Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 May 1899, p. 5

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fifimuzz}:kuv;';-axe : : s. .1.» gr: E. 5. V ‘J 21:) V '- x 1’ fl '- ‘~ .; 1.54% 2' / ["1 HAV'Lg - . 1, .\.1 2‘ 12111.11 11. --1' 1111- 111- Nil: “l 'l'hc vita t-i \'auh i'll-l‘k‘s 11111 L1'1'1‘1l .11 April \\'1'l‘1' _ 11..l. w‘ ; » é1111.:< l: Aiarriam s 7!: 111 :1! 11*» .1. Sheep Him-my, .1-;1'. 1111.;11 9" .‘1i::-;1-11..~. Tin-121111*;111:112111-l£;11:1l 111.1111- ti..- leadership 11‘ ~ .11-112 Aurora haw-1111*: ml :11 lil}'1.‘!\ll 11111.411' :. Elli‘ .‘\&'l‘ lit‘lti 111311- 41111111'21111111‘ "hcb'il that passesat1-\'1-1ys1->si-_111 the dollar 11111,. [L ‘h‘o. :~ 1.11'111‘1‘2‘1 at A?- lx'ihson 1k i”,1\\ it; The V‘x'. (‘. '1‘. l'. 1.11. Will nun-L 21f. 111111.1- of Ali-3.. Sanderson (111 Tue»:â€" (lay1-v1-111111411e31. The111-11:11’1111-111111‘ " tannin-1111111"viiil 111- l:1l\1‘ll up and discussed. .-\ full Iltlt‘inlilllt'l,‘ reâ€" quested. it? Ape-11111 fitting: :Jlilii is the 11.111511- Hing-1111111111111. 3111111111111 1‘: .‘iwitz - warrant 11 lit. ,4. 11s reports haviir‘: the l 0111* of our. seen Pareaud lloldrn on 1 «vi Markham hi1illlll;.)‘ 11111 11111 1111i have presence of mind 111 report 1111- samet111-111'“]iigh (‘111;<tzil1li-" Mon-1‘ son. The bank 11111111315 a11- 1111-1111111- istill at. large. K The best Blessina 1.1-1111111s ‘l l uil 111Z.; California Naval (hang-’1 s 21‘) 1"1>. 11-1- doz. Atkinson 1v Switzer. l The boys and girls 111" the .lunior ll .2}:- 1 ., Worth League 1111! 111â€"111111'1-11w alter- 111111111(11*l11111-(111 tl1131'oilo1vxn‘c‘r suln’evt : “Resolved that a sister 111-1px 111-1' 1.1:111thcr more than he helps 111-12' :Zfill‘11111t1\‘t)*-:\llast-K t 1‘1-111-vf1~\ 1- 11a] ris. (.‘live Switm r and Ul.v1- (1111111111-14‘1i11. Negative*Masters Frank Storey, Leon Proctor-111111 Victor Shaw. U. Mason se la the Triget ('yi'lonr- Sprayer that throws Elsepaiatc sprays. price $1.110. Ei’VVUllTll Ll‘lAGl'l‘I. At the regular 1111*1-ti11g next Friday evening short, speeches will be given by the retiring ofiicers and also by those who are newly elected. The proceedings will 111- 111 cly and inn-lest- ing and all are lliVltttl to attend. Gluten Set-d is the best and cheapest milk producingr dairy food on the market. For sale by ii. L. Breen. ARBOR DAY. The High School observe-1d Saturday as Allan-Day. Mes . Johnston and (loombs dug twenty- e maples in Mr. Gibson’s bush. Mr. McNair hauled them home and Mr. Switzm' sent a man [.11 heip plant them. The 111-es~ tie a nice looking lot and are l1ei11;._r Irell looked after. \ , _, 7.., 1 _ >7, 1 Boots 8: H1111 -s~'\7‘{~- are showing :11.- r.m1ne1'1s:- ‘tosk of foot 111-.11: lrtdv's filial but-.111 .m-l l'1<;--:l Bouts. size< . .