Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Apr 1899, p. 8

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Connects with all trains, leav House Richmond Hi“. as follov Mai' 6; Expresstarth 6: South lxpress North sand Mu-il South, Until further notice Mails will be close Richmond Hill Posh) ce as follows:â€" Monxma râ€"Goiug Forth.sou1h East z West, including Thomt Maple, Toronto Markham, EVENING :â€"Going southEash and West above‘ N. Bs-Registered Letters must be he at least Fxfteen Minutes earlier than 1311 mentioned hours for closing. _ M. TEEFY. Post! Newmarket Aurora. King. Bgtween Toronto and Richmou: Cuts leave C. RR. Crossing at 721.0 an 2.40, 5.40 and 7.45 _p.A a mnomo maximum... .. RICHMOND HILL King RICHMOND HILL. Thornbill TORONTO Union ............ PROCTORfiTâ€"AGE LINE Newmarket Wednesday and Saturday Family h‘xcnrsmx leave C. P. R. Crossing for Richmond Hill in, 1.30, 2.40, 330, 5.40 and 7.45 p. in ; returnâ€" ing leave Richmond Hill at. 2.30, 4. 4380. 7 and 10 p.' m. Rel-urn Rare 7. . .. Cents ; children 15 cents. Specml Excursion ever-v evoning ham 0. 9.] Crossing to Richmond Hill and return at 7.45. Return (are 25¢ents; children 150. Excursion iron) Richmond Hill every Wednc day at 2.3011. 11)., returning leure Toronto m. 7.45 v. :11. Return fare 1550.; children 150. of each moutu _ Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets second Monday month Public Library and Reading Rm Tuesday. Thursday and Saturdav even Epworth Leagueâ€"Meets every Fridu meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge, A F and A M ~Meet-si dav on or before ful‘x moon Court Richmond, A O F â€"Meets second foul-Lb Friday Ivy Lodge. A O U Wâ€"-Meetsfourth1'm of each month A A “ma 0', M‘ETROPOLITANFTTME TABLE Episcopal Churchâ€"Services at 7 p Sunday. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at 1 'I 1). m. Sunday School at. 2.30. Pray W ednesday evening. Roman Catholic Church-Services mite Sundays at 9 a. m. and 10.30 a. Methodist Church â€"§erviccs at Ullii 7 1). 1n. Sunday School gut 2.30. Gem Cars leave Richniofid Bid at, 7] 4. '7 auq 10 13:11 u: can.” ulvuvu Camp ElgmLS O S -â€"Meets second at \Veduesflny -. ., 5..-; ‘11, We have just received a car load of Shingleg E \Vhich we will sell cheap for cash. We also have on hand a full line of all kinds of dress- ed and rough Done and satisfaction guar- anteed. Wholesale and Retail Butchers, deal ers in $2,500 to loan at, 5 per cent. on first mortgage farm property. Apply at Ski-If THE LIBERAL OFFICE. \Ve make a s ecialtv' in Home Render P . ed Lard, and our own' make of Sausage. BEST MEATS POST OFFâ€"{CE NOTICE Existing and. Chogpiag First and. Second CI LUMBER. FRESH & SALT MEATS To the Public. Money to Loan Vegetables in Season. . Innes 85 Sons. GLASS 8:. BUS. Volt-Fempemnceâ€"Mceis first W SHIN GLES Village Directory. GLASS & C0,, Richmond Hill “'hen you want the GOING NOBTFX GOINGE'SOUTH Always go to Of all kinds Churchâ€"Services m a. m. and 10.30 a. m :11 â€"§erviccs at 10.30 n. :11001 at 2.30. Genera Mail 10.10 ‘9 07 9.40 3.18 {Finnin 8.30 m ing the Palme A151. Ex 12.52 2.00 3.15 ‘st‘m aster J Hill (3 9.40 handed in the above d 11 aed at the )mâ€" Open in g3 3.55 f every Mail Ex 510 730 ,. 