Try a 1} 1b. box of choice chocolates and creams at 20c. : a 1 1h. box of as- sorted bun hons at 350. ; a 1 lb. box of assorted bon buns, with tongs, assort- ed with French chrystalized cherries, . French creams, French cot-dials, and .1 highest grade chocolates, at ‘45c._\ f'box. Atkinson 85 Switzer. ‘ Dogs got into the pasture-ï¬eld of Glass Bros. on Sunday night and made havoc with their flock of sheep. Twenty-two sheep were dead when they were found 01- had to be killed on account of the way they were injured. See the range of ladies’ shaker flan- nel night robes in pink, blue and ‘cream, cut. in Mother Hubbard style, at 85c. : also the ladies’ shaker flannel drawers in fancy striped flannel, lain 13mg, pinlg 21ml cream at; 30am 40c. r“The German Medicine and Concert 00. ai'eiholding forth in the Masonic Hullthis week. The entertainments which are said to be moral and reï¬ned, are generally free, therefore the hall is pretty well ï¬lled night after night. Some of the features are quite amus- ing. and the “ doctor " seems to have great faith in the medicines. highest géékié’éhtéaatesflit ‘ 45c. _\ per 1101:. Atkinson 85 Switzer. ‘ Last year the ublishers ofthe Fam- ily Herald and eekly Star of Mon- treal - gave as a premium to their weekly the battle picture the “ Thin Red "Line." This year they have selected a. companion picture, the “ Battle of Alma,†by the same artist. Those who secured the former last year will want the latter this year as the two make a. beautiful pair. The ‘tar with the new picture is $1 a year. )Iders taken at THE LIBERAL oï¬iee. - having We the ofï¬cers and members of Lord El in Camp, Sons of Scotland, ( giea'rd o the death of your eldesnsongRobert Honeyman, beg to extendtq youq’eur heartfelt sympathy in your bereavement. We 110 e that- the strength of our Divine Fat or and the comfort of our Elder Brother may be imparted to you and yours in this hour of deep sorrow. Our - sinqere prayer is {that ,whenrcEarth’s journey lS ended you and your family, may meet the dear departed one m the ‘ Land o’the Lee]. I hmcmopdmupce 41, 18:;9. Atkinéon & Switzer. The November delineatnr is to hand. Itsoutuins hints in latest fashions and a generous amuunt of literary matter, household and sociakdiscussions of real interest, and worth. Price $1 a year. Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL ofï¬ce. ' r The Shamrucks on Saturday defeat- ed the Cornwall lacrosse team by 6 to 2. The winners of Saturday’s match will.rm\v;play the, Nutiumds fur the: championship. The local W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. G. Wiley on Tues- day evening next at 8 o’clock when the delegates to the recent cnnvention will give their report. We have just, received a large ship- ment of men’s linen collars, imported goods, in straight, turned points, and .Lur-n‘down all round, at prices that Would collar anywone. Atkinson & Switzer. Just received direct from Glasgow, a large shipment of men’s silk smu-fs an mufflers in the new brocaded patterns, plaids, checks and cross stgipes, at 25c., 30c., 50c. and $1. At- ;kinson & Switzer. » A Thanksgiving Sung Service will be given on Friday at the Junim.‘ Ep- wm-Lh League at 4 o‘clock. A full n.5- tendunce is t-oquesbed. We have the best $1 line (If ladies’ blouses any one would wish to see; ladies’ black and white Mercerized szltem blouses in cross stripes and checks at the small price of $1.50. Atkinson 8L Switzer. V Mr. J. VJ. St. John of Toronto was on Saturday 'numinntod by the Gun- servativos 0f \Vest, York to contest- the riding at; the next, election for the Ontario Legislature. Thanksgiving Pricesâ€"3 cans good salmon, 2;c.; Horse Shae Salmon per Oil-ll, llc.; 2 lbs. good tea, black or green, 250.; 23 lbs. granulated sugar- :md 4 lbs. 402. Ceylon Tea, $2; Pure Laxd, the best in 2011), lots, per lb. 70. Naughtnn Bros†llgin Mills. The auction sale of the Laskay Grist; Mill pmperty has boon postpon- ed from the 30m inst, as formerly ad- vertised, to the 14th of November. Buy a Queen heating stove to bum all‘ kinds of rough wood; best heater on the market. 