Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Aug 1899, p. 7

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In View of the company's expansion 1nd of the large amount of workâ€"both responsible and routine â€" new conâ€" :equently falling upon the members of he board at the head office, the direcâ€" tors think it desirable to increase the numbers on the board through the ad- lition of another member. The company have now already .yassed the middle period towards an- li‘ther investigation and division of p10- ts, and. although the rate of interest an the invested funds has necessarily hllen of late yearsâ€"a circumstance which cannot be without its effectâ€"the \oard have, thus far, every reason to lope that the final results of the quinâ€" luennium will be satisfactory to all .bncerned. ’l‘he rebuilding of the company’s pre- nises in Edinburgh is progressing sat- Ifactorily, and the board hope that he next annual general meeting of he company may be held within the oard room of the new office. x In moving the adoption of the report, which was unanimously carried, the halrman, Mr. A.R.C. Pitman, said it was very gratifying to know that the «aw business of the year had, for the rst time in the history of the com- my exceede ten millions of dollars, {9.1952le to may.“ 1m crowing. The seve'nly-third annual general meetmgt of the company was held. at Edinburgh ion Tuesday, the 25th April, 1899. A. R. O. Pitma'n», Esq., W.S., in x the chair. The results oommunicated \‘ Ln ,the report :â€" .While not neglecting the Important home connections, the consolidation of the agencies outside the United Kingâ€" lom goes on steadily, and the comâ€" pany are beginning to reap the fruits of the policy of careful extension which “my have been working out steadily [or many years past. The amount received for the pur- chase pf annuities is also greater than ever previously reported. 'Dhe sums paid in death claims are considerably in excess of the corresponding amounts 1501‘ the previous year, but the death rates are still well within the expecta- tioms on which the several tables of premiums are based. Notwithstanding this greater outgo, the total funds have largely increased dumb the year, and now aggregate .uomsi erably more than $44,500.00. 1L1: will be seen from the above [fig- ures that the progress of the company goes on uninterruptedly. The new pollciess issued, and the amounts asâ€" sumed. under them, exceed those of any previews year. Stock of Scottish chartered banks. . .. . Company's shares... .. .. Ground tents and feuAduties . ife-x‘ents and reversion: purchased nus upon personal security, with p isle: of assurance. repayuble by in- atalmentl.............................. zentl' balances in course of collection. remlums outstanding in course of col- leobion.................................. nterest accrued, but not due 0. due, but not paid. . . . .. . .. 3311 on deposit. . . . . . . . . ... . . 3135.861 11 0. on current accounts and in hand.......... 591.07439 7 fibu’s’é‘priib'eiiiv-I Freehold.. .. . Leasehold. . . Deed and receipt stamp; in hand. .. fl bent/lire stock. . i. . . .1. A Do. shares preference)” 329k depouts for fixed penodfi. . "Note. â€"These items are included in the corresponding Roma in the first. schedule. A. R. G. PITMAN, C’hmrm-an. W. J. D'UNDAS, Director. J.‘ H. DAVIDSON, Director. SPENCER p. THOMSON, , :1 Manager and Actuary. t ‘j i i Edinburgh, 19th April, 1899. 1 {| E1 EXTRACTS FROM THE REPORT. ASSETS. Mortgages on property withm the United King om ..... . . . . . . . . . ‘ Do. out of the United Kingdo Loans on the company‘s policxes mtlnn their surrender value .................. Investmentsâ€"- British Government securitirs. . . . . . . . . .. Indian and colonial government. socurl' ties...................... ‘ oreign government secqrihoa. . . . . . ndian and colouinl mnnlcipal bonds. . ... Reilvmy and qther debentures and d9. {muiciés outsiuhdm'g tuffdepoaibfund........ Sums deposited with the compm) 1Amouut of assurances accepted during ; the year 1898 (for which 4.937 policieé ,2 were issued). . . . . . . Premiums on new po . ... Purchase price of 192 new annuities. . . Claims by am}. under 1.013 poliolcs dur- ing the year 1898. inclusive of beam ndditlons.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Jluims under endowment assurance. matured during the year 1898. 64 poli- cies, inclusive of bonus addlhions. . . . . . Subaistinz assurances a: 15th November Amount of funds at the beginning of the yen, 16th November, 1897. . . . . . . . . . . .i Premiums (after deduction of re-assur- ance premiums)................... Consideration for annuities granted nterest and dividends. . . . . . . . . . . . . fines and F ees. Claims by death under life policies, inâ€" cluding bonus additions (after deduc- tion of sums reassured) v . . . . . . . . . , . . . .3 Do. under endowments and endowment \asvmuaes matured. . . . . . Burrendcrs. . . nnuicies. . ommission . xpenies of M . . . . .. ividend and bonus to sharenolxler ncometax‘......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amount of {finds at the end of the year ‘5th November, 1898, as per second schedule............. SECOND SCHEDJILE. Balance sheet of The Standard Life Assurance Company, on 15th [Novemâ€" ber, 1898 Prepared on 1:116 ’basxs of valuation of 1895, in accordance with “The Life ASSurance Companies’ Act," 33 «and 31 Victoria, Cap. 61. V VLIAVBILH‘IES. Total funds as per first a;hedule. . . . . .. llaixps under policies admitted, but not an . . . . . . . . . . . . . hvidends to proprietors (due at and A prio to 15$} ovsmbuer) outstanding*'.. ' 1898. Annual revenue . . . . . . Accumulated funds . . . . . luvesnnont In Canada. FIRST SCHEDULE. Revenue account of The Standard Life Assurance Company, for the year from 16th November, 1897, 'to 15th Nov- ember, 1898. Prepared in accordance with "The Life Assurance Oompanies' AictJ" 33 and 34 Victoria. Cap. 61. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SIRNDRRD [le HSSURHNGE 60. hareholdera’ capital p d up ssurance and annuity tund. eserve fund. . . . . . . . . . glance carried forward ..... 33.170.313 37 85,984 45 . .. .3 42,171,539 14 8 48,653,444 44 a 3,449 442 82 . 20,895 81 . 74,071 73 . 212,359 11 . 518.818 35 97,333 35 30,529 94 3 3,265,886 92 . 183.555 90 $ 48,653,444 41 119,825,256 3 5,686,058 44.673.0s2 14,200,000 8 43,749,992 3‘5 815,705.67 44,346 53 13,298 11 45,710 00 9,538 67 844,678.681 83 O 10.016,102 393,217 790,250 $44,678. 681 83 9,998, 35 67 15,669, 40 70 43,749.99? 85 881.093 77 758,778 72 1,444,416 36 3,708,470 55 763.272 73 494.074 78 3,256,297 82 61,520 13 15,987 30 807,455 45 604.962 52 1,035,322 23 896,333 84 565,132 98 394.622 39 9,997 33 584,000 00 42.735.513.08 380,333 33 41,146 44 2,154,475 89 3,992,222 80 790.250 5 1,69; 726,935 50 317 00 431,682 15 3, 265, 884 183,55 INGENIOUS FRENCH INVENTION. A Frenchman; has invented a stopper for preventing the influx of water through a hole in the ship’s side and so save the vessel. It consists of an iron rod to the end of which- are pivot- ed four triangular plates that fold back upon the rod. The rod is thrust through the hole and by turning the nut at) the end the four plates open, fitting together closely against the side of the vessel to form‘ one plated The force of the water helps to keep‘ it in position, but the rod. is secured on the 'one inside also. The carpenters can then do their work inside. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been usad by mother! for their children teething. It soothe: the child, softens the gums. allaya pain. cures wind colio‘ and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. 250‘ a bot- tle. Sold by all dmggists throughout the world. Be lure 3nd 35k for “ Mu. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. So ‘you Want to marry my daughter? said the old gentleman. ‘W-W-Well, I Wâ€"wouldn’t exactly say that, replied the diffident man, bâ€"bâ€"but she wants to m-marry me. Otherwise we n~n- never would have been engaged. Very few marriages grow out of these summer attachments. said the observing man. No, mostly trial heats, rep‘lied the horsey man. Has your sister Lulu become engag- ed very often! during her stay at the seashore this summer? No. the only fellows she has met were three last year. I like to hear a servant girl sing at her work. It shows a good dis- position. Not always. I think our girl sings because she has a grudge against us. It is often( all the little things that constitute the wide difference between success and failure. Some men, earn- est in purpose, capable in many ways, seem unable to, discern the import of minor, nevertheless important ele- ments, and neglect in consequence to grasp the opportunities that if accepted would carry them on to victory. In the same way people are imposed upon by mercenary druggisls, who, to gain an additional profit, practise the dis- honest method of substitution. Call- ing for Putnam’s Painless Corn Ex- tractor, they accept some worthless fleshâ€"eating ' substitute, only to be disappointed or suffer injury. Put- :1ng Corn Cure is the only reliable one» O’KEEFE’ 7L駥FBF MALT “Well the receiver for the point northeast to port, for instance, marks the sound from a passing vessel, a white disk shruts aft the corresponding compartment on the dial. The look- out t’hen puts his ear to the telephone. If the sound becomes more intense and the [1in remains in place, it is a sign that the vessel is still approaching from that direction. If the sound grows fainter and the disk disappears and than shruts off the northâ€"north- east compartment, say, the direction taken by the other vessel can be deter- mined. If the apparatus can work at a dista'mve of five miles, it oug’ht to make collisions in logs or at night in- excusable, and as the sound of waves breaking 0m the rocks is transmitted just as easily, it should give warning at least of danger from land near at. ’hand. Itnllan Invcnuou That “1" Obvlnte Col- lisions and Omar Marine Disasters. Protf. Russo d’Asar, an Italian, has devised a telephone to indicate the approach and direction of unseen ves- sels at sea as far away as five miles. His instruments hava been tried with complete success, according to the Lega NavaLe, on the warships at Genoa and Spezia. The general receiver, which is Immersed in the water either at 1110 bow or at the stern of a vessel. consists of two greatly flattened cones, separated by A broad ring. The outer edge of the ring has eighteen receivers connecting with microphones, and each joined to one of eighteen divis- ions of a dial on deck, nine for port and nine for starboard. SEA TELEPHONE WITHOUT WIRES Manager for Cfinada. I. BUTTON BALFOUR. Secretary. showing no signs of standing still. Ho SPENCER. C. THOMSON, Manager. Montreal: . The appointment of Mr. William Younger as an additional director was approved of. also (referred to the very satisfactory and sound condition of the company, which gave it a very high standing, while its investments were 0! the safâ€" ast character. Invigorates and STrEBfitEma. LLOYD WOOD. Toronto. GENERAL AGENT. A (Ax/Wm Mum W. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS W. M. RAMSAY. Failure and Success. Jed/w M An Efiervesclng Phosphate. excellent cleanser for “var. kidney and stomach, takes the pluce of coal tar pre ara- cioua 111 one of headache, Ms effect is immediate. So (1 by :11 druggisbs, in 100. 250. 50c and $100 packagen. Quoon Buy Drug 00., 21 Vlalllngton-st. E., Toronto 300KB. Rosanna, unu- cathouc Prayer omer, Scapulars, Relirzious Pictures, SceAuary. and Church Ornaments:i Educational W'm'ks. Mull orders receive promyt. atten- tion. D. & J. 31mm“! 8: 60.. Montreal. ~ _ ,, ,,._.. --. ........m., cor. Wool-Market & Dolborno St, Toronto, [at you best price. for your Apvlee. Butter. Eggs. Poultry. Ind othu produce. I! you Ihip it to them. The Damon commission 00.,_ limlted, nnâ€"‘wuo,u....n.-; a nu;-__A -. “.mm (In um market, to-da. ‘ ;SPECIALTY 00.. 69 Adelai “mm Hutu“: raglawreu, Uopyrie Caveats procured. Write forinformation. EGERTON, R. CASE, Registered Solicitor of Pate Notar) Public. Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. v mu. 5" Ian also. loll] I), In 'Drugxml. u- lu Qnun W. Toronto. avg“ m.- run an nun "H" I E" line of Household novelties ullers on theflgmarfiefi go-day. Address '1‘ gnu-r“ A 1 run Garbolic Dislnfectanta. Soaps, Oint- ment, Tooth Powders, etc.. have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas {or superior exceuenoe. Their reguiar use prevent infecti- ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lists mailed free on application. Catarrh: Indian Qatarrh cure. lilp'oonfly than Stammerers roman $3. vyhom, writ. to We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by carbarrh) that can not) be cured by Ha 1’s Catarrh Cure. Sand for cLl‘culars, free. . F. J. CHENEY 8: 00., Toledo. 0. Snld by Druggifits. 759. Hall‘s Family Pills are the best. Dr. Arno”. Btrlin who will convlnocyou'ixe olnol': giro-1;; _AGENTS FOR AN 4 line of Household nnvgmmfiyfim WIFE“ b local applicatiu‘nil, as they cannot reach the d sewed portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness. and that is by constitu- tional remedies. Denfneli is canned by an in- flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. Vi hen this tube gels inflam- ed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely cl‘vsed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation on) be taken out, and this tubu restored to its nor- mal condillon, hearing will be destroyed for- ever; nine oases out, of ten are caused by Ca.- tarrh‘ which is nothing but an inflamed condi- igy' of Lh_e mucops sqrfaces. ONE NIGHT. Lawyerâ€"“Tell, have you! at last de- cided to take my advice and pay this bill of mine? Clientâ€"Yâ€"aâ€"s. Lawyer .â€"-Very well; William, just add $10 to Mr. Smith 5 bill for further advice. LAW vuv u-vv-o uqu v. 1. Railway. First-class Commercial Home. Modem im- pLovementsâ€"Rates moderate. sT. JAMES’ "anti-3 All these bills have been carefully sterilized. The " Balmoral," Free Bursr G.T.R. Station. Montreal. Gehbfifilfilg AVENUE HOUSEâ€"3 Hotel Garslake. Take away your filthy lucrel said the hero. I anticipated that remark, said the villian. smiling sardnnically‘ under his black flowing ‘mustache. barns on fire. Handowb Harryâ€"- Blame dese careless farmers. Dey re allers leavin a lot 0' hay around Where a fellar s 21pr to drop sparks from his pipe. La ‘l'osoana, 100. Oonduc'rorâ€"See that insignificant lit- tlegfell‘ow over there at the p13 count- er Passengerâ€"Yes, what of him? Conductor â€" He's more Important than the president of the road. What he says goes. Pa‘ssmngerâ€"lndeedl “Halo is he? Conductorâ€"He’s the train dispatch- “ Pharaoh/100. 