13 my bratod Tobique Gypsum Powder at Britnell‘s. O. P. R. Crossing. Yongo Street. North Toronto. A car-loud just received from the mills. It Will- froshvn up your fall wheat. Two hundred puund bag for $1.25 or $12.00 per ton. -_“vm‘.vnr 1 n, rrn D1-.Hutchison has some household furniture, almost new, for private sale at reasonable prices. Call any time before the. 30311 of April. Articles: 7 h I N IE ‘W fiRfldEfiY STORE I H. F. EREPER. 1 St an‘te Jump Cart. llrtf 0001 Fish, Pickled Salmon, Canned. Fruits, Pure Lard. SPRAMOTER AGENCY RMSFOR SALE Candies, . Manges, Figs, Bed' I Book Th iog A we] the the S} ed firs CMI Purch brawl “'. Mngm- “'islws to inform his patrons that from the present (12119 to the lst, of May, 181%),110 will he p1-vpurâ€" (rd to CHOP GRAIN 4- mm per 332. I{ichnl 0nd llill. ‘eriment T1 ran Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Bayle’s - mm l‘icé Appal- s of t); Repairing done on short notice NASMITH’ w. MAGER, HI) 91‘ undersigned Land Plaster :4.qu gavmifiemmta. Repair Sh op. RTLFICATE 0F OFFICIAL AWARD at the agency FOR SALE Our stock of Grace and we have a let place lnhope Buggy. new rs Sent, Covered ] Swat Covered Bugg All the above rigs m Richmond Hill alirz, 4 Rnckm-g, Pm'l‘m' Suite, m Suite, Dilmlg Turhher Got,- se. Child‘s Cot. Fgg‘rjace. Any day of the week rs can now obtain the 0016 'obique Gypsum Powder u :. U. P. R. Crossing. ang ight certify that, at tha contest of Sprayâ€" ,us held at Griulsby. undar the nu» Board of (tuntrol of the Fruit Ex- Smtviuns of Un‘ario. in which tnere Iestants. the Spromoter, made by Let Co., of London, Out" was award- gageucy and exaunue the goods can have their pumps fitted to of charge. 40.8 +ALLANOUG H, Thurnhill Also I A] thE ll. NI I‘LLEII, Auenl ATâ€" ,d see us S BREAD BRITNELL & (TO, L. HUT'J l’E'l‘TIl‘ e display oi ned up a Gravely ’opolibnn Waiting- ies is clean and lresh Euggy ;Ui"l'{oa(l zs ave in gmodu Oil v ; 1 Three” Buggy : 1 at Julges .1 WM. HARRISON, Richmond Hill First Dust proof bearings First bicycle with Chain pull between bearings. All these improvements are: now in use by manufacturers all on Does it not stand to reason that a bicycle which has led the world fox s< vancement and improvements must be above the ordin NEW HANDLES, HUBS, TIRES, CRANKS. FRAME, SADDLES, FC Wheels fitted with Cleveland Ball and Roller Bearings revolve twice as wheels fitted with other bearings. First Blcycle with large tubing. lflâ€"Pm‘snips. Yellow ('mwn QOâ€"Rudub, French Breakfast ltmllsh. Rosy Gem, Whlte Tip} Squash. Hubbmfl â€"'l‘omuco, Early Atlantis 24‘ ’l‘uwuto, Dwarf Champion Do Your Own Spraying! 30 Sole agency for the above excelfent Syrayers in the six front [ concessions each in Markham and Vaughan, ' including Richmond Hill. ‘ Send; for Illustrated Catalogue. with full instructions for spraying, free. Order by mail or otherw15e. Herbs, Snvuurv Herbs, Murjumm Lettuce, Nunpureil (Cabbage) Lemmy, Denver Mun ketwurled) Muck Melon, Extra Early (Nutmég Water Melon. Canada Gun 11. Large Raul, Wethersfield Asters, Mixed ngunuente, Sweet Pansy Mixed Petunia. Mixed ’l‘aswulums, Tall Sweet Pens. Final Wild Flower, Gard us wmh an order {or 1‘) ulns.!0:=25csubs (postal note or silver) we will include 1 pkt. New Snowdrift Pinks. Price 15 centsâ€"Free of charge to THE Luann“. subscribers. F R E 1i CLEVELAND BECYé set. Eclipse, Round man, Egyptian, flata‘ound» ahbage. \Vinnmgsladt uhhnue, Fnttler’s Brunswick armb, ha‘fâ€"long. Dnnvur‘s Schrlet m'mt, Oxheut or Guemude ucumber. (:hxcugo Picklmg u 'umlrar, long green rel. rv, Golden Seifâ€"Blunching 1892 1895 eeds! 12 Vaflgmea €332 ivornd at any pnst rvffice. 