The much talked about Anglo-Amerâ€" ican friendliness is not all newspaper and after dinner "guff," as some pes- simistic people are fond of saying. It has a good substantial and popular basis as many evidences go to show. One of the most recent of these is givâ€" en by the Chicago Record as follows: New Music at Furl shun-Man, Ill. [in-lush Grenadier-u Supp “ Alncrlcn and lllxle." There is music in the air at Fort Sheridan the Record says. It comes from the quarter on the second floor to the left of the archway, facing the parade ground and floats in broken strains with frequent halts to the ears of all who come that way. Tommy in his company room hears it, laughs and says that it beats various kinds of things. He also asks his grinning bun- kie if " that wouldn't kill him." The officers striding along the ce- ment walk on their way to the adjut- ant's office. smile as the sounds of horn, comet and snareâ€"drum reach their ears, and there is gratification as well as amusement in their smiles. The [act that the band is practis- ing does not usually excite much re- mark at the fort, but the airs they are playing now have set1 the men talking and wondering from one end of the barracks to the other. Operatic music is as a thing forgotten Even the "Starâ€"Spangled Banner," is never heard except at retreat. Such comâ€" paratively recent favorites as " A Hot Time in the Old Town" and "Dixie" have passed from the minds of the earn- estly striving musicians, who are now blowing their whole souls into " Rule Britannia " and "British Grenadiers," In the wards of the second clarinet: It is regarded by many as significant of more than ordinary feeling of friend- ship toward the United States on the part of Great Britain that that Power should allow the landing of armed forces on her territories, and that by accepting the concession the United States shows her willingness to return the hospitality extended at any time that it becomes necessary. At all events. this is the. slew the soldiers at Fort Sheridan take of it. They are beginning to be eager for the start and the few books of Eastern travel in the meagre little library are being diligently thumbed. Half a dozen eager heads are crowded at a time over a picture of the sterile r001; off the Sicilian coast, u here. they guess that the British baudmatsters are now instructing their men how to play "H'iil Columbia †and " Yankee Doodle,†and those who saw the Streets of Cairo at the World‘s Fair are tailing their ad- miring comrades what they may ex- pect to see. The Problem Analyzedâ€"It Would Be a Formldalnle Task. Lieutiâ€"Col. von Bieberstein discusses the question "Could Russia Take In- dia ?†Russia, he tells us, has about 40,000 troops in Turkestan and rail communications with the Caspian ex- tending to within 240 miles of the Af- ghan fortress of Herat. She could, therefore, he thinks, seize this fortress, long before the British could reach it, and could mass 150,000 troops in and about it within two months. The order conveying the route to the commanding officers‘of the brigade names. it is said, Gibraltar, Malta, Cairo Bombay and Singapore as the places where the troops are to land. At Malta the stay of the American troops will extend, it is said, to a period of four days. But then would begin the 700 miles march through Afghanistan. over high mountains. which would occupy ap» proximately three months. An im- mense amount, of stores and ammuni- tion, must be carried with the army, and large cannon could not be taken at all. MoreOVer. me line of march, must be protected, and the army in consequence diminished, and, in short, Russia