Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Oct 1899, p. 5

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sumé pal-bray accept-ll.ny when our k High School gave the play here last ‘--_k':~year. , " Boy’s shirbsand dnmvex-sâ€"~B<yy‘s -un~' .a .I-wear,;la1'ge stock at prices that wil interest you. A snap in men’s Reap , nn up-toâ€"date hat at about half "pt-lee. Naughton Bros., Elgin Mills. A number ,of accounts. for subscxgip- tions to THE LIBERAL are being én- w'losed in the paper this week. We \ sincere] hopé our (patrons will re- Kspond c eerfully, as newspaper men hen better face uh? qppmga‘qhxpgv cold AAAAA 511‘, . , Complying with the Wishes of the Village Council the Metropolitan Rail- way have agreed to stop their cars at “Centre street {when passengers are waiting or when there are passengers to get ofi there. ,The company will qizjhflJissufe‘comiimtfitiqn ticketgfgi: par-3, “ties residing in iRVii-‘Hfibgdufiifi' shaving their regular business in To- yronto at half rates. : The best SantGS'cofiee,-,10c. spar 1b.; gregulax- 25c. coflee, ground fresh, 18c. ;' {the best J apan rice, 615C. Atkinson ‘ wad Switzer. When buyers last August wanted '«xvinten, apples at $1 the Sun of Toronto showed that the price should be $2.00. ‘;Whenin thesame mouth some deal- ers talked of $5 alsike the Sun showed. .that $7 should be the price. This is‘ fihe sort of information the Sun read- Naxs get Weekly. Such a. paper is ill-‘_ «Valuable. All farmers should take it '95!) cents to end of 1900. .sThe'Newmmvket High School gave “an the Town Hall last evening. The “Merchant of Venice” was presented, Miss Emma Byam, who is attending the Model:- .rSchoul, taking the part, of Portia, the «rich’heiress. Miss Byam took the §gme pal-bray accept-a.ny when our Baots and Shoesâ€"Women’s .sulid’ leather boots, warranted. good ta wean,’$l a pair. Men’s rubbers and socks, .wvarieby at old price. Naugh- ton Bros.,‘ Elgin Mills. - 40 inch waist lining, regular 15c., for «130., and 171:. for ,153. ; tartan “plaids; regular 12%. for 90., and regular 150. for 10¢. Atkinson and Switzer. Messrs. D. Hill and Co. in order to ;lighten the labor and hasten the proâ€" ;cess of baking have placed .u gasoline engine and dough mixer in their bnk :‘ing establishment. Bread, however, remains at, the same price. Regular meeting of Court Richmond \ on Friday evening. ' ' ' 7 Millinery 2E3} Hie multimde can he found :Lt..Atkinson and Switzer’s. The :boiler room in Trench’s Car- riage W’orks is being enlarged, and {other improvements made wabout the =esmblishmentnthi8 Wee-k. Mince meat, regular 10c. for 90. ; Pure Gold Jellies, regular 100. for 90. ; James’ Dmnejeadyliic. :Lbox. Atkim son andSwitzer. Hon. A. S. Hardy has been appoint- ed Surrogate Clerk and Clerk of the Process at Osgonde Hall. The nfiice 30f Surrogate was formerly held by thelate Hon. T. W. Angliu, and that; of Clerk of Process by the late Alex. Mucdonell. ffNine bars Hupgy Home soap, 25c. ; 3 big ]2§c. 