Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 May 1899, p. 1

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A “*0 W. ‘\ filo I0 =1 :11: Wfinn ' ' " ‘ $1 per annum, in advanwd VOL. XXI. a my . y “ (bite Enlisted IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY LTORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRWTING ti. FUBLlSliIllG HOUS RICHMOND HILL, ONT. '1‘ . F. McMAHON. Emma it; P linpmnroa. million. lll’l. LANGSlWFl“. RICHMOND HILL. «warm: Hebilfiéfi 6 to 95$ 5) m I V ll ll E SW1 iv ll D f“ U: ),.l l 1 ‘) in ly‘JlLill I. ‘l =1 l’ .s. s i~:. ‘1‘ Mozllher C-ill, l‘Lliuil-i In“ an l Sn gown. Iliiz. s'l'DCllllty-l)ib\3-LS(S or women :liid l‘lllllerLL RICHNLOND HILL. Olfiv‘e H nqu â€"l"..30 to '3 ti :id H to 7 ill 1‘ m mwmmm Emmi. \Y m. Roger-2» 'D q Wt". 9A , Room 12, 1:3»; Vir-ioriu 81.. Toronto. 13 list fitting teeth. also i-eplntiug. at lowest prieeS. Good worK. DR. W. cam "l BUTTER, 'E)entia§t, OF '21 BLOOR STREET \‘V.. TORQNTO, “ill be ill Rir‘hniond \Vedllesduy. llill every Officeâ€"Next door south of Public Schr-ols. Wâ€" heterislnry J. T. 13:93.7, VETERINARY SURGEON â€"â€"'AND‘â€" VETERINARY DENTIST. RICHMOND HILL, Umduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma. from the ()ntnriu Veterinary Dental School. will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week, and Concord on Friday mm 1 to 3 ii. Lu. Calls promptly Intended to Diseases of horses. mrttle SHUT other llonlesticut ed animals treated. by the intent and must ap- proved methods. EEiiEil HOUSE. RICHMO N D HTLL, Romodelled, and newly furnished throughout. fine of the mobs CuLlVeulL‘llE and contormlile hotels on Yonge Street». Every nioderu cou- venieuce. Suulple rooms {or cumuieiriul travellers. Anideul stopping place for l'l'illll' 0i: drivingpal’tius.blcycllsts, or tirruiera gull}: to or returning from market. Bins meets all trains. Electric curs pass the deor. TER "3 $1.00 PER DAY. MRS. “l. ISULSE, - Prep. E. QEMQM MEYEME EMWERW 158 KING STREET 12.551". Tonex’t‘o very accommodation to uucstfl. Board, £41 .1 a: . WRIGHT BROS, (Hides-takers 431 Emlbalmers. Funeral Furnishings Always on “and .514 wait-“my ' .v :: r ‘ ’ “a M OR BY . M N A lingo amount of p" vato fluids to loan _on ii-iiirored fnrul property. Flvn per rout. m. (vi-ins for reparuicut. Nu coniâ€" llliwalU‘i l lili 1m] oil louiis Apply to A. ($.17. Tl \\\‘l\ INt‘l-I. Freehold lmun lluiltling, Toronto Or at Richmond Hill on Siltllrl‘ '5. ubsoribe for BIAL. LIBERAL OFFICE. - RICHMUEU.) HILL. £21332“ . “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essmtials, Liberty ; in dill/tings, Charity.” mm . m. . arm. . xx... .. _ RICHMOND HELL, THURSDAY, MAY 18. 1899. Elia-gall. M. Tantciv‘y. l. 