‘i and 3%, (i-lc s. a pair, zt-gular price $2.00 1111.11.11.00. Naughton Bum, Eigin Mills}. The Globe of Saturday contained the names of the. priz:- winners for reviewing hooks in “The Children‘s Circle,” duringr the past. three months. Miss Olive Switzer of our Public School is in the list of those who re- ceived honorable mention. The title of the book reviewed is “The Tem- pest." and was reviewed on the lst of April. ' lotton Seed Meal is the butter- mafter‘s friend. Forcreain and butterâ€" making it has no equal. For sale by H. L. Bi-een. John Grngan, a bachelor living near Tcston, was found dead in his bed on Thursday last. Deceased livcd 1‘1y himself in a small snanty and was last seen alive on Tuesday by neighbors. The body was warm when found, so that death must; have taken place on Thursday. Coroner Dr. Nelle-s viewed the body, stated that in his opinion death was due to apoplexy, conse- queut upon exposure. The. mother of deceased died in a similar manner about two years ago. There is one sort of trial that makes a. person happy~A trial of Atkin- son 6.: Switzcr’s tea. MAY 24TH CONCERT. The concert committee in connec- tion with the Agricultural Society have-been fortunate in securing first- chtss talent for the, concert to be given on the evening of the Queen’s Birth- day. Toronto’s favorite humorist, Mr. Bert Harvey, with his talented colleague, Mr Kenny, will appear sineg and together, and prondse a 111111111e1-11t'new features. Mi.“ (2. M. Jones, the lady col-net soloist, who has won for herself an enviable repu- tation will give some choice selections, and Miss McMurtry, one of the fore- most vocalists in Toronto, will also take ait. Mrs. Bert Harvey, the ac- comp ished pianist, will preside 1181.111- . instrument, and in the second part of the programme Misses \Vatson and Powers will introduce some. new and interesting features in a cake walk. Progrannnes in a. feW days will give full particulars. Evan‘s Electric Sprayer was award- eda. Diploma at the Toronto Indus- trial Exhibition in 1‘49“. Drop a mud forillustratedcatalogue. Wm. Harli- 1501:. See adv; -'1-1-a1lya g1111111111111111-1 111-11:11 112111-111- 111-1111-11 l’/.I‘l' and .1111111 1:;7111's 111 111-1-‘1i11_-_-,111l11- 111-111 1111-1 filmy. (1111111115 1.1111- uric -111 «‘1113111'11-11'.. :11: "1' 1.1‘1-:11-h1-1'< ‘1 \'1-.1.. 111111 f.111:\11121 1-1' 'ull'ortl 111111 21s plosiâ€" "(E-11.1111. 111'1'111-1- ~.11111-- 111-oph- l'11111t a1 1* ‘1' t ‘1: \:-i.11;-l 1111“1'1‘1" ran 1 111-111111.111i 111-"1'31. Holy :1 1'1-'.\‘ yin-11s logo $1111 and -l-l was 111- -lv 11.1111 1'111' 111!- l:1. 1".l*1l-1‘l‘1-\ (‘11‘\1'i;.11:i 1\lil‘1‘l\‘ l ‘::'1'1.1-\.-11:11-11-~» ~11l:1 :11 1‘ ; 1111114. .\ I. 111‘ [vi-111 I-i'l. v-ivi'wu. 4111-1111111 with fluid 1E1 dudâ€"proof l: airings 1.11111 12111115»! 1 .1911 Sllllll; 5:1111111-s. 11 311A )--;-.1- ..11- 11.111u'1711-1.~ I. 1 Trent 111-1:11-l\,..11:l 1 :11‘1‘ - ' 1'\1*1' 11'11 1111 [11:1 llllll'kt‘l. [:1-1- «v.11 less than oil-111131 >Il'1'11§;lll. and 1 1‘11:11-:1~.1-1'. :-.ll 111111 :11'1‘ {111‘ :1“l\'1.