Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Oct 1899, p. 5

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The Supply Lommibtee of the VVO- mzm’s Missionary Saciety re uest all members of the church who esire to contribute bedding, flannel or cast-off clothing to send the same to the Sun- day School room of the Methodist, Church not; later than Wednesday ful'enoon. as the box will be closed that evening. The annual meeting of the -\V.C.T. U., was; held on Tuesday évehin‘g. Excel- lent reports were g’ven by the yam-inns 8:11pm. nf Depts., showing 6-bit; it good Teal-’5 work had been dnno‘.”“"‘l‘fié'fol- lowing officers were elected fox) the coming year 1 C" _P’res1dent, Mrs. Switzer; Vice-President, Mrs. Mason ; Cur. Sec’y, Mrs. Hume; Rec. Sec’y. Miss Wiley: Treasurer, Mrs. J. H. Sanderson. ‘n’c are making it chilly for com- ctitors. Good CorseLs for 250.; the )est six cord cotton Spools. 350. per (1%.: men‘s heavy mole Pants, 950.: men’s black cashmere Sox, 24c. ; men‘s fine fleece lined Shirts and Drawers, 500. Atkinson & Switzm'. ' Ruhhersâ€"Ruhbexs have advanced in price. By placing our cider early and paying prompt cash we were enabled b, secure the most of our stock at old z-ices. \VP will sell at old prices. - ’augl‘hm Bum, Elgiu‘Mills. ' Mr. E. Mcx’l‘onaghy has shown us a sample of a puma. which be m: from his old friend, Mr. Jus. annisky, which does not, show the effects u the dry season. The pntntr) Weighs 1 ll). 14 07.. and was grown 0.: Mr. Comis- ky’s farm, 2nd con Markham. fut-meta éy known as the Wm. Rennie model mm. Buy 3 Q4002: heating stove t0 bum all kinds of rough wood; best heater on the market. 0. Mason. The Canadian Home Journal for October contains more than 30 pages of good reading, and is a, credit. bu the publishers. Many ln‘e suh'ecbs me ably treated editorially and t e stories are well selected. The. number is nicely illustrated. The Journal is \\ ell worth the subscription price, $1 a year. Dr. Gaiizmnugh of Thm-nhill, wan .“jgnin successful as a. prize-winner at Markham Fair. IIe can-it‘d 01f tlw I'vd ticket for 'wst saddle hurs", and tnuk second piuce in the nmdstm- class, and :50,chva in the class fur "i311: stoppers. , Our millinerv opening was a 1; vm~ plete success. Hundreds of ladies were delighted with the artistic dis- play, and numerous orders were left with Miss Driffill. Atkinson & Switzer. 'A '19 Metropolitan time table on an- (ther page is as nearly correct as “’9 can make out; from passing cars, but we will not, hold ourselves responsible for 5L5 infullibility. A 1 eprIJSt-ntative of the B; ., fixm. came up with his samples Hf T’uhli Library banks on Saturday Buying. A committee met. him here and purâ€" chased bunks 1v 4L.“ mummt of about $90. A few more wiil yet be purchas- ed. dhy. Two trolley pulss connect. the engine with the overhead wires. 1 anuelette Blankets, “’00! Blank- ets, Shea'tings, Shirtiugs, Tickings, )ottunades and all staple goods. Al‘- kmsun & :3 \Jit‘zer. . If you {my the ImperiM range you make no mistake. U. Mason. The Metmpnlitan electvical engine proved quite an attraction as it passed up the line L“ its iniilifil trip on F_ri- Ham’st hrrngns always find lmy-ers. \V-e am showing new hum-st inwgups blu.,--;9Ls-â€" . "e nave phe finest, blank- cta we. have ever shown; very low price fur cale N aughmu 131-08., Elgm Mills. The annual plowing match of the Vaughan Pluwmen’s Aesociation will be held on the farm of Mr. Renmun, near \melbridge, on Tuesday, the 31st. of Och, be): Call and see the Queen Stove at Mason’s. Regular meeting of Court Richmqu my Friday even? )g. West, Yul'k (Evsvl-vativm mm“; in convention at; : “em n next, batmduy. The cheapest place bu buy st<3\’es 1s 1 Mason’s. The Queen Steve is but: hpst wde heat,ng stove madv. C, Mustm. RICHMOND HILL, Ortnlm- 12, vae Pipes5, 7. 