Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Feb 1899, p. 8

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Union .. rhornhill... .,. RICHMOND HIL Ring Aurora. Newmarket . Newmnrket.. Aurora“ Kingm onauom) HILL ‘l‘horuhill ........... TORONTO Union .. TORONTO Connects with all cram flouse Richmond Hill. a. Mail 5.; Expresijarth & Express North and Mail PRUCTORG SIAGE Between Tor Cars leave 0:11;” METROPOLITAN Wednesday and Smumny leave C. P. R. Crossing for 1.30. 2.40. 3.30. 540 and 7.4 ine, leave Richmond 4.30‘ 7 and 1C p. m. _ 25 cents ', childre Special Excursion everv e'.‘ Crossing: to Richmond Hi' 7.45. Return inre 25mm Excursion from Richmond days“. 2.30 p. n1.,1-etunnn A...“ hm a Cars leave 11ch Sufiday. ' Presbyterian Chu‘ 7 u. 111. Sunday Sc} nube Methodist Chute 7 p. m. Sundav S< meeting Thursday Richmond Lcdsu dav on or berm-oi Court Richmond fourth Friday. Ivy Lodge. A. O. of each 99mm.” F of'é‘aoh moutfi. Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets seccnd Monday at month. Public Lxhrary and Reading Room- Tuesday. Thursday and Sum-(lav evening EDwoxth Leagueâ€"Meets every Friday. "(fémp E1151; Wedgesqaj \V. Mager wishes to inform his atrons that from the present date to tlae lst; of May, 1899, he will be prepar- e to Epjscopal Church 4 Santa my $32. Ilichnlond Eli”. POST 01:151th NOTICE filonday. At reasonable rates on CHOP GRAEN Beyie’s - M511 Freight and Parcels delivered and collected. Repairing done on short not Repair Sh op. Vifiage Directory. LEV! GA BY. }f Temperance- with allggains Any day ‘of the week at TORONTO VVedn esday Gaby’s Exprvss .. m_, returning Return fare 9.56 A. o.U.w GOING NORTH Mail 1 .. 8.“) 9.18 . MAGER .’atronage Solicited ate and Riel Crossing at 7 an d Fifi-id 2' *châ€"Se! 001 at 2 S.â€"Maets second and fomth râ€"Servic 001 at ‘2 vening. _. ‘AT__ blue 11 Serv EVERYâ€"â€" MT'FEEFYJO‘ v evomu .1] Hill a.) ms'wiu be closed at the :e as follows:â€" Mee ls first Wednesday iill aid retu :“as; children‘ TIME TABLE Jllnws 311th... ‘uth‘. Meets fourth H'in 30. Prayer mee 5 A. M.â€"â€"Meets Mon Services on alter Meets second and hr runs to every Wednes- {9 Toronto at. hildren 15c. I . Postmaster iand 9.40 an med 4.20 Eraneral prayer hottest notice the Palmer day of every LIN E. )mn dad in the above Hill Hill at rice. Mail. 645 Open a ( 1y. 645 716 6.15 lay th 21, 3rd con. Markham, consist- ing of 100 acres, being the farm of the late Adam Henricks, Headfox-d, is to rent). Apply on the premises. 30-4 Anybody wanting a. hand, married, either tc maufigg a farm, please a. 1'3 11 Pursuant to 12.30.1897. Chapter 129, Si 35. notice is hereby given that all pei'snnsl claims against the estate or the said (1 Henry Kefl‘er, who died on or about the (lay of November. 1&8. m e requested tu s( post prepaid or leave “ ith Mrs. Barbara. Kcfler, Maple P. 0.. Ontario, Administmti or before the 10th day of February, 1699. u. ment 0! their claim and address showin nature of the security (if any) hem. And is further given that after the last may date the administrntrix will distribute the 01 the said deceased among the raid purt'u titled thereto having regurd onlv to the t of which she shall then have had notice the administrutrix willnut be liable rm estate or any part thereof to any per: whose claim notice shall not then have received. -v we. "um Name to creditm‘s W W pernons in this state to manage our hu new in their own and nearby cnuutias. It. mainly office work conducted at home. Sula straight $900 a. year and expensesâ€"duhni bonaflde. no more, no less salary. Monthly 5 References, Enclose :elfâ€"addressed smuu envelope. Herbert E. Bess. Prest.. Dept. Chicago. 