0. Mason. The subscriptions in the Methodist church here for the 20th century fund already amount tn nearly $300. ' The Mendelssohn Chm-isters are billed to sing at an entertainment in (:nnnecbiun with the Church of Eng- land at; King City next, Tuesday night. Mr. Wm. Richardsqn, hotel keeper at Maple, died early Mummy morning after an illness of several months. You can buy stoves at G. I": nson’s from $1 to $2 less than in the City. If you buy the Imporinl range you make no mistake. (,3. 53 (the display of Hats and Furnish- ings“ in the north windi of the (Jou- cx-ete. Atkinsun 85 Switzer. The Public Library w‘l} not he open fm- the exchange 0f huhks on the even- lng of Thanksgiving D‘ RICHMOND HILL, October 1!), 1899 P; XJ(){ ma? liver addresses. By way of variety the horse races will be called at. 2 o’clock, and the exhibition will close with a grand banquet in the evening. We are banking on having the best and well assorted stock of underwear ever shown in this sectinn of country, and for you to make sure that we are saying what is true, drop in and see our 50c. .line of cottun fleecod shilrSs and drawers, \mu- 1475c. line of wool fleeced shirts and drawers, and 011i“ 500.. 75c. and $1 "line of Scotch wmd shit-ts and dmwens. Atkinson '& Switzer. FOWL SUPPER AND CONCERT. Afowl supper and concert will he held in the Methodist church, Thorn- hill, on Thanks iving evening undor the auspices of t e Ladies’ Aid Society. Tea served from 5 to 8 after which an excellent rogt-amme will be random-d by the fol owing popular talent :â€"â€"â€"The Misses Collett, Soloxscs, Toronto ; Miss Frances Crosby, Soloist, Unionville; Miss Ada C. Robinson, Elocutionist, Markham; Miss Mildred Phillips, Elo- cutionist, Newmarket. Rev. N. Well- wood, Richmond Hill and Rev.T.L.VV. Horton, Maple, will give short ad- dxesses. Admission, Adults, 25 cents ; Children, 15 cents. The Management of the V'Vocdhridge Fairâ€"comnn‘miy‘ known as the \Vallace Fairâ€"are bent on having a tI-empndous crowd at their fair this Wee-k, and are catering to almost every class.’ Sir Charles Tupper is ad vertised to speak on the last, day, Thursday, and there is to be a 20 min, utes‘ Thanksgiving service an“! o’clock in front of the-main-luiilding whmnRev. Dr.1’oLts a nd resident ministers wilide- The followip resolution of sym- athy was sent, y Lord Elgin Camp, . O. S., which met on‘- VVednesda last. to Brother David†Bil-rel], A Yo: Mills. JI‘SVO' HANDS‘OME GIFTS. Vlr’ithout. doubt the uhlishers of the Family Herald and Veekly Star of Montreal, have this year excelled themselves. The two ;pictures,“Battle of Almzr',†in- colors, and “ Pussy Wil- lows," are now being distributed to subscribers, and we must say they are most attractive. Thepublishem oft-lie Family Herald and Weekly Star know no limit in improving that great pa (-1- to please its readers. That won er- ful paper including both the pictures f0! One dollar a year is certainly a rec- ord breaker, and every home in Cana- da‘should take advantage of it. You cannot fail but be interested in the new hats shown at the Concrete this week. W’e have all the new shapes :in stiff hats, soft fvlb hats, fedoras, boys’ knock-abouts, caps, children’s bums, and toques from the hesthatfashionersintheworld. Notice the north window. Atkinson & Switzer. ’ Mr. C. Rullon, (me of mn- citizens at, the West End, happened with n pain- ful accidvnt one day last week. He. \‘;18 picking applvs from a tree in his orchard when the limb on which he was standing guvv way "and he fell to the gmu'xd ‘hmu‘ily. His side was pretty badly hruisrd and his respiraâ€" tm-y org-ans were considerably dis- turbed for the next. few daya. Last week We made a. contract with one of Lhe host CUHfPCtiOUOI'S in Can- ndaâ€"mumelyk John Patterson, of 98 Yonge St, Tm'uutnâ€"to suppiy us with choice confections, and now we are in a position to fumish our customers with the ï¬ns‘st. gnuds that can be pm- cuI-ed. r Atkinson &. Switzer. The Eckardt Comedy Company and Swiss Hand-Bell ringers will give (me (:f their pnpulzu' enten'taimm-nbs in the Masonic Hall under the auspices of the Public Library on Friday evening, 