Mr. H. C. Bailey, Maple, is always gR-bQ-gage inithe hoot-and slave trade. His fall circular whichm now dis- tributing shows that he handles the vfollowing; well-known mmmfuchurers‘ , oods: The J. D. Kin CaudiheAmes olden 00., F. J. eston .8: :Sons, ‘Vm. B. Hamiltc n. Son 6: 00., Under- hill & Sisman, and W. A. Marsh. Be- .»aides boots, shoes and rubbers. Mr. Baile handles almost everythiu usual y found in an up-to-date genera More, and he is agent for-the Swiss Lwndly. We have weceived a. neat little pamphlet printed art the “Express†ofï¬ce, Newnmrket, and written by Mrs. Emily MCAl‘thlll‘, givin an in- teresting history of the “ Chi dren of Peace,†a religious sect established in the early part of this century. Among the illustrations are David 'Willson, the founder of the seek, and The Temple which is situated at the little village of Sharon. Nogmatter how nice a, suit yen: have am, you do not 1001; well dressed if you have not a nice lmt. Call and see the range of men’s stiff hats, fedoras, capu, children’s turns, hoques, etc. Atkinson & Switzer. Flowered hemp carpet, 36 in. Wide, in ï¬iï¬erent patterns, 160. per yard. Notice the north window of the Con- .crete. Atkinson & Switzmz Those in need of harness, robes, blankets, trunks, gauntlets, or other leather goods, will make no mistake in dealing with Mr. Geo. McDonald in .the Lorne Black. For particulars and prices of many useful articles read his change of advertisement elsewhere in this paper. “The Deceitfnlness of Sin.†As the newly elected president, Clarence ï¬huw, is removing from the village, the former president, Leon Proctor, will take the chair. Everybody is welcome. You can get The Weekly Sun, To- Tonto, combined either with The ‘Veekly Globe or Montreal \Vitness for $1 ayear. You can got the Sun clubde with the Family Herald and Weekly Star, (including premium pic- tures) for $1.25. The Sun is the best Farm and Market paper in Canada. Orders for any Of these combinations to he sent to the Sun Printing Com- pany, Limited, Toronto. If you hear of lower prices than ours, let; us hear about it. 9 bars hapgy home soap for 250., this is 3. gm soap; the bele green coffee 106.; good red sockeye salmon for 110. AL~ kinson & Switzer. There is quite a rush for the ï¬rst in~ .stnlmvnt of new books plucvd on the hlwlvvs at, the Public Library. New- comers should remember that it, is the privilege Of all citizens to avail them- selves (If the privileges of the Public Library and Evading Roam. Every price at truth teller: Mince meat 9%.; cleaned curmnts, 70.; new season’s com, peas and tomatoes, each 3 fox-25.3. Atkinson é: Switzvr. We 21n- shnwing an extra large lot of ladivs’ undvnvvar in all wool and union, my 15. 20, 2'5, 35, 40. 50, 65. 70, & $1. Atkinson & Swibzm'. Boots and Slavesâ€"“70 have in stock the following boots and Shoes : J. D. King’s, Markham, \Villiums Shae Co. of Brampton, hrmght direct from the Illanufmzmn1's for cash. Naughtun Bros, Elgin Mills. have l'enmvmi to memtn. The prac- tice will 1w mniimu-d by D1; anmsuu Vvlmsvui'i“ 29 :md residence- will he :11; the place vacated by by. Shaw. Extra hwm \vvzu', $1.10 JL Vemgb‘lï¬i) :x 5 Quzu-{vrly Religious services will be held in the Mwlmtlist church here next Smu‘iny morning commencing art 10.30. Tho ()ï¬iciu] Board will meet in the schoul ruum on the following day at 2.30. At the Junior League bo-mm-row afternoon, .1 talk will be given on RICHMOND HLLL, N: 1-wer Fire- Briguï¬u mvoting (:11 Monday evunmg next. Puttm‘s-Lm’s ï¬nv vhncnlates. 