'O’i‘A it")? 'llljlllldt". C-v’JP-IISEUHHFJ: “(1"fo? l l HIGH COURT OF J'USTIL‘E. 83;. T-w‘u- . "F a“. ""'~ . - r.- .. me: 0?? timings LILEHECS. llll,‘f{llUN1)lllLlil‘l'lS’l'Ol‘EltT. ll}. J‘ANEECW. Notary l’ulili'e. (‘oil\'ey;liu*el'. Vulnâ€" attir. (.‘l‘iuiuissioin‘r ill ii. ll.. tK'ru . Brioney LC) Loan. Taroamuluu ROBINSONLENNOX & MACTEOlJ iiurrs‘islen'fi. §()Ii(‘llifllԤ. Ar. TilliflN'l'tl :\l\l) U'lx‘OllA. COOK 'lVlACDOi-‘ALD BHHlHlUIN. Relieitors. 0 (ll rte. TORONTO (ll4‘l7l(‘li: No. 1. Adelaide 81.. l~‘.-i.<t. Mr. ("ook will lie at Maple on Thursday afternoon of em-ll week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5°33. Trhplionle .t SPENCER LOVE. Btlll'lSUJl‘.Solll‘lirli‘, (folix'vrullccr.Notary Pllrllt l; - )1 any to Loan Rit-luiiollil llill nil “‘(wlnnsllnya Money to Luau Telephone 1'? MACDOUGALL & JONES, Barristers. Solimtoi's ii'c. Iloolil 1. No. 1~Toruntost., Toronto. i ALFRED H’tl‘lllll'GALL. FRI Iltlilt K C. JUNEF. Solir‘itnr to tilt TieiiFui‘y of On'nrio Solicitois for the Ite'izinl-u Lou“ and Savings Coin, ill\'. Money to loan at 5 per cent, Telurin llC “JAE-i A. G F. LAWRENCE. Barrister, Ssiicitcr. 17ctary, 84:. Suite TT and 78 Freehold Loan Build- ings. (111‘. Adelaide zllid Victoria Stl'l-i-ts. Toronto. LIBERAL (mice. Hit-liliioiid Hill on Saturdays. llillillll,”e;iiilu firm Barrister-5, Solicitors, 610., 25 KING STRE ~.T WEST. TORONTO. l i East Toronto Office. Mr. Grant‘s residence, \Voodbrldw'. every evening. Thornbill,each Wednesday from 10 to 1‘2. .~ SALEM Echmlr. (33 Winchester St. Toronto. L‘uionrille Eckm'dt dk PI entire Licenseu Auctioneers for the County of Yf‘lk. Goods .501Il on consignment. General sizlzr (.I stricken” lirolxlptly attended to of rmisouulila runes. (LILLioulilmg. Ncwtuu Brook, rim-lit fur the above. C STORIES Stokes k Blougli. I.) BLUUGH Spt. , . ully solicit your patronage ullll friendly lilluenoe. sales littendrd on the 51.011th notice‘ an? a i-ozisonaliemtcs. J’. 0. address King J. '1‘. Smiueon. J. K.l\le1. :- Maple. Szuigeou d: MeEwcu. [licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. amusatteilllcd to on shortestlllitiee and at raw souubleraltm l’iltroinlgesolicited. J. D. Henchman, hiv‘onsenlAuctioneer {or the (‘omity timber. e‘.<‘..utto!l.led on the shortest notice and at reasonable rung. Pomona“ solicited. P. 0. address Maple. N. E}. Smith. Licensed Auctioneer for tho Ctilllll’lf‘fi of York undOiit’iu'Jo. .\ll>ull-.< of form stock, d'lr. lit- rnt'w. Mortgage and liniiiti llvsidezice, Stuufiville, (hit. myTHE SUN 7 Life fissumnce Go. OF CANADA. Asmres on all tlm modern plums, and is one of the hunt nrwperous null proi're-sive culllllllules 1n (*Xlslellcu. fillies intended to. Premiums 10W. policies nuConditionul and _lmn.