Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Feb 1899, p. 1

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VOL. XXI. ME LIBERALPRINTINGc'k PUBLISH} RICHMOND HILL. ox: THURSDAY MORNING’L BR. 3?. emanate of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School, will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week. and Concord on Friday rum 1 to 3 p. 11:. Calls promptly attended to Diseases of horses. cattle and other domestimt ed animals Urea-tea by the latest. and most ap- proved mechods. BB. LANG VETERINAE Room 12, 124 Victoria St“, Toronto. Bat, fitting tooth, also replnting, at lowest- prices. Good work. Funeral Funnehings Alwayson Ham! Remodened,und newly fumiahed throuchout. (me of the most convenient and cnth-erble hotels on Yonge BLreet. Every modern con- venience. Sample rooms for commercqu Cmvallers. Anidoalstupping place for riding or driving partiesmicyclists, or farmers goinu to or returning from market. Bus muebs all hams. Electric cars passtuo \icor. 1‘. F. MoMAHON. DR. W. CECIL 'IROTTER, I)entist9 MISS c, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. A CALL - SOLICITED. PALMER HOUSE, SVAL'I‘ER HULSE, Proprieior. RICHMOND HI very accommodation to gucatfi. Board, $1 Derday 81010 :1 IE; mm 6 m 8 p m $1 per annum, in advance] 6‘ underuukers a: Embnlmers, omceâ€"Next door EL;th 0! Public Schools Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia, OF 21 BLOOR STREET W \‘v’ill be in Richmond \Vednesday RICHBEQND E VETERiNARY DENTIST. RICHMOND HILL, BUSINESS CARDS. RICHMO N D HILL, Slolflam; 6105512" $$§i§¥8 E'Q’Yi‘fifin 158 Runs STREET EAST. TORCNTO (Successor to Dr. W. J. Wilson was ggpwm IS PUBLISHED EVERY WRIGHT BROS, OFFECE HGUES OFJ-‘ICE “0UES Hg \VVM. Rogers TE finn’on J ‘RMS $1.00 PER DAY. ARY SURGEON “fietcriuary Y) Qxxfi SEX , . mama émwm gram. 31303313037, 'AUPB!RTOR 1n WTTJ Hill every 3m} TORONTO -HC~US Ont. EVE-C3119?” t0 ROBINSGB Canada Money to I ALFRED MAC Solicitor I Sollciwrs I HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. TORON lanes Buildin SALEM EchnDT. 63 Winchester St. Toronto Money to loan Suite 77 and 78 Freehold Luau Build jugs, cor. Adelaide and Victoria, Streets, Toronto. Liceneau Anctionears for the County of Yozk. Goods 8010 on consignment. General sales of ntuck.etc.. mompt-ly “handed to at renaonahle rates. G. R. Gouldmg, Newton Brook, agent. rates. G. R for the ubw c NOTARY PUBLIC, LicemsedAuctioneers tor the spectfully solicit your putu nfiuenne. sales attended on and a. reasonaherates. P. 0 M A Licensed General a timber. et (0f the flux the Mussei Wagons. 1’1 at reasonable Patronage soli‘ 25 KING STRE.’ T WEST, TORONT( usl Toronto Uflic Woodkmdg Thoruhill.each \\' Mm" 3n my C ETOF Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabuies cure headache. Rip:an Tabules: pleasant laxative. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. O K Mal MON I im’rister.Solic1t-nr, ( Richmond Hill on Saturdays. C DU ‘sed Auctioneers for the ( mtnended to an shortest uo rlerates' Pnbronugesplici Room 1 an-ifiors, Soalclmrs, arr. Bazziste‘ "WA a Rickard! & Plchlice! Barristers, Solicitors, &c., Stephen if SPENCE Aucti 1105 o Barristers. Sohcitm-s, Jae smiles ck Blougl: .B. E). Rondulu n @3392 \Vii ‘uhlit COMMISSIONER IN THE 3H .H gmm a: Helium“. mnssk at 5 per cent. ,LENNOX & MACLEOD F. LAWRENCE ibe T‘s") ‘ VEOB r. 311‘ GALL & JGNES, r, Solicitor. N6 N'l‘O AND AURORA imple TO LOA “ In Essentials, L.L B Company :1. P. 0. address Ma ple ardt & Prentice). Meat for s Labor-Saving Machinerv Amara. &.c. Residence, Uuion-. Hill er for the County 02 York. plome-vts. inrniture.stu.nding ed on the shortest notice and edl ER LOVE, Prentice STEPHENS, 'onvaya‘nc ‘r the N H B?) esduy from 10 to 1 on“: St., Toronto MWW'} a Wednesday splicited vevnncer, Notary )ti 1 Ontario. Luau and Savings do on T1 h week Thw.A. Hum Notaries County of York,re- wage and friendly the aLortest notice .LLduress King EDEBICK O. JONES Mary, 52: ale '1'eze nnties of York stock, &c., a:- and reasonable as attended to. Telephone 2661 Telorhcne 2984 SEES: 1., 8: X. ERNIwa Umonvma K. McEwun Weston. T0 RONTO ty