200. 1b.; maple cream. 201-. Hm Bun buns. 30C. 11). Atkinmm 8; Switvzer. The Hivhnmnd Hm Triad i‘s‘ “Pen for engagement, for C(mCl'l‘LS, &c. For particulars up ‘Iy to \V. E. \Viley. Bust {hmudm Laundry starch, 56.5 celluloid smwh, 10m; V‘Vohh’s pure starch, 1045.; Ivory gloss starch, 90. Atkinszm i; Hwilzel'. v . I The local W. (X if. L. “nil :mwt at Mrs. Dm'ry’s next. Tuesday evening. prciu] fur Saturday: Extra. qual- ity 11-4 whim quilts at SEC†wgulur $1.25. Atkinson It, Swim-or. The Eclimwln (jkmcort and Comedy Company hall to postpone Lhoir enter tninmoné, lww Friday evening on account, mi" [110 \‘v’t'L weather. They will return and ï¬ll their ongugmnent (m the evening" of Llns 16th of Doc. \Vindow g: ,H, :1?! ‘Em-s, nt-km’cst} pl'icvs. Atkinson é; SWIK'AM'. Dr. J. E. Shaw and faa-niiy, after a g'Psidencn hum ofnlmut ten months, its BEST bOOTS AT BAILEY-TS. 1A4 4‘3; 3 A c CHILDREN (3F PEACE. HARNESS SHOP. ' ('nMun flcocod under-- nit ; wnul ï¬eecod undmn ' A bk 3 nsun 6'; S w itzor. 1899 3mm 22m The Commencement Exm‘e‘ises and R; Entertainment in connection with the 5 Newmarket High School on ‘Wedst-_ day evening of last Week were most successful. There were about 700 peo- V 5(1):; packed in the .town hall and somel were. unable to obtain admiSSinn. The receipt§ were over $90, and as the talent, Wzis all local the 9 ~ enses were small. According to the ’ e-wmarket papers some .cxf the local hits almOst, " brought «gown the house.†For strictly up-tn-date furnishing goods we are in the lead, andaauze now showing one of (the ï¬nest and Fbest as- sorted stmfluxf ties, collars, neckscarfs, gloves, hnsa, gearbs’ collar huttons, links, tie pins. and all fliemeqvaisites in the fumnhing trade. Atkinson & Switzer. Rosa. Buaheur’s greatest picture, The Hume Fair, which was Swu ht by Cornelius Vanderbilt for s and resented by him to the etmpqligan useum of Art, New York, has been for the flash time exactly re rodu'ced in its 01" " all colors. with t e brush murkso the artist embossed, as the pI-inci‘sml sup lenient with Toronto Satux my N‘ Us Christmas. It is. said to be t e greatest picture everf given with any [Christmas number published mxywhexe. The sin of the; n' & - .n “ml. .5. 00..†Prize or war; ' When Boers 01- savage hords invade our sacred right, Old India and Australia, send contin- gents to the ï¬ght ; And Canada, her “ brightest gem,†adds heroes rank and ï¬le. And boatmen brave to stem the wave or rapids of the Nile ; No dream of separation from a mother kind and brave, Whose flag floats proudly o‘er us, and gives freedom to the slzwe; Then, hurrah! for our Dominion, and our loyal volunteers. Ho ! Islemen’s sons, stand by your guns, Andggive the Queen three cheers. Among the recent patriotic poems contributed, the following stanza is added by Mr. E. M. Morphy of Tux-(ma a York Pioneer, and a leunteerlaf Sons of noble sires in colonies afar Inherip Britain’s chivalry in enter- Thousands of pvoplc were disap» poini/etl lust. ywlr \zlh‘n they could not get a copy of the "luisumls Globe. The Mann rt-mont claim they are sparâ€" ing no 9 ml: to make the Christmas Numl’mrthis yvnr the finvst prodruc- tion over turned out in (hm-Ada. It. will contain 56 pngns, nearly 100 beau- tiful engravings, and a number of originalcomplete storivs uml articles written Spf'tflfllly