The ï¬t ship of V (Hvrk’s (J \Ve have a few lines of four-in-hand, tecks, and which we will sell on Satl each or 3 for 25c. Atkin Seed Corn of Seed Cm» lb. Nnughr Division Dom-t will b‘ mond Hill on Fiiduy, ti Next, Monday will be 1;] service by baiiiif. pm Large congregations g Vickery in the Methodi Sunday. The discom-sv ing and the services \In the evening; Si'l'ViCO I The tul: League on A “ Be sure 3“ to be taken (eudunce is The Ladies of church thank the patronized them ‘ After paying all After pay connected eighty-(mt treasury. The members of Richmond Lodge have received from the “'orshipful Masteruf Vaughan Lodge an invita- tion to Visit the lutbei-‘s lodge on Thursday evening, June 8, when an ufï¬cial visit is expected from R. \V. Bro. Curran Morrison, D. D. G. M. of District No. 11. pr he Men’s brown hulbrig in ï¬ne lisle thread at, Satul'dzLym-xt. Atkix patterns at t kinson & SW Dr. Emerson H #5., Surgeon Dent; Cl‘omntu, was in l day making inqu‘ ()ï¬ice. He says ‘ here every Tuesd \Ve are making up an extra quality blue serge suit ï¬nished with the bvst Italian satin and trimmed through- out for $14.50. Atkinson & Switzor. The Leader and . ylzmt is being l'emw Junction to Adelaid Ladivs‘ mg. stee- siivm- nu “’0 are offering a good brown suit ï¬nished with wide French Facing and good satin lining for $4.80. Atkinson dc Switzer. Mrs. Margaret VVillsnn, relict of the late John \Villson, died at her home 110er \Villowdzile on Saturday morn- ing. Deceased was 86 years of age. The surviving children are Mr. E. \VilisonJIichigan ; M1‘S.(Rev.) Hanna; Mrs. Gemge Irwin, Newton Brook and Mrs. Joseph Snider of Aurora. Boys odd knickers in gray and check tweeds mixed patterns at 47 and son & Switzel'. Many loads of Very hem‘y parts of machinery have been taken from Rich~ .mond Hill station to Bond’s Luke dur- ing the week to be placed in the ‘Mebâ€" topolitan power house. Three draught teams have generally been hitched to the trucks. and as the pieces Weighed from ï¬ve to eight tons, some of the bridges in the way have been pretty 'Heverely tested. For warm weather we are showing a big range of ladies’ blouse-s in stripes checks, plaid prints, plaid muslin, french piques, and linen at 50, 75, $1, $1.25 and $1.50. Atkinson & Switzer. The Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist Church desire to thank the many friendsfor their patronage at their dinner and tea, May 21. Tht‘iieixt sum of $85 was realized. At their annual meeting on the 261h inst. the ofï¬cers of last, week were ,re-elected : Mrs. J. A. E. Switzel‘, Pres. ; Mrs. J. NV. Elliott, lst vice-pres. ; Miss Trench :Sec, and Mrs. W'. A. \Vright, Treas. Men‘s straw boaters in rough straw with Russian leather sweat hand and silk trimmings at. 70 and 90g. Child~ ren‘s sailors at 20, 25 and 50c, Atkin- son & Switzer, (we suits prices from ï¬xvitzexn ieadfoid 111g a vet Lil Regular "(notice (I aid on M Thirt ee t-h \dies’ sumn ulies in mdies sun Atkinson a] “rod and fanéy uuntings at 75c. Atkinson & Swi ll] :m Dentist of 4715 Yc was in the. Village I ng inquiiics about; Le says he’ purposes y Tuesday. “t mc lies of the Presbyterian nk the many friends who them on tin! 24th of May. ing all necessary expenses with the dinner and tea dollars were added to the nd by Mrs. Sisley requested. in 11)( the mob in pure H ZL‘I Ve have a large valiehy Turnip SeequQC. per U] tty solo vices wen ‘t'l'ViCC Mr. thly the Boy‘s two and til-1 sfmm 23 (’0 32 )il‘lll‘ Switze Junior Epwort 1fL01-1mnn will be wiil ï¬nd you out, s of men‘: md made Saturday the ].