Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Apr 1899, p. 8

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dim advertisements. FARM for SALE A first-class farm of 113 acres in the N. R, R. township of Vaughan. Good clay loam. good buildings. well fenced and watered. Within a. mile and a. quart- GOING NORTH. Maggi.....,,.,._?1§_§l, “£1373! Ex er of Yoiige Street. Terms reasom I‘hornhill... 9.18 iilile. . “WHEN” Hm” “~37 Apply to J. H. PRENTTCE. auction- mg; _ eer, Unionville, oratTHE LIBERAL Newmarkec ........,...10.05 â€" 2.37 Office. All-Lt GOING SOUTH. '_â€"â€"_~..». n-7,- ,.,# .._.,, fl. Ex. Atl, Ex Newmarket ............ 8.15 IE Aurora... .. . ging...........H... M rm. , . Their-Inga? ............... 9.55 ...... " Horse, 5 years old. stands 10.2. TOROrITO ‘ 20 76, Sound. good driver, kind in all harness; I H E i H I R U N N i i G V E N D ? Umon """""""" 10"“) 4‘ 0 also rum’l cart (Speiglit) and harness in on. L. . PRocroBTsTioE LINE. in; atrium, Richmond Hill. FOR SALE. The well known pacer, METROPOLITliâ€"rl TIME TABLE mantra $.is‘.°a:.:.’:;}.a°ann .. BIRDIE Ju” THE WORLD’S GREATEST BEOYGLEI Radically new in details. designs and improvements. Connects with all trains, leaving the Palmer House Richmond Hill. as follows: San a m Mail & Express, berth (St South. ' Express North and Mail South... ,..5.30 p. m. The spindles of Cleveland cup and cone grinding machines, mounted on Cleveland Ball and Roller Bearings, have been run continuously at a speed of 33,000 to 35,000 revolutions a minute, ordinary ball bearings in the same machine cannot be run with safety at a speed higher than 13.- 000 a minute, all showing that friction in the patent Cleveland Ball and Roller Bearings is an unknown quantity. 2.40, 5.40 and 7.45 p. m. . Gare leave Richmond Hill at 7,8.30 and 11 a. 111., 4, 7 and 10 le‘... ' Wednesday and Saturday Family Excursions leave 0. P. R. Crossing for Richmond Hill at .v 1.80, 2.40, 3.30. 5.40 and 7.45 p.111. ; {returnâ€" 111;; leave Richmond Hill at 2.30, 4, 4.30. 7 and 1C p. in. Return fare 25 cents ; children 15 cents. ‘ Special Excursion every evening from C. P. R. Crossing to Richmond Hill and. return at 7.45. Return {are ‘25 Cents; children 150. Excursion from Richmond Hill every Wednes- day at 2.30 p. m., returning leovefloronto at 7.45 p. in. Return fare 25o; children 15c. Will be offered for sold by public auction on Saturday, April 15, 1899, At 1 o'clock p. in, at the Palmer House, Riclnnond Iiill. Quality and weight a revelation, Surpasses all previous efi'orts, Examine them. Test them, Compare them. PRICES, FROM $40.00. The Toronto General Trusts Corporation, Agents everywhere. Write for catalogue. T. F. ltdeitd El it, REPRESENTATIVE, RIGHKONB HILL. H. A. LOZIER & CO , Toronto Junction POST orfit’i NOTICE Until further notice Mails willbe closed at the Richmond Hill PostO ce as follows:â€" MOBNING zâ€"Geing North. south East and West, including Thornhill, _ , Maple, Toronto Ma.rh.hazn,&c. 8.1) EVENING :â€"â€"Going south East and West (as 515 above) ._ N.B.â€"â€"Registcred Letters must be handed in It least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the abm e ' sf losin . mentionedhour orc MigEEFY'POSthtBL Land Plaster Farmers can now obtain the cele- brated Tohiquc Gypsum Powder at Brilnell’s, 0. P. R. Crossing, Yonge Street. North Toronto. A car-load just received from the mills. It will freshen up your fall Wheat. Two hundred pound hug for $1.25 or $12.00 per ton. 41-tf BRITNEIL & CO. Village Directory. Episcopal Church-â€"Services at 7 p. m. every Sunday. ' Presbyterian Churchâ€"Sermons at 11 it. in., and 7 p. in. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. . Roman Catholic Churchâ€"~Scrvices 0n alterâ€" nate Sundavs am; a. m. and 10.30 a. in. Methodist'Church â€"Serviccs at 10.30 a. um, and 7 19.11). Sunday School M52510. General prayer meetin Thursda .evening. Richgiund Lodge, A F and A M â€"Meets Mon- day on or before full moon CourtRichmond, A O F â€"Meets second and fourth Friday Ivy Lodge. A O U Wâ€"-Meetstourth Tuesday of each month Camp Elam, S O S â€"Meets second and fourth Wednesday R T of Temperanceâ€"Meets first Wednesday of each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets second Monday of every month Public Library and Beading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evenings Epworth Leagueâ€"Meets every Friday. License District of the East Riding of York. WWUMIBE' goods !7 lZVarietissforZS'oents. To ALL warn 2r MAY CONCERN. TAKE YOUR CHOICE. RENNIE’S NEW OAT NEW SUGAR BEET “ Danish \Vliitc.” _ “Danish Improved" Red Top. Shingles T! We have just received a car load of First and Second Class BEING-LES Which we will sell cheap for cash. Publisle in accordance with R. S. O. 1897, Chap. 345, Sec. 11, ‘ Delivered at any post (-fllco. ‘Full size packets. Money refunded if not satisfactory VEGETABLES Sub-Section 6. New applicant for hotel not under (or‘lel'by number) license 2 lâ€"Beet, Eclipse, Round Zâ€"Bret, Egyptian, {latrn‘lllhl 3â€"(Iabhuge. Winiiingsmdt ifi‘labbflue‘ Fowem Brunswick Forty stalks produced from on grain; it? grains James J. Seanlon, corner of Maple grains from a. single head. Avenue and Queen Street. East Town- “can”, hmmng' puma-s Schrlet Forfeerlinfl to milch cows, miter: for its wonder, tul butter producing qualities, of line shape, splendid color, a very heavy cropper, easily harvested. ship of York, opposite entrance to 6â€"Carrot. Oxhenrt m- Guerrimle i Munro Par-k. 7â€"Cucuniber. (Sliicngu Pickling f gâ€"€‘llfiflllllbal‘.ll?llggiggly} h, _ The above actual yield would seem incredâ€" m'AII petitions and protests a ainst ioiiiS.-if.-Vsué’e‘ e“ ‘ e ' m mg 23‘:t‘itfiésittti‘itttfiitoi’i si§?e3fi.ift‘2?Ҥev‘i' n - 1\ s B t r I , _. V” A _ I: Y .- i ‘ c . '1‘ .118 'ew uvur ee _ . . granting Licensts must he lodgt Willi iiâ€"Berbs. bmoury known farmers. Never before has such an up “new it is urged exch‘ggflis bfifmgbge‘zvifiafg the Inspectorat least fmu. days pI.e_ }§â€"}'{:fll‘tl:l:ohl§rjllllijttllrén(cabbage) erraouiyield beer; knownwhilp our claims for famous Dziii'yrnozi. It is distinguished by its . v 7 . . v . 7 A - .. ‘ , yo i ‘ ' pro uc iveness,p um i,1ieav ' nruiii. with thin, ' Vious to the nist meeting of the Board. ;fi_iiett:v,lncuf‘mgimgkei(Twig; ) bright yellow, and clolse fittirighshell, wonderful great productiVeuass. .â€" us i e on, «lit in “or y i 1 eg stealing qualities. and adaptabilitv to great di‘ For fatteninrY ui'oose‘ in (1 in f ' ‘ i§“8’“tter [galf’u'fiul‘l‘fi‘g m “fl 1d versities of soil and climate, have been main- cows, in casegpwliere bu iiberhleeiilldli‘vgtgfmii‘dlli 19:03:23 yéiigfw (Kl-1},“ eDaeulâ€"sel: mme‘l' creamy milk is the main object (for butter proâ€" 9 P H _,y Y n r (‘1 . v . . ductinu), this variety of root, Without exception 1 â€"~ In 51111 S.“ e 0w viuwn _ Ver pr0(11‘-0t1V'6.FtT0ng. stiff straw, Ell'owmfl is the best in the world. The roots are nice and 20~leieh,1iiench Brealvdlistw inheight from 4 to 5.13 feet; plump, thin hulled, clean. affine shape and m a. splendid color and T ta] h) f 1. H f 1899 QIâ€"I‘MdblLRUh) (@111. “111W UPPEJ bright yellow grain. often three grains in n growmuConsiderably above cround are more. 0 1 Hum LI‘ 0 app ltdnts OI' - 22~hquasln H‘ubhau‘l _ spikelet and evenly distributed over the entire easily harvested than any othgr Suaér Best 23â€"iomuto.hxtm hotly Atlantic head. The stalks do not lodge nor the grain ° . 