'bars soap for 250. ; Jubilee 5 1b. bar soap, 230. Atkinson and Switzer. Ladies shuuld not forget that for anything and everything in lnilliuelgy EAtkinsun and Switzer are head- quarters. The Shamrocks are lacrmsxe cham- piuns for 1899. On Saturday the finle match was played when the N atioxmls AveI-edefeutedrhy 5 to 1. Dainty things in gloves, laces, hand- :akerchiefs, etc.. can be seen daily at Atkinson and 'Switze ’ Countyour change when you leave our bargain counters, and you will find that Atkinson and Switzer’s is the place to get your money back. Carrville and other correspondence rrryvded out this weak. After the Public Library entertain- mentou Friday evening, a. quantity of old ‘magazine literature will be sold by auction. Put an extra quarter in your pocket and secure some good reading. . The best pure lard, Sic. per 1b. ; oxâ€" trmgaod nuttchcsflgzpez' box ; Italian macaroni, 1(‘c. Human and Swuzer. 3:21ch0371) HILL, Octalng 126‘,“ 1809 Patterson’s fine chocolates, 20c. 31%. maple cream, 200. .1 1b.; hon buns, .250. Atkinson a mi v Swimer. A number of our citizens went to Tm-ontu yesterday to witness the Transvaal contingent; start under 001. Otter. asoh 7in tfiéj; 'cfi’feé?fi3£"th’éf}°ta§c2§: in! bill, fl%‘eb§11;m‘ settled. The north side of the Cnncrotfl House Is this week being treated to a. coat; of shingles. The meeting uf the iflpworth’Loague this week wfll fake the form of a Thanksgiving Service. Window glass, 19.11 sizps. at luwest figures. Atkmson :md Switzex'. @119 LOCAIJSEE. PLEASE REMIT. Mr. Misner and Miss;Eva. Misner of S‘imcoe, Mr. Ha . Misner and Mr. Lorne Morris of omnto, and Mrs. Benson of Bay City, spent» Thanksgiv- nins Day with Mrg- quifio' ‘ A most favorable and appropriate alteration indeed was the change from Nov. to Oct. 19 as the date for Thanks- giving Day. The day was truly :1 typical one. Though the evening was not quite so beautiful, yet the superior splendor of the morning amply repaid the gloom of the night. The date was appropriate from another point of view. The. Joint Ladies’ Aid Society of Buttonville and Uninnville Luther- an churches, had decided ammith previously to hold their first open social on the 19th Oct., which though undecided then, proved tovbethe date for Thanksgiving-day. The regular time of the social thus proved a special temporal blessing to theosociety, not-- withstanding the onlooked for col- lision, for the social was a. grand suc- cess, in all respects. The oysters were splendid proving the special ‘ abilities of the cooks. There was no ‘ set programme and those present seemed to enjoy it all‘ the better. While.all theflifl’erent denominations were represented. there was afispirit of harmony prevading each and all. The proceeds amounted to $31.55. The ex- . penses were $5.00 leaving a profit 1‘ of $26.55. The members feel greatly: encouraged because otthe «grand snc- ‘ cess of their first endeavor to swell the treasury with much needed :funds. With One accord rule, members of the Aid unite in thanking all present for their attendance. .The business :ameet- ~Jing to be held'on Thursday afternoon was postponed to Friday at2 ..m.;xon account of the open social. T e meet- ing was well attended, and the ,.vari- ous subjects dismissed with an ardgr and enthusiasm so. characteristic «of the ladies. After prayer offered by the astor the meeting was adjourned to ov..16, at the home of Mrs. E. Summer-feldti,‘ Unionville. Cauncillor J. N. Boyle started-Satur- day for a. week’s visit 'withrelabives at Owen Sound. . Misstulin' Davis of Dannsville Sani- tarium. N. Y., is making a. visit with My. an_anrs. P. G. Savage. __ they have recently entertained large audiences. The sweet music .of Ache Swiss bells is one of the chief features but the violin playing, the vocal music arid the comedy, all go to make an in- teresting programme. The admission is placed at 10 and 20 