Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Oct 1899, p. 7

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Wueflclal )lm‘ements That May be Practl on! at flomcâ€"lmpurtunt I’olnls 'l‘luil Must be “ill‘llc In Mind by Amateur )l'asscurs Who lieslre Success. Dr. Randolph Earle-s, recently pre- pared a paper on'bh-e massage treat- ment which is clear and practical enough to teach the average layman enough about the subject to enable him, after paying a little attention to a few of the principles upon whlch the treatment is based, to get all the bene- fita' claimed for massage and save the fee of an experienced trainer or mas- seur at the same time. In the opinion of many medical authorities exer- cise and massage are the two greatest ‘curative remedies that nature affords, and the latter is considered by many as the coming treatment for all those common functional troubles like dys- pepsia, constipation, jaundice, bilious- uses. emanciation, nerve exhaustion, etc., and therefore a. little time spent on this subject is time well spent. Lu is a good rule to commence rub- bing in the neighborhood at the large blood vessels, so as to influence the circulation as soon as possible, and thus, by sending the blood more quickâ€" ly to the neighboring tributaries, in- huenoe them and the tissues surround- ing them. The inner sides of the upâ€" per and lower extremities are where the large blood vessels will be found. When: rubbing, if one begins with the lower extremities, the foot should be . well Dubbed, then the ankle joint, then ‘iihle leg, after that the knee joint, then hh‘e thigh, and LASTLY, THE HIP JOINT. FDR. EUUNOMIUAL PEOPLE SOME PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS 0N MASSAGE TREATMENT. The chest should be rubbed from the insertion of the large muscles upon it to their origin, while the abdominal muscles should be rubbed from the right: groin, as it is commonly called, in the direction of that part of the inâ€" testimes known as the ascending transverse and descending coions. When rubbing the abdomen the fin- gers of the manipulator should be kept close together. ‘More pressure and less care are necessary in rubbing the back, because the skin and muscles are thicker and more numerous in this re- gion, and the muscles are much larger and stronger. Here. as in the abdo- men, the rubbing should be from the origin to the insertion of the muscles. [n the upper part of the back the ana- tomy of the muscles is so very compli- cated that it is difficult to understand hovw to do this unless one has studied the a{natomical relation of the 01‘1ng and insertion of these muscles very thoroughly. As a general method of rubbing, the hack, it would be best, in order to have all the muscles in this region well cared for, first to rub 11p- ward- and downward, then crosswise, and lastly obliquely upward and down- ward. This will suffice for ordlnary purposes, and will be of. great benefit ‘or. those who employ it. Rubbing may be either local or gen- aralâ€"that is, it may he applied to an arm, the back, or the foot, or it may be applied to the whole body. Dr. Fairies mentions seven different kinds of manipulation. “It may cons1st' of stroking the body with thepalm of the hand, slapping the body with the open bland, heating it with the closed fist, striking it with the hand at right an- gles to the body, so that the edge cor- responding to the side of the little tin- gar comes into contact with it ; knead- ing the skin, muscles and tendons; grabbing the skin and muscles and squeeing them, and making combined digital pressure over the surface of the body in different regions.". The friction produced