‘. l Their-<1pnre1.:u1lH.’,.-. a 111. extra 1111.-lit_v,b.g shipuunt Jul 111 11111111. Atkinson 11; H‘A‘d/A-r. l‘lilili’AliiNtl li'uil 31.111 21. '1'1’11-lirixz- fiistsol' ‘1111- . r, ‘l1'1lllll1‘1'll Hocirty Show :1 1401111 11111 111' 13:11.- 1111' 1111-11-11111111111.-\;11111i11.111111 be 111-1111111 -th1- Queen‘s Birthday. Til-- prizes in I ~11-‘\‘1'1‘;1l I'llt‘siNitl'!‘ 1.11g1-1'tl14111 1-\1-r 11e- .111-1-..~11.11\1-1111111111111111111-1111 together a l 5'.- 1111111111-1- 1~11111p1~lil11rs. 1’11 . s : ogre-“rat 1111:; 111-:11 ly $11111 will be 1-111111111- s]1<_-1~i‘111;{ and alâ€" ;:11- on trot (11' L. I11 1 "lil.\\. of 11' the string. in tlr- 1'11-1--J'or ll 11.11-1-1111-11111-1‘1-is .1 '. :111.1 for the 3- ’1111111111- raw- '1 wilt be divided. The sp<11‘t<11l"1?1*-11:1_\‘will 1'111111111-111‘1- \\ith a football [01111141111111 :1'1 1111.111. (1111111 Bosnia l’rum-s (.312: Mince Ale-1115112: i’nri- (ioltl Jelly 1'12: the best L‘nrn Sim-1’11 (51-. Atkinson & Swilzer. THE 521111-11; 1‘1111111'11. For some tinu- past eli'orts were put forth to make arrangementsfora lil‘st- class lacrosse 111111111111 111* played 1111 tl11-l‘r1i1 grounds 1111 1,111: afternoon of May 2-1. The 511111111153; fraternity will 111‘1111':1\'t‘1l to learn that the efforts of (111-1'111111111111-1' have 111-1-11 successful and that a 1:1;1'1ch will be played here that11.13’111-tw1-1-n the local team and the .‘iii1111-11Htars. L'vlr. ('. l‘lllston, sec- re 1y of the home team, having re- ceivrd \1'111dthatth1- terms are deli» nit11y settled. The Stars are a noted team. and many people in this village and vicinity will be glad of the oppor- tunity 111' Sl‘t‘ll'lg them handle their sticks: This 11st acquisition to the pro,:;ra1111111-. with the min-r tilll’ilt't- 111114. llmlll'tsd l'ull day's anuiwim-nt on ti11;‘..'11171{;11111111 [ili‘ 111’1‘11. r Evan‘s lilewirir Sprayer is an easy and pleasant machine.- t’or doing 11 hard disagreeable .job. Get; one at “'11). Harrison's. Sec adv _ PI'BLIU 111138.511? Y MEETING. A 111eetin-br of the Public Library Board was held at T111; LIBERAL oflice on 'J‘nesday Mening, one of the objects being to l'ei’l'fl‘f’ the auditors’ report of [111' accounts of the Secre- tary and the Treasurer for the year ending the 1110111 of April. The report. showed the r1-CeipLs for the year to be $311.35, expenditure $253.31], leaving a balance in 1111- trcasurer’s hands of $5. .915. The librarian's report shoWed that ll-l volumes of books had been purchased during the year, that there are now (1:37 volumes in the library, and that there \Vcrc 37,013 volumes issued during the year, also that the ,Reading Room is supplied with 4 daily papers, 14 wet-lilies, and ll) periodicals. Mess '. P. G1. Savage, \V. A. Sander- 3 son and T. l“. McMahon