l 3.3% CANADA. liondon hacknrcn have organized a union. London's fire losses in 1808 totalled $55,000. Poultry thieves are busy around Kingston. ’I‘nree Indians and a white man will be hanged at l);i\vsun on March 2. \\'irinipcg's population is estimated by the directory publishers at 10,000. Wolves are. reported to be doing a good deal of damage in some parts of Manitoba. St. Andrew's London, will erect ii school building. Haslem Greene, of Winnipeg, collecâ€" tor for a lumber firm. dropped dcad Thursday night. The new Victoria bridge at Montreal will be opened for vehicles and foot traffic by the end of May. The Mounted Police estimate that Klondike will produce $50,000,000 worth of gold during '09. It is stated definitely that the C. P. R. will not erect a. new station at \Vinnipeg this year. Mr. “'m. Mackenzie, of Toronto, states that the Dauphin Railway line Will be known in future as the Canada Northern line. Lieut’. Adams, R. E., a graduate of the Royal Military College, Kingston. has been appointed Manager of the Nile Delta railway. “loodstock Board of Trade will hold , another meeting shortly to advance the agitation for the incorporation of the town as a city. The Montreal Butchers†Association has unanimously resolved to raise the price of beef from 1 cent to 2 cents‘ a pound, according to quality. , Fifteen or eighteen men connected with A Battery, Kingston, who mar- ried without permission of the authoriâ€" ties, are to receive their discharge. Quebec City has accepted from the Champlain monument committee the gift of the monument to Champlain re- ; ntly erected on Dufferin terrace. A. H. Skirving, formerly chief of lice at Chatham and ingersoll, has Egan appointed chief of the Lake Erie and Detroit Presbyterian church, $525,000 Sunday ‘ River Railway detective force. The promoters of the Hamilton stock yards claim to have all the capital they desire subscribed, and say the concern will be in operation in three months. It is said the Imperial authorities are anxious to have A Battery, R. C. A., sent to England, in exchange fora battery of Royal Artillery, to be sta- tioned at Kingston. The lntercolonial Railway is now said to be on a paying basis, and there is reason to believe that it will show a surplus at the end of the fiscal year on the 30th of June next. The lntercolonial Railway is now said to be on a paying basis, and there is reason to believe that it will show 1 a surplus at the end of the fiscal year ', on the 30th of June next. Mrs. Vin and Sam Parslmv, of St. Scholastique, who are to be hanged on March 10. have given up hope of reprieve, and are spending much of their time in prayer. Master “'illie Caudwell, aged 17, son of the late Mr. George Caudwell, died Thursday in Braniford from meningi- tis. This is the third death in the past six months in the family. The Army and Navy Veterans' So- ciety of Toronto has sent a letter to the Mayor asking that action be tak- on to prevent the use of the Union Jack as a sign by auctioneers. The Vancouver City Council has passed a resolution asking the Proâ€" vincial Government to exclude the Japanese from the privileges of the franchisee, and to place them on the same basis as the Chinese in this reâ€" ipect. The Hudson's Bay Company Will start a courier for the Mackenzie river and intermediate points next month. Letters addressed care of the Hudson's Bay Company will be delivâ€" ered in the Mackenzie river country. _At Kentville, N. S., the prohibition- fats instituted a crusade against hotel- keepers who were breaking the Scott Act, and the bonifaces retaliated by closing up entirely, much to the incon- venience of the travelling public. Mr. Kyobashi Senju, one of the largâ€" est paper manufacturers of Japan, is at Sault Ste. Marie, inspecting