11-26 The undersi ned begs to thank his customers gn- past, favors, and to say that he will be fnund in his shop, GHAfi GENTRAL BUELNHG, Wooden and Windmfifs m ‘D'éééd'the 11m day THE LIBERAL and Weekly Globe to Jan’y Ist, 1900, $1.50. n '1an LIBERAL and Weekly Mail to'_]an’y ISt, 1900 9.51.50. THE LIBERAL and Toronto Evening Star, (Daily), one vear, $2.25 [HE LIBERAL and Toronto Wnrld, one year, $32.75. THE LIBERAL and Morn- ing Globe, one year. «$34.50. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Sun tojan’y I, 1900, $51.50. THE LIBERAL and Weekly Witness of Montreal, $1.75. In thcestate of Charles Henry Kefler deceased. late of the Township of Vaughandu the County of York. gentleman. deceased. persons in this state to manage our busi- ness in their own and nem'by counties, In is mainly oflice work conducted at. home. Salary straightséloo a, year and expensesâ€"definite, bunn- flde, no more. no less salary. Monthly $75. Re- ferences. Enclose solfflddressed stumped envelope, Herbert; E. Hess. Fresh“ Dept. M. HYDRAUUC RAMS Bgvébbe, Herbert; E. Hess. I Chicago. “mag” élfigfiflg $1.00 m Ai‘sHNEE. FARM to RENTEThe Bradley-Gar~ Lot 32, 2nd Con. Vaughan. contain- ing 200 acres. 145 acres under cultiva- tion; 45 acrns full ploughed, 16 acres wheat and ‘20 acres seeded down. For Farm to Rent Clubbing Rates ANTEDâ€"SEVERAL _ TRUSTWORTHY A .0 A.” kn“, ‘ J. CABLE, A. 13 ichlnond liill 312w gavenifinmmg.“ Good House to rent And will be able to put in TANTEDâ€"SE [eat and ms amp Satisfaction Guaranteed. 18-tf NOTICE PUMPS. T0 RENT 011 short noticc 1 Adelai a'eaggé ' ofJanumy,1899. WILLIAM COOK. flaide St. East. Toronto, Sdlicitor for Adminish‘atrix Put, in. AND VERAL TRUS‘HVORTHY Put. Apply {/0 U. MASON. Richmond Hill $11733, Have been $4.50. Weekly $5 1.50. Weekly It Is Salary afinibe. :SSES‘ ME ia’EGQD TEMES. J H. SANDERSON Wheat W heat What” Outs. ' Barlav, D6 Turkeys. p Dlesuad Ht Geese, po) Ducks. Butter Potatoes. 1“ ’ Apples, per 1) any, clover flay, txmoth: Straw sheaf The money now being made with ulli‘ publications is surprising. We are still on she watch for skilful And any person of good character can engage with us, either on salary or commission, to canvass 01‘ repre- sent us on the road. As our system enables our agents to represent fifty odd publications, ours is a unique way of doing business. Many are making ten to fifteen, and a. number twenty-five to $50 WEEKLY. The latter did not make as much on the start, but were content with ten dollars. You could not join us at a better time. Previous experience not necessary. It. is easier to sell books now than before Xmas, be- cause there are not so many agents; the people are more at ‘ To look at books; they haven’t so many places, for their mom-y; they have more time to think of their need of good BOOKS QANVASSERS To read during the long winter evenings, and for these reasons you can do a good business The Royal Tempmrs of Temperance s, it Seie white in p '33!) . Em‘unm *‘ifinrketa. er lb 3gs.percw r In ., TORONTO, CA‘ r bush bbl . . LEISURE mr “1nd rolls retson (30., Limitefi, uumi 1c er hush. bush )er bush lil‘ n menns' WA NOW. Mme HM] on the first Wed of each month. Payable monthly. Lad) gentleman. 31.000131500‘ J. A. E. SWI'I‘ZER Financial Se mmwmw 00586 17 000 000% 0007 4L The H( my house. as an ecmn any other stove there fiVe years, AWARDâ€"Chattahoochie V bus, (3a.. lies. ___.__.â€"â€"â€" HIGHEST AWARDSâ€"Si. Mechanical Associatzon __.__..._.