for it. One plate. the 48th lit-ginwnb “Highlanders,†will heproducvd in 14 colors, giving the exact colorings of tho uniforms, newmtrenwnm, &(7. The price will be 50cents, and you can secure a copy by leaving your order at THE LIBER- ‘Lhiu the next week. me-Lll Classâ€"~Flm-enca Cooper, Olive Switzox', Lam-u Duncan. Ronie Wright, Flossie Mat-sh, Sydney Boyle, MuhellVIursh, Flossie Startup, Ormn Brydon, Fred Shaw, Jack Naughton, Osmond \Vright, Morley Barker, Jenny Clark, Harry Innos, \thifred Newbery. Victor Shaw, Ohm-lie Glover, Josephine Lowe. Herman Denâ€" nison, Mary Major, Ralph Gouda, Freddie Ludfurd, Tana-ence Brown, Fred Lillie. Eddie Donnisuu. The follmviug is the standing of the pupils in the senior room of the Rich- mond Hill Public school f0] thv month of October. Names in order of Inn-it. Third Classâ€"Karl Smrvy, Starr Mc- Mahon, \Vesley Hutty, Lizzie Buvair‘, Bennie Redditt, Bert; Sliney, Herbie Glatfey, Frank Hupxmr. “l‘lzxmiiy Hen-aid and \Vevkly Star,†to its waders at, the end of the present» bruublos; a. cmnpzu'isnn nf the two will (\‘vzufly Shaw what Great Britain has gained by the war. “Family Herald†subscribers will no doubt appreciate the publisher-5’ generosity, which cost, it†is said, thousands of dollars. The " Family Herald †seems never to fill-gut their subscribers. It is no wonder they have such :1. large number. Those staple goods are very cheap, but full of quality: 40 inch. selisiu, 10 (tbs :1, yd.; 40 inch. sumh twill, regular 17c. lim- 15c.; 49 inch selisia. regular 15 cts. f()1‘,;13c., heavy 4Uinchflannellette, roguleu' 12420,. for 100.: loch lomund. regular 120. for 9910. Atkinson 6: Swit- After the Mnnthly Fair h9ld at the Palmer House yesterday, 20 head of cattle hvlongi'ng In Mr. 31!. 1“. Hopper ware oi'fnrvd for 52L}? by Mr. Saigt-(m, auctimwvr. vaenteo’n of L119. number wew sold by auction, and the three 1 omnining were d isposud of afterwards. The. wattle m-nughL gum] priovs. and Mr. anpvr has decided to hold 11' 3im~ ivlieu- swim mumbly. Ummdinns are Shi‘Wng a keen inter- est in the Thurs 'uni war. The “ Fum- ily Herald and \Vs-vk'y Star,†of Monâ€" t1-oal,lm\'o platted lili'il' waders in a position tn intvlligvnlly undvrsmnd the situation by sending; each I‘Qfldl’l‘ of (hub {gm-at, [with ' :1 handsome color- ed map, with (:mnpietv in'l'm-mation m- gardng n11 pninbs mentiode in dis- patches. This map will be fullowed up hy another to be issued by the TVe do n strictly high class tailoring trade, and buck up our assertion by the Work we turn (MIL. hill and see those new black and (‘UiHH‘d worsted suitings. med Shillings. and black beaver overcoutings. Atkinson (\D Switzer. HAN DSOM E \VA R MAPS FR RE. THE CHRISTMAS GLOBE. SCHOOL REPORT. News Notes. TO THE WAR. SATURDAgr. Nov. Gâ€"Auction sale 10 acres stand- ing timbei; on rash haul lot 33. 5th con. Vaughan, tho property at T. A. Noble. Sale Ml o’clock. Tsrms 3 months. Saigeou & McE wen. vmctinnenrs. ‘ WEDNEHDAY,.HQV Stirâ€"Credit sale of [arm stock implements, an. Thompson's Hotel, Lansing. Sale at, 1. Terms 6 months. Eckurdt & Prentice, auctioneers. WEDNESDA’E,‘NOV.8--Credit sale of farm stock. implements. 