mg intimwmm «a “WM4â€"W The Hill boys went to evening by special car 4 hockey match with The Prospect; Rink. The. g draw, 5-5. Mr. J. A. E. S urer. The (301‘ are Messrs. W dm‘son and F. Russell, the County Counc his seat. The Penny Magazine. New York, which is the lowesbpriced magazine in America (20 centsa year), and which is owned by Hun. Chauncey M. Depew, the eminent American orator. wants a representative in this Vicinity. It is aguod opportunity for one of our ambitious young men or young women. Applications should be ad- dressed to the Subscription Depart- ment, The Penny Magazine, Temple Court, New ank City. )mfort The cnn'n Gazette cor. mth of T. THE LIBER Division CC to ï¬ll the v cease of Mr Quarterly hold in the Sunday, cm The Ofï¬cial following (1: At the annual mm of Edut‘ation held N. Boyle was elvc A Snupr were $1.85 them for Elgin Mill \Ve are offering mantle cloth at less kinson & Switzer. Now is the time to procure useful Dry Goods at, less than Atkinson & Switzor. ' The Village Ali High and Public yezu‘ 1898. have 1) tributed among interested should The ï¬rst of a sex-ins of Gospel Tem- perance Meetings was held in the Temperance Hull last Sunday aft/or- norm. The chair was ably ï¬lled by Mrs. Switvzer, President of the \V. U. T. U. who alsu read a scripture lesson. After prayer by Mr. H. Phillips an earnest and appropriate address was given by Mr. A. E. 0001an who based his remarks on the \VDI‘dS, “He that is not with me is against me.†Good music was rendered, led by Mr. J. H. Sanderson. Next Sabbath afternoon Mr. Harrison will give an address and Miss S. Trench will sing a solo. DI‘PSS ( px-l' yd. >5 witzoxu Fruit Growers and flower-lovers should Send a post card to “ Canadian Horticulturist,†Grimsby, for a. free sample of the beautiful January No. of that journal which begins a new series enlarged and improved. It con- tains articles from the best authori- ties on fruit and flower growing with numerous half-tone illustrations. This is its 22nd year and its circulation is now 5,000 copies per month. It has become the leading authority on fruit- growing for the province. Horse Shoe Salmon, Maple Leaf Lynx Salmon, each 2 cams for 250., R. R. R. Salmon, just as good, 110. can. Atkinson & Switzer. A meeting of the Baker heirs will be held in the Lorne Hall to-mori-ow, Friday, at 10 o’clock a. 111., when Mr. John VVoodhm-n, President of the As- sociation, will preside previous to his roing tn the United States to continue iis searches. Specialâ€"2 lbs. tea». black and green, 25 cts.; 3czms good salmon, 250.: 8 bars Russian Electric Soap, 25 cts.; 28 lbs. good Brown sugar, $1.00. Naughbon 131-03., Elgin Mills. HOCKEY MATCH. Harbord Collegiate Inst. Hockey Team play the Local team to-night, Feb. 2. This game promises to be fast andinteI-esting as this was the only team that defeated the Local team of 98. Do not fail to see this game. ad- mission 10 cts. Ticket-holders free. There will he Division Intil Tllvsdn hvy The Epw ‘x-iduy evv f thought il'k Don’t, furgpt xm'nhill rink ‘1‘ )CL N in 0. ha 1's H Regular mnutl~ ire Brigade on crimoxn lu‘uuryVG m-r 1461)(‘J "é? ï¬ne of 1rd. Match tn-night BAKER HEIRS. 