Y, .‘leditt delivered a draught team in in-m: .hmm-mwrmflr‘nmh . ' {07’ k. a trial. 159!) iii? igi , , _.‘u it 22â€. ilit'unoxo llii.i.. I;()(7 XL Elites. ‘(Wuunmnirations tioni Judith» lake and (ink l'lidges rem-iv .l too late ior this issue. Few of our t'iliL/A‘lls enjoy this soring‘s maple syrup. Neither (lltl ll'eynard enjoy the mmr i4: apes. ilennie‘s veget wide and .lower seeds. 2 packages for .l emits, :.t Till-11.11% ram 1. oilimu I‘:lt'('[il|lll)l‘ ot'iiei-i. will be held at, the leonh ln‘.‘ iiu-elxlig to- llliill'()‘.\‘il“l'ltll)’l evening. All mem- ber. .‘Il't‘ relplesti-il to in i.ri‘senl‘. ~No rightminxlnd man favors poly guilty. ()ne \vii'e iavaily lilt'.~\l'll. is enough and .\ll\l!)\\7l| .‘v rhvitzer can furnish the si)‘li.~ll goods. llulse‘s lliidie .l,. put on by auelion last Saturday. did not ieat'h the reâ€"’ serve liid not NtlllI. and “as i-onw iluentlv The highest bid \v:.s 281:5. (illiten Herd is the law; ‘llitl cheapest mill; producing; daily Jood on the market. For sale by l,-'. l.. llreeu. llirhmond Lodge. .'i. l-‘. .\' A. .\l.. meets next _‘\lt‘t|tl:l:\‘ warning. An ofï¬cial \isit from the i). ll. ti. )1. is expected. and neiehbi rim: lodges are invited. Moderate e) . health insur» ance. A walk lrom your house to Atâ€" kinson 6; .‘lwitzer's stole is just the right thing. the bark yards gar-bag" and itt't'llllllllih 'ttiotis of the past wintir. Not only l'orone's comfort but from a sanitary standpoint this work eannot be done too soon. The best pure laid in Kit 11). lots Te. a lb. : the best- No. 1 Granulated sugar, .t 2") lbs. for $1: (ittod Yellow sugar 35 lbs. for$1. Atkinson t\' .‘hvitzer. M": Samuel Mrt‘luie of Vaughan “(K ho had a ho] se. bugyv. harness and robe stolen about a w k ago has reâ€" covered his buggy. 'lhe thief left it at the stable of George Lomas in To. ronto, taking the lath 1‘s light Waggon in its plaua (‘heck Ginghams 5c. : ltl-ineh Selisia lUc: Prints, tie. : Ilies‘s: Linen. lllc. Atkinson & Switzer. Rev. G. Netlulloeh will talk to the children of the .lunior Epworth league toâ€"morrow at'tt'i-Inoon in the .school room of the Methodist. chin-eh. Subject; “ Our Saviour’s Names.“ All welcome. Boots & Shoes~\\‘e liuy our Boots and Shoes direet from the Manufactur- « ers‘ for spot cash. In tmding with us “you save money. Naughtou Bros. Elgin Mills. The price of good horses is certainly upward. Last Thurulav Mr. ('ieo. Toronto, and reeeiw d $400. The horses were sold to the Grand Trunk Railway Company. Dr. F. J. Gallanoue'h of Thornhill. Jgot second prize at the Horse Show in l On Saturday :vl‘It-iuoon tln-H-year- lold of l‘ldward i\l. Higgins. 17 “Vickson .\\‘e., was killed by walking.r into a Mrti'opolilnn “ll't't‘l with The ,littlefellow wa‘ tiying to i'l'uss‘ the \sll‘t‘i't and did not indie--[ht-approach- still in}; ear. l’ari'nl < and guardains in ,this village and al' aloha: the llllt‘ should never t'l'.'l.~'.* warning their children oi the dauq‘eis ot' the troll~v lean. child here ll:tl’l-\\'\ ly est-aped death by ‘running in trout o)" :i mm in}; ear. Fpecial set mons \v next Similar in lllt‘ Methodist (‘hurrh \iu conlieetiou with the \‘Coioen‘s Mis- ,sionarv Snell-1):. llev. ,lir, Large wiJl preaeh in the morning. and Ill-v. .