‘l_iliuitil.l)le§. Take a. policy \\ lit the dihtriut agent. T. F. MCMAHON, J. H. Pill-)N’1NL . ‘ such l i l l l . Hi'sol'i.11.x.\x\t lanes Building. 75 Youize Sr. (cor. KiDVl. Toronto. ‘ [Single copies, 3 cts. Life in a. UlllVBISlty. ll_\l\'l".l{r~'l'i‘Y lxsoiloric. l’.\. H. F151 ill-Ill.) F. [4:11. .‘.’1' MW .n. (it‘llâ€"Bin lUllel. .-\iilo;igthe iii:lii_\‘ institutions“ r'oll net-led \\'illll'(lil1';_:l*.llli‘llll:l]‘llill§1!'lllll in illlf‘ \\lll'lll}' oi" Millie I'llllNitll'l‘uilllll. lii HllIlI' r-olh-gm the diliillgwooui is ill ill“ ili\lllll!ll'll. r'lli(l under llll' dilerl :‘lllliil‘l All the futility :llld bonrd «it dil‘et-lurs. lil N‘YI‘IWIl \iuys lllln‘ li:'\‘ :ldrilillugl-s. hut Hi) the wholv you will perhaps tilid (llllll‘ MK lll;lll}' pooph- \\ llll will :Ill\'lll':li(' t'illii-iili;irvll‘.lf_;’. iii the l'ltlz-l' (use [ho wholl- luilie ix‘ governed .llid (“Ullll‘flllf'll by the students (-oiiiposilig' the eluii. :liid tllz~i-t-l'tii'e rilii lo the (ill'l't'llllli ( f l limo ililei-rwtell. ('liili< :ll‘l‘ ul‘ sorerul di‘i'l'r-râ€" ell! grades; :iiul :1 youngr lll:lll Hill :5“! :l illI‘llll to fit his poekebhooli. whil'il ill .llll‘\l ('u-wx' lx‘ (Illllt‘ :i ('llll\lil(']‘iilillll. 'l‘lii» litlui-d .iVeiuig-m i'iolii will In iv?“- ill illiudilTei-eut eluhs per iilolilli. us the students llli‘i‘l'l.‘ The elub i~ lw'g'lllllll'll by :i imui'd oi' (lilil'el's l-oiisi.\lill;,r ot’ l’rexu Vii-o t’resu Horn-tut)". Tl't‘uNllll‘l'. ('i-itie and :l (‘llilllllliil‘t‘ (vii iiil'luliMship. MHIH :is -‘l L'lllll i< iii'guiiized. u emik l\‘ llll'l'll tlllll >llll:lilll‘ (llllll‘l“l'~' ill-i- :lt fd'll‘l'll'ti. :ilid the orguiiimtion is rivuiy {(ll'uelioii. The l'l‘('\l(ll'lll Nils :ll lilw head of the hide. :ilid keeps all 05'!" Hi) the geiiel'ul lll‘llIH lHI‘ :iiid I'llli.\(ill \oiile- one of the liieiiilwis to my grove. No explanation i“ needs-d tor the lllllil'< of the otllei-ut‘livei's >n\'e find of l'l‘ilil'. This lioliorulile Silo zit i.l|(‘ tool oi llll' tillllf‘. \Vln'n- liv- ('illl got :l \’lt'\\' ol' :1“ ;l~'xi-iiiiill~d. :uiil lH'N‘llll'S helping him- svll' to everything going. lulu-s l'Vl‘l‘V oppoi tuiiity ol' lelieliillii‘ tliow who lll'l‘ lioljmit'oituilute :l.\' to lie :iilllioi'illes‘ on tuiile etiquette. .-\l lilsi sight you would think lili‘w l'iilUt' out of illul‘e. and would be likeâ€" ly to soy. \Yliy! Are people who ul- telid :l lllll\‘t‘l>li_\' N) ignorant :L~' lo lu' without lilillliil-rs zit llie tilllie? No my friend. sulxh in not u>unlly the mm». but we must l'\'l'1‘ l‘l'llll‘lllllt‘l‘ Ihul :lll tht‘ boy‘s \\'llll :lttl-llll lilllYl'l‘hi'il .s me i . 