were rte-elect- ed chairman, treasurer and. secretary respectively for the current year. THE F] B. "1‘ MATCH. The lacrosse season opened here last Saturday, by a match between The Athletes of Toronto and the local 111-11.111. The home team \von an easy victory over the visitors although the former had to exert themselves in ~1ecuring their honors. When the teams lined tip it could 111.1 see!) that the Hill boys had slightly the advant- agcin weight, but the difference in size was scarcely noticeable. Several match on Saturday, but the new selves, and WM doubtless make- steady players before the close of the present season. The referee and umpires gave every satisfaction. and harmony prevailed throughout the match. ThcI result at the close. showed 8 to (Jin favor of the Hill boys who played a. very good 1-1111111ination game. Mr. \V. Savage referocd the 111at.cb.. and fut-531‘s. J. Glass, and \V. Murray acted as umpires. The following,r ‘il‘t‘ the 1 players on the respective sides :~â€" Torontoâ€"Giroux, Cameron. Dill, Papineau, Peniston McArthur, Mcâ€" LI)onal1l, McLaughlin, Elliott, Moore, Scott, Travis. lticlnnond Hillâ€"A. Savage, G. Sims, B. Glover. J. 'l‘rivr-tte, J. (J‘rloVer, P. Lyons. (I. Ellston. N. Barker, \V. Trench, \V. Clifford, H. Hooper, 0. Hail. The playing on the home team on Saturday pronnses a strong aggrega- t1on before the season is much. farther ad vunccd. of the home team played their first _ blood gavc a rood account of tllc‘lll" 4'1 '1 3.. a; 91:1: «5 rU’J‘k' v 1.: $11-$11: (:1. .11.;19J1»" W'm-imua l “'ehznw- :1 111:12'1111'51'1*:-t sturh now 1‘1111111111111'2'11'5. .12111 \7111 Laces, lilblmns. Atkinson 1k value is >31'1‘. 1. Swiss insertion :, l ’1-11-111111 8:11111111111 :th Switzur. .-\t It 111--1-1il‘1[; last evening thr- ladios of [111' Presbyterian 17111111411111-1’111-11 to which 1\1-11 by 111113. 1:11-‘13114-1'11}Birth-111111111r l'nrâ€" tlu-r notice will 111- rs Dairy farnu-rs can lllt’l‘HlM' tin-11‘ profits 11-11 to tw1-111y per cent l1yl'1*1-1i« 111;; 111111-11 :11111 (‘1.111111 51-1-11 Meal. 1191112 1- by ll. 1... 1111-1-11, 1%) 11111'111\1-1~. '1‘11111111‘11,opposite (i. 1“. 511111111], \‘ .1 Aorth [1111111111. 1,1 11. \\'. .‘11. H. _*\.t 1111-1111-1-"11 '411'1111- \l'. .11’. at 1111- pal-M111 T lost'l11111's1111yll11-1'1h \'t'l(‘[h(’.\ with 11 \11-1-1- 1li~.§1'il1ut<-1l 1111111111.;1-4 111-- 1111-1115-11s'1 your 101' contributions{wounds a 1111- 1111-111111-1- \1‘1-1‘11collected. 'l'lu- 1'111111-111s:11111111111- 1'11 t11$3$i.i.'1. it 1'1 quires .‘f’fi" 111111111 :1 lil'c-1111-1ul11-r :1 1111-1111 ol _\l1'i‘llll111'l1's‘, 111-111 l‘urlnl‘tl”. \1‘1 ' crously 111.1111- up 1111' _ Ballots were (111-1111'is'11'1111111-1l 111111 the v11t1-‘1alu-11l‘ortlu- |1i':-»1111-111l11*i‘. Mrs. .llrst'ullouh2121s the unanimous- 1-noiv1- oillu-sociel) and al 1111- .111111- “111-tint: “'1” he presented \1 ith a life I|1<‘ll1l1t*1- ship I: -1tili1-.