\lr. Met‘ullot-h in the «draining. l‘lnvr-lopes will be plaeed in thepews. lll \vhzeh . contributions may be pint-ml, Splendid eotl'ee. glotmd \Vbile you wait 131‘. a lb. 2 The lit-\l (Err-en entire ltle. a lb. : Hest (‘oin Starch tie. a. .l’ule (ioltl Jellies. all ilrl\‘i>l\’. pints. {'r :(iood ll;.isinst?e. :1 lb. Atkinson ‘A.’ Switxer. 'l‘lllft i.'|il‘\'lll..\l\'ll. The 'l'orontw “Mild! ~a reel-iii date gave the “(‘lwiel'ind†l eyeli- works ‘at Toronto .lunetiou 'I write up ot two eolitliins, 'l‘lie dun-iiptiiui _:llt'\' to show that the t-irioiv where these \vheelsare llltltlt‘tll'l‘ the moâ€"t exten- sin-on the eeiitinent. 'I‘htie aie no poor \vluels made by this lirm, and whether ptireliasei-s em- Sllt. $5â€, .743†H1'$illlillt'§'lilii}'1"'\l assuit'dlhev 'll‘t‘ g’t‘illllg' an llltâ€"ltmlnlt' bit-yrle. t‘all at 'i‘in‘. l.ir.r:r.\|. tltiire and st‘r‘ ‘4tlllll‘ of them. or \H ite tor catalogue. t‘. ll. .\. 'l'hi- t'o‘meil the ('anadian La- z-rosse Assoriatiwi. nut in Toronto on Friday last. the pi int-ile business be» inn; to arrange the sehi-duleot' matches for the ruining; season. Markham and Brampton \vrre admitted to flu-senior series in wliieli there ere eight clubs ‘ \V». l will consist of film-Lham. lii‘fllllllltlll and 'l’eterboro. There will be on junior districts. No. 7 will lllt‘llltlt' the following elubs: Pielnuond llill. Htonth ille. l‘xbridg‘e, Aurora, Markham 1L. and (‘anniug- toil. ,. tii X‘olue“v?‘tml Ubais Happy llome Soap for 250.. this is Very speeinl; ti bars Richard's l’ureï¬oapl'or :3. ti bars t'omfort soap {NFL-ilk: bars Dinglnau‘s lilee- triesoap l'or '_ e.: b’ bats Ammonia soap for 25c. Atkinson t\' Nwitzor. “ T1113: en l Loiuzx‘s euioLE." Boys and {girls should not fail to read the lrtters which appear in The Globe every Saturday under the heading of "’ The (‘hildreu's Uii'cle.“ For a. num- ber of weeks past the children have been asked to review books that they have read. and some of the criticisms are cleverly done. \Ve vvere pleased to obserlre last Saturday a letter from the pen of Blaster Frank McDonald of this village. Franks description of “ Beautiiul .loe " is ipiile interesting, and his composition reflects credit on the intermediate Department of our l’ublie .‘fl-hool. l‘tEUlltix‘lN [limit The Richmond Hill lacrosse club re- organized on Thursday evening with the followingr otiieers: Hon. President, Reeve Savage: ‘l'. : Toronto for his team of black road- sters. Seven teams were exhibited, and some oi'the eity papers refer to Mr. Gallanough‘s team as equal to that which received first prize. Real worth doubtless makes the. r rinner man but Atkinson 6: Switzer’s suitings makes him look more stylish than any others. Under instructions from the Village ‘ Council the l‘mld-lnaiU-I‘S put a coating . 11. L. .v -3 years at the old homestead, and is no . less popular and sucresxful than was . his honored father. ‘ 7.