TORONTO. Union 8.40 l'hm'nhill... .. 9.18 RICHMOND HILL. .925 King ...... . 9.39 Aurora... ..10.55 Newmarket ..10 .05 ' GOIN SOUTH, Newmarkee... TéaéNTo Unfon ............ Connects wiï¬h all trains, leaving House Rlchmond Hm. as follows : Mail a Expresaflxorth 62 South ..... Express North and Mail South. . Until further notice Hails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post 0 08 as foliowszâ€" Hosanna :â€"Going North. soulh East and West, including Thomhill, Msple.'l‘oronto Msrkhnm,&c. 8.15 Evmmmzâ€"Going south East and West (as above) . ’3. B.â€"-Baglsterod Letters must be handed in st least Fltteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closiuu. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. ï¬iaï¬ioxn 1111.11,... Between Toronto and Newmarket. GOING NORTH Leuvoc P R Crossing at 6. 7.20. 9.40. 11 a. 130. 2.40. 3.30. 5.40. 7.45 p. 11). Leave Richmond Hi118_15. 10.35 a. m,; 12.25, 335. 4. 25, 6.35. 8. 40 p. m. GOLNG SOUTH Leave Newmarket 7.45. 9. 11.25 a. m.: 1.53. 7.30 p. m. Leave Richmond Ht“ 7. 8.25. 9.30, 11.50 a. 230,,B.05 p. m. PROCTOR’bflAGE LINE. W. A. SANDERSON‘ Drnggist. Richmond Hill. ON on 01' Hanna nu. mu“... 1: Court Richmond, A 0 Fâ€"Meets second and fourth Friday Ivy Lodge. A 0 U W-~Meets fourth Tuesday of each month Camp Elam, S 0 S ~Meats second and tonal: Wednasday. R '1‘ o! Temperanceâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday of each month FireBrigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday of every mom-h Public berary and Reading Room-Open Tuesday. Thursday and Satumnv evenings Enworth Leagueâ€"Meets every Friday. [11‘ METROPOLITAF?EME TABLE year; four months. :51. son: by an nawauemers. MIN". &Mcm:°:6:?.:°a:w "Mark 4.x- w. H EW I so N, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. 1W Tana: MARKS DESIGNS Cowman-rs ac. Anyone sending a ske‘ch and deucrlguon may quickw ascertain our opinion free w ether an invent, on is probably patenmble. Commuhim- Mona strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on kahuna my. frag. ngest agency'fog'securigg patents. h-.. nA uMAIwn sum. nrw. vnuw. 1! 7mm, 4v: .. Patents taken txmu 1: Mn mm 11015005, without. c 3.130, in tho .‘ratn 7“0_A_‘ A handsomeiy illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culnMon of any scientiï¬c: journal. Terms. $3 a year; imp- pogths. 81. Sold by uleewsd‘eplex-g. Epjsoopal Churchâ€"Services at 3 p. RESIDENGE, RICHMOND HILL, §Eiéiiï¬fié 'flmerican, POST OFFICE NOTICE VUIIII “ uu- . . . . . . v . Branch Ofï¬ce. 625 F 812.. Washington. D. C. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. Village Directory. GOING HUBTH. Mail P 8A†9.18 10.10 3157 .9 07 9.22 9 .40 Ex. Pacï¬x 3-15 2m Ex Mail. 12.52 «50 Leo ’ DO 4.16 .; 1.53, 3.15, 1:32.25, 2.25. the Palmer 6.10 P. In: m. every 8 06 610 650 7(‘8 713 Strayed from lot 21, Con. 2. West York. Large Buy Carriage horse. small star on forehand. Little white on 0!! Ir?de foot, and no shoes Tuesday. Oct. 17. 1899, The undersigned has recewedinatrnctions from Mr. AIBX. Cameron, mortgagee. to offer for sale by public auc- tion at McBride‘s Hotel. Strayed from the remiaea of the urdersinneul on Mondayhflqth 0 September, a. white ï¬lm: Any person lung information concerning her will be Anita 1y rewarded. 15-3 ISAAC \YALDER._ __A_ Mill, Mill Propert , and two Dwvlliug Houses in the ’illage of Laskay. OTICE is hereby given that a. Court will be held {intrauth to tho Ontario Vorers' Liam Act by His ouor. me Junior Judge of the Coun- ty Court of the County of_Yog‘_l£_,_ a_t the_ Maaqnic all. Maple. on Monday. the 30th day c! 0cm er, 1899, at, 10 o'clock a. m., to hear and detr-rmiue the several complaints of errors and omission» in Polling Sub-divisions Nos. l. 2, 3 and 4 of the Voters' List of the municipality of Vaughan tnr 1899, and the aervpral purmplaiqta of__errorï¬ (UH! 33$ng E13; ï¬uuicicpality o"! Vdiéhifl at 'PiixeL grove on Tuesday. 313% day of November at 10 o'clock mm. 7 A A A _ __ Monday, October 30, 1899. The next meeting of the Council of mTownship of Markham will be held at Unionvflle on i§9§f§n€lheï¬Ã©â‚¬â‚¬r§iaï¬gï¬iiï¬a‘bf iéfiorï¬ and omjspiopginfolliug Sgb- xviaiona‘ Noshakgz, 7 V3311 persmis having business at the court are reguimd to attend at the said mime and pmco. Med this 9th (luv 91 pejober 1899:- Large Berkshire sow from 10!; No. 80, Int «on. unghau. _ . . . .. 9" .,A ._»_..\.z 'E‘flyone'giving information will be toward- 0 . 