could not reach the borders of India with more than two-(hirds of her original army. » To oppose this army the British could bring up a nearly equal number of In- dian troops, and still leave 130,000 for the maintenance of British supremacy in India. In addition, their fleet, carryâ€" ing 35,000 troops, could twice make the igurney to India and back before the ussians could reach the border. Be- sides all this, they could be drilling the warlike tribes of India, and thus in- creasing their forces. Then, too, they would have several Lines of defence even after the Indian border had been crossed, and the Rus- sians would be fighting far from their base of supplies. Unquestionably. how- ever, there are various eventualities that must be taken inlo consideruiion, a fur inst: nee. France and Russia The order has gone forth, it is said. that the brigade in which the 4th is art. will disembark on its way to who hilippines in the most jealously guard- ed strongholds of Great Britain. were receiving such a welcome as has never been accorded to an armed foreign form since the redcuats first planted their flags and muunted their guns. " ANYTHING ENGLISH GOES." The reason why the hand is seeking to acquire the melodies of Albion to such an extent that it has even added "La Tiddledy Iddley Umply Umpty Ay†to its repertoire is (bat the sol- diers of the United States army and 'the widow‘s men," are likely to be oommingly within a few weeks in iriendly fashion and on British ter- ritory. - COULD RUSSIA TAKE INDIA ? THEY PLAY ENGLISH AIRS. rould have several 11 after the Indian ssed. and the Rus- ing far from their questionably. how~ ‘ious eventualities , ll|.â€"â€"“ The 'upplnnllng Didn't you know it is against the law to beg for money? said the lady to ‘he tramp at the back door. I wasn’t goin’ to beg for money, ma‘- am. was the reply of the humble wan- deter. It's just as bad to beg to! bread. I wasn't going to beg for bread, ma'am. What were you going to beg for then, pray? Only for one of your pictures, mu'am. Again, the Alghans might be induced by hopes of plunder to join the Rus- sians in an invasion of India. Still, again. there might be a revolt in India stirred up by Russia‘s friends in that empire. But. in any event, the natural conclusion is that the conquest of India would be a colossal task, requir- ing an immense expenditure of men and money, and it is almost sure that it could not succeed, certainly not by Russia or any other European power single-handed. Bystander at great fire? â€"â€"That hotel that’s burning down is the place where isn’t it Mr. Grip? 1 Qnmn might be united, and in that case tha French fleet would interfere some- what with the sending of troops from England to India. To those that believedd there was no cure for catarr'h and to whom the conâ€" slant use of ointments, 'snuffs and washes were a weariness to the flesh. A delightful and sure cure has been found. No need for fetid breath and broken voice. Send for a free sample out fit and be convinced. The name of this sure cure is Catarrhozone. Catarrhozone penetrats to the diseased parts in th’ torm of a pine-scented gas. Write at. once to N. C. POLSON & 00.. Kingston, Ont. yvu 5vu».....