of York 1nd at res. D BLOUGE Toronto vam‘t UUI' Villa had acq: name, I the- shu: triginal Black A vamw (Emadvvm of vivilizntivm in uur \'iling‘£\ long hofm-v Richmnnd Hill had acquired :1 local habitation and u llHlllO, the twu miles immediatnlytn the-shinliuf us was marked nu the: rriginal map (If this lor-ality as the Blurk Ash Swamp. SulIsT-qm-mly (liâ€" Villl‘d by Yongo strvet intn vast and \nst, surveyed into lots in the early part of the Century it, began to open up ful‘ settlers. For many years those lots and the toun of Little York lwynml were reached by a corduroy bridge hourly :llltiil’ lon , which oscillated under the londe tvam, and in the rainy season sometimes floated in sections on the mud and 007.0 of its swampy lwd. A great contrast to the macad- znnized and elm-trio thoroughan we have the pleasure of travelling 10â€"day. Richmond Hill an The two youn farmers, the chiei characters in this s etrh,wereathletes. One a sturdy son of brown and muscle, good tempered in victory or defeat. The. other his equal in size and strength, whole souled and generous in many respocfs, but ansionate and impulsive. The two young men were in the prime of manhood. They were rivals in the sports of that day. At the neigh bor’s home a wrestling match took place resulting in the defeat of the owner. A war of Words ensued. irritating still more the rising temper of the defeated athlete. A threat to shoot met with a daring defiance. The ever ready rifle was brought into requisition for its deadly St‘l'ViCC. The two men, thinking matters looked serious, fled for protection to u placu of Safety. The young farmer also sought safety in retreat. \Vhile enâ€" deavoring to (clear a. low fence he. re- ceived the fatal bullet in his left side and fell. The perpetrator of the trrrible crime was arrested by a constable by the name of Dye, who took his prisoner before Captain James Fulton, Esq., U. E. Loyalist. H. hero of Brnndywino and Bunker Hill. a sketch of whom has already appeared in these columns. Squire Fulton was our first Justice. of the Peace, and at time owned the, present Vanderhurgh homestead. After it preliminary investigation, he was committed to await his trial at the assizes at York, now Toronto. On the way the prisoner had to pass his home. He requested the privilege of going in for some thing he needed. Once inside he locked the door, lenv- ing the constable on the outside, For Sometime he \vus successful in holding; the fort. Just at this junuture there passed a detachment of soldiers on their way from York to Penetan- guishene, then the northern hemi- quurters of the military. Dye induced some of the soldiers to make a. charge on the dwelling. They entered the door with fixed lmyonets. The prison- er was recaptured. The scaffold was :1 most prixnitiee affair. It was erected on the street in hunt of tho old jail. In those early days there was no experienced Ratl- clifl‘ to arrange fur the modem and more scientific exit of such unfortunate At the aséizes on a. Sutmday after- noon the. prisoner was brought for trial before Chief Justice Sentt, found guilty of wilful uumlor. and sentenced to be hunng on the following Monday. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1899. TEM- I-‘atm Quin-rel. (WM Non-Essarttials', Liberty ; in all things, Charity.” ARR! SON.) d Vicinity \Vhen it hoczune known a short time ago that. Mr. ‘Vm. Harrison. who had been superintendent of the Meth- odist. Sabbath School for the past 40 years, had definitely decided to resign his position, a number of the friends resolved on showing their- apprecia- tion to 1!. Certain extenb for his fillLll- ful and valuable services. It soon he- came known that many who had re- moved from the village were anxious to join in the Lestimonial, therefore in older to give time, the presentation was delayed until last evening. A pleasant programme was arranged, and a large number assembled in the school room of the church and spent a, social time together. Rev. Mr. Mc- Culloch made, an admirable chairman, and after singing. Rev. Mr. Large opened with prayer. During the evening the following