8, 10 and 12c. at Mason‘s. \Var is now inevitable with . Bum-s of South Africa, an ‘_ :Iuodsherl may be reported at any time. rocket-picking appears to hzwe been mm of the fontm'vs at the Markham Fair last “60k. Judges” Court; of 1m Zaion will he in: 1d at, ,M'aple on Monday. the 30m Uf October, and at, Pine Grove on the fol- luw‘ng day. Ynu can buy stoves at C.-Masnn’s "mu $1 to $2 less than in the city. _ I? y‘all Want it gnnd Hangs, mpm'l’al Oxford. 0. Mason. Il()(j ALHJN. gvt‘ the The Newton Tanning Company wish through THE LIBERAL to convey their thanks to the \VesteI-n Inwarzmce Company, through their - agents. Messrs. Walton &_ Locke. for their pr nnptuess in deustiho; thec'laim and paying the insurance, $3,170nfter the burning of their barns, 822., on the2nd of Markham. The propriemrs also wish to express their indebtedness to the neighbors and others who worked so faithfully, and succeeded in saving the house and other property from [the flames on the afternoon of the fire. f‘ 7 Sunday next, Oct wher l5, Arch- bish‘): O’Coriigor of Tomntm, will preach in St. fluke’s Chm-ch, Thom- hill, and in St. Mary’s (Jllurchftlfis village. Sérvice will begin at, Then-u- hill at, 11 a. m. ; and at, Richmond Hill at 3.30. At Pnch place the Sacrament of Gunfirumtion will be administered. The venerable Archbishop will be ac.- com anied at each service by Rev. J. R. ' eefy, Principal (If St. Michael’s College 1; the Very Rev. Dean Egan of Barrie; and the pastor, Rev. P. Mcâ€" Maho‘a. chief features of' the :‘évenmg was a lecture on Matthew Arnold” delivered by meessur Gayley uf Trinity Univer- sity, Touon 7 5 Visiting teachers to the North York Teachers" Convenfiéfx, which was he'd in Newmarkeb 01?- Friday‘ and Sat/ur- day last, speak of it, as one of the most successful and beneficial conventions ever held in the district. Many able papm 5 were read and subjects discussed during the day sessions andsnn Friday evening an enjoyable qus'qal and lit- erm‘y entel-minmentxwfaslé Md in the Town'Hall. The chat-“wags; “occupied by Mr. T, J. Bnbertsmfi’hfid one of Phinf fnnhnuoc nF' 1-]ch .Aunnha-n “qua .. The \V. M. S. hold their October meeting next Tuesday afternoon in the school room. at, 3 o’clock sharp. Afterthe business is disposvd of the members will give u tea, to which all the ladies of the congregation are in- vited) The \Voman’s Missionary So- ciety of the Presbyterian Church and. the Auxiliary of Victoria Square have pl-(nnised to be present and hrng their friends. The delegate tn tlm convention he! I in Tot-1mm last week will read her report. A gnvd pm- gramme will be rendered and u, pleas- ant; hour anticipated. A full mem- bership m l‘al‘ileslt‘j. A concert, and tea will be held in Victoria Hall. Thornhill, under the auspices of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Church of England, on the even- ing of Frida , Oct. 13. The concert willbegiven y the following talent. from Toronto: Mr. Henry Baxker, baritone: Mr. T.A.Whitcombe, tenor: Mr. Herbert Cusick,‘ violinist; ;Mr. 0. Smart Dawes, accompanist; :1 %l§ T..R. Walke, hunmruus reader; 1- ifs