African natives who have lived in neâ€"story huts show the greatest fear climbing stairs, and will sométimes 3 up on hands and knees. Dogs of- te V have to be trained to climb stairs. tinctively distrusting the upper etc ties. It has been conjectured that is because the dog's forelegs break below the shoulder, and the t seems to realize this. The fox no such fear, and has 'been known to‘ climb a tree with plenty of small limbs to the height of seventeen feet, Swimming comes easier than (:1me- inS to most animals, as well as to many races of men. Rats and guinea pigs can swim well and climb not at all, although their cousins, the squir- rels, are at home in the trees. Prairie dogs, which live in plains and have no use for climbing, can be taught the trick. but when they try to jump from a height they usually fall on their heavy, stupid heads, and either stun themselves or break their teeth. They lack the inherited in~ atinct that should teach them whit can and wlmt cannot be done. Aus- tralian rabbits of the same family of rodents, can climb very well, having lived for generations in. forests. L.“ Bears can climb well if little, but the grizzly and other large species stay mainly on the ground. A bear ulWaYS climbs dowu a tree stern foremost, as does the domestic cat until she has nearly reached the ground, when she turns and jumps; but most wild cats run down a trunk head first, even tho heavy leopard being a more skilful climber than the light house cat. The tiger and lion, however, do not climb, for no discoverable reason except thwt they fear falling on account of their weight. Iphouloni Ternrby Which llorselcss Cur flange ls Known. V Some new words have necessarily been added to this English language since the introduction of the horseâ€" ]ess carriage, and the vocabularies of other tongues have also naturally been similarly enriched in all countries where such carriages have become pup- ular. \Vith- few exceptions, all these words are technical and their true signifi- cance is only understood by the elec- trician and the mwhinist. The mem- bers of the Flemish academy of Anvers recently determined i0 frame award which would be readily intelligible, to all who understand the language of Flanders and who had ever seen a horseless carriage, and the result was that after much deep thought they framed the following word: “ Snelpanrdelooszonderspoorwegpet- rolrijtuigfj This euphonius word signifies “a car- riage which is worked by means of pe- troleum, which travels fast, which has no horses, and which is not run on rails." That is, from. one point of view a fine example of multum in parvo, but it may be questioned whe her one 9::- traordinary long word is preferable to half a dozen short words. The Flemish people, however, think differently, and the academicians of Anvers have been highly complimented by them on their linguistic skill as seen in this unique word. ‘ BONDUUTQR H. Hï¬ï¬Ã©} And His Deadly Struggle With a Vlexous Enemy. Diabetes was Gull-z the Victory Over lllm \Vllel he Began to Ilse Dodd's Kldney I’llllnglfIl tn.- Tldc Turned and Ilc~ Was Saved. Toronto, May 8.â€"-Still another memâ€" ber of the staff of the Toronto Street Railway comes forward to testify to the unequalled efficacy of Dodd's Kidney Pills, in cases of Diabetes. This time it is Mr. H. Hogs, Conductor No. 207, residing at No. 81 Fuller St., who tells his story.