an 2,, evening newspaper, V W" regard to the seed grain question in the West. n Mr. Morrison was told by Sir Vi ilfrld \ . . \What the Legislators of the Country Litur‘leflhiit Duckler for damages has are Doing at Ottawa. 1 , .â€" i‘DRUl‘DIOND CO UNTY RAILWAY. ‘IMr. Blair, the Minister of Rail- ways, moved a resolution for the pur- chase of the Drummond County Rail- way. The motion to go into commit- tee on the resolution was opposed for six hours, when a division finally set- tled the matter by a vote of 80 to 38. Sir Charles Tuppcr askeduhelher the Blinister of Railways had furnished to the House the specific statement re- garding the amount of the expendi- ture, and receipts of what is called the railway extension from Chaudiere to "2 Montreal of the Intercolcnial Railway. _ Without this information it would be impossible to discuss the Drummond County Railway resolutions intelli- gently. ‘ Mr. Blair said he had not furnished the House with the statement asked for by the leader of the Opposition, for the very good reason that no such statement could be procured which would be of the slightest value to the House. He had assurance of the De- Puty Minister and the General Man- agal‘ 0f the Government railway that it is impossible to furnish such a state- ment which would be of any value with respect to the running and oper- sting of any section of the Intercol- onial. The accounts are not kept in sections, but of the railway as a whole, and any statement which he might procure from the officers of the deâ€" partment would be a mere estimate, and, therefore, of little value. QUESTIONS ANSWERED. Mr. Clarke, \Vest Toronto, called at- tention to astatemcnt in a Toronto that 75 Italians ‘ had been brought over from Buffalo to '- Toronto to engage in labouring work. The Premier replied that he was not‘ aware whether the Government officer in Toronto had called attention to the statements made by the newspaper. The Government will expect informa- tion from its officer before it takes any action. Sir Charles Tupper asked if the Gov- ernment had any information in re- gard to the rumour from \Vashington that the Anglo-American Joint High Commission will not meet in August according to agreement. The Premierâ€"1 have not yet heard mything in regard to the rumour to which the hon. gentleman alludes. So far as my information goes, there is no foundation for it. Mr. Clarke Wallace asked whether the report published in the Montreal Witness that the old lists were to be used in the \Vinnipeg election was cor-‘ rect. The Premier replied that an officer had been sent to Winnipeg to make a new list. Mr. Wallaceâ€"\Vill he make it on the basis of the old lists? . The Premierâ€"He will make it accord- ‘lng to the law of Manitoba. ' Mr. Bergeron asked for information between the Dominion and the vinces. Sir Louis Davies replied that under the _Privy Council judgment the Do- minion had sole power to make regu- lations concerning the fisheries, but so far as the inland fisheries were con- proâ€" cerned. the Dominion had no authority - whatever to license. Hence Ontario and Quebec were issuing licenses for fisheries enlirely within the boundar- ies of those provinces. By agreement with the Governments of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. 1h.) Dominion was administering the fisheries in those provinces this year pending the sub- missmn of a case to the Supreme Court to determine the relative powers of the provincial and Dominion authorities in lhe waters adjacent to the sea coasts. Mr. Charlton’s bill to amend the Criminal Code by raising the age of consent from 16 to 18 years was read :39, third time on a. division of 68 to When the third reading of the Col- umhia and \Vestern railway bill was reached, Mr. Oliver made an attempt to have it sent back to committee with I View to striking out the clause in- creasing the companys bonding powâ€" rs. On a division the 111011011 to send t back was voted down by 61 to 14. :nd the third reading was then agreed 0. Mr Davis was informed by Mr. Sifâ€" ton that 234 miles of the ind North-\Vestern railway have been built, of which 55 miles are in North-\Vest Territories. has earned as subsidy 1,501,370 acres of land, of which a part has been located and the patents taken out. Wilfrid Laurier that it