( the l gistuu umnt‘l 111 an undorwe Ic. a smt in Mills church were in ‘1'S( )D silk cover- mdlus WJth the newes 85831.80. At blue serge, and brown 50c. Ackin- Atkins tir A full at in 0t Rev ï¬lls bows, up ties at 10c. ‘ Swit- ’ Tues denm mum; ill I “V n ,llll ()1) f1] rnis} that C S \61 novelties in straw shapes 91‘s, hucklos, Jr’zunmn znut wt modex Assist the vil! _t.h_e repuiyiï¬g theirown eyes seen a banana stand, but they have never seen a cake walk. They are therefore someth skepti- cal concerning the latter feat. Sover- al attempts were made last, winter at skating carnivals here to prove the trick, but those who were to take part in the perfornmnce always failed to be present. Again at, the concert on the 24th of May an attempt was to have been made to prove that the act was no delusion, but the lateness of the arrival of the car, on which were the gerforniers, again spoiled the fun. Ve have the faith, however, that we shall yet see at cake walk in this Village. And this is no joke. The Annual District Meetingr of the Toronto Central District was held in the Methodist Church Thursday and Friday, May 25th and Zï¬ih, Ber. \V. R. Parker, I). 1)., presiding. Rev. R. S. E. Large, B. A., B. 1)., was elected secretary. The ministerial session 0c- cupied the morning and afternoon of the first day, when, as is customary, ministerial character was reviewed, probationary, supernumerary, :Lnd superannuated relations determined, and the general spiritual interests of the various circuits discussed. Dur- ing the second day the ministry and laity in combined session reviewed the statistical repurts of all the circuits of the district, which showed a net in. crease in the total membership and ï¬nancial returns. Rev. J. \V. Stewart 0f Maple, was elected representative to the Stzttimiing Committee; Rev. “7. J. Smith, B. A., and Mr. A. Ogden to the Conference Sabbath Sc (ml Committee; Rev. E. A. Pearsnn,B.A., and Mr. Fred Dune to the E north League Committee; and Mr. \ urring,r Committee; Rev. E. A. Pearsnn,B.A., and Mr. Fred Dune to the E “01th League Connnittce; and Mr. \ un-ing Kenued y as Laymen’s Representative on the Missionary Board, with Mr. A. Ogden as alternate. A cmmuittee, composed of the chairman of the district and ï¬ve laymen, was appoint- ed to meet with the juint Boards of the Newton Brook and VVillowdale circuits and ascertain the possibility of uniting the two circuits. A reso- lution touching the lust Prohibition Plebiscite, the selling of cigarettes to youths,thu enfmnchlselnent of worm-n and Prison Refomu was endorsed and referred to the annual Conference Committee on Memorials. It was de- termined that the next annual meet- ing be held in the Queen St. Methodist Church, Toronto. A pleasant feature of the gathering was the lunching of the delegates inthe Lecture Room of the church. The visitors thoroughly enjoyed the bounties so tastin provid- ed by the ladies of the local Methodist Church, and were ardent in their c);- pressious of appreciation. mlanu Anut h( 1d expe : about km it a meeting ( ty held yestm ssed authorizi aiust Miss Chrissie Morrison - non~fu1ï¬lmenb of contract tist at concert on the evening ;h‘of May. An estimate of 1‘ d expenditure showed u. net I 1-ybodv lu‘ miIIi princip 1g iu ch are emu] AGRK Ll) 1ti 111 DISTI m ‘uditm $100. ' IT CAN BE DONL of lb] in ldmi lit HOT MEETING rib 11' cileens seen a. b; adie's‘ Hiil ï¬rst Lllinn IN 1’ th the rott ith the marke L; up the lat( milors. bnnte: ‘flmvm's, font 1t will nt is l1 1'( Ill we with ma stand, in nu in LIST Z 1'01} 1 111 III ht. md I) and uxcee cussinn 01 Rev. John Tavish, T! Alex. Mob rontn, gm‘ lbs For one W( lax-d in 20 1h. Al the over Laughlin p1 able uddres Gill'uy, Rev Carmichael fm- his suhj Hume Nis: with Mani: no “ Contiuu Hamilton, pyuqticnl tux-y : many (10:: u This by Ll‘ woman treated toms an to the n Rev. Ur. Uni'nnchuel 5pc; subject. “ Aim High" ga ling advice to young pool spersed his remarks with dwtes and appropriate The music rendered by t1 vary highly apl'n‘eoieLte-d, ' receiving at the close of t hearty vote of thanks. afternoon and evening delegates were entertain the basement of the ch' ladies of the congreyatim GORMLEYâ€"At Murn-leunettame‘m, foionvme. May 18. a. duugl‘Ler‘to Mr. and Mrs. George Goxmley. MCC Hon, N. C. XVullaco, Grand Master of the Orange Lodge of British North Amelica, presidt-d at the annual meetâ€" ing of the Society held in Toronto this Week. Au Ire Rt Comfort in hem gear is assured by wearing one of those Sll(‘ll drab fedoras that we are selling for $2.25. Atkinson & Switzoi'. ' Hon. John Dryden has been unseat- ed in South Ontario by bribery by his agents. Ono witness swore that he 1'0- ceived money fmm both political parties for his vote. The following accounts Were reaelz C. A. Morrison fur shuvelling snow on vacant premin l . 