24- Tomato, Dwarf Champion full oil’ in stcrniv weather. FLOWERS We also have on hand a full line of all kinds of dress- ed and rough LU BEBER. dusting and Chopping Done and satisfaction guar- anteed. Total number of licenses granted for 1898-99â€"Hotel, 29; Shop 1. 19007Hotel, 30; Shop 1. ' Sold onlv in Sealed Packai'es i lbc 20 k lb Price-Per lb. 200.,4 lbs. 500., post paid. Peck 30¢_ 1 1b. ri; A 11; ‘20; ‘7 ' " ' ' 35c. Bush.31, w bush. or over at 9.3:, ' J c ' 5 s' 31 "l' pUbhpMd' 25 ~Astcrs, Mixed 26â€"Mignonette, Sweet 27~Pnnsv,Mixed 28~I’etunia.. Mixed ‘29â€"Tastuitiums, ‘i‘nll Mixed Tuesday. April 18th, 1899, -A’1‘ THEâ€"- CLYDE HOTEL, TORONTO, At 10.30 a. m., For the purpose of granting Licenses tor the ensuing license year. The Board of License Commission- ers will meet, on [Cotton Bags holding‘za bushelsâ€"- Cautionâ€"~We C t- '. ' ' 150' each extm'] on 101 this NM elty. (l sell it only direct to Farmers to avoid fraud. W M. REN N IE, Cor. Adelaide & Jarvis Sta, TORONTO By order of the Board. ' JAMES ECKARDT, Repair ii. ....;:::f:::°;.::f' GRUGERY STORE ! â€"- Unionvme. lliiionville. fipi-il 3, 1899. minim pildirsmued mg: opweq alpha grocgwfin \tV. DI?ng wishes to inform his (Of the firm of Eckardt & Prentice) _ ”â€" m n‘iecs orei'eeen . y occupier y rs..on es, pa runs [1131; mm the present date. to aorent for the M-issevJâ€"L ‘ L: l ‘ d ..t d t tl M t H v 't' - , . . ' .5 . - ‘. ‘ ‘* - “1115 db“?- C' a" “0" “"r " ‘8 0 “'9‘” “n l m mfil the let. of May, 1599, he “'1” be prepnrâ€" Saving Machinery, Wagons, Plows, Room. Our stock oi Groceries is clean and free . V ‘ Seui‘tlers, &c. ; also the Sawyer &: LL l (Eh, and we have a large display of ed to Massey Engines and Thresher-S, the BIO v-I MOND HILL. i Bi-zmtford \Vindâ€"Mill. and the Up-to- _A. CALL - SOLIQITED. 3 L) "‘ Providing this con ion : 1E ,J incutout and sent1 to 5 us With an order for 13pkts.i'or25ccnt 5 [postal note or silver) we will include 5 11ikt.vaSnowdrift Pinks. Price 15 E 5 cuntsâ€"Free of charge to The LIBERAL I ? 'iibscrihers. 7 L. Innes 8:: Sons. To the Public. When you want the B EST M EATS i Always go to GLASS & W3; “'holesale and Retail Butchers, deal- ers in Oranges, CHOP GRAIN H. a Nicholls, Richmond Hill. Business . l solmited. Figs ’ 7 Meet in the Temperance Hall on the first Wed~ (H‘Mllly of each month. - ’ Assessment \rteni. Pity/able monthly. Lady . m Pickled Salmon 7 Class .5 2500 anacolsiroolsaom $3.00 Any day of the week at Boyle’s - Mill _AT_ NE‘V SHEPPINQ- MILE. The subscriber would respectfully intimate to the public that having rebuilt the chopping mill FRESH & SALT MEATS Of all kinds. The "" Templars of Temperance Vegetables in Season. \Ve make a specialty in Home Renderâ€" ed inrd, and our own make I U. x I .â€" 7â€"7 7â€"- _ Canned Fruits, .,~ at J i ’U > L' c ,' " GLASS & 00 Richmond Hm 1‘ »_> . 25:3 35c :83 i if} i3? g a; BEAPLE -* " i; * u r r r ure ar . ‘ ~ I he .....n A. n _ W- ‘ i. E c 'c 01 13:; 200 I _ uni ‘ul' ier notice. i , iggl Also Best Coal on Repairing done on short notice. Lgfufli. fLL .KIND51I%F ‘ ‘ h J h I 4 8w (lILVS W1 :3 (i is soc i5 1 no, 1 50 2 00 3 00 9 in‘epm-el to supply DRESSED I UMBER. t l A H ii 030 ! 125. 188, 2st 375 S "â€" fif‘gfntfidfl’ PLAtMT‘I“ AND l‘lIATCHL‘i‘lJEr “oi â€" ~ _ . ~â€"â€"‘ ______ A ‘, ( ~ 3‘ 0W§§ prices. $2,500 to 10m1 at 5 per cent. on first J {L s ., (hilN J. A. E. SWITZER, 38:“; Patronage soliCitcii; satisfaction guaranteed. 5 lllK'lllOl‘. Financial Sec'y W M E R I 9 mortgage farm property. Applyait .. _.r,buf:~fâ€"~vâ€"A .-_.;straw- .H. r. HOPPER. mohmond Henry Marsh. 1111 1- Maple. Nov. Htll 1898. - NV

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