door-keeper at the Commissioner‘s ofï¬ce, had accepted a bribe to admit people out of their turn, and some of the clerks in the Government ofï¬ces had worked overtime and accepted pay for the same. Not the slightest evidence was discoverable of any crookcdness on the part of the ofï¬cials, nor could it be shown that; any of them had personally beneï¬ted in the slightest degree in any dealâ€" ings with the miners. The inquiry thc SUJ insists upon the personal responsibili ty of the Ministers), it is a complete vindication of the Minister Of the In- terior and of the Government also. In spite of the most energetic endeav- ors on the part of the Opposition, in spite of a most thorough investigation at the instance of the Government, in spite of the frantic efforts of alien yellow journals in Dawson City and of the foreign miners who are on principle opposed to hearing their share of the cost of Government, in spite of all this, there has been so far an absolute and most conspicuous failâ€" me to establish any of the “infamous charges,†against the good name and the fair fame of our-country. :thc lll sparing is app: d reds ( and to 'bound] on t] 11] with L1 in t membc th 21 while the delibc are. informal a elforts 0 come to 2ion Dem )f the re; il‘ivcr w once more mam Upon the subject. ul‘es from Oppos Wilfrid Laurier ment that he has ing upon this Matters that 0110 at betwc west-i 1t 111011 01‘ linst ereof makes it e inquiry has Jl‘l it was t1 111d M nt rmpan st his ofï¬cial staff 3d and laid before full details of the 0‘ mnanies the report, meemc e result 31‘ who ? keeper 5, had a 10 out 01 1‘11 Ne W Adv the law HUT ‘nt‘ir ['5 that have Dec ‘11 between the tv Jtiallv 5611 E )ND HI ‘vernment nt from thc 1111 t1 11 0t 1‘0, thz the Qu leclared. in sion. the Ali in the M inally led t ordered, 31' 11101‘0 3111K 1nd reckles ALIEN LA} >11 int h 3 tssible W1 e miners. ’i‘hc inquiry complete vindication of and, (as the Opposition the personal responsibili is to prove 1011K ll I‘C excel' RUV men 131 W ,vertisements. report V 01‘ V “'C( 'a and 1d not rved )CC 11 nt @011 1‘( Alier iEeran 1 Elm )K the invest 11K NC] 311 mmissi parent t11a1 exhaustivc L the limits. b1'( tri bee pctitic 1111 1‘1( 11'1‘1V( lll 111 ,1‘( ’C‘I‘ll.‘ tak< r1'( t1] 1‘1 lt( 1( .1 W 1d it 11 WARM for SALE Egan, Jos. h Rumsden, R“ Campbell, 0‘ Wm. Simpst Gallagher. Gallagher: John N. VVhitrl, lot; 18, cm). (i, was entered on roll F S. M. F. The assessment roll for current year was then conï¬rmed. A11 adjourned meeting of council was held at Schombm'g on June 2nd, when the following bills were passed : D. Blnug‘h, road scrapers, $12; \Vm. against ground I of the : followin Putter [1112's, to purchase a pox-Lion of land for road- way from the O’Neill estate. Next mec ting of council at McBride's Hotel, King station, on June 24th. CHAS. PATTERSON, Clerk. SIMEON LEMON, Reeve. u] A ï¬I'st-class farm of 113 acres in the township of Vaughan. Good clay loam, good buildings, well fenced and watered. Within 2L mile and a quart- 01' 0f ‘Yonge Street. Terms reason- Oflim lit The result tion trial in 1] )1' I‘he ll] Apply to J. H. PRENTICE r, Unionville, 01- at; THE L \V ( mse] w r111 ‘ht No. 1 X purchased each f. n. \V. Curtis ll k \Vier wa ; H. Hoovr. \Velxl). bn 1i“ 0116 joul-ned meeting of at Schombm'g ml Ju 3 following bills were 11, road scrapers, $12 rant, 12th (:011., $26; T Elwil 1 Will Ised f1 1‘ mte , 12th con ‘13? with t allaghor u pox-Lion 01 1K {ll ik( 11 from D ‘. 21.1 Kng To PATENT Good Ideas II may be secured by our aid. Address, THE °"ENT RECORD, 1 Baltimore. Md. lid $ 51192] ssment 01 'nluatiun. e sustained sed from dol Sarah Gould s. Tunny. BI ill 11 OI] runny. Mary A. Jus. Nm'l'y, A. Mrs. Vanhorn, 11v and Robert; VVhito, Int; 18. rth th MASON, - RICHMOND HILL Ill ll] nt an on load mthorizm LIBERAL 41-Lf Blou )1) 111 n U lixu 1111 .1] and the }[)[)(’:L]€(1 on the . None. 3d. The “motion Dryd< SILK 1E )1 11 \Vm . Bil :11 Nel Th. [me 1])Ie fly in; 01) at I‘d 1'“ THE LIBERJOCL. OFFIGEa Leadchhurns, Scythes, Snaths, Scythe Stones, R: Forks, Lawn Mowers, Spades, Oil and Gasoline Stoves, Door Screens, all widths, Poultry Netting, 20,21 yd. up., eave trough- ing, Furnace, and the Why buy store 01‘ factory harness when you can at the same price, or 1c It does not pay me to sell poor harness, a harness. I guarantee every set I sell ; sented will make right. I sell at pr better anywhere. A good custom $10 up; no facix HARDWARE STORE TRIGET - SPRAYER, m:me StOCl tock JOB One of the best Sprayers made, and every- thing in the Tin and Hardware line Repairing Pmmptly Bone. All other supplies at prices BICHMON yoga \i tins-1&3 {kw if PC1353 NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE 52;? .627éa Richnnond 111111 DO l( 11] Has for sale DONE AT (£130. 1“: P4} OIL 111 if 10w it 065 not mm ( low that you single harne: EODONAIJD as the lowest ill n buv from the manufacturer § 1‘( Rakes (l0 Assessment system}. E Class J H. SANDERSON, ,Select Counclllor Meet in the Temperance Ha nesuuy of each ScieasifÃ©ï¬ The Royal Tempura of Temperance \ii‘i 8: CO, all. BIT nt 16 to 30 to 35 35 to 3‘.) 39 t0 ~12 42 to 15 45 to 48 48 to 50 n (3 flflfl 36‘IBroadv 25 ESLW 5500 Isl,ocols1,£oolszooolaasxo 38c 43c Payable :entleman DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c ii! J. A. E. SWITZER, ï¬nancial Secty WdEI‘, éil’fiéwfmrk ‘11 on the ï¬rst Wed- month. no monthly. Lady Qï¬â€™iï¬ï¬iï¬o ,7} (YIN U7 ‘C'o. race 1881 iii; 1mm] ’ ALT, DE est cir- Wu D19