‘, _-v,, Mr. Grip, commerciul travelerâ€"Sanï¬e place. Bystander â€" “'har a tremendous crackling the fire makes! Mr. Gripâ€"Yes, ‘hnt's the bugs. ~r, YafngiJinksâ€"VI guess it's because their Spring clothes haven’t been pack- ed away in carbolic acid. Young \Vinks~1 wonder why it is the girls seem so much sweeter in the Spring thgp }hey_ do in $119 Fall? “Groomâ€"None at all. But you are a married woman now, and I don't want you to contract the habit of kissing ministers. Groomâ€"-Ah! None of that! Ministerâ€"I was merely going to kiss the bride. “Grimmâ€"0h, I know that's customary; but I won’t have it, and that's all there is about it. 0 Greatness In Medicine M'er or On"), CITY 0 ' ‘l‘owno. Lucas C(JUN'I'\. FRANK J. CHENEY makes oat-h that he is the vuuior partner of Lhe ï¬rm of F. J. (‘uEsEY 8c V0. doing business in Hue City of ’l‘uwda, lionnty mad St-Lte, aforesaid. and that said ï¬rm willpay the sum 0‘ ONE, HUNDRED lJ()L« LARS for each and every case of (“rrumu lhar, cannot. be cured by [he use of HALL'S UATARRH CURE. 88. “n . v.7 1' IVIII.‘\YI.‘\I Sworn to before me- and siliscribed in n presence, this 6th dav 0f I'ecembur. A. D. 188‘ Irv-s] A. W. GLEASON‘ ’ V . ‘ 53f: Notary Public. Hall's Camrrh Cure ls taken internal‘y, and mm dweocly on the blood and mucoua surfaces at the system. Send for fwsljmonials. tree. F. J. CHENEY 8.; 00.. Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggista, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the beak log: Parâ€"'11" ule. $2 at Icn claim. flgï¬i-III 9-34,, .J-JII hall. Slum Is proved by the health of the people who have taken it. More people have been made well, more cases of disease and sickness have been cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla than by any other medicine in the world. The peculiar combina- tion, proportion and process in its preparation make Hood’s Sarsaparilla peculiar to itself and unequalled by any other. E i E 3}id9râ€"\Vvhy, my dear, A Happy New Year lneaed AN ART COLLECTOR A SCIENTIFIC VIE\V NOISY CONGREGATION THE FIRST STEP. FRANK J. (311mm what harm is LUB law l“ '10 the have for cen incurable a of thousand have reason and its vol ~ tho run-“nu t ‘y, 1113‘- ‘e wan- in rmy Every visitor to the Grands Magaâ€" sins du Louvre at Paris has been up the wonderful moving staircase, says London Sektch. You put your hand on a rail, you stand still, and you find, by a delightful movement, which is both exhilarating and fascinating that you are carried from floor to floor with out the least effort, and without any of those unpleasant thrills which lifts -~or. as our American cousins call them " elevators "â€"always succeed in giving to nervous persons. It is worth while shopping at the Magasins du Louvre for the sake of going up that moving staircase, and nowâ€"u long way behind our French friendsâ€"we have got one in London. The enterprising firm that has started a. moving staircase on this side of the water is Horrod's Stores, in the Brompton Road, and I think they will find it so popular that there will scarcely be a store of great trading business in London that will not be glad to institute the same invention. Its carrying capacity is upward of 3,000 persons. Do you think Flammer will get over his illness? I hardly think so tors. 'Jhu latest evidence in this 0in comes from Mr. Charles Dean, an employee at the City Hotel. I Mr. Dean suffered for three years with terrible pains in his back. He could get no relieï¬' from any of the army medicines he used. One day a friend advised him to try Dodd's kidney Pills. He did so. AS :1 result he is now as strong and well as he ever was. Dmld's Kidney Pills, he s-iys‘ are worth their weight in gold. So they are to victims of Kidney: Dis- ease. Mr. with could m'my MOVING STAIRCASES ARE COMING As everyone knows, Kidney Diseases have, until less than ten years ago, been looked on as utterly incurable. Hundreds of thousands have died of Ihun. Until lately there was no medicinp known to man that would eilher relieve or cure them. To-day, thanks to the wonderful me- dicine known throughout the civilized world as Dodd's Kidney Pills, Kidney Diseases are no more dangerous than a common cold. Proof of this fact has been given by thousands of startling cures, by Dodd's Kidney Pills, of cases that the best physicians had "giver; up_.