27th inst. This company who per- formed here a few weeks ago have many novel and amusing specialties, and are nmsicians of a high order. The press speak, in the highest terms of this band of entertainers. The ad- mission will he 10 and 20 cents. Rnad Thisâ€"A. grout, hat-gain in 6 1h. blankets, :03] WHO], the ï¬nest, xnadsn Flamed shirts and drawers for men and boys; fine all wool undm‘Wear for men; Heavy Factory cotton, 1 yd. wide, 5cts.; Zspnuls best thread, 50.; We sell for cash. Naughton Bros., Elgin Mills. Tho W'mnan’s Missionary Society held their n'jm'xthly nu-‘Pting in the school room hf the Methodist church Tuesday afternoon. After their usual htlsizwss, some inter sting reports from dulegahes and a musical pmâ€" gra‘mme an xxwllmxt tea. was served. The I'vsidu b ministers were among the ‘visitm-s presvnb. The Amm-imm Yacht, Columbia on Bkmday scurvd against thv Shzgrnrot‘k in the. ï¬rst race of the 12-339 sefles fur the America’s cup. The Columbia. won by 10 minutes. 8 secmxds. The Shamrock again suifored defeat on Tuesday. RESOLUTION OF, SYMBATHY. \, T y x FEL .1 FROM A LIME. VARIETY FAIR. COMING AGAIN M. S. Boan will be found a list. of new in- ventions l-ecvntly patvnbvd by (Jana- dinn invonturs, through the agency of Messrs. Marion & Mal-ion, New Ym-k Life Building, M(_xnt1-eal. No. 63,819, J. F. Grlmmett, Buissevain, Man, Self iRocking Cradle; 63,870, J. B. Hill, \Vinvhester, 01m, Cutting bar for mowing machine. ; 3,922, J. H. Under- \vnml, Calhoun, N. 13., Bag Holder; 63,926, A. Grvnier, Vancouver. B. C.“ ' \Veoder and Cultivator; 63,931, Daniel Sullivan, Duminiun City, Mum, Drain Dibching Pluw; 63,934. A. Urquhart, Fort QII‘Appelle, N. ‘V. T.. Snap for harness ; 63,942, Thomas Fortier, \Vatâ€" 'ex'lno, P. Q., Attachment for plows; 53,971. Delphis Denis, St. Benoit], P. i Q., Potato Digger; (33,980, David Hol- ford, Birtle, Mam, Device for support- i in horses heads; 63,984, H. L. Go eillo, St. Hyacintlm, P. Q.,Attach‘ menb for plows. Prentice, auctioneers. 5 SPartiea getting their bills printed M: this 005cc will receive a. notice aimiiar to the above- rnnx or CHARGE RICHARDSONâ€"At Maple, on Monday, October 113, EVm. Richardson. late of Toronto and. float- om. Funeral from Mapln on "Wednesday. Oct. 18, nt 9 O’clock, to St. Margaret’s Burying Ground, Scarboro. Newmarket Expressâ€"Misses Harri» son of [{icl’nnond Hill,stayed oyex- Sun- day with Miss Hughvs. MONDAY, Oct. 23â€"Credit. sale of farm stock, im- plemenzs. 810.. on hm 12. com 7, Vaughan, the plopeny of Mrs. Wm. Phillips. Sale at 130 p. m. Terms 4 munths. Saigenn 6% Mc~ Ewen, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, Oct. :5-«Creait sale of farm stock, roots, dzo..onlut 25. anw‘on. Markham, the )roperty. of the Newton ,Tanmng .Comp:my. ale at lro’cloqk. Three months creflitfl per cent per annum allowed for cmh. The farm cousiscing'of 100 acres will be u eredfor sale by auction, Eckardt & Prenm-e. auctmn- 6911‘. SATUED y;-Oct.28thâ€"flmdit saleï¬f farm stock imp ements,nn 102,33, chm! Markham. near Gormlgy, the property of Mrs. Beuj. Stover, Sale 3‘; 1 o’clock. Terms _ 1! months. Eckamtzfls Prentice. auctiuueers. Wnnxmnu;Hamish-Richmond Hill Monthly Fair wiu beheldsat thaPulmenfltmse on the _a.bove date after which 20.13036 of near milk cows, springem undienders will be sold by public auction. the pxopqusy of H‘ F. Hopper. Terms 4 mnuths. Sangerâ€; A: Mc- Eweu, auctioneers. WEDNE’sDAY, Newmanâ€"Credit sale oflarm stock implements, at. Thompson's Hate), anpiu . Sale, 31% 1. Terms 6 momha.‘ Eckumt _ Mrs. (Cap-t.) Grand-all and little daughtorpaid a. visit on Saturday to Messrs. H. F. and T. Hopper, brothel-s (1f the former. MARSHâ€" it 1.0niv‘ge Farm. on Sunday. 