by rubbing may be either rectilinear or circular. Either one or both hands may be used to rub the body. it is customary tor the right hand of the manipzuLator to be used for the right hand and. foot, and the Jeft hand for the left hand and‘ foot of the patient, if the rubbmg be applied with one hand. for the back, wins, abdomen and chest. The upward stroke in rub-hing should always be more intense than the down- lwmr‘d, and 'tne sUroKe should extend .ovar the whole surtape, from joint; to joint, exercising great care not to chafe- the skin. vMoa‘e danger of this wrises in making the upward stroke than: in making the downward. The rubbing should not Last So long that fatigue will result. Further, too napid rubbing will frequently cause pain by heating the skin too quickly, causing the hairs of the body to stick to the manipulator’s hands, giving as a final result a pulling of these hairs. Rubbing should never be begun stren- uously at the outset. but should be started slowly and gently, and gradu- ally increased, so as to be adjusted to the individual’s feelings. Persons tak- ing general exercise should take a tub after their bath. In this way they will not only 03111133 the blood to circu- late agaixn through all parts of‘ the body, but will also prevent or overcome any soreness or stiffness that may be present, and in addition to this, the tissues of the body will constantly be kept in a better condition. I‘h‘e rubbing of the upper extremities would begin with the hand, then the wrist joint should be cared for, after that the forearm, next the elbow joint, them: the arm, and lastly the shoulder joint. The reason for this is to influ- ence the points most remote from the heart and gradually work toward the heart. The upper and lower extremi- ties may also be rubbed upward and downward. BOTH HAYNDS ARE USED Not only Bright’s Dlsease But All Kidney Diseases Decreasingâ€"Dodd‘s chlney l'llls the Cause of Decreaseâ€"F. mrhmd Cured. Toronto, Oct. 23.â€"'.l‘here has been a marked falling off in the number of deaths due to Bright’s Disease 1n the city of Toronto of recent years. This decrease is ascribed solely to Dodd's Kidney Pills, the marvellous medicine which has performed so many wonder- ful cures _througl19qt the country, Mr. Fred Borland. 677 Markham Street, writes: “I have been a sufferer from Bright’s Disease and impure blood. I Could not get anything to help me until I had. taken two boxes of your Dodd’s Kidney Pills. I am now cured of this disease Pills. I am now cured’ of this disease which I am told has always been conâ€" sidered incurable. Publish this letter. It may help others." Formerly, within recent years, Bright’s Disease claimed a constant sacrifice of unfortunate victims, and wherever it struck, dgath was sure to follow. {Now Bright's Disease itself is comparatively rare, and deaths there- from almost umknown in this city. Dodd's Kidney Pills have come {mo universal household use and dzaorders in the kidneys are rectified early, so Bright’s Disease is seldom allowed to develop. City of Toronto Showing Marked Decrease in Deaths 'krom Bright’s Disease. Where Kidney Lsease has been ne- glected, however, wing to ignorance, prejudice or carelessness, and Bright’s Disease has ensued, Dodd’s Kidney Pills are in the end called into requisi- tion. ninety-nine times out of a hun- dred. Doo’toi‘s themselves prescribe Dodd’s Kid-nay Pills in their own boxes or in bulk, so Bright’s Disease with the aid of Dodd’s Kidney Pills is held com- pletely at bay. in Toronto Idea That a Stated Numbn- of "our. should lie Taken Is Wrong. To get up at 7 o’clock, or 8 o’clock, or any other fixed hour every morning, no