4\ (lllt’l’ ‘ not Nillll<. and do not (-u-ii [llwifi's'x‘ ((5 tended to on the shortest. uollee our) renrruiulule ‘ ‘ these the L‘l'llit' (-leetod. . readers will say he. SO (ifb'll the youth \th21 reurul :.lid tenderly wired for at llllllli'. t'or~ gels liiuisell' \\ iieli tlii-owii upon his ii\\iillr:liol'.:1iid either thlougll (wilt- it-Nhl‘,t‘>>‘ lir :l Kll'fiill’ to immune " Mimi-l." \‘xiil llla‘lkl' llllllN‘if :l liuisniil o lo the whole club and nil wilh whom he associates unit-<5 lilt'lt‘ is .xoiiil- ('lll'l) to restrain iiiul. Fill‘s‘lu'll rhui'uvli-rs :Is and it heâ€" ellnie hi sud and painful dilly to keep illl:‘lltillt'l‘t’nltll‘l‘s within the hounds- of reason. bollletiuies too (although the ruse is rare) some fellows get in- to college who really have but very tlittlelliuliliers. :lnd i-spl-eiully :it the table. To the gentle euro (if the l’l'll it such (‘11) one is eulisiglied. while the Ullll’l‘Illt’llllll‘l‘slll the eluli do Illlll‘ll llyllleir example to i('il"ll the ll(’\\'- Colliers that napkins .‘ll'l' for individual t't'inx'cnience insteud ill the ('ll;:'«' of the tzlblm'luth. I know solileoiie of in)” there is too Illlll'll slyleutthe tiiiile ll(\\\'::tâ€"(l:l_\‘.‘i. but it' illl one will but c-oiisider :1 ino- llielit. llk‘ will easily we that it is just us (fill‘ill), :llid lulu-ll more plonsunt for i all ('(llll”t‘l'lll‘(i. to my ph-ilsi- and thank you, whenever anything is \\':lllll'(i. or when one wishes to leave the table before the others have finished the liiezll. Too often llll' simple (-ourtmies (if the table are culled slvle. tlllll we in . the heart of H cirilixed luild live. in zl Lir‘misedAuctioneers to: the County of York ,re- ‘ I the sort of lJl‘EllllE‘lith‘tl (‘irililetiou :lud condemn our neighbors for lll'ulftihiltg rely thing in wliieh we lurk. (loud llizlllners are not. style. ill the sense in which the word is llfH-li lised. and besides bl ilii: ti. ll(".‘('s.\‘ill'_\' part of zl nizln's education, they often help him over the rouin places of life. Thus we lire iii t'lulls of from 12 to 21). Mild besides xlllflllyillg the wuuls of . lit'e. ohtuiu milill- knowlmiwe ot' orirull- n h l I V of York! (I‘l'lIBlulSILlCS of implements, furnituresmudinu, f ilellUilS and a slight kuoli'lvdge of etiquette. ('l‘o Br: (‘().\"l‘lNl’Elt.) a‘wOâ€" . Our Ottawa. Letter. 0th (,ii'the iiiost uxi-t'ul of the \‘ill'lâ€" o'ls depurtnlelllul \oluuies zlulnluliy published by the Government is that eoutuiuilig the reports of the Experiâ€" llielllul Forum. which lith‘jlla‘l lll‘l'l) hiollglit down by the Minister ol’Agri- vulture. it eollluilis the report. of [)l'. Sounders tho llirm-lor, l)l-. l“ll‘L(Jll(‘l‘ the elitouioligist illltl botanist. the liol't‘iuultlu'ist, the ('llt’llllhl and the poultry lliuuzlger together with those Lil'tlie Superinte. ideuts of the branch forms at Nzlpp ins. N. 5., Brandon. .