is not the in- tention of the Government this ses- Iion to ask Parliament to provide for- the representation of the Yukon terri- lOiy in the House of Commons of Canada. Sii Hilvbert Tiipper was told by Mr. Border. that prior to the departure of :in Government freight for Fort Sel- kiik from Seattle he was not advised that the Boston and Seattle StcaiItshipI Company, was bankrupt, that he did satisfy himself by careful enquiries that the company could perform its contract, that he took no security for such performance, and that no money was paid lo the company on behalf of tlu: Gnvvinmeiit on account of that :Hnti'at't. Mr. Davin was told by hlr. Sifton ’.hii_ 111‘ Government had not yet made up its mind what legislation, if any, .t would introduce this session with Manitoba , the 1 The company 3 'thc Sir Hibbert‘ Tupper was told by Sir j “,6 jun“ beer made upon the Government by or on behalf of the British Yukon Min- ing Trading, and Transportation Company. TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. The bill to incorporate the Canadian Inland Transportation Comp'iny, for the purpose of engaging in the grain trade between Lake Superior and Montâ€" real, and to attempt to divert trade from Buffalo to the St. Lawrence roule, was passed. The capital stock was reduced from 31,000,000 to $12,100,000. POWER COMI’ANlES. The Canadian Power Company's bill was considered by 1110 Miscellaneous Bills Committee. The name was chant:- ed from the Dominion Power Company to the Ontario Niagara Falls Power Company. A clause was adopted pro- hibiting the works being constructed 'wilhin the limits of Niagara Falls park without the consent of the Govern- ment of Ontario. The question of bor- rowing powers was postponed. The \Velland Power and Supply Company‘s bill was reported With an amended clause limiting the bond is- sue to 75 per cent. of the paidâ€"up stock. The name was changed to the \Velland-Niagara Power Co. â€"â€"â€"oâ€"â€""â€"â€" TWENTYâ€"FIVE DEAD FIFTY INJURED I’iuscngm' ’l‘rnlns l‘rasli Togelhrr on llie Ilcmllng El'illwny. A despatch from Reading, Pa.. says: -â€"Shortly before 10 o‘clock Friday night a collision of passenger trains occurred on the Philadelphia and Reading at .Exeter station, six miles below Read- ing. The express train which should have left here at 8.30 p.m., for Phil- adelphia was behind schedule time in leaving, and stopped at Exeter ior or- ders A special train from Harrisburg bearing excursionists who attended the Hartford monument unveiling at the Capitol left here :10 minutes later than the express train, and at Exeter, while proceeding at a rapid speed, crashed into the express. Several cars of the express train were wrecked, and a number of persons are reported . killed. The number of dead is fully 25, and the injured 50. The first train plough- led through three cars of the forward train, completely wrecking it. Eight dead were brought here at I cum. A score are under the debris. A train-load of wounded were brought to the hospital here. Great excitement prevails throughout the 1 city. Returning passengers at 1.30 a.m., say the scenes around the wreck are of the most fearful description. â€"â€"-â€".â€"â€"â€" â€"A CAR 0F CATTLE ON FIRE. Revernl or the Animals Burned to Death and All Injured. A despalch from; Smith's Falls, Out, isayszâ€"There was a very unusual ac- ‘cident on the C.P.R., on Thursday. ,Two trains loads of ciltle from Chic- ago of 19 cars each were sent out here .during the forenoon, bound for Mont- .real. Conductor Jarvis was in charge of one train, and just below Merriam- ville he found that one of the cars was on fire. He quickly stopped the train, _ and all hands set to work to jump the cattle out of the burning car. It was a ing it, and then they ran the train on to the Burritt Rapids siding, the blazing car, and left it to burn up. The cattle, which were big steers from the Westers ranches, were pretty wild and not very easy to manage, but they were all safely corralled in a farmer's yard close by, and Superintendent Brady notified of the occurrence. Four of the cattle died from their burns, and one other was killed out of mercy. All the others were more or less in- jured, and it is thought all of them will have to be killcd at Montreal. Such a thing asacar of cattle on fire was never known on this part1 of; the C. P. R., before, and there are some peculiar icomplications about this. The cattle were going through in bond, until the C. P. B., are bound to deliver the num- ber of cattle they received. This will iiecessitate_ih.