the recollections of our former 3\oy It' is to live twice, when we can en- \iifye â€"â€"-Ma,rt1al. ‘afla‘tholic Prayer A Becen Experiment In ('lllcago Whleh Saved Time and Labor. Durin the reconstruction of an ofâ€" fice bull ing recently in Chicago an inâ€" teresting use was made o£ the electric current i cutting in two a cluster of half. 21 d0’ en heavy steel beams which it was necessary to remove. These beams we 9. of the ordinary I shape and iiftee inches deep. Owing tothe difficulty gbf getting at the beams at the places {’Where they were to be cui, special savirs would have required had the beams been cut in the ordinary way, and it was estimated that the work would take two men about twelve days‘ time and cost about New Tires§f§§5§ \‘ DOUBLE TUBE ; Sent 0.0. D. to any ad lresl ELECTYICITY TO CUT STEEL BEAMS Instead of doing the work with back saws, a method was adopted such as scientific burglars invented for getâ€" ting into safe and vault doors of steel. A current of electricity was brought in from the electric lighting wires in the street to do the work. The positive terminal wire was attached to the steel frame worl: of the building, to which the beams were riveted, and the negative wire was attached to acarbon point 11-2 inches in diameter, which was provided with a wooden handle to "enable the operator to direct it along the beams at the places where they Were to be, out. An asbestos shield protected the operator‘s body from the heat and black spectacles protected his eyes. In twelve hours the beams were severed, with an expenditure of only about fiveâ€"horse power in electric current, and the work was done by an ordinary workman. VACCINATION. R It is! stated, in support of vaccina- tion, that in Austria, prior to vaccina- tion becoming general, out; of every 1,000,000, inhabitants 38,541 died of smallpox within a period of 30 years, a figure reduced to one tenth, namely, 3,745. in the corresponding time aft- er the general adoption of vaccination. $100 {Then get Catarrhozone, which is neither a washrsnuff not ointment, but odorous gas, which is carried by air directly to the diseased parts. It penetrates wherever air can go, and never fails to cure. Have you slight symptoms of consumption? Then try Catarrhozone. Outfit. $1.00. Sample bottle and inhaler, 10 cents. For sale by all druggists. Manufactured by N. C. Polson & 00., Kingston, Ont. Send 10 cents for sample. \VOMEN LETTER CARRIERS. Women are employed as letter car- riers in several districts of France. Lï¬Toscana, 100. IIW'V“. lu‘lv'll anowapeolï¬vs sent by mai on rpceipt 01.1 DR RUUBY. P 0 Box 365. Mumm Lemon baths are popular in the West Indies. Three or. four lemons Ire cut up: and left to soak in water half an hour. The bath is very re- lreshing. Rheumatismâ€"f CUTTING SCHOOL-t Alogue. Ybu will never fund time for any- thing; if you want time you must make- it.â€"Charles Buxton. To CURE A COLD IN ONE DAV {Aka Lnxutive Bromo Quiuins Tnbéeu‘ All Drul‘ glut: reluud the money if in (mute nun. 25¢. FOR SALPJJne Slmp on Ury Prcu Brick flachIne. with screan. elevators. and a Johnson dry pan: also 2Cornell Hand Prusea; ml in good order Ind very little used. Apply to Erich. Room 16, Board of Trade. Montreal. Religious Pictures, Statuary and GHURCH ORNAMENTS, Educational Works. n. J. snnnan & cm, EvERyWSEMOTHERKNOWs I II: AP run- \1 :he “ Balmoiiif’uï¬ï¬g Bus Am. mm .1 ï¬l‘ln.,,~ Bent O. 0. D. to any address Wlll mall section if requested EPPS’S GRATEFU