flux.†itiili v.5111-l: ‘."" innin- elow- ii 1-1» ix' :' 111111.14 in 3.411311": Works. H lr‘lll rm}; Vii“ -i11.:11!vi 'l‘liix‘ i:~ l!» m }'11;!1'<,;1114Iv'.11.. 11ml lll llH’, Inmw'. The Royal Templar: of Tonigcrmce ‘iv ll. -r‘- i 1 .,.,\. w . Mort iii the 'l‘viiipri‘iiiice Hall 1111 (In: 111.»:L WL-l iiiiiiiiio-r on lms uni-ml iajv inch-11' 11:1. (‘llllS‘NIl‘l'Illf‘lll l;_\’ i\.|1"1-ll‘ i'Ii a p “uncut *).\1t’n|_ 1)11'yllflll' Liniitl 1y. , Lurly or p!1:l|llcm.1u. pi aiiil '. 1 V i ,1. 14:. “1111111110. .'.ll'111‘d. l.!‘.'ll!='.. 9.31.111 1.0111 1.3.1 .1 Ui‘ï¬lg'ï¬l ('. ll. l)~"l1l‘.l_.l. \V. \‘1'iim;... .Lm’. l.un<lj.', " Mrs. V. lil'll: (1'1). lll’iivli-ii . 1‘. Hallo-r. Irv .' .1 111.11.1171111313'" Sulcct (‘.:iiii<-vllor. flll‘lll‘illl'rl ill-1'. Eurama alumna. I‘HICl-I‘l AT l-‘.\R‘\ll.ll>‘.' wammxs. N 13 ‘3‘?» †\l'limit. Wl‘ltn, liar hush , . . . . . . . ..v:' D 7.; D [’1' W11 1?, roll, irci’ l1u*»ll. U 72!. (17.! 1 -V‘ l3.1'<i:ysc.1>o1‘1111::l1 (‘ 71 1‘ 1m ,3 ‘ '5 ‘, fix W E- 11111. lit-l lfllrl) .. (111.1 0 :11 ? ' ‘ j é; !' E:- lh per Lush (I U; (1 1",! ' '1; a , ' 2 ‘7 a 1 151111.“, 11111‘ I111. 11“ t; Ill 醣36: a m i ‘ ‘ - v . 1c I 1 'N ‘ - [I‘Ll‘lh‘él‘ ‘nlzsi‘bmrc The lllUlL’i'Flï¬llml lixs (1]lr‘llwl up :1 (Prove-1y in “wire PM. 1,21 ' 1), [Ir flu! brick. ire rerun! } irtgiiriiwl by .‘er. S1111 ‘ I. '1" ,’ _ ‘ _,' :11111 next “our in the zlkll’lhdlilial‘i \‘(ulh - llkvflfllh, 1101 p. (1.111 11w um , O. ‘1005 of ‘ 5 ' 1111 "M". por [HLII‘ . . . . . I! 11') I) 51.1 "'1" “I Ҡl Ilultr-r, in pound rolls. 0 17 l‘ 1 l $9. Slum. liesli n 25 (1131' u gt: 1: g; E» ii ’ .itumes, 1hr Lush f) 717 (1 (111 a ' K d a“. a ' ‘ :- § 3 $111110“. 1m Lbl (I no 11 1": 11:1, mover ’ 1 " no . H Mummy g 6 17,, Is clean 111111 Ii'csh, (1.1111 11f. 11 large display ll 00 Hut-11.17.. ’l 5; W Gentiles, Oranges, I? jigs, Etc, Etc, For the Christ‘m rude. and will not be uuder- sold. Oui'i .01.» “Sin-ah Proï¬ts and quick iteluws." OYSTERS Iii bulk or by the dieh. noon'quE The money now being made with our publications is surprising. We are still on the watch for skilfiil canceeeene And any person of good character can engage with us, either 011 salary or commission, to canvass or repre- sent us on the road. As our system enables our agents to represent ï¬fny odd publications, ours is 11 unique way of doing business. Many are making ten to ï¬fteen, and 21 number twenty-five to $58 WEEKLY. The latter did not make as much on the start, but were content with ton dollars. You could iiotjoiii us at 21 better time. Previous experience not necessary. It. is easier to sell books now than before. Xmas, be- cause there are not so many agents; the people are more at LESSUBE To look at books; they haven’t so many‘placcs for their money; they have more time to think of their need of‘good 83333 To read during the long winter evenings, and for these reasons you can do a good business NOW. Come 111.11] see 113 H. E. uoEEEE. 1115 1111111111111. @1111 lga How to touch yourself to play THE PIAIIQQR ORGAN The best metlind ever inveiitevl to teach vou how to chord an indrumont ib “it-hour doubt. the BREN’I‘UN METHOD. 111 iuct it. is :0 simple in teaches you at eight. The wourlorlu1resul; was obtained bv the in- | ventor lifter vcurs of hard study. It is u. vorv easy mutter toâ€"rla} witl. tins method to play the accompaniments of the moat unlit-n11: songs, also iliiiice music, marches, etc. The reiuurk 13 often mailu by people saying “If 1 could only pliiy the chords. I would be happy." In this new method you get it 1111 in a. uiitnhell. No knowledge 0111111511; is necessiiiy at 1:11 to unileistiiuil this guide. It 15111311 11 time iiud uiciiey saver. The Clionler is u. neat lilrale «Iorice, consisting 0139 chords on 16 curds iii diiieieiit keys, put u}, magniï¬cently with 11. 