the pulp mills. He supplies five daily papers in Tokyo, and says there is a market in Japan for Canadian pulp. The balance to the credit of deposi- tors iri the Government savings bank on December 31 was $15,103,498. Deâ€" posits for December stood at $219,208, and withdrawals at $231,094. In post office savings banks the amount to the credit of depositors at the end of December was $34,175,018. Deposits during December amounted to $700,715, and withdrawals to $720,146. A, scheme is on foot at Ottawa for the formation of a private Company to buy up the rights of the. Canada Atlantic, Parry Sound, Canadian Paci- fic and Ottawa 8; New York Railways to the central facilities and then oper- ate the terminal, charging each rail- way according to the number of trains handled daily, It is proposed to erect a modern union station. In all fifryâ€"five applications have been received for private legislation at the next session of the Federal Parlia- ment. Twentyâ€"five are for incorpora- tion, twentyâ€"seven for amendments to existing charters, six for divorce and one for winding up. It would appear from this that there will be an aver- , ago voiuurn of this kind of legislation . in addition to what the Government‘ may have to bring down. l GREAT BRITAIN. Fully 100,000 inhabitants of London ‘ no night workers. 1 News SZIZ/Z/iZfl/"y. W [i’i‘t‘cnf [Inf/nwfug‘s [fr/iffy To/u’. ,4 ,Ncws, 'l‘lii- Sketc. and the l’cririy Illusâ€" .1,000 carving forks. 1 One. person in four in Whitcch ipel is‘ :i Jew or Jewess. Sir Ilci ry Irwing is another Ain~rican tour. , ,l liowriing was once a punishment for crime in Scotland. 'l he ropes on a first-class manâ€"ofâ€"war cost about £3,000. ‘ ’l‘liirty miles of streets are addedonâ€" nu illy to London. Severity pounds' worth of Coin isrlrop- ped in London d-iily. '1 hr 111 ii ish t-ovv, riinicrit 10.:IliZt’S£1l,-l 300 i you for waste paper. 1 Foothill was a crime, in. England‘ during the regin of II ‘nry VIII. 1 There. is one policemin to every 775‘ persons in lilnglirid and Wales. More. ll'l‘ill 12,000 pcople are regular-1 ly employed in the London theatres. ltiivc millions of “tillh‘ll ‘11‘!’ said to be. prep iring for earning wuch in the United King- dom. It is cilculaled that 21,000 people. sleep nightly aboard the steamers on the 'l‘b'imcs. , The British Government hasthe I‘a- cific cable project under its immedi- ate consideration. The. manufacture of jewellery in flir- mingliam gives constant ciiiploymcnt to 14,000 persons. 1 Al the beginning of the l81h century 'all th- pcoplc iii 1hr- people were hinged in Great Britain for the illicit manufacture of salt. The railways of England and 11nd derive a larger revenue from their goods than from their passenger lrllf-‘ fic. During the last 10‘ ycarsthe rccor‘ds of Great Britain show! that 1.31 men and 237 women reached the age of’ 100 Scot- ‘years 01‘ [11018. It is rumoured thzt a company will purchase. the Lyc um Theatrr l oadon, and that Sir I’ll'lil‘y Irving :igr‘cr-S to appear lli--r:‘ for a season of 101) nights. I‘Irncst 1'. 1101ier has failed in an action against the publishch of the London Special for having [lllliiislit'tl comments on certain of his trrins< actions. ’ i Cecil liiioles has abandoned for the! present his scheme for a rail line from the Cape, to Cairo; and will ask a‘ guiiaiitec for the extension of the, railway totbe Zambcsi. 1 Sir IIciiry (‘arnpliellâ€"ll'inricrman has practically assumed the loader‘sliip of tlic Libcral party in England, and is, trying to get it in some sort of shape‘ for the coming meeting of Parliament. Mr. \\'illi.im Watson, the British‘ poet. ll‘lS received a legacy which raises him above. fear or care as far as money gOes. As he is still very young al greii career is now predicted for bim.’ Mrs C. luck attained hcr 100iii birth- day at Berries on January 7. She was born in the pariin of \Voodton, Norfolk, on January 7, 1719. She boasisiliat she "never told a story in licrlife,†Off l)e\0121)01‘1. the llriiish ii;iitle-. ship t‘oilingwood rammed the third-I ('Iiss cruiser ('uracoa. almost sinking her. The hole in the t'uracoa was stopâ€" ,pcd by moilision mats. and the cruiser w-is towed in tugs John Daly, the Irish ppoiiticai pri-‘ sorrer who was releaSed from Portland Prison in 1800, after having been sen-‘ tenced to pczinal servitude for life has been elected M iyor of Limerick by :iH unanimous vote, under the new Irish locil government: act. 'l'here \Vt're buried in Watford, Eng, cemetery recently an old lady and gen- tlcmin whose combined ages nearly. reached 200, namely, Mr. Thomas Young. a retired drapcr. 105, and Mrs. Mary Glen, widow, aged 94. Dover, Eng., Corporation. who al- ready own the local wattrworks, elec- tric tramways, bathing establishments and machines, etc., are considering a proposal to purchase the. local gas and electric light undertakings. The British Secretary of State for \Vzir has placed with Atkinson Broth- ers, Ltd.. Sheffield, orders for 120,000 razors, and cases. 75,000 sailors' clasp knives, 210.000 table. knives, 170,000 table forks, 1,200 carving knives. and Devon port bgirbor by At a meeting, of the. Town Council of Glasgow it was decided, by an overâ€" whelming mijority to proceed with the conversion of the whole of the tram-1 w .ys in the cin to the overhead trol- ley system. At present horse traction is used except on one line. St. Luke's Church, Birmirighamhng" 11:13 become so dangerous that thel vicar has been ordered to have edifice. pulled down. The pews. pulpit. and organ have been removed by the trus? tees, and lhc stonework of the building has been sold as it stands for: £5. At a council Illt‘rflllg, ill a West of Englind borough complaint was made of the number of pigs that were al- lowed to mini lbw streets. The mayor" moved lb t the consiiliie be. instruct- ed to .llr:‘si all pigs found wandering about. the streets except the pigs of councillors. ‘ 1"(‘W perhaps feel the institution of! Wedding present giving more than the Princc and Princess of Wales. The calls upon them in this direction are numlierless. and, says a gossip, the sum total expended by Their ltoyal High- ncsscs in one year on wedding gifts must represent a fortune. The telephone was used at West Bromwicb, Eng. for n novel purpose in connection with a runaway horse, which bolted Willi the front part of a carriage in the direction of Oidbury. The police in the latter place were, promptly apprised of the accident byl telephone, and the animal stopped, The Earl of Meath proposes a scheme. 1 of military drill for all lads between 13| and 18 years of age. A committee call- ed the British Brigade Council has been formed to carry out the. plans. and Field Marshal Lord \Volselcy, Geri- eral Lord Roberts of Kandahar. and a number of other prominent men have written in support either movement. , officials 'in securin a leather trunk, A company has been formed in T.on- l doii \vii ii :i capiial (if a million srcriing to acquire lllt‘ publicalinns of Sir Wil- lllll ingruni. including llii' three pr p< ular wei-klii-s. 'l'hu ll uslr'itcll London \‘\ill be Will be Irati-d 1’sip-i. Sir “'iiliain cliiirmzin, and ill†company mllmi lhv‘ illustrated London News†liiiiiiied. ‘ l'li‘ isucen, when she lenst \Vindsor ‘ for lizaliricral, l\ pro\id.