matter at what time you, went to bed the night befiore "Ls the most efâ€" fectual way of m‘akimg a bad wo-rkâ€" man of yourself. And as for say- ing that eight hours’ sleep is what suits everybody is as nonsensical as to say that one ounce of tobaccoâ€"no more. no lessâ€"is tlhxe quantity every one ought to smoke in: a day. Brutusâ€"W'h'at’s t-hiifs yarn about Caesar thwise refusing a golden crown? Cassius â€" Tibia dentist wanted to crown one of his teeth and Caesar didn’t have the nerve to‘ let him go ahead. ' ' No doubt it is diffic’ult for most peoâ€" ple to sleep as long in the morning as the body requires to repair itself. Business having fixed hours, the peo- ple who do it must accommodate themâ€" selves to them. Still, as long as peo- ple use alarms or have themsle‘ves call- ed they will continue to feel more or less out of sorts on most days of their life. ' For most of us there is only one way of solving t‘hre questionâ€"that is by going to bed nine orl'ten hours before the time when our business require us to get up, and sleeping until we na- turally awake. 'lihiis would mean. get- ting up at various hours, instead of the usual fixed hours. yBuL‘ any one who carried out the plan would feel so vigorous on arising that he could turn the interval before breakfast to good account. « ensures a youthful complexion. Send 25 cam: for triv.) bottle. or post card for circular on skin and camplnxion. Addreu W. J. URQUHAET. 439 Queen St. W..Toronto. Mabelâ€"C‘holly is awfully slow. Yesâ€" terday when he and I were walking in the woods I picked a big bunch of autumn leaves and stuck them in my belt. . Bessieâ€"Yes] And thenâ€" Mabelâ€"The stupid fool didn’t have sense enough: to press them. HEALTH REPORT. THE FACTS IN THE CASE AN OPPORTUNITY LOST. GALLA LILY CREAM ’. 74/ [M mdm‘mw It Is as Easy to Love SLEEP M ISTAKES. Risking Sharks Are’ Verllable Monsters 0. the Deep. The biggest fish that swims is known by seafaring men as the basking shark, from its habit of lying for hours on top of the waves when the Weather is calm, basking in the sun. Scientific men call this fish the rhinadon. They say its extreme length is forty feet, but there are plenty of old salts who swear they have seen "baskets" sixty feet long. Huge as the basking shark is, it never has been known to attack a man. One came ashore off the New Engâ€" land coast some years ago, and an- other was beached on the California coast near Monterey, in 1893. It was plum-p forty feet, long, and this lends color to the sailor-men’s big stories, since it is hardly probable that the largest specimen in existence has been caught. There was a time when bask~ ing slharks were termed "common," but that time passed so long ago that they now are counted extremely. rare, and the authorities of the British museum have long made a standing offer of $1,000 for the uninjured skin of one. Professor Jordan of the Uni- versity of California,’ who examined the Monterey specimen, says that ofâ€" fer never will be taken. In his judg- ment it would require labor equivalent to the work of one man two whole months to flay a good-sized basking shark. ' The mouth of the Monterey specimen was at appalling size. Stretched and propped open, it measured ten feet from jaw point to jaw point, and if its throat had been of proportionate dimensions the notion that a fish could not have swallowed Jonah would have been exploded completely. A team of horses wouldn’t have been too large a mouthful for the Monterey shark. No one knows what it weighed, for there were no available scales to weigh it am [but sixty tones, or less than an ordinary locomotive, was given as a conservative estimate. Loaded on a specially constructed truck it would have taken a dozen horses at least to haul: it over an as- phalt pavement, and more would (have been required to transport it over an ordinary country road. Every base occupation makes one sharp in its practice and dull in every other.