1111111 her of ribbons, ul< ways keeping it 111 a hunt 11ml tidy muiinor. This iuuiepensuhle uri‘uiigoiueut is culled The E. II. Emilio Blind“. Method. Price $R.00 by mail post paid. To be 111111 from all music stores. or D. A. BRENTON, Cure of heiutzniuii & 00., 115-1†King St. “fest, Toronto, Out. Books, Bibles 81 Albums. THE SUN Life Assurance Co. OF CANADA. Asuui‘es on all the modern plant-I, is one of the moat Ivi‘wsimroiis and progressive companies in existence. New Iife:1.]1\ilwittimizs 111 1130i . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,290,201J Asï¬ets.:51511)917..1$Ué .. . . . 4,616,119.63 Lll'e 115311111110. iii “1168.158 Jun, ’95.. 31,628,569.“ Pi‘eliiiuus 1011-, policies unconditional and uonloifcicuble. Send for our large illustrutcd cata- logue of retscn 60., Limited, TORONTO, CANADA. ’I‘uke :1 policy wile the dietrict agent. T. F. llIcMAHON, LIBERAL OFFICE. - RICHMOND 1111.1. l .1 l 1:1 111:1: : i'w'.‘ 4'1111!-.i1..j_::‘.llll 1111‘... _ ‘-,\->il. 111' than any «1: I}. 1' .\"111\'e' 1V1.- 1-\'(ir hill, and Mix. V:iu:1ni'ii. 111111.11: All: ~. I‘X-iri' “mull-d l'llllllll'f'il\ vi 1,1 [111's I'llh‘i'l lu- mill-«l. Iizit m;- Emm¢m«._m‘mwm In 4- a we... Linn-zen :1' ‘ 000.060 . . . 11nd LGE‘ES. no. ._111E1... (6210. u Ranges and Kitchen goods: also the w: .e 101- cutuloguo and prices. “ .. ‘ Hi: frirnillhhixiaiksntn 2 '1'NlilN‘1'llJJ‘i, .lll'i.lillil,1iï¬l5£'. ‘ i'w- of furniture in iag. \‘l-cniill‘roiioiiv; I: I‘f‘lilllll’<illl.‘ Illil'rl 10:4 furl (111111 Iniilziiiyiiti’1gl11 (in. fix" z.ii£1lll‘tillllll lll'U-vt 1:411:11 111111.111‘1. \111 l 11-» - ll ours manly '11 Il. lll‘l‘f. .l. '. ERIC ill. ‘ s Im- II -l:i.~:t four - l1; >1 Mink SImw- 1w 1:1U‘ two}- it.» Work in :1 perfect- ii 1 l :1112'; norm nu; 3111-. 13:121. \siili lili‘lzl. ':-‘.Irii-’1-l1y. TV]lliN-I‘JI’IICK‘Villt‘. '. 'lMiigiiii'nilvwvillu. i"’lllllf‘l’fllll'i‘VlllC. ' iirurille. (Jul; Ridges. 1",. p y ursinico. All repairs have been (3. L. HAZI'I‘H, llir. mm. ‘n'i-ouglit Iron Range Co. 1 I ~ 11111 1 gm H 4..» Ivy 5. n _. :1 1 1 N .10 ogpoom 'V ‘111111 'sof 1110.1} 110111121110 oq .11 o A‘lisro “111 ll’llil .7..â€" 'osn on .1110}; iimiiuouooa I flSOIIl out} linens Si qr flinog .iuiiqiui 110nm 10 001.111 0113 'JU pin: “[qq .Ied primq 50 (1111101111: 0111111 0111 miriopisuo.) pin: “JDEHIHII 0111 uo .1110†A'ue J0 [3110.111 {10.10.1131} Isoq pui: 15011131111 ‘qsoguï¬u our 1110 5.))[1' ) DNISH MI .LSElllEIILNl NAIO {IGOR JIIIISNOO 'saitiiiiciili 1011011113 1511 301105 ODLIIAIIO EYYKHTVHOHHV ,. :1 “EL a f? o :1 w 6 E" 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone sending a sketch and descriï¬tlon may qulckly ascertain our opinion free w ether an Invention is probably pntentnble. Commumcm tlous strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest 11 vency for securing patents. Pat-cuts taken I ran h Munu 61'. Co. receive special notice. without 0 maze. in the Scientiï¬c Mum. A handsomely Illustrated )veekly. Largest cir- culation of any sclentiflc Journal. Terms, $3 a your: four months. 81. Sold by all newsdeulers. MUNN & (30.36‘dellew Jgik Branch Ofllco. (1125 F St.. Vusblugton. . . NE‘V 111111 1111; 1111.1 The subscliber would respectfully intimate to the public than having rebuilt she chopping will “ MA PLE And doubledits cupacity, he will chop dull until further notice. He is also still keeping ALL KINDS OF LUHBER on hand and iii a. few days will be prepare l to supply DRESSED LUMBER. of ull kinds and doPLANIVG AND MATCHING u! till kinds. at lOWrSt prices. Patronage soliCited; sutisfuctiou guaranteed Henry Marsh. Maple, Nov. 11311 1508. MONEY! MONEYI A huge amount of pl‘n’flte funds to loan on improved i'zirui property. Fir/u per cent. in». teresb. Easy tcl'LuS for rcpuvmeut. No coniâ€" iuissiou cliiirged 0111011115. A pply to A. G. F. LAWRENCE, Freehold Louii Building, Toronto Or at Richmond Hill on tsutui'iluys. Ripans Tabules aegist digâ€"gétion. Ripans Ti.bules cure Lorpid liver.