Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Oct 1899, p. 1

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Ivory accommodation to guestl. Board, 51 \ per day PALMER HOUSE, "03ml methods. 'st§u.'s'ei o'i {Si-séifélefila'fifiBEhZfiEFHéBéfim 0d nniplnlq yregtod by the lsbest and most up- Remodelled, and newly furnished throughout, Ons of the most convenient and comfortable hotels on Yunge Scream Every modern con- venience. Sample rooms for commercial travellers. An idealstopplng place for riding or driving parties,blcyclists, ox- tnrmers going to or returning: from market. But: meets all trains. Electric cars panama door. hmduato of the Ontario Veteflmrv Colloao. with diploma from she Ontario Veterinary 'Dontal School. win visit Maple on Monday and liking of each week, and Concord on Friday rum: tonp_._m. Oallqgromnngattqnded go TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. MRS. “I. HULSE, - VOL. XXII. VETERINARY SURGEON l! V HIE LIBERAL PRINTING It PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Teiephone 3368 for appointment. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THUR SDAY MORNING Oddfellow’s Bldg., Toronto, cor. Yonge and College Sts., Tomnto, Will be in Richmond Hill every Wednesday. 031cc :â€"-â€"Next door south of Public School. Dr. W. 00:11 Trotter, B. & DENTIST, omen Hoursâ€"12.30 to ‘5 and 6 to 7.85) p m Member C011. Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Specialtyâ€"Disease: of women and children. Wm. Rogers. Dan'st / Room 12, 124 Victoria St, Toronto. Best fitting teeth, also repbmting, at lowest, prices. Good work. D R. LANGSTAFF. RICHMOND HILL. OFFICE HOURS 8 to [Own-z 6(08 pm Richmond Hill Every Tuesday. 5" Oflice: Next door south of THE DR. '1‘. A. CURRIE J. E. SHAW, M.D.,C.M (“lice 445 Yonze El", Toronto. Tannin”: 3798. ' DR. EMERSON H. HENDERSON, fl. fiEMfiN‘, ‘$&Y$E {awmw Cor. Moor and Spain-u Ave" Toronto. J; __'I'. McElroy, F. McMAHON. $1 per annum, in advanCpJ ‘6 SURGEON DENTIST. Dentist, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) RICHMO ND HILL. 158 mm; STREET EAST. ronox'ro VETERINARY DENTIST. RICHMOND HILL. RICHMOND HILL. BUSINESS CARDS. ERAL Office. @112 gihml Emma J: Pnoan'ron Waiting LRGszSE. mum. “IMMM. Prop. :AIB' Licensed Auctionear for tha Counties of York and Ontm'm. All anas of farm stock, 610. at- tended to on the shortest- notice and remnnahle rates. Mortgage and banifl sales attended to. Residence. Btoufi'ville. Ont. I Licensed Auctioneer for the County at York. I Genemlsales of implements, furnituresmnding Z timber. etc.,a.ttended on the shortest notice and | gt reasonable rates. . A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept. at both places. Patrohhfiggbiiclfied. P. 0. address Maple V_ ._V. ---- uv‘w‘l son able rates Fatronngo solicited. Undertaken-s &. Embnlmrrs. RICHMOND HILL & THORN‘HII L moenndAuctionoen tor Chocounty of York.“- pocttully mlicit your patronage and lrieudly nfluence. ulos attended on the shortest notice an!) a reuonnbo nus. P. 0. nddms Kins J. T. Saigeon, Maple. Saigcon at McEwen. [deemed Auctioneers for the County at York. Salesatmuded to qn Bhorteafipofiieg and at rea- ...._..LI-.._A-., n, SALEIECKABD'I‘. 63 Winchester 8:. Toronto. Mean-ea Auofioneers for the County of York. Goods sold on consignment. 8mm] fillet! of awoken, promptly attended to M reasonnme rates. G. B. Gouldxng, Newton Brook. ngenf. for the shove. Barristers. Solicitors. «4:. Room 1. No. laTomnto 30.. Toronto. ALFRED nwnoomu, rannxmcx c. JONEP, Solicitor to the Tnnsury of Ontario. Bohoitors to: the Reliance lmn md Suing: Company. Money to Loan Barrister. 3011mm. Convomcor. Notary Pu hue, Etc. James Building. 