}a11gst-af‘f eonnneneed the practice of of broken stone on the maeadam part of Yonge St. this week within the limits of the corporation. They did not follow the usual custom of ï¬rst. scraping the roads, thinking that the stone would ï¬nd a. better bed on the earth that has accinuulated on the macadam. Time will tell whether the experiment will prove a success. Cotton Seed Meal is the butter- makers’ friend. For cream a nd bu tter- makin it has no equal. For sale. by reen. Fifty years ago the late Dr. Jairies medicine. He ï¬rst. settled in Union- vtlle, but after a short time removed to this Village. where he practised suc- cessfully for 41 years. His son, Dr. Rolph Langstat‘f, who is a worthy suc- 'essol', has now been practising eight Examine our" in. white cotton. ~43. factory cotton, 9â€"4 plain sheeting at {7 1.1.3., 8-4 twill sheeting at 180. Atkin- son .c Switzcr. . A committee with Judge MdDougall as chairimin met on Saturday to re- arrange the boundaries of the York ti (‘ounty (louneils divisions, which had i been disturbed by the \vithdriuval..ofl A North Toronto from therounty. The i rfrill(\\s‘iiig resolution was passed :~ ‘ “ That the boundaries of No. 3 he. and remain as they new stand, with the. Town of North Toronto removed therefrom, and that the boundaries of, Nos. 1 and 3 be and are hereby con-; firmed without alteration." Dairy farmers can increase their proï¬ts ten to twenty pHI' eent by feed- int,r Gluten and (‘otton Heed Meal. For sale by H. L. llreen. l‘it liireh A ve.. Toronto, opposite (l. l’. R. station, North Toronto. President. \V. Trench; Viceâ€"President. A. Savage: Se -rel:uy, (‘. l‘lllston; Treastnwr, \V. Trench ; Captain, G. Sims: Com. of .‘danagement, F. Grainger. J. Glass. \V. Savage, \V. Clifford, H. Hooper. Uniy a tmv m enimg's ago a little . l l’romiseseut no iee. l‘eri'oriuanl'e; is Worth a million pioniises. .\.tkin-' SUI] & Swiizi-r art on the latter plan. .‘tll‘iHlthAliV l-‘llilllttNfl. ill be preached ‘ lb.:" 1 83 years of atrt'. l HEeLnuaco 'i‘iuc roua. During the winter theropeon the ilagupole on The lligrh Nobool broke and slipped out of the pulley. \\'ith ‘the return of spring. means were thought of for having the rope re-‘ plat-ed». At last Mr. “'m. ('lill'ord, (It hot-key and lariosse tame. who is em- ployed with Messrs. lllill". é; Nuns. volunteered to do the job. tln Thurs", .day evening he got on the roof of the school and tried by means of a long i pole to dropa weighted string through ‘ 'ihe pulley. l“;ttlil|j_; in this he rliiubed the Hag-pole to thi- top, and put the rope throuqu \\ itb his band. The top lot" the pole is lti t'iwt 't!"l""llll'l‘ltl1{t' ol- the school and about fwtt lieet above the ground. The teal It’tlllil't"l a good stead)’ Heme. t'.~]l"t‘l:llk\' as the pole is ‘ tpliteslender. “'1'†has the distinct» ion of doing What \rry few others would rare to undertake. in Sprhig and Summer Fabrics and Styles .ct Co, lo~nia l’iunes. specially good, tie -‘ llorse Shoe Salmon. I.’ eans l'or liii'll Rt'tl Reliable .‘ialmoli, lie. ,kinson .v Suit/yr. 2:..- i: I ’ 7' ’ ' V ' 7: Ar» I = :i ~ \VithO‘i W W a i , Laces, Embromenes. whim th‘, l)llCIâ€) l’.\ll l"lltt.\l lltilllC. ‘ i .\ ,' d ' oi~ 't‘k‘: ; go .‘li'. :: l.“ \‘. . i\'\'. 'i‘iiuio‘i't‘y til-imiVe'l \\'tIltl tbiii tht1~ir 3 3 eldest sen. lieu l2"ltl. who for a num- H 7, , In rol' \‘ears in. bowl. in the ollit'e ot' Complete toilet is in- hisnnele. Mi. .1. ,\. Hiorey. l.o\vlll. A (y{ Viriovs 11131.9" .\l:tss.. \\'as sull'ering‘ flom typhoid . p “N L ‘ “‘3' fen-1‘, and had lh't'll ienioved lollie-‘~ ljilt cially we esp rccommeinl the alch Spring which is pcrlcct. hospital. Not hilt]; start lily-4' ‘.