‘ Here is what he says: "Diabetes kept me in continual misery, and nightly agony for three years. My blood got so impure that I thought I could never get it restored to its natural purity, I was tortured by dizziness, which grew to such an extent that I had to quit work. I lost flesh and strength rapidly. and, in short, I thought it was ‘all up with me.‘ "I used different remedies, no good from any of them friend recommended Dodd's Pills. "I had no idea they would help me, as I had been disappointed so often, but I decided to try them. The first box gave me Wonderful relief. The dizziness vanished, and my head he- came as steady as ever it was. Three boxes completed my cure, and toâ€"day I am sound and well, thanks to Dodd's Kidney Pills.†The best way to ascertain the real merit of Dodd's Kidney Pills is to test them. There can be no deceit then. They either will cure, or they will not. A trial costs very little, and it will settle all doubts for' all time. Dodd's Kidney Pills are sold by all druggiets, at fifty cents a box, six boxes 52.50, or sent, on receipt of price, by The Dodds Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. . A MUNICIPAL “’ASHROOM. In Islington one of the poorest par- !hea of London there is a vestry wash- room, where a poor woman can take her basket of clothes and do her fam- ily washing with every convenience. The clothes are dried very rapidly by steam and the fee is only five cents. ume of Them Learn With nsmcuny the [150 ol’ 'l‘rt-r-s. NEWEST WORD IN FLANDERS. ANIMALS THAT CH 31 B. easier than climb- lies, but got hem, until a dd’s Kidney _ éieud Tolliver. Yes life she led! Neversweat Nicodemus. Did yer ever hear about apriucess wot slept for a hundred years? ~ --- . ., ‘ To take Hood’s Saraaparilla,the great blood puriï¬er is therefore a law of health and it Is a necessity in nearly every household. It never disappoints. Eryslpelasâ€"“Had a severe attack 0! erysipelas, suffering from dizziness and nervousness no that could not rest at night. Tried Hood‘s Snrsaparilla with good results. and now recommend I: to others." M. Cauuxns, Toronto, Ont. \Ve don’t advertise for mere effect, but for business. “’0 know that, if you are subject to cramps, xhut you should have prompt, effieient remedy on hand. Nervilineâ€"nerve-pain cureâ€"has awon- deriul and immediate curative power. It relieves in one minute; it cures in five. Pleasant to 1119 taste and the best known remedy for pain. Mrs: King? Her husband has run away and left her. .' How awful. But lhut's not the worstâ€" he has Tired Feelingâ€""Was all run down and bad no appetite. Was tired all the time. Hood‘s Sarslparilla was suggested, and a trial beneï¬ted me so much that now I would not be without the medicine." Mus. G. D. Bunxm, Central Norton, N. B. I Pillniclrxrn liver “In; the non-irritating Ind Inn-tic m take wit 430037 Surnzï¬ula. But a law of Nature bows to the necessity of keeping the blood pare so that the entire system shall be strong, healthy and vigorous. J APANESE CHILDREN. In Japan children have labels with their names and addresses hung around their necks as a safeguard against being lost. , -A .L.‘ warn,» "Wecessz’z‘y 7 Knows No Law.†...§~._--..