†That was a good sermon that Dr Binks preached this poyning.A 7 Exceilont. It would have; been a1â€" mofl‘ perfect if the doct or hadn't inter- polated a few sentences of his own. Science Gave us nmhl‘s Kldney rule“ nodd‘s Kidney Hui; Give us Security From Beninâ€"Mr. Charles Dean's Cast: Proves This (ï¬lalm. London, Jan. 30.â€"At this season, when everybody one meets is complain- ing of "the Grip," "Backache," or some othPr similar complaint, it comes as a relief to know that there are some diseases from which people. can free Lhmnselves at very slight expense, and scarcely any trouble. When we find that these diseases have for cenluries been looked upon as incurable and have carried hundreds of thousands to untimely graves, we have reason to be thankful to science and its votaries, who have given 11s 1119 means to free ourselves from this horribln nightmare of Death. SCIENCE AND LIFE. We are Indebted to the Former for the Latter. Aunt Juneâ€"It‘s so pleasant a baby in lhu‘ house. Walkerâ€"How can it be pleasant when there isa continual squall? Cnrbolic Dislnfectanw, Soapu, Oint- ment, Tooth Powders. etc.. have been awarded 100 medals and :hplomas for superior excenenoe. Thrir regular uae prevenu infanti- oua diuenaea. Aqk )nur dealer to obtain a supply. Lisle “1th free on application. Nurse Girlâ€"Why don't ya put that brat to sleep, an' have a good time while yer in th' park? ° Him-p And Alumina Ho Onliu ~ralinble (ood- puhl prhu. PAH-K. 3M0 WE l. 00., Toronto. The “ Balmo'rél," Free Bus Am-P‘an- 51.5w“; AUIAOE DAHINBS 1%“? my} “.3†x-Nurse Girlâ€"111's me own F. C. CALVERT & 00., MANCHESTER. - - ENGLAND. CALVICR'I‘S ENOUGH TO KLIL HIM A BRUTAL BACHELOR A‘ CLERICAL ERROR CHANGE OF BASE New unpunselonl ï¬nest Emma a Box Ogilvyâ€"7 oljnble (cofï¬n u He has three doc- W I' (7 957 to have TORONTO CUTTQflE“ ggnomd. n) u an cumuc schgL:-' Stammerers Tue Laxative "mu “It: refund the mnne $5.00 'Ilugua Dr Anion. Write for 590013' February. 0 RETURNS IN ONE WEEK. We Want good Butter, Eggs, Poultry, etc. Ship to us, und you will have your cash n a week or less THE AIKENHEA D PRODUCE (304, 83 Front. St». E. Toronto. nanl Gunteu-V Irvwmlhxp in “Helium u! 1.11,, h) .9†A $15,“) lyrrwriler‘ Mauumruniug ('owuvln] a! Toronto, Limited. "0“ “°“" ) 200 nd rec iv flflï¬JaOp-zunued. 0.313 Printing, lam: CHER nth. Museums», LEV-er at s u manualâ€: war or, end not “out 200 tuck [909m poutâ€"Rgrquunhr dulook , 7 A. u__:x»m Bookhlndlng,}3andlour in “inâ€. huo men: nicely Stammerers‘ STRATFORD, ONT. r 1‘ young men and women have found our coupe of Hndy n stepping-stone to “smoess.†Entfar now; board cheap; b 55 bu~inesu school In l‘ommion. Circulars tree. try. I have spent 40 yenrs' .Imdy on this dist-retaingg'xb Come sad “that, yoursalvea. No rink. W. K. B .25. Sveclmist. 392 Code“ 8m. Toronto. St John. 11.3, and Hnl1fnx,to Liverpool. calling at Londundarry. LIHR' and lax-l 'win tun-II shunt-hip: “LABHAUOR,†" VANL‘OL'VER." " SCO'ISMAN." Superior uncomumdhlion ‘or Pint. ("shin Suc- ond Cabin and Susanna pnhengcra. Rules 0' “museâ€"First (mun, $55.00; Serond Cnbin. $35; Swen-w: $22.50 and up\\ardfl anuordim: tn Itenmar um berth. For all infornmlmn apply to Local Agenu or DAVID TOKHANCE Sc Co.. 8611'] Azenm. l7 3!. Samâ€"amen: Sf... Manure-.0. IF 1°“ “Jun! APPLES. Dunn“. :Iiulm ruuLnnu .0 nhlp. ship them to Tho Dawson Commas!