76 Yonge St. (cor. Kins).'l‘oronto. ' Richmond am on Wed-em". TORONTO OFFICE: NO. 1. Adelmde St», East. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday , afternoon Of each week. MACDOUGALL & JONES, COOK & "M’XEDBNX’L‘D Money to Loan. Notary Public, Conveyancor, Valu- ator, Commissioner m B._R., &c. Barrisu-rs and Solicitors. Mono"; to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowest rates. Aurora, officeâ€"Removed to who old post oflme. nun 'door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk. Newmarket omenâ€"Three doors south of the pass olfice. anumssumu IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c Issuer of Marriage Lirenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFI"E. '1‘. HERBERT Lxxxox, G. S'TV. Mono”. Aurora. New: LENNOX '3? ME??? Suite 77 and 78 Freehold Loan Build ings, cor. Adelaide and Victoria Streets, Toronto. LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill on u Saturdays. 25 KING STRE.I.T WEST. TORONTO. East Toronto Office. Mr. Grant’s teaidence, Woodhndge. even awning. ~ Thoruhill.each Wedueaday from 10 to 12. Money to loan at 5 per cent. DUNCAN, GRANT & SKEENS M. Tran-CF35" NOT'A RY PUBIJC‘; 0 WOKEI Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%, WRIGHT BROS, 1). JADIEg: Baxrzster, Solicitor. 1‘7 “my. 1360- Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Ecxmn'r. J. H. Pann’mcn heater St. Toronto. Unlonvme Ecknrdl a: Plentlce SPENCER LOVE, gtqkes & slough. Barristers, Solicitors. &c.. J. I). Readman, RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1-2; 1899. TllflllhlllLIu N. E. Snlilll. F. LAWRENCE, mam. “ In Essentials, Unity,- Telephone 47 J. K. McEwen. Weston. Telephone 2661 Telerhvne 2984 Newinurket 1) 31.0093 j 1’ AN, number registering from the South at other points in the North West, :L total of 30.062 is reached for eight months as compared with 17,535 for the wholv of last year, 21,251 for 1897, and 17,535 for 1893. Of this 30,000w and with pmfmmd respect I would particularly call the attention of the Opposition] to this factâ€"of this mooo, nearly two-thiids speak English as their mother tongue. With two- t-hirds sheaking English and the re- maining third composed of Galicians, Doukhohom, etc.. admitted by all who have had a, chance to judge by person- al observation to be rapidly develop- ing into the most'usei‘ul settlers, it would appear- as if the new immigra- tion policy of the present Minister is receiving abundance of that most satisfactory of all indomationsâ€"uu- qualified succcss. thuctiou of new settlws. ’ From tie. begiunin of the year to the end of August t P. total number of arrivals at Canadian put-Ls who. declared their in- tention of settling in the Domininn was 26,986, while 2,986 registered. in, Winnipeg as coming in from the Unitgd States. Reckoning 100 as the In face of such a simple and intel- ligible statement of the case, can any- one inmgine more unmitigated twad- die than the following editorial com- ment in ‘-the Ottawa Citizen zâ€"“Sir Wilfrid Laurier pledged Canada’s mili- tary assistance to the empire in the event of war. The. opportunity has arrived and he repudiates his pledge. This time it is not the Liberal party that is disgraced by a breach of faith it. is the whole of the people. of Unna- du." The writer of that paragraph is either too dense to understand an ex- ceedingly simple proposition or too dishonest to state it. fairly to his read- em; I suppose he is at liberty to choose which even ,‘ orn of the dilemma. he pleases. ' ' CLEA‘? LY A MISCONCEPTION. Durinzthe recent annual meeting of the Dominion Trades and Labor Congress in Montreal