Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 May 1899, p. 4

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is .: New A vertisements. For Saleâ€"Jae. Mahmfy. Sll’tlyetlâ€"F Gibson. Notice to (il'flklit'll'firflpllllt' Miller. ‘Tfouse'! ) Kt‘Ileâ€"‘Vln Mason. Change H..-\.1.o7.ier. Chung: â€"â€"Wilk'n.~ and Co. Chanceâ€"ALkinsoii 6; Switzer. Axle Grouse “Imperial 0 1 Co. an. Grunt, Shanna & ($.35; 37” a V out (onto. . g? The Public School teachers of South York in convention assembled at Toronto Junction last Friday passed a resolution unanimously ask- ing the County Council to reconsider at the June session their resolution of January last when the county cam. Cillors ordered the discontinuance of Uniform Promotion Examinations. The teachers gave many reasons why they wished the system wiiiclinhas Eliseo in vogue for years continued. Without here discussing the pros and cons of the system TiiE LIBER.\L has no hesitation in saying that the action of the County Council at the last of the session was hasty, and that teacheis as well as the inspector should have been heard on the ques- tion before the change was ordered. 0111‘ Ottawa Letter. A very interesting feature of the ‘bluo book just brought down from the department of Trade and Commerce is the ropoi t of Lord Strathcona. Can- ada’s High Commissioner in .lii'iglaiiil. which is an exceedineg useful and thorough review of the condition of Canadian trade with the Old Country. Every department of that trade is carefully reviewed and many valuable suggestions, gathered from an intel- -ligent observation of the state of tho market. are given for tho bent-lit of Canadian exporto.i-s..»\s the High (loin- smiSsionor points out. the ofiii-ors originally appointed to develop omi» .yration work. have been largely on» gaged in answering inquiries upon trade matters and other questions which are 03-day groatly interesting; the people of tho Old Country. “ And in consequence.“ adds Lord Stratli- I'ona, “the leading offices have be- come more in the natureofoousular departments. than of emigration agencies. and I venture to think that theyare doing very useful work foi- Canada." Tho tremendous the increase in number of inquiries made by business v houses as to the field for the develop- ment of their various interests in the. Dominion has been one of the features at the year. The British trader may be somewhat consorvativo in his meth- ods, and none too quick in first taking hold and exploiting new territory, but when he does launch out, it is generally to some. purpose, and, as the ‘iiondcn Daily Telegraph remarked the other day, while the full fruits ot‘ the liberal and patriotic policy of tho Laurior Government will not be real- izcd all at once, the ultimate harvest will be the consolidation of the empire with those most enduring of all bonds of connection and union, :1 common loyalty and reciprocity of affection. together with the substantial and tangible return of a vast increase in ‘mutual trade. ‘ THEY ARE FOREIGNERS no LONGER. The following observations of the 'i‘SVinnipeg Free Press present the case so fairly and tersely that tlii-y are worth repeating : “ In Canada it you get an immigrant on the land, ho lie- comes at once .naturalizml and nation- .alized. As the years go by, the fact 'i that he owes his prosperity and his greatly improved condition to British laws and British institutions is brought forceably home to him by readiii r in his patent that he receives tho and ‘from the Crown, and he very quickly grows to feel that he is a Canadian and a member of the British Empire. ‘Any man no matter what his nation- ality, so long as he dt’Sll'ei ‘0 0‘11“ a“ 1 You“; hfficqllfi‘flnâ€"IlliptTied draught stallion, honest living, and is willing to till the soil, is a Welcome addition to this "western country and his arrival is a national blessing." \Vhilo this coinâ€" niont obviously has reference to “foreigners” not speaking the Eng- lish tongue, it is worth bearingin mind that those are only a moderate proportion of the tens of thousands coiiiiiigintothe country. 