Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Oct 1899, p. 5

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A number of our citvizensrhave been down to see the new Electrical Engine mmnnfactm'ed in Philadelphia. for thez Metropolitan Railway. The engine? which for the past week has been. astnnding on a C. P. R. switch, North Toronto, wei hs 50 tons and looks as if it. is capa 1e of drawing a vegy dheavy load nffreight. '~ Remember the millinery opening at Atkinson & Switzer’s to-day, to-mor- row and Saturday, the 5th, 6th and 7th .instzs. The first regular meeting of the Ep- Wm-th League will be held in the lschooLmom of the chm-ch on Friday evening of this week. Rev. N. \Vell- wood will give an address on “Our Own Church." Parties having stock or other articles to dispose of are requested to hand in the names to Mr. James Thompson, Lansing, fm‘ Eckardt & Brentice’s .aucbionsale'on the 8th of November. so that they may be advertised on the bills. Do not, fail to inspect the stylish ‘millinery at our opening to-day, t0- ;znorrow and Saturday. Atkinson 85 ‘watzer. ‘ The tax bills have again been printed *reminding the ratepayers that death is not, the only certainity. The total assessed value of property in the vil-_ “iage‘is $154,725, the umount of taxes to be raised is $2465.79 and the rate on. the dollar is .015943. Y Mr. Jacob Eyer has purchased from Mr. \V. Mintern the brick cottage vaposiLe the Methodist church. The. price paid was $800. Mr. Eyer has greatly improved the appearance of rthat place since he ths' term-rated it,‘ and now that he is owner still further improvements may be expected. The annual meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at Mrs. Derry's next {Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock, when re- ports from the diflerent Superinten- dents of departments will be given and dine election of Officers for the coming year will take place. The At Home: announced in last week’s paper has :been postponed. Messrs. Eckzu'dt & Prentice will on Saturday next at 2 p. in. offer for sale by Public Auction at the Dominion House two farms in the Township of Markham. A description appears on another page. The Mobmpnlitzm are now giving 10 sPH‘ices fâ€"mm Toronto every day, and are running the cars according to time table which appears on mmLher page. King Plowing Match will be held on the farm of Mr. Jos. Baker, 5th con. King, near ,Kettleby, on Friday, the 3rd of November. In the account of the Harvest home festival at Thm-nhill in last; Week’s LIBERAL, “frmn the TREACHERY of our blessed Lord” should have read “‘frnm the TEACHINGS of our blessed Lot-d.” Mr. Isaac Crosby has rented his brick store, known as “The Fire Prmif,”tu Mr. S. McBride of Mark- hmn, We understand the new pro- prietor wilLupen up in a. few (1;: ys. The 20th century Thanksgiving Fund was explained in the various churches last. Sunday. Bch the. Methodist and Presbytelinn lmdios in Canada hope to raise $1,000,000 each. The teacln-rs of the High and Pub. lic schools of the village Willattvnd the North York Teachors’ Convention in Newmm-kvt to-mm'row and Sutur- dny. Stove Pipos 5, 7, 8, 10 and 120. at C. Mason’s. The friends of the Methudist church, Thm'nhill, are arranging for their annual Thanksgiving services on Sun- day, Oct. 15 and 19. See Bills. The Queen Stove is the best wood heating stove made. C. Mason. Grain 13:1 gsâ€"~VVe have a la