-111-. Evil-s. l’iortor as [ll’l"~ ident rougratulalml Mrs. Alt-('ullorh 1111 111 r ability as :111 111111-1-1- and spoke ago .‘n‘ usefulness and \‘.illin;;‘ness I11 “111-11', notonly {111-1111- .\1i».io11111'v ram-1- 11111 in every 54111111 \\'111'l\. 1111's. 1‘11'4'1111111'11 thanked the ladies 1111‘ the honor they 111111sograriously(-11111'1-1-1'1-11upon 111-r. 31.15;. 111-t1-11111-1-1-1ltl11- Hus. (11111. Mcâ€" Gulloch and 11.1%. [11.1511111-l'orthcvery excellent and appropriate M'l'lllnll" preached by them on 111-hall" of auxiliary, Sunday. 111111123111: to the choir for their 1-l'1‘11-iv-11l 111-1p and to the- rougrcgalion for 1111- liberal collection which increases lll-l‘ fund by $1.57. The ladies' admire 1111-11 who \\'1-:11‘ Stylish Ties and 111-Meet fitting shirts. modern collars and piopt-r rut .. Young gents will always find such at Atkinson 1v Switzar's. i‘Elhs()lVALb. Miss Clara Bond of Toronto Junction spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoppel. Mr. \Ym. )1lll].~l)il\\' left on Tues-day. - - havng purchased a blacksmithing business in the West end of the city. Mr. .1119. B. McLean of Maple, clerk and treasurerol' Vaughan township. was in the village on Tuesday. Mr. \‘Vm. Robinson has been SlllIl-. moned as a juryman for the Court which opens in ’l‘oronln next week. out in a few days. Mr. “vyc Trench who is attendh‘ ‘ V'l'oronto l11 \". rsity 9-111111- up 1111 Tip-12’- day and spent the day w1tl1 his sister sinking. Mr. R. Knight of Bruce Mines and a former pupil of our High 831111111 has creditably passed his fir '1'. year in Min- ing Engineering at 1l11- school of Pracâ€" tiral Science, Toronto. He spent few days this week with friends in the village. Rev. R18. R. Large, junior pastor of the Richmond Hill circuit, was one of seven upon whom were conferretl the degree of B. l). at the closing con- vocation held in 1,-(111111-ction with Vitr- toria. University on Tuesday evening of last week. Rev. Mr. Large. had previously held the degree of B. A. Miss Rogers after a residence. 111-re of between three and four years left yesterday to join h1-r111otheran1l other relatives in London where, she, will spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. to join her husband in Winnipeg. Like Dr. and Mrs. llutchison Miss Rogers has a warm place in the hearts of the citizens of Richmond Hill, and will be greatly missed in various cir- cles where her kindly and \vomanly nature prompted her tooth-r11 helping hand. in all good works. has ever gone from this place leaving more friends 111-hind them, 3111 we, any happiness and prosperity in their new honn-s. 31111111111 31111111115. nine 11:.- .rr man 111113" WAGGON 1:. 