scholars regarding punctuality and the iesponsibility of neglecting them. He clearly explained that it was not the law of the land nor any power out- sideof the school itself that» set the time by. Those who sot the time were responsible. Punctnulity meant being on time, it allowed a per- son to come before time but never lifter. Uupunctunlity he said was the mast provoking and annoying habit on earth and one remedy was either to change time to a more convenient hwnr or better still to break one of the Worst. habits that ever befcl the human moo. “ How best to secure the Interest of the whole Church in S. S. \Vork," was the next subject. by Mr. H. Grose of Lefroy. He thought those who we: 0 called to he co-Workers should take an interest in the S. S. work, and that if we Were ï¬lled with the Holy Spirit We would Want to work in the S. 8., and that we are responsible if we neglect it. In conclusion he said if We cannot. teach in the S. 8., go into the Bible- ( lass and encourage the S. S. by your interest, presence and prayers. THIRD SESSION, FRIDAY MORNING. 0 ened by devotional exercises led by Ir. L. Richardson. Minutes of previous session read and. with cor- rection, approved. The statistical re- port of schools was given, but only 12 schools reported this year. but they Were very encouraging. Edgely S. 8. stands the highest in the number of scholars, 120; Maple (Methodist) sec- ond, 1I5; Thornhill (Methodist), 108. Amounts for S. S. work, Edgely ï¬rst, $128.58; Pine Grove (Conga), $84.76; Thornhill (Methodist), $70.45. In .mission work, Thoruhill, $24.11; Maple, $12.21; Kleinhurg, $11.77. The treasurer‘s report showed a bal- anco on hand of $10.95. Pine Grove was selected as the place to huld the next annual convention. Discussiwn by delegates on literature in the, S. and out of it, led by the president. The discussion centered mostly on lesson helps. and the ma.- jnrity decided against“ the {1‘86 in the ‘ The next. subject was the S. S. lessflu .forJa-n. 22nd. “Christ and Nicodem- us†by Mr. T. L. Mofl’at, \Veston. He used a blackboard to illustrate the principal thought; of the lesson. He favored using a blank map and max-king the principle places as the (wants happened in 11,19 lesson. In 8. Si, but they {flight be used to good advantage, at, home. Mrs. Cook sug- gested the idea of a reading circle be- ing formed in connection with the 8,8. for developing the taste and cultivate a likinp,r for gund helpful reading dur- ing the wvek. teaching {l1} lesson he ï¬rst dealt, with the circumstances in connection with the lesson. The lesson was divide as follows : Nicodemus" earnest- inqniry ; Jesus’ answm- and Nicodemus’ misun- derstanding and Jesus’ full explana- tion of the new birth and its divine source and His part in the work of Sllvatinn. A warm discussion took lace after this subject; on the reasnn, Vhy Nicodemus came at nigh‘. teaching tlll‘ the oircumst the lesson. follows : Nic Jes :s’ ausws dex-standing The ï¬rst session opened at 2.30 on Thursday afternoon by the President, Mr. J. Piercy, Teston, who gave :1, short address. The mass meeting of 'children was held during the after- noon. Teston and Currville were )resent as schools, and many neigh- oring schools Wen) represented. M 1-5. Abbott of Toronto Junction, addressâ€" ed the children on the subject “ Christ~ im1Soldie1‘s,†which was Well appre- ciated by all, and the questions she asked were Well answered. Her Special part of the Subject was the Christian‘s armor which Sht‘ beauti- fully descride and improsscd upon hex-hearers, and in conclusion hode the teachers would help the children 'to buckle on the armor more Secux'ély in the future than it has been in the pail}. I - A 7 _ LL» Q Q 1n~nnn The ï¬rst session Thursday aftm-nrmn Mr. J. Pieruy, Tos shortaddress. The children was held norm. Teston an The Eighteenth Annual Convention of the Vaughan Sabbath School Asm- 'cia.ti0n was held in the Lutheran Church, Sherwood, on Thursday and Friday. the 19th and 20th of January, and was very largely attended. Dur- ing the evening sessions the chm-ch Was taxed to its utmost, Ca.p;1<‘ity. and judging from the attendance and ut- tention the interest in S. S. work is not ahating. The subjects were well chosen and the addresses were well given, and in summing up the whole matter it was one of the best conven- tions that has ever been held in this township. (was iléémui. Vaughan TOWDShip Association. RICHMOND HILL, February Ohangn Change:- New Advertisements. I Crusby‘ Mkmsnn dc Switzer FIRST SE SSION 1899 ‘ ANTEDâ€"SEVERAL TRUSTWORTEY persons an this state to manage our busi- ness in their own and neuby enuuties. It :3 mainlv mi'oe work conducted. at home. Salnrv smug)†39!"