r‘g‘e stock of grain and potato bags at low prices for cash. Naughtnn 13105., Elgin Mills. Duos i'w 20111(’01)5ul'y begin 011thelst 0f January, 15300, or a your from that day I" Isn’t; it strange that, p‘enple Shmfld be divided on this question 5’ See the smart Sailors, new blocks, Fedm-as and walking hats, newest shape-s, at Atkinson & Sw1tzer’s. Tn-mm'mw afternoon at the Junior Epworl‘h League. the (xificm‘s will be elected fm't‘ue ensuing year. A full attendance. is requested. -’l‘he fmst‘s'et in pretty heavy the fore part of the. Wevk and must of the furnaces were turned on nearly full blast. The cheapest place tu bii;'étn)\'es is U. Mason’s. Millinm'y upening th-fia‘j, tommr- raw and Saturday. ALkinsun A: Swit- zur. ' 31119 High School Football loam win go "to Newmzn'ket to-m01‘1-nw to play :i, friendly game with the High Schuol boys there. Call and see the Quevn Stove at C. l‘énsnn’s. ., .Tlnmksgi‘x‘mg day this year wiil be held on Thursday, the 19th of October. RICHMOND HILL, Ombm- 23, 181 [46){3 133E. em.) a: fiiégraio g: 6:?! The friends of the Zion Methodist Cluirchvpm-pose holding their anniver- sal'y on Sunday and Wednesday. Oct. 8 and 11. Special services at 2.30 and 7.30 p. in. On W'ednesday the. Hur- vest Home supper will be served from 5to7p. in. After supper a. Musical and Literary entertainment will be. given by the following talent: Miss Mildred Philips, elocutionist of \Vhitâ€" loy'Ladies’ College; Rev. W. Hanoi}, Maple; Rev. J. 0. vClubine, B. A., B. D., Unionville, will give addresses; the Mendelssohn Choristers, Rich- mond Hill, will furnish music. Every- body welcome. Admission, Adults, 256.; Children, 150. Mr. 0. J. Brown’s new barn was raised last Thursday. The timbers were heavy and the 75 able-bodied men who were present had no easy time putting them in position. The sides were captained by twu active young farmers in the persons of “Val- ter Eyer and Ed. Lynett. At the end of the play it was evident that Mr. Eym- had Chosen tho strnngm' 1mm. The stalwarts looked well at, wm-k but thvy reserved their most, plvnsing smiie until te-u- was served (m the lawn. when they were brought, within the focus of Miss Annie Ellston’s camera in a snap shot. A C(rufii‘e of High School boys who were over-zealous in doing a kindness for a, fellow-stucklnt, attempted to hitch up the mum-’5 horse at the Do- minion stables on Friday last. The spirith animal which did not seem to lake the strange hands, 5mm gnw the boys the slip and started fur 1191- home at Maple. At Gray’s Corners she mysterimlsly freed herslf from the curt and was caught nom- Bnyle’s Mil]. Ncitiwt- hm-sw nor cart was injured in the least but the harnessâ€"maker made 15 cents out of the transact-ion. At a meeting held last Tuesday evening of the Board of Trustees of the Methodist church the following resolution was carried :â€"“Moved by Mr. J. A. E. Switzer seconded by Mr. G. 'Mason that, Recognizing the "HMWR. fold mercies that Almighty God has conferred on our country and church during the century now closing we feel ourselves laid under the strongest obligations of gratitude and are. in hearty sympathy with the movement to raise one million dollars for a Thanksgiving fund and recommend it to the attention of all our people. ' The following is the standing of the pupils in bhemfier room of the Rich- mond Hill Public school for the month of September. Names in order of merit»: Fourth