+ scnding’ forward ofihe, that at the port of delivery the full number may be accounted for. _â€"â€"-Q» ~ â€"» MAY NOT MEET. The Joint [Ugh l‘olnuilsslou “I†Probably Abandon lhc i‘llcc-llng l-‘lxccl for August. A despa‘tch from \Vashington says :â€" All hcipe of reconvening the Joint gust has been abandoned. The confer- ence adjourned afici' h iving made good headway, as it was thought at the time, towards the drafting of an agree- ment, owing to an unexpected and in- surmountable obstacle in the shape of and boundary .questions. conference adjourned to meet in August, with ihe understand- ing thzit meantime the Governments of the two countries would test pub- lic sentiment it was also hoped that some of the difficulties that had pre- sented themselves in the way of con- sented themselves in the way of a conculsion of the work of the confer- ence might in the interim be remov- ed by diplomatic negotiations. It his now been demonstrated, however, that the temper of neither side has yielded sufficiently to warrant the ex- pectation of any successful result at- tending the reconvening of the com- mission. It is said that the United States commissioners are thoroughly discouraged at the time-consuming manner in which various propositions that have been put forward are bandied back and forth between London and Ottawa. lumber STANDARD BANK AT BOWMAN- VlLLE CLEANED OUT OF $11,000. “:ilclinlmi Mon-all “as lliimli'llfl'cd and labiggcrlâ€"Ol'ganliiccl Ran-1, suppole to be Inc Same as ('clnlnllletl Burglaries at Dresden and Cornwall. â€"The Standard Bank, on the corner of King and Temperance streets, the business centre of the town. was burâ€" glarized on Saturday morning between :2 and 3 oclock, and all the money in the vault, excepting the coppers, was stolen, with a. number of valuable papers. Henry Melcalf, the night watchman, employed by the Town Council to patrol the business streets, had just finished taking his lunch in the police office in the Town Hall block. only about fifty yards from the bank corner, when he heard footsteps on the sideâ€" walk, and wan to the door to see who was passing. As he stepped from the police office door to the street he was seized by two masked men. one on each side of him, and his arms raised from his sides to prevent his reaching his pocket for his revolver. lie was pushed back into the office and the baton wrested from his hand by a blow from some instrument that inflicied a gash on the back of the head, now badly swollen. Mctcalf was then blindfolded by a. third party with an ordinary white linen handkerchief, and gagged by another similar handkerâ€" chief. THREATENEU TO KILL. When his arms were first seized two other men stood, one on each side of him, with revolvers pointed to his build and he was told that "if you open your peep we will shoot you." They took from his pocket a pair of handcuffs, and, placing his hands behind him, handcuffedp him and he, was then mlrclicd by the two men towards the bank. Before he was gagged Melcalf said: "Boys, is this a game t" thinking it might be Some local sports playing a tiick on him. “No, it's business; we a trick on him. One promptly answar- ed, "No, it's business; we are going through the bank." He was taken a few steps south of King street, beside A despalch from Bowmanville, says: 1 “in town. Everybody believes the burg- Metcalf says the men he saw were all masked by tying handkerchiefs over the lower parts of their faces, and all wore dark clothes. They were large- sized, and one Wore a fedora hat. They talked very little, and mostly in words of command, short and sharp. The Standard Bank building was a new structure, erected in 1834, and is a corner building, with three windows on Temperance street, so that it is, perhaps exposed to view as much as, or more than any other business-place lars were strangers, but they certain- ly accomplished their work with neatâ€" neso and despatch, and their gains were great. RE\VARD OF $5,000. The directors and inspector of the bank, after visiting the premises with