1nd Happy J nirantee Atkinson 111; number of the On ' religious serv Methodist, ( mmencmg at Board [V at 2. AU; Cou 3 lbs. f( Atkinso he m USO!) the th( iriu oet‘mg at the board yesterday. Mr. J. ctod chairman and Pr, Secretary-Treas- tee of Management Storey, J. H. San- Tonaghy. Mr. W11). appointee of the as present and took 3U p. 111 & Uurni evening Fehru in Ints than 10m this d Lhefn Dif‘i of Apx Lu klu You nf the appoint , publisher- of wk of the Third unity of York, ‘(1 by the de- and played a 3 Meteors, in N itvz Hts In“ ices will be ‘hurch next 10.30 :I. m. met on the lkil itz the Board ends of agement H. San- rlz‘. “711). (if the 1110. took '1. lot of A price. f01 10d “'llS in th 5. All ‘efully. uh ‘111 ‘N h] boo ni have Hill the the At qnm practk course CUIU‘S whei-é he [1 success dul cessm‘ villas: Sing of Toronto, “’1†pr On Monday a, Public to: in the church from 5 to which an excellent prog rendered. Addresses b can of Unionyille: Bel runto and Rev. R. S. Richmond Hill. Music lal‘ Victm‘ia. University nthers. Admission, 25, The public are cordially :11] vote mun L11 mom! just; ï¬nis Dr. Huh Mr. J as. anry Proctor, youngvst brother of Mr. \V. R. Proctor. former- ly of this village, but who has been in the North \Vest for the past 14 years, was on Saturday last married to Miss Etta. Graham, third daughter of Mr. Alfred Graham, Aurora. The cere- mony was pvrfornu'd by Rev. E. H. Mnssen, M. A., at the residence of the bride's father, in the presence of a few intimate friends. The following were. among tli. guests: Mr. and Mrs. Brace. Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. Davis} Deer Park ; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Proctor. Richmond Hill ; Mr. and Mrs. A]. Proctor, Aurora. On Tuesday, January 315b, the bride and groom started for their new home in Calgary. M A grand entertainment under the auspices of the Public Library will be held in Victoria. Hall, Thornhill on the. the evening of Wednesday, the. 8th of February. The talent is ï¬rst- cluss, the following being among the performers z-Miss Ethyle L. Powell, soloist, Toronto; Mr. G. Wallace Weese, humorist, Toronto; Mr. A. R. Cuthburt, comic singer, Toronto. Several tableaux will be. presented unrler the supervision of Miss F. Lang- staï¬'. The Lnskay Dramatic )luh will give a 12111 vhul)le farce entitled, “The Yankee iddler.†Mr. A. E. H) $1 1w Mills Conmhs, M. A., ()(E’iich will act, as pianis and Passmore will occupy the mission 25 and 15 cents. Having decided to spend some time, in New York taking u ) special work, with a view of sett ing ' a larger place, and having sold my [)1 ctice to Dr. Shaw, formerly of Markth Village, I desire to return my sincere thanks to the residents of Richmond Hill and vicinity who have so kindly favored me with their patronage for the last three years. In leaving Din. Shaw in my place, I cordially recom- mend him to the favorable consider- ation of the community. He is a. man of large experience. and a. gentleman in every way, and in asking your put- ronage on his behalf, I do so cheerfully and with confidence, as he has come to live among you permanently and to' he. one of you. Again thanking you, I remain, yours sincerely, UK February lstr, 1899. Anne B. Keefler, sister of the late M. H. Keefler, died at her home at \Vestun on Monday of last week. Forty-two inch Fancy Dress Goods that were 350. a yd. offered during Feb., while they last, at 15c. Atkin- son & Switzer. John Galloway. one of Markham Township’s oldest and most highly 1-p- spectod residents died at his home, lot 10, roar of 3rd concession, on Friday last at, the age of 83 years. \Ve have marked all Goods down to the lowest cash basis and will sell for cash a Bill of best quality Dry Goods and Groceries as cheap as they can he. bought anywhere in Ontario. At,â€" .kinson & Switzer. 'ltPI DR =uu'. 