Classâ€"Florence Cooper, Sydney Boyle. Fred Shaw, Flossy Marsh, Flossy Startu . Olive Switzer. Laura Duncan, Jack“ Mighton, Renie Wright, Mabel Marsh, Ox'ma Brydnn, Han-y Innes, VVinnifx'ed Newben'y, Morley Barker, Victor Shaw, Fred Lillie, Charlie Glover, Jennie Clark, Eddie Dennison, Ralph Geode, Os- m0__ud Wright. ‘ All are invited tn inspect the stylish designs on trimmed Hats and Bonnets at our millinery opening an the 5th, 6th and 7th insts. Atkinson & Swit- Third ()Iassâ€"‘Kafl “Storey, \Vesley Hutty. Bert Sliney, Starr McMahon, Lizzié Bovair,.B8unie Reddibt, Herbie Clafiy, Frank Hopper. lNDUC’l‘ION. The inductii‘fii hf Ll}? RM. Jun. Gi‘h- snn as Rector of the parish of Thni‘hu hill and Richmond Hill will take place nu Friday the 6th inst. in Trinity chm-ch, Tlioruhill. Service Will crim- muucu at 7.30 in the evvning. The Hm: Uaunn Osler uf York Mills will perform the 'CK‘TE‘lYlUIl'y miLl;1(id1~ess the congrvgutiun. A hen-vest thanksgiving service will be holdiu St. Mary’s chm-ch. Rich- mond Hill, on Tuesday evening, the 17th Oct; beginning at 8 u’clnuk. The Rev. F. U. Heuthcofv, vator of St. Clement’s church, Toronto, Xvi“ ho. the prwmhm'. Specialnm’sic i2: being prupzu'cd. The prucewls win he do- V'Oted to the purpose. 0f repairing the churcl‘a-vdiflcp. RADIAL RAILWAY SCHEME. The Metropolitan Railway Com- pany, which operates the trolley line running northwards from the G. P. R. crossing on Yonge street, has applied to the ity engineer for permission to construct- a connection between their tracks on Yonge Street and the C. P. B. tracks. The company "has purm chased a large electric locomotive for hauling freight cars, and ‘wants to make the connection in order to run1 their trains to the new St. Lawrence market, via' the C. P. R. to “Leaside Junc- tion and down the Don valley. There has been some difficulty caused by the" presence of the Metropolimn Cum- pany’s rails on Yonge street, to the ex- tension ofzrthe city car service cup to; Reservoir Park and the city limits, and there is a feeling that the council should takeladvantage of the oppor- tunity to make an arrangement by which thedifhultymay be greumxedu â€"G_lobe. ‘ ‘ I ' The Mendelssohn Choristera have organized for the coming season with the fulluwing ()flicv‘m : Hun. I’l‘vsideut. A. J. Hum"; Presuleut, L. Hmwer; St'c’y-’1‘rmxs., F. J. Johnston; Ucmduc- tul‘, F. BPdditt; Pianist, Miss Edith Switzmx The chnristm's are open fur vugngompntsand hope to meet with as good success this season as in the pass. They are all-um‘x’y banked fur several engagements in the near future». RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL. PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT. THANKSGIVING SERVICE. BANK BARN RAISED. HARVEST HOME. RUN- A- WAY CONCERT AND TELL A concert; and ten, will be heldih Victoria Hall. Thmnhill, under the auspices of the \Vomun’s Auxiliary of the Church of England, on the even- ing 'Uf Friday, Oct. 13. The concert, will be given by the fullowing talent; from Tor-(mm): Mr. Henry Baka', baritone : Mb. T.A.VVhitcmnbe, tenor; Mr. Herbert ()usick, violinist; Mr. C. Shunt Dawes, accompanist ; Mr. T. R. \V’alko, humorous reader; sMiss Lin g Evans, elocutionist; Miss E. W'right, ' soprano. Tea sewed from 5 to 7. Doors open for concert 14.17730. Ad~ missigu to tea and concert, 250. ; child- ‘ Ten, 10 cents. Proceeds in aid of the 1 Organ Fund» Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Lad1es.