-d with about a dozen copies of :1 sort of waybill Hf“ her journey, which contains a list of train, and the coriipzirlniiiits in which they are, a1 complcic rimc~t.ible of the whole .ioui'-. ri'y, and :iii v-xplanatiwn of the gradiv unis, etc, printed in purple, on silk. A further r-dilion is(liSlrilillie(l among 111 - Queen's attendants and the railway Offlt'l.ll~l. l'N l'l‘l'il) S'I'A'l'Eh'. Illuc Carnations arc in course. of pro- pagation at the Horticultural 11.111, 1 Denver. lurid Ilnrschell has llt‘l'l’l awarded a rlipliirni oi the. American Academy of1 Purim-n science. l .\llt’;[lif‘ll} miners and operators have reiched :iri agrecrncnt, and there Will be no general strike. in 1800. l The Maine Legislature is considering , llll‘ incorporation of the American 1081 Co.. will) a capital of $00,000,000. It is reported from Santa Fe, New. Mexico, [but 217 lndinns have. died from sm‘illpov in Valencia County, and ‘ihdl 000 are now ill. Indiana cxpvnds annually for poor relief. through courin and township :ibolll Sl,ll(ltl,(10ll. About (1110.- hilfthissum is p‘llll for the care of persons in institutions. .\1 Lalilw, of Chir-igo, four years ago limited :1 stranger 16-“ dollars, and look which is now found to contain nion -y and bonds to the value of $00,000. (ii-org.- Schaffcr, a l’bilndclphia but-, chcr. and his three children. are in a critical condiiiiri through drinking coffee, containing arsenic. Scliaffcr is suspected of poisoning the coffee, but denies it. The first assistant postriiastcr-gener- al of the l'niti-d States has issued an order increasing the salaries of all the 1: girl-i r free delivery carriers who proâ€" viilc their own horses or other riiodes iof conveyance, from $300 to 8100 per annuin, beginning January 1 last. A bag containing nails, screws and lead was substituted for a bag conâ€" taining 103 silver dollars at the United States mint at Philadelphia, and Ill-r- riiari Krclz, the former superintendent, iris been asked to explain how it happened. llarney Kecgan, an engineer on the lilinois Central Railway had :1 fight for his life on Friday night with his fireman, \‘i'aller Cole. who went iriâ€" sanc. The train travelled at the. rate of thirty miles an hour for twenty miles while the two were engaged in the. struggle. Keegan at last by a has de- on the The British Government cided to erect an observatory Mokallam lIills. near Cairo. The Countess I’otockzi was recently robbed in Paris of a cloak, studded, with precious stones. valued Ill $100,i 000. . The Czar of Russia has ordered radiâ€", cal reform to be instituted at once in,‘ the treatment of political prisoners in Siberia. All the rivers in East Prussia have overfloucd and large districts have been fIOoded with iriimensc damage to the region inundated. _ There. are more wrecks in the Baltic Sea than in an) other place in the world. The average is one wreck in ti day throughout the year. The world's wrecks lasl year numberâ€" edd 1.015. Steamers \vhere shown to have. a greater immunity from disas- ter than have sailing vessels, Col. Kitchener, brother of the Sirdar‘, with a strong Egyptian force, is be- sieging El Obeid, the last stronghold of the dervishcs in the Soudan. Germany's exports to the United States l‘iSl year amounted to $82,350,- 514, as against $02,2H7,088 for 1807. The decrease. was almost wholly in bll'ihllii .‘\ (icitcn, Queensland, Australia, luu sisters and a lumber \vcrc niur-i dcr‘wl by fiends, who ll‘lVl’. since elud- ed liolli \\lll|t‘ (lt‘ilt't'Lth'H and black‘ trackers. Thr- policc in Paris have discoverr'd; a Him who kills young girls on their way home from work. He springs on them from bcliind and stabs them to. death. China holds the record in criminal statistics in the lilllullt‘l‘ of suicides or attempted suicides annually. Over one million cases is the, average for the last five years. Tich shooting is always spoken of as almost a thing of the past in India. but .310 were killed in Bengal in W07. 