the local Manager, held a consultation with Mr. W. E. Allen, who is also a director, and who resides here, and they decided to offer a reward of $5,000 for the apprehension of the thieves and the return of the money. Tele- grams were sent to the police of var- ious cities in the United States, to all the border towns and to railroad ofâ€" ficials asking that a strict wntr‘h be maintained for the men, but as no de- scription could be, furnished by Met- mlf little hope is enlertiiined for re- sults from those efforts. Shine in AND’iionEEn. .lcw l‘altlc Shipper Picked up on the G. 1‘. ll. Twit-it n! Rim“ nod TI‘I‘T‘IH)’ Injured. A (lospatch from Woodstock. says:â€" A Russian Jew, Natsin Stein. by n'ime, was brought. to \Voodstock on an early G.T.1t. freight train on Thurs- day morning. suffering terrible in- uries. The man had been picked up by the train hands near Eastwood. where he was found lying by the side of the track. \Vhen taken to ihe hospital. it was found that his hip and arm were broken. while he was oiherâ€" wise bruised about the head and body. lie wlis also injured internally, and the doctors say that there is not much hope of his recovery The man says that he is a cattle shipper, and that he missed a train at London on Wednesday night. He intended to go to Montreal. and with this purpose be crept into a box car of :1 following train. Hc was accom- panied byanmher man. Somewhere along the line he says they were joined by three tramps. who rode with them as far as the Governor’s crossing, near Eastwood. Then the tramps fell on him. robbed him of what little money he had, and after stabbing him in the hip, threw him out of the car. The man’s companion could not be found. The d0c10rs do not think from ihe wound on the hip that the man was in regard to the fisheries question as diificuli job, but they succeeded in (10-- cut off, dead bodies of the burned aiiiiiiziLs so. twcre in a private pouch. American-Canadian Commission in Au-v ‘tlio job, which the bank, and his legs tied with a piece of rope that apparently had been part of a clothes line. One man stood by him as he sat on the sidewalk with Metcalf’s revolver, which they had. taken from him, in hand, while the others. at least five in number, proceeded to do the job. A large pane of glass was cut with ai die from a west window and an t‘n- tiy secured to thc manager’s office. The front door was pried open, appar- ently from the outside, though Mercalf thinks, from the sounds heard, that it was opened from the inside. The vault is entered by two separate doors, both very strongly constructed of iron. v BLEW OPEN THE SAEE. Very soon he heard an expiOsion, the men having run on to the street by tho front door. They immediately re- turned to the building and in a few minutes there was another cxylosmn. lTlie burglars had now secured en- ltiaiice to the inside vault, where they rifled the Contents of several boxes, some belonging to the manager and others to customers who had placed them there for safe keeping. Before the lllll‘d explosion, which blew open the massive safe, Melcalf was moved a fen yards farther south so as to be away from danger should the wall be blown out. This explosion, like the ‘otliei's, was very successful, and it was the work of only a few minutes to seâ€" cuie the contents. The vault and safe were new, one of J. a J. Taylor's very best mike, latest improvemt-nts, time lock. etc., but the door, which must weigh half :t ion, was warped like a piece of sheet iron, and torn complt-lcly off its hinges, and the side of the safe cracked open and ,othci‘wisl- badly wrecked, so as to be beyond repair. $11,000 GONE. The amount of, moiicy stolen is' over $11,100 belonging to the bank, and $510 to li- Canada Life [lisui'aliveCompany, for v. hich Mr. W. J. Jones, 1h ' mziuatgt-i‘, is agent; $110 belonging lo the Queen h'irc Insurance Comp iiiy bulb of which Many valu- able papers are also missing, drafts, etc. When the burglars got through with lasted only about: 30 minutes, two of thum carried Mett'alf into the bank, laid him on lhi- inat- tilig on the flop, and it‘ll him there gagged and bound. He soon began shouting, but not till about 5 o‘clock was he discovered by Frank J. Garrett, Chief Richard Jarvis was soon on the spot and reinOVcd the handcuffs, and