\;ls'tl‘l‘tl‘l-‘ wards heaid until Ian Saturday mornâ€" ing, when a telegram arri\ed stating that he was \vnr ~. 'l'ht't'atherat onee. started and :Ili'l\i'll at his Son's bed-3 ~ side the lollowite;~ day. .\ later it‘lt‘-‘ ' I r . gram on Honda game some eueour» ’ I 1 W ’ am'ment. but th hope of a loving. ,. If 1,, ‘ F ‘1‘“ 1 “w ‘ t ' ‘ ‘ rm .1 mace. atom am. mos l OVDD, ’é‘i’c. and $1.1?w mot llt'l‘ was shallow d yesli iday noon and sterling; (pialil ies. 'l‘he fatlierand one of the brothers- are now on the way home with the body. and will " arrive in Toronto ulmllt 3.3:» this even~ ing. and home at about 8.31). The funeral will take plaee on Saturday afternoon at 2 o‘clock. \Vords fail us in expressing; the deep sympathy felt for father, mother. brothers and, p 3 sisters in this very great bere:u'eim-nt. 1 H HERE DEALS. by the sorrowlul llt"-\‘s that her son 3 had passed away. lleei-asetl was 1‘.) 1 p '( lo years of at,“ . with exeelleut abilitv, $ , C. {adhl )nabiv' ., .4 These goods are unequalled. nd libbcd. , Hosiery, Plain ‘ 100., 500. } DressLinens, 100., 200.. Plain and Fancy. Mr. and Mrs. P. (l. Savage spent Sunday with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Bell of Seaiboro, has been1 making a visit. with her aunt, Miss Sterling. Atkinson & I Switze .41 i . I» Yonge St, ’Rich‘d Hill. Mr. ('harles Smith of Toronto spent over Sunday with friends in this , section. ‘2' Aurora Banner.» Miss \V. Newton and Miss it}. Newton of Richmond Hill, , ‘ visited friends here on Thursday last. Miss Gertie tiraham of Toronto. 9 .' spent Sunday with her cousins, the Misses Switzer, and returned on Monâ€" day. Miss Pearl lecott of London, who is ‘ attending l'lavergill College, Toronto. ‘ came up and spent over Sunday with her aunt. Mrs. (Illa) Hutchison. ‘ ; rm m I I "am Rev. ('harles Fish, a superannuated ‘ {ï¬g B ' minister in Toronto, formerly or) this 1 gig» L ' eirruit, preached in the Methodist g church .Qunday evening. Mr. Fish isl 7‘ J. A THEâ€"â€" FIRE PROOF. ' Everything in the Dry Goods line to be sold at cost. Mr. John Mt'ileahy of Orillia. who is . attendng 'l‘oronto University. spent his Easter Vacation with his gr:tml-‘ parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Teefy, and returned Monday evening. Dr. l’lutt'hison returned on Saturday from New York where he had taken a special course in the hospitals. The Dr. has decided to settle in \Vinnipeg. and will leave for that city on Tuesday next. Messrs. J. E. Francis and John Di ury of (‘ourt Union, Thornhill, paid Stock in ï¬rst-class shape. The one chance to secure genuine bargains. g. The Secretary has already received several comluunications from Toronto Clubs for matehes in the near future. The Club anticipates great success and hopes to be liberally supported. Tickets can be secured from the Man- agement Committee. A BRAVE GIRL. LastSaturilay Mr. Henry Saigeon. school teacher at Jetferson, who is ex- ecntor for the estate of the late Miss' Love of Temperanceville, received from Mr. Harry Legge about $4M), the price paid for a house and lot. From an occurrence, the following night it would seem that some other party ‘ wished to get their hands on the money. Aboutha-lf past one o’clock Sunday m 1111ng