1111111 131- SHE 1 Three quarters seat covered buggy, ltlovered buggy, 1 Road Waggon, 2 Road carts. All the above rigs in good repair. , E. J .. GALLANOUGH, iMfi lflltii‘uhlll. Tillie who is very ill and is gradually ~ H. QDr.) Hutchison before the latter goes , Wheat, white, pul‘ hush .............. 15 0 71 $1 0 (1’1 Wheat, red,perl1u~.h . . .. U 71 (1 1111 ‘ N11011:. goose. per bus (1 1‘1'1 (1 1‘0 (lacs, per bush . (.1 :8 01‘0 - Peas, per bush ... .. 0 1151} 0 110 . )mrlav, 1191' bush .. .. (14.1 0 00 Turkeys. per lb . . .. 11 1% " :3 Dressed Flog-:3, per 01‘s.. 5 251 5 it) Have. per [11. , . 0 11‘. 111-15 Chickens. per pair . , 0 111 U 1111 , Ducks.per 111-ac .. . (1 41) (1 7'1 hatter, 111 pound r0] (1 1'1 (\ 11 Eggs, fresh ., . 0 11 0 1‘2 Putnam-5,111 1.111.; . 0 85 a 90 3 Apples, per 111.11 (1 011 0 c1) Huy,clover .. 9 01) 11} (It) H1113 timothy ,, . 111 511 12 1111 Straw sheaf. .. 7 Gt) 7 7-7 '-‘1\’1- their .\11111111 13111111-1'111111 'l'i-a 1111 r- . 5.111'111 : 111-111‘11‘111‘1‘., in highly1'11111111i1111-111:11y11-1-111s11l'h1-1- ‘ Slu- said it was such :1 ~surprise to her ‘ Mr. \Y. 1‘). \Viley, foreman at THE: LIBERAL oilit'“. has been ill fora wet-k. E but Dr. Lillgh‘lilil‘. hopes to have him 7 No family' ' sure that everyboth here wishes them ‘ of later (‘1111:1in~ .111-1-1'1 import. tl:1*‘ ,, "\;,'{’"V’~V sz' - . < "'1" vnw-c-mn- :â€" 3f razg'l rr Awe “‘ft/"nv!“‘ «wwfly , W1"... “r... my, that5111-\\‘:1s1111;11111-111 find \\11111s to‘ express-her gratitudo but her heart was in the work and her great aim is ever to be nwlul in th1- Masters iservicm At 1111‘ same nun-ling 311s. ‘la'witm-r moved and Mrs. J. Morlson ' ’ seconded that the thanln‘ of 1111* \\'. lllt‘,. Grocery stock to be kept complete. I ,.. “ramp”... 172W_1'::mx1:1n'm i . m w '3 “s 11:11 a? @143 ,1 “41:: -w ‘9. l 1 the; 1.. cs. 1],) 1 g That is our role â€"~You 1‘ i E The Golden Rule Get Value 1 i J.‘/ J ‘ g liintvvnisevery lrnel lior‘Your Eloncy. .12» f ‘. n n 1 . 1 fig 61 .3, g bu . «l‘ C a ‘3“ a}; " Mutiny 1/ , ‘ 3 nod that people 1).! :1 11 Dry Goods come luck to us be- . 3‘ a hIdlniery caiise \ve give Mien? ex- ‘ All“ l Groceries jactly what we agree 1 19/ i (..rockery ,to 5.11. . Spedalvahnznowin Ladies’ Wrappers 13-5; Blouses and in Lace Curtains. tkinson &: A S : witzer. â€"â€"-AT THEâ€"â€" FIRE PROOF. Everythimr in the Dry Goods line to be sold at cost. Stock in first-class shape. The one chance to secure genuine bargams. Teas Sold at a reduc- tion 015 cents per 11). Crockery at cost price. l 1 l i l Wm Q to §>O a a gag > w thm$g3 egmomofi C‘ (r‘: mgmgezw m H.<*k :Eofier’ 3:202“? “Smflq§* gomaw'? 5‘53 31' 1i §0§ga€3 jig-$51 5.=Ca>l‘â€""c_<, ~W an» ““E“¢%“ no ” 1 mnzmfir-e‘ ECW501253 13.1)"! =‘%:335 5"13-e‘-"m:- vaoaéaa wgdmsfik c.-â€"-(b";: :‘A‘QP‘:<: . H F¢_ a gen Co»~‘1 '~1:n ¢;._.H.-. gwga% co:- Fcfi‘i nmw. .Q‘E‘E 2.; ’1 1 «Ta m*: H7"; 8 o 7*: : WILKle & CO. 1.68 King St. East, 3 doors waste (in)th St. I

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