it was stated by delegates in om Winnipeg that the western labor ni,;.l-ket was being over- stocked by the guard: influx of foreign- ers. This assertion is scarcely borne out by the experience of Mr. Alex. Calder, the C. P. R. employment agent whose head quarters are at Winnipeg. Mr. Calder has been 8 nding the lust three months in-tbe Sggtes in Eastern Chanda. engaging as many men as he could get hold 0 for railway Work on the C. P. R; and Rainy River roads. All he was able to procure was a bun- dred and fifty, and he stated to a VVin- nipeg newspaper as his deliberate ognmon that, “ if all the men now on t e western prairies working on farms, railroads. ( r at other manual labor re- main here this winter. I guavr'rntee that they will not want for work. Never have wages bee.) so high or the work to be done so extensive as it is to-day. THE 1100:.8ATION OF SUCCESS. This bail; _ the case the latzrsb r1:- turns of thegimmigmtinn Dev)a1»Lmenb areof special interest, fci- tar-y some idea of thc px-ogrcss that been made in the all-impbrtant w of opening up the cough-y the gave Moreover no such ofi'er could he made without the approval of Pm-lia- “lent for even in imperial matters one of the very first, steps taken when active operations commence is to sumâ€" mon Parliament that the necessary means may be provided. READY IF NEEDED. As the Premier-observed, “there is no doubt. as to the attitude of the Government. on all uestions that means nwnace to the ritish interest but in this present case. our limitations are very closely defined, and so it. is that we Have not offered a Canadian contingent Do the Home authorities. The Militia department; duly trans- mitted individual offers to the Imper- ial Government but the Government has not discussed the question of fur- nishing a contingent for the reason. I have stated, reasons which I think must he easily understood by everyone who understands the constitutional lay on meanest/n»; ."A ha." very plainly nut it, under the laws of Canada our mili! la is enrolled sole- ly for the defnnce of Canada. It dues not follow that, they cannot. leave til: country, for at times it is better to meet a. threatening foe before he van reggh ihe country he would invade. r ‘ Public interest in the progress of affairs in the Transvaal has been con- siderably nugmen wed this week by the publication of a repnct to the 639,012 that the Government had made an in- formal offer of men and money to the imperial authorities, and that the Home office had accepted the same with everyexpression of satisfaction. The smitement turned out to be in- accmzte, but it nevertheless served the usual purpose of demonstrating the widespread enthusiasm with which any step would he supported. It appears, however, that there is no constitutional power vested in the Government by which they could make any saith offer. As Sir Wilfrid Our Ottawa Letter. in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." Min‘efivs. Rankinâ€"Claim of 856' for overcharge on cow. J udgment, for plaintiif $5 and costs. - ~Deém vs. ‘Cook & Cookâ€"Jtzigment summons after default. Commitment for 20 days against Arthur (look, but shude 0n payment of $3.00 per month. Fix-st paymeflt it} ywoh'yyepks. OfVZO cQLses entered since last court, all were settled before court day with the exception of 7. The follow-mg isa : ynopsis of fine gasgs grim; : ‘aivisioerourt was held on Friday last, the 6bhiust., His Honor, Judge MQl-Aggnn presiding. Part Iâ€"-Josle erble, Alice McNaix-, J essie Ell‘33b‘,e, Raymond Rumble, James His‘op. Sr. IIâ€"éBruce Other). Ida Keith, Stuart Charles, Frank Rumble, Maggie Fagan. Pen-t IIâ€"Ol‘ve Othen, Johnme Keith. Beech-numb}? parties are quite popular justnnw. Q.1ibe a large one was held in P. McNaughton’s grove on_ gatm-day qfteijnom}. The Twentieth Centurv Thanksgiv- ing fund was: the subject of discoursa in tho Methcdisb church on Sunday. Ema-.Ia-pes were disixibvted for the amounts to be contributed. I Report of S. S. No. 19, Vaughan, for thg month_(_vf_ Sgabempgr. 