- c, ,, 830.03 Poultry l-rit n xlu' best digentcr in the market LAURENTJAN SANO k GRAVEL 00.. Montreal. l‘uke Lunxive Brnqu Qunui um reluud me money i! 1!. la QUEER, MOU RNING COLORS. Coffins in Russia are never covered with black. If the deceased is a child pink is used; if a woman, crimson. though for a. widow they use brown. PHILUPPINE LIZARDS. Lizards crawl along the walls of the habitations in the Philippines, disre- garded by the humm occupants, and make themselves useful by catching flies and mosquitow. The Rube. Did you make him eat his worde \VHERE THE TROUBLE GAME IN. " S’haraoh 106." P2 MOON‘S MOUNTAINS. It has been ascertained that one of the mountains in the moon 18 36,000 feet high, while several are upward of 30,000 feet. "EhieHVVreck. Ye-eâ€"esi but my name was mixed up in 'em somehow. For Over Fun Years MRS. W1NSI.0W‘S ROUTHING SYRUP In- bï¬el mud by math." for thvir chil rev nothing. It. loomhel le child, when: (he gums. Alia.†nu pain. «um wind unl-ic. and i Lho but remedy (or $1: rrhan, 250. I he'â€" a u p.“ .n drmminu I'm'ouï¬L-Out the world; BI I}? ma 'by An am Ind ask for ’ WSW The readers of thix nper will be pleased to learn than there Is at. ea.†onedreaded dlneaï¬e that «cieuce has been able I0 cure an all He stages. and sum is ClLurxh. Hall's Catarrh Cure ls tho only posi-ive cure known to the medical (mummy. CMarrh being a commu- Einnnl (Hieflfle. roquireu a comtituliounl trem- xnent. Hall's (‘Murrh Cure isuken imwrnally, awning dichll)’ upon lvhe blood and mucuuurur- (new of the system. bheraby annoying the foundation of the disenu. and giving the patientsuexgth hy building up the constitu- tou and amusing nature ln dolng ltn work. The proprietnre have so much faith in ltac' n live own-u. that may offer One Hundred! 0’- lax-r- Or any carc men. it fails in cul'e. Send my list of Leslihwnials. Address. ' J. CHENEY Sr, (.70.. Tole to. 0. LUBY’S MILES OF READING. A French statistician has calculat- ed that the human eye travels over 2,- 000 yards in reading an ordinary Slzed novel. The average human being issup posed to get 1hmugh 2,500 miles of reading in a lifetime. ONE BLO\V AFTER ANOTHER. Did you hear the dreadfyl news about me back Sold by Drubglsts, 750. Hall’s Family lels are bï¬ll dâ€"ru‘giwsts; 7307c. a bomb. To CURE A com "Lone DAY ONE LONG DRE $100 Reward. $100. drugginu throughout. the worm Mn. Wlm.ow't Syrup.‘ Remember 1h0 beet Psyne. of Granby. Que C55†Mnnulactpren r Given new lilo to flu Hair. It, mnken it grow Bud roswnn the polar. 3AM: Wot an ideal All Dru? LIBEL IN FRANCE. Many of the French papers keep In their employ harmless persons who are registered as managers of the respecz- tive publications. When a paper has published any article of a. libelous char- acter, in regard to which the victim makes legal complaint, the registered manager stands trial as an offender and is subjected to fine or imprison- ment, perhaps both. The application of Nervilineâ€"nerve- pain cureâ€"which possesses such mur- veIlous power over all nerve pain, has proved a remarkable success in rheu- matism and neuralgia. Nerviline acts on the nerves, soothes them, drives pain out and so gives relief. Try it and be convinced. SULTAN’S BAKER BILL. Nearly 20,000 pounds of bread are daily eaten in the Sultan of Turkey’s household. A locomotive on a Georgia railroad picked up a pig on its cowcatcher and carried it six miles without hurting it. la Toscana, 100. carbollc Disinfectants, Soapu. Olnt- meat, Toozh Powders. etc. have been awurced 100 Neda?! and diplomas for