Lil Evans, elucutirmist; Miss E. W'righ supra-nu. Tea served fmnf 5 tn 7. Doors Open for cnncert’atfiflo. -Ad- mission to tea and cancel-t, 250. ; child- ren. 10 cents. cheeds in aid of the Organ Fund. ' v “rm The joint Ladies‘ Aid of St. John’s and Bethesda [Altht‘l'fln congregation willhnld Jheir first, open social On Thursday eveni , Oct. 19m, (being; Thanksgiving-(14% at the parmnage, Univ Ville. Th? lvdir-‘s will endeavor to give a splendid suppor. Bill of fare: oysters. roast chicken, Staff of Life, flea, and coffee. A good progmunne will be given hy the orchestra and chair. Come friends and partake of the good things. Admission, adults, 2-50. ; children, 150138. A hut-vest, thanksgiving service wiil be held in St. Mary’s church, Rich- mond Hill. on Tuesday evening, the 17th Oct, beginning at 8 o’clock. The Rev. F. U. Heathcoto, Rector of St. Clenwnt’s church, Toucntn, will be the preacher. Special music is being prepared. The proceeds will be deâ€" voted no the purpose of repairing the chum-ll edifice. \Vnmlbrldgn‘ Fair will be hold on \Vednesdny mud Thursday nf next week. The prize list is vex-y large Luis year. and the number (If nth-ugh tinns are greater than over. Many fast; horses are expected in the speed- ing races. As the Cldsing day will be Thanksgiving Day m: unuslmlly large crowd of people is looked for. Drm‘thas‘w mnney tiying tn find cheupel-gnnds than those, ynu can’t do it: Extm clenn'ml large black Curmutsx SA a 11). : Mince Meat. 9c. ; best Japan Rice, 6%). : 37 inch Flannel- ettv, 1(Jc.; 40 inch Silesia, 10c. At- kinson & Switzeu THANKSGIVIN‘. SERVICE. A [In] :t’I‘hanksfiiviug S9 «rice will lw held i}. the Presbyterian uurch nu Thursday next. Uctoher 10th (’Thanks’ giving. uy), cu-mmencing at 11 a. m. The sermon will he preached by Rev. N. \Vellwuud. A collecci n will he taken in aid of the poor of the village. THORNHI LL. A treat is in stmre fn tin-so who at- tvnd the Fowl Supmr and - hmcvl‘t to he givnn in the Jethodist | ' lurch. _. hm-uhill. on the moving uf T]an - giving - ay, October 10511. Fur array of talent and particulumi sec Nils. U u ‘ .i â€"r ""n (m 'i‘lzm-mJny, mar l'e-gm;r publishing (1333' um LmExAL will he published um- dny wwlim‘ ube week. Corres- pmn" ms wili p‘mue hear this in mind and flu-wand copy in gnud time. THE ARC; IBIS»an COMING. ONE DAY EARLIER. Owing to Tlutnkxgiving Dny falling; TEACHEBSL-QQQLYWLQNZHON. THANKSGIVING SERVICE CARD OF THANKS. GO} “7 OOIIBRIDGE FAIR. ‘Z’JUERT A N D TEA. UNIONVILLE. W. M. S. (Of’the firm of Eckairdt & Prentice), agent for the Massey-Harris Laborâ€" Saving Machinery. -W‘agons, Plows, Scufflers, &c.; also the Sawyer 85 Massey En ines and Thresher-s, the Bruntford ind-Mill,und the Up-bo- Date Toronto Fanning Mill. All Mnsse Jinn-is repairs ke‘ t by H. A. Nicho ls. Richmond Hi1. Business solicited. (‘ame to the premiums 0! the undersigned. TONI] part or lot 19. 4th eon. Mnrkum. on or about the 3rd of September, two red and white sows. one having fuwoweu on the 22nd iust. Owner may have ea me by proving property and 9M, “x I ex uses. ‘ 5 p6 GEU BONE. 3.3 Butmmv "9 RC FREE IIV CHAle J. H. PRENTICE ‘ 7 . , _ ~m SATURDAY 00b. lathâ€"Ofedifiséfi mu} 1m laments: on sandal: , ’«ensf. .zfx‘ 1 Eg inton. the prbperty of K. Hardin“. sue at L Terms 4 months. Eckanlc & I 'Pramice, nuctionfiflars. 511-? \} uuxrzmuynm "*‘aut'e("j§€u.leoffum stock, roots,&¢..on )9, Riflmlcon. Mm‘khmu, the properiy of th'o ewmn Tannin" Company Sale at r. mclwk. mmodm'mt’x' u‘édim per cent. pfr nhlfiim allofiefl’fbr can Elie furin cunnis ing, 1' -,‘.' me i nifete or an e by a. ivciu‘é’. 