15-“ THOS. LANE. That valuable property. being the south-west. part of lot 3. in the 5th concession of the Tawn- ship of King. known as the Leakey Grist Mill moperty. The titles for the above property will producei on the day 0! sale. TERMS zâ€"Tem per vent oi the purchase mon- ey to be paid to the Vendor's Slï¬icitur on me duv 0! sale ; the balance as may be agreed upon. The apgye property M) be Hold subject. to u court of Revision Furthgi'garticulms Will be made known at the time 01 min, or upon application to the Vendor’s Snlicizor. MR. WM. COHK. 1 Adelaide St. East. Toronto. or to the mortgagee, MB. A. CAMER- ON Teston P. 0. 7 H 7 _ 15-9 reservé bid‘ Adv-hing house. nearly new. 60x30 ft. Pur- chasers can have until April lst, 1900, 1:1) move building. Win mu right. 13-3 W. R. PROCTOR And pay the highest p356 for -.:ider apples. Parties wishing to’Clwe Cid" can have it done right at the mill; the cost is but a. in -Be extra. Also Jelly. Agple Butter, Boned 0' er and Vinegar We. the undersigned, beg to notify (be public that we are prepared to run for the mason 01 1399 as follows: We M11 start on MONDAY & TUESDAY Thinking the general public for their llbora vatronuge in ma 'past. we solicit a continu- ance of tha same in the tut-are The undersiune-i hnfl tor an!» a number of good milkers. Shockers and Fat Cattle 11-“ H. F. HQI’EER. cider Monday, Sept. 11. L? No. l and No. 2 so†in Richmond Hill by W, A. Sanderson, Druggist. Is successfully used I: . -‘ " by over 10,000Ladies. Safe,eï¬ect is our dru gist for Cook’s C: and. take no 0!; er, as all Mixtures, dnc. mitauons are dangerous. Price, 1: “.1 '18: box No. a, 10 degrees stronger, 3 3 ‘ . . {0. 1 or 5, mailed on receipt of price and two s-ceut lung‘s. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. @- cs. 1 and 2 sold 2 11d recommendac‘. 3.: all responsible Dmgglats in Canada. 15-2 0! each week during October. and uv w the 7th 0'? November. And will continue to run on Monday of one]: week during Ce_ “umber; mi on Clerk’s Notice. Mï¬ï¬gage Sale King Station, Cattle for Sale mm gawmmms. MUNICIPALITY OF VAUGHAN. R my 11-11.] At 2 o'clock in tho afternoon, on FOR SALE STRAYED .Oook's 66%;: I; STRAYED STRAYED EDGELY For sale at very low prices. OF THE VOTERS' LISTS. The following property : w '" 'Jlis'. KEELEAN. Clerk oi Municipality of Vaughan. A: 1: o’clock I. m. WINGER BROS. ‘. D. READMAN. Auctioneer. _0F.. We will MILTON quN 191w Mill C H STIVER. Clegk R'i'c'hmouii Hm. Richmond Hill {Tax Willbimale. ifï¬nruhill‘ mound THE LIBERAL to Jan. lst, 1901 ‘ THE LIBERAL and the Weekly Globe THE LIBERAL and the Weekly Mail THE LIBERAL and the Weekly Sun THE LIBERAL and Genâ€" adian Home Jo urn al THE LIBERAL and the Evening Globe THE LIBERAL and the Daily Globe THE LIBERAL and the Evening Star THE LIBERAL and the ‘ Daily World THE LIBERAL and the. Daily Mail Evexy’family should have a paper and a. city paper. Subscribe now. CLU BEING RATE} . “THE LIBERALX . RICHMOND ' HILL THE LIBERAL. MoMAIâ€"ION, WITII ~' $1.00 3.50 4.50 2.75 I 4.50 1.50 1.75 1.40 1.75 local jOS. HALL, A. MOODIR, It makes fighter and better pastry, yields more, and more wholesome hreadâ€"quad which is lighter, hrightm. and cuntuins all the swiginal flnvm- of â€" the wheat, and AURURA FLEMING MILLSi FARMERS I ATTENTION ! High Grade ' ‘ Famin Flour AURORA BEL'LE. WU! Net Dry Out. At right prices. Large Points ............... PLOW POINTS \Vide Points .................... No. 3, I X.L. Points ........ [5 Gang Plow Points ............ :5 Sole Plates for the principal plows in use, 25 and 35c. 'Will exchange plow points for cast iron ’and allow 506. per 100 lbs. 35¢. per x00 lbs. Shop open every evening un- til 8 3o. Monday, Tuesday , Wednes- day and Thursdav J. T. SAIGEON, DIAPLE . W. Mager, Prop. M BHUPPING - MILL The suhacriber would I‘espectfully intimate to the public that having rebuilt the chopping mm And doubled its cuvncity. 116 will during the winter season chap on H9 in also still keeping ALL KINDS 0E LUMBER on hand and in a. few days will be are are-.1 to su ply DRESSED LUMBER ohm kin sand do? ANI‘ZG AND MATCHING 0! all kinds at lowest prices. _ Patronage solimcegl ; satialuction guaranteed Manchester, of London.Eng‘. , BRITISH AMERICA, Wednesday, Friday and smur- duy of each week. 0f 'l‘nrunh», Canadaâ€"1H3 coming com- pany fur the furmura of York 00, Business solicited. GORE, ()F GALT. THE BEST FLOUR The undersigned is selling G. S. BALDWIN. CIDER Could bv, and it, cqsts 1m mmw than much inferior flmn' sells at. Agent for the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, vim: NAUGHTON BROS. Wrought Iron Henry Marsh. YORK - MUTUAL, Every week. Bring Your Apples. IS UNQUESTIONABLY OF TORONTO, CANADA. â€"â€" ALSOâ€"â€" A First class Cash Mutual. BIA PIJE In fact it is all a NEVV ~AND-- Made on SELL IT. ....... 18¢.