cents. It? is to .be hoped ,Gnr citizens will patronize the entertainment to be. given in the Masonic Hall to-mm-row (Friday) evening under the auspices of the Public Library. The. Eckardt Comedy Company and Swiss Bell Ringers areiwell _spoken of in Aurora, Newmm‘ket and’othor towns where Pat-is lump sugar, icing sugar,stand~- an} granulated sugar. fine granulated sugar, pure yellow sugar at Atkinson and Switzer’s. Sunlight Soup, 5c. a bar; Lifebuny soap, 59. :L bur; Comfort; soap, 6 for 250.; Richard-is pure soap, 6 for 25¢. Atkinsun and Switzer. Large posters 'are out annmmving the annual plowing- ,nmtches of Vaughan and King Pluwmen’s Assn- (ciatious. The further will be held on the farm of Mr. Michael Reaman', near \Voodhridge, next, Tuesday, the latter on Mr; Jos. Baker’s farm! near Kettle- l)y, on Friday, Nov. 3rd. Good prizes are offered. and both matches are (13.2911 tn the Dominion. Chair:- Patn-ns ent'ra tsweieaned, 8a; the. best, selected raisins, ; Cross and Blackwell lemon peel, 150. per lb. Atkinson and Switvzer. BURYING THE HATGHET. The Aux-m'a Banner of last week 5:4in :~The Metropolitan Railway Co. have completed the work --of cleaning (mnlhe ditches and putting down new crossings m} Yunge street in this cor- pm'atiun, as directed by the County Council ’ railway committee. The Work has certainly been dime in an efficient and satisfactory manner and we hope there will be no more friction between the railway and the corpora- tion. California Evaporated Crawford Peaches, 11c. pew-1b.; new season’s toma’wes, corn and peas, each 3 cans 2530. Atkinson and Switzer. ECKA'RDT-z COMEDY COMPANY. . Ministvr (sf Edumltionéâ€"HoaRichmfl 0" MO (5 Harcourt. ‘ A” ( Commissioner of Crown Landsâ€" . Rev. Hon. E. J. Davis. ' j Pm, v vaincial Seem-etmzyuxflon. J. . R. churct Bantam“ a ~ "2931151 Minister of Public W’mt‘tfiâ€"â€"an. F. ‘ Mr R. Lntchfnrd. ' i. ‘ ' The officers taken In the Provincial Cabinet are as follows :â€" AttorneyVâ€"Genemlâ€"~IIon. J. M. Gib- sun. Huh. J. T. Guru-ow and Hon. W’m. Harty, Ministers without portfolio. Premier and Pf-uvincial Treasurer-«- Hon. Gem-ggVV. R933. ' PERSONALS. PLO WING MATCHES. UN IONVILLE. D. 'EEkARDT,-.Sec}y. Lt 1 They-remains nt‘tfiéfi'fle'fidifi"fiE‘éh- mrdson were taken to Scan-bow for in- ten‘neqt WeQnesday (jg laspr week. Mrs. Huifenfimck 11;; I' one to Tomi:- to, Miss L.‘ Hafienbmc will reside (withohenuuqlg .Ketfer- _Â¥___‘ --- . v ‘\.nn\.ut|u k'L Infill \VUCh- The funeral of Nat. AKirby took Place from Toronto m :Hope last .I‘hux-sday and was largely ,n‘ttended. Dr. T.‘ Kirby of Sault Ste Marie. Mrs. J. B. Lund and Mrs. T. Jackson 13f Chicago were home attendin g their brother‘s fiuneml. ' Miss Etta Richardson met) with a ~painifyl flccident on Wednesday of last 'week. She‘ffll downvcellar and made a. severe cut; in her forehead. Several stinlfhes haq to be puti in the wound. The fumeml bf theJIite’ N. vKirb ;of Toronto passed through here-,We nes- day on the Wily to,:l_319pe‘c_emetepy. “A mniib’ei'Sor31"£ifé"€iéi§i£§3€£end- .ed‘YVoqdhridgq F5}; ' Mr. Lennard lKlinck of "German Mills, Mr. Cecil Kline]: and Miss May Klinck of Victoria. Square visited at Mr. T. Rugertzs Sl}ngiay. , it“, 71 .Miss Ruse igfw J(;i:onlfo "is home for a few Weeks. Mr.KValentine Ash is spentiixggm week in Iiorflgern .M‘ichigal}. mn~~ , ‘ . M isses Ethel alidifiéxifizwfil'lpert have returned fmm a. three-(week’s .visjt t0 DgQ’nit 5nd Oglet- American cities. Service