superior excellence. ’I‘hnir regular une prevent, inbou- uus dinases. Aqk your don. er no obtain a supply. Liam! mailed free on npp‘lcntion. Gatholic Prayer Dr. Anson. Berlin who willconvlnaaymx hem Wm g‘tammarers °‘ Baking Pewder, f I’lans‘ Eshmnlu, 9th for Mum clpal and Private “warns. and Water vv I cu"- vv-uku “"7, "ml I“. ma. noun c. a D. bCIiOOL co.. Mung-:â€" CUTTING swam»; “Huuulaua'†Auewspecid-z/lneuthy uni! on receipt 0131 DB. ROUBY. PO Box 3nï¬â€˜ hftlutrkal Ralwiouu Picturm, Summary. and Church Unun Education-n1 Wurks. Mun m‘dnrs receive prom." , Lion. D. J. SADLIER 8:. 00., Montreal. E Rheumatism~7 MONTE ETA L 11!. “ Balmoral," Free Bus CUREH DYSPEPSIA, SUBï¬TITU’I‘ES TEA AND COFFEE. A 100. “Icing- will make 15 (mm. For sale by All gx-orem Ask for (t, Agentl wanted ï¬eld 100. [or sample hulf lb. packngp, ore-paid. Rekm -= Health- flammim Line Bridge Four g o 0 I: | N G and Sheet Metal Works. ROOFING SLATE, in Black, ad or (has u‘ SLATE BLACKBOARDS (We supply uh i0 and High Schnuls.Toroum). Rooï¬ng Fclh, Pitch, Jul Tar, etc‘ ROOFING TILE See New City Build- 23. Toronto. done by aux-ï¬rm). fetal Ueilings. Cor- ma. to. Estimates furulshed for work complete or ' or hjppt‘nl_£0 an») pnr§ ogthfpountfy. Phone 1936 ma. etc. Estimates {urulshcd for work complete or ' or ateriuls shippeul to an) Part of LI)? country. Phone l‘J36 DUI’HSE& SONS. Ade aida&W|dmer Sta.,Tornnto. we Dawson Commzssion 80., Limited Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool. arge and fast Steamers Vancouver. Dominion. Scotsman, Cambroman. Rule! of passage :» First Cabin, 50 upwards: Second nbin, S‘iï¬; Steers 9. $2250 and. 350 For further inï¬r-mmlnu a my to loud agents. or DAVID TORRA NCI’E CO . General‘gxenm. _ Cer.Wc1t-Markot & Bulb-ma at, Toronto, it get. y: u best 1mm:an your Applel. Butter. Egg! Poultry, and other produce. 11 you ship It to them. w. T. ASHBRIDGE, 0.5.! ROKGQ M'F'G 60., Toronto, EM I’LE BU l LDINQ Cure Yourself of Rheumatism. EPPS'S MANCHESTER at of passage .$l\‘5; Hteem further im’w GRATEFULâ€"COMFORTING. PIG 0N CO\VCATCHER. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. F. G. GAWERT & 00., CALVERT’S AT LAPIERRE. 19 Low BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. LETTER FILES and Shannon TRANSFER c Fila anpplgte OLOO. yogi-(13nd Arch 500‘ L nK._ The Ofï¬ce Spoclalty Mfg. 00.. Liam, 122 and 124 Bay St, TORONTO. Fnc ury: Newmnrket. bumpleé. Bolrd’n'na' Arch. 25¢ Binding Cases. $300 per dozen compluu‘ Equal t ions. Concrelg Construcflon, Eu: bk Sunni» the has} hunt, ’0 bran oraawduu. Sal] st 100. out M'urn u: one And receive ring FREE by rah-m mtll. Libamlcommluk‘u, I! ure- tm. Ululd good: “turn 1; “om: SUPPLY 00.. Dept.‘z,‘ Toronto. Ont. Gold-shell fol“!!er {In a 1!: IL ulmo Plush-Inns cue. or “lung 1 dul.d1|llly ‘hu 0! Helium °.KOI° “d inlet r~ aâ€..- 11 Anna orsawduxl Lall FEEâ€"E RELIA N CE CIGAR FA CTORY . Menu-ea.) Cure assured in 24 hourl‘ . looks, Rosaries. Cru- ciï¬xes, Scapulars. and Church Onuunun, “' P (1971 Formuls v ENGLAND fallen and Dr make":l gun! for ’IF .yer St. . Montrul ROYAL “All. STEAMUHIFG ‘3 to make It I. easily Inng I'Inula lent for TM- Dentin: canadn. Tono'N T0 -., writ. to an rumyou "guy than fun. “Had ï¬n (re-id 51361;. Ask your ,Pricelou Sunny HARRIS $23? THOMAS F1.qu L. COFFEE 8: 00., YOUR NAME This love}; I little Luly I Wuwh, with uml or «haul-inc loneï¬ingzdoz. a of our full‘lilid Linn DoylieullOc.e mindf- lmflinaï¬ilur nwh [mulling 5 do; Doylloa in In." an memo" dclig‘n. They 3611 at light. Writa Ind w. um! them pontpald. Sen then. return our money and we promptly fonurd '0!" W91! "60-. Amiga FREE! It is a Winner. Hobbs Hardware 00. 