2EEK: ml?mfifice, ‘auctinnâ€" ears. ~~~ Snonuuflctzflm-iflmdit sale of farm stack. implements, on 10:233. 13012.4 Markham. nem- Gormley, the propetny' 0! Mrs. Benj. Stover, Sale at 1 o‘clock. Terms 11' months. Eckumt & Prentice. auctioneers. anwanmr. Nov Mixâ€"Credit sale of [arm smock implements, at Thompson’s Hote’, Lansiuu. Sale at I. Terms 6 months. Enkurat & Prentice, auctiuueeis. IS‘Parties getting their biila printed at this Olfice wi‘l lecuive u. nui‘nco simian~ tn the above r r LUNAUâ€"At Unionvi'te. on Sa 1-day. Oct. 7. Matilda. Fonynb, wife “Jeannine: Inna", in the 61st, yum! her v.3. “ ‘- ’ ‘ Nowuuu'ket to play a fid‘ivndlyl match with the High School team of that town. When the teams lined up it was plainlv seen that the home team was considerably the heavier, but not.- withstanding this difference in weight the match “'98 a draw, neither side having scorer" Richmond Hill team lined up as fuiii :s :â€"â€"G:oal, E. Perry- man: Backs. J. Bowes, S. 000 er; Half-backs, 0. Gmwfm-d, A. Brea 'ey, J. G. Lane; Forwands, 0. Keys, 1:. Kirby, R. Kerswill, N. Barker. L. Scum). Referee, A. M. McNavg-hwu. The return match will be played here in a. few days. If y .u are ..f the same class join the: in their w «k. Th students intend to prepare a High School entermiument, at, an early hm. '7‘ Friday uf last work the High ft‘lsthtl‘. tvamnjpurgoyed [p There is much esprit flu corps among the students, They attack their boqu as they 9nd y their sportsâ€"with all their might. If y .u are ..f the same class join thff in their w «k. i If some if the young people who ‘ gatherat the ‘ ,st ofiice night afterS night \vuul-i -p and c nsider a little, we believe they w» uld come tu the. ‘ can-clusiun that their ck nduct is not ultngethcr excl Jury. T“ say noth- ing of the idle talk that is Uften in' duiged in, and to which them not in- : teresu d are Ends: I m listen, great au- ' nnyance is mu" ‘ i y thmwin beech- I ‘mlt and pea-“3:25 shells on t 1e flours both ins? ‘e and misi-le the post; office. Om citiwsns know pretty nearly the. time that the mail matter is assorted, ' theref' re it is n( t necessary that those expectirg letters shuui‘ ' cungregute an Imar bef re the time. A little th. ugh:- ‘ i'ulness on the [mrt of a, few would go ' airing way in clearin-r away an un- pleasantuess for rum 5. THESURPRIISE IS OUT. Particulars are, just to hand of the new premiums fur subscribers of that wonderful ape; “The Family Herald end VVeeky Star,” of Muntreal. It appears that to mark the end of the century the publishels are giving their subscribers this season two most beautiful pictures instead of one as in farmer years. The two decided on are that famous battle picture,“Alm4L" and a beautiful peace picture entitled, “Pussy \Villows.” Yearly subscrib- ers get them both. If this is not a dollar’s worth. we want to knmv. The “ Famil Herald and VVee-kly Stair” has aso bum incieased to .“1 pagesâ€"192columnsâ€"every issue, rep~ ‘i'eseiatin a book of 384 pages. Think of it ! here should he :L great scramâ€" ble. to get on the “ Family Herald and W'eekly Star" subscription lists this year. The'classos are now fox-med and earnestly at work, but there is stlll mom f 1- a, few energetic boys and girls in each form. ‘ First-class h- 2:416 convenient to the school an-I at a very reasonable price isrto be bummed. ‘ It is to be desired that all pupils in- tending to enterfm- the fall term at, Ul-s .igh School (In so at nnce. ( g-aymentof fees allowance will be ma.