620,01: lot no. 3rd con. Mark- ham. che properny of Goo. Baker, Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 11 months. N. E. Smith, auctioneer WnuNmDAs‘Z. Nailsâ€"Auction sale of small farm. stock. implements. on lot ‘21. con. 2 West York‘ the property of Samuel Peterman. Term: 4 months. Sale at; 1 o'clock Sui- gsnn 55 Manuela. auctinneers. FRIDAY, Nov.asâ€"Auuciun sale of farm stock-im- plementaflmnat Todmorden. the pro arty of F. Dinilk Bro. Sale at! o'clock. anus cash. Eckardt tl-I’renbice. auctioneers . TUESDAY.NW.Mâ€"Gmdit sale of farm sï¬ock,‘ implemeuts. iumibux‘e.®c.. on lot 23. 2nd‘ can; Markham, the property of Jacob Eyer & Son. 589.1th ten 0'c.ock; lunch nrowidedu TGWBJLmnnths. N. E. Smith. auoï¬ianeerJ Tummy, mow. 14â€"Auctiun sale of standing timber, on low. can. 4. Vaughan. the pro â€"? erty oIiDaniel Smith. Sale M5 one OEeloc . Terms :1 maths. Ecknrdc a Prentice, auc- V tinnoera. IE'Parties gemjheir bills printed at :this_ Omce will receivoa notice similar to the above_ FREE or CHARGE And whereas the Metropulitau Rail: way have applied to the Railway Cum- mittae (Jf Lhe Privy Council forpr. mission to cunnuct their line with the Ummdimx Paciï¬c Railway at North Toronto ; Be it therefore resolved that we sup- port; the application of the l\Ietrnp0l- itun Railway Company to make such connection so that this, as well as other municipaliLivs, may enjoy the privilege of comiocbi m with the lead- ing railways of this country, and that the Reeve and the Clerk Sign the same, and that a cupy be forwarded to“ the Hon. \Vm. Mulock, M. 1)., request- ing him to do all that is possible to see that. the same is gmuted.â€"C;Lmie<l. The Reeve reportvd that in 0thâ€" ience to the i-usulutmn passed at) the. last meeting of the council he called on the president of the Meu'npoli'can street; Railway Company and made known to him the purport of the rest;- luLinn and received from Mr. \Vurl‘vn the following letter in answer to the pi upnsitinn of this council :â€" Tomntn, Oct. 25, 1899. P. G. Sagï¬ge, Esq. Reeve, Richmond Hill. DEAR. SIR,â€"Replying t0 the reso- lution of your council, and your letter of 23rd inst. rogeu'ding commutation tickets and desiring our cars to stop at, Gauche street. we have given this ammu- ,vezjycareful consideration and are anxious to meet the wishes of your council. Either of these arrangements are subject to cancellation at any time should the Om‘npany ï¬nd it necessary in their interests to do so. Yours Truly, C. D. WARREN, President. The flauncil adjourned. VVhex-eus by Virtue of an agreement made by the Country of York with the. Metropolitan Railway Co. the said Railway is giving a freight and pits- senger service on Yonge St. The pas- senger service is excellent, but the freightusewxwice i6~COliï¬llOd to package and broken bulk. In order, therefore, that this County should enjoy the ad- wmtuge of a railway competition that, was intended by its representatives when such charter w: ' granted to said railway, it is necesmx-y that; conâ€" nocLiun he made with the lending trunk lines uf this Country ; It wilth inconvenient to make. a, regular stopping place at Centre St., at the. same time we will endeavor to have our cars stop at this point when passengers are waiting or when there are passengers to get off there. In regard to commutation tickets we will issue (it being thoroughly un- derstood that our doing so is at the request of your Council) commutation tickets for parties residing in Rich- mond Hill and having their regular business in Tomnto. at a. rate of 30 round txzip tickets at 30-(zents each, the. said tickets to be good only for 15 weeks. The clerk road a. “communication from