Lâ€"COMFORTING. THE MOST NU TRITIOUS‘ Mail order: receive prompt attention BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER ;, NORTHAM, TORONTO, ONT. c. 6: 0. SCHOOL '60.. ‘ Mantra: Have You Catarrh 7 LEMON BATES MONTREAL FACTORiiMbï¬ir’ééi RELIANCE CIG _Cure named in 24 hours‘ Books, Rosaries, Crucifixes, s c an Mars, _1‘uilors and Drew tygkersl and (or cat,- MONTREAL, QUE. 81.60“,“ “'hlcll In Russia no person is permitted to marry after the age of eighty, and only five marriages are permitted. “ Pharaoh 106. Hall a Cntarrh Cure is taken internally. act- ing directly upon the blood and mucwus sur- faces at the system. Price 750. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Iowa Farms for sale‘ anoo acrop untll pald. For Ovcr FHtv Years MRS. WINSLOW‘S SOOTEHNG SYRUP h used by mnt‘hers for their chil 'ren Loathing. It the chiId, mftens the guru. allays all pain, 'm colic. and i4 the best remedy (or diarrhea. 25a 11:. Sold by all druggists throughout the we hue and ask {or " Mn Winslow's Soothing Syn perreovly honorable in all business transactions and ï¬nancially able to carry oul, any obliga- tions made by their ï¬rm. WxsrazTaUAx, Wholebalo Druzgists, Toledo. 0. WALDINO. KINNAN & MARVIN. Wholesale Drussisktxflblfds'ORRâ€, .. A new adulterant of coffee is dough, moulded in the shape of coffee beans. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward f0! any case of Catarrh that can not. be cured by Hall’s Catarrh (lure. F. J. CHENEY «r. 00.. Fromm. Toledo. 0. We the underaignod, have known F, J. Chenex for [he lg: 15 yang-a, and believe him Man is only miserable so far as he thinks himself so.â€"S:umazaro. The horses in Algeria outnumber the human beings. Throughout the world there are 672 known volcanoes, 270 of which are ac- tive. mur der These :1 i659" N Nil'i'lflEu-Sl C“ ngerh rl at S] 50 per h‘m .tre Dame SL, M4 §TEELE,HB;RIGGS’ Prize Mammoth or Giant ang One of the moct valuable products of the farm is a ï¬ne crop of Mangels. To grow the heaviest crops, the very ï¬nest selections of seed must be sown. Red MANGE Is the greatest weight-producer known. Requires dee , well enriched soil, and will yield enormous crops 0! ean, SOUP-Id, well-formed roots of great weight. Price by mail (post~paid) per 11).. 210.; 5 lb. lots or over, 19c. lb., or 4c. per lb. less if purchaser pays carriage. A T§§.Z%s-Giant Yellow Oval-shaped iaer “3.71651 If You Wish a... Good Crop, Use Steele, Briggs’ SEEDS ..... A Send your name for contains useful and valu- able in- fomation é CATALOGUE, The SEEELE, BREGGS SEED CO.,1 ï¬maiwï¬ ISL Can-u. Rnwflon ngerlieIâ€"J crimes , iul of Cordelia Vmw : rn receipt 0! 5c. Agar: ‘0 per hundred. Leprc 1e SI... Montreal. How‘s This ? III I lllv .w“, ‘OOTHING SYRUP has been sir chi] ‘ren Loathing. It soothes :ums. allays all pain. "ures wind nod; for diarrhea. 25¢. a bot- ;ishs throughout the world. Be Winslow's Soothing Syrup." Unrivalled' $2 per acre cash, Bal- J. Mulhall, Sloux City, In I! Payne. of Granby. Que‘ VCigar Manufacturer wdon. and St Liboirt mms , fun hinory of [ha haw and Sam Ptri‘ow. Agents and Bookstore: Leprchon & Lepruhon. FRENCH DIVORCE LAWS. France has now a law by which mar- riage may be dissolved without cost to the applicants. The Paris Divorce Court devotes Thursdays to gratuitous decrees. On one day recently 294 couples were divorced during a session of four hours, an average of more than one divorce a minute. The applicants belonged to the working class, in which divorces were infrequent before the passage of the law. STR ATFORD. ONT. We ï¬nch real businessâ€"no imi- lltiun or nonsense. In fair competition our graduates are nearly always chosen. Business men appraciate our work. Best Commercial School in Canada. Enter now. Oil-cultu- (no. carbollc Disinfectantu. soaps. Oint- ment, Tooth Powders. etc.