3 25 John Innes fur repairs on Grand Stand in Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 66 John Innes for work on mill street and mill dam . . . . . . . . . 29 79 John Innes, for lumber for streets . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . A 36 97 iMoved by Mr. Palmer seconded by Mr. Hill that, the treasurer duipgiy the foregoing accountsâ€"Curried. ’ The clerk was instructed to write the secretary of Lhe Agrirultnrd‘l Society in reference to the expense incurred in repairing the Grand Stand in the Fair Ground. The Council adjourned. M. TEEFY, Clerk SzLLm day range of me: and chm-ks Atkinson 8; Sutmday we will Show the largest range of men’s shirts in the new stripes and checks at. prices form 47c. to $1. Atkinson & Switzel'. By a recent amendment Municipal Clerks are required to send two copies of the Voters’ Lists to each of the members of the County Counvil who represent the division in which the Municipality is situated. in May 29th. Members pr Reeve, Councillors Hill, 1 Trench. The clerk read minutes May which were approval. The following accounts ' 1min I‘h( Lture of it the life-1 ll] ration it b (If )l'k \‘V mny mce ,dnnssion (HD( 1e wife met McGu 've the a on Foreign Missions iptiun of India in whi ,5 recently luhm-od. 1 .el-ful county? in ma. 9 men \V( Dr. (12111) 0]] hich snap l‘txl country in mzmy respects rent- muuul‘ucturing centre, the wont to Show that the whole was lmill up at the expense of who is ('l'uvlly and shamefully in accordance “1th Hindu cw.- nl laws. The speaker referred lecessity of wonwn missionar- Cnnhl (In goud wnrk in placvs hen \Vul't’ not, allowed to onivxu r. Carmichael speaking on his “ Aim High" gave some ster- ' cc to young people, and inter- w h k disluss Village (Donnell. th itingnf the council was held muncil chamber on rMondzly, )th. Members present, the lounclllors Hill, Palmer and 5 Week only We will S( 1h. lots at 73:0. a. 1h. ; Ltkinsnn '& Switzer. Both :1 ï¬lineg m “)951 1\Vilkie m'ontn. jillin-zu llont six 01C“ ohn M c} pn‘yï¬tzplflg “(I Ch British N evvs Notes. .ncc. Mimlt lddres 310118 ch was pl-esxdecl over by mm, M. A., was opened :9 of praise hudprayer, Mr. Grant in the name of atrion extended a hearty the delegates. The ï¬rst, :11 was on “Personal Gon- Jame st: 0‘ Th ill I‘I \V. M. S, Rev , “101mg t‘ Is,“ (102th l, the North sh Columbia, missionaries work in th Rev. Mr. \ HI li'l'us. \VilL Ll DICE RIAN CHURCH. 11 h bxcvlle The ivon by 7. The J‘Iu Mc( lly nn “\th-e the me subjects were 1y Rev Alex. Gil- ’. Scott, Toronto. ‘ session was closed hunpbell, of Maple. ting Rev. Dr. Mcâ€" md interesting and given by Rev. A. Rio, and Rev. Dr. lpful. .u hjm mlizx, of th Home! an jute: the prose! lip cortiï¬c e W. M. S vith choice anec- ate iilustmtions. )y the choir was ml, the musicians :of the meeting a . Between the ing sessions the tained at tea in church by the ltiun on Sunday. maghy, uni a .‘nughter Gill ill ‘d with ‘ in Uh 595 were his is the h will atter (ilieuy all (-etin ’ounx.l is assured by a shvll drsz Hing for $2.25. id I Uhmsbum wore able After (lis- ts in which 1nd Dr. Mc- rt the Rev. church, To- addr-vss ()11 ev. Joseph a clear and Where the M. S. hope )0 company n friends to Tea. will be 101-0 will be 21ti0n Invited umue XV m ilkie ave‘ Uhri 'xftvv of 8th of BENDER TWINE Retiring m Business Groc No. 9 Galvanized Wire, $2.50 per 1031303. ' No. 12 Galvanized Wire, $2.75 per 100 lbs. No. 13 Galvanized Wire, $2 85 per 100 lbs. PURE ENGLISH PARIS GREEN February 9, 1899 166 and 168 King St. E., Toronto, 3 doors west of George Everyth cery stock to be-kept complete. Teas sold at a “reduc« tion of 5 cents per‘lb. §WELKENS CO. Stock in ï¬rst-class shape. The one chance to secure genuine k ISAAC CROSBY. Waists and popular fabrics at In all the new shades FIRE PROOF. WiLKNS & 00.. in the Dry Goods line to be sold at cost. At less than wholesale prices. Crockery at cost price. At factory prices. AT THE $1 and 5 u Switzer’s aRich- imond iHill At Atkinson ne bargains.