! a year and expenses~debmte. bounflde. no more. no less salary. Monthly 375. References. Enclose nelf‘addremd slumped enwdupo. Herbert E. 73538. Fresh, D11“. )1. Unto-{5| >. ‘11-de Opened with ducted by the. Amnu the rize winners in the Mulock grchar contest is Mr. Robt. Reynolds aud‘Mlu Hugh Ferguson of place. MrfJ. Cutting spent Sunday with his mother. menu I, Sp ï¬ts were East, meeting read and approve sum of $20 was given to P1‘ work and J. H. Keifer appoint gate to West York Conveniim l'ontu Junction, Feb. 9 and 10. PresidenbelecL. Mrs. V‘Xm took the Chair and addwssvd L voution. She thanked the cm] for the honor the cunvcntk fPI‘l’Pd upon her by electing such an honorable position. (1 diverge fmni the wpm‘b to 5 Mrs. Uouk is the ï¬rst lady en ed to the president’s chair by l cintion, and that she has i great, interest, in Convontinn and has pmvvd herself Worthy position.) Rev. G. A (L- Maple, spoke on Uapuhiliti generation would be infinitely greater than those of the past. but we Inust develop them by precepL and example. Character Building was the closing subject by Rev. J. \V. SLewm-t, Muph'. He. impressed on his hearers the necessity of building ari;a it and to have a good purpose, right plan, gum] foundatitm and good material. He urged the ynung people. tn commence at once and build a character in he proud of and one that (ind will be pleased with. After the usual vote of thanks to speakers, chair, the trustees (If Church, the retiring president and the entertainers of the convention. the convention closed by singing, God he with you till we meet again, and as he with you till we meet again, and as the strains of that beautiful hymn rolled through the chm-ch and the benediction by Rev. C. A. Campbell fell upon the ears of those assembled the eighteenth annual canventiun passed (mt of reality into the annals of history leaving behind it impressions of good, beneï¬ts of Spiritual gather- ings impetnous to S. S. work, an in- fluence for bettering the community and closing one of the grandest, and souledifying conventions ever held by Vaughan township S. Association. J. H. Keifel‘. Prescott Dutcher spent a couple of days last week with his cousins. Mrs. John Grainger, who has been dangerously ill of inflammation, 'is still in a critical condition. v Albert Shanks sold a 3-year-old bull to the F. W. Stone Estate, Guelph, for $70 and a 2-year-old steer for $50. Hillmrn Bros. also sold a ten montbs' old hull calf for $52 to the same ï¬rm. All this stock is Herford bred and will be exported to Tegms. Tlfere has been considerable sick- ness of late, chiefly la'grippe, but the witjoripy are arpunq agai_n. Haulin 1n vogue. g wood and siwing stumps is , VMx-s. Cutting, who has gone to Aurora to reside is almost, convales- cent. Individual †by Mr. J. \Vil wood, was the last sub session. He slmwod how ï¬ociai, spiritual and intent Possibilities of Uhildhmd fm' Ulnist‘ and the Church. HP shuwod that the former was but the seed uf the latter and in conclusion said that (he Unpu- bilities and posgilwilit‘iqs of_thu next Sherwood, Jan. 25. 1899. The skiff of snow that fell on Sat- urday night aided the sleighing slight~ 1y. ' Mr. Brown lost a valuable horse on Saturday last, death was caused from Paralysis of the Heart. Mr.‘ J. Rolland and family have gone to éurqra to rgside: - “Power of Habit,†was ably, intel- ligently, and interestingly spoken (ill by Rev. A.E.Hendersnn, W’oodblidg‘u. Habits wm-k an influence in moulding. deï¬ning and forming the character, which is but the sum of our habits. Habits originate in a sphere where they can be controlled. but by con- tinued repetitions gain more and more- aner until they, If they are evil huh- its, may in time blight. and destroy the brightest life; or if they he gum] habits, produce a. bright, honored character. In conclusion he said-that parean and teachers have a g - ' id (ip- habits, produce a. bright, character. In conclusion he parents and teachers have u