7 Sr. IVâ€"Ethel'Rumble, Russel Run» ble, Alice Othen, Mabel Othen, Bert BIOI'ts'un. 1 Sr. IIIâ€"Annie Rumble, Vera. His- op. r in IIIâ€"Charlie Johnson, Heber- Rgmblfi, Jiln Rumblp, Archie Sivqge. Mr. W. Ifichardsa n is at present ser- ioy_s_ly i_ll. Several friends from this )lace at- tended the funem-l of the ate Mrs. Henry Mac-hell of Aurora on. Monday of last, week. ' Mr. E. Caldwell, with his family. has removed to Toronto, where he is goingtocan-y on the tailorin busi: ness on Queen St. E. Severn. more families are going tr: leave here far To- ronto shortly, and quite a number of houses will be vacant. A juvenile surprise part Was held at Mr. Caldwell’s last "Fri :1 evening as a farewell to his children .mm their sc‘mol mates. The boys and, girls had a merry time, A There was no schm! in the 'unior divisiun of the ublic school on riday last, as the teac er was attending con- vention at Newman-ken Three families han moved into the vacant houses at Bond’s Lake. Bond’s Lake- is now enclosed alon the street with a wire fence. This wi . dd much in the appearance but, is a dibildVfllltflgl' talk-01319 getting water as they have for very many years in the past. Several ladies from Newmarket have been visiting at Mr. R. Thumns’: also the Misses Case of Aux-om and Mr. “"111. Street of Tomntu. Mrs. S encer is visiting in the city. ‘ ‘Miss ay Thompson of Bond’s Lake returned from visiting frieij2 ' nu Mrs. Beynpn and fnmi‘y have 1n3ved w Avrom where she bought; a. house and lab the property of the late Mr . Taljt‘y. of Kettleby visited his brother last, week. ‘ Miss Hun-nut- is visiting her sister. Mrs. Crawford. Rh". Geo. Jefl'erson who has lived hr‘le for the push six months has huurvhta fax-m north-west of Aurora, on tile thin] of King and moved there with his funnily. The Welsh delegation which I may fen-ed to last week have lot back to Ottawa, and, as I pre icted, they speak with unqualified enthusiamx of \' hat they have seen in their travels. They will upon their return home talk to their compatriots in terms of commendation of the op ortunitie: the Dominion offers to t e thrifty hard working settler and an appre- ciable increase in the already not inâ€" considerable numberof W'elsn immi- grants may be looked for as a result. An interesting feature of the Welsh- men’s report is a. request that they should be given a location ct some distance from other settlements, in order it is supposed that they may preserve their own language, but while the Department is quite ready to concede to this request. there is small doubt that the colony itself. when it becomes established, will 'fol- low the example of nearly every com- munity of foreigners that has settled among us and seek s ecial facilities for instructing the chi.‘ ren in English.» Mr. Grulgex‘ of Willow. Vale has muted 1118. Thompson’s farm that hei- son worked last year, and Mr. Wm. Him pet-file one where she livinm THE WELBHMEN ARE DELIGHTED. Division Court Oak Ridges Patter Maple 'SOI]. Farmers can riow obtain the cele- brated Tobique Gypsum Powder at Britnell’s. C. 'P.’ R'. Crhssing, Yonge Street; North Toronto; ’A car-load just received from the mills. It will freshen up your fall wheat. Two hundred pound bag for $1.25 or $12.00 er ton L-tf - BRITN ELL & CO. Hair; iifiidihiv' Shaw shout. mucus AT rmmms’ WAGaoNs. Wheat. white, per bush ..... . ......... 