\lu1i., llldizlli lleud, N. \V. T.. and Aggusiz. ll. ('. 7 in his illlioduelwn, llr. Founders tout-lies lipoii the attention given to such iinpol'l‘uu.‘ sullieeu :1» the limin- illllllllg of lilll‘ fertility (if the Mill .‘lx to provide for :l sulr'l'ession of good vrops without exhaustion, the dell-running of ill‘Si Iiielilod“ oi" preparing the luild for ditl'erelit crops in llil‘ sort-rill elilliutus of Cillltltill, the iiiiding out llll- lll'<l liiuo for planting tho Shed, :llid illl‘ ilf‘l'l‘l‘lilllllllg by I‘t’])l‘illl‘-’l 11‘s“. \\'ill('l1:ll'l' tile lllosl pl'oiiluble \‘ui-ielilw of gl'zllll. l'oodel- phuit< .liid l'lllllN to 'g'i-ow. tolling into eonxidl-rnt‘ion [iroâ€" (lul-tiveinwk. (nullity. :llld (‘ilI'lllll'F-‘s‘ ol' l'.|l('lllllj.§>~‘. hl‘lJiNllili lli‘ls'i'li'l‘fi' l.\' THE Tl)il7.. “‘9 Mr <0 :let'llsttiiiied tn llezll'ol'tlie ‘woi-k of iilt‘ l‘iXI'H‘l'ilIll‘lli'itl Farms tliul the )‘(llilisrl-i' generation of ('ulludiulh soul-vol): realize that it is only about twelve _\'e;ir\' \llll'l‘llll‘y1,':llll('llll(iexl\- ll'lil‘l‘. :iiid the iii:li-\'«-llou< pi-ogi'ms that has lioeli luudo ill the Sl'll'lll't‘ (it ugrit‘ulluit-«luring llu- past, (“1‘3th is eloquent of tin- llill‘lllVlr‘ value of their work. .\>' the Superintendent :iptiy lllNPl'Vt‘h’ :7 “ The (ii-ruliutiml of i'ui‘lllâ€" llig ll:l\ llt‘l'li l"l(‘\'$lll'(l lll llll‘ eyes (if the ('oliilliuliily. it i5 no longer look- ed 'lpoil :l\ :l sort. (it drudgol'y suitod to the «lull :liid ~low-goi’iig. but, is now re- ;zui-dv-d :l'\‘ :l ~llit;iliie iii-id for the high- ('I‘ lliiellim'lir‘e of more eulthiltv'ti Illlllllh. it is recognized us :1 milling; ll'llllil‘llllj llllll'll skill lo (‘Ulllilll'h it ~xne- (‘INSl‘Illly ulld :is ghilig :iiiiph- sropo- fol-lhl-t-Xrii-iw- of the most I‘:ll‘l]('>€l. :linl lll’llVl' ilili‘lll'l‘l~'." ll!) .‘Idlls in all- other pint-we "The huge :linl (‘Ull- Siilllll‘V lll"]‘t‘:l.\‘lllg delinllids by the l'eil-liiers of the limiiiiiioii for the publi- eulinlw i~>uull l’loui the l‘proi-iuieutzll Fol-ills is :l gi-ulil'yiiig evidolr‘e of the desirv l'ol' iul'ol-umlioii :11”!ng tlii< elm» ot' the (‘llllllllllllll)'. null the high l‘s‘il‘l'lll ill V\l]ll'll lilme rel-ords (if the work (it till- fill'lih‘ .ll‘l- livid." .\ fl'ill lire of this ylnr‘s \‘(Illllllt‘ is ill» l'wlllll'l ol' the lll:lll£|;,{(‘l' of the :lpuil')’. .‘Hlll the inerwlsiug furor with wliieii llI*1'-i{l‘l']>lilf_f ie regarded gin-s ~‘ilN'ClZ‘l interest to the :ll‘l’l'lllli of the [)l‘dl'lllf- :ll G’Xlll'lllllt‘lli\' liIIl(i-". [L‘ll'lf'lliitl‘ly in ll)”\\'ll1ll*l‘lllgrllllll‘ bet-s. NOTICE. iilvrmliiili- till-ugh it ill:l_\' appear. no illliil't‘ \vii;.l--\el- i< token of lit-l- .