the clerk of the council of the municipality of North Toronto en- closing a resolution passed by the council of that corporation in refer- ence to the Electric Freight Engine of the Metropolitan Railway Com- pany. Mrs. D. L. LCleI’d and her son, Master Roy Smith, of Newmarket. are making a. Visit with Ml. T. F. Mc- Mahon and family. Mr, Lepard also spent Sunday and Monday with them. Miss Maggie Lownsht-ough, who was a. candidate for Junior Lvaving at Richmond Hill last, July, has been awarded hm- cortiï¬cate on appeal. This makes a total uf 11 passed for Junior Leaving out of 13 “'hi’) tried. Mrs. Um‘lmwvnod «21’ New Glasgow, N. 8.. and Miss Eva “"ilcy of Toronto, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. \Viley. The council mot in the Clerk’s ofï¬ce on Tuesday, October 315b, at 8.30 p. 111. Members present, the Reeve, Counâ€" cillors Jilll, lnnvs and Trench. Minutes of 26th Sept. read and ap- proved. _ * Mbved by Councillor- Hill seconded by Uouucillpr Innes, M’r. mar'd Mrs. J. H. Kirby of Maple, spent Sunday wah Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Saigeou. Mr. Arthur Quanta was one of a number of Men'klmmibes who started on Monday for their annual deer-hunt in Mnskoka. K The fuilowing account was read and ordered to luapavid: Joseph Hall, at:- cuupt fay 0_il and ? lamp glasses,_$l3.r50. Ripans TMesï¬ii‘e {imam mWe liver mum. Village Connoll. BERSfHV' ALE. Sale Register. M. TEEFY, Clerk. We makeaaqpeciflcy in Home *Rendew ed Land, Mum- own make The LIBERAL. Wholesalede {But-chews, deal _ Headlight IJance Tooth saw, 4 gauges thiner on the back than the front. Every saw guaranteed. only 50 cts. per foot. ' ' ‘VVinter blits heavily iined only 25c. per pair. steel xixes. (mi-y 50 cts. each. Shot 4 lbs. tor 2‘5 cams. BEST M EATS WILKENS 655 CO. FRESH & SALT MEATS To the Public. ' :11 (kinds. Veggtables in Sea-son. GLASS &. 80’s, £66 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of George Street, 'Toron‘ï¬e Subscribe for 1.0! Swansea GW‘ 00., Rio‘lmwml Hill “When you want the $2.25 to $2.50 Alhmya $30 to WILKiNS & 00.. is cheaper than four hats at 7-5 cts. We have some cheaper grades but don"t in- sist upon you buying them {01 we want every man to be as correctly dressed ae possi- / 1e. When a man buys a hat of us it lasts so long that he gets tired of if. It is not worn out. It is what you might call a tired hat. Of course this kind costs a little more than the hat that tears off at the brim and cracks at the crease, or breaks when indent- ed. We guarantee our goods backed up by {the make-rs. mer 091ml. 09.. I am prepared to do Family Washings. Gen“ and Ladies’ ï¬ne linen :9. specialty. Work gnaw anteed and patronage solicited. 51-“ TILLIE MAXWELL ' d Soldini'gd1 reéoï¬x‘xgeigfgï¬'y‘ ' ru 3 s u an‘ I. re ‘\\ Â¥ ‘ ables medicine diesgogerel .l-Ea . n» Icagu guarante cure a. tonne o SexuafaVcVeaknes. all eflects 0! mm“ or excess, Mental Won-y. Excessive nae or’l‘ou bacon. Opium or stimulants. Mailed on receipI at price, one aokage 81. six, 35. One will pm “Manure. unphleta tree to an? address. The Wood Comps-7. w ndaog M [3' Wood’n Phospbodine is sold in Richmond Hill by w. A. Sanderson, Drugglst. llich nlond II ill ‘93 Yong/e surest, Tgroma. ‘ 7305.61 Gown-.3285. Best. Gold Fill 1.51 V f 5 yrsGold Fill 1.0a " ‘Best Glasses... I“ We guarantee perfect satisfaction. LAUNDRY f- Wood's Phopphodhu.‘ m Great mm . v lnld And mnnmmen a. v A.