'vul w-vvu “law. v Hull“: uu’nlâ€" numb». LINEN 0071100., out, ‘ 1.’ 1mm FREE. EmwlSEMoTHERKNOWs A TH: VALUE or m enn 11 IO LEADJCOPPER. muss Wholnfnla only. Lon. Dhunae Telephone 1720. LOWEST PRICES. Rooms 409-12 Board of 7nd. Building, TORONTO. ONT. GRAIN AND GOMMISSION MERGHANTS, is so well known it scarcely re- quires advertising. Every Lady in the Land knows its value. can. KIN. t SPADINA, TORONTO Q5¢aufifierz WILLIAM at. Tonom‘o. FRECKLES a FRECKLE DESTROYER FRECKLES 13A nnrumm MEDICINE: A. J. TRUSS, Chemist, Dea'en, Ask For Quotation. 500‘ PER BOTTLE Madam Marquaud’s We give this ï¬ne 4-Blade Pearl Handle KNIFE for selling 6 Ladies‘ Gold Plate Shirt Waist B E A U T Y PINS at 10 cents each. Simply send your address and we will forward wicks post-paid. When sold, send the 60 cents and we will send knife, with all charge; paid AddressY com Nevolty 80.,Toronto. ant. Lead Packages. . LONDON. SOLID GOLD-FILLED RIIIO liven free mt]: each order. Printed on 25 Lovnv out»; (a: only 25a. and um bmmimi The Canadian Card 00., 24- St. James St. Montreal, . Canada. Milli. Mllla & Hales Barristers,etc..removed to Wenley Bldg-L. Rich- mond ï¬t. W.. Toronto. IND TWINE. JOHN L. Con-u: HIGHEST GRADES. DRINK lid 131 IT IS PURE. Ill-do In All Colon. Ideal Leather PoEish ALLAN LENE which Sana 1|"de sud ghflbon, lid the Keen III-Ill! Ink-u View Aumanu and Debillky In. night! If] nth: tunnel»: 1e 41..»- vhn p“ oï¬l Food II rejected. nvu 50 tutu m can ll Idiom 50 Years V“ I U“. v “umFlsbulenu. D") is ludlmflo- Oomumycion Dining. Bro-chick. with (lqu I Lulu-a. dgtnrr‘n. P 1.3m, Lil-uh“ lenou Dobimy. Sloopluanaxs. Despanduny, DuBarry & 00., London, W.. tho In Pins, 14 Rue do Ganglion. Ind t sll Grocers. Ohum'Itl. and 8mm everywhere in u E}. I. 64.. 6... 5“). Mn. Sent undue free. ‘10. $3 Ain’- Radon“ Biatuita. In rumba: 6d. “at... “an (or Cumin : The '1‘. Intel: ., Llnlud. Toma“ HEALTH nasmazn mam-3°32 ï¬lm-32315. #1715" uxQueomn. O JO. For lurch" lnlomtlon up}: to iaakSV, Lends-dorm teas-62,334; NUMIDIANâ€"Mny 6, June 19. July 1.5. CALIFORNIANâ€" May 13 Jun. 17. Jï¬l’ 2‘ GAL wMay 80. June ‘ ‘ 0080 FOLâ€"M11 27. Jul, 1. BOOTS AND SHOES. u. BOURLIEH, 17 Yong. St, Toronto, or H. A A. ALLAN, Montreal. ROYAL mun. sr- Lav-55o- STEAMERS "3.2713335" MEN'S WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SUMMER Sï¬lLIHGS. L It Is Eoonomloal. 25, 30, 4o, 50 & 60c. N O I 3! I relieved by T H I COMMON SENSE EARDRUMS. Mule of so" rubbu Ire ulo, oom- antable and invilib c, Writ. for pamphlet showing beneï¬t In can 0 Occurrhnl Dearnus. Roving In Blaming Bounds. Relucd. Suntan nrd Ttlclcned Drum». The Common Sense Ear Drum (£qu plne Con, Deafness “7:: la the but for M u «(out nan-and nu: tuwawm mar-"maul by "pan {or uumiu. It A mybnukmdbudduvrr’ openmnouvhlnn m 14.3% Mun-Mu _v . rum-man united. Freehold ulldlng, Toronto. fury that 09., fwanto, on. Invarian luau. 1UPâ€. Mug} _ u ofkcwhp‘p M ' tel. ll mu fl. Jun )od Ana-tun I Hun-mat that w. vim.“ five good mama. Ifl m: ownch bring" 13qu Hmuunm an. butt": on ï¬nd .1- n I. on“! u M "I t in. Olplel I chug-I. and R "Sold Everywhort HEAD