â€"Sir P. Sidney. Doing good is the only certainly happy action of a man’s life.â€"-Shan0n. The readiest and surest way to get rid of censure is to correct oursslves.â€"- Demoshhenes. Fire and sword are but slow engines of destruction in comparison with the babbler.â€"Steele. ,The Bible is a window in this prison of hope through which we look into eternity.â€"â€"Dwight. ,Love that has nothing. but beauty to keep it in good health is short lived and apt to have ague fits.-â€"Erasmus. Mrs. Jellfisâ€"No, you don't. The mas- ter is too well satisfied, with you. JAny one may do a casual act of good nature, but a continuation ofi them shows it is a part of the tempera- ment‘.â€"â€"Sterne. Pretty New House‘maidâ€"I hope [give satisfaction. mum? DISCUSSION BECOMING PERSONAL \Vhen I married you, exclaimed the indignant wife, you hadn’t a cent to your name! I haVen't now, either, madam, he howled. It’s all in your nauml The basking shark is not hunted ex- tensively, because it produces relative- ly little of commercial value. Never- theless, the Portgguese fishermen who captured the ome'at Monterey got thrao barrels of oil from its liver and six barrelfuls were tried out of the liver of the basker captured on the New EngLand shore. There 1.: more Catarrh in this section of MN [ouutry than all other diseases put together, and un ll the last few years was supposed to be inmmblc. For agwnt many years doctors pro- nounred it a. local dise ISO. and prescribed local remedies, and by on slantlyf ilmg to ru- 3 w‘W local treatment. pronounced it. mamas. v:11 vnne has prt'vcn swarm [o be a. constitutional JinOflFB, and Lherefore requires conslilutionnl Ireatment. Hnil’s‘ Catarrh Cure, manufactured by I“. J. Cheney & Cy., Toledo. Ohio, is the I nh’ w n timtional cum on the market. lb is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a. te xspoon- ful. It acts dinwtly on the 13100! and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one nund- red do lnrs for any case it; fr 115 to cure. Send for circulars and testimonlala. Address. F. 3. CHENEY 8: 00.. Toledo. 0. Sold by Druggisc’. 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Take Laxative Bromo Quiuine Tablets. A‘) druggms refund the money it it fails to cure. 250. E. W. Grave's sigJature is an etch box. LU. BY’ S LARGEST FISH IN THE OCEAN. Son by all drugggts. 50v. 5 Boriitilé; T0 CURE A COLD IN 05E DAY T00 ATTRACTIVE. GRAINS OF GOLD. G was new life so the Hair. It makes it grow and restores the color. a Vfiéu‘ghterâ€"How confidfl'l help it? He was holding both my; hands. and I couldn’t kick him, could I? Motherâ€"Why did I'm let him kiss you? ‘ __ ..,- . . “a 77 .‘A good name is rath'er to be chosen than great riches and loving favor rather than silver and go‘ld.â€"-Solomon. Dyes are POSITIVEâ€"LY Union you: druggiat for them, or much inducements to agents. 1An unjust acquisition is like a bar- bed arrow, which must be drawn backâ€" ward with horrible anguish, or else will be your destructionâ€"Taylor. To pardon those absurdities in our- selves which we cannot! suffer in oth- ers. is neither better nor worse than to be more willing to be fools ourselves than to have others so.â€"-Pope. RELIANCE CIGAR la Towanal 100- FACTOR!,Montreal Nothing more impairs authority that) a too frequent or indiscreet use of it. It thunder itself was to be con- tinual, it would excite no more terror than the noise of a mill.