1d ( The friends of lunch will hold ,inmeht on SUI "me- D1 I‘hc DR. SHAW SUCCEEDS DR. HUTCHISON. FIBI mi Ling intil \vvr ' (‘nj‘ iUTCHISON‘S S UCCESSOR a was a very fair :lttf‘ndance at wuwn's Carnival on Tuesday :‘,Lhnl1gh the number of mas. as u s not, Idl-gn. The prize 4wm1> Mr H. Handel-son, Mr. “'09, Miss Ethe-l Twitzer, Miss Duncan and antors Barker x-ness. About 7 was realiz~ dth 1H ROCTOR nd News Notes. 6. On Sunday Rev. MI. 'ontn, will preach at 7 p. m. y' a, Public ten will he served (*1) from 5 Lu T p. 11\., after xcellvnf programme will be Addresses by Revs. Dun- OYlYilié‘: Bollsmith of T0- Rev. R. S. E. Large of Hill. Music by the popu- 1. University Glee Club and dmission, 25, and 15 cents. are cordially invited. ‘mdy )I'k ‘ THORNHILL. GOODFINISH A-MI to reside. Dr. Shaw >d his profession in ['0 he was very success- lur with all classes. a has been pursuing y in tho grout hospitals and Chicago and has holiday in California. will introduce his suc- his many friends in the surrounding country macbisvd with so much his residmice here. 19d and Ind time S CARNIVAL. Hgmm and J. B. Mc- d auditing Vaughan ‘LD mmhnsvd the medical utchisonand W111 m avs move his family thc tlzc hunts, \VH him) Bros J. N; HUTCHISON. TING K“ {ichmond Hill, sucks is large ios carpet and ‘ pair; Lndivs A HAM on Methodis mnnml enter md Monday in ‘8 past Mr. C. M; chair. Ad- vln-zmted. , Elgin of 1mm v. M]. 7 p. m. served ‘ after Ii Miss M. Fetch of Toronto, made a visit with her friend, Miss H. Linfont. Miss Pearl Escottnf London, spent Sunday \vxth her aunt, Mrs. (D12) Hutchison. __Mrrjs. P.7.IV.7VVles and son, Mr. Ra]ph W'ells, of Tut-(th, spent Saturd with Mr. and J. H. Sanderson. ‘ Rev. Mr. Large of this village, and Rev. Mr. Stm‘onson of Unionville had an exchange of pulpits last Sun- day. Newmarlwt, Eraâ€"Mrs. Isa" of Richmnnd Hill is spending with her daughtvr, Mrs. V Yongo St, and other friends pair. \Ve sol] fm Bros, Elgin Mills. Dlan- SHEPPARDâ€"At Toroutt Jan‘ 31, hy the Rev. John Dixon of Markham to Miss 1 of Richmond Hm. Mr. Archie, Vanderbnrgh was killed in a. collision on the, railway near Chicago on Monday of last Week. He had the position of hrakesnmn a little over a month, previous to which he was a letter carrier in Toronto for some years. He formerly attended High School at, Richmond Hill. His remains were blought home and inâ€" terred in the Aurora, Cemetery on Friday. He leaves a, widow. eight brothers and four sisters, all of whom have the sympathy of every one in their sad bereavement. Very little hopes are, entertained of the recovery of Mr. Roht. Barr, who was thrown from his cutter last week. He received an injury to the spine and has been partially paralyzed ever since. The children of the Methodist 8.8. are practising for their annual entertainâ€" ment. val, Tué: Kmmm-sl T011)!th Mr. Cbntm‘, (ngnniznr for the Ancient Order (If Unith “Hwkmen, has been in this Villag? and vicinity for the past few days, and last evening lg c_mididates were initiated in Ivy Wu. FY 4 candidates were} initiated in Lodge, No. 114. A large family gatheriné at Mr. Jas. McNeil’s on Tue ing of last week. mg or last week. Some of our young people the pnblic meeting of the literary society last. week. 1 Rumble took part in n. dehah 0n_ the winning side. Rev. Dr. Carmichael preached a memorial sermon in the Presbyterian church last; Sunday morning to the late A. McMurchy of Manitoba, a. former prominent, member of the church. FRIDAY, FebruarySâ€"Credic sale of farm stuck, implements, 6w . on lot [7.1mm 7 hf Vnuu'anu the property of N01! Black, Sale at l o'clhck Turmsflmonshs. McEwen J: Suigeon, auc- tiuneers. SATURDAY. Feb. 4â€"Crer'libsale of cattle, horses. ugs, implements, vehicles. ( Riolwmoud :1], the property of H. F Hopper. Sale at 1 o’clock. Venus 7 months. Snigeou 6: Mc- Ewen. auctioneers, TUERDAY, Febi7~â€"Crudit sale of standing timâ€" bet, on 101529, 0011.7, Vaughan, the property of J.L.B1rney. Sale 119 1 o’clouk Terms 10 monthsi Snigeon 85 McEwenmicï¬oueers. WEDNESDAY.Feb.8â€"â€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements. &c., on lot 17, con. 5. East. York, the property of Wm. Mason. Terms 9 months. Lunch at 11 a. m. Eckardt & Prentice, auctioneers. TUESDAY, Feb. l4â€"Auction sale of farm stock. Ewen. auctioneers. WEDNESDAY. Feb. 15â€"Credit saie of {arm stock, implements, &c..con. 11, King, nrnr Lloyd- tnwu. the property at J. Weir. Terms 9 mos. Sale at 1 o'clock. Saigeou & McEwen auctioneera. WEDNESDAY, Feb. lsâ€"Credit sale of farm stock. implements, furniture &c.. '06 7. rear 2nd con. Markham, near Dollar, 1’. 0,, the pr0p~ erty of Edward Barker. Sale at. 12 o‘clock, norm. Lunvh at. 11. Terms 9 monthu. Eckardc a Prentice, auctioneers. THURSDAY. Feb. lGâ€"h‘xtensive credit sale of farm stock, impiements. &c.. on can. 9. King. ncm‘ Svhnmberg, the prover-By of Mrs. R. Winter. Sale I1: 11 a. m, Lunch at noon. Terms9muunhs. Suigeou & McEwen, nuc- tioneers. FBmAY,Feb.17â€"Credit sale of farm stock, imâ€" plements,&c.,on Int 53, 15!. con. Vaughan, (Elgin M1118) the property of l). W. Clubine. Sale ailn'clock. 'I‘crmsflmoutbe. Saizeon dz McEweu, auctioneers. léfPartiea getting their bills printed at tbil Office will receive n. notice similar to the above FREE or CHARGE Tonthe Public. Wholesale and Retail Butchers, deal- ers in VV perscus in this state to manage our busi- neasin their own and nearby counties. 1!. is mainly 03106 work conducted at home. Salary straight $900 a. year and' expensesâ€"deï¬nite, bonaflde, no mpre, no less salary. Mommy 575. References. Enclose selfvaddressea stamped envelope. Herbert E. Ross. Prank, Dept. M. Chicago. ;* ‘ u-» \Ve make a specialty in Home Render‘ ed Lard, and our own make of Sausage. W“; BEST M EATS Among: those nutim Buys’ rudder LEY- At Ric] the wife of ( FRESH & SALT MEATS EBDAY. Feb. l4â€"Aucmon sale of farm stock, implements, &c., on 103 '12, rear 6th con. \Nest York, the propm‘ty of R. Pursnns. Snle 3H o‘clocki '1'81'1'1189 mos. Snigeon & Mc- Vegetables in Season. M88 & m, Tugéd NTEDâ€" SEVERAL TRU S'I' W0 RTRY PERSONALS GLASS 8; (‘0, Richmond Hill \Vhon you want the Sale Register 4 1V J! A 1nd Always go to :I 3'! HS. Of all kinds. * noticed at. (he carni- night, were Mr. John in of ln-akosumn a. little previous to which he m-rier in Toruntu for He formerly attended tr Richmond Hill. His blought home andin- Aurora, Cmneter‘y on Maple RECIAHI r Kichl blougl: Am-m >aves : 1d Hill Wimv and socks, $1 ’01- cash. Na Mrs. Isaac Proctor pending a week Mrs. \Villson of Eek. Mr. Fred debate and was on Tues Hunt. Mr. Mira. Sham}: 9mm,er on flow. eight 111 of whom >1’Y one in (’Ulville of $1.25 per Naughton was 119k ay even ttvndod Vellorv Jun Hy Tweeds, Worsteds, {ELEARING SALE Winter - Footwear. Repairing Neatly anfl Promptly clone. Men’s Felt Buckle Boots, Men’s Long Boots, Men’s heavy Manitoba rubbers and socks, men’s and ‘boys’ over-slums and rubbers, ladies’. misses’ and children’s m ‘r- shoes and rubbers, ladies’ storm rubbers, ladies ï¬ne lootwear, ladies’ and. misses’ skating bals, ladies’ felt boots, :1 full. stock ofleather goods. We guarantee the workmanship and quality of thesr goods. Give us a call, you will ï¬nd prices right. ROBT. SIVER? 1899 COST ISAAC CROSBY. Overcoatings and ’Trouserings N EW STOCK Of Men’s and Women’s OF 1899