contained at York County the group beix umnd Centre, and Gr. \V. h’i; Queen‘s teem-Ll In Railway I will make mre from fur the so curt in tlu The ladies meet, in the to compleie country c; 30th birth Victoria, 1 moud Hill remaining U) “'L‘E‘K I plaid \Vhite 35 cts. Owing to on \Vednes( setting of ti Late delay, ' 1y reach L than usual euts will, In contributim in y next )uLI'ous C ICCOIIIHHK at once. ofï¬cers for t} Fm-hun : Vi Sec’y-tro: Meu‘ {ussia Save Mom- money in buy Blul‘khzuu 2m working mm: \Vomen’s Clo Bouts. $1.00. Nuughtou Bu Hon. N. C. VVUUEICE‘, M. f York, has during the week ing to his constituents 6 speech delivered by him in of Commons on The Ad( speech occupies 12 pages ‘ and from the Opposition reads very smonthly. TH is pleased to acknowledge i of a. copy. I) complete ‘unuul Dim) uv next, 1 residence of h roncemt Bodt} ing. Mr. and in Aurora fur the fOl'lllL'l‘ di( in his 84th ye; in her 79th yo ldl M w. Lzuvrem John Lawrence It, is unnecessary for us to particuâ€" larize any department, 01' any line in drawing your attention to the excel- lent, stock of ladies’ trimmed hats, bonnets, Sailors, Boaters, &c. Suï¬ice it; to say that we are always pl'el'izu'ud bonnet-t the wants of the trade. AL- kinson & Switzer. lUlla] The ladies of church will provide nel- and Tea in the church on the Que which their patron cordially invited. served from 11 to 2, '1‘} dl The Cm -01'gauize once. HE Ticks PRESBYTERIAN ‘I-yt h i n fur baud 1H Ankh LL11 mn ll 1‘ hm Ieir patrons and fx-ivn invited. Dinner w on 11 to 2, and tea {run tm I] S the Qua 1sz this 1‘11)2 >lll‘ 5m )1) y 'Hall and pla he fol are-0f t th Top, were 15., Elgi “"ullau ring the ing Boots & Shoes. :1 \Villizun’s Boot i'lI'P-Uf the best ql th Top, button and were $2.00 and )s., Elgin Mills. 1w Iiiors w'ithâ€"f: m & Switzex l 1'! p1 ‘ounéil He 24th L’, widow of the late died suddenly at; the son, Franklin Luv- 1 Park Saturday morn- x's. Lawrence had lived number of years mutil about six weeks-agn Mrs. Lawrence was Ht IHu 111611) ll] 1t ll] Its the the Dr. oumhs M ‘enuxs will wmg (1111 afte 10 e Preshy 3 usual hk' Lsement ‘ 's Bit-thd CHURCH c191 nu \V May. H Copies 0t n the Hon ddI-oss. T s of hansm r1 stzmdpni ‘HE LIBER. Snih uni†the SELVG . for We been 891‘ ne 3111b mmt ll quality will gm nl th‘ du< 1111 ten-inn 1; din- tm end tht I‘ht MISC Tht 11] I)! :int 1M to we be tux XV 1U Ulm will lll Ill] by K keypi fill unfavorable bition 51101le Besides the 2 sheep, swine lzldies’ work. ft shoe ludi‘ will match between on the Richmond } prominent featun The Band of the will furnish musin nuon, and in the e Cert will be given Hall, particulars ( by pi'ogl'zlmmos. Visitms city will get 25 cent return the Metropolitan Railway and see the exhibition of S( and see the exl \Valking by M Mr. szws H. ' Ymk Cilty. An 11 Iii 1t nuem and utlxer sp( h between the 1‘ Richmond Hill DISTI )n-e mft( 1nd M Scott W 1'1 til M E TO TH ltt gnvl KAY {1‘11} 1( thel m m( )on by hntss frm the Fair to be )llmving day. Barring uthm- the coming exhi :lipse all predecessors 11115 for horses, cattle Lil addx followe 111 lgn 1nd airm 1 Dr. ultl'y xix), I\\‘ 12th th( ill W m E‘lith \V durin veuing in the f whilzl HI] 11¢ ll) M thé cos, suck 'uco, stilt; un-ts. A lacrosse Mimicn Stars and 1 team will heeL )f the afternoon. ;11 Ymk Rungvrs l‘kl cfmy expunses. nship are urged taimnent will be atws flom a, dis- 10011‘)e well rep- ivs tvi( N’I )lï¬t 255 of VVelc 1 by paper 5m ldll wh 1fu predecessors. horses, cattle, [airy produce, , large. prizes ding, football, va lt/ the 71min snaps In the even {'l‘fltin an 11} Th MR in the p 3rd to m :Fair to High †by win! rates Metropoli- nmudatiun l invitation 0 I] the afterâ€" gnml con- grivnlbmal 'ill be given from the tickets by . Be sure wietv hike pruu hool Ill) lissions You n tsun m w in No in he Alzms McGilli Sex-vice “The [ugh- . Mr. cmne » (ll Her and the the UI )l 1(1 th‘ lll in man [)91‘. with full the vacant til ([9: suï¬â€™m the \v of sum-ow. and 11 is felt for the m sistéfl. and vsp sister Millie “a had lwen onte sister from th til death I'Olon plainly l‘ll‘. 1“. J. J! appointed an Funu I at the (inns. He 11: chairman of t Jlll‘y ll] At the annual Lougle in Ag: church, Tut-«mm. ‘ the election of oï¬i ‘mntml District U (It-Ht “'11) hild mains w I'll] 1 Throt- quarto 1 Covered buggy Road carts. A] good repair. Mtf BIGS for SALE 1T} 1e subject: \Vith Oln-i words to t! NUTHF {h 1, Tm-nntn. on Monday jot/ion of ofï¬n-H's for the 11 District took place. umbs was elected 2L V Ill the lifo of TH“ “ I have left, y: mm PERSON ALb‘. Ht the Rlchmond Hill HUME, ’1‘ A1 L O I}. Id ( nhnstt Switzcr is :Lctin )rnntn. DEATHS 111 1n () ill k B touching s m appl-opri IS clnsvd th that of box- childhond un- ne ~from hel- morning. In -1' whom 9110 French speaks- :m example." 1K early rfnl May I our :1 tinge sympathy thvrs and 1101‘ tw atfoctit wt of h Ml ice disp< 1' ho unt Sn! voni! ‘nx-un I‘ll] th the {Hy UH th \V I ll J1] F‘ebrnary 9, I899. Erocerv stock to be 1 Everything in the Dr Stock i] The one chance @enemï¬. Departments: The Golden Rule That is our rule ’mepers &: Bleuses and in Lace Curtains. Atkinson «5’4: Switzer. hat wins every time ISAAC CROSBY. “@313 5;; 3,321 Drv Goods Milline JI‘OCCI‘ICS rockery FIRE, PROOF emmmm Speci (2 me 3n 0t and IGS-King St. East, 3 (1L WILKENS & GG.» m value no“ aplete. Teas sold at a reduc cents per lb. at cost price. sic-class shape. ecure genuine ba come o sell. THE 3.1156 We ï¬nd that people tlv or Your Money. line to be (Jeogge Emimgg £3168. alue ive them to us W6 11 rgalns 1d atc