0f the 31, 702 arrivals in the last completed fiscal yyear 20,727 were from the Old Country or the United States and 1,108 were French or German leaving less than 10,000 “foreigners,” as the term is usodaud understood in this C011!l‘-’C~ tion. The Aiiglofiaxon mm must iii- dced be losing its power. to assimilate foreign elements into its constitution the power which of all others has made it the mighty people that it is to-day it‘ there is any danger fioni the introduction into Canada of a few thousands industrious. intelligent, honest and thrifty non-En lish, speak- ing people from Southern -uropo. (cox'rnvcnn room rmar rues.) picnic-work quilt. Mrs. Wismer, Mrs. Bert Hopper; fancy quilt, Mrs. C. “'isiner, Miss McVean; fancy wool knitting, Mrs. Vanzant, Mrs. \Vismer; collection of plain knitting, Mrs. G. V‘Vi.‘~;uierL Mrs. Vanzant; fancy knit or crochet quilt, 1 and 2Mrs. Bert lloppir; netting work. 1 and‘ZMiss Clubine; .5 o’clock tea. table cover. l l l l t I ' M. 1.. liudt‘ord. . Public school on l‘Iinpiro day prowd a . il‘h'. iiiinliorstnilo, Mrs. \ militant :. rope work. Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Hort, lloppor: tailing work. Misx Mi-Vi-aii. l Mis- T. Siiiytli; iiriiaiw-ntal )li‘t'llit’ Work, Miss )ll‘\"‘:lli. Mrs. T. Siiiylli: gi-ntl‘. liaml~inado shirt. Miss Tait-Your». ’. Mrs. T. Hiiiyth: braiding \villi .ilk., i-te.. Mrs. Vanzaiit. Miss )lv‘Ur-anzi drawn linen, Mrs. Vaiizani. Mrs. '1'.) Siiiytli: Japanese “ork. Mrs. Hiiiytli.‘ Miss Mt'Voaii: etching on liin-i. l'l'l cotton. Miss MeVoaii. hil\'.’1‘..‘fi‘lilh\'lll'.‘ foot rest. Miss Mt'Vi-aii. Mr-r. \Vixinor: limiti-Hl pali'li (‘ll ,L’Ill'llll‘iii. MIN. T. Siiiyth. Miss MeVi iii: slippwi holder. .‘vlrs.Vaii'/.:iii1.Mrs. 1' Smith: Moxii-au liroillo work, Mrs. Va zaiit. Mlxx' ‘ilvu‘r Voaii: drawing-romp sen-on, Miss .\l:'~l Viraii. Mrs. \Visiiii-iz -il’ll(v‘1‘}.\'< Miss l,i'/.".io laggo. Missl .‘i‘lllklllnll. Miss ll. 11. \\'i|I-y. \lisx‘ l"..- .\. Elliott. Miss l’. lilirvll. Miss ll. \Valkt-i', Miss M. l‘l. .lUllll\l(llI. Miss “VRITING AND lllt.\‘.\'lN(i. ('opy book by boy under 15. Harry liinos. liornal l’i-oi-lorz i-opy book by boyuinli'i' 12. Victor Show, lit'l‘l‘lf‘ (‘liliTl‘yfi Hipy liiilik by girl lilnlt‘l' 13. (iviioviovo Harris. lauiio Nauuliioii: t'iipy book by girl lllllll'l‘ l‘.‘. Susie leu-lup. llazol Hwilxor: lll‘:l\\lll;_f by| pupil under 15, Fred Show. (it'l|:‘\i“\'l‘i Harris; drawing: by pupil under 1‘). Starr Mi'Miilioll, l‘ltln-l Moti'ult'. .ll'ritilcsâ€"Jamos Molhiugall. .1. 1-1.} t‘lul inc. *6.â€" "VVill OW Vale The fielth are turning;r verdant but slowly on me; to the cold \i‘oather. Several from here visited the Fair at llii-liinoiid Ilill on May 21. _\ lllllll- borofoxhibils were also there from this vicinity. Mr. It. 0. Ilarvoy norupiod the piilâ€" pit of the Methodist church, Snowball, on Sunday week. i Mr. Charles Blakor is building ai.