“sute,'efleetunl. Ladies ask fiour dm 1; for Cook'l Cotton Ron! Con- nd. he no 0 er. as all Mixtures. pills and mimions are dangerous. Price. No. 1, $1 er :box' No. 2, 10 degrees stronger,” per box. 0. ‘I or ,maileden‘reoeipcet price and two Me!“ 89129? The 9001.: ‘Ooqnpany Winqsgrl On‘t: Mr. F. W. Harrison is this week in charge of the Public School on the 2nd of lllau-khum, east of Langstaff, the regular teacher beng under the care of Dr. Rnlph Langstalf for a few digs. Miss Bell Mnodie and Miss \Vallace, both nurses in ithe Tux-unto General Hospital, spent \Vcdncsdny in the village, the former with hm- parents, the. latter with Rev. N. \Vellwnud and family. Mr. Garrett of Nm-th Dakota, and Miss Pritchax-d of North Toronto, spent, Tuesday evening with the Misses Switzcr. mm. comm 6, 31.899; To-dzly, to-mormw and Saturday, duringour grand Millinery Opening, _we wxll giVe tlw following special bargains: 4 boxes best, nmtches for 250. ; 71bs. pure Lard, extra fine, for 50m ; 13 bars of Comfort Soup f01'500‘ ,- 13 Inns of Richard’s Pure Soap, 50¢. ; 4 lbs. 300. Tea. fur $1 ; Floor Oilclnt‘h, 20c. sq. yard ; R.R.R. Salmon fur 100.; Horse Shoe Salmon, lléjc. ; 4 lbs. of (lu1'306. Japan Tea, and 221115. of best Granulated Sugar for $2 ; our regular 100. Flannelette for 90. ; 0111'200. Dress Goods for lSc. ; 250. stuff fox-23C. ; 300. Dress Goods for 230. ; 10(2. Lining for 950. ; 13c. Lining for 120. ; 120. Lining for A10; the best) Spools, 2 ft'II'5C. ; our 180. Colfee for 17¢. ; Lipton’s Tea, 150. package far 130. ; Blue Ribbon Tea, 150. package for 130. ; 250.pavckage f01'230. ; GrnvndMngul’l‘ea 15cgpzlckage f0r1‘3c. ; men‘s regular 25c. Sucks for 23¢. Atkinsnn & Switzer. Mrs. Dicker of Aurora, is making a. visit, with her sister, Mrs. J. Palmer. Mr. NV. R. Proctor has been spendâ€" ing the past week in Uncle Sam’s do- minions. Rev. N. W’ellwood preached re-nppn- ing services at Scarboro’ Junction clash Sunday. His Honor, the Lieutenant-Govern- or has appninted about 60 new Queoh’s Counsel fox-the province of Ontario. Among thefmnilim' names from T0- nmto are W’altcr Bax-wick, Frank Denim}, H. H. Dewart and G. G. S. Lin‘iszxy. This, fo‘dowing ludivs have been ape puinted dexk‘gatos at the York Count-y \V. U. 1‘. U. Convention to he held in East Toronto, Out. 12 and 13: MLS. Savage, Mrs. Hun, Mrs. J. H. Sand- el'sms. Mrs. Htm'vy, Mrs. Masnuand Mrs. H. F. Hopper. CoommcIn Newmnrket, on Sunday. October lst. the wife of A. E. (‘ocmbs, of a deUizhter. McELRoY~â€"- AtEIqin Vlills, on Sunday. 17m mt, the wife oiDr.McF}1my of a, dun-:hter. SATURDAY. Oct. 7â€"Anction sale of valuable farm property at the Dominion House, Richmond Hill. the property belonging to the astute of the late Benjamin Jenkins. Sale at 2 p. m. Evkxmlb dc Prentice. auctinneers. A. G. F. Lawrence, Vendors' Sulicltor. SATURDAY ()ut.14tliâ€"Creditsale of lmrm stock, implements on somlan uve.. east from Gglinbon, the property of H. Hardinge Sale at L Tamas 4 months. Eckardn & Prentice. auctioneers. SATURDAY. Octflmhâ€" Credit sale of {arm stock. implements. on lot 3%, mm. 4 Markham. near Gormley, the propeny or Mrs. Benj. Stover. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 11 months. Eclmrut 15: Prentice. auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, Nov filthâ€"Credit. sale 01’ farm stuck implements, at Thompson's Hotel, Lansing. Sella at 1. Terms 6 months. Eckurdt dz Prentice. auctioneers. Vi‘PurLies getting their bills printed at Lima Office will receive a. nutica similar to the above {‘3’ N L1 and No. 2 so” in Richmonl Hill h W, A. SandersomDrugnisc. ‘ y FREE OF CHARGE The west half of lot No. 3. 