â€"Hughes. To use the latest and most popular DYE on the market, known as a.- they are the most simple and. easiest handled. Any person havin Cloth Carpet. Raglan Yayn. Feathers, or in fact an thing that tequiren dye us. at ’ ackuge and it Will oo’nvince you that they w ll do all we claim for them. 0 Dyes are POSITIVELY Union yes, and will dye_00tl;ou. Wool, Silk or Mixed Goods with A1 results. vou-r druziriat for them, or send direct and we will mallggqug guy}: dress 10c package, or three for 250. Spool: MRS. WINSLOW’! SOOTHING EYBUP In: hon uod by another! for thoir ohildron bathing. It. mocha tho child. softnnl the gun“, Illnya sin. cum wind calls. and In tho bent remedy for diam on. 25:. 3 hot- th. Bald!) n11 ruuilbl throughout tho world. 30 III” was: for" nwmnlnw'lsoothlngsmp. “ Pharaoh ‘l 00.‘ Sir Robert Rawlin‘son, K.C.B., is the only man who was ever knocked out of the saddle by a. cannon ball without being killed. The price of medicine in Prussia is regulated by the state, a new price list being published each year. Carbollc Disinfectants. Soaps, Oint- ment, Tooth Powders, etc., have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent. infecti- ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a. supply. Lists mailed tree on application. Rlilvny. Firstâ€"0153: Oommerciil Hob". ygovnmonuâ€"Rntu moderate l.- __Two Men (furmers' sons preferred). with wanted fair education, to work in an ofiice ; 8&5 per month; stendy work; must be handy with mom; over 21 years and able to give 3'00 securiby‘ Personal interview nm esmxy‘ Apply m wruing givin full par ticulmfis. ’1HE I}. BmRT PORTEE FE CE CUM. ho “ Balm F ea Bus " I I oral " A ' 9 r 3x50433913 CHER. Station, Montreal. Géo. Cifél‘aka $150.. Frog)?! PANY; Leiden. bin AVENUE HOUSE-4 ST. JAMES’ HOTEL-pg “I‘m” Some Great B mains. Apply to JAMES MCK- STEWART. Drawer 16, Kincardine P.O.. Ont. Hotel Garslake‘ ' """ ii iii Ali’s?" tonouio. FOR SALE - BRUCE COUNTY â€"â€" Some Great B mains. Annlv to JAMES ' com nun: 100‘ garters Cormack & Co. H R Buy- Scrap, LEAD. COPPER, BRASS. Wholesale only: 7 pm: gADiAtlngg 131332110118 17 20. O'KEEFE'S ‘fi'flp MALT GLOBE GP'HQAL 00., Montreal, Tdfafiis, nor. Vlut- Market 8: colborne st, VToronfo, Can get you best. prices for your Apples, Butter. Eg Poultry, and other produce, if you ship it to them __‘Iew importation finest sausage caSIngs English Sherp and An:- orioau Hos (anginaâ€"rehab nt_rig~};p prices. fileinmg E The Dawson Commission 60. THE 1:- ”? MDINESJNGHBATnmâ€"Baat and oheaput n | ..n....z sh‘IAA‘mnl Fnrthn “nuiinin-u and an: ' 0‘ hulland. sole; lump (or csbalogug; ATARAOTB (without knife), Bronchial Asthma, and Over-fatness, are all cured by safe, sure and New. Ant remedies. Ahaolutcly no injwions offecla. Ad- flresa. DR. GRANT. 33 Seneca. St, Buffet 0. New Ymk. Ceylon Tca Stammerers Dr. Anon. Bum: who will oonvlncayou he OPINION SENSE KILLS Roach”. Bed Bugs. Rats and Mice. Sold by all Druggml. or 381 Queen W. Toronto. catholic Religiofié 'Picmires, BM Educational Works. Mall 0’] tion. D. It J. BAD! speaks for itself. A trial is the most convincing argument in its favor. Lead Packages. . . . . . . .25, 30, 4o, 50 & 60c. ‘f amjlsu AMEchii 'bféi'il'c' Eb." Invi mate: 3nd Shrenétlfens. LLOYD W 0D. Toronto. GENERAL AGENT. Look fo‘r agent in youf min, or Bah‘d direct. F. G. CALVERT & 00., MANCHESTER, - - ENGLAND. 93 Yonge Street. Toronto. Solid Gold. ...$2.85 .‘ Best Gold Fill 1.50 ‘ 5 yrs Gold Fill 1.00 Best: Glasses... 