‘ addition to his home which will great- ly improve it. Thu t'Unt‘t'l‘l lli’lll in 1114‘ Snowball sureow. The teacher. Mr. “Min-tor. did all in his power to rololii-ate it in a loyal manner. (in Sunday, the lltli inst, a muplr- of yoiiin,r men pi-oiiioiiadiin: the Eith eoii., lH‘l\\‘l‘l‘ll 0 and 10 p. ll|.. opened the gato into Mrs. Brown‘s- garden, one of the family. all of whom had ro. tirod, hoard a noise and on looking out discovered the trick. fortunate for them, as there was a lot of cattle and pigs running at large which would undoubtedly liavo made sad havoc in tho \\'oll~kopt gardoli. Mr. and Mrs. .las. Rolland and fami- ly of Aurora spout Sunday with Mrs. lioilaiiil's part iits hoi o. Miu' Bella Brown is now the happy possessorofa ridingr oultit. \Ye ox- poi-i shortly to soc an art-oinpiishod liquostrienno. A series of meetings- the Methodist church, Sunday last. Tiers The undersigned wants to buy two pairs Carriage horses. live or :-12( largo drivm's and a number of draught, horses weighing ovor 1.300 lbs in good rendition, all from .3 to 0 yo ..?~l old. F. J. GALLANUIIG i 1. FOR smitten A. On tho prciiiisos, Richmond Hill, a thoroughbred Registered Jersey Bull, and a thoroughbred pedigreed Borkâ€" shiro Boar. Terms $1.00 cash. May 11th-3in. T. LUDFORD. Land Plaster â€" Farmers can now obtain tho (‘(*l(‘.v_ lirated ’l‘obique Gypsum Powder at Britnell’s. U. 1’. 1t. Crossing, Yongo Street. North Toronto. A carâ€"load just i-oceivod from the mills. It will freshen up your fall wheat. Two hundred pound bag for $1.25 or $12.00 per ton. Jrlâ€"tf BRITNELL 8.: CO. Horse Register BIDNHTUNYâ€"~'1'llnl‘()l_1gil~lll‘0l stallion and race horse, the property of Goo. Robinson, Rich- mond Hill,wi‘.l travel through ’l‘emperuuce~ I \‘lllb, Everslcy, Kettlcby, Schoniberg. Bond }‘.'(‘fld,l'-Iil.111(.‘l‘d, Holland Landing. Queens- ;ille, Sharon, Ncwiiiiuliet, Auiuui. Terms 10. n ilt‘lll in on were i'iimvi'ball. the pi‘opoity ot the ltichiiiond Hill Horse lireeuers' Association. lloinostuhle, Palmer House. Will travel through Thornhill . Brown's Corners, Iliiionvillc, Victoria Square- Aurnrmlionii'sbake, 510. Terms $1.5. W. Meek. Manager. WILLIE Douomsithe stunderd»bnâ€"3d trotting stallion, the property of C. McBride, will travel through Maple, King City, Nobl‘cton, Schomherg, Kettlrby, Neuuuuket. Vaiidort‘. ltinizwood and Markham village. Home stable, lot 4!). 1st con. Markham. Terms S10. Borzoi-in limo-Pureliicd imported Clydesdale stallion, the property ul 1). 0. Steele and D. Watson, “‘111 tiuvcl through Kleiulmrg. Nobleton, King City, Richmond Hill, Thorn- hill. Home stulile,Maple. Terms 511. 1). Watson, manager. HANNIBALâ€"Plire bred imported Yorkshire stallion,thepronorty of 1). Watson, Miiplu, will travel through Kleinhuig, Noble-ton, Sohomhei‘r, Keith-by King City, Bond'a Luke, {LichxnoLd Hill, Thornhill, Edgely Terms #59, James Gould, manager. Tony Witniis~The well-brad roadstrr stallion. Hl‘ed bv Honest Wilkes, the property ol Ed. Forester. will travel through Richmond Hill,’1‘l.iornhill, Brown'v Corners, Uniouville, Auroraund Oak Ridges. Home stable lot Bi, 4th con. Markham. Terms 3800. Lou Meek. Manager. FARM SALE «'wier ~ MA L 4...... . in“? mi H‘t‘. “WW IMPERIAL 01L 00., tilted mmmmmmmmâ€"wwm: ""1 WWIZW'T'WW Our new stock if; again complete. Borderings and Ceilings to match. Re niiants 23C. per roll. l’aints, Oils, Varnishes.Turpei:liiies, and all kinds (:i dryers, rs' line, as we mate, ' be beaten. in tact everything in the painte specialty. Brushes, :11 sizes and best quality. Pure Oil and Lead at lovvest cash prices. Large stock of Furniture away down in price, makers. Usual stock 0t Groceries constantlv on hand. ! RICHMOND It does not pay me to sell poor harness, and it will not pay you to liuy peer W reworme mm. z~> -:.« a: 2-3. The highest quality avie grease mi 1:. ltlll‘i, V‘-lllt‘ll forms a coating on the axle, and iii’ilgrs a perfectly smooth Ma r lll!‘ surl’acc is formed vou need use onij' one=half as much - a Axle (irease as any other grease. Call and see our line of Paint and Mica Axl" Creme contains ground Sold everywhere in Convenient :' New colors, new designs. i i’riccs cannot , Kalsomioe lx’cady Mixed Faults, from the best if it does not turn out as repre- <:_»_w‘:.»