1 can not sugg the old songs That linger in my throat, (Because. alas, it happens. , I' can not sing a mate. WHITE’S PHOSPHO SODA ‘Ollflll ENS! KILLS Rachel. Bed ' Bug], nnd Iflco._Bcle'by Ill Tiepass Teddyâ€"Wake up; Harry; de AN IMPORTANT PERSONAGE. F. 0. CALVERT & 00., MANOHESTER. - . ENGLAND. Deafness Cannot. be Cured. CALVERT’S MONTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY- -o “ BEAVER BRAND " Maoklntoeh never harden: 51 is guaranteed Water- proof. Aak fur imne no other. Bea» ver Rubber Clothing 00. Innate“. rs Procurediu all countries. Designs, Trade Ma‘rks registered, Copyrights. procured. e for information. D (VAGI‘ n ‘~--‘ THE OLD SONGS. Sold by all reliablie‘ Plulgiitl .uuwvu. of Eafients. Bifristsfiretc" removed to Wesle 319158.,Rioh- mond Bo. .. 0:01:00. 95mg. Mill. 8 Halo. _Free Bus $5933; European Rooms ‘ll from $1 a (lay ug Opp, . Curslakeh 00., top 3. MciGll» College Avegfa Family Hotel rates $1.50 per day. 1! Fun. at Grub]. Que‘ own: Mpuuheluur. RELIANCE CIGAR. FACTORY .Montrea) W P C 987 IOpposite G.T.RiDepo}’ wig, blocks from C. P' ' Corn Cure. Ask your drugzll hrlt. Price We d novelties; thé Eeét Agdrggs um U. 5.1 du’i’ck‘ly'w CA'NADK fim‘éi 56:. 5550mm“; Wire only 2; cents lb. to introduce the Diamond Grip Fence in new localities. Don't have to twist wires around each other, like 0! woven fencel. us cross wires are gripped and protects from weather, Gan never slip or break. Five times as strong, and lasts ten times as long as any woven fence made. Can use Plain, toiled Spring. Twist, 0': 831-17 Wire. Ch past, ijq'F ‘ 1.1 avg Luvegbed. 7 Write Fence i‘a‘iaehme Free Montreal and Quebec to leerpool. Lar e and fast Steamers Vancouver. ominion, Scotsman, Cambroman. Rates of passage 2~Fiut Cabin :50 upwmil; Emmi Cabin, $35; Steel-age, 321’!) and 523 50 For further information Ipply to locn'l aunts. or 000 ACRES GOOD FARMING LANDS -â€"ARENAC, I InsnnA Osmmmv and firnwfnrd ('Eannhiu, Titlener- 0; Iosco, Ogemnw and Crawford Counties. Title per- fect. 0n Michigan Central, Defroin h Mackinac an Loon Lake Rain-(Mas, at prices ranging from $2 to $ er acre. These Lands are Close to Enterprising New owns, Chuiohes. Schools. etc... and will besold on mos! reasonable terms. Apply to R. M. PIERCE, Afient, West Bay 011; , Mich. Oi-J.W. CUR ‘IS. Whlbtemore. ioh. Oor. Yonge and College Sm, Toronto. DIVIL SERVIOE PREPARATWH A BPEOIALTY. Awe]! equipped, widel I patronized School. High record for good resultav In Ividual Instruction. Prospectui mailed to our address free. R. D. IMMO and JAS. HARRISON, Principals. GLOBE OPTICAL 00., Dominion Line TORONTO SHOW OASE 00., Afllliated to Queen's University‘ Session beglm tober 4th. Four ‘2an for degree: (B. Sol. E. M.) ln( I Metallurgy and lning Engineering. (2) Aualytlna Chemistry and Asauying. and (3) Mineralogy and Geology. Threa years for diplomaa Shorter special Contact. Graduates have so far secured employment immedi- ntely. For onlandar agylyvto A It is not necessary to have thou:- anda to make money in grain and steam. Ten to one hundred dollars AND cm‘efully invested on margin will; not you name profit as one to five 00 3 thousand dollars will if you pur- chase outright. Write for pamphlet. explaining fully. F. a. ANDERSON & 00., stock and Investment Brokers, 20 Vlotorla St, Toronto. OF JULY. This Company, after paying the 4 per calm monthly coupons maturing August In. have remaining a surplus at '28 per cent. After deducting expenses, and the amount; carried to the reserve fund there remains to $11 credit of the investors I. surplus over dividend of 16 4 er cent. Any amount from 350 u wards received for Investment. ‘6’ Book free, giving 11 particular: The Dominion invoatmont company of Toronto. Canada Permanent Chambers. 18 Toronto 8%. SHOW GASES. WALL GASES 3,272,!