has been field in the Présby- terian chumhthe last; two Sunday evenings, and in the future will be field eveyy alternate Sabbath at 7 1). Mr. R. S. Thomson returned :on Thursday last from his trip to ‘the Pacific Coast» He looks well and en- jayqd'hifiwacgtlop to the utmost. \p (AIAJ \lAJtlUvV Al‘lllBCaa {Lhe family .of Mr. ;,D. Johnston moved to Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. ,J. Parry and Mr. J. Wilson and their families also moved to the city. Mr. Wm. Knight has started to tear down the house an ,the property 'lxmght/gfmm Mr. Parry awd intends to build a‘ new dwelling. _ _ Maple presents almost the a ance of a deserted village, there 80.11.};an empty houses. implements, on lot33, (mu. 4 Markham, near Gormley, the property of Mrs. Benj. Stover, Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 11 months. ‘ Eckurat & Prentice. auctioneers. SATURDAY, Oct. Qdâ€"Credit sale of 10 acres stand- ing Limber.10t 2 0011.7, Markham. the prop- erty or the late Jacob Hegler. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Terms 11 months. Eckardt ’3: Prenâ€" ‘ tice, auctioneers. :TUEEDAY, Oct. iiiâ€"Auction sale of farm etock, implements, lot 10. con. 1. West ank. the moperty of Mr. Ward. Sale at 1 o’cluck. Terms cash. Eckamt & Prentice, auction- ears. WEDNESDAY. Nov. 1â€"Credit sale of ton acres of ‘ standing timber, lot I], 4th con;Scnrboro,the property of H. J. Ppellcer. Sale at 1 o'clock Terms ll mouths. Eckurdt and Prentice, auc- tiouceis. W'EDNESDAY, Nov. letâ€"Richmond Hill Monthly Emir Will beheld at the Palmer House on the above date after which 20 helm of fresh milk cows, spriugers and feedcls will be sold by public auction, the property of H' F. hopper. Terms i mouths. Sirigenn 66 Mc- Ewen, auctioneers. THURSDAY, NOV.‘.‘â€"Allcbiflll sale of horses, cow. vehicles, 850, at UnrrVillc, the property of Wm. Wright. Sa‘e at 1 0’2100k. Terms cash. Eckm‘dté’z Prentice, auctioneers. ( ‘ THURSDAY,N0V.2-â€"Anctivn smelt) acres of stand- x‘ug tiw be)‘, ‘11). lot l. 4m con Kin-,4, the prop ertyof Mm. Wo.ikiugton. Esme at l o’clo k Terms 11’ months. Stokes dz Blough, mucâ€" tiuneers. , SATURDAY, Nov. fiâ€"Aucticn sale 10 acres stand- ing timber, on rest but lot 33, 5th can. Vuugltau, the proper ' (.i T. A. Noble. Sale. at 1 o’clock. Terms 3 mouths. Saigeo'n dz bio-Ewen, auctioneers. ’ ‘ WEDNESDAY, Nov Btuâ€"Credit s e of farm stuck implements, at Thompson's (ital, Lansing. ; ‘Suue at 1. Terms 6 months. Eckurat &‘ Prentice, auctioneers. \VEDNEF-DAY, Nov. 8 â€"Uredit sale of farm stock. implements, drown lot 341, 3rd (run. Mark- ham, the property of Gee. Maker, Stle M l O’clfl‘k. Terms .11 months. N._£. Smith; auctioneer - WEDNE DAY, Nnv. 8â€"4.1:3l-i1m sale of small farm, stuck. impiemeuis, on lot :51, con. 2 West york. the property of Samuel Petermun. Terms 4 months. Sale at 1 o’clock Sai- geon_& McEwen, auctioneers. : FRIDAY, Nov. 10â€"Auctlon sale of farm stock. 1111- l plemeuts.&c.,at 'l‘odmorden, the property ‘ 01'1". Dini & Bro. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms ‘ cash. Eckmdt & Prentice, auctimwers. '_ QParties getting their bills printed (Lt: this 03m will receive a. notice similar to the above rmm OF CHARGE ‘ I SATURDAY,'Oct.thllâ€"(‘reaib sale of farm stock l DIXONâ€"At Victoria. Fquare on Friday. Oct. 20, Neil Dixon. youngest son of Mr. ,and Mrs. Roger Dixon; aged 24 years. 