\.<: :-~~x;1â€"m.‘p«:- .muw". .:-:?;p' :2 sun: "33x finrux-“svr 3m_‘cga%q .1 5 3‘5“ 7. s . ‘ ,‘ 4| - And can supply them at reasonable prices. \‘C. A. HANIHHNON, llruge‘ist. liicliinoiid Ilill. rein LEBERAL stow tier Year. / ,, . ..,H..Â¥-#/ .3. T. SAlGEON.; APL‘E. 5'" Agent for the following stock Fire. Insurance Companies, viz.: ' Manchester, of L6ndon.Eng., BRlTlSH AMERlCA, OF TUBUNTU, CANADA. â€" A L550â€" GORE, (ii? GALT. A First-class Cash Mutual. YORK MUTUAL, Of Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coining coin- paiiy for the farnwrs of York Co. Business Solicitcd. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE -;*'I TRADE MARKS DESIGNS ' COPYRIGHTSKLC. Anyone sending asketrh and description may qnio'ély ascertain our opinion free W ethcr'an invention is probably patentnble. Cfimnillntl‘fh tiJillSSH ivtlyconfidential. Handbook on Patents I sent free. 01 lest aI'ency for securing patents. , Patents taken through Mann to Co. recclvg sirrcml notice, without charge, in the I ,‘o. MASON, .- RICHMOND HILL harness. I guarantee every set I sell ; scntcd will make right. I sell at prices so low that you can‘t do better anywhere. A good custom made single harness from 910 up; no factory shoddy. All other supplies at prices as low as the lowest. harness when you can buy from the manufacturer ' at the same price, orpless. GE 0 . 1‘10 I) ON 14.111) Vliy buy store or factory Richnnond 111111 HARDWARE STOW Has for sale | Leader Chums, Scythes, Snaths, Scythe Stones, Rakes, Forks, Lawn Mowers. Spades, Oil and Gasoline Stoves, Door Screens, all widths, Poultry Nettingy2c, a yd. up., eave trough- ing, Furnace, and the TRIGET - SPRAYER, ‘ One 01 the best Sprayers made, and every- thing in the Tin and Hardware line Repairing Promptly Done. "NFAT ANDWATT’iékcrivEfi ” A first-class farm of 113 acres in the township of Vaughan. Good clay loam, good buildings. well fenced and watered. \Vithin a mile and a quart- er of Yonge Street. Terms roason~ able. Apply to J. H. PR ENTICE. auction- eer, Uiiionvillo, or at THE LIBERAL Otfice. ALL! JOB PRINTING Somatic autumn; A handsomely ilhistt‘ated weekly. Largest. er- culntlon of any scientific journal. Terms. Son your: four months, $1. Sold by all newsdonlerp- MUNN 8. Conservation New Vigil: Branch Office. 625 F St... Washington. D. . The Best Value in Magazine Lill‘ 'aiurc is THE NEW’ AND IMPROVED ): iiiit LESLIE’S POPULAR litiiiiti For a Quarter Century 25 ('15.. $3.00 a year; wow/10 C'rsnffigloo A YEAR Mus. FRANK LESLIE, EDITOR PRESENT UoNTRIBU’rons : Frank R. Stockton, (Eon. \Vesley Merritt, Bret Harte, Soc. of Navy Long, Joaquin Miller, Julia C. R. Dorr, \Valtor Camp, Egerton Castle, \Vm. C. Van Tassel Stuphen, Margaret E. Sangster Edgar Fawcctt, Louise Chandler Moulton, \Villiain Dean Howells, th. Nelson A. Miles. and other noted and popular writers. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly is in all respects one of the brightest and host illustrated Iiiâ€"cont magazines in the worldâ€"none. better. The best known authors and artists contribute ‘ to its pages, and the highest standard of printing is appaiont SPECIAL.â€"Boautiful Military Cal- endar, six sections, each in twelve col- ors, 10x15 int-hes, March 189‘.) to Feb~ ruary 1000, together with this magi;~ aziiie March to.l)cceinbor 1599.311 tor $1.00. FRANK LESLIE PUBLISHING HOUSE, N. Y. Copies sold and Subscriptions Receiv- ed by Ncwsdoalers. 'DONE AT THE "LlBEthL OFFICBE... ° one” woman. ' $1.00 111 ADVANGE.

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