3 O 73 Wheat. red, per bush u 70 Wheat, gooue. per bush 0 73 Cats. per bush 0 3‘2. Peas, per bush 0 62 Barlav, Der bush 0 47 Turkeys, per lb _0 09 Dressed Hogs. per cwt. . . . ' 8 To Goose, per lb . . 0 C6 Chickens. per pair 0 30 Ducks.per pmr 0 40 Baum-.111 pound roll: 0 18 Eggs, trash 0 17 Potatoes. per bag 0 45 Apples, per bbl 1 75 gaymlovm: .. 11 00 LIBERAL OFFICE. Mn Graham Klinck, a. former resi- dent, of this village, now of Prince- ville, Ill., U. 8., is visiting his nieca, Mrs. Amos Wright, and other friends. It. is fifty-four years since Mr. Klinc‘l: moved to Illinois. Twelve ears ago he visited his sister. thelabe rs. Law. Mr, F. H. Kirkpatrick, who took a. position a few weeks ago as teacher in Hiram University, Ohio, was suddenly called to his home near. Bradfmd the latter part of last Week.,f"13he unwel- come neWs was the sex-ions illness of his mother, who died shortly after his arrival. Mn Kirkpatrick has the sympathy of many friends in his sex-inns bereavemenp. - THE" SUN”’ Life Assurance Co. Assures on an the modern plans. and is an. the most nrosperous and yroyressive ‘ I. gammng in existence. [’l'eminrqs'_'low, 'wé l“"‘011dibi0nfil and ,a Mrs. Derry and Mrs. J'. H. Sander- son have been ap oinbed to represent. the local W. C. U. at the Provincial Convention to he. held in Guelph Oct. 30th to Nov. 3rd. Mr. W. Eyer left Tuesday evenin fora week’s visit with relatives an friends in Clarence Centre, N. Y. While away Walter expects to assist as best man at a marriage ceremony. Rev. J. M. Simpson of Islington, a, former pastor in the. Methodist church has been in the village a couple of days and. is the guest of Mrs. A. Wright. V Mrs. (Rev.) J. L Grant and children have been visiting friends at But-ford for a. week or ten days. ‘ The Misses Redditt made a. three weeks’ visit with their brother, Mr. '1‘. II. Red'ditt, Principal of the Barrie Collegiate Institute, and returned home Saturday. Mrs. Chas. Sarney, Parry Sound, is a. guest of Mrs. R. A. Farquharson. Mr. Ben. Nixon of Unionville, has been appointed issuer of deer licenses for this district fnrthe year 1899. Mrs. E. McMahon and Mrs. C. A. Petch and little daughter, Miss Glad s, s ent yesterday with Mr. T. F. L cMa on. Miss Ida. Glass has returned home alter several weeks’ visit with friends in Toronto. Rev. R. S. E. Large will preach an- niversary sermons on the Queensville circuit next Sunday. - The sol‘icitbifswwho Had cases at the court were Messrs. A. G. F. Lawrence, T._H. Lennox and Grant}. The next coufis willing-held on Sat- urday, the 2nd of December. Magex- vs. Cosgrove 8: Fahey, execu- tors for Kt‘lly Esmte~Claim of $67.60 for work, implements and interest. Counter claim of $44.55. Judgment for plgjybifl’ $21.15 and. costs. ‘ Wm. Trefiélimfisvtzt: vs. Bakerâ€"â€" Claim $61.35 for note, interest, &c., Judgment for plaintiff $57.85 and costs. Snider vs. Wright Blacksmith bill $21.84. plaintiff $8 and costs plaintiff’s wibnpss fees. Snider vs. Wright & VVrightâ€" Blacksmith bill $21.84. Judgment for plaintiff $8 and costs and $1.50 for plaintiff’s wibnpss fees. Oster vs. Dobsonâ€"Note for $50 and interest for two years. J udgmenb for plg-jptiff and costs. Ohamberlin vsg McNairâ€"Balance .of wages due $14.60. Judgment for plg intiff $12 and costs. T. F." Ma; Land“ Plaster autumn gamma. PERSONALS. OF CANADA. [Single copies, 3 cts. I 42 05 “flown.”wa U00000.80 MAI-ION , RICH MOND HILL 0 40 0 18 0 17 0 45 1 75 11 00 0t) 00 0. .32 7B36fl 00000 No 15 1 7%” 000 0'11 0 no 0 (‘7 018

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