Mr. Metcalf was once more at- liberty. HO\\' D11) THEY TRAVEL! It seems lhat several persons living near the bank heard the explosions, but no one went out to investigate the cause, and probably it is just as well that they did not go, for the orders were to shoot whoever interfered. The men went south towards Queen b‘t., and in the direction of the Grand Trunk station. Mr. Mclcalf states, so far as he could judge from the sound of their footsteps, there may have been more than six men, for one man was heard to be patrolling the street lead- ing to the residence of Chief of Police Jarvis. One woman says she heard a carriage drive down the street about that hour, and many are of the opinion that the burglars came by conveyances from different directions. 51 a bbed. ' . _< _.._ _._.__... ViTRLOLâ€"sPRsAD DESTRUCTION. lllgllty Tons of (‘lllorale [Eaten qu'miyâ€" (iiisoiiiclcr on Fireâ€"Loss $500,000. A despaich from London, says: â€"A fearful explosion occurred on Friday at Kuriz’s chemical works, St. Helen's, Lancashire, killing four persons seriously injuring twaniy. Fire broke out in the chlorate-house, and a large quantity of chlorate exploded, causing much destruction, Subsequently the boil-er exploded, and the whole works were ruled. l and MARKETS OF THE WORLD ' I . . Prices of Grain. Cattle. Cheese. Sac. in the Leading Marts. Toronto, May 15.-â€"-Between fifty and sixty loads came in 10-day, which,with the stock loft over from Tuesday, made a heavy run for an off day. In shipping cattle there was inâ€" aCLiviiy, and a fair amount of trading was done, but prices Were unchanged at from $1.15 to $4.55 and $4.00 per cwt. still the tone was a more heal- thy one, and prospects are encourag- ing. We had afair demand for the best butcher cattle at from $4 to $4.50 per cwt.; choice selections fetch occasion- ally ten cents more. There is rather too much common stuff here, and this mostly held over. btockers are steady at from 33â€"4: to 41â€"4c per pound. Bulls, feeders, and milkers are un- changed. A Lew more choice calves will find a ready sale. Yearliiigs, sheep. and spring lamb: are unchanged in price; all are want~ cd, if oi good quality, and yearlings eev ptciilly are in active demand. Hogs are steady and unchanged; about one thousand were here, and found a ready sale. f’iime "singers" fetched this morn ing 45â€"8c, per ll). Light hogs are worth from 4 to 4 l-t‘ic, per lb. '1 hick fat hogs fetched from a to A lâ€"tc, per lb. sows fetch 3c, per 1b. Etags sell at 25c, per lb. Store hogs are not wanted. Following is the range of current quotations;â€" . I CATTLE. Shipping, per ch. . . . $4.25 $4.85 Butcher, choice, do. . . 4.00 4.50 Butcher, med. to good. 3.50 3.80 Butcher, inferior .330 3.50 Sheep and lambs. Ewes, per cwt. . 3.50 4.00 ; Yearlizigs, per cwt. . . . 5.50 5.75 Bucks, per cut. . 3.00 3.2.5 Spring lambs, e'lL'lJ. . . “2.00 5.00 Milkers and Calves. Cows, each. . . . . 25.00 45.00 Calves. each . . 2.00 6.00 H sgs. Choice hogs, per cwt. . 4.25 4.02 1-1 Light hugs, per cwt. 4.00 4.121-2 Heavy, per cwt. . 8.75 4.12 1-3 Chicago, May l5.â€"Cattle unchanged. Hogsâ€"hair to choice, $3.55 to $4; heavy packers, $3.01) to $25.25: 1-2.; mixed, edit) to £33.90; butchers. $3.75 to $3.95; lights, $5.05 to 53.50. Receiptsâ€"Cattle. 1.50; hogs, 11.000; sheep, 000. East Buffalo. May 15.â€"â€"Cattleâ€"-Tha offering were 2;). loads of Canadian Stockers. which were sold at private terms, and one load of native mixed butchers cows and calves; they were cieaned up at steady unchanged prices. Calves were in light sup‘ p.y, fair demand and steady; choice to extra, $0.50 to $6.75;-good ta choice, $0 to $6.50. Sheep and lamb: ~23 loads on sale; good sheep were steady, but common grades were easy; good lambs firm; choice to extra, $6.40 to $6.50; good to choice, $6 to $6.40; common to fair, $535 to $5.76; sheep, .choice to extra, $3.45 to $23.40; good to choice, $3 to $5.25; common to fair, The town was strewn with debris, $335 m 31,5(1 Hogsâ€"Trade was in and most of the blind-111233111 the Place fair position with 17 loads on sale; were damaged. The 10181 1055 “"43 there was a rather slow demand; 50 about $510,000. higher; heavy, $4.10 to $4.121â€"2; Eighty tons of ‘chlorate exploded. Vilriol. \thich streamed into the sew- ers, spread devastation. The gas works were badly damaged, and the gasoâ€" meter, which contained 250,000 cubic feet of gas, had a hole burned in the top. The escaping gas took fire, and lhe flames were seen for miles. l WATCHING THE RIVERS. .