108 bears in Burmih, and 1,241 wolves in the North-west provinces. in future. all Government offii-i ils‘ in Germany who cause the publication of seciet documents or give information of State secrets to the newspapers are to be severely punished. Skates made of gold are popular 1111 Sr l’etcrsburg.. One lady had the lilach of her skates enriched with diamonds. Skates set with pearls and precious stories have also been in fash- ‘qnolalile ‘w'i-re. firrii, and sold readily. :cai tie. ‘rnore choir»- slult would have found an i . . V . 77 7d? 7 . my [ MARKETS [11‘ THE WORLD. Prices of Grairrgattie, Cheese, &c. y in the Leading Marts. 1 Toronto, 3i|.â€"\\'e had only :1 light run of I‘i-i'i'ipls here io-diiy, as all told only 20 lords came in, inâ€" cluding There was no cattle Jan. 1,0111! hugs; change, but all good “'0 111111 a good enquiry for export light, and l The supply was way market at. prices ranging from 11 1â€"1 to 4 3-10 per pound. l’rime ship- ping cattlo is wanted. lluichcrs' cattle were in good dc: mand, if of fair to choice quality; for the best stuff there was a steady sale,‘ and picked lots were bought as light :‘liipp -rs at from $1.20 to $1.35 per cwt. Good to choice butcher cattle sold at from $3.77) to $1.12 1â€"2 per cwt.; me- dium at from $3.10 to $3.02 1â€"2 per cut; and down to $3 per cwt. 1 Most of the sales were in small lots today; but here are a few represent- ativo transactions:â€" 1 One load of export cattle, averaging ,1,200 lbs, sold at 4 3-40 per pound. (29111111011 1 A load of good butchers†stuff, averaging 1,080 lbs, sold at $31.00 per cwt. I A lorid 0f butchers' cattle, averaging .li.ir‘d. cash. 73 Tiâ€"l‘c; ‘ l'!i\ll, 59 1â€"20, Ryeâ€"No. 1. 381â€"2 to 500. 1~21 10 Tic. 1 32171 to :32 c; sample, liltI‘ i-y-«No. 2. ~13 to 52c. )liririwapolis, Jan. ISLâ€"\Vheitâ€"Jiinu- :iry, 7211~4c; )lay, TBIiâ€"lc; July, 741â€"2c Uri 1rack~No. 1 lilrd, Tilâ€"lo: No. l _.\orllicrn, 731â€"0: No. 2, 711â€"ic. Flourâ€"â€" l“11‘51 pziIt-nts, 8:100 10 $11; second p-it- cnrs, $51.70 to 5350; first clears, H203 to .9" ‘3 Iirinâ€"ln bulk, $10.23 to $10. 1. llululli, .1111. iii. A‘- lli‘illâ€"â€"N.). 1 1111111152 Tl 1â€"2“ May. 7? 1â€"‘«' to 77 1â€"11-: July. 71' 1» No. 1 Northern, 72 1â€"2c: January. ‘75l-lc;.luly,731-Jc. ’l‘oli-ilo, Jan. illâ€"\VheaIâ€"No. 2 cash, 75c asked; May. 713, iiâ€"Rc. Ryeâ€"No. 2 t‘io\ersccdâ€"Prime, cash, old, $3.00; new. $1 asked. BANK ROBBERY INâ€"LONDON. \II [he .ilnl'l' of l‘arls “:Illlm Takcn l'ilstmly. A despatch from London, Eng. Siys: â€"'1‘hi- absence of any clue to the thief who abstracted £00,010 in notes from 1’:irr's Bank on Monday afternoon in- creased the suspicion that there was collusion inside the bink, and all the employes were immediately arrested. The search, however, fruitless. Into was 1'l‘hi- notes were taken from the chief cashier's drawer while he was at luncheon. The fact that the interior of the bank is open to the view of pasâ€"- sersâ€"liy, makes it seem incredible that a stranger could have vaulted over i the counter and reached the cashier's drziWer without being seen. 1,050 lbs, sold at $3.00 per cwt. ' r A mixed lot of cows and heifers, averaging 1,020 lbs, sold at. 3 3â€"Se- pcr 11). A lot of 11 cattle, averaging 900 lbs, sold at $3.25 and five dollars ,bnck. A lot of 13 cattle, mixed wilhl cows. averaging nearly 000 lbs., sold at 3c, pm hi, and fivn (liiilii‘s added. Shipping bulls sell at from 31â€"2 to «in, with :in ciglith more bulls. which are wanted. Sior‘kcl‘s are, selling well at from 3t0 31-20, and occasionally 33-4o, per lb. Very few milk cows here, less than one dozen; prices rather low, from $23 to 84:3 each. 