“ 00.,limited. DON’T BE ELE emission Line WE HAVE GIVEN L & co" Esau-um GRAIN AND COMMISIW M§£MMI& LAW Tao-u null. ure Tea, Good Value, Low Price, and HAY FEVER Permanently Cured by Medicated Vapor Inlnhttionâ€" n mimc‘ne of success. 10 Days Trial Free. Send 15c. forexpressnn outï¬t Dr:1 Rafa gupcessful Remedyioanoronto, ant. CATARRH Dr, Ray's Anti~00ustipmionvPilIn; ulwnys él'xrre. r Logdau.EIu. Melbaurne. Ans. Toronto. On you Due any APPLES, UUTTER, .0 nhlp. ahip men: to GEN'I‘S- FA ST EST S ever invented. Nor \ Congra! _ / / TO CURE A COLD loom. 609-12 Iowa 01 Trude lulldlnl, TORONTO. ONT. Berlin. who wilLOanince OE i’LONâ€" Lead packagesâ€" If a, o. smog pecw terms- JanuA'y and S. CORRIG AN. 113 ongo in. Metallic Te]ephone Tablet PER Th0 OFFICE SPECIALTY MFG.C0. i‘oronto. PREPARE FOR A FIRST. CLASS SITUA'I‘ION l LIMITED. Toronto and New/market. Ont. w. JTELLIOTT. Principal my cuARgxl‘uq‘ 0V1; Mlllo. MI". I: Halo. Bu‘ri.'« to Wealoy 8111;... Rich mond St. W..’ ammo. 1‘ SELLING Alwnvs Reid}. “Jot ltdown now.’ Price, v. ponyâ€"$11 counnr unwa- 131.33,, King-at Human ‘TI'ER, EGOIM POULTR‘ IN ONE DAV .l Tnh‘su. WAN L011 Evcry summer“ lean 3nd will balk it the will come no this istreninz X311)“. Tailor: Ind Drew Innken. send tar cut, (10.. Mantra-I. Jon L. 00"- Especially thole \ who have failed Lobe cured 6.50 where, write w you he cm cure!“ Esthbunhod ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS JG ARTIC! Sunni. All Drul‘ TAMMERERS. 0n)y mnhuuou In Gnu-d: lot I)" a: ovary pin. 0! Ipooah defect Eat-ml In Toromo. 1890 Gun T not. i CHURCH! urn-owe: ï¬e'n'ri'n. ï¬xzed germ deamyer and breventative'a aim?! Fevers and Ague. Pwnphlem and me ioilw mailed from the Canadian Azenoy. The Hon. Joe. Chamberlain’s ro~ent awed. to the British public to Investigate the increasr ed deVrlopm at: of infection“ (immune in tha ('o!onic=, hu 1 d to the marketing of IOLD'3 CELEBRATHI PRESSRIPTION, the now only r9903; HEALTH RESTORE!) 2',‘ winch Save: Invali-ls And “Midlan. nud AIEO Benn luc' cesJ-xlly Infants whuae Ailments nu-l Duhillty huo W sistrd mll uther treatment. 1! din". when Ml one! Food is rejected, saves 50 times in am". in mediolne. 53 Years’ Indigestion. Cuusumvzion. DmEeus. Bronx-Jain onza, Owughn Authml. Cuuu‘h. Phieun. Dun m. Nervous Dummy. Simple-mesa. [hcapondtslmyI Du arry & 00., $33.32? Loudun. W . slam in Psrls. N Hue do Cuuigliane. and It all Urucrrn. Uhumuxzu, and More: awrywhere. in (Jul 23‘, 31,64, 65 . 5m, 14:. Rent earring“ flue. Also Dll Ban] 5 Revnlemn Biscuifl. In tum. 33. 6d. and GI. of these clowns are in use. 31 wing enflre aathhcllon. Battles uslng t,th would no t be with- out them (or twice their cash. They can be placed in Cellar.AtLio or B nth Room. or in any place where there 15 a flue or chimney. Flro required only once in LW 0 weeks. For circular and price write EPPS’S THE OBORLESS GREMMORY CLOSET 60.. GRATE FULâ€"COMFORTING. The BOLD PHARMACAL 00.. Toronto. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. caï¬'nkfir‘i 'l'ï¬-ï¬véci ‘ï¬Ã©'éï¬â€˜iiï¬z. D Pomhnho IL. Yoronto, Gan-ll BREAK FASTâ€"SUPPER. ovary phm 0! much defeat. Eat.- In To g!q,_189(1 Only lanfluuou In Omdn Inr tho {ii are rcpralemed by (Manta o Forâ€) Hum SY STEM. 301.0555 Hamilton, Ont. Hundreds 25. 30, L0, 503.116. 600‘ BUILDERS. sent; to zany addreda on receipt ofsnmp. Thermometh “tact-mam Il'l‘ Vaporizer Oomptexc. Agents Warned for Ben Boning Bath In Amarka. The NIUUUIU V000! Ram 00. a1 Yong. 8t" Toronto. FREE BOOKLET. GUIDE TO HEALTH. Niagara Vapor Bath Pamphletfl and Sun lee 0! Material of our Steai tune hurl-Me Success. 100.000 Annual Fans 01 Constip- gun. l-‘lntulency, Dyapgpsin without medioin. or expense to ‘hl