â€"_ ()Iillil'ln Government ï¬lliinllng Against the lixporl of Logs by Rilclilg :11 Lumber- mcn. Tht‘ Ontario Government has station- ed forest rangers at the mouth of the principal streams flowing into Lake Huron, the Georgian Bay and Parry Sound, in order to see that no logs are exporth to the United States except those cut previously to the prohibition coming into force. The rivers so watched are the Mississauga, Thessa- loii, White Fish, .h‘l’ellcll, Magnet-swan and Sequin. 'l'lic Grown Lands De- pai‘tinnrc does not believe that any of the Michigan lumbcrmen will attempt to export in dcfiance of the law, but deems it best to be on the safe side by guarding against such a continâ€" gency. One of the largest Michigan firms, Eddy Bros. of Bay City, have cut 15,000,000 feet in Ontario limits during the past winter. and will pro- bably have this all manufactured unâ€" der contract in Ontario. fl. _. ,,__._ A DELIBERATE SUICIDE. Ilowa From-ll lint-tor Hclhmllciilly “’0!†About lilo “'ol‘k ol'sit-[11)?“I-Ilt'Elou, A dt‘.-‘p'llCll from Paris stiys:â€"Tlie suicide at (‘lloisy 1e lioi, six miles south of Paris, of Dr. L-iforest, a promâ€" ini-ni, and wealthy physician, has causâ€" ed‘a sensation. Dr. Laforest was accus- ed of disgraceful conduct, and his arâ€" rest was impending. He discussed the position With his Wife, and they conâ€" cludet'. that even if he was acquitted. he was ruined. The doctor then reâ€" solved to kill himself. He mide his will, bade farewell to his wife, shut himsoll in his bedroom, Jripei'ed the cracks of the door and windows and then turned on the gas. For lwo hours he conversed with his wife through the closed door, and then his Vuit'c gradual- ly became feebler and feebler, until it could not be heard. Mad-amt). Laforest then infoimed the police, who upon enâ€" ieiing the room found Dr. Laforest dead mixed, $1.10; Yorkers, $4.05 to $4.10; pigs, $4.05; roughs, $3.45 to $3.55; lstags, $2.75 to $3 Monti-ail, May 15.-â€"Grainâ€"There is 3, fair foreign demand for all kinds of grain. No. 2 cats sold here at 35 1-2.0 afloat, and No. 3 at 35 lâ€"Zc afloat. Sales of No. 1 Manitoba hard were re- ported at 710 Fort \Villiam. Flourâ€"There is a fair trade at steady pliers. We quote :â€"~\Vinter patents, $3.75 to $1; straight rollers, $3.50 to $3.60; in bags, $1.05 to $1.75; Manitoba patents, $4.10; strong bakers, ($3.70 Mealâ€"The market was quiet and un- changed at $3.80 to $3.90 per barrel. Feedâ€"There is an active demand and prices are fully maintained. Ontario white wheat bran in bulk sold at $16 to $17 and shorts at $17 to $19 per cwt.; Manitoba bran, $16, shorts $18 and mouille $13 to $25 per ton, includ- ing bags. Cheeseâ€"The market is quiet but steady. New cheese is 'quoted at 9 1â€"2 to 13 5â€"8. Butterâ€"The market is weak at 15 1-2 for creamei‘y, and there is no de- mand for dairy. Eggsâ€"’l‘here is a good trade at 11:. for choice and 0 1-20, to 100, for No. :1. Provisionsâ€"There is a good demand for smoked meals at steady prices. \Ve quotaâ€"Heavy Canadian short cut back. $15.50; sclccied heavy short cut boneless mess, $10.50, and heavy long cul muss $15 per barrel: pure Canadian lard, in pails. 7c, to 7 1-40, per 1b.,ziIid compound rcfiiied at 5 1â€"2.0, 10 5 3-4c, pcr lb; hams 100, to 12c, and bacon 10 1-2c, to 11c, per 1b. HIS LIFE F0:l HIS BROTHER’S. Solmll Willi Cramp. 'w‘l'lillc swimmlng ti: licwuc 2i l’ouiig Lad. A despalch from Sault Ste. Marie, Oni., Stiys;â€"August Grant, 2'1, and resident at the base line, Korah town- ship, voluntarily gave his life on Sal- urdiiy to save that of his little brother. The boy was fishing from a punt in the River St. Mary, wht-n a land breeze threatened to carry away the craft, Young Grant saw the danger, and promptly stripped and entered the ice- cold water, at the same time shouting instructions to the lad iii the punt. He had nearly covered the distance tc the punt \vhcu cramps seized him. and he wont under. Coming again to the surface. he shouted to his father it come to his help. But before assist- ance reached him he disappeared Iiiidei [the water.