9 monthd. KIRBYâ€"On Tuesday, October 17. at ‘his resi- dence ‘36!) Albunv avenue, Tor: nto, Nathan- iel Kirby, aged 37 vears. Deceased, whosezremains were interred in the family plot at Hope ouéflhpraduy 19th Lisa, was a brmhor of CuunniilorJ. H. Kirby of anie. Mrs. \Viley as Cm-respndding Sect-e- taI-y of the Ontario \V. O. T. U. will attend-the annual convention to be held in Gilclph next Week, and will be accompanied by Mrs. O. G. Derry. ‘Miss Annie Glass will supply, in‘ ;t;he junior department of the Public school. ' Messrs. A. Boyle, H. Vanderburg'h and W. WVright returned Thursday evening from the North West, where they had been for two months. The trip from VVilmippg tofiiichmond Hill Was made in 49 hours. Mrs. R. Rutherford and Mrs. Cober of Toronto, came up (m Saturday “and spent the day with Mrs. Proctor, mother of Mss. W. A. Sanderson, who we regret to say is seriously ill with paralysis of the throat. Mr. John H. Miller, head book- .keepLâ€"rin Stockton Flour Mills, Cal., son of Mr. Andrew Miller of Thorn- hill. was in the village on Monday calling on friends. Rev. W. H. Hilbish mf McClure, Pm, will preach in the Luthéi-an church at Sherwood on Sunday, Oct. 29 and N0v.;.‘5 at 171’ a. m. and 7 p. m. i 'Mr. C. Mason spent a few days with 3 Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Paul, at) \Var- I minstm'. and returned on Monday. i Rev. N. \Vellwnod delivered a lecture before the Epwm'th League in Aurora j on Monday evening, the subject being i “ An Old Time Missionary.” I Sale Register Sherwood DEATHS .Maple the appe there bei &;i?_s‘5e§£['he ‘ing gflVefmafke mspecialtyjn Home Render- ed Lard, and 6nr~0wn=~mhke ,of Sausage. rWholesgle and Retail Butchers, deal era'in' - Headlight IJance Tooth saw, 4 gauges thineron the back than the front. *‘Every , saw guaranteed. onlyi5‘o cts. per foot. ‘ _ VV‘inter Mitgzhe‘avily l‘i' red cn]y,25c.;_per_ipair.‘ Steel Axes-3. only 50-cts. each. Shot 4 lbs. “tor 25 can 15. BEST MEATS WILKENS & 00., aFRESHf& SALT MEAT S To the Public. ~TITegetables in Season. mass .,_& 00’s. Subscribe for lfifiand 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of George Street, Toronto. GLASS 4% CO.,'Richmen‘d Hi}! ,leen ‘yqu want the $2.25 W , One Hat-at Its Last faklways go to ‘ 0501] ‘kindfi *WIL’KINS & 00.. When a man buys a hat of us it lasts so long that he gets tired of it. It is not worn out. It is. what ydu might call a tired hat. Of course this kind costs a little more that) the hat that tears off at the brim and cracks at the crease, or breaks when indent-V ,ed. We guarantee our goods backed up by the makers. I;W‘ was 'amntcéd’tb’éh'rb ; formso SexunmecVeagknegg, all effects 013 r or excess, Mental ,Worry. Excessive use 01- ' 1 bmo‘ n. Opium drkstimgllhgtakghw $11M 1 ‘0»poeoneacage .sx . emwéure. gamphlets rrée to unfiladd J i The Wpod Company, W daor, “13' I) Ul'lUU b E?! UIBLWU ‘GLSVSEEWPTIEAIES’J {I am prepared to do Family Washingsuflcfljl and Lndiesffine linen a specialty. ‘Work m:- antaed and patronage solicit-ed. 5m TILLIE Human}: la? VVood’stosphodine in mm in Hickman} £1111 by W. A. Sanderson, Druggxst. '4‘ Rich mwon d L93-‘1°ng9 gtrnnt Tarnn‘hL , Solid Gold‘....$2,8fl b BestGoldFill 1:5, ,. ' “ -* v 5 yrsGo'ld‘Fill 1m m 1- :-J3e’st»G1_aiss'es.....g9g We guarane- perfect satfegmtion. I Theflreat English Remedy. ‘ a Sold and recommended by druggists in Canada. On? ‘\ able} medicine discovers . :- ‘Wood's' Phospfiodlnw

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