‘i19fi13 for the..month The authoritiesx of Lille, France, have concluded some exhaustive tests of the efficacy of ozone for purifying water. Ther find this method applicable on a large scale, and superior to any hitherto used. All pathogenic or saph- rophytic microbes inhabiting the War hers experimented upon were destroy- ed. After treatment the water is weakened in organic matter. less lia- ble to pollution ,and more palatable. Pleasure is very seldom found where it is sought. Our brightest blazes of gladness are oemmonly kindled by un- expected sparks.â€"â€"Johnson. ‘ The only perfect system for keep in: name: 1nd nddresm. Sample (any outfit . . . . . . . . I Tho afiloe Specialty Mfg. 00., ‘ élimived 12‘] and 124 Buy sn. TORONTO. actor]: Newmarkoh LU BY’ 8 Get Agency! Make Money H Michigan Land for Sale. U 5 Y '§ Hm. 1mmer it on and tutoroa the no 0!. I Sold by I“ dru‘gists. 50¢. a bottle. DAVID TORRANCE IL 00.. General Agents. 17 St. Slamment Rf... Monti-ell Oflice and Bank Fixtures, Modern Store Fronts. Mirrors and Plate Glass. For low prices write 92 ADELAIDE W., TORONTO. CAN. 93 Yonge Street, Toronto. With 100 Beds, License Free. 5 yrs Gold Fill 1.00 Best Glasses... 100 We guarantee perfect satisfaction. SCHOOL OF MINING, KINGSTON. SHORT, BUT STRONG, is this argument: WATER AND OZONE. Hotel and Saloon men cannot afford to he without the Automatic Faucet Attach- ment, as icpnysfuritself in one week draw- ing beer. No drip, no waste. You only need one hand to draw beer with the Automatic but In case of rush you can hold glasses in each hand, 9.: the Automatic is ’ always ready‘ The Automatic v druwsthe finest glass of beernud [s used for any trade. asib puts ' the kind of bead on the beer that you want. Price $1 50 [nu-paidâ€" mrane refunded if natsatisfac' tory. amiltoangCo.,Toronho GEYLON TEA HAS THE FLAVOR AND QUALITY Lead Packages. . . . » v - o - 15: 3°» 4°, Your choice of a Violin, Guitar or Auboharp for aelllng only 3 dozen Gold Topped Lever Collar Bub- tons at 10 cents each, or 3. Â¥ Mmdolin or Banjo for sell- ing 4 dozen. No money ro- quiredl Just write us and we will send the buttons postpald, Sell them. rotum the money and the instru- choose will be promptly for- express, all charges paid. Lever Button 00., Dept. 1, Toronto. CARD INDEX . LT GOODWIN. Director. This Ex tension is by far ' mature e or placed on tha market, and ant-bl the wearer to walk,upright, to walk with ease and comfort, to wet; any ordinary _ator shoe, and g ives them the same appearance as their more fortunate iends. Descriptlfl circulars fr ee to all. Ask for terms to agents- Address 110 BAY 5mm, - - - TORONTO, cANAnA. - r e . Are anxious to secure tfie address of every lame man and woman in Canada whose llmq‘ ness consists in one lim being shorter tharLLhe other. and are offering good payin o ploymenc to every lame person who will ta 6 thetronble to write for circulars on Q to act as as auto. Get. one of the Extensions foryourself and you will. after weal-inn l a wefik! h_n.v e nortroubrle to convince others of its value. A BOON FOR THE LAME! Given new lilo to she THE IV£_Y PATENT EXTENSIQN sung op, ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS 0 mvmwwwmsé é cmmm EGSTNEEE'"EOLL£GE Is.,'3;"sii,, 6.31 51b. 14a. ' Emit-$33.12.; "fries. Al‘sâ€"0'5: Barry 5 Revalanta hisouitn, In film 83. 6d. andfis. “vents for Canada: The T. Eaton bot. Limited. Town" DuBarr 5!. 00 97“?“ ezen y " Street, London. W., also in Paris. 14 Rue do Cutigllon, and It 3}} (3.500253, ggaxl‘ll‘sts, ggd‘stote'a eve‘rywhere‘hin Hal! ’ Invsflnblo Emma 1009” Annual Cures o Consth “on. Flatulenoy. Dyupcpn 3' ndigeation Consumption Diabetes. Bronuh‘MI,Ilium}t la 0’ can nza, Gang 3 Asthma, norrh, Phlum, Dim lervous Debility. Sleeplessneu, Doapondonqy, THIS OIL is adapted to all conditions of weight, speed, steam pressure, PEERLEaBua. and atmospheric changes. 