'l'hi-re is no particular en- quiry, but a few choice cows may sell well. li'Irnbs are easy at from $4.12 1â€"2 to $4 37 1-2 per cwt. Supplies lately have been more thin ample. Slim-p are unchanged at from 3 to 31-10, per lb. lurks are. \Vrll‘lll from per lb. (‘lioicc Veal Culver-1 are wanted at fiorri $3 to 57 each; common calves are dull :it from $2.50 to $1 each. Hogs are unchanged at $4.25 instffl 1â€"2 per cut. for the bi-st, but the aver- age Ilrir'v for good hogs is around $4.20 per owl; light ‘irc selling at from $1 to $1.25; and the. outside, price for rhick heavy hogs is $3.77) per cwt. 21â€"4 to 23â€"8 superhuman effort stopped the train. Following is the range. of current Alexandr-r Graham Bell, the World quotations:â€" renownw' inventor of the telephonefl clung has ['l‘i. 41 from Japan with two is - ,- , _ .7, r new pro_,r-cisâ€"the establishment of a ,,l,‘,',1:},’,§?§’cï¬fnï¬cgwm, ' $ $ L2 Japanese garden at \V'ashington as a. Buuher' mydv ,‘U good_ 335 350 model, and the instruction of oars- Bulcher’ inferior . ' 300 3,21% men in the Japanese way of rowing a ‘ ' She“, 5nd Lambs boat. Dr. Bell says that "in landscape , Ewes p9,. ch _ 306 335 gardening there is no question that jBUCk;1 per cwt. ' . 335 3,3313 the Japanese lead the world," and that Bucks‘ per cwt. ‘ . z :5 36: L: "their method of rowing is far sup-L ' Milken and Calves. ‘erior to anything We. have in this Cows, each. .2500 4000 counlry'" [Calves, each . . . 200 600 GENERAL. _ Hogs. , _ _ , Choice, hogs, per cwt . 42. 4371â€"2 Fifty children have been inJured by ‘ Liqu h0g5, p“. ch _ 400 425 the ear'lhqu’ikes in Southern tircece. ‘Hemy‘ do" per cwt. 000 375 BILEADS'J‘UEFS, ETC. Wheatâ€"'i‘here was a heavy advance in wheat in Chicago toâ€"day, and the boom continued until the close. Prices here advanced sharply. Red wheat sold at 70c and white at 71c, north and west. This afternoon holders genâ€" erally asked 72c. Manitobas were very strong. No. 1 hard, North Bay, sold at 800, and at the Mesa 87c. was asked. Same, Midland and Owen Sound, was held at 820. Millers hold off, not carâ€" ing to pay the advance. h‘iourâ€"h‘irmer, with an advancing tendency. ,Easterners were in the market to-day as buyers. paying an advance of 100 per barrel. Export agents bid the small mills $3 for straight roller, in bbls.middle freights and 03.20 to $3.25 is asked. Millfeedâ€"b‘carce‘, ton lots of bran at the local mills bring $11; and shorts. $16; car lots. middle freights, are quotâ€" ed at $13.50 for bran. and $15 for shorts. Oatmealâ€"Firm. Car lots of rolled outs. in bags, on track here, are quoted ‘at $3.60 per bbl, and in bbls at $3.70. Peasâ€"Offerings light and Clt‘IImnd fair. Car lots. north and west, sold to- day at 00c; holders generally ask 00 1-2c. Car lots east. 07c. again. \Vhite oats, in car lots. sold. at 29 and hilder's now ask Oatsâ€"Higher north and west 1â€"2 to 203-lc. 31km Ryeâ€"Scarce. and (‘ar lots, north ,wesi. 311". and east, 55c. liurkwheatâ€"Quiet and firmer; offer- ings light, carl ots, outside, 48c. Corn â€" Higher. Canadian yellow, Charham is quoted 111 34c. American. yellow, new, offers at -i31â€"2c., and new‘ now " mixed at elflc. No old American ‘Offt‘l ing. Haileyâ€"Hun. Car lots of No. l. outsides, are quoted :ii iii to 491-. Buffalo. .lan. 31.â€"Spring wheatâ€"Dc- [11111111 limited; market firm; No. lhard, 1'10 1-4c; No, 1 Northern, X2 1-2c; No. 2 Northern, l"0 3â€"4c. Winter \\ heatâ€"1,1101; No. 2 red, nominally 78c; No. 1 white, 781-. Cornâ€"Dull; easier; No. 3 yellow, 40 1â€"4c', No. 4 yellow, 31) 3â€"-tc; No, 3 corn, 351 1â€"2 to 30 3-A1c; No. 4 corn 30 to 30 1â€"4. Oatsâ€"Decidedly firm; No. 2 w bite. 3-1 1â€"213; No. 3 white. 33 l-2c; No. -1 white, 32 1-2c; No. 2 mixed, 32 1-2c. Barleyâ€"Strong; salcs of “'estern, 53 to 5:3 3â€"4c. Ryeâ€"Nominal; No. 2 in store. 031-. Flourâ€"Firm :1! advance. Detroit, Jan. 31.