musile proâ€" gramme was presented : Solo, “ Low-’5 01d Sweet Song.” Mr. violatex's of the law of God and man. All exvcutions were in public and thousands flocked m the scene tn grat- ify u Inorbid cumsity. On 2’Monday they guilty man was hrmwht from his cell to suffer the dc- nmnus of justice, and was requested Ln ascend the ladder for that purpose. Not liking the appearance of the ar- rangements above him, he firmly TC- fust-d to do so. Th:- lth/e Rev. John Sti-uhun, Bishop of Toronto, who from frequent pastoral visits to the early settlers in this vicinity, must have known both of the unfortunate young men, was then Prison Chaplain. To instruct. his ward in the way he should go, the Chaplain mounted the ladder AOL mung the appearance or the rungeineuts above him, be firmly re- fused to do so. The late Rev. John Strnhnn, Bishop of Toronto, who from frequent pastoral visits to the early settlers in this vicinity, must have known both of the unfortunate young men, was then Prison Chaplain. To instruct. his ward in the way he should go, the Chaplain mounted the ladder several times. His Ward’s perceptive faculties were somewhat, slow in com- prehension. Ultimately to facilitate the ends of justice, Sheriff Ritlont got four strong men to lift the doomed man up to the fatal noose. Swinging into eternity he paid the penalty of his dreadful crime. in 1:32) some men digging a collar in the locality of the gaol yard, Toronto, czune upon a box about three feet be- low the surface of the ground contain- ing a human skeleton. One of the Toronto newspapers suggested that it might be the remains of the murderer of the youngi'nrmer of lot 38, Mark- ham, near Richmond Hill. fifty-five years before. This elicited from the late Mr. Geo. Munshnw, who resided among us, a correction of the supposi- Lion. {11’- y keep you in His perfect peace and when He calls you up higher may those who have listened to, and profit- ed by your teachings and counsels in Richmond Hill Methodist Sabbath. School he. the cause of added lustre to that crown of rejoicing which our Lord will bestow on all His faithful servants. At the, conclusion of the address Mr. Switzer, Mr. Harrison’s successor as superintendent, made the presenta~ Lion, which consisted of a purse of $50, and a beautiful gold watch, suitably engraved. Before calling upon the recipient. to respond, the chairman in well-chosen words, addressed Mr. Harrison, expressing, on behalf of those who contributed, the pleasure it gave them to assist in such a laudable undertaking. Among those from a. distance who contributed, and whose letters contained expressions of grati- tude for Mr. Harrison, were the fol- lowing: Angus Smith, C. A. Storey, ‘Vm. Freek, H. B. Myers, Mrs. A. J. Paul, John A. Storey, former pupils; Rev. W'. F. Wilson (Hamilton), Rev. J. M. Sim son, Rev. \V. R. Barker, Rev. J. l . Den-n, Rev. Peter Addison, Rev. J. H. Starr, former pastors; and Mr. Munshnw was a near neigh at the time. \Vas on the grout few minutt-s after the tragedy. drawn for the jury, but was chalk ed by the prisoner. He wit-messed execution. LII-.Mlinshaw stated that immediate- ly after the execution the condemned man's wife obtained the remains of her husband [mm the authorities and that they were bmied on the farm in the garden a few rods from Yonge street. The farm subsequently fell into the hands of the late Mr. Thus. Harris, builder. At that time the sunken burial spot, without head- board or stone, had become a nest for thistles. Each year the wild grass grew rank and tall above it. The nmrderel"s resting place was fast becoming oblit- erated. I Early in the fifties, cu save the sun face from the plnwshare, Mr. Harris placed over it u large wm-k-sho ,which still stands, a monument to hi , from the public gaze an ignominious grave. Solo, “ The Buggageflnach Ahead," Mr. A. J. Hume. Duet, “ leying," the Misses M. and S. Trench. At the pl-npel- tima Mr. Harrison was called to the platform, when Mrs. Wiley read the following address: MR. HARRISON : DEAR SlR,â€"~To me has fallen a very l Jmm mallgh 9; “5101?. and important part in the progrmmne