39“ he“, to} I"! '"u '1 " Ambloa Foo vhi 5M0: lnvallds and Obndren, and Ilia a. an n: as ullf lutnnta whose Ailments find Deblllty no Ft;th I. 1 other tmntmentt. H dice-n when all oth ood is rejected, IB-VGS 50 “me its cost In modloine. HEALTH RESTORE!) 3'3“:°“3..’2‘ a on disordered Stomach. Lu Nerves, lnr, Bl ladder, Kidneyn. Brain mafia”: by [In Rn rru’o Revalenta Du Barry's ALLAN LINE I I‘ll... l VII unhhn 198 ACRES SITUATE 1: Waterloo 00.. Wilmot Tp.. 0nt-.' 5mile north 0 New Dundee and 5 mile: south of l’ebersburg, o G.T.R. ; the land slopes gently towards south and one : is a rich clay loam, in a good state of cultivatlon : that are 2 acres of orchard and garden, about 28 acres good hardwond bush, cedar nnd s rune hedge at q buildings, and 200 maple trees but erin on farm; .u- \nd soft water at house; barn suppl ed with a 1'! water by hydraulic ram; power wheel on burn; 9390 50 acres of wheat, 45 meadow. balance aprin crop term can be bought with or without crop. F0 terms. address ISRAEL ORESSMAN, New Dundee. Ont, From Liverpool. 2! Que . y .. The nlw Twin Screw S. S. Bavarian, 0,000 tons. wi‘ “1i from Liverpool Au . 24 and from ontraal Sept. Cabin Pnssaueâ€" $50.053nd upwards. Second Cabinâ€"835.00 Return $66.50. Steerageâ€"Livergool London, Glasgow. Londondern or Queenstown, $ 3.56. HARRIS 81w- “"9- LEAD. COPPER. BRASS. Neale only. Long Distance Tolephonoilfl. ; WILLIAM 8T" TORONTO. i FARM FOR SALE Eyery towh can havé a bindo mm.“ nflf’c‘s’ 1‘66: "’5" "'iiiir'finto, can. Brass Bane! .. . .BAVARIAN. . . . . .CALIFORNI AN r“ . "a." 7 Sell”; 14 Sept... 21 Suntan.“.....BAVARIAN..... '.'LL;.;....TA1NUI.. ....‘....PAR[SIAN.. '...'."21 ...2a .5 3355‘ 0c. For tickets md all information apply to local agent a Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, etc._ Loquprioes ever qu oted. Fine cabal ogue §001Ilua~ trations mailed free. Write ul for anyfi ms in L r r W Ludo or Munioal Inltmmenu. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS This excellent schnol is now chain: In hun- ner your and mnkingapecinl prepumcion for the Fall Term, whlch opens on Sept. 5th next. Duringbhe push 20 days Thirty-elght young men and. women have been recommended {or lltuaflons in many of our best business housu. Information will be cheerfully sent to anyéne warranted in BUSINESS EDUCATION, SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING or TELEGRAPHY. Address: W. II. SHAW, Prlnomai. H. BOURLIER, 17 Yonge st., Toronto, or H. a A. ALLAN. Montreal. Machine atmosphericchan es. in,“ he“, to} Farmen' use. ealeu sell it. E: f "fiat; »- .‘ s "u “ PEERLESS ” 0f Toronto. Younl and BERNARD unsure. I; stick pin. DOMINION SUPP 9 King St. W.. Hamilton, Onh. r N 777777 ~~-~â€"~ u - vu , glrlslovor 14 years old and their own 9, are. we will award a. hnu some glo ole w at no We require all who Ire awar 6| the walnut; b0 diacril‘nutsBS pkgs. of eur Lemonlde Pow I! and collect 56 per ykg. Each packs 0 could“ enough for Gen 5 Isms. Return he mans to us by express, money order or postal not and we willglve you in addition to waist gel elegant brncaleb. In order to induce mka ness. to all who make returns insldn two we 11% from'recelpc of goods we will {urther cl]? 3 H5319]: 13111. 209.11}!le syrjrmr 0 ll t eve boy and girl who send! as th- FREEI‘Q‘," ‘7 EVIRV THURSDAY '30» 4°, 5° 8‘ 60c. 3T. LAWRENOI ROUT , MONTREA T0 LIVERPOOL. From Mona-ed ersburg, 0 th and en : Minn: that 28 acres sage at 9 (arm; .u- with s :1 mm; a o wing ‘crop

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