‘liljl‘SIIV-S lill‘lllliilylll the (lid ('onli« try beyond the firing of oil‘ieiul ~\zllutes. the ringing oi :1 low «hurrah ill ll\. illl‘ !;l\‘lilg lil‘ lllll' ul' t\\li Stall) llilllll‘l‘f<. end the flying of :l few ling.» There i\ llll popului' drilloilsl ml ioii :llld iio pllhlil- holiduy. Already :ittl-lltiou hus lieeli eulli‘d iii the London Tim S [H the l‘:l.lllll't' My iiloveiul-lit. Lord “will! having writtou iii :1 litter lll u liiel’i he l'I‘llitll'lU‘ll : -v" This uppi‘nl‘.‘ it» llll‘ sllrll .'|ll exeellvlit ldlul. and one (owl tuil)‘ it i-ouiii-vted with a hull lull! y) so well mh-uluted to advance tin: cause of unity within the Elupil'l», that l \‘l‘lltlll'l‘ to ask her )lzljvsty‘x Sr. ielul-y oi" Slut.) l'ol' the L‘oloiiim will-thei-het-ouid 110‘“ :(‘l' his way to Use his great illt'iuvinrl- nliofi’ieizlllv to push this inllYl‘lill‘iil Iliioughont other [Nll‘ii(!ll\‘ of the i'lliipire, so that, ultimâ€" zitely. the anniversan of Mr Muir»! )"s llii'lhdny throughout the length zlud lll‘t':l(illl of lik’l’ doiiiiuious iliight be :ls-sor'izltl-d iii the iiiilid< of her hillljt'l‘ s (espL-t-iully of tile )‘tlung'l with that Hut liliipirewliicll hm ill \‘(l large n lllt'il‘ul'l‘ been the pl'Utllll‘l of her long; and glol'lolis reign.” it lllu)’ lw :llide‘d tllzlt .‘ll‘. (‘hzlliiiiel'lili lli‘lS expressed his (‘Ul‘lilul npprmnl of the St'llt‘llll: ill d when the eliergetie Het-i-thll-y for the Colonies, interests hilusvlt' iii illiy lliflllt‘l‘ll gi'llel'ully lends ll) political l‘eMllts. An interesting \‘ix‘itor to the ('Iipllitl thi< week is l{;lllg«Yu-\Vei u (.liillll‘N‘ stutesluzul of high standing iii thi- Celestile Kingdom. who has been eonlâ€" pelled to flee from his native land iii-â€" cuuse his advanced views on political reform were distasteful to the imperiâ€" ousold k’lllpl't'sh who :it the prim-lit lillll' N’t'llls to be pretty well i'lllllllllg things in the fur Exist. hung-Yu-iYei barely es‘ezlped with his lite, but he i:~' <pelidillg his duys of exile ill gut lit-ring ilii'orliiution on the lzltest derelopâ€" Illl‘lllS ill \\'€>l(‘l'll t-irilizsltioli. so that when he returns home he will ii» iii :1 position to yet iiiole I-nvi'getiezlliy pro- seellLe thuseliiezlsul'es ol' rel'ol-iii llllli progress which he has at liourt. The [Ulllill'lilllllt‘ degree to whil-h till: Aiiieriezui iron and :«teel industrial» ill'l‘ ousting their British l'tlllllN‘llllll'S from the iiicirkels of tlle world. :lliderl-u heating,r till-iii hollow in their own territory is illtl‘t‘U’lllifJ; considerable :lt- lenlioil :liid rreuting not :l liltl“ roll» stel-liuliou iii the Uld Country. The trade voiiditieiis are being seriously (llsl'lhswl on every hand. but so hil- i1 ll:l>ll\:l‘lll'1l'dt0 in) one to lilzlilt‘ lilt‘ (loi'eriiilleiit. for it llll. Sir Charles 'l‘upper should give liliperiul mums lueli u l'ew pointers. Headford Oil the l‘l'Clllllllll‘llllillltll] of the lio- iliinioii lid. .