2nd con. Whit. church,(-01)tainins: 100 acres. more or less. is ito rent for a- term of yearg. FARM ‘to RENT The Next Sitting: nf "DivisiomGom-t fm-_ N o. 3, County of York, will’be héld .iu thewmu't Ruom. Schmnlwerg. 12 to 13. \Voodhridge, Oct. 17 to 18. Bardford, 01:0. 19 to 2.0. “am-m “‘912§a°?§,‘fa‘;°n‘é'¥“$£éfi32‘a‘$zfi 0. we . ~ responsible Drugglata Sn Canaan. _ RICHMOND HLLL. : DIV1S|0N- 301131,... 11â€"4 RIGHMWE HILL, «Commencing at 10 aura. .1‘. MCMAEQH,.C .Gook’s Cotton Root Command SPECIAL BA RGAINS. EERSONALS. Sale Register. FALL FAIRS. Apply to MRS. ROBT. THOMPSON. BIR'I‘IIB. Oak Ridges. P. 0. HEADLIGHT‘LA‘NCE TOOTH CROSSGCUT SAW'S isxme of they fastest cub WILKINS & GO; NVhok-su'le-tmd Retail Butchers, deal (we in The \Ve make a specifiityfiin Home Render- ed Lard, and mgr ; (mm ._ make 49f Sausage. BEST MEATS rt ' 51 v. r if, g \Efiww wwwmwmw: FRESH & SALT MEATS Atkinson & Switzer To the Public. _Qf alhkinds. Vegetables ,‘m Season. ting saws made. It is four gauges thinnemm thevbruck than the_fmn§. Every saw is guaranteed and only 500. per foot. SHOT. lbs. f0 PO‘WZPER, 3(ch per 112. :‘Subsaribe "166 and “1‘68 King “St. East, 3 doors west of George Streefi, Toronm. GLASS ’& BU’S. 17352 §%Rflflfimfimflbfl GLASS &iCQ,,‘R5clmumi'3HiLl When you want the ME @gming OCTOBER 5, 6 & 7 Thursday, Friday and'S‘ab urday. Always go to ‘WILKINS ;& '00.. .SfiOTGUNS fro£fi$2§§bfifii§v£iiisf ’In conclusion we extend id cordial invitation to every one, iboth old and young, to attend our Fall Opening,r commencing Oct. 55th, and MISS Dri'ffill will spare .no pains in making everybody welcome. Do notlforget the days, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 5, 6 and 7. We promise to Show the grand est display of Trimmed Pattern Hats we have ever shown. We have visited the centre of fashion and have gathered the newest ideas which Paris, London and New York contribute. We have} made an extra effort in selecting the choicest novelties in Milliriery, Trimmings and novel and ex- clusive lines for the big fall“. trade" we expect to do. i ' A. .31 prepared to do Family Wauhings. Gen“ .mdr. _adles'.,;finel.illen a. specialty. Work gum ‘ extend and pntronflfiawliqimd. ‘ 1 5M! WILLIE MAXWELA 5'93; 61' Sexuaf VVFEfiEhe‘Eé; ' a1! éflecis o! abmi .pr excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use 01 '2th n. Opium or Etimgllala‘ts.$gla% WWW o ceoneacage .ax . _ Iigmpglgts’ he}; to quaddress.- v ;___ 'We guarantee perfect sacismcuon. ’ Egmnn OPTIQAI. L 09., HORSE BLANKETS, 40m, 50c., $1.0) and $1.50 each. CO W CHAINS, ‘_15c. each. V COBBLERS’ OUTFITS. 50g.,»75c_..,an§1 L2? Wood's Phosphodine is sold (in Riqhgnonl Hill Luv W. A. Sanderson. Druggzat. ' ' i (311an n d :11 $1 each. This is an'm-tic’le that should becin every .hausehold. ;93g.Â¥m§e Strma 19mm!!- _ ‘Solid Gala. "232(8I r Best Gold Fill 1:51 - _ K?! 5 yrsGoldFill Lou - L ‘ i ‘ :BestGlassea," 19‘ We guarantee perfect satistaofion. I "LAUNDRY are. 'Pamphlets’ tree to an? uder The Wood Company, w ndaor. The area: Emmi Remedy. - Bold and recommended by drugglsts in Canndn. 013g :- Wood's Phospha‘dine,‘

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