‘ have been awarded IOU medals and diplomas for super lor excellence. Their regular use prove 1r. infeotl- mm diseases. AQk your dealer to obtain a supply. Lists mailed free on application. 29 3y SUHE IL I) rows above OF OUR STUDENTS have recently taken good situations. and four positions remain unlined. F. G. CALVERT & 00., MANCHESTER. - - ENGLAND CALVERT’S 31;“ NAME IS 0553 TRABE MARK. See that it is upon all labels and packages when buying your supplies- All enquiries promptly answered. THEY PAY EST. W. J. ELLIOTT. Prlnclpal B A thorough germination test is made with all Garden, Flower and Field Root Seeds before they are sent out, and a. Field Trial is made upon our own grounds each season to prove their quality. The utmost care is given in the interest of buyers and planters. 1' I" g" fl' 9" gr y ,1 during a session age of more than The applicants \V P C 91758 Lead packages IT’S A STICKER ONE NIGHT name of paper and where you saw it â€N. B.â€"\Vhen replying to this ADVT. specially mention this paper. give tho Should you be unable to obtain them from your merchant, send your order direct to “HEAD- .a‘ J .5: QUARTERS" and secure The increased product with Good Seeds many times exceeds the difference in cost from using inferior. lowâ€"priced Seeds. ' (‘orn (.‘ure‘ Ask your drug“ forit. PricelOo CEYLON TEA. for qualityâ€"remember the nameâ€"- ‘ l §TEELE,BRIGCIS' 3:, ...Famous Garden, " Flower and Field Root Seeds are sold by leading .. . merchants everywhere Limited, HAVEYUU SUBSCRIBED FDR‘F"†Siammerersiiï¬: Dr. AfDnCl, Buiiu who will convince you he ca‘r‘ culcyo‘i which Snag Invalids and Children. and a1 0 Bean uh neaslully Infants when Ailments and Deb "by hum lined all othu bro-imouu. It dilests whoa all Food In rejected, saves 50 times its cost. In madicine. Indinuion Consumption Dia ecu. Ito-chisigf onza. Gnu; 1 Asthm». damn Phlegm l-rrhcm Nervous Debility, Sleeplesmssn, Respond enq. 50 Years’ Uuaarry a [30" hanged Sm! London. W,. also in Paris. 14 Rue de Ouu‘liou. !’II u an Grocers. Chennste, ané Store: “91'"th h IL. 3., ï¬d‘. 69.. 5d).' Ha Sent carriage fret. 1m Barry’s Revulema Biscuits. in linl 3-. 6‘1‘ ud 0t Menu for Canada: The T. Eubonbo.. Limiud. Toranm HEALTH RESTOREB $‘22;3..’3â€3J°€E man disordered Swmwh. Lun a. Nerves. Liver, Bloc Bladder, Kidneys. Brain and renth by :. I Ravalenta Du larry 3 Arabloa Feed. Duaam @091. Agents Ben, no.1]: Re: a. }] tory and hr.“ ROWELL a BUPY ts But. galma uticleonthe ar‘ ket. Sells m every Hora, n - §o_ry 311g] humus, Exclusive to" 0!: and Number now in preSI. Sand in your subscriptions at once for ‘he year 1899 and receive Nos: I and 2. No. l contains 30 colerel plates, giving the exact shades and reproducing the smchos in that many studies. Sand 25: lo HOME - - - NEEDLE WORK? GDRTIGELLI SILK 00. Issued Quarterly, 25c pe year. lot Richelieu St., St. Johns, P. Q. TORONTO, 25, 3o, 40, 50 8; 60¢. Are Cheapest to buy The Safest to plant. Invarilble Euconl. 100E Annunl ("urea of Conifi tiniur, Flnbu ncyi anep‘h Diabetqg‘ runny“, In“ Ont. lusue lurrï¬o Chlfli‘i mad to be en r06 61-:- whero, wilt. ‘9 $133127; Wanted LLimited} ., 0--..