‘\3>tll‘l:liltlli, the Seiiool Authorities of the prm‘iuees coiipl'is- iilgfir the llilill. hure estublislied “ l;lli~ pire buy" on the Sellool liuy llll- llil'tilnll‘l)’ preeediugthe L’ltll of dilly to eliltivute “ .\ Hound l’zltriotle Vol-l- ilig. Tile :lt'tl-rliooii (it this duy l'lllllâ€" iilr'lit-ing~ :it 2.30 will lie (lt'l‘lllllt‘d with pnll‘llitlt' sougx. reading». vita, h.’ the pupils. and spr-i-ehes liy ti'll‘il‘l‘fi‘ clergvlueii. Elllil>i1l'llllilll‘l‘ [K‘lSlliH :is may he urzlililiili’. The ll‘ll5l(‘;'~~‘ and public generally are inritvd to illll‘llli ill these exeeisvs. ,m V Victoria uare Tili- fields :ll'l‘ gradually tunian,r \‘l-l dulli iii tliix \‘il‘iliity. )ll'. “in. l‘ll'lxlly ie now :lltt‘ll(llll§{ duyl-d with Mr. nnd .‘ll'N'. E. (loader- ll:llil. Mr. \Vuiter Bl umwoll :10l’:llllll):l\1ll‘(i by Mr. Noiiiinii (‘:lr\'ei~ spent, Sunday under the pzlreiitnl root lll Hl'ztl‘llriro. The following :ll'l' iii? oilii-ers ol' llit lewoi-lli League ilt‘l'l' for the (-lisulllg‘ your ' v Pres” Mr. N. (,lel'vm': 1st \‘lt‘t‘- ‘urv. l Mr. lli‘ll'l‘lHlll of York tmriisliipSniiâ€" [ll'l-h )ii‘. (‘. Sanderson; 2nd vice- pl‘vxu Mi“ Ii. lluliiiisoii; 3rd V'll‘l‘- ]H'l“~‘.. Tali-s. ll. i.. Nili-iirills: ll‘rezigurer- )lixs A. Brown: ('iil'ror : Nll‘iltlll< 'l'lii- All'llll'llllxl Sunday Seiioul in» il‘ll’i holding their :uiiiuul :llllilVE'l'Szll'y on June 2i :iud 2.3. l“lll‘llll‘l‘_ pzli-tiCli- lurs inter. TlH‘l‘l‘ll‘lltlx‘ of Victoria Square ill- teiidholdiui: their :ullinul Illlfllll' iii the park of Mr. ’l‘hrN. i<illl('l( (in May 2ltll. 'l‘lio friends of Ilollilr :lI-o invit- od to attend. The ('lziiullittee arri- doing their limit. to lliuke itzi gland Sllr'l'ess. There will he mums for all to Ink“ [lul't ll’iil‘loolllilll. lieebzlll. Lawn Tennis. ('i-oquet. Miw‘s csippi. Thi< i< going to ill‘ :I. puiiiit: picnic no. thnt :lll are invited to u! tend. ‘0 News Notes. Swtlio range of Men’s unilirellzis ili <ill§ and :llpzlt-u with natural wood ll:llltlll'.\‘:lll(i steel rods. ranging: from 734'. 1.033.553. Atkinson k Switzz-l'. le\'. \3'. F. Swallow litis lieeu elem» rid l’rl sidelit of the Public Library at. \\'oo:llii'irlg'r~z .loiln Nzlttress, Secrm till-ydl-l-uxurer zuid T. Agni; librarian. This Work we will sell :1 fine Black (‘luy \Voi-sted Suit. finished with best him-k ltuliun Satin and finest trim- Muliroo: l,il';£:illl<lv Mi<s J. iil"(‘l)l‘(llllg Secretary Mr. L. ('(ll’l‘espmldillg. Sun. Mr. I). lllillfii'w' throughout t'ol'SlUJS. Atkin- son A; Swilzer. Villiniu ('uiio, s12, head of the “'llliulu L‘;llie.