100 We zuanntee perfect satisfaction. ‘or th€:ery best. send your work m the MONTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY. A“ STRONG DEFENSE. FOR oven FIFTY YEARS PRUSSIAN MEDICINE. CALVERT’S MARVELOUS LUCK. Casingsâ€"reliable goorla at right pfices. BLACKWELL & 00., Toronto. niii .Ii‘é'nngg'n’ 8: co.,‘Mon‘ma|. LADIES ~ WANTED THE SUPERIOR QUALITY OF ll, for the Dominion. Send 3“. fit. Paul Streak. Montreal. I! Payne, of Gnnby. Qua. I v Cigar Manufwmm. European Plan. Rooms ! {Long a_ ug‘. Olpl ,Mcimlâ€" College Avenue Fumin Katel noes $1.50 per day. _0ppoalte G.T.R. Depob‘ ‘5 flwo blocks from C. I" ‘ Cures in ajiffy. P. Mc- , Agents, Montreal. Ottawa, Qfiébec. W P G 995 looks, Rosarlea, cw o|flxas, Somulars, %d Church Ornaments, [ecgige pfpllxpfiz "Minn- mnpeomu) we», who but: lam-d to be cured aile- vyhnn. min to , Limited, Toronto, Ijuptey. Eggs. 'fhififlié“'fl3fii’"6ii'“653' 'fb'lih'N'ro. Music Ieachprs Wanted 8 000 AGREE 0900 FARMING LANDSâ€"ARENAO I 10360. Ozemaw and Crawford Counties. Titlaper- feet» 011 Michigan Central. Detroit a. Machine In Loon Lake Railroads. at price: lanzing from 82 to 1 more. These Lands we Close to Enterprising Na owns. Churches, Schools, em. and Will be sold on non mum terms. Apply to R. M. PIERCE. Agent, West Bay City, Mich. 0r J.W. OUR’ IS. Whittemore. Mich. Cereal 001166 Health Drink. Pure.Wholenoma, Non [‘13: 150112., or 21b3, for 250. Roxoo in 9 us] to 40c on _ JF‘og‘Sale by all Gregg-5,31: n‘gnd 10c; 05“ lick: permanent curd Cum-h o no: - I - throat, "em .1111 bladder. 000 a 81 a. box. Write for puniouhn. '1‘ Indinn Oaturh Cute 00.. 146 at. Junon neutral. TDRONTO SHOW CASE 00.‘ Weie‘hifiicii 1W1? 6631151 ‘ A an“ 'nnfnd awn-v Inna in, gnaw GASES. WALL GASES Mantra! Ind Quebec to Liverpool. Large and fast Steamers Vancouvo’. ‘ ominion, Scotsman, Cambromnn. ; to: of pun o xâ€"I‘lnt Onbll upmrdl ' Icon! 0: In, .56; Shogun, “9.50 mi £056. ' For further informhtlon apply aloe-l menu. at Domlnlon Llne Via Personally conducted California Excuraions For ful! information and reservation of eleapingol Denna. ' ’0’: ’l‘owxsmm (1?. MFA” St. Louis, Mo. 1}. D, Anflsruuuafl P.A.‘ 1V Eon-8L. Dqgrpit. Mfg]! LAW Bxssnu. WILSON, i). P. A; 111 Adams-it... Chiuu'gu, iii MS. I. ANNETT, Manager. Esplanade, High Glass Water Tube Steam Boflars, for All Pressurea, Duties and Fuel. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. The Ganadéan Heine Safety Toronto Electric Light 00.. lelhd. n he '1‘. Eaton 00.. Limited. ix281818H£BS Tkzmsx:¥£:':a€mflfima h r m. a [lson ublllhfn; Go. . ROKCO Man-h win-human min-'qu THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPERS. LOXVEST RATES. Blip. Sharbnurno 81., GRATEFULâ€"COMFORTING. Michigan Land for Sale, :Xzâ€"ents wavniEE m e‘vEx-yldcfiilyL THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. Office and Bank Fixturel, Modern Store Proms. Mirrors and Plate Glass. For low prices write DAVID TORRAjfgl 5 00.. GQIS‘I'DLQICFM‘ 92 ADELAIDE W., TORONTO. CAN. MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y a IRGN MOUNTAIN ROUTE. BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. aliforna OILER JGHN J. MAIN, Supt. Ind TI‘OIO Th1: book contains one humed In. ten of the best humorous rocihtl embracing the Negro stku. huh Ducuh Mallets. ban: in pron and van; a: well as humorous composition: every kind and character. Sent. pou- ald, with our illusith u 0' coke and novelties for only ten nil. Johnston .5; Mei-flung 1| Yonze St» Toronto. (I... llfi for £0 Gents- 375:7 fiJriHu'icâ€"in. fiatâ€"5a. via.. ‘ “‘“1 I ",9 "INDY b Wale g? .-9 31°" Ind 8b. -- 0'0"“- Toronto co'fiupi'o'fiz final MUSIC GATAL u ISP IAL AT 3'} DISEgUNT. W fiéfi‘fi‘éfififi Wham. Rom ‘ I58 Yon“ St. TORONTO. 0“. HEW illHlSflfil To and f9; ROYAL “All. STEAMSIIIPI and

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