15th inst, the wins or C Marsh, of a. daughter. KEEFLERâ€"HOLLEY-â€"On Saturday. Oct. 14, at Jnlm’s Church, by Rev. C. H. Riehl Mingus). ice Isabel. second daughter of R. J. Honey to Mr. J. K. Keofler, editor and yropriemr Weston Times, both of Weston. talk about the possihility of annexing Jamaica, Bermuda. and the Bahamas to Canada. and consequently the three illustrated articles published by our national magazine this month ’ are opportune and of tremendous interest. Professor Shortt has the leading place in the issue with :1. very clever and broad-minded article entitled “ In de- fence of l‘wiillionaires',†the title being fully explanatory of the contents. The sporting season brings forth an article on Ruffed Grouse, (Partridge) and a. promise of six articles on the Big Game of Canada. Charles Lewis Shaw, Joanna E. \Vood and Erle Cromer give the closing instalmean of their contributions, and the. next number of the iixagnzine will likely appear with an entirely new castof characters. The November number, by the way, will open the. fourteenth volume. Only one, other Camuliun‘ magazine ever attained this age. Mrs. Jacob Eypr and Miss F. "Eyor left, “’wlnesday for a couple. of \veeks’ visit with relatives at Menford. Mr. Fullgnztml.\Gihstmw.attended the convention-0f the \Vestm-k Conser- vatives held at. \Veston on Saturday. Mr. Wm. Fwek and Miss Jennie Fx-eek were ,visiting with the farmer’s parents,_MI-. and Mrs. James Freck thisavemk. Mr. J. K. Keefler, publisher of the VVestnn Times, has joined the list of hem-diets. THE LIBERAL thends con- gratulations and best wishes to the young couple. Mrs. W. D. Atkinson has been ap- ointed delegate to ropresvnt the ethodisb Sabbath School at the P10- vincial Sabbath School Convention to be held at, Gait next week. It would be. diflicuit to imagine a, pleasuntcr Harvest Thanksgiving Ser- vice than that given in the Church of England last evening. The night was very wet but notwithstanding this fact there was a goodly attendance. The church was decorated with Var- ious kinds of grain, fruit, leaves. vines, roots, flowers and choice plants“ and looked exceedingly pretty. The son Vice was taken by the pastor-,RevJohn Gibson ; Mr. Field, pastor of StJohn’s church, On]; Ridges; and ReV. ' F. C. Heathcote, Rector of St. Clement’s church, Toronto. Mr. Heathcote gave an eloquent address in which he re- ferred to the Joy of Harvest time and the wonderful gifts of God. The hymns were appropriate," and the choir were assisted by a number of the Mendelssohn Ohm-isters. Miss Ethel Switzei- and Miss Frances Crosby each sang a solo, and the former with Mr. F. Redditt gave a v'ocal duet. OCTOBER CANADIAEiIâ€"Aâ€"GAZINE. Amnng the features of the October number (If The Canadian Magazine is a series of three articles on the \Vest Indies There has recently been some - .n I Eipgnq-Tnabules cure biliousness. fl ..;B£nanï¬'319~hnls§; seam-caï¬ï¬awc. THANKSGIVING SERVICE. BERSONA L S. NEW7 INVENTIONS. Sale Register. MARRIAG DEATHS IHR'I'IIS. .LLBE EAL. Vthhesgtle and Retail Butghers._.,de;¢.l .-..emslin Wet.- mnke a spggialty jn Home Rgmder- xii Lana, .axï¬dyur own. 113.91“: - of BREECH LOADING SHOT GUNS, single barre-l. $4 each ; BREECH LOAD- ING SHOT GUNS, double barrel, $'§.50 each; POWDER. ï¬rst-class, only 30¢. per 1b.; SHOT, 4lhs. for 250.: HORSE BLANKETS, 40c., and $1 each; REVOLVERS, ï¬rst-class, only $1.50 each; COW CHAINS, only 15c. each. BEST M EATS WILKINS CQ. FRESH 8: SALT MEATS To the Public. Vegetables yin Seasan. GLASS =& BU’S, .166 and 168Kng St. East, 3 doors west of George Street; Toronto. Subscribedgr 9‘ GLASS 34: 00-9 Richmgnihflifl When you want the “Always g0 ï¬e ‘Of alkkinQ-s. WILKINS & 00.. W, » kages guaranteed to care i terms 0 Sexua Weakness. all effects 0! Mm tor excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of!!! m. Opium orkStimgslllaleta.sglal¢l;g on recoifl 1) co. one age .3 x. . wmphlem free to an " ‘ ' , -. T?†Wood 991129531: W n . - ‘ A GLOBE OPTICAL lg Wood’s Phosphodineis sold in Ricki;th Hill by W. A. Snuderson,Drugglst. ‘ I am prepared to do Family Washin a, Grant. and L'udies' ï¬ne 11113;; a. specialty. ork .gnun- unteed and patronage solicited. 52-“ TILLIE MAXWELL iii ck mo 11 d H ill 93.19039 .Strget..eT_o!.°9-.t9~ We guarantee 1) ’ send Gold....$ . V Best Gem Fill 1.5. ’ 5vyrs-GoldFillr I.“ ‘ »- 2.ï¬esb(24133598,u k1“ cgféct. satisfaction. ‘ { I LAUNDng The amt En m7; m' fl Sold and recoglmended by druggists in Canada. On] re ‘\ able medicine disgove . :- Wood’a Phosphodlngï¬