â€"-._ GOLD MEDAL§ grad 6 ‘F snx GOLD MEDALS SILVER MEDAL-4r? 345,584 Home "('(m‘ errc uniform prim Made of or ironâ€"w in last J. W'. VVilsnn. Aux-(r Jos. Lundy, Thornhi Mrs. V. Hendricks, I Geo. Hendricks, Uva G90. Hand] 0. Barker, Mrs. Vzmht Hundu furnished 1' “néqua led Home Gfififiéfi‘f 3T3 The undersigned the hrick store rec and next door t< Room. Our stock Is clean and fresh, and w Candies, mamas, nun Hag Ewenfia The best methnd ever invented to teach ' how to chord an inatrument is without do the BRENTUN METHOD. In tact 1t is sigmle in tgachqs you at sight. ,..,.. .m- . I‘Dn‘nnfl my +hn [3‘79 manufacture a simple it teaches you at sight. The wonderml result was obcalned bv the in- ventor after veers of hard study. It is a. vex-v easy macher to-day with this method to play the uccompnniments of the most uifllcult songs. also dance music, marches, etc. The remark is often made by people saying “If 1 could only play the chords. I would be hap y." In this new method you get it. all in a nun ell. No knowledge of music is necessary at. all to undelsmnnl this guide. It IS alsu a. time and money saver. The Choxder is a‘neat litule device, consisting 0139 chords on 16 cards in (liflereut keys. pul up magnificently with u. number of ribbons, all ways keeping 1:. m a. neat and tidy manner. This Indispensable arrangement is culled. or the Christmas Trade, and «in not. be u: sold. Our may“: is‘ ‘Snmn Profits and The B. 5. Emma Shem; flatbed. Price $l.00 by mail post paid. 115-117 King St. VVest, Life New life applic; Assets. 31st Dec Life assummzu Premiu ms 1c Assumes on the m THE PIANO 0R ORGAN Factories. 811 How to teach D. A. BMEDAL OYSTER To be had from all music stores FOUR MEDALS~SC mal Cotton Expc HIGHEST AWARDS- DIPLOMA- F. HQPPER. Eiigs, In bulk or by the dish Care of heiutzmun & C an the monk J81; pruspen companies OF CANADA. HE SUN Assurance Co. Come and see us .1} fl‘ 0 \v 0 If o In- Minus in 1891 C035! BRENTON, at" FLO’MA SPORT 81‘ MC yourself to play m p1ans,a.nd is qua of ms afud prugressxve in exxstence. 1394”.,290,204.1_ }st Jan xes unc 1f Sâ€"World’s Colum- I‘m-onto, Ont db (an \ ......910,290,204.1 4,616,419.63 '95.. 3132856934 rnditionul and people sayin .. I would I) get it. all in is necessux 594. Paid-up Capital $1,000,000 fines: TORONTO. CANADA. and ST. EGU‘S. M0. rooms and. Offices : DENVER. (NERO. .3 complete stock of Hots} Ranges and Ruchen goods: 5.150 the EL FURNACES. Write for catalogue and prices. 92L iisplay )ND In J] h vou Mex-Fa H, Div WW1 and must - cooking estinlonials : In Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. ()lgest ngenr for securing patents. 4L ".0". n. {‘n rnnniva noun an mu; uvuuuu......... .._.. sent free. Oldest ufincy for unvng'patenta. Patents taken ough Munn & Co. receive speng {Lot/ice, without. charge, in the -A- un- a A handsomely illustrated ‘ culatlon of any scienmic 1" year; four months. $1. $01 yenr: four months. 5 WHEN“. 8&03 The subscriber would i‘espeutfully intimate to the public that, having rebuilt the chopping milk 1(1) Anti doubladits capacity. 110 until further notic9._ "H3 ’is also still LUMBER on hand Pé'elwrelfiq S‘LIEPIY kinds am all kinds Patron Maple, Nov. 8th 1698 tel-Easy. Easy m missxon charge MON; Or at Richmond 3 §§i§ifififié ‘Hm‘ea‘icajgt “N & EDISBIBroadway, new Branch Office. 0325 F St. \Vashlngtou. UNIONVILLE £91 A In.) ga amount uproved farm p resn. Easy tern king and baking quires one third uything to do. it. We have u: th Henry M: u.” AAVv‘vv- also still keeping ALL KINDS OF ion baud aurlin a. few davs will be to supply DRESSED LUMBER of u.” ldo PLAhI‘JG AND MATCHING of at lowest pfices‘ age solimted ; s m] All NE‘V 111314 E 1-mth weekly. Largest cit. mum: journal. Terms. $3 a $1. Sold by nILpewsdgglel-g. '|[lC( lMITED 1U mrnhill 3. I] private funds to loan or party. Five per cent. in ’or repuvmenc. No com- éPElY ‘0 Iron 1 gatiamction guaranteed i has hzw flarsh ['nncevilk mceville. nceville. ‘ 6th. 1899. furniture in 0nd to none; 5 fuel than 2m 2111 round nl‘u‘s nearly SRUCH the la.i § have MONEY! digestion. xorpid liver N'éWYurk will chop dail B'undin periect 21d. and to loan foul been 'ou tc

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