11a! liecs. Money refuuueil satisfac'orv Agents everywhere. Jarga Hell, \Vethersfield Yellow Globe. Danvers s, Yellow ('mwn French Breakfast 1105} Gegu, thte Tipped REPRESENTATEVE, 310E013? (Order by number) VEGETABLES Tan Mixed ‘iue Mixed Garden Mixed F Providing this coupon J is‘cutnut and sent to FLOWERS PRICES Full 5 H. A. LOZEER & CG , Tomato Junction TAKE 31ij CHOICE. I RENNIE’S Forty stalks 1 The above actual yield would seem incredâ€" ihle if not authenticated by the testimony of eve~witnesses and the sworn statement of well- known faxmers. Never before has such an en- ormous yleld been known. while our claims for umductiveness. plump, heavy gram, with thin, bnght yellow, and close fitting shell, wonderful stooling qualities. and ndaptabilitv to great- (1')» versitles of soil and climate, have been main- mined. 3. Bush. :31. 10 blish. or over in. 9. Very productive, strong. stiff straw, growing in height [tom 4 to 5; feet; plump, thin hulled, bright yellow grain. often three grains in a. spikelet and evenly distributed uver the entire head. The stalks do not lodge nor the grain [all oil“ in stormv weather. N 13 \V’ ()rk'I‘ [Cotton Bags hoklingrlg bushelsâ€" 150. each exh‘u.]_ FLrst Blcycle with barrel hubs and pedals. I’irst Bicycle with parallel top bar. , FROM $40.0 Per 1b. 200., 4 lbs‘ gnu II anisla “'l: 1893 1896 1899 1898 Cor. Adelaide 85 Jarvis Sts., TORONTO I” ed by the testimony sworn statement of v r before has such an ‘wn, while our claims WM. RENNIE, ilc. Write for I: paid ‘IE‘EGND REL}:- NEW SUGAR BEET Cautionâ€"We Control this Novelty only direct to Fan-mars to avoid frat] J. H. PRENTICE (Of the firm of Eckm‘dt & Prentice”, agent for the Massey-Harris Luhm- Suving Machinery, \Vagons, levs, Souffle-rs, &c.; also the Sawyer {c Massey Engines and Threshers. the Bl-antfm-d “’ind-Mill, and the Up-tu‘ Date Toronto Fanning Mill. All Massey-Harris repairs kept by H. A. Nicholls. Richmond Hill. Busian solicited. "Dauhh Improved" Red Top. The subscriber would respectfully intimate to the public that having rebuilt the chopping mill 9“ MAPLE NEVV GHPPING - MILE. And doub until run He is LUMBER on hand. and in a few (In prepared to Supply DRESSED LUM kinds and do PLANIVG AND MAT all kinds at. lowest prices. Patronage solicxted ; satisfaction 4 Maple. Nov M m 1 lb‘ Henry Marsh; Unionville, Ci:de BEES. lits c First Hardened block and pm Chain. lbs First w (baby) frame the :sent accepted type \‘crv manufacturer. halogue. the world. manv years m 21d- FORK&CHAIN 19d Packages,j ;. $2.25, pustpa. 181 es and for feeding to milch a a. liberal flow of rich m object (for butler pm~ if root, Without exception. 1. The roots are nice and lot 21. splendid color, and, LbOVB ground. are more my other Sugar Beet. apiug ALE itisfaction guaranteed u'nes 2mm rely by 3 listingmst 1 894 1897 long a. ver MATCHING KINI OF' ill be dui}

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