ol' Butt 0f ng (11W fiddfi‘d much this evening. \Veurr met for H. Inir- P‘L‘W‘luje 0f the evening. .Thl pose in which sadness blends with gathermg sepm'atvduftcr slug? pleasure. “"0 are sad when we reâ€" NilLtOIlill AnthOIlll, member that the close ties which have gâ€"‘dj" been in existence for the post forty Vlctoma. Square years hvtwron you, sir, and our hv- * loved Sabbath School have lN‘t‘ll scverâ€" The semiâ€"monthly shoot of ti ed. We regret that on deemed it torin Rifle Club was held on th better to carry into efigilct the notice‘ noon of Saturday, Jan. 28, wit] given a year ago and that the ptil‘sist- as follows : ent plezulings of your officers and 200 yds. 200 teachers, failed to overcome that (le- A. Qumitz , . . , . . . . 39 40 cision. Then, on the other hand, W. Capell . . . . . . . . 42 33 when we consider the work done by “1 Scott . .. 3‘3 31- you in that time, the "Bread cast W. Mustard 36 35 upon the waters " from which in many | G. Forester, ir. . ._ 45 26 cases a fruitful harvest has already I M . to been gathered, our sorrow is ful‘gottvu """" fi“ ‘ "“" "" and our hem-ts go up in praise and thankfulness to our Father in heaven who filled your heart to overflowing __«_ with H. yearning desire for the moral l A very enmengle 5 1.00m“ and spiritual well-being of the child- ren and young people of this Village in which your life from your boyhood up good cellar. hard and soft wnl a small stable. Rent moderntv H. F. HUPP has been spent. So, you see, 811‘. my . 293 Richnu, duty to-night is one in Which sorrow M, ,___ _,___l-,_#..,,,,_ and gladness, regrets and pleasure, are Ripans Tabnles cure liver ti ., aptly bl milled, Ripans Tabules cure dizzines‘: And, now,_sir, in conclusion we ask ! Ripans Tabules: one gives 1'“ . \V. A. \V Address and Presentation Snlo “SOD ané’s 01d Sweet Song." Mr right. ‘ The Old Horseâ€"Shoo," M 1-5 ear neighbor the ground a. aged}; “‘Vas “Ye you to accept, a small taken of 0m- 1% gal-(land appreciation. \Ve ask yuu t-o receiveit as the spontaneous uuL~ come of hem-1s in which your memory will he ever enshrined mid loving thoughts. \Ve pray that He who for many years has been your Guide and Counsellor, may abide with you and lamp yflu in_ His perfect peace and Wm. Freek, H. B. Myers, Mrs. A. J. Paul, John A. Storey, former pupils; Rev. W. F. Wilson (Hamilton), Rev. J. M. Simpson. Rev. \V. R. Barker, Rev. J. W. Deal-n, Rev. Peter Addison, Rev. J. H. Starr, former pastors; and. Mr. T. Cairscadden, a former teacher of the Bible-class. Mr. Harrisonmlthough deeply afl’ect- ed by his surroundings, made an able and feeling reply, and closed by asking those pxesent to accept on behalf of the doners his heartfelt thanks for the valuable present and words of comfort. ‘lie chairman afterwards called on Messrs. J. Switzer, I. Crosby, A. Wright, and Mrs. Grant and‘ Mrs. Storey. All bole testimony to Mr. Harrison’s faithfulness and success as u Sabbath School superintendent, and as a, safe instructor to the rising gen- eration. Coffee and other refreslh mentewere the-n serVed, and a. most Pnjvyzlblf! and social evening was brought to a close. Mr. ed by and f< those The Ladies by Mr. J. Kyle, hurl-is- ter. Tomntn, and Messrs. F. J. Johnâ€" film and J‘ \‘V'. Furhan of Richmond ill ; Host and Hostess, My. Cosgx-m'e ; Tho musical part of the entertain- ment was first-class. The MendeL ssohn (‘lim-istors of Richmond Hill; worth Lheirlwst. and songs by Mr. John Blmlgh of 'I‘cstvn, and Mr. T. Butt nf King City added much to the plL-arurc 9f the evening. The social gathering separated after singing the National Anthem. A. Quzmtz , . . . W. Capell “K Scott .... W. Mustard .‘ G. Furvsbvx; ix' A very emufm-tuble 5 momm gnnd cellar. hard and 50ft wul a small stable. Rout moderntv H. F. HUPP The semiâ€"monthly shoot tnrin Rifle Club was hka c noon of Saturday, Jan. 28, as follows : King Plowmen‘s Supper. Ripans Tabnles cure liver 11- ables. Ripans Tabules cure dizziuey‘x [Single copies, 3 cts. of the Vic. 11 the after- with scorvs 200 yds. TI 40 79 No 31' d Hill house, 1-, and 4C

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