M iss Maggie M’ells, who is stayingr with Mr. and Mrs. Saigeon, heard some. person climb up on the veranda on the south side of, the house. Groinu' to her hednoom‘ window she lookrt out and saw a man standng on the veranda. He then sat down on the shingles, removed his boots, took a coVer from his revoldver, and placed the weapon in his hip pocket. }[e next covered his face with a mask and L‘Jlllfc‘ to the window where the young lady-was standing. \Vhen be placed hishands on the sill preparatory to raising the window she called out to him asking him what he wanted. She thought to frighten him by saying she knew him as she saw his far-i: before putting 'on the mask. The nocturnal visitor made no reply, but after standing a. few seconds delibâ€" erately slid down the veranda post. Miss \Vells then went down stairs, awakened Mr. and Mrs. Saigeon. and told them of her midnight serenade. Mr. Saigeon dressed himself and there ‘ was littlesleep in that house.- for the rest of the night. As it would be diï¬iâ€" mill to climb on the veranda without assistance it. is thought there must have been an accomplice. Miss' “'ells thinks she would know the man with the mask if she saw him again. She is to be eonnnended for her nerve and heroism, giving: as she did another in- » stanr-eof the presence of mind and ‘. bravery of hi rset‘. l also road eart (Hpeight) and harness in a fraternal visit to the A. O. F. Court here on Friday evening, and witnessed the initiation of a candidate by the ampliï¬ed form. Rev. J. R. Teefy, Principal of St. Michael‘s College, spent Tuesday with his father, Mr. M. Teefy, it being the anniversary of the latter’s 77th birth- day. Tar: Murmur. is pleased to join with our esteemed postmaster's manv friends in wishing him many years of that good health and happiness which he is how enjoying at the age of 77 years. Grocery stock to be kept complete. Teas sold a a reduc- tion of 5 cents per lb. x. Crockery at cost price, ISAAC CROSBY. February 9, I899. WILKENS CO. It is a positive fact we can sell Barb Wire aunnuaés MnnKâ€"Houasosm-zn)A011 the 13th inst, by. me utev..l, F.0ckley, pastor of Berkeley St Methodist Church, Toronto, Mr. Charles William Meek, to Miss Emma, youngest daughter of We lute William Hullingsheml. . Enqunll of Richmond Hill. ‘ BOLTON ~ “AVH 7 At. the North Parkdule Methr odist Church, on Wednesday, April um. by llevlteu, MuCnlloch, Mr. Norman; E. Bolton, to Miss Ammo JJILwiB. a EATIIS Tnor'I‘~-It.t 'I‘hornliih, on Manda. , A 'l i'tli, ' . . P. . ' M, 1,...â€nmgwwo yew 3’ 1‘“ I At less than lactory prices. 5 Bug-glesfor Sale Nails ...+._.c l One new top buggy: ‘ ’I‘wo topi buggies, nearly new: One open (You- l Less than wholesale prices, Blue Stone cord buggy, nearly new ; ()ne ‘seeoud- hand phaeton. ..1‘beahove‘ buggies are all in first Cllhs order, will sell right. iii-tf \‘.'. R. PROUTOR. F 77 r 7 VVW ’â€" _ Richmond Store .1: Apply to :;2.tf Only 8c. per lb. 411). Butter Scale $2.05. Kemrmtier (lit: address 0 Rent 1. (lltosuvi Horse, 5 years old, stands I") E)...“ sound, good dx i\"-r, kind in all harness; ‘1 5â€"“: WILKINS & 66.. first elass order. Apply f 113.). T. A. \lAl‘le'i, 3 1'7- ‘ 1 \ q, A, ' o '0 r‘, “Mum,†“m. 166 and 16b Aing St. East, J dons west oi (locust b...