-‘.e for the portion of the term alE‘ady plapsed. AN ATTRACTIVE VVAGGON. Probably the nentest and most, atx (motive rig at. the Murkhmu Fair lilblé Week was a doli\'.,rring waggon mann- faw‘wred by Trench & Son of this village, for/marks Wilson of 517 {JPN-hour: 9 St., Toronto. Every nm‘" in :he waggonseemed to be perked; lm" a’ particular feature was the painting and lettering. On the side of the box were. the words, u n he Medal Ginger Ale,” in artistic Iv .s, and nearer the front was the ,n .m-eof a, Canadian Red Squirrel, the well-known trade mark of the firm. The “21313: n is a credit alike to the owner and the builders. I HIGH so}; .1; NOTES. NIGHTLY ANNOYANCE. STRAYED Uu ioiiv He. Sale DEATHS The LIBERAL. “"9 make a specialty in Home Render- ed Lard, and our own make of Sausage. Wholesale and Retail Butchers, deal em in BREEOH LOADING SHOT GUNS, single barrel, $4 each ; BREECH LOAD- ING SHOT GUNS, double barrel, $8.50 each; POWDER. first-class, only 30¢. per 11).: SHOT, 4 lbs. for 250.; HORSE BLANKETS, 40c., 500. and $1 each; REVOLVERS, first-class, only $1.50 each; COW CHAINS. only 150. each. B EST M EATS WILKINS & (30.. FRESH & SALT MEATS Of all kinds. Vegetables In Season. To the Public. wwwwWW-j SQ? Atkinson 6’: Switzer GLASS &. 30’s, Subscribe tor 166 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of George Street, Toronto. {(3%}: GLASS 8: 00., Richmond Hill \Vhen you want the In Order. Always go to WILKINS & 00.. Here are some items worthy of yOur attention : Heavy 60- mch pure iincn Damask, 25c. 21 yd. ; Fine I00 piece print- ed dinner. Set regular $7.75 for $6.75 ; Fine white porce- lain :21 piece dmner set. regua hr 351 I.50 for $9.75,; Beauti- ful Pink and Gilt Dinner Set, $12.00 for $xo.oo. New it'is in order to pre- pare for the day set apart by the Government for this spec- ial occasion and we are going to make offerings on Table Linen and Dinner. Sets that will give you cause to ofler double thanks. The good Thanksgiving time is approaching, the time that we lift our voices in ter- vent thanks for the many blessings bestowed upon us during the past year. And it has been a glorious yearâ€"the factories have all run full time, there was a material increase in wages, bountiful harvest and general good health. We are thankful for a large and increasing trade; thankful that we gave such perfect sat- isfaction ; thanktul that every one 113'] ready money to pay tor their purchases. GLOBE OPTICAL cog; The Great English Remedy. - Sold and recommended by ‘ druggists in Canada. 0111 re ' a A : able medicine discove 59$,- packagcs guaranteed to cure ' format)! Sexual \rVeaImeSsv all effects of abut orexcesa, Mental Worry. Excessive use of’l‘o bow, Opium oi- Stimulants. Mailed on mean)? of price. one ackage $1, six, $5. One mum: mom cure. amphlets free men address. The ‘Wnod Company, W ndsor. M I am prepared to do Family Washings. Gents and Ludies’ fine linen a specialty. Work guar- autaed and patronage solicited. 5142f TILLIE MAXWELL [3' Wood's Pbosphndine is acid in Richmond Hill by W. A. Sanderson, Drugglat. Elichnlond Ilill 93 Yonge Street, Toronto- We guarantee perfect; satisfaction. LAUNDRY :- Wood's l’hosp'lmdimB Solid Gold. Best Gold Fill 1.56 5 yrs Gold Fill 1.“ Best: Glasses... 106

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