\' Solis Manufacturing ('oiiipillly. died at. lllH liomein New~ lll.‘ll‘l\'(‘l yesterday. He was in his Th'tli )‘eul'. illi- drew :uid iniuiile department is Hit“ of the lll'llli‘llilli features of this store and for u perteet tit. and stylish wrodulne“ we tzlice the lead. Atkinson tK' Switzer. The S-llvuidiii-d Bunk in Bowiiillliville was irl.ll"’lllli7.l'(i llt‘l\\'t’t‘ll 2 and Li o‘i-lork. riui-dzly iiil‘il-uiug and $11.0“) luktu {min the vuultf The nightâ€" \\‘:'t(‘il!!l:lll was gagged and tied. A_ rewzliti of $3Jll‘l0 has been otter-ed. .luxt arrived :v large :issortliic-nt of gt-lit's links ill heavy rolled phlte with thr- li-‘u' lever :lt‘lurhnr-nt selling {1130. ll) :llid J‘Ie. Atkinson é: Switzer. The Ellllll‘iill ilitw‘tilig of tlltn South Yolk 'l‘euvliel-s‘ institute will he held ili Toronto Junction on Friday and Saturday of this week. On Friday evouing lll'. Gihuolu‘. \Vurden of the ('(‘llll‘lll l’i-isoii, will give :i lecture, on “(,‘l'llllt‘ and Education." This; is the week ftll' buying lemons. \Ve liuve the iill'.*rit ,\h- ‘siiiu's at 12c. :i. doz. ;\ll{l’.l.$<)ll é; Switzer. Frederick \Yood of Pit-lining town- ~liip. on Satin-day lust. riliot down in void blood his wife, and wuited to kill his son. 'l‘llv murderer then coniniit- ted sillPld“ liy \‘lllllllllig‘ hiiliseli. The Elll'l't'lllll‘n‘ [I'll ndy was the. result (if i'mlnllar. Both limbzuid and wife wero well advanced in yours. The lll'l'i\’£‘.l of (In iiiiiueuse stock of ludies‘ \‘y‘l‘tlpllt‘l'S :llld blouses is 11ml;- [ilig :i I‘lell sale this week zit the Con- (‘l‘t‘ll‘. (lung-e Kelidi-iek on Tuesday pleadâ€" ed guilty to having: stolen 21 horse and rig from Mr. lid. (‘xilllnliough of Thorn- liill. lll‘ was :llSH mumuit‘teed for trial (ll) two othui' charges oi'tln-ft. He will llk’ trial for hiring stolen ii l]()l\‘t‘ and rip; from Mr. S. MCClnl'e bf Viluglluii. 5 Buggies for Shirl (hie new top buggy; Two top buggies. nearly new: Ulie open Couâ€" uml in .my. nezuiy new: Ono second- hand phlu-lou. ‘ 'l'iil-uiiore inn: «s are all (.‘lll.~’~- older, \\ ill sell right. iii-if \i'. ll. l’l{U(J"(r)Il. llil-lilnoud Hill. in til-st- (5 "I i . . Ffihlfi fflr SALE .3, lil'ut-l'luss form of llil :n'l'es ill the lll\\ll\'lll[) ot' Vaughan. Good day lililill. good buildings. \\'\'ll teller-d :lnd wulel‘ed. \'\'itliiu IL mile and i1 queui- er of Yolig'e Htlm-t. Tl'l'llls l‘t‘ltsllll- £|llllx Apply lo .i. ll. l’lliCN’l‘ll‘l", :llll‘thnâ€" ('l'l‘. l lllllllVlll", or ill Tllli LIBERAL Ui'lico. ll -‘.t'

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