g purtunit‘y in laying a, tound character in the childrmi by 1 them to form good habits. FOURTH SESSION, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. _ Opelmd with p “£1ng and prayer serv- ‘ice by Mr. J. Uradduck. Minutes of previous session read and approved. “The Teacher’s own Knowledge of the Bible,†by Mr. D. James, Thorn- hill. He said. we obtain knowledge by adding to what we know, and 1-9- tain it by imparting to others. The better we are acquainted with the author thébé‘oterkve will understand the writings. In conclusinu he said : We, as teachers, ought to have a thorough knowledge of the Bible, as we have children nude-1' us to impart; knowledgr to, and our time helm-e the class is limited. 7 r _ > FIFTH SESSION, FRIDAY Benefits “(the S Willow Vale of the S. S. to S by Mr. J. \Villi: the last subjx service and President. ad and app: [3 given to Keifernpm cunvcntinn con- elocting her to sitinn. (I would port to my that lady QVCI‘ (Ik- nd sung conâ€" ]. Mmutes of the Church 1. The S. : by the Sherwood «minty and nus, Sher- -ct. 0f the‘ gl'eati the , Thé t... ute um the cm)- In'entl‘on [mum-e said Hm ;1-;n.1(1 (i; .lzltlon ( Leachin lks v ml. VV'm-k of the hem )hpll, and 0 0 ‘iSSn 1‘11 .éfEEiFlom Em )ll nggT IGORE, ()F GALT. J. T. SAIGEON, IVI APLE . 0f Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming com- pany for the farmers of York Co. iBusiness ,Sqlicited. A commodious Dwelling and Store with Lawn and Garden. Terms easy for purchaser, and rent low to good tenant. The dwelling and land can be rented apart Item the store. For turms, &c.. QEBXV ER ' __M'm"\ A“ Manchester, of London.Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, GOOD MUbK L. Innes 8a Sons. H And other mill products at our mill, where you will get a good article at a reasonable price. Fm Sale or to Kent Admission for skate ten, 5 venin ings: and prat on Monday Season Tic MONDAY, “’13 DNESDA Grisï¬ing and Showing 10113? IN THE VILLAGE OF {Richmond 11 i1] . nk open to Cur-1m )1; Tuesday and I llronize your own mill by buying your Agent for the following stock Fire “Insurance Companies, viz.: RICHBIOND HILL 35-311â€. YORK MUTUAL, qhow grackea’i Wheat, Wheat Grits, Whole Meal Prom ptly attended to 0F TORON T0, CANADA. â€"â€"â€"ALSO-â€"â€" A First-class Cash Mutual. W. A. SANDERSON “’illinms Emnlflion (M (31395 Livw' 05!. For that BRUMO QUININE TABLETS Matches AFTE B. RH Kin k v during LAXATIVE HO CURE %E.EE Drug: Richmm SATI FOR SALE BY 10h \\'( M'R'sï¬ FALCUNBRIDGE. 725 Ontfliu sn, Toronto HMOND HII I’. G. SAVAGE, Ree“- F0 I»; chit on Thursday tice from 7 my and \Veduesday thr IIS ON SATI KINGS. TR, 10 cc cents. reasonable rate riday GRIP PVC'I 'V PAY foolin ill son 0H1 nl (la y lings Child DA and H1 Jose h Comisky. W. oyuton. Thomas Hopper. RICHMOND HILL, Jan’y 16th. 1899. This is to certify that we are-using Imperial Oxford Ranges, made by the Gurney Foundry 00., Toronto, and bought from 0. Mason, and we believe bhni) to be one of the best ranges made. Burns coal or wood equally well; easy on fuel. For heating, cooking and baking it cannot be beat. It. is the best ccoking stove we have ex‘vrused. (Any size) Wire N “ THE LIBERf’cL †~OFFIC'3E.. Brace and 6 best Auger $1.40. Buck Saws, 35 cents each. Butter Scales, stml bearings, 4 lbs. $52.50. Now in Sto HARDWARE -\ STORE .i V6 W’ELKENS & 63%.. 166 and I68 King St. East, 3 doors west of Geor 11 GGAL RANGES, MASON. - RICHMOND HII arm 51118 flames an JOB PRINTING Is on hand with the latest and best makes of ans >111 Bell }( Rs Eake P‘Iu' ’FE S'I‘IDIONIxxLS orth 20. pa lU-( NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE )L )I Iiichnnond Hill nd trim ‘OR WWW W Gï¬ï¬ï¬‚iâ€˜ï¬ 1n TO THE RICHMOND HILI NESS SHOP I‘III] i). md an RST-CI James Baker, Mrs. \V. L. Gamble, Geo. Hooper. 00 each DONE AT D InC‘f M i tt 111d U DW‘RI MS or )H Also other makes of ranges. And everything in the stove and heatingline. All kinds of Tin & Hardware at bottom prices. Repairing Stove Pipes, HAND MAD] FUN n13 oi the Kin “union V‘ar'nishes, Turpentines-i at low prices. Large an; Promptly ning and trimming in stock nptly attended to. -L K5 N 38“ Specialty. r childr Suites niture attern. Ho Robes. Horse Blankets Leather Braces, iristma bottom prices David Hislnp, A. J. Hume, Elbows, and adulm, Sideboards, 19, Picture Lpecial now as numbers. Done