â€"\Vheat â€"Closed:-â€"- No. 1 white, cash, 751â€"2 No, 2 red, I'll\li,f|l)tl January, 75 1â€";r., l\1:iy,781-2c. ion. Milwaukee, .lan. 31.v\\'hea1â€".\'o,l 731-". hor‘lhern. 751â€"2 to 70c; No. 2 do for prime 1 All the numbers of the. missing notes have been published. There were £38,- 000 in £1,000 notes, and these will be very difficult to handle anywhere, as the police of the world have been noti- fied of the robbery and ofthe numbers ‘of the. notes. If the notes are never cashed the. Bank of England will be so much the gainer. Parr‘s Bank shares fell off a point toâ€"dziy on the news of the robbery. The. police agree that if the robbery was committed by outsiders without any aid from within it was the most skilful piece of work of the kind on re- ‘ cord. The bank has offered a reward of £1,000 for the discovery of the thief. T0 Ruiuiisro MILES AirHOUR. Proposed “Mono Railway" llclwcen lilvcr- pool and Manchester. l A desp'itcb The Liverpool Chamber of Commerce; ‘is fiiVourably rorisidering a proposi- Ztion to build a "mono rain ay“ between lthis city and Manchester, over which ltrains are to run at a speed of from ‘100 to 1.30 miles an hour. 1 Mr. is. B. Beer, the advocate of “15 Scheme. has demonstrated to the semis faction of the members of [ll/5 cham- ber lli'll. the new system will obviate the ordinary dangers of railroad trav- vel. Uerailments are an impossibility. and there will be fewer collisions than in the two-rail system. The cars in- tended for the lin* are to be fittedwith usheels in i he centre. and these will run lon an elevated rail. Th: position of 1 the coach on the railway may be liken- : ed to the saddle packs which hang on each ride of the camel's back. from Liverpool, says:â€" RITISH WARSHlPS. Number of Vessels New Record 0110. A despatch from London, sayszâ€"The record number of British warships ii now building, amounting to 119 vessels ranging from the heaviest battle- ships to tiny torpedo-boat destroyers, the figures being 16 first-class iron- clads, 36 cruisers, 14 Sleeps and gun- Buildlng Is I boats, and 53 torpedo-boat destroyers. The armoured ships building at a cost of over $420,000,000 number 28, with a tonnage of over 350,000 tons, the num- ber exceeding by two the entire Rus- sian fleet of battleships, and treble the number of armoured vessels in the American navy. The whole of these ships will be added to the effective strength of the British navy by March, 1903, while the First Lord of the Adâ€" miralty, Mr. George J. Goschen, in two months' time, will ask the House of Commons for credits to still further strengthen the British fleet. . .__.â€"â€"- ADVANCE 1N PRICE OF MEAT. line to the Large Number of ('altle Bclng Exported. A despatch from Montreal says :â€"-As a result of a decision reached by the Montreal butchers, the price of meat commencing on \Vednesday last. has been advanced from one to two cents a pound according to quality. ‘ At present a very large number of cattle are being exported, and asa con- sequence Montreal butchers have to pay ahigh price for live cattle. in the summer and fall beef in live weight could be bought for from 21â€"2 to 3c a ipound, but now beef in live weight is hard to get at 41â€"2 and 50 a pound. As the. shrinkage between live weight and dressed weight is about oneâ€"half, the cost of meat to the. butcher isQand 100. The butchers claim that they have been -losing money during the last few weeks, and that a raise. of prices to the consumer is necessary. - -_-.___.._..___. DERVISHES SURRENDERING. 'I‘llouuiml ol' ,\lm|crl l‘cdll's alcn llcach 0IIHIIII man. One A despatch from Cairo says. that up- wards of 1,000 